Sofa in the living room - choose the style, color and transformation mechanism. How to choose a sofa in the living room: practical recommendations Which sofa is better to choose for the living room

What guides most buyers when choosing a sofa? Of course, emotions! It is best to buy models of an unusual shape with bright upholstery. They do not always turn out to be comfortable and suitable for the interior of the room, so a list of requirements for this piece of furniture must be compiled even before visiting the store and take into account many details in it.


Before buying, you need to ask yourself: why do you need a sofa? Will you sleep on it every night or receive guests, laying out only from time to time? Do you like to cozy up in front of the TV or spend little time in the living room? Or maybe he is chosen for the kitchen or nursery? The answers are very important, as the choice of a particular model will depend on them.

Usually sofas that are very comfortable to sit on are not very suitable for sleeping, as they have a soft and sloping seat. If you need a full-fledged sleeping place, you will have to make compromises. The choice is influenced by many little things, such as, for example, the growth of family members. It will be difficult for tall people to get up from a low seat, and the bed should be long enough.

Sofas for children, on the contrary, should be quite low, without protruding sharp corners and edges, with a particularly wear-resistant coating. If the furniture is purchased for relaxation, pay attention to the fact that it has wide seats, a soft back and armrests.


By style, sofas can be divided into classic, baroque, modern and. The classical ones are distinguished by soft outlines, an abundance of draperies and buttons, while the baroque ones are distinguished by intricate patterns on the fabric, carved armrests and high legs. Minimalistic models have rectangular shapes and ascetic design, often they do not have armrests.

The choice depends on the style of the room itself. If in doubt, it is better to opt for a more neutral model, as this is a long-term purchase, and you can diversify the interior with covers or pillows.

Size and shape

The easiest way to choose a sofa for a spacious room. In this case, you can only start from the number of people that you want to place on it. The most common triple models with a length of about 2 meters. If you often have friendly companies or you like to communicate with your family, get a corner sofa with 5-6 seats. Its additional advantage is a large and comfortable bed. A large sofa will allow you to refuse additional armchairs and chairs in the living room.

An unusual option for a large living room is a semicircular sofa. It will inevitably become the center of attraction for family members and guests. It is also convenient to install it in front of a home theater - all viewers will be provided with comfortable viewing. Both corner and semicircular models can serve as separators that separate the living room from the dining room or hall in a studio apartment.

When choosing a sofa for a small room, size can be critical. It should not block the entrance or access to cabinets or a balcony, do not clutter up the room. It is best to draw the plan of the room and the sofa to scale to make sure that it is possible and comfortable to place it. In addition, you need to make sure that the furniture can be brought into the room and then unfolded. The best choice for a small room is a straight sofa for 2-3 seats.

Sofas can be divided into stationary and modular. The latter are produced and sold as separate elements that can be selected and composed based on needs.

Transformation mechanism

When choosing a sofa that will be used as the main bed, you need to carefully choose the transformation mechanism. Manufacturers today offer many options, each of which can be found pros and cons. Conventionally, sofas according to the method of unfolding can be divided into those in which the bed is parallel to the wall, and those in which the back serves as a headboard.

Book, its modern name is click-clack, one of the oldest variants. The seat of such a sofa rises until it clicks, and then falls. The result is a flat double seat. The advantages of such a mechanism: the speed of unfolding and assembly, the ability to use a spring block as filling. Minus - there should be some distance to the wall so that you can expand the sofa.

Eurobook- an improved version of the previous mechanism. The seat pulls forward and the backrest reclines in its place. Obvious advantages: strength associated with the simplicity of the mechanism, ease and speed of unfolding, a flat place to sleep. Eurobook is a great option for everyday use.

Sofa It unfolds simply: the lower part extends, then the seat is laid out on it, which is a mattress folded in half. The design is simple and reliable, it is convenient to use it.

Dolphin is a relatively new mechanism. The seat of the sofa remains in place, and the second half of the bed is pulled out with a loop and then, as it were, “emerges” from under it. At first you need to get used to such a design, but in the future it will be just as easy and convenient to use it as the usual options. Another disadvantage is the lack of a box for linen. The dolphin mechanism is equipped with most of the corner sofas.

Withdrawable mechanism- the easiest and cheapest option if you want to get a large bed that is perpendicular to the wall. The lower part of the sofa rolls forward, and the pillows or mattresses that come with the kit are laid out in the resulting recess. The berth is located quite low compared to other models. Despite the strength of the mechanism, it has a small drawback. If there is a carpet under the sofa, then over time, tracks from the wheels will appear on it. You can avoid this problem by replacing the wheels from the manufacturer with soft silicone ones.

Accordion also unfolds perpendicular to the wall. The seat lifts until it clicks and pulls forward, followed by the backrest, which consists of two parts. A plus of the design is the ability to get a wide place to sleep with a small sofa. The weak point is the hinges, which can loosen and come out of the frame over time. The resulting “bed” does not have a headboard, and it folds rather hard.

american cot completely hidden under the seat. Such a mechanism allows you to get a sleeping place as similar as possible to a full-fledged bed, since it is based on a strong metal frame and a thick mattress. Another advantage is the wide sofa seat when folded.

French cot- a more compact and lightweight version of the "American". More suitable as a spare or guest option.

When buying a sofa, be sure to check whether it is easy to unfold, whether the mechanism is jamming. There are models in which the armrests are laid out according to the click-clack principle. The recommended load on them is no more than 50 kg, which means that an adult should not sit on it. As practice shows, such armrests quickly fail, although they look very attractive at first.

Frame and filler

The frame is the skeleton of the sofa, mechanisms, upholstery, filler are attached to it. It must withstand the weight of the number of people on which the sofa is provided. The best material is reinforced with metal elements. In cheaper models, chipboard or plywood can be partially used in those parts that have a minimum load.

The cheapest filler is polyurethane foam, or polyurethane foam. The seats from it, with intensive use, are quickly squeezed through, and it is uncomfortable to sleep. The best option is bonnel or snake spring blocks. They are used alone or in combination. A bed with a bonnel filler can be compared with an orthopedic mattress in terms of convenience. From above, the spring block is covered with thermal felt, a layer of horsehair or coconut.

upholstery material

Upholstery has to withstand a lot: animal claws, children's games, fidgeting and puddles of tea. No matter how great a white suede sofa looks in a furniture showroom, it will quickly lose its appearance in a real living room. You need to choose the upholstery material based on the intensity of use, the presence of children, animals and the habit of eating on it. The most resistant material is leather. A dark leather sofa retains its original appearance for years. However, sitting on it can be uncomfortable.

All fabrics are divided into price categories. The cheapest is the first, the higher the category, the better and more expensive the fabric. The most budget option is flock, followed by velor and microvelour, tapestry, chenille, jacquard, leather substitutes, faux suede and leather. Flock may seem pleasant to the touch, but its wear resistance is extremely low. After 1-2 years, the appearance of the sofa will deteriorate significantly even with light use.

The best choice is jacquard or its variety of chenille. They are resistant to abrasion, durable, do not fade for a long time and are easy to clean.


The sofa is one of the most expensive pieces of furniture in the average apartment. Its price depends on the size, transformation mechanism, filler and upholstery. The manufacturer and country of manufacture also affects. The simplest models with flock upholstery, Russian-made PPU filler 180-200 cm long, laid out like a book, cost around 6 thousand Eurobooks and Dolphins with a more interesting design, a spring block and fabric upholstery 3- 4 categories will cost 10-15 thousand. A simple corner sofa with similar characteristics - 13-20 thousand, and upholstered in jacquard fabric in combination with leatherette - from 30 thousand and more. There is no upper price threshold, the cost of Italian models made of genuine leather is hundreds of thousands of rubles.

A sofa is a long-term investment. Your rest and sleep, the atmosphere in the house will depend on its quality. Do not try to save money on buying it at the expense of your own comfort and mood.

A sofa is a piece of furniture that is able to give the room a cozy and comfortable atmosphere by its presence. If you know exactly which sofa to choose for the living room, choose the right shape, color, location, then you can change it beyond recognition. In addition, the sofa is an indispensable attribute of any interior. By and large, you can abandon many furniture elements in order to expand the free space, but the sofa always plays the role of the center of a quality rest area, of course, without it, the living room cannot become complete. That is why many people try to choose the most comfortable, ergonomic, effective models, so that they not only complement the interior, but also become an integral part of it. Now we will learn how to choose a sofa, consider the main selection points that must be touched upon.

Sofa - an indispensable attribute of modern living rooms

A soft, comfortable, unusual, eye-catching piece of furniture is guaranteed to attract the attention of guests and become a real decoration. But it is important to learn how to choose sofas, because modern furniture manufacturers offer a huge variety of variations. This is not an easy task, so you need to take it seriously.

Important! Since the sofa is often located in the center of the room, even the slightest flaws attract the attention of guests right from the doorstep. In addition, in this room we not only receive guests, but also arrange family gatherings at home, taking a break from everyday hustle and bustle. Therefore, it is not surprising that living rooms in apartments and private houses are of great importance, since they seriously affect the choice of the entire interior content.

Based on the foregoing, the highest requirements are placed on the furniture placed in the living room. The recommendations that we give below will help you make the right choice, not get confused at the most crucial moment and purchase a product that best suits your individual preferences and the main parameters of the room.

The role of placing a sofa in the interior of any living room

How to choose a sofa for the interior? Where is the best place to put it? It is definitely impossible to answer this question, since a lot depends on the dimensions of the room, the location of windows, doors, TV, and many other factors.

Despite the fact that there is no single rule, there are still a couple of universal tips:

  • The purchase of such important upholstered furniture should be approached without jokes, in no case making hasty decisions.
  • This acquisition is not cheap, it is bought for a rather long period.
  • In the interior of a small municipal apartment, the sofa plays the role of a central element that attracts everyone's attention.
  • The shape and color of the sofa set a non-specialized mood for the inhabitants of the house and the room itself.

Functional and design features

Before choosing a corner sofa for the living room, a standard rectangular shape, transforming or any other, dwelling on some color, a certain appearance, you need to decide on the main purpose of using it in your home. You may find these tips and tricks useful when choosing a sofa design, depending on the features of its operation:

  • If you plan to sit on the couch in front of the TV, chat, eat with friends, then it is better to prefer a model without any functional changes. Such products take up a minimum of space, look elegant, stylish, but are designed for no more than 2-3 people.
  • Do you like to invite friends to visit, arrange intimate gatherings in the living room? Then your option is a corner sofa that can accommodate a large number of people.
  • If you want the sofa to be used as a bed at night, then you should pay more attention to indicators such as the ease and reliability of the change mechanism. It is important that when unfolded on the sofa there are not too large differences between the sections.

Important! An excellent option is a folding model equipped with an orthopedic mattress.

  • The choice of a living room sofa is often dictated by the need to arrange an extra bed in case your guests decide to spend the night with you. Such products are equipped with folding or retractable mechanisms.

How does the design of the living room affect the choice of sofa?

How to choose a sofa that would fit into the interior of the living room as well as possible, correspond to its non-specialized style? If you have settled on a neutral form of a discreet model, then correctly selected upholstery according to the texture can help you to fit it correctly into the interior. For example:

  • The classic living room will be complemented by light-colored models with a discreet, unobtrusive texture.
  • Minimalism is definitely best combined with dark skin, wool or cotton in dark blue or gray.
  • The most practical option, at the same time suitable for the smallest or huge apartments where small children and pets live, is flock or microfiber.
  • If the living room is furnished in a rustic style, then linen covers, fabrics with a high content of viscose or cotton will be an ideal choice.

What role is assigned to the color of furniture?

Surely, you are wondering how to match the color of the sofa to the interior? To choose the right texture and shade for your new upholstered furniture, mainly focus on the color of the walls:

  • If the interior is dominated by neutral bright colors, then it is better that the upholstery be more saturated and clear colors.
  • Living rooms with colored walls are recommended to be complemented with white upholstery, in particular, this applies to heavily darkened rooms.
  • In no case do not order upholstery that is identical in color to the tone of the wallpaper, because the furniture will simply merge with the walls.

Important! Perhaps you want to use decorative pillows in your interior? This will be a good enough solution, because many colors and shades need reinforcement:

  • Pillows are recommended to be used in tandem with sofas in brown, cream, white, gray, as well as all shades of green.
  • The absence of pillows will calmly survive the models of orange, red, blue, yellow, purple, lilac.

The interior of the sofa

In fact, this parameter is not as important as it might seem, but the comfort of the sofa depends on it. Therefore, at the time of purchase, ask the sales assistant what materials were used to fill the model you liked.

04.07.2018 Read in 3 min.

The main element of the living room is rightfully a sofa. Experienced designers recommend an extremely careful and responsible approach to the choice of upholstered furniture. This will ensure that the furniture will delight you and your guests for a long time. In addition, with the right selection, you can create an interior design that will fully meet your requirements. In this article, we will look at a few tips that will help you choose the right sofa for your living room. Thanks to this information, you will be able to renovate an apartment in accordance with the latest trends in design and decor.

Before buying new furniture, try to think through the entire design project as best as possible. Particular attention should be paid to the layout of the room. Think carefully about what kind of space will be perfect for placing a new sofa.

The place against the wall is optimal for placing a straight sofa. In some cases, furniture can be placed in the center of the room. Just be sure to leave room for passage.

Corner sofas are popular. This is one of the most versatile options. Typically, these models provide a large bed. This sofa is suitable for both small and large living rooms. In small rooms, furniture is placed in the corner, which will help free up space in the center. For spacious living rooms, this is a zoning option, thereby dividing the room into several parts.

The most functional piece of furniture is a modular sofa. Its main feature is that it consists of several parts. Thus, depending on the mood or event, you can quickly and easily change the sequence of all elements. The modules can also be used as chairs.

Some people prefer folding furniture. In this case, you need to calculate the amount of free space for its further transformation. This must be considered when creating an apartment design, especially a living room. Sometimes it will be appropriate to order a sofa for the layout of the room.

In the photo: Living room interior in a modern apartment

Tip number 2: think about what the sofa will be used for

At the moment, manufacturers offer a huge number of different models, so it can be quite difficult to choose. In this case, we recommend that you carefully analyze what the upholstered furniture will be used for. If you need a full bed, then it is better to pay attention to more reliable options. For example, Eurobook, accordion or dolphin models have a longer service life than other options.

If the sofa as a bed will be used extremely rarely, only if friends or relatives have arrived, then you can choose simpler options. It can be a simple "book" or "French cot".

In the photo: Living room interior in an Art Deco apartment

Thanks to the rapid development of technology, an incredible number of different materials can be used to create an apartment design. When creating sofas, fabric, artificial or natural leather is usually used. Each of the options has characteristic features that you must definitely study when buying. To date, the following types of fabrics are especially popular:

  • chenille - soft, wear-resistant, practical and budget material;
  • flock - an affordable option that has excellent anti-vandal properties;
  • jacquard is an incredibly durable material that can have a very interesting and unusual pattern;
  • velor is one of the options that does not require complex and expensive care, in addition, it has a special pleasant texture.

Each of the above materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are recommended to be familiar with before buying.

Particular attention should be paid to artificial or natural leather. Today, many professional designers use sofas upholstered in leather. It is a certain symbol of respectability and status.

In the photo: Living room interior in a modern apartment

Agree that a sofa is a piece of furniture that should be as durable as possible. After all, every year it is simply impossible to replace the sofa. Therefore, in addition to aesthetic properties, upholstered furniture must be of high quality. Before buying, try to find out from the consultant what material the frame is made of. Most modern manufacturers use chipboard, which are inexpensive boards with excellent strength indicators.

The most ideal option is the frame, which is made of natural wood. This is due to environmental friendliness. But, it is worth remembering that their cost is much higher than that of conventional models.

Quite a classic option is the combination of several materials. It can be natural timber, chipboard and plywood. Many manufacturers offer to purchase such models at a very affordable cost.

In the photo: Living room interior after renovation in an eclectic apartment

Of course, creating a stylish interior design is very important. But, remember that in pursuit of fashion trends, you should not forget about the original properties of the sofa. Therefore, try to find a model that will meet all your requirements. The sofa should be comfortable and comfortable to sit on. You need to find the optimal seat height, back stiffness and angle of inclination. Also look at the models in which the ergonomic shape of the armrests is made.

For convenience, a quality filler plays an important role. At the moment, both simple spring blocks and polyurethane foam are very actively used. Sometimes you can find sofas in which several filler options are successfully combined.

Each of the 5 tips above contains recommendations to help you make the right choice. Thanks to this information, you can choose a sofa that will delight you for a long time.

In the photo: Living room interior in a modern apartment

How to choose a stylish sofa

Separately, it is worth considering other important points that need to be considered when choosing a sofa. This is a matter of matching the style, color and combination of upholstered furniture with the overall style. First of all, you need to draw up a detailed, detailed design project. Try to take into account all the features of the room, lighting, your taste preferences. You can draw several options in advance and choose the best one. Thanks to this approach, you can avoid additional difficulties in creating interior design, as well as save money.

The choice of a sofa when repairing apartments is a moment that you need to pay increased attention to. You must choose a multifunctional model that will fully satisfy all your requirements. Also, do not forget about the stylistic component of the interior. Therefore, the choice of a sofa must be approached very carefully and responsibly.

Oksana Fedorova

Sofas are one of the main and most expensive types of furniture. This is a multifunctional piece of furniture, which has a serious load. The Village decided to ask the experts how to choose the right sofa. Oksana Fedorova, co-owner and sales director of the online store and furniture manufacturer HomeMe, answers questions.

What to look for when choosing a sofa

First of all, look at the quality of tailoring and specify what the frame and filler are made of. You will not be able to see what is hidden under the upholstery, so the quality of the seams will tell about the overall level of quality of the product. If they are sloppy, quality control in production is lame, which means that the interior of the sofa leaves much to be desired.

Be sure to ask the seller what the sofa frame is made of. There are three main types of frames: chipboard (compressed sawdust), plywood (glued layers of natural wood) and metal frame. Frames made entirely of chipboard are very unreliable, since this material is intended for use in lightly loaded structures. It is better to add 2-3 thousand and buy a sofa with a plywood or metal frame.

The filler must be made of polyurethane foam of at least 25 density or a spring block. It is worth avoiding cheap low-density foam rubber, which will sag after 2 weeks and will not be subject to restoration.

I advise you to choose the fabric to your taste and pay attention only to its thickness. Too thin upholstery is another way to save money. Most likely, it will quickly stretch and cease to hold its shape.

And the last is the quality of the transformation mechanism when it comes to a sofa bed. All mechanisms must be made of metal with a thickness of at least three millimeters, have a high-quality color and connecting elements. If the mechanism is painted carelessly, most likely, the level of production where it is made is not the highest and there is a risk of breakage.

How to choose the right sofa based on the size of the room

The main criterion for selecting a sofa based on the size of the room is, most likely, the configuration of the sofa and its location. If there is a free corner, then the corner sofa will perfectly fill this space and will not take up precious space in the center of the room. If there is very little space, then it is better to choose a straight two- or three-seater sofa. For small apartments, there are now many compact sofas up to two meters wide, while transforming into a full double bed. This solution, as sales show, is most loved by buyers of small apartments.

Do I need a guarantee and for how long?

The guarantee for upholstered furniture according to GOST is 18 months, and, accordingly, each manufacturer is obliged to give at least a year and a half of a guarantee. The main question is how the seller will fulfill his warranty obligations. If you buy from an intermediary, then most likely, if there are quality problems, you will be sent to the manufacturer and the hassle will begin. Make sure that the seller has his own service department and in case of a complaint you will deal with him, and not with the manufacturer.

Claims in upholstered furniture are, unfortunately, a common thing, since the production of sofas is predominantly manual labor and the latest technologies have hardly affected this area. The main thing is that the seller responsibly and conscientiously approaches troubleshooting.

How much should a good sofa cost?

An average-sized, non-leather corner sofa bed costs from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. I believe that this price range is currently optimal for the price / quality ratio. Companies that provide the proper level of service and product quality can meet it.

A straight sofa bed will cost about the same, since when unfolded, a straight sofa - like a corner one - forms a full-fledged sleeping place, and about the same amount of materials is used to manufacture them.

I would not advise buying the cheapest sofas (compared to analogues from well-known manufacturers) on unknown sites: most likely, the sofa, with external similarity, has a low level of assembly and quality of materials and will fail very quickly. There will be no one to respond to your requests, as you will be redirected to the manufacturer of this product or, even worse, they will simply start to delay the process in the hope that you will get tired of it faster.

In general, the sofa market is arranged very simply. Large manufacturers with design bureaus and good specialists invent new high-quality models of sofas, invest in the promotion of the model. If the model turns out to be popular, then hundreds of small and medium-sized manufacturers begin to copy this sofa, reducing its cost due to the quality of the frame, filler and upholstery materials, offering it to the buyer at a lower price.

Of course, if the budget for the purchase of furniture is strictly limited, then most likely this is a good solution, but if it is possible to add 10–20%, then I recommend buying high-quality furniture, because this is not a T-shirt or a hammer, but a complex product, subject to increased stress, on which you spend a third of your life (for those who use for sleep).

Where to look for a sofa: in online or offline stores

If you are looking for something specific, online stores are better: you can quickly find the right model at a certain price. In ordinary stores, this is more difficult to do, because due to expensive rent, only
5–10% of the assortment. As a result, sales occur according to the picture from the catalog or according to the seller. The online store does not require prepayment. If the product does not fit our customers, we give the buyer the opportunity to refuse it upon delivery without giving a reason. Those who are especially responsible can first look at the furniture in the showroom. If the buyer does not have specific preferences and he wants to study the pricing and quality of products, then it is better to go to furniture centers, where products from all leading manufacturers are presented in one place. You can get acquainted with the quality of products, ask the price and understand who and what it is.

What Marketing Tricks Should You Avoid?

The most common trick is a super attractive price for a sofa that is out of stock. But buyers will find out about this only when they come to the store. Such promotions lure interested buyers to the salons, and then the stake is placed on sellers who must redirect people to another product at a regular price.

Photo: Vika Bogorodskaya (1, 3), Olya Shangina (2)

It seems that the most important thing in choosing a sofa is not to make a mistake with the size and find a color in harmony with the decor. However, a small living room makes its own adjustments. You can buy the first sofa you like, but it will crush the living room, and it will seem that there is even less space in it. Therefore, we will tell you the tricks that designers use when choosing furniture.

What is little space?

Freeing up space under the sofa is not enough. To make it look proportional, you need to have a place in front of the sofa equal to its longest side, multiplied by two. For example, if you want a two-meter sofa, then make sure you can look at it from a distance of four meters, or does the size of the room not allow this?

So, you need to buy a smaller sofa?

This is the first conclusion that comes to mind. Yes, a compact sofa will solve the problem of scale, but it will not solve the problem of seating the family in front of the TV or a bed of sufficient length. Therefore, start from the actual length you need, but choose according to the tips below.


First, prepare your surroundings. Well-lit objects appear smaller than those in partial shade. Consider good lighting around the sofa. Let the light fall on it at an angle of 45 degrees to illuminate all planes as much as possible.

Rounded corners

All designers know that a square looks bigger than it really is, and a circle looks smaller. Use this illusion: buy a sofa with rounded corners and smooth shapes. Then he will, as it were, direct the energy into the form and will not try to capture the entire living room.

Division into sections

The sum of several sections seems to be less than the whole. The sofa can be modular or have several dedicated seating cushions. At a minimum, it is worth using a backrest made of individual pillows, and not a solid one.

The pattern solves the same problem: a large strip or a cage. Be careful, too small a pattern, on the contrary, expands the volume of the sofa. To find a happy medium, just rely on your feel of the furniture.


A sofa standing on neat legs is perceived as less massive, as if floating in the air. The reception is also good because more of the floor is visible, due to which the living area seems larger.

Color solution

We should not forget about our perception of color. It is important not only with the rest of the items and the decoration of the living room, not only the psychological impact of color, but also the effect of approaching and moving away. Deep cold shades, such as blue, cyan, aquamarine, purple visually distance the subject. Warm red, yellow, orange - bring closer. So for the sofa it is better to choose a cold shade of color.

The darkness/lightness of the color is also very important. Dark color, despite the fact that it removes the object and makes it visually smaller, it also absorbs light, which reduces the surrounding space. It is better not to make the sofa completely black, but black vertical elements are allowed. If you make an object, on the contrary, too light, it will appear larger by itself. Therefore, it is better to choose the golden mean.


Another important point when choosing a sofa in a small living room is its proportional combination with other items. It is better to put the sofa on a large carpet and not to hang too small images above it - the contrast of sizes will affect the visual proportions of the sofa.


For a small space, choose a sofa upholstery that is smooth and reflects the color as much as possible. Velvety textures and patent leather work well with this. Too textured fabric, such as fleecy or rough, will visually make the sofa heavier.
