Is electricity cheaper at night. How to save on electricity bills - general advice to citizens. Which appliances use the most electricity?

In order to pay for electricity almost half as much, you can switch to multi-tariff meters. They will install them for you for free. True, you will have to pay for the counter itself from your own pocket.

Multiphase meters are expensive but economical

“Such meters are beneficial, first of all, to those who use water-heating tanks, electric heating,” says Sergey Irkhin, head of the information and advisory center of PJSC Khmelnitskoblenergo, “that is, to those people who use electricity in large volumes. The meaning of multi-tariff meters is that with them the tariff for electricity depends on the time of day.For example, with a two-tariff meter, electricians charge for the consumed electricity during the day at the usual tariff, and at night - at a coefficient of 0.7 ".

“To put it simply, from 7 am to 11 pm, we paid as much as we pay for electricity. And at night, from 11 pm to 7 am, we give 30% less,” Sergey Ivanovich explains.

Although, there is one caveat: there are two-tariff and three-tariff counters from 400 to 450 hryvnia.

By the way, as we were told in the energy supply company, people who lead a "night" lifestyle are quite suitable for tri-tariff meters.

For electricity consumed from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m., a fee is charged at a coefficient of 0.4. This results in a savings of 60%. But in the "peak periods" - from 8 am to 11 pm and from 20 to 22 pm the tariff increases one and a half times. And from 7 to 8 am, from 11 am to 8 pm, from 22 to 23 remains normal.

For example, a washing machine can be “set” for the night, as well as turning on a “warm floor”, dishwashers and other energy-intensive appliances.

As we were told at JSC "Khmelnitskoblenergo", such a system of using electricity is beneficial to the power grids themselves. The fact is that the load on power plants during the day is uneven - in the morning and in the evening there is a peak in energy consumption, while at night power engineers have to drastically reduce energy production. This unevenness is bad for the equipment. In addition, during periods of highs, the company is forced to use all its capacities.

By the way, the installation and configuration of counters is free. These devices are "named" and are tied to a specific destination during installation. And in order to install a meter, you need to contact the energy supply company with an application for the installation of a multi-tariff meter, get technical specifications for the meter there. Differential meters are not just a "savings device" - they are meters that will take into account all the electricity consumed, but will be paid at different tariff rates, which will provide a real opportunity to save.

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Which appliances use the most electricity?

In the first place - electric heaters, electric stoves and boilers for heating water. Behind them are refrigerators. Moreover, modern ones consume even more than the old Dnepr, since they have a larger volume. Next are air conditioners. Washing machines. Economical, but also more expensive, having class A. Behind them are televisions, by the way, modern "plasma" can be compared in terms of energy consumption with a washing machine or air conditioning. Next - irons, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, electric kettles and other household appliances.

You can save on them by using devices of less power. It's easier to save on lighting. So, an ordinary 100-watt light bulb can be replaced by a 15-watt energy-saving one. It costs six times more, but also serve several times longer.

And finally, some more useful tips on how to pay for electricity cheaper. Wiring must be changed every 20-25 years, otherwise, even with all electrical appliances turned off, leaks can be as if several lamps are working around the clock.

Turn off electrical appliances from the outlet: the TV or microwave indicator can wind up several hryvnias a year. Replace a desktop computer at home with a laptop that is several times more energy efficient. And if you want to drink a cup of coffee, then you don’t need to fill the electric kettle “to the eyeballs” and boil it.

Reference. Since April 1 this year, the National Electricity Regulatory Commission has increased the cost of electricity for the population. If the consumption of electricity does not exceed 150 kWh, the tariff remains unchanged (for the urban population - 28.02 kop. per 1 kW with VAT, for the rural population - 25.92 kop.) the increased tariff is paid for that part of the electricity that exceeds 150 kWh.


Washing powders are intended for washing "coarse" linen, it is better to entrust delicate fabrics and wool to other means. But the powder, according to experts, copes with difficult spots better than gels and capsules, while being cheaper.

“The composition of the washing powder is richer, due to this this agent is considered stronger,” notes Dagmar Reinumägi. – Therefore, high-quality washing powders are more effective than high-quality gels. I recommend using powders for washing, for example, work clothes or strong and tough fabrics.

What's in the composition? The main composition of all powders includes a mixture of anionic, nonionic, and sometimes cationic surfactants, soda, bleaches, enzymes, flavors, phosphonates.

It is also important not to confuse the powder for hand washing and for the typewriter. The fact is that the composition of the powder for the machine includes defoamers - an excess of foam (contrary to popular belief, the presence of foam does not particularly affect the quality of washing) can damage the machine. Therefore, strictly follow the instructions.


Ideally falls asleep in the compartment of the washing machine intended for this purpose.

You can adjust the amount of funds.

Works well on rough fabrics.

Lasts for more washes.


It often doesn't rinse out very well.

When you put it in a container, dust rises into the air - it’s hard for allergy sufferers and sensitive people.

Leaves white marks on clothes.

Sometimes it does not completely dissolve and remains in the compartment of the washing machine.

Doesn't work well at low temperatures.

Washing gel

In Estonia, the gel has also ceased to be a novelty, although many do not trust it, believing that nothing can wash laundry better than powder. In fact, there is some truth in this - gels are more careful with the fabric, due to which not all stains will be washed off. If the stain is not fresh, there is almost no chance that the gel will take it.

“Indeed, gels are more fabric-friendly, so they are ideal for everyday washing,” comments Dagmar Reinumägi. - The gel will not damage the design on textiles, it is easier to rinse and dose. In addition, for fabrics such as silk or wool, special formulations have been developed that will not kill the shine or damage the pile.”

The specialist notes that it is better not to use universal laundry detergents when it comes to wool - they may contain protease-type enzymes that break down animal fibers and simply "eat" wool.

The standard composition of the washing gel includes 15-30% anionic and nonionic surfactants, phosphonate, polyacrylate, enzymes, fragrances, polycarboxylates. Phosphates are not detected, this is a plus. True, there are phosphonates - as it turned out, also phosphorus compounds.

Cheaper at night

To begin with, let's find out how much we generally pay for electricity today. What are the kilowatt rates? Not everyone delves into these figures, believing that electricity is cheap and somehow money will be found to pay for it. Well, if there are, but the price of electricity is only growing, not decreasing, so it is desirable, in our opinion, to learn how to control these costs.

Today in Russia, several tariffs for electricity are available - depending on the time of day. In the case of two-rate billing, the difference in prices during the day and at night is significantly cheaper to use electricity at night.

If the billing is three-rate, then there is a peak zone in terms of cost, half-peak and night (again, the cheapest electricity).

But the basic tariff has also been preserved - without changes in time (the application of tariffs depends on the type of meter installed in your apartment: if it is able to take into account two- or three-phase billing, then these options are available to you).

In addition, there is a difference in the cost of electricity for residents of houses with electric stoves (as well as with electric heating installations) and without them. In the first case, there is a discount. The table below shows the current cost of electricity for the first half of 2015 for residents of the city of Moscow.

* - tariffs are indicated for residents of Moscow, except for those living in the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the capital, for which other prices are set.

The benefit of using differentiated billing by time of day is obvious and easy to verify. For example, you decide to wash. You have a modern washing machine with an energy consumption of 0.85 kWh (this parameter for washing machines is always indicated for standard washing of cotton items, with a full load, at a water temperature of 60 ° C). Suppose you just decided to wash cotton, correctly loaded the washing machine with the required kilograms of things. On average, such a cycle usually lasts at least 2 hours. Let's take even more time - 2 hours 30 minutes. As a result, energy consumption is 2.12 kWh.

Next, we calculate the cost of one wash in the context of different electricity costs (one-tariff, two-tariff and three-tariff systems): we multiply the electricity spent (2.12 kWh) by the price of electricity according to the tariffs. The obtained data on the price for one wash in a washing machine with an energy consumption of 0.85 kWh for ease of perception are presented in the tables below.

In the case of a one-rate accounting system, the user will spend at least 6.97 rubles on this wash (this is if he lives in a house with an electric stove).

With two-tariff accounting, our laundry at night (from 23-00 to 7-00) will cost 2.6 rubles (2.12 kWh × 1.26 rubles) or even 1.87 rubles if the apartment has an electric stove (2.125 kW ⋅h × 0.88 rub.).

Under a three-rate system, washing at night will cost the same as under a two-rate system, but you can cut costs at certain times of the day and evening.

The calculations carried out clearly demonstrate the financial advantages of a two- or three-tariff system of payment for electricity over a one-tariff one. The example clearly shows that savings with differentiated billing can be about 80% (for example, 10.4 rubles for laundry during the day and 2.6 rubles for nights). At the same time, it was only about one washing cycle, and there are usually several of them per month (for example, 4, if washed once a week). If the family has small children, then, as a rule, there are more washings, and often the temperature of the water used for washing is higher (and this is an additional consumption of electricity), so the benefits can be tangible.

If you have a single-tariff meter, then you can change it to a more advanced one - a multi-tariff one. The cost of the meter (three-phase "Mercury" or "Energomers"), together with the installation, is about 4,000 rubles (we found such an offer on the website of Mosenergosbyt OJSC). To start the installation procedure, as a rule, you only need to fill out the appropriate online form on the website of the company providing the service, or call the specified phone number.

Savings settings

Various home appliances have special energy-saving modes of operation, the use of which, if possible, should not be neglected; various technologies have been implemented that can help the user save.


The refrigerator runs constantly, therefore it constantly consumes electricity. But its energy consumption can be reduced. So, for example, for two-compressor models, it is easy to turn off one of the compressors, and, therefore, one of the compartments (it is logical that the refrigeration one, for example, when leaving on vacation or a business trip). That is, the freezer with long-term storage products will continue to work as usual, and it is better to remove food from the refrigerator compartment and, after turning it off, leave the door open. An analogue of such a scheme in single-compressor models is the “Vacation” mode. When it is activated, the freezer will work as usual, and the refrigerator compartment will maintain a temperature that prevents the appearance of an unpleasant smell, mold (it is higher than the usual operating temperature - about + 15 ° C - the products also need to be removed).

More economical, as well as durable, is the LED-backlight in the refrigerator, instead of the usual incandescent lamp. With it, the quality of lighting the interior of the refrigerator usually improves.

The optimum temperature level in the refrigerator compartment is from 3 to 8 ° C, and for the freezer, for storing frozen supplies in it, the value is -18 ° C.

Washing machine

A special economical wash cycle is usually found in modern washing machines: the water does not heat up above 50 ° C (golden rule: less heat - more savings). And the water itself can be used less. But the cycle time will be increased - washing will take about 3 hours.

If you want to wash at night when electricity is cheap, then your washing machine should have a delay start timer - you won’t have to wait for “electric cheapness” yourself. By the way, some models have night wash cycles - they are quieter than usual, and the user is free to turn on the final spin in the morning.

There are models of washing machines where, thanks to special technologies (for example, separate mixing of powder with water and supplying a ready-made washing solution to the laundry), washing cycles of things from different fabrics are implemented even at a temperature of 20 ° C (Candy). At the same time, manufacturers guarantee the same high quality of washing, as, for example, at 40 ° C.


The oven is also able to work economically. For example, it can implement a forced limitation of the maximum level of power it consumes. In ovens of some brands (Bosch, Siemens, SMEG and others), it is possible to save energy by cooking few foods at the same cooking level: less electricity consumption due to pulsed activation of the grill, lower heater, convector fan, which promotes even distribution of warm air. The involved area of ​​the grill (upper heater) can be more or less, depending on the number of products - in Bosch and Siemens ovens, for example, this is the Vario-grill function, Samsung has a grill with the ECO function.

In many electric ovens from various manufacturers, even relatively inexpensive ones, the convection mode is implemented today. A fan-convector is built into the rear wall of the oven's working chamber: a powerful stream of hot air from the heating element is evenly and quickly distributed throughout the working chamber. The dish cooks faster - less electricity is spent (up to 30%). Convection (it can be called differently in ovens of different brands, for example, “3D hot air” from Bosch, CircoTerm from Neff or Eco Convection from Samsung) allows you to cook on two or three levels at once, if necessary, which also contributes to savings electricity.

Energy consumption can be reduced in another way - by using a combination of conventional heating with microwave operation. Such ovens are on sale, usually they are compact models (about 45 liters in volume, about 45 cm high), they are available from manufacturers such as Samsung or Siemens, and some others.

Another option to save electricity, present in some models of ovens (for example, Neff B4560N0FN) is to turn off the heating a few minutes before the end of the main cooking time and bring it to readiness with residual heat.


Most modern electric hobs have an indication of the residual heat of the heating zones. This was done for the safety of the user (so that he does not accidentally burn himself) and, just to save money - the residual heat can be used to keep the finished dish warm for some time, to heat up some products.

Various automatic cooking modes will help to save. For example, the meaning of the "Automatic boil" function is that when the liquid boils, the power of the burner will automatically decrease to the level previously set by the user, which will save energy. All auto programs that switch to cooking at a lower power at a certain stage save electricity.

Choose hobs with sensors for detecting the presence of dishes on the heating zones. Cooking will begin only after the correct - in the center - setting of the dishes, and when the pot or pan is removed, the heating will stop. This is also a component of economical operation.


You can also save electricity by using a microwave oven. Products, dishes in it quickly warm up, while the power consumption of the microwave is often less than any of the heating zones of the hob (usually 700-900 W versus 1,000 W or more), even if heated to its maximum level (but it is better to reduce power of the microwave oven during heating).

Yes, and cooking various dishes in the microwave, although not very popular among users (after all, it is mainly kitchen appliances for heating and defrosting food), can also serve to save money. As with reheating, the process takes less time than cooking in the oven or on the hob. This means that less electricity is spent, and the final result - the finished dish - can be very, very tasty. You just need not be lazy to experiment - there are enough books on microwave cooking today.


Modern dishwashers have a special eco-cycle, which is designed for washing dishes with an average degree of soiling. The bottom line is that the water temperature in this case does not rise above 50 ° C (savings in heating), but the washing lasts longer in time.

To wash lightly soiled dishes, you can use a program designed for glasses, fragile dishes. If only glasses are shown on the corresponding pictogram, this does not mean at all that the cycle is only for them: plates after light soups or snacks, cups after tea drinking, etc. (provided that the pollution is not too old) - all this will be washed off with this program.

The auto program will also help save electricity - the device evaluates the degree of contamination of dishes, its quantity, and based on these data, an optimal washing algorithm is created. That is, the temperature of the main wash can be, for example, 65°C, or maybe 45°C (savings) - it all depends on how dirty the dishes are.

The meaning of the half load mode is that if there are few dishes, then less water will be used, which means that electricity consumption is lower, since a smaller volume of it needs to be heated. Half load dishwashers are available under different brands: Bosch, Whirlpool, Vestel, Beko, Hansa and others.

During the pre-rinse program, the dishes are treated with cold water without detergent, this cycle lasts no more than 10 minutes - electricity consumption is minimal, but obvious dirt is washed off and does not dry out. Later, when the machine is reloaded, a more economical washing program can be used. If you don’t cook at home and your dishes are always not too dirty, then if the dishwasher is loaded a little during the day, you can first use rinsing, and then turn on the cycle for glasses and fragile dishes - the result will be of high quality, and less electricity will be spent.

Danil Yakunenko, head of training department at Electrolux:

An important trend that cannot be overlooked in the context of the energy-efficient use of dishwashers is the emergence in recent years of models with the ability to connect to hot water. The result: energy savings of up to 50%, while maintaining the washing and drying class A (the highest), in addition, the time of washing programs is reduced. But it should be understood that we have different hot water everywhere and this parameter needs to be paid attention to - buy models with the possibility of such a connection only if there is confidence in its good quality.

Air conditioning

Modern air conditioners with inverter compressors have the ability to maintain the set temperature in automatic mode with high accuracy (up to a degree). Having brought it to the level desired by the user, the device will go into low power mode, and when the temperature changes, it will quickly return it to the set level (using cooling or heating). Bottom line: high-quality indoor climate control and saving electricity (no idle work, only when it is really necessary).

Some inverter air conditioners (Panasonic, MHI, Daikin) have motion sensors: when there are people in the room, the device works more actively, and if there is no one, it reduces speed. There are models (Panasonic ECONAVI) that are able to estimate the intensity of sunlight in the room, adjusting their work (and energy consumption) and in accordance with this parameter, in conjunction with the entered temperature settings, of course.

Vacuum cleaner

Yes, and it can save electricity. A vacuum cleaner, of course, is not a refrigerator and only works periodically, but it still consumes electricity. Since September of this year, new energy efficiency standards for these home appliances have come into force in the European Union - now the maximum power consumption of a vacuum cleaner cannot exceed 1,600 W (and will become even lower in 2017).

In Russia, this is not yet necessary, but, nevertheless, when buying a vacuum cleaner, it is advisable to focus on new models of well-known European manufacturers, in many of which the power consumption is now lower, but the cleaning quality has not become worse.

Anastasia Kiryakova, training manager at Electrolux:

Particularly economical, there is a reason to pay attention to the noise level of the vacuum cleaner. It's simple: a quiet vacuum cleaner can be used even after 23:00, when electricity becomes significantly cheaper. Do not wake anyone at home, do not disturb the neighbors. Today, vacuum cleaners with dust bags (replaceable dust collectors) continue to be the quietest. Cyclonic, where there are no bags, but there is an emptied reusable dust collector, is noisier. Vacuum cleaners with a bag boast very low noise levels of up to 65 dB (for example, the Electrolux Ultrasilencer series).

Smart Operation

In addition to the fact that various energy-saving technologies and functions are implemented in modern household appliances, there are also simple operating rules that can reduce energy consumption.

Food storage

So, let's start again with the refrigerator. First of all, it’s worth looking into it less, thinking with an open door: what would be so tasty to eat? Before opening the refrigerator, decide what you need in it. With each opening, warm air enters, which is not very good for food either, and the compressor makes it work harder - more electricity is consumed.

Of course, you should not put the refrigerator next to heat sources - a radiator, stove or built-in oven. Additional external temperature influence also does not contribute to saving electricity.

It is not recommended to put hot or even warm foods (freshly cooked soup, for example) in the refrigerator - let them cool. They will not deteriorate from this, and the refrigerator will end up spending significantly less electricity than if there is a hot pan inside it and you will need to urgently try to keep the temperature in the normal operating range.

Now there are refrigerators on sale that allow you to put something hot in them (more often these are models of Japanese manufacturers, for example, Mitsubishi Electric), but for this they usually have separate small chambers. Of course, such models, as a rule, are significantly more expensive than usual ones (for example, the Mitsubishi Electric MR-ZR692W will cost almost 300,000 rubles, but not only because of the special chamber for freezing hot foods, of course).

If the freezer of your refrigerator is without auto-defrosting (No Frost), then you need to control the degree of freezing of ice inside it and do not forget to defrost in a timely manner - if there is a lot of ice, then electricity consumption will be higher, but at the same time, the quality of food storage will decrease.

Cooking food

The fact that for the sake of saving electricity it is logical to use a microwave oven for some culinary experiments, we have already said above. Now for other methods.

If you need hot water during cooking, it is better to heat it in a kettle, and not on the electric heating zone of the hob in the pan - the kettle will do this faster, which means less electricity will be spent. The most economical option, especially if you don’t need a lot of water, is to use modern kettles with the ability to heat water in batches.

If possible, cover the pot with a lid when cooking on an electric stove - the rapid evaporation of water by almost a third can increase the cooking time, which leads to increased electricity consumption.

Use low-temperature cooking modes in the oven, for example, this implies Sous-vide technology: food is cooked vacuum-packed (to pack it in this way, you need to purchase a separate gadget that will cost 2,000-4,000 rubles), the required temperatures are not higher than 100 ° C . At the same time, a little time is spent on cooking (this is not many hours of languor). This method allows you to save electricity and get a tasty and healthy culinary result.

Even if your oven does not have an auto-shut off some time (usually about 10 minutes) before the end of the cooking time, you can do it yourself - turn off the oven a little ahead of time so that the dish reaches the residual heat. But in this case, of course, it is especially important not to open its door, so as not to waste heat.

You can turn off the oven light during cooking. To save energy, the lamps on some ovens (eg Samsung NV70H3340BS) turn off a few minutes after the start of a cooking program.

Without scale

All household appliances in which scale formation is possible should be systematically cleaned of it. Electric kettles, washing machines and dishwashers are all affected to varying degrees. Due to scale, the energy efficiency of equipment is reduced, water is heated more slowly, more electricity is spent. Lime scale is visible in the kettle, so clean it as soon as lime deposits appear. But the other two home gadgets mentioned in this context do not. Therefore, clean them with special tools at least once every six months. And if the water used is hard - once every 3 months.

It should also be understood that the lower the temperature of the water when washing or washing dishes, the less scale is formed. Actively it begins to appear when heated above 60°C. If you do not clean the equipment from scale, it can quickly fail.


In addition to the fact that in the context of energy saving there is a reason to use the special functions of the washing machine (indicated above), one must also not forget about such simple things as, for example, load control. It is better to use the washing machine, as they say, to the fullest - to fully load it. If the washing machine is designed for 7 kg (the maximum load is always indicated by the manufacturer for cotton items), then it is advisable to wash no less at a time - this logically leads to saving electricity and water.

You can ignore this rule if your washing machine has an automatic weighing function for laundry - based on weight data, and also depending on the type of fabric chosen and the degree of soiling, the machine itself will generate the most optimal algorithm for washing this particular amount. Some models even help save detergent by displaying information about its required amount.

However, it should be understood that if the family is small or a bachelor uses a washing machine, it is hardly necessary to buy a model with a large load. Enough and 4-5 kg. Naturally, less water is needed to wash a smaller amount of laundry, which means that the consumption of electricity for heating it will be lower.

For everyday washing of lightly to moderately soiled clothes (and this is the main task of most washing machines), you can use low-temperature washing cycles. Most not very dirty clothes and other things are usually washed at a temperature of 30-40°C.

Set the washing time correctly, use short programs - if things are not too dirty, why wash them for two hours, or even more? Choose, for example, a thirty-minute program - everything will be washed off no worse, and electricity will be saved.

Use prewash only if the laundry is very dirty. With the usual degree of pollution, its activation is only an extra consumption of water and electricity.

Weather in the house

To increase energy efficiency during the operation of the air conditioner, do not forget that it is very desirable to limit the flow of warm or cold air into the room served by it (do not forget, for example, to close the window).

Also remember that the most intensive operation of the air conditioner (cooling or heating) is only needed to quickly reach the desired temperature, then, if auto mode is not provided, you can choose a more economical mode yourself.

Use the timer to turn off the air conditioner, especially if you are not sure that you will not forget to turn it off, for example, when leaving home: in this case, the device will turn off after you leave, and will not idle all day. Today, there are models in stores with remote control (from a smartphone or tablet, via Wi-Fi), which can also help make this climate gadget energy efficient and even track the amount of energy it consumes (if the mobile application provides this function).

Cleanliness in the apartment

A vacuum cleaner helps us keep our home clean. In order for it to work properly and not be too gluttonous when consuming electricity, it is also advisable to keep it clean: change or wash filters regularly, clean the dust container (or do not forget to change the disposable bag) and brush nozzles from dust and dirt. All this will not allow the suction force to decrease significantly, will allow you to clean at a lower power (if the vacuum cleaner is with adjustable work intensity) and, as a result, not globally, but still save energy.

Ironing things

Many modern household devices, after the end of active use, go into standby mode (in order to be quickly ready for work later) and, while in it, continue to consume electricity. Its minimum amount, of course (the data should be in the instruction manual), but if you really save, then save to the end - turn off, for example, a washing machine or dishwasher, air conditioning from the mains.

What economical equipment to buy

If you are thinking about buying new household appliances, then remember the main rule, following which, together with other recommendations outlined in this material, will make its operation very economical: if possible, purchase models with high energy efficiency rates - electricity prices will not fall, only will grow, so that the use of devices advanced in this sense will become more and more profitable year after year.

To make the right choice, pay attention to the energy efficiency classes of household appliances. They are designated by Latin letters (from A to G, where A is a high level of efficiency, and G is a low level) and is given on special energy efficiency labels.

Currently, the EU directive also officially allows the use of the designations A +, A ++ and A +++ for those models whose energy-saving characteristics are better than those with class A: each "+" sign means that the energy efficiency is about 10% higher.

For household appliances, the most relevant control of the energy consumption of refrigerators, ovens, hobs, washing machines and dishwashers, air conditioners. Today, in stores, as a rule, devices of these product groups are available with an energy efficiency class of at least C.

Below are some examples of information found on the energy efficiency labels of various home appliances.

For refrigerators, the energy efficiency label includes the following information:

  • energy efficiency class
  • annual energy consumption in kWh;
  • internal volume of the refrigerating chamber in liters;
  • internal volume of the freezer in liters;
  • noise level in decibels.

For ovens:

  • energy efficiency class;
  • energy consumption in kWh
  • volume in liters;
  • oven type.

For washing machines:

  • energy efficiency class;
  • total energy consumption per cycle, in kWh (washing cotton with a full load at a water temperature of 60 ° C);
  • washing quality - with a class from A to G;
  • spin quality - with a class from A to G;
  • maximum drum rotation speed per minute during spinning in revolutions; maximum cotton load in kg;
  • water consumption per cycle in liters;
  • noise during washing and spinning in decibels.

For dishwashers:

  • energy efficiency class;
  • energy consumption in kWh per cycle;
  • washing efficiency with a class from A to G;
  • drying efficiency with a class from A to G;
  • the maximum number of sets of dishes;
  • water consumption in liters per cycle;
  • noise level in decibels.

For air conditioners (marking applies only to models with a power of less than 12 kW):

  • energy efficiency class from A to G;
  • annual energy consumption, in kWh (maximum load of 500 hours per year);
  • cooling produced at full load, in kW;
  • ratio of energy efficiency to cooling capacity at full load;
  • device type (cooling only or cooling and heating);
  • cooling method (gas or coolant);
  • noise level;
  • intensity of heating (if provided) in kW;
  • heating energy efficiency class.

In fairness, it should be noted that the savings may not be significant, especially in light of the possible difference in price between models of equipment with high and lower energy efficiency. But what to guess - let's count.

For example, how much can you save using a refrigerator with energy efficiency class A + compared to a model of comparable volume and the same form factor (two-chamber, bottom freezer) with class B. Let's calculate the electricity costs for the year using one-tariff billing, but it should be understood that with two- and three-tariff meters, the amounts will be different. We also note that the data obtained is very approximate and in reality depends on the operating conditions of household appliances (this applies to all devices that we are talking about in this material). Details of the comparison results obtained are in the table below.

The cost of annual energy consumption of an air conditioner is more difficult to calculate - it is not clear how intensively the owner will use it, how long the air conditioner works per year - it depends on weather conditions and other factors. However, the average value (which is not always correct in each case) is taken as 500 hours in cooling mode at maximum work intensity. This figure should be multiplied by the value of the total input power. The product is multiplied again - by the price of electricity (tariff).

As for washing machines, to compare the annual energy costs of models with different energy efficiency classes, we will take as a basis the same number of washings for them (52) with a maximum load at a water temperature of 60 ° C - we focused on a weekly wash, but subtracted from the total 4 weeks is the time that the user may well spend, for example, on vacation. The results are in the table below.

As can be seen from the calculations, saving money when using household appliances with high energy efficiency can be 50% or even more. In our opinion, this is a tangible indicator, also taking into account the fact that the cost of electricity in Russia is slowly but growing. Of course, you need to take into account the difference in cost between models - if it is too large, then the meaning in terms of the possibility of saving money becomes not so obvious. But another thing remains - the environmental friendliness of home appliances, a more responsible approach to energy consumption.


Modern energy-efficient refrigerators - with inverter compressors. Their electricity consumption can be 40-45-50% lower than that of devices with compressors of conventional design (crank mechanism).

Here are the main advantages of inverter models (they are not only associated with low power consumption):

  • the inverter compressor contributes to high-precision temperature control inside the refrigerator - electricity is spent much more efficiently to maintain temperature settings, cooling occurs exactly when it is needed;
  • it is more durable than usual due to a more modern design and fewer contacting (rubbing) parts;
  • A positive effect on the service life of the inverter compressor is also the fact that it works constantly (just with different intensity - depending on the temperature situation in the refrigerator chambers), and not discretely, since the main wear of the compressor occurs just at the moment of switching on (some manufacturers, such , like LG, for example, give a 10-year warranty on inverter compressors in their refrigerators);
  • The inverter compressor is quieter than the conventional compressor.

In a refrigerator with an inverter compressor, separate temperature settings for the refrigerator and freezer compartments are usually possible - the user can more precisely set storage parameters, which will also serve to save money. It is these models - inverter - that are now available on the Russian market (mainly LG, Samsung refrigerators, devices of Japanese brands) and are the most energy efficient today and are recommended by us for purchase. Prices for popular two-chamber models with a bottom freezer and an inverter compressor start at about 30,000 rubles.

Air conditioners

The same can be said about air conditioners - buying an inverter model will help you to be able to fine-tune the operation of the climate gadget and save electricity due to a more efficient device operation scheme. The cost of inverter air conditioners for cooling and heating starts today at about 15,000 rubles, they are in the assortment of most manufacturers represented in this segment of home appliances.

With the same cooling or heating capacity, choose the model that consumes less energy at the same time - compare the power consumption.


Continuing the topic of inverter power control, let's not forget about microwave ovens. It is inverter models that are the most economical and, moreover, provide a more gentle effect on products, their structure, store more vitamins in them (since the magnetron generates microwaves constantly, with variable intensity, and not periodically with maximum power, as in conventional models ). True, they are somewhat more expensive than non-inverter ones. Prices for inverter microwave ovens start at 6,000-7,000 rubles. The widest range of these ovens in Russia is sold under the Panasonic brand.

In an inverter microwave oven, the magnetron, although it works constantly, but, as a rule, gradually reduces the power of the microwaves (and hence the amount of electricity consumed). In addition, it turns on here only once - at the start of the cooking process. In a non-inverter furnace, the magnetron works intermittently, but always at the maximum (installed) power - as a result, more electricity is spent. Constant inclusions also add waste - at these moments the furnace consumes the maximum possible energy.


When choosing an oven, you should take care not only of its energy efficiency class. Pay attention also to the oven cleaning system. With a traditional or catalytic system, additional energy costs are not required, but with a pyrolytic system, when heating to a high temperature (about 500 ° C) occurs, the oven will spend more electricity. On sale you can find steam-cleaned ovens with steam cleaning: for the formation of steam, which softens the dirt on the walls, additional heating is needed to low temperatures (no higher than 100 ° C), but this approach is also more economical than pyrolytics. Models with three- and four-layer glazing of the door provide less heat loss - this also serves the cause of economy (and safety - less heating of the loading glass).


As already noted, it is better to buy an electric hob with a residual heat indication for each zone - heat can be used to keep food warm, even to reheat food. When choosing between conventional cast-iron pancake heaters and glass ceramics, choose the latter, as its efficiency is higher: heating is much faster, which saves electricity.

Take a closer look at induction hobs. We talked about them in detail. Their main advantage is the instant start of heating (and, therefore, it will take less time, less electricity will be spent). The efficiency of induction surfaces is 90%, while for conventional electric stoves this figure is a maximum of 70%, and for gas stoves - fifty. This happens due to the fact that there is no leakage of heat flows past the dish itself (after all, in the case of induction, it is the bottom of the dish that immediately heats up). Due to the fact that the heating of the hob itself is secondary - from the dishes - it is not too strong: it is difficult to get burned, and the escaped milk will not stick to the surface and will not leave hard-to-remove marks. The cost of induction hobs with four heating zones in stores starts from 14,000 rubles.

Washing machines

In addition to the energy efficiency class of the washing machine, pay attention to the maximum load when buying: as already noted, small families simply do not need too roomy models. Control whether the water temperature can be changed for different wash cycles. It is also desirable to have short programs - lightly soiled things can be economically refreshed with their help. Don't forget the delay start timer for cheaper laundry at night. In this case, also pay attention to the presence of a special night wash cycle with a reduced noise level.

There are models with direct drive on sale: there is no belt transmission of torque from the motor to the washing drum - the connection is direct. Due to the logical absence of losses in the intensity of rotation in this case, it is just possible to slightly improve the energy saving indicators. The quality of washing is not worse, in addition, the user is spared such a headache as the need to sometimes (especially if the machine is often overloaded) replacing the drive belt. The cost of direct drive washing machines in Russian stores starts at 20,000 rubles.


When buying a dishwasher, pay attention to the presence of an auto wash program - the device will select the most optimal cycle (including the water temperature) for washing your dishes, which will help save energy. If you don't have an autocycle, it's best to look for a half-load model so you can wash fewer dishes economically.

Just as in the case of a washing machine, do not chase a large load - the larger it is, the more water the machine needs, the more it needs to be heated. For small families, loading narrow models (9-10 sets of dishes) may be enough, and for bachelors, a compact model for 5-6 sets may be suitable.

As for drying dishes, it is not at all necessary to choose models with a turbo dryer (forced circulation of warm air inside the working chamber). Yes, this technology allows you to reduce the total program time, and, perhaps, it can slightly improve the result in comparison with condensation drying. But still, the differences in the quality of drying dishes are not global, but additional electricity is spent during turbo drying.

Vacuum cleaners

To buy an energy efficient vacuum cleaner, don't go for a model with too much suction power. Focus on the main type of flooring with which the device will work. If it is a hard floor (parquet, laminate, linoleum, tile, etc.), as well as carpet, a power level of 200-250 watts is enough. If the house has fleecy carpets - 300-400 avt. Everything above can be attributed to excesses and to the marketing moves of manufacturers.

Of course, with Russian electricity prices, the need to purchase household appliances with high energy efficiency is far from obvious to everyone - the monetary savings from its use seem to be the same, but it is not very noticeable, and the environmental factor, alas, does not work for everyone. Another thing - the inhabitants of Western Europe. We do not at all assert that ecology is so important for all of them without exception. No, the point here is, in many respects, precisely in the economy.

For example, in Berlin, electricity costs, on average, 0.25 euro cents per kilowatt (in the German capital, there are many electricity providers to the population offering a large number of tariff plans, but the average price today is exactly this). So, it turns out that, for example, one wash, with which we started this material, costs a German, on average, 50 euro cents. This is about 3 times more expensive than in Russia. Of course, the salary of a German worker, on average, is about 2,000 euros, but in addition to washing, do not forget food storage (refrigerator), dishwashing (in German houses and apartments there are much more dishwashers than we have), cooking (oven, stove) and other electrical expenses. A pretty decent amount can run up, and there are other utility costs.

That is why in Western Europe in general and in Germany, in particular, the topic of energy efficiency of household appliances is much more in demand and discussed by users (and manufacturers) than here in Russia.

The question is whether to rejoice at the fact that we have cheaper electricity, continuing to use equipment with low energy efficiency, or still be conscious and think not only about your wallet, but also about an eco-friendly lifestyle, about what is happening with the environment - this already everyone's choice.

There are two main measures to reduce the cost of consumed electricity and save electricity (get cheap electricity) for citizens-consumers:

1. Make calculations using a tariff differentiated by day zones (this requires a multi-tariff or two-tariff electricity meter).

What is a tariff differentiated by zones of the day? This is an electricity tariff that will allow you to get cheaper electricity.

This is a tariff for electricity, the amount of which varies depending on the time of use of electricity (the nightly tariff for electricity is much lower than the daytime tariff for electricity. However, the time of the nightly tariff for electricity is usually limited from 23-00 to 07-00. When using these tariffs, it appears like this called two-tariff electricity). In order to be able to pay using such a tariff, it is necessary that the consumer has an individual electricity meter installed, which can record electricity consumption by day zones (multi-tariff or two-tariff electricity meter). The cost of such metering devices starts from 800 rubles.

It should be noted that when making a decision to carry out calculations using tariffs differentiated by day zones, the consumer must first carefully calculate everything and evaluate possible savings, and also understand that if this tariff is chosen by him, then in the future he will have to change the usual structure of consumption electricity - "two-tariff payment for electricity" will be used. (For example, leave the washing machine running at night, etc.). So before switching to electricity consumption day and night, you need to clearly understand whether it will be possible to organize yourself to change the order of using electricity.

2. Carry out energy saving measures that will reduce the cost of 1 kilowatt of electricity. Here are some tips for the population on energy saving (methods of saving electricity in an apartment and at home):

a) In order to save energy at home, improve the natural lighting in your home. How can this be done:

  • A lighter finish on ceilings and walls will help save 1 to 3% of the electricity that is usually spent on lighting;
  • Do not cover the windows with curtains or other items - then you can save from 1 to 3% of the electricity that is usually spent on lighting
  • Keep your windows clean: clean windows allow you to save from 3% of all electrical energy usually spent on lighting;

b) Increase the efficiency of artificial lighting. How can this be done:

  • Wipe dust from lamps, lamps and ceiling lamps in time. Keep them clean. This will save from 5 to 20% of all electrical energy usually spent on lighting the premises;
  • Use local lighting (table lamps, floor lamps, sconces, etc.). In the case of a switched off or reduced level of general lighting, it is possible to save from 30 to 50% of all electrical energy usually spent on lighting premises;
  • Connect the general lighting in groups that will divide the room into different light zones. This event will provide energy savings from 20 to 50% of all electrical energy usually spent on lighting premises;

c) Organize energy savings in everyday life: organize the placement of electrical appliances correctly. For example, a refrigerator does not need to be placed near a radiator or other heat sources. Leave a distance of at least 5 cm between the refrigerator and the wall.

d) If you have an electric stove installed, then heating pots and pans will take much longer if they have an uneven bottom. In this regard, the operating time of the electric furnace will be much longer.

So, in this article, possible methods for saving electricity at home and in an apartment are briefly considered.

Readers have repeatedly contacted the editors of the Kaliningrad Country with a request to talk about two-tariff electricity meters.

Such a meter differs from the usual one in that it determines the amount of electricity consumed separately by zones of the day: in the night zone - from 23.00 to 7.00 and in the daytime - from 07.00 to 23.00. Each zone has its own tariff. For example, for owners of city apartments with gas stoves, 1 kW / h will cost 2.62 rubles at night, and 3.50 during the day. At the same time, with a conventional (so-called single-rate) meter of 1 kW / h in the same housing - 3.25 rubles. It turns out that in the case of using a two-tariff meter, the consumer will pay 25 kopecks more for 1 kW / h during the day and 63 kopecks less at night.

You can also lose

Consumers are interested in whether it is possible to save money by installing a two-tariff meter, - says Dmitry Vaseyko, head of the client services and PR department of Yantar-energosbyt OJSC. - It all depends on the characteristics of your consumption. But for real savings when using a two-tariff meter (at the current tariffs in our region), you need to consume more than 30% of the daily volume of electricity at night. If you are an average citizen who works from 8.00 to 17.00, and the apartment does not have a large number of “smart” household appliances that can work according to a given schedule, then you definitely do not need a multi-tariff meter. On the contrary, when you install it, you can even get an increase in electricity bills.

Of course, at night you can make the washing machine, dishwasher, bread machine, slow cooker and other appliances with a delayed start work…

This option is possible, - says the specialist, - however, leaving the equipment unattended can lead to a fire or flood. And such noisy equipment as a washing machine can lead to a scandal with neighbors.

We count on an example

But let's be persistent and still calculate how much we can save with a nocturnal lifestyle.

Let's say an average apartment consumes 300 kWh per month, says Dmitry Vaseyko. - With some effort, you managed to get 50% of the nightly consumption. Believe me, this is a very good result, requiring a radical reworking of established habits. In such a situation in our area, the monthly savings will be:

300 kWh x 3.25 rubles - (150 kWh x 3.50 rubles + 150 kWh x 2.62 rubles) = 57 rubles

At the same time, keep in mind that a simple two-rate meter costs about 1,500 rubles, while a single-rate meter costs about 500 rubles. You will pay back the difference of 1,000 rubles in about 1.5 years.

According to the Yantarenergosbyt specialist, there is another trap: in case of any changes in electricity metering or time metering (change of day / night time zone boundaries, clock movements), such meters will need to be reprogrammed, for which you will have to contact specialists and, maybe pay for it. Do not forget about the regular verification of the counter.

Any consumer has the right to install a two-tariff meter, but the savings, if any, are microscopic. Indeed, to obtain real savings, all life activities will have to be carried out at night. Two-tariff metering can be beneficial for a small business (for example, a bakery), when the production cycle and, accordingly, the main electricity consumption (in our example, for baking bread) is carried out at night, and during the day the shop does not consume electricity.

In addition to two-tariff, there are also three-tariff meters and corresponding tariffs. The essence of the operation of such a counter is similar to a two-tariff one, but the daily zone is additionally divided into peak and semi-peak.

Personal experience

A resident of Kaliningrad, economist Stanislav Prishchepa installed a two-tariff meter several years ago.

I read on the Internet that it is beneficial. But in the end he began to pay more by 50-70 rubles, - said Stanislav. - The fact is that with my lifestyle, only 30% of electricity consumption will fall into the night tariff. For example, I thought that a washing machine consumes a lot of electricity, which can be turned on at night. But, as my experience has shown, the electric kettle and electric oven “eat” the most electricity. I do not switch to a regular meter just because the difference of 50-70 rubles that arose when installing a two-tariff meter is not so noticeable to me. I burn somewhere around 150 kWh per month. At the same time, I want to note that the idea itself - to consume electricity at night, when the peak load has decreased - is very good. But in our region, an unfavorable fork has been set for the population - the difference between the night and day rates is very small. And if the "night" time would not start at 23.00, but at least from 22.00, it would be better.

How to decide

The most accurate way to find out if it makes sense to switch to multi-tariff accounting is to take an energy consumption profile. To do this, for one month, write down the readings of the electric meter at 7.00 and at 23.00. After that, you can calculate the consumption for all zones and find out whether the replacement is profitable for you or not.

Only numbers

In the Kaliningrad region, only 26 household consumers out of more than 300,000 use two-tariff metering devices.

In Moscow, with a two-tariff meter, the “night” tariff costs the population 1.46 rubles. for 1 kW / h, daily - at 4.53 rubles, with a single-tariff meter - at 4.50 rubles. And many residents of the capital are really interested in turning on electrical appliances at night.