Adjectives that start with the letter l describe a person. Tasty, bright, juicy words, or English adjectives that characterize a person

A compliment is a magic wand in the hands of any person. Having said a couple of pleasant words, you can cheer up your interlocutor for the whole day! Compliments with the letter "A" give rise to a lot of emotions in the hearts of people. It just so happened that they accurately characterize the personality of each person, so they should be pronounced with caution.

  1. “Artistic” is a compliment that will please an attention-hungry person. Saying this word is not necessary for a real artist. Beautiful girl, stubbornly trying to impress someone, will be pleasantly surprised by such praise, but a modest guy will be surprised at such a characterization of his own personality.
  2. "Neat" is a compliment that should be delivered purposefully. It is not worth praising such a sloppy person because in the end he will not change and will behave as before. This compliment is one of the most unromantic. You can say about accuracy to a student, subordinate, child, but not to your beloved girl.
  3. “Active” is the target compliment. You can call them friends, work colleagues and just people who are pleasant to you. It is worth doing this only if the person really takes an active life position.
  4. “Ambitious” is a very original compliment. Suitable for people who accurately understand the meaning of this word. You can call it a successful person in the field of business. This is a word with a pronounced emotional coloring and characterizes a person who has inflated demands on the quality of his own life.
  5. "Appetizing" is a dubious compliment. You can only say it to a person with whom you are in a close relationship. The word "appetizing" perfectly characterizes sexy woman, however, it will seem strange to a man. Such compliments are appropriate only in the circle of well-known people.
  6. "Angelic" is an adjective that can describe both a person's behavior and his inner world. It is best to give such a compliment to girls, since the representative of the stronger sex may consider it degrading.
  7. "August" is a word denoting in ancient times the royal personality, sacred nature. Today it is used as a sophisticated compliment. Usually, proud young ladies with a pronounced sense of dignity are called the "August Special".
  8. "Fragrant" - a compliment intended for women. You can say it to a lady with whom you are in a fairly close relationship. There are few compliments starting with the letter "A", but they perfectly characterize personal qualities people and are very original.

Compliment letter A

Each letter of the alphabet has its own compliments, this list contains only the letter "A". Let's compliment your loved ones, it's so nice!

Good qualities of a person - a list of them is often needed for compiling a resume. After all, one of the points in the resume is the personal qualities of the job seeker.

List of positive human moral qualities

What are the positive qualities of a person's character for work and comfortable life most important in society? How best to describe yourself and what to include in your resume? Let's figure it out. To know our virtues in person, we have prepared a list positive qualities to characterize a person.


This is a caring attitude to the available benefits, no matter your own or someone else's. It is not only about material things, but even about spiritual forces and vital energy person. This quality allows you to optimize the consumption of any resources, to achieve more by saving less.


This is the lack of desire for profit. Selfish people are driven only by personal gain. Sincere and selfless people do not care about their own benefit, they will help and will not demand anything in return, so they are trusted much more.


Respectful attitude towards others. Is always. Even in cases where the situation is not conducive to courteous and tactful treatment. By the way, this quality annoys boors. They want to quarrel, but a polite person does not come into conflict with them. Politeness and cursing for the belt shuts up, and conquers the city!


This is devotion, but not only in relation to close people, but also to one's own worldview, ideas and views. This is an important side of the relationship between a man and a woman, because it is associated with such negative trait like jealousy. Loyalty speaks of the reliability and constancy of a person with this quality.


These are good manners and the ability to behave in society. A well-mannered person is polite to others, regardless of their social status. This is knowledge and implementation of the rules of behavior in society, respect for other people's property, nature, society. Per well-mannered person never feel ashamed.


It is the ability to follow rules and regulations. A disciplined person not only strictly observes established rules, but also knows how to manage his own time so that it is enough for all important things.


This is a kind and caring attitude towards people. Responsiveness and attentiveness towards others, the desire to help and rescue from difficult situations without expecting anything in return. This quality does not bring immediate benefits, but those around him appreciate it, and the kindness shown is often answered with the same kindness and care.


This is a benevolent attitude towards others. This is not only an opportunity to build friendly relations with any person, but also the ability to behave openly and sympathetically towards people. A friendly person strives for mutual pleasant communication, therefore he has not only true friends, but also a lot of useful acquaintances.


It is the ability to make contacts. A person who does not have communication barriers easily enters the team and makes friends. We live in a society, so the ability to communicate with others is useful in any area of ​​life. A person with this quality will never be left alone.

A responsibility

This is the ability of a person to be responsible for what he is entrusted with, the ability to accept complex decisions and evaluate their consequences. Husbands are responsible for wives, mothers for children, employees for professional tasks. A person who is not afraid to take responsibility for anything shows himself as an independent and mature person.


This is a willingness to help, the ability to disinterestedly respond to a request, to help in a difficult situation. The advantage of this quality is not only in good attitude around, but also in self-perception of being a kind person.


This is compliance with rules and regulations. In life, this quality is more associated with the absence of delays, the ability to complete assignments on time, to comply with agreements. Especially appreciated in industries where "time is money". But do not neglect punctuality in other areas of life - its absence can be perceived as disrespect.


This is the willingness to make decisions, the ability to carry out the plan, without being shy and not succumbing to fears. Determination is the absence of the so-called paralysis of the will, when doubts interfere with activity. Closely associated with fortitude and courage. They say about decisive people: "He has an inner core."


This is a sober self-assessment, an adequate perception of one's own views and activities. A self-critical person does not consider his own opinion to be the only true one, he has a sound attitude towards views from the outside. But you need to remember the golden mean, because excessive self-criticism indicates low self-esteem.


It is the lack of intention to exalt oneself. It's nice to deal with people who have achieved a lot, and at the same time do not praise themselves at every turn. Modesty is not only the absence of boasting, but also tact in relation to others. This quality can manifest itself both because of respect for other people, and because of shyness.


It is the ability not to give in to fear. They say that a brave person is not afraid of anything, but the complete absence of fear is not only recklessness, but also a syndrome of some mental abnormalities. Courage is the ability to act in spite of fears. As an example, firefighters may also be afraid of fire, but perform their professional duty without succumbing to fear.


It is correctness and impartiality. At the core this concept lie ideas about good and evil, the laws of retribution for good and bad deeds. Evaluating events, a fair person excludes predispositions and sympathies for someone. A person is just when he is objective.


This is tolerance for people. Tolerance does not allow dividing people into representatives of other nations, ethnic groups and religions. A tolerant person does not reject someone else's point of view, and is unlikely to allow himself to be rude to someone. Tolerance is a necessity of the modern world.


It is the ability to have a positive attitude towards one's own work. Diligence is not only a willingness to give one's strength and personal time the process of labor, but also the ability to do it with pleasure. A person who systematically shirks from work and is not able to perceive his work with interest is the burden of the entire team.

Respect for others

This is a recognition of the value of other people's views. Respectful attitude towards others says that you see the personality in each person. AT labor processes this quality is mandatory, manifested in distance and subordination.


This is a positive assessment of one's own qualities. Confidence is closely related to a person's ability to manage himself in ambiguous situations. A confident person knows his own worth, is not afraid public speaking, in stressful situation knows how to control himself. Looking at such a person, you might think: "He knows what he's doing."


This is the ability to go to the goal. This quality is characteristic strong people who do not succumb to difficulties and failures. Perseverance in achieving goals and implementing plans shows strength of character and unshakable spirit. Stubborn personalities on their own achieve heights.


This is openness, the inadmissibility of deception in relation to others. This quality speaks of decency, morality and strong character. An honest person always respects the interlocutor, therefore he tells him the truth, sometimes even unpleasant, but necessary.


This is self-respect and a high assessment of one's qualities, an understanding of value and significance. A person with this quality is unlikely to decide on a low deed, deceit, or even ordinary abuse in public place. This is below his dignity. For such a person, it is not even the opinion of others that is important, but their own assessment of their actions.

Sense of humor

This is the ability to perceive the situation from the comic side. Even better is to find this comic side in everything. It’s more fun to live like this, and it’s pleasant for people to communicate with such a person. A sense of humor is an indicator of a person's mental health. It is not known whether laughter increases life expectancy, but it can definitely save you from unnecessary sorrows.


This is the willingness to share with others, absolutely not wanting to receive something in return. Generous people, for example, can do charity work - help those in need, donate funds to special funds. Even the most selfless people appreciate this quality, because it shows the breadth of the soul.

Hello! Very often, when we are asked to describe ourselves or another person in English, we limit ourselves to a verbal depiction of appearance. Meanwhile, a person is a versatile person, having his own character traits and other characterizing features. Without using these words, you will not be able to tell anything about a person as a person. Describing a person in English

In the vast majority of cases, in order to talk about a person, we use characterizing adjectives. In this article, I tried to collect the most popular adjectives that can describe a man or a girl as an individual. For this purpose, you can use words that are part of the following categories:

  1. Character traits:
  • personality traits
  • Mental capacity
  • Volitional qualities
  • Attitude towards other people, towards property, towards work

Let's take a look at each of these categories one by one.
Dictionary for describing appearance in English Adjectives characterizing a person in English

Speaking of appearance, we describe height, age, voice, clothes. For example, growth can be high ( tall), short ( short) or average ( medium), and age is elderly or old ( old), middle-aged ( middle-aged) and young ( young). Speaking about the voice, you can indicate that it is hoarse (cracked), voiced ( crisp) or melodic ( tuneful).

A smile can be charming engage), charming ( charming) and sincere ( Sincere) or vice versa, tricky ( cunning), simulated ( forced) and insincere ( artificial). You also need to express your own opinion about how a person looks with the help of such adjectives:

  • winsome - attractive
  • agreeable - pleasant
  • stylish - fashionable
  • dapper - neat (only about men),
  • lovely-looking - delightful
  • awkward - clumsy
  • untidy-looking - sloppy

Adjectives about character traits

Description of a person in English implies a story about character traits, habits and preferences. Sides of character can be both positive (intelligent, optimistic, extroverted) and negative (stupid, pessimistic, introverted). And sometimes the same feature, depending on intonation and context, can be both positive and negative (determined, thrifty, obstinate).

When characterizing an individual, do not forget to specify why you call him that. For example, when saying that a girl is hardworking, explain why you think so:

Any is very hard-working. It can work all day without any break at all. I really admire the way it studies and works. (Annie is very hardworking. She can work all day without a break. I really admire the way she studies and works).

Table of characterizing adjectives

The criteria that make up the character of the individual are also diverse. For ease of memorization and pronunciation, I put them in a compact table with translation and transcription. So it will be easier for you to navigate the criteria and remember the characterizing adjectives.




personality traits

arrogant arrogant ["ærəgənt]
irritable irritable ["irit(ə)bl]
self-confident self-confident [self-"kɔnfidənt]
persistent persistent [pə"sist(ə)nt]
curious curious ["kjuəriəs]
modest modest ["mɔdist]
able bright [bright]
brave brave [breiv]
creative creative [kri:"eitiv]
restrained reserved [ri'zə:vd]
observant observant [əb"zə: vənt]
enterprising enterprise ["entəpraiziŋ]
cunning cunning ["kʌniŋ]
stubborn obstinate ["ɔbstinit]
purposeful purposeful ["pə:pəsful]
boastful boastful ["bəustful]
incorruptible corruptible [‚ɪnkə"rʌptəbəl]
hot-tempered hot tempered [‚hɒt"tempərd]
resourceful quick witted [kwik witɪd]

Mental capacity

broad-minded broad-minded ["brɔ:d‚maɪndɪd]
quick-witted bright
smart clever ["klevər]
wise wise [ˈwaɪz]
silly foolish ["fu:lɪʃ]
witty witty ["wɪtɪ]
slow-moving blunt [bl'nt]
well-read well-read
uneducated uneducated [ˈʌnˈedjukeɪtɪd]
ignoramus ignoramus [ˌɪɡnəˈreɪməs]
erudite erudite [ˈerədīt]
illiterate illiterate [ɪ"lɪtərɪt]
mediocre mediocre [‚mi:di:"əʋkər]
ordinary ordinary [ˈɔ:dnrɪ]

Volitional qualities

bold bold
brave brave
cowardly coward ["kaʋərd]
decisive resolve ["rezə‚lu:t]
indecisive irresolute [ɪ"rezə‚lu:t]
courageous courageous [kəʹreıdʒəs]
persistent stubborn ["stʌbərn]
shy timid ["tɪmɪd]
flexible flexible ["fleksəbəl]
fearful fearful [ˈfɪəful]
stubborn obstinate ["ɒbstənɪt]
unshakable steady ["stedɪ]

Attitude towards other people

communicative sociable ["səuʃəbl]
selfish selfish ["selfieʃ]
friendly friendly ["friends]
decent decent ["di:s(ə)nt]
impudent impudent ["ɪmpjədənt]
honest honest ["ɔnist]
tolerant tolerant ["tɔlərənt]
respectful respectful [ris'pektful]
loyal faithful ["feiθful]
hospitable hospitable ["hɔspitəbl]
aloof detached [dɪtætʃt]
unreliable disloyal [dɪslɔɪəl]
sincere frank
fair just
false false
indifferent different [ɪn "dɪfərənt]
truthful truthful ["tru:Ɵfəl]
insidious treacherous ["tretʃərəs]
rude harsh
sensitive, gentle tender ["tender]
strict strict
good-natured good-natured [ˈɡudˈ"neɪtʃərəd]
demanding exacting [ɪg"zaktɪŋ]
noble noble ["nəʋbəl]
altruistic Altruistic [ˏæltruˊɪstɪk]
selfless selfless [self les]
highly moral moral ["mɔ:rəl]
sneaky scoundrel [ˈskaundrəl]
tactful tactful [tæktfʊl]

Relationship to property

greedy greedy ["gri:di]
generous generous [ˈdʒenərəs]
stingy stingy ["stɪŋɪ]
economical frugal ["fru:gəl]
thrifty thrifty [ˈθrɪftɪ]
wasteful wasteful ["weɪstfəl]

Attitude to work

responsible responsible [ris'pɔnsəbl]
hardworking hard working [hɑ:rd"wɜ:rkɪŋ]
cooperating cooperative [kəʋ"ɒpərətɪv]
executive can do [kæn-du:]