How to feed begonias. How to feed tuberous begonias in spring for abundant flowering. Fertilizers and top dressing

In today's article, we will talk about begonias, or rather about the features of caring for this flower. Due to its unpretentiousness, begonia occupies a leading position among flowers that are easy to grow at home, almost every amateur grower has at least one representative of the Begonia family.

What place in the apartment is suitable for begonias?

Begonia is a very photophilous plant, it needs bright diffused light all year round. And only begonia with decorative leaves calmly tolerates partial shade, and all other species need bright light, but not direct sunlight. In an apartment, it is best to place flowerpots with this plant on the eastern and western windowsills. In winter, you should be vigilant with drafts, hypothermia of the flower will lead to its death.

What soil is suitable for growing begonias?

The soil for begonias should be loose, light and rich in organic matter. In flower shops, you can buy a ready-made mixture or prepare the optimal soil yourself.

Land for begonias should consist of greenhouse soil for indoor plants, high-moor peat, fertilizers, preferably organic and fine squeak, which will perform a drainage function.

What temperature and humidity does the plant need?

The begonia plant is very thermophilic, in summer the temperature is comfortable for it 24-25 degrees, if the thermometer in the apartment shows the temperature is higher, then it is necessary to increase watering. The minimum allowable temperature for begonias is 15 degrees Celsius. The level of humidity in the room for begonias is not critical, but if you still decide to spray the plant with a spray bottle, then try not to get water on the flowers.

How often should begonias be watered?

Regular watering is the key to abundant flowering for begonias, this plant does not tolerate drying out of the soil and excessive moisture very well. On average, it is necessary to water the begonia twice a week, and in the summer - every other day.

From the end of November to March, the plant needs rest, so watering once a week will suffice. It is also taken out of this state gradually, starting from March to April and until May, bringing watering to normal. Excessive moisture is also dangerous for these flowers, as well as drying out of the soil, as it threatens begonias with root rot and becomes susceptible to such an unpleasant disease as powdery mildew ().

Water for irrigation. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the water with which the plants are watered. It must be soft, for this you need to either defend the water in advance, or boil and cool it.

What fertilizers does this flower need and when should they be applied?

It is imperative to fertilize begonias, especially during the period of active growth and flowering, for this complex mineral top dressings are perfect, which must be applied once a week. Fertilizers, which include nitrogen, should only be used for decorative foliage varieties, as they activate leaf growth, but inhibit flowering.

How and when should begonias be transplanted?

Begonia should only be transplanted if the previous pot for the plant is too small and the roots have completely filled the entire space in the container. In this case, you should take a pot a few centimeters larger, put drainage on the bottom, and then fill the plant with suitable soil. When transplanting begonia, you need to be very careful with its roots, because it is very easy to damage them, and the recovery process takes a long time.

How to propagate begonia at home?

Rhizome begonias are mainly propagated by seeds and cuttings. The division of the bush and reproduction by rhizomes is quite common. Tuberous begonias are propagated by dividing the tuber. The simplest and most popular method is cuttings, for which, in April-May, cut shoots are placed in a substrate and wait for their rooting, occasionally watering. For a greater likelihood of rooting, the plant can initially be put in water for a couple of days, and then planted in the ground.

How to care for a flower in winter?

In winter, begonia is in a state of sleep, therefore, during this period, watering should be reduced to a minimum, stop fertilizing the soil, and also do not replant the plant. The main task is to give the flower to accumulate strength over the winter in order to please you with new flowers in the spring and summer.

The most popular types of begonias:

Begonia royal

Begonia has long gained popularity among flower growers, so many grow this plant at home. Tuberous or deciduous begonia will undoubtedly decorate any room. In order for your indoor begonia to bloom profusely, it needs top dressing. Of course, the correct composition of the soil for begonias and proper care are also of great importance, but you can encourage flowering by adding the necessary nutrients. In this article we will talk about how to feed begonia and how to properly fertilize this flower.

So, how to fertilize this beauty at home? In order for everything to go smoothly, you need to take into account the factors that will contribute to the success of this procedure.

The first factor is compliance with light and temperature regimes. These flowers need a sufficient amount of light. They also need warmth and the absence of sudden changes in temperature. All this will contribute to the speedy assimilation of dressings.

The next thing to keep in mind is the time of day. The best time is in the evening when it is already dark. During the day it is better to refrain from the procedure.

Remember that in order for the land in which the begonia grows to absorb the necessary elements faster, it is recommended to moisten the ground well before applying them. The optimal time is a few hours before the procedure.

An important point: the fertilizer itself should never come into contact with the plant, otherwise it is fraught with troubles, such as chemical burns.

Last, perhaps the most important rule: do not overdo it. It may seem to some that the more fertilizer you apply, the greater the effect will be. The effect is really not long in coming, but it will be completely opposite to what you were counting on. Excess fertilizer is very harmful to the flower, so in order for the roots and tubers of your pet to be in order, add only the required amount of nutrients, and no more!

Video "How to care for begonia and fertilize"

From this video you will learn how to care for begonia and feed the plant.


Light Begonia is light-loving. She prefers bright but diffused light, and in the morning she even tolerates direct sunlight. Do not leave begonias in the hot summer sun.

Soil For tuberous begonia, loose, light, but nutritious soil with the addition of rotted compost and sand is suitable. TemperatureBegonia is a heat-loving plant, it prefers temperatures of 20-25 °, does not tolerate drafts and cold air.

Wintering After flowering, begonias begin a dormant period. During the dormant period, watering is reduced and the plant is transferred to a dark place. The aerial part of the plant dies off and is removed. The tubers are left in the ground for another two weeks. Then they dig it out and put it in a warm, dry place for several days to dry. Then the tubers are placed in a box, sprinkled with sand and stored in a dark place until spring. Watering begonias During the period of active growth and during the flowering of begonias, abundant watering is necessary. Water it in the morning with warm settled water. In order for the plant to feel comfortable, you need to keep the soil in a moderately moist state at all times. To prepare for a dormant period after flowering, watering begonias is gradually reduced, and a few days before digging up the tubers, they stop completely.

Top dressing of begonias During the period of active growth of leaves and shoots, begonias are fed with mineral fertilizer with a high content of potassium. To stimulate flowering, they are fed with a complex fertilizer for flowering plants. Starting from the end of August, top dressing is gradually stopped. Reproduction and transplantation of begonias Transplant begonias in the spring, after a dormant period, into a new substrate, into a pot of the same size as the previous one.

How to feed begonia for lush flowering

What to do for abundant flowering begonias? Everything is very simple: if you want to see these plants blooming, you need to add useful elements at home. Usually, to make the plants bloom, they are fed with fertilizers for begonias, which contain potassium and phosphorus. Top dressing for begonias can be chosen in specialized stores, where you will always be prompted with a product that is right for your flower.

The most popular dressings for these flowers, which can be easily applied at home, are Begonia and Good Power. Before starting to fertilize, it is necessary to add a weak solution of potassium nitrate to the soil for begonias.

And remember that after flowering, do not disturb the flower. No need to try to make this beauty bloom again when she is already moving into a state of rest. On the contrary, you should take care of her, and at home provide her with the care that she needs right now. It is recommended to gradually stop adding nutrient mixtures to the soil mixture from the end of August.

Fertilization Rules

So, how to fertilize this beauty at home? In order for everything to go smoothly, you need to take into account the factors that will contribute to the success of this procedure.

The first factor is compliance with light and temperature regimes. These flowers need a sufficient amount of light. They also need warmth and the absence of sudden changes in temperature. All this will contribute to the speedy assimilation of dressings.

The next thing to keep in mind is the time of day. The best time is in the evening when it is already dark. During the day it is better to refrain from the procedure.

Remember that in order for the land in which the begonia grows to absorb the necessary elements faster, it is recommended to moisten the ground well before applying them. The optimal time is a few hours before the procedure.

An important point: the fertilizer itself should never come into contact with the plant, otherwise it is fraught with troubles, such as chemical burns.

Last, perhaps the most important rule: do not overdo it. It may seem to some that the more fertilizer you apply, the greater the effect will be. The effect is really not long in coming, but it will be completely opposite to what you were counting on. Excess fertilizer is very harmful to the flower, so in order for the roots and tubers of your pet to be in order, add only the required amount of nutrients, and no more!

Video "How to care for begonia and fertilize"

From this video you will learn how to care for begonia and feed the plant.

Blooming begonia - the queen of houseplants

Begonia is a favorite of many women, having a variety of flower shapes and a luxurious palette of their shades.

The magical charm of flowering is its main advantage.

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  • Blooming room begonia
  • How does a begonia flower?
  • Useful video

Blooming room begonia

How and when does Begonia bloom?

Amazing beauty pleases the eye when the begonia blooms quite brightly and plentifully. Its luxurious flowers resemble rose, carnation or peony buds. They are simple and terry, large and small, collected in racemose axillary inflorescences, formed on the tops of the shoots. Perianth consists of 2-5, and some species - of 6-8 petals. The color scheme ranges from white, yellow, pink, red to all sorts of transitional shades, bi-colors with a border of flowers, providing a unique holiday atmosphere around you.

The many faces of elegant buds decorate your room from early June to September, or from late spring to late autumn, depending on the correct care.

flowering period

The stage of active growth and flowering of the plant requires top dressing at least once a week with complex mineral fertilizer. In this case, a weak solution of potassium nitrate is first introduced, and then everything else.

Do not abuse fertilizers with a high percentage of nitrogen. It can only hurt.

If you want to prolong flowering, cut off faded flowers.

At the end of flowering, the plant is prepared for the resting phase, gradually reducing the amount of watering until its aerial part is completely dry. We remove everything that has dried, put the pot in a cool place, watering occasionally. The temperature should not be higher than 10-12 degrees. The rest period will last from November to March.

Begonia scent

Among the variety of plant varieties, there are both odorless and fragrant (Bauman's begonia).

Its smell is unique and even has medicinal properties. The invisible influence of begonia helps to clear the bronchi, increases the vitality of the respiratory tract and in itself is an excellent natural filter for people with nicotine addiction.

How does a begonia flower?

What to do after the begonia has faded?

After the plant has pleased you with lush flowering, it should definitely be dried without touching the roots and stems. We put in a dark place for a month so that all the nutrients from the stems and roots go into the tuber. We dig it out 15 days after the upper part of the begonia, which is on the surface, finally dies.

Should begonias be pruned after flowering?

After the flowering stage is completed, the plant needs pruning. Cut off the stems. This is necessary so that the flower gains strength and nutrients and has the opportunity to thank its owner in the future with a magnificent and fragrant bouquet of terry begonia inflorescences.

How to prune a plant after flowering?

The procedure is carried out only with a sharp knife, but in no case with scissors, which can injure a delicate flower.

In order to avoid decay and speed up the healing process, we treat the cut sites with wood ash or crushed coal.

After pruning begonias, reduce watering until active growth begins. If the lateral shoots have grown to 12 cm, we stop their tops, which will awaken the lateral buds.

Features of caring for begonia after flowering

It is not whimsical, but requires careful care, like any house plant, especially after flowering.

  • the temperature regime should reach 18 degrees in winter and 20-25 in summer;
  • enough light is needed. The best place is close to the window, but not under direct sunlight;
  • we water as needed, in summer - more often, in winter - less often, when the soil dries to a depth of one or two centimeters;
  • we use soft, settled water for irrigation;
  • we create high humidity - at least 50-60 percent.

Why does indoor begonia not bloom at home?

Reasons why begonia does not bloom

Most likely, she does not have enough light, the humidity is reduced, the temperature regime is not suitable, or you put her in a draft and overdid it with fertilizers.

How to make begonia bloom?

To ensure long and abundant flowering, they use the "short daylight" technique: for two weeks, they artificially reduce daylight hours to 9 hours, covering the begonia with a black film. Thus, the budding process is activated. In order for the plant at this time not to accelerate its growth in height, it can be pinched 2-3 times. Further daylight hours again doubled. In the winter months, lighting is also necessary.

Compliance with the above rules of care will allow you to enjoy the luxurious beauty of flowering and the enchanting aroma for as long as possible.

Take care of the begonia and take care of it, then the flower will open its buds and smell, delighting your eyes and smell!

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In these videos you can learn more about the flowering of Begonia:

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Begonia is one of the most favorite plants of flower growers. It is often found in flower beds, in front gardens and on balconies. Begonia at home pleases with frequent flowering and luxurious shiny leaves all year round. Various types can be planted in pots: decorative leafy, flowering and even semi-shrub.

Begonias at home can bloom in winter and summer. Decorative-blooming ones have bright inflorescences of various shades, and decorative-deciduous ones are valued for their lush and beautiful foliage.

Begonia care: basic rules

Begonia cannot be called a whimsical plant, but it requires special attention. To prevent the flower from disappearing at home, you need to follow the basic rules of care:

  • Place for begonias. Begonia does not tolerate direct sunlight, but loves bright places. Deciduous varieties can grow in partial shade, while flowering varieties require a lot of light. Pots with these flowers are best placed on the eastern and northern windows. It is important to remember that the plant does not tolerate frequent changes of location; with constant changes in lighting conditions and temperature conditions, begonia may die.
  • Watering and humidity. In summer, watering should be frequent and plentiful. At home, begonia does not tolerate dry air, it must be regularly moistened. For example, put a tray with expanded clay and water next to the pot, which will evaporate and humidify the air. By winter, watering is reduced, the begonia is not fertilized and transplanted, the pot is not turned.
  • Temperature regime. In summer, the temperature in the room should be 20-22°C, in winter - no higher than 15°C. For deciduous varieties in winter, it is necessary to provide a temperature of 10-12 ° C.

If the begonia does not bloom, but is not affected by diseases and pests, look for reasons in improper care: insufficient or excessive watering, drafts, abnormal temperature conditions, etc.

Planting begonias

Begonia is not demanding on the soil; soil can be prepared for it from a mixture of leafy soil, peat and black soil. At the bottom of the pot, you can put a small layer of sand. Transplant the plant as needed when the roots do not fit in the old pot. This procedure is best done in early spring. Begonia roots must be carefully pulled out of the pot and cleaned of soil, rotten parts removed and the root system placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

After transplantation, it is necessary to carefully monitor the plant: water thoroughly as the soil dries and do not expose the leaves to direct sunlight. Begonia takes root in a new pot for 1 month.

How and when to feed begonias?

In order for begonia to feel comfortable at home and bloom profusely, it needs fertilizer. Complex minerals should be applied in spring and summer during the period of active growth and budding. The store sells special formulations for flowering begonias, which are applied to the soil 1-2 times a week. Deciduous plants stop fertilizing in the fall, and flowering plants after all the inflorescences have disappeared.

Begonia can be safely called the queen of indoor plants. With proper care and constant attention, it will give lush flowering and bright foliage. A huge number of varieties allows you to grow plants with red, pink, white, yellow, cream inflorescences of various sizes.


Begonia care at home: planting, watering and fertilizing

Begonia is a bright and beautiful representative of the Begonia family. It is not for nothing that the begonia flower is often called the most popular plant among flower growers. How to care for her at home is a concern for many. Begonias have many perennial and annual species of shrubs, herbs and semi-shrubs. Due to this, it is easy to choose a flowering houseplant just for yourself.

Growing features

Begonia was first described by Charles Plumier, a Frenchman and botanist who was among those who participated in the expedition to the Antilles (XVI century). The organizer of the expedition was Michel Begon, it was in his honor that the plant got its beautiful name. Begonia is often used in folk medicine as a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

If you decide to care for begonia at home, then you need to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  1. Begonia prefers space, so it is better not to place it on the windowsill with any neighbors. She does not accept if other plants come into contact with her and disturb her sensitive nature.
  2. Watering is carried out with settled water, but at the same time moisture should not linger in the drainage.
  3. The room must have high humidity.
  4. Transplantation is carried out once a year, for this you need to follow all the nuances and rules so that flowering begonias take root in a new place.

Types and varieties of begonias

Home begonia can be divided into two groups: deciduous and flowering varieties. In deciduous varieties, the color of the leaves is very original, while the shape is rather unusual. And flowering specimens can be divided into evergreen, bushy and tuberous plants.

Popular varieties:

Popular varieties of begonias

Reproduction features

Propagation by seeds is usually carried out at the end of the year, December is the best time for this. The seeds of this flower are sensitive, so substrates cannot be used when planting. After two weeks, the seeds give the first shoots. Shoots dive when growing up and accustom gradually to sunlight.

Begonias can also be grown from cuttings of leaves or stems. To do this, choose a healthy and strong specimen and plant it in moist soil with peat or sand. Phytohormones can be used if you wish to speed up plant growth. And so that the seedling does not begin to rot, you need to plant it in a pot correctly: it should not come into contact with the ground.

Plant care at home

Begonia care after purchase should already be correct.

Soil and lighting

You should be serious about the choice of soil, because it has a fibrous rhizome with an abundance of vulnerable and thin roots. When choosing a soil, looseness and lightness of the soil are taken into account, and also do not forget about a small level of acidity.

The ideal combination for the desired soil composition is part sand to two parts peat, which is mixed with cow dung or leafy soil. When planting in a pot, fill three-quarters of the container with leafy soil, adding equal parts of peat and black soil. Do not forget about the sand, which is also added to these components without fail.

If you follow the correct care for begonia in winter at home, then it will delight you with its bright flowering for a long time.

When the root system becomes crowded in the container, then transplant the plant according to all the rules:

  1. Take out the plant, clean the root system from lumps of old earth.
  2. Place the begonia in a bowl of potassium permanganate.
  3. There, clean the rhizome from moldy and rotten parts.
  4. Pour the prepared soil composition into a new pot, plant a flower there. When the rhizome gets stronger, it will be possible to add another layer of earth.
  5. Water the transplanted plant frequently and regularly, and protect from direct sunlight.

Proper lighting recommended: it should be daylight with scattered rays. It is best to place the flower on the western and eastern windowsills. But direct sunlight should not fall on the bush! Partial shade is best for begonias. In winter, additional lighting is required.

Just remember that begonia does not like changing the brightness of the lighting. The bush may get burned or even not recover from such stress.

Flowering period, watering and fertilizing

At home, this beautiful plant blooms brightly and intensely. But with the right care. From the beginning of spring until the autumn frosts, beautiful flowering can be observed. And in order to prolong the flowering period, you need to remove the female flowers in a timely manner.

In their form, the flowers are similar to carnations, roses, daffodils. When flowering, the bright colors of the petals decorate absolutely any room, raising everyone's mood. If the flower does not bloom, then you need to transplant it into a new soil, or the bush needs rejuvenation.

When watering, consider two main factors: good soil moisture and the absence of stagnant moisture in the pot. In summer, begonias are usually irrigated abundantly, excess water flows out of the drainage. Then you need to remove unnecessary liquid from the pan.

It is recommended to observe the watering regime. Choose the same time for this. In summer, the plant is watered at least once a week, and in the heat - as the soil dries up. In autumn, water less often, and in winter, reduce watering to a minimum - begonias have a dormant period. In the spring, take the bush out of this state with an increased dose of watering. But do not get carried away - the abundance of water causes the appearance of powdery mildew, from which the plant may die.

For irrigation, choose warm and settled water, but boiled water can also be used.. Many types of plants do not appreciate the ingress of water on the foliage and trunk - brown spots can begin to appear from this. This is a clear sign that the delicate plant has been burned by liquid that has fallen on it.

When the first buds appear on the begonia, it becomes clear that the plant needs to be fed. Suitable liquid complex fertilizers. It is administered with water once every two weeks. After the buds have faded, stop the feeding period. In winter it is forbidden to use fertilizers.

Plant protection from diseases and pests

A favorite plant can get sick, start dropping buds and leaves. This may be evidence of improper care and growing errors. He needs to be watched very carefully. With all your attention, look closely at a beautiful flower:

In order for the begonia to repay you with kindness for your care, follow all the rules for caring for it. After all, if you familiarize yourself with all the features of the plant, then there should be no problems with care. The flower, in return, will not only delight you with its blooming appearance: it will purify the surrounding air from toxins, pollution, dust, and chemicals. Therefore, so often it can be found on the windowsills of an apartment or private houses: begonia is able to make its owner's abode safe and clean. Therefore, do not hesitate and do not be afraid of difficulties in care - the plant is perfect for the home.

Attention, only TODAY!

Begonia is perhaps the most common indoor flower.

The advantage of tuberous begonia is long and abundant flowering. Among the representatives of the genus there are plants with double flowers, similar to peonies, carnations or roses.

But how to properly care for tuberous begonia at home?

Planting begonia tubers

All you need to pay attention to before buying tubers is their appearance. Healthy begonia tubers should not have dents, spots, signs of mold. To the touch they are dense, not loose. It is better to buy tubers in March, when awakened buds are visible. You should not buy tubers with regrown stems.

Photo of begonia tubers ready for planting

It is not difficult to grow begonia from a tuber at home, but the composition of the soil must be taken seriously. Begonia grows best in a loose substrate with low acidity. In addition, for better flowering, it needs a fairly nutritious soil. This should be taken into account when compiling the soil mixture.

If the purchased soil does not suit you, then begonia will gladly grow in such a substrate:

Leaf land - part 3;

Peat - 1 part;

Humus - 1 part;

Sand - 1 part.

Fill the pot with soil 2/3, since the lower part should be completely occupied by drainage. For planting tuberous begonias, choose a pot that is not too cramped. The optimal size is when from the edge of the tuber to the sides of the pot 4 cm.

By adhering to the rules for planting tubers, which are presented below, it is easy to grow begonias.

1. Tubers are cleaned from old roots.

2. Disinfect in a solution of potassium permanganate for about 30 minutes.

3. A recess is made in the soil, and the tuber is placed with the kidneys up.

4. Lightly sprinkle with loose substrate, trying not to fill the kidneys.

In the future, caring for tuberous begonia at home comes down to creating comfortable conditions for germination.

The temperature is maintained at 15-20 C. Since the tubers germinate for a very long time, only after two weeks the stems will grow by 5 cm. After that, the earth is poured into the pot, covering the tuber completely. 2-3 stems are left in a young plant, the rest are plucked.

It is possible to transplant a young plant only after the bush is fully formed. At the same time, the volume of the pot is increased by 15 cm. During transplantation, the tuber can be completely immersed in the ground.

How to care for tuberous begonia

First of all, the flower pot must be properly positioned. On this depends its flowering and growth.


Begonia loves bright light, but it needs to be shaded from direct sunlight. It is best to place the pot in a room close to a window or on an east-facing windowsill. On the southern windows, the flower will receive leaf burns.

Begonia does not like growing conditions to change frequently, so the pot with the plant is immediately placed in a permanent place. From a change in the orientation of lighting, leaves and buds fall off.

Temperature regime

Begonia loves heat, so throughout the growing season the temperature is maintained at 20-23 C.

In winter, the temperature is reduced by removing the pot in a cooler place.

Air humidity

Begonia prefers high humidity, but does not tolerate spraying. To increase the humidity around the plants, place bowls of water on the windowsill. It will evaporate, that will be enough. You can also put the pot in a pan with water and expanded clay, but make sure that its bottom does not come into contact with water, otherwise the tuber will rot.

In addition, when caring for tuberous begonia at home, do not forget to ventilate the room, otherwise the plant will shed its leaves. Begonia does not tolerate stagnant air, but drafts are contraindicated for it.

Watering and fertilizing

The flower does not tolerate drought and abundant watering. It is best if the soil dries out sufficiently between waterings.

Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature, trying not to get on the leaves. Do not water begonias with too cold water.

For abundant flowering, begonias are regularly fed with complex fertilizer for flowering houseplants. During the growing season, top dressing is carried out 2 times a month.

Caring for tuberous begonia in winter at home

Begonia blooms for a long time, from early spring to late autumn. Bright flowers regularly appear on the shoots. With the advent of autumn, the plant prepares for a dormant period, flowering stops. What to do with begonia during this period?

First of all, stop feeding, and reduce the irrigation regime. The plant gradually sheds leaves, and its aerial part fades. After that, you can dig up the tuber for storage.

Before storing, the tubers are washed in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried in a ventilated area. Planting material should be stored cool on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the country basement. Before storage, the tubers are placed in a box or bag with holes, sprinkled with sawdust. From time to time, sawdust is moistened with water so that the begonia tubers do not dry out.

How to propagate begonia at home

Begonia is propagated by seeds, cuttings or tuber division.

Seed propagation is a very troublesome task, so it is rarely resorted to. For example, if the variety you like is difficult to get in your area.

Begonia cuttings are the best propagation option. In spring, begonia shoots are cut into cuttings and rooted in a moist substrate. To speed up the process, a greenhouse is built over the cuttings. This will help maintain the required humidity, but remember that the greenhouse needs to be ventilated. Rooting can be considered successful if leaves appear on the apical shoots. As soon as the cuttings get stronger, they are transplanted into a permanent growing pot.

Only an adult plant that is more than 2 years old reproduces by dividing the tubers. In the spring before planting the plant, its tuber is divided into several parts, so that each has developed buds. The place of cuts must be sprinkled with crushed charcoal so that rot does not form. Further, the begonia is looked after as usual.

Difficulties in growing tuberous begonias

Often, beginners in indoor floriculture fail to grow begonias without loss. Often the plant does not bloom at all, sheds leaves or fades. What is the reason?

1. Begonia does not bloom, because the conditions of detention are violated. Flowering is strongly influenced by air humidity, watering regimen and the location of the plant.

2. The flower fades because the pot is located in a sunny place, the soil is too wet, or water has fallen on the leaves during watering.

3. The plant sheds leaves due to improper care. If begonia is grown without a dormant period, then the flower will look dull, shed its leaves.

As you can see, growing tuberous begonia is not difficult, but you still need to make an effort.