Household and professional ways to clean the sewer in a private house. Clean the sewers in a private house with your own hands. Instructions, overview of funds and video instructions How to break through the sewer in the country

From time to time, we all face a problem - blockages in the sewer. Either the drain in the sink stops working, then in the bath, sometimes water is generally everywhere. In this case, you can call a plumber, or you can clean the sewer with your own hands.

Where did the blockage occur?

To choose the right sewer cleaning method, you need to understand where the blockage has formed. To do this, alternately drain the water at all points. If the water does not go somewhere in one place, the siphon is most likely clogged. The second reason is a blockage in the pipe section, before connecting to the main sewer.

If the water does not leave at all, and even overflows from one device to another (you open the water in the sink, it appears in the bathroom or the level in the toilet bowl starts to rise), the common sewer outlet is clogged.

If we are talking about a private house, this is a tap to a septic tank or a cesspool, if about an apartment, this is a plot to a riser or even a sewer riser itself. In the case of a clogged riser in an apartment, there may be an unpleasant situation in general - when the upper floors drain water, due to a plug in the sewer, it is poured into yours, rises in the bathroom, toilet bowl. If the situation is like this - call the plumbers - you can’t do it on your own, you need powerful equipment.

If the sewerage system in a private house is clogged, the first thing to check is whether the pit or septic tank is overflowing. If the level is not above normal, the problem is in the pipes or drain devices.

How to remove pollution in the siphon

The simplest case of a clogged sewer is that only one sink does not drain water. Most often, this problem occurs in the kitchen, a little less often in the bathroom. In this case, cleaning the sewer is the easiest. It is necessary to unwind the siphon, remove the debris there, wash the insides with detergent, and put everything back in place. If this was the reason, the drain should work.


How to disassemble the siphon at the sink, see the photo. The lower part of the siphon is unscrewed - there is a regular thread. Before unscrewing, substitute some kind of container down - a certain amount of water will drain. Removing the lower part, you will see contamination. It is necessary to wash the removed part and clean the one that remained on the sink - there, between the walls, a decent amount of dirt accumulates. We delete everything, we clean it.

Under the bath, the siphon has a different shape. It is more difficult to disassemble, but if you do remove it, you will see a dense plug of hair and various plant residues there.

In order not to remove the siphon, they usually try to get by with mechanical influences. In the picture on the left, you can see what a clogged tub looks like. The main task when removing it is to push the plug further into the pipe so that it goes into the sewer. To do this, they usually use a plunger - this is a rubber nozzle on a wooden or plastic handle.

How to clean without removing

The plunger is pressed tightly against the drain hole, water is poured into the bath / sink. Next, you need to sharply press and lift up the plunger handle, creating water vibrations that break up deposits and push the residue further. In this case, it is desirable that the rubber part of the plunger fits tightly, without cracks, to the surface of the bathtub or sink. Then, when it is separated from the surface (sharply press and pull towards you), a sharp push occurs, which best breaks the cork. This operation must be repeated until the water leaves without problems, forming a funnel. But even in this case, it is still desirable - for prevention - to clean the sewer using any of the fat-dissolving agents described below.

If some members of the family have long hair, clogged tubs are most likely caused by them. Usually the hair clings to the grate, then dirt sticks to them and all this together blocks the flow of water. In this case, you can remove the grate, make a hook from a piece of wire and use it in the drain. Most likely, you will pull out something that looks like a dirty tow. Gradually, you will pull out everything that has accumulated there, it will be possible to wash off the remnants.

Blockage in the corrugation

There is another place in our sewer where blockages most often form. These are corrugated hoses. Their structure is such that it contributes to the accumulation of any debris. If the sink from which the corrugation comes from does not work, first check the siphon, then the corrugation. If everything is clean in them, but the water does not go away, the problem is somewhere further, in the pipes.

The corrugation is attractive because it easily adjusts to any length and is easy to mount / dismantle. So, take it off, clean it, put it in place (you can put a new one in order not to bother with cleaning).

If such "pleasure" does not attract you, you can try. They cope well with almost all pollution, in any case, they are good until everything is completely clogged.

How to clear clogged pipes with home remedies

If it is more or less easy to deal with siphons, everything is much more complicated with pipes. To disassemble them is still a hassle, so few people agree to it. They try to use all available methods - both chemical and mechanical.

Here it must be said that the most reliable mechanical methods are the plunger and the cable. They can deal with a cork of any nature - both fatty and classic blockage due to hair or rags. Chemicals - both homemade and store-bought are more for prevention. If you only have suspicions that the water began to leave a little worse - use chemistry. It will work fine for a while.

If there is already a cork, then after using “fat solvents”, it will simply settle on it, turning it into a monolith. If the water used to somehow leave, then after applying the "chemistry" it can become tight. Removing such a clogged sewer is even more difficult. And then there is only one way out - to clean the sewer with a cable, maybe with special water equipment or "Karcher" if there is one on the farm.

Most often, water does not drain well from the kitchen sink due to the accumulation of fat on the walls of the pipe. It first fills the irregularities on the walls, and then grows, gradually closing all or almost the entire gap. In this case, cleaning the drain means dissolving the grease. If you do it right, the rest of the fragments will go along with it.

On the left - a pipe overgrown with fat

Since fat dissolves better when heated, it is advisable to heat the pipes. If the water leaves even a little, turn on the hot water and just pour it for a while. If the problem is fat, you will notice that the water began to drain better. But don't stop there. If the pipes are not drastically cleaned, after a while the sewer will clog again. So let's continue.

Remove clogs with baking soda and water

As you know, ordinary baking soda dissolves fat well. Therefore, it is logical to use this inexpensive tool. If there is a blockage in the siphon, and you don’t want to remove it, just pour soda into the drain hole (for starters, half a pack), pour boiling water over it. Pour boiling water in a thin stream, together with soda, it will gradually corrode the fatty plug, at the same time other deposits will become softer.

Pour soda deep into the pipe will not work. So this method is effective for plugs that are close to the drain hole. If the problem is further, it is advisable to prepare an aqueous solution of soda. To do this, soda is preheated in a pan.

To get a strong alkaline solution, you need 150 grams of soda (5 tablespoons with a slide) and 200 ml of water. Pour soda into a dry frying pan and heat on the stove for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly. We continue heating until a light smoke rises above the pan - a reaction is underway to convert sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) into sodium carbonate - soda ash. During the reaction, water and carbon dioxide are also formed. The gas escapes, and we observe the evaporation of water in the form of a haze over the pan.

When the soda has become more free-flowing and the release of steam has stopped, set aside the pan and wait about 10-15 minutes until the soda cools down. Then pour water into it (do not pour it right away - you will get a chemical burn) and dissolve the powder. Received a concentrated solution of soda ash. It is poured into the pipe, left for an hour and a half, then spilled with hot water. A fairly effective way to clean the sewer with home remedies.

Baking Soda and Vinegar for Drain Blockages

Everyone knows that if vinegar is poured into soda, a violent reaction begins, which is accompanied by abundant foam formation, the mass increases significantly in volume. The substances formed as a result of the reaction are practically neutral, but it is the reaction with the formation of foam that destroys the blockage. So in this way, you can also clean the sewer.

So, we pour dry soda into the drain hole (at least half a pack), pour vinegar - about 500 ml. To prevent soda from getting stuck on the grate from a piece of thick paper, build something like a funnel, pour soda into it.

When the reaction stops (the hissing in the pipe subsides), take a bucket of boiling water and pour it into the pipes. Should help. If the water is still not draining well enough (no funnel is formed), the treatment can be repeated.

Mechanical methods

We have already talked about the plunger. It can also be used for clogged sewer pipes. It is also desirable to pre-heat the contents of the pipes, pour at least the same soda solution, and then “pump” all this with a plunger. Such a comprehensive measure can clean the sewer even with a serious plug.

How to work with a rope

If a rag, a tuft of hair, or something similar is stuck in the pipe, none of the above methods will work. You will need a special plumbing cable. This is a cable (or flexible steel wire) with a handle on one end and a hook, brush or spiral on the other.

Some cables may have a replaceable nozzle, simpler ones end in one device. The handle is made in such a way that the handle remains stationary, and the cable inside turns.

Using a plumbing cable is not difficult, but it is better to work with an assistant. Put on gloves, dirty clothes and start cleaning the sewer. First, provide access to the sewer pipe. You can remove one of the siphons, and in a private house it is better to provide such a backup point for cleaning sewer pipes when planning a sewer.

The principle of "working with a cable" with a spiral or hook at the end is to hook the cork that clogged the pipe and pull it out. It is unlikely that it will be possible to pull out the whole thing at one time, but in parts it is real.

The cable is unwound, the end is launched into the pipe, they begin to rotate in one direction. The second person at this time pushes the cable through the pipe. If the cable is stuck in some area, you can pull it back a little, then try to push it again (we continue to rotate the handle). This is either another turn of the sewer, into which the end of the cable rested, or a blockage. A couple of times trying to push further, we pull out the cable. If there is a blockage at the end, it was a cork and you are on the right track. We clean the tip, run it into the pipe again and repeat the procedure until the pipe is clean. Not the most pleasant experience, but without this, some blockages simply cannot be removed.

There is another way - to make cable ends with rusty edges. They are able to get through the most difficult and dense blockages. Then the cork will not need to be removed in parts, but it will be possible to crush it and then wash it off. What tips can be made for a plumbing cable - in the video.

Cleaning the toilet with a plastic bottle

If you tried to clean the blockage in the toilet with a plunger, you noticed that this method is ineffective due to the fact that the rubber part does not fit snugly, so the water hardly moves, there is almost no result. There is a more effective, and moreover, cheaper tool - a plastic bottle with a cut off bottom. We take a larger vessel, cut off only the bottom, leave the lid closed.

We bring the cut bottle to the place of the inflection of the toilet bowl, lower it into the water, sharply move it up and down. The movement of water is quite active. In the place of the inflection, “waves” are formed, which break the gradually formed cork. This way to clean the sewer only works if the plug has formed in the kink of the toilet, if somewhere in the pipe, there is only one way out - cleaning with a cable.

First, you can try to break through the drain hole of the toilet, but if it doesn’t work out, you will need to dismantle the toilet and free access to the outlet to the sewer (this is if there is no revision hatch).

If you have cleaned all the pipes in the house, can you breathe easily? Not at all. Everything seems to have been cleaned up - and sinking from sinks, toilets and bathroom work. However, water may slowly disappear or simply stagnate.

What to do in this situation? The problem lies in the blockage, which may be in the sewer pipes, sunbed or elevator.

As a rule, the plug is installed either in one of these elements, or directly in the tube.

If the water from any plumbing does not think to leave, the sewer pipe is probably clogged. If the water supply to the water supply system is too slow, it is likely that the blockage is near the drain hose.

The scheme of coverage in the house.

  1. Fan.
  2. Sewer channel.
  3. Kitchen.
  4. Bathroom.
  5. The lock at this point blocks the separation from the toilet and washbasin.
  6. Washing machine.
  7. Blocking at this point prevents leakage from the sink.
  8. The obstructions prevent the drainage of all plumbing installations on the upper floors.
  9. Solar roof for cleaning sunbathing.
  10. The blocking block blocks the drain for the whole house.

The main methods of cleaning household collectors

Let's look at the key methods that will allow you to treat wastewater.

Chemical cleaning

How to clean the sewer system?

Various chemicals are commonly used for this purpose. However, they do not always succeed. For example, if there is a delay of several months or years, then the chemical effect will simply mix the coarse dirt, but will not eliminate it.

This will cause the water to stagnate after a while.

A simple recipe for wastewater treatment. You need to bake juice (0.5 cup), wine vinegar (1 cup), boiling water (1 liter).

The use of chemical cleaners must be very careful as it is a strong alkali. If it gets on the skin or does not give God's eyes, wash them immediately and consult a doctor immediately.

Of course, children should not let such a shot.

water penetration

Another easy way to clean your sewer pipe is to keep the water under pressure. You can usually do this with a garden hose that connects to a hydrant. If the diameter of the sewer pipes is small enough, this method can be successful.

Removal of sewage water.

The method is very efficient.

A fairy tale about a magic cable and bokeh or how to clean the sewers in a private house

However, never use it after using chemical penetrating agents. Because if the pressurized water doesn't collide with the cork, it will come out, all saturated with chemistry.

Before blowing under pressure, hang the hose with a cloth and insert it firmly into the hose.

Even diluted lye can do a lot of damage, so be careful.

Cleaning channels with wire

Wires, spirals or cables are often used to punch through sewers.

The wire used by hand must be up to 10 meters long.

By the way, there are special automatic devices that use spiral cleaning pipes.

Later we will describe them in the same article.

To prevent blockage when closing, you must remove the plug from the hole you want to clear and insert the wire into it.

Remove the plug from the cleaning hole and use the wire. Bend it in different directions until the lock is broken. Then remove the second plug and try to break the block on the other side. Close the screws, open the water and make sure the blockage can be dealt with.

The clearing hole is usually a short tube that points upwards and ends with a plug.

If the lock is not in the door, the cord must be pressed against the cleaner from the outside. To clean the hose with water, close all plugs.

  1. Unscrew the plug, be careful - the air in the tube can compress it.
  2. Clear the blockage in the main sewer pipe from the trap.
  3. If there is a sealing block or sewer pipe, remove the cleaning plug, close the shutter plug and secure the piston with a high pressure hose.
  4. Cork.
  5. Litter.
  6. In the sewer system of the house.
  7. General sewerage for sewage.
  8. Line.
  9. Plutovinec.
  10. Sewer deck.
  11. Hole cleaning.
  12. Riser.
  13. Tube.
  14. Plutovinec.

When the block is in the deck, you must use the common gate to access it.

Move along the rope to a cleared hole nearby. After cleaning, open the hole and the water supply to the sewer.

Spring wire for cleaning small blockages in the sewer system of the house.

Often there are several cleaning branches in the sewer system.

As a rule, they are located in the basement or concrete ceilings between the floor.

At the bottom of the riser, the hole is cleared, which is ideal for removing blockages in the sewer system.

Unscrew the plug and use the wire or cable. In addition, you can also use a large amount of water from a pipe as an option.

  1. Riser.
  2. Litter.
  3. Sewer pipe.
  4. Hole cleaning.
  5. A pen.
  6. Line.
  7. Plutovinec.
  8. Instead of a stream, you can use a pipe with water.

Often with these bridges to clear access to the sewer that exits the house.

Such openings are usually located somewhere between the sewer or settlement and the house's piping system.

In the house, the cleaning pump is usually located at the very bottom of the riser.

Remove the faucet from the faucet. Be careful - the water that accumulates in the faucet will flow out of the hole. It is advisable to wait until all the water that is clogged due to clogging of the system has run out.

Blockade is punished with wire or rope

Now you can work with the wire and insert it into the hole.

The sleeve looks like a soft and flexible mass that will not allow you to return the wire.

When you encounter resistance, keep turning the wire and push it forward. In this case, you should not press the wire only on the lock - pull it towards you, turn it and push it forward until you succeed.

Sometimes the blockade is easily pulled out of the pipe, especially if it is a soft object like a cloth.

If you can't hit the obstacle, try changing it to a wire accordingly.

Spring wire set for professional cleaning units.

When the blockage is cleared, screw the drain plug back in place, then flush the pipes with water.

You can do this with, for example, running water in a toilet, or simply with a garden hose.

Wire for manual cleaning.

An example of using a cleaning cable with a manual nozzle.

Often a fork from a transparent hole is highly distorted. Take WD40 or regular thread oil and finish the threaded socket properly.

Then take the key and cancel it. Sometimes a small hose can be provided on the wrench, allowing for increased leverage length and hence force.

You don't have to prove your heroic strength, otherwise you can move the fixture of the pipe itself.

The easiest way to unscrew a fork is to cut it with a regular chisel, then press down on the chisel inserted into the notch with a hammer and unscrew the fork.

Another option for cleaning a ventilation or sewer system is to use wire from the roof, as shown in the diagram below.

You can use a wire or rope that is powered directly from the roof of the house to clean the ventilation and drainage lift channels.

  1. Insert the cable into the sewer.
  2. Fan.
  3. Ceiling ceiling.
  4. Sewer channel.
  5. Sewer channel drainage.
  6. Litter.
  7. intermediate floors.
  8. Extension to multiple plumbing installations.
  9. To the sewer channel and cleaning chute.
  10. Possible blockade.

After cleaning the tube, flush the entire system again with a garden hose from the ceiling.

Be sure to check that the water is from the sink or toilet. If so, then the blockade is still in place and the water should be turned off. Use the wire or cable again and try the test tubes.

In a particularly hopeless situation, a piece of pipe is removed to release the blockage.

Unfortunately, sometimes there is no other way to get rid of it. In such a situation, a piece of pipe is cut out to get dirt or some kind of object. Then there is no need to rebuild the pipe section - it is better to do additional cleaning in this area.

Video on using hydrodynamic technology to clean sewer pipes

Domestic sewage is getting clogged worse than ever before.

It is not surprising that while concentrated detergents containing paved substances, as well as fats that constantly accumulate on the walls of the pipe, then fall to the ground again and clog the throats and completely block the pipe.

Video review of sewerage

Learn how to use a specific video camera for seismic blockage analysis and take the necessary steps to remove it.

Wire and rub

As a rule, closing operations begin to use the simplest means.

The elemental of them is the plunger, the correct use of which is described in the corresponding article. If this does not help, a screw is included in the bag or the so-called toilet wire with a handle, which allows you to destroy badly clogged plugs.

If, however, the sewage is so clogged, it is so important that these methods do not help to get into the well and a special nozzle with wire for sewage treatment.

It looks like it.

Cleaning the drain pipe with a wire drill.

This method allows you to completely clear mechanical interlocks.

By the way, this is actually a manual cleaning, which has a special drill for drilling. Thus, you can work with it manually, but the efficiency will of course be much lower.

Use a corded drill.

Offense has no options.

Electric cleaning without drilling

Here, such a model, equipped with an electric motor, provides the same method as described above, but without the need for drilling. Made from compressed aluminium, this tool has an internal drum to which the cable is wound.

The reversible motor with ball bearings provides different speed of rotation. The maximum cable length is 25 meters, which is enough to drain almost all sewer systems.

Electric cable with blades

If tree roots penetrate the canal, then the described methods are not applicable. The method shown in the diagram below will help solve the problem. We are talking about the power cable. It is the most powerful, highly efficient and uncompromising tool available only to the home owner.

Electrical sewerage in action.

It is enough to buy this kit once and easily remove even the most terrible and impenetrable blockade in a house or cottage.

To clean wastewater from tree roots, a blade cable and an electric motor are used, which will turn off all malfunctions.

When the device is turned on, connect the cable to the hose. When the cable breaks, fill the system with water and move the cable in front of you to get rid of blockages.

  1. The blades that change position fit snugly against the pipe walls.
  2. The sharp blades cut through the obstacle.
  3. Drainage curve above ground level.
  4. Litter.
  5. Earth.
  6. The outer wall of the house.
  7. String blades.
  8. in city canals.
  9. Sewer deck.
  10. Sewer channel.
  11. Cable routing on the steering wheel.
  12. Electric drive.
  13. Cable.
  14. Cleaning.

Electric cable with blades for the complete cleaning of sewage at home from any blockages and dirt.

Machine for professional wire cleaning with electric motor.

The model in its functions is similar to the model shown above.

The motor cable allows you to get rid of even the strongest traffic jam, as the blades can eventually cut through all obstacles.

However, this problem often occurs due to the fact that young trees are planted near the sewer pipe, which is strictly not recommended.

Signs of clogging
Circumstances causing clogging
Blockage Prevention and Clearance Methods

Sewerage is one of the best inventions of mankind, which allows you to get rid of sewage and liquid waste without collecting it and taking it out of the house. However, this convenience comes at a price: occasional blockages in the exhaust pipes that prevent the system from functioning properly.

We will describe the cleaning of sewer pipes in a private house below.

Signs of clogging

Evidence that the cleaning time of sewer pipes in a private house:

Usually in summer and autumn, frequent burglaries in private homes are blocked, since during this period water consumption is the highest - mainly due to the preparation of empty parts for winter.

And when washing mushrooms, fruits and vegetables, a large amount of dirt and ruins from them falls directly into the drainage system.

Therefore, at any time and at any other time, it is necessary to have various means and devices for cleaning pipes in a private house.

Circumstances causing clogging

Understanding the causes of blockages in the channel allows not only to reduce the likelihood and frequency of this event, but also to choose the most appropriate means for cleaning sewer pipes in a private house.

In particular, the reasons for the formation of blockages depend on the material in the production of the pipe.

Cast iron pipes

Such products are used in most old houses where the communication elements have not yet changed.

The casting material has many advantages, and especially this material is strong and has the characteristics of noise prevention, which allows the most effective cleaning of the channels.

However, the disadvantage is extremely important: the alloy is susceptible to corrosion. As a result of the gradual destruction of iron on the inner surface of the pipe and so rough, even more irregularities are formed, which are deposited during the operation of grease, debris and other foreign inclusions, redirecting water.

After some time, the amount of precipitation becomes critical and stops.

The very difficult cleaning of such products and the fact that it is impossible to determine exactly where the plug has been formed.

Most often, he is a commander who thinks about how to clean sewer pipes in a private house, paying attention to the following gas pipelines:

  • part of the communication between discharges in the kitchen and bathroom;
  • Interval, including the length of the pipe from the toilet to the elevator.

plastic pipes

The inner surface of the macromolecular joints of the tube is very smooth, it is difficult to accumulate grease in it, but it is still the owner of the sewer system, looking like a private sewer workshop from time to time.

In most cases, pipes in plastic pipes (as a rule, their material is polypropylene or polyethylene) are due to errors in the installation of the pipeline.

What kind of wastewater treatment in a private house

In particular, homeowners sometimes ignore the need to keep plumbing pipes on one pipe.

Blocks of main ingredients

Regardless of the materials used to make pipes, the most important cause of congestion and traffic searches, such as sewer pipe cleaning in a private home, is household grease.

During the washing of the container or after the wastewater leaks into the sink, due to its viscosity, it is retained and held inside the pipe. In the fat layer, dirt, dirt, sand, hair and other particles begin to become contaminated, leading to the formation of a plug without proper cleaning.

Blockage Prevention and Clearance Methods

Cleaning the tube is not always inevitable, sometimes it can be prevented due to traffic jams or it can be delayed as late as possible.

How to deal with fat dams

The above has already been mentioned that the main reason for blocking fat; therefore, future blockage in the sewer system can be prevented or reduced.

This result can be achieved by installing a lubricant paste (or lubricant trap), a grease separator.

Devices are divided into industrial and household and consist of two compartments:

  1. In the first part, liquid waste is filtered and mechanical impurities are removed;
  2. In the second case, the separation of fats occurs, and then the processed waste enters the sewer system.

The installation of the separator takes place under the sink, and it is not difficult.

A quick way to get rid of traffic jams

If there is still a blockage in the pipes, before you clean the sewer pipe with expensive tools, you can try two simple and effective folk methods.

In any case, you must first turn off the tap and wipe the dish dry, and then:

  1. The first way is to carefully and slowly pour boiling water into the drain hole.

    If the water in the pipe disappears at an increasing rate, the measure should be continued until the rate reaches normal levels.

  2. Another way is to prepare something in advance to connect the sink, fill half a glass of soda into the pipe, then add the same amount of vinegar and a quick-release screw; After a while, remove the plug, you must put a hose with hot water.

Use of household chemicals

Before using any product on the market, protect your skin and respiratory system with protective gloves, a respirator and goggles.

In addition, fresh air must enter the room.

The pipe cleaning tool is divided into acidic and alkaline, and does not mix them during use. It is also not recommended to use two different substances at the same time.

Among the most popular songs:

  • "Krtika";
  • "Pothan";
  • Sanford
  • "Mr Muscle";
  • Domestos.

Each of these substances has instructions for use, but in general the procedure is as follows:

  1. The required amount of substance is poured into the drain tube or closed.
  2. Add about 0.5 liters of hot water, plug the hole occasionally.
  3. Let the ingredient stand for about 15 minutes, then rinse the contour with some kind of bucket of water.

Sometimes the chemical method does not give the expected result; In this situation, you need to know how to break through sewage in a private house in other ways (also read "How to break a hose in the kitchen - choose the best cleaning method").

mechanical method

In this case, the pipes are filled with boiling water and cleared by their typical displacement of the vent. If the result is not satisfactory the first time, you can repeat the action until it is completely cleared. Also read: "How to clear a print stop - cleaning methods and rules."

Hydrodynamic method

To clean these methods in a pressurized pipe, water jet.

Depending on your existing equipment, you can use a mini machine insert (for items with a diameter of 50-300 mm), different pumps, or professional cleaners with different nozzle sizes. Also read: "How telescanning of sewer pipes works, diagnostic rules."

Cable use

Plumbing cable is a twisted wire.

To use it properly, remove the siphon from the sink and hold the wire with one hand for a special ring or loop designed to insert the free end into the hose.

After the motions are rotated, the cable moves forward along the link element, periodically scraping and clearing the dirt.

At the end of the process, rinse the tubes with hot water.

Chemistry for cesspools and toilets, choosing drugs

1. Assortment of chemicals for cesspools
2. The use of biological products for cesspools
3. Chemical preparations for cesspools

Sewer systems in a private house require constant care, otherwise the cesspool may become clogged.

If a similar problem arose, you should not use the first improvised means to solve it. For many years, in many foreign countries, live bacteria intended for wastewater treatment and chemicals for cleaning cesspools have been used to clean septic tanks.

Assortment of chemicals for cesspools

Biological preparations for cesspools are products consisting of organic microorganisms that actively react with organic types of waste (in more detail: “Biopreparations for cesspools - we choose the right cleaning agents”).

Such preparations for sewage sumps incorporate a complex of living bacteria that process feces and beneficial enzymes.

They are sensitive to compounds such as:

  • aldehydes;
  • alkalis;
  • phenols;
  • acids;
  • chlorides.

Bioactivators convert sewage into a mass that is safe for people and the environment.

From the waste, high-quality organic fertilizer is obtained, which can be used, for example, to care for the garden.

Chemical preparations for cesspools and biological preparations are widely used for the treatment of effluents that are formed in the course of human household activities.

The use of biological products for cesspools

Biological preparations for outdoor toilets can be used when the air temperature is from 4 to 30 degrees Celsius.

In the cold season, chemicals are used for cesspools, but many of them can cause significant environmental damage. Therefore, in recent years, many homeowners and summer residents prefer strains of live bacteria, if the temperature regime allows (read: "Means for cleaning latrines and toilets, we choose the most effective").

Bioactivators are used for street toilets, septic tanks and pits in order to decompose waste - the results of human life (read: "Septic tank for a toilet - device options").

They effectively solve the problem of waste disposal and maintaining ecological balance.

Biological agents allow:

  • prevent the reproduction of pathogenic organisms;
  • deal with unpleasant odors;
  • prevent the formation of toxic fumes and gases.

They do not irritate the mucous membranes of human organs and the skin of the hands.

Of the biological products for cesspools, Dr. Robik has proven itself well, the packaging of which is in the photo.

It is a potent and highly effective mixture of 6 types of bacterial strains, specially designed for the disposal of sewage and waste that are not destroyed by biological agents (read also: "Means for sewer pits - how and what is better to clean").

These microorganisms are able to utilize detergents, fats, phenols, etc. The use of this tool allows you to reduce the number of calls to sewage equipment, eliminate stench and increase the degree of disposal of solid particles in drains.

Biological products such as Dr. Robik have the following advantages:

  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to household chemicals;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • efficient processing of various organics, feces, paper, fats;
  • absolute safety for people, plants and animals;
  • the need for the services of vacuum cleaners is reduced.

When biological preparations and chemicals for toilets and cesspools are used, the contents of the package are diluted in water poured into a bucket and poured into a sump or the product from the bag is poured into the toilet and flushed several times.

Bioactivators are divided into biopowders and biopreparations.

The first of these are non-toxic compounds consisting of enzymes and microorganisms that significantly accelerate the decomposition of sewage.

The use of bioactivators increases the rate of natural cleaning. Due to this, organic substances in wastewater break down into gas, water and sediment. Silt does not accumulate so quickly, and the septic tank will have to be cleaned no more than 3 times during the year.
Bioactivators are also produced in the form of granules.

If they are in the form of tablets, they are placed in the toilet and the chemical is released into the cesspool while in an active state. Today, many manufacturers are working to expand the scope of their application in terms of primary treatment. Biopurification allows to penetrate into the layers of fibers and as a result, complex organics are converted into simple compounds that form a mineral sediment.

How to clean the sewer at home

These deposits are colonized by living bacteria over time. The output is water and carbon dioxide.

Today, scientists have managed to realize such an idea as the cultivation of microorganisms that can naturally process wastewater.

Pit latrine fluids are also commercially available, such as the biologic Waste Treat.

This is an ecologically safe complex, which includes 6 anaerobic bacteria cultures that quickly process feces and household waste in cesspools and in all types of septic tanks.

This drug also eliminates stench.

This fluid:

  • completely cleans the drainage system laid to the drain pit;
  • destroys bad smell;
  • cleans outdoor toilets and septic tanks;
  • reduces the amount of runoff and waste in cesspools.

A septic tank is an individual treatment facility designed to treat household and household wastewater coming from private households where there is no central sewage system.

In the process of functioning in sewer septic facilities, the method of gravitational settling and biological treatment using biological products is used.

Septic tanks have a daily capacity of 2-12 m³. Waste liquids are in it for about three days, and at this time the precipitate is compacted and at the same time undergoes aerobic decomposition. This treatment plant has a sealed housing, which consists of three chambers.

Waste water enters the septic tank by gravity.

Cesspool chemicals

Currently, not only bio-preparations are widely used for cleaning pits, but also chemicals for the latrine toilet. The latter funds are produced mainly in a powdered state. They excel in wastewater treatment and waste disposal in composts and toilets, freeing sewer pipes from grease deposits.

Cleaning a cesspool with chemicals has a number of advantages, since chemicals:

  • have the ability to function effectively at any temperature;
  • not afraid of aggressive impurities, hard water.

In the same time:

  • their use negatively affects the state of the environment and the sewerage system as a whole;
  • metal elements used in the construction of treatment facilities are destroyed.

To clean sewage, the following chemicals are used for cesspools:

  • Formaldehyde is the cheapest chemical agent for household and household waste settlers.

    Even 5-10 years ago it was widely used everywhere. But then it was proved that this remedy is very toxic and has a high degree of carcinogenicity. To date, formaldehyde has been discontinued;

  • nitrate oxidizers - are nothing more than nitrogen fertilizers. They are used to clean street toilets and sewer cesspools. They are environmentally friendly and consist of surfactants that dilute organic effluents and waste.

    Nitrate oxidizers have an increased detergency, and their effectiveness is not affected by the presence of detergents in the waste liquid;

  • ammonium compounds - are considered excellent disinfectants that process feces. They are also effective in terms of waste decomposition. This chemical for cesspools eliminates unpleasant odors and accelerates the decomposition of waste into components.

    But ammonium compounds work worse in the presence of detergents in the drains and are ineffective in aggressive environments. It is also important that the impact on the environment of ammonium compounds has not been thoroughly studied. If they are used for a cesspool, you must be extremely careful when cleaning it. It is advisable to drain this waste into specially equipped ditches, and it would be best to use the services of sewers.

You need to know that none of the modern chemicals can turn feces into compost.

How and with what to clean sewer pipes in a private house - methods and methods from an experienced master

Sewer cleaning in a private house

Many cottage owners periodically experience problems in the drain system. The first warning signs of impending trouble may be a decrease in the throughput of engineering communications.

Often there are unpleasant odors, indicating the appearance of silt deposits. Sometimes in the early stages, cleaning the sewer in a private house on its own can help. A standard plunger and a certain amount of perseverance and hard work can sometimes work wonders. Unfortunately, often only the intervention of professionals who have the appropriate knowledge base and are equipped with specialized equipment is required.

Technological features

It must be said right away that a ready action plan appears only after an assessment of the situation on the spot.

Dozens of nuances are taken into account. Specialists evaluate the design features of the system, the diameter of the pipes and slopes, allowing to determine the real state of affairs. The following information will help you understand how the elimination of blockages in a house or cottage is carried out by specialists:

  • Video diagnostics will help to understand the current situation, to determine the causes of blockage.
  • It is extremely rare that a chemical method is used, involving the use of special agents.
  • Until now, the time-tested mechanical method, which uses a cable, justifies itself.

    This workflow is automated in many cases, allowing you not only to fix the current problem, but also to prevent its occurrence in the near future.

  • Special attention deserves hydrodynamic cleaning, which has proven its effectiveness in practice. With its help, you can deal with especially complex, neglected blockages.

Simple Prevention

Always use protective nets to prevent large particles of food waste, debris from entering the pipes.

If possible, install a dispenser in the kitchen. Periodically use sparing products that can remove at least part of the plaque accumulated in the system. If trouble does happen, calling the emergency service remains the only reasonable way out. Call the dispatcher and describe the situation in detail. The more details you provide, the better prepared the field team will be. The cost of the service depends on the time spent, the level of complexity of the work and the location of the cottage.

Do not forget that the best method of prevention than the competent laying of engineering communications when building your own home has not yet been invented. Try to comply with building codes and tolerances when building your home.

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Our advantages

  • We work in Moscow and the Moscow region!
  • We have affordable prices in Moscow and the Moscow Region!
  • Work of any complexity!
  • We use only certified equipment by the Firm - rothenberger, preus, ridgid, rioned.
  • We work on cash and non-cash payments
  • We are happy to provide a free phone consultation 24 hours a day.
  • We are professionals in our field (All our specialists have SRO approval)
  • Warranty and quality
  • Individual approach to each client
  • We will not leave the site until we are sure that the removal of blockages in the pipes has been carried out flawlessly and the sewer system will function without interruption.

Sewer clogging occurs even with the most careful use. This is a big nuisance to cope with which is sometimes not very easy. The sewer system is a pipeline running from taps and a toilet bowl to a drain pit. There are many ways to prevent clogging, but it’s still better to try to avoid such situations. Let's look at what causes blockages in pipes, how to clean pipes, what are the most effective ways.

Causes of clogged pipes

The cause of any blockage is the accumulation of foreign substances in a particular place. They block the passage of water. The most common sources of such cases are:

  • paper - toilet paper does not cause clogging very often, it is quite soft and dissolves in water, we are talking about newsprint, it gathers in a lump at the places where the pipes turn or before the toilet is released;
  • rags - these items end up in the sewer system when emptying buckets or basins after cleaning the room or when the machine is directly drained into the toilet - compressed fibers can tightly clog the drain;
  • wool and hair are a common cause of clogged pipes under showers and bathtubs;
  • sand and earth particles - they end up in the system after washing shoes or animal paws, these substances are collected in a siphon;
  • fat - not only after washing dishes, fat ends up in the pipes, clogging the sewer, I mean soap containing some amount of fat, fat deposits most often form in the knees, in these places the drained water stays for some time and the fat is deposited on the walls of the sewer pipes.

There are many more reasons for clogging the sewer system, but this is if we talk about high-rise apartment buildings, whose residents often dispose of food waste, cat litter and similar things down the drain. In private homes, the attitude towards plums is more reverent. Therefore, these reasons are the most common in a private home.

How to clean a blockage in pipes at home, the necessary tools and devices

Finding out the cause of the blockage, especially if it occurred against the background of a relatively stable operation of the sewer, is not difficult. It is enough to find out from each family member whether any actions have been taken in relation to the toilet bowl? Is there a large amount of toilet paper, or a sponge, or any other object? As a rule, the answer will clarify everything.

If the water passes for a long time with effort, for a long time, and the rest of the plumbing fixtures work properly, then the blockage has occurred specifically at the place of the siphon, knees or the release of this plumbing item. Gradually settling substances, grease, food leftovers after washing dishes slowly but steadily worsen the quality of water waste, clogging the drain.

If the blockage happened unexpectedly without objective reasons, you can find out the place of localization using plumbing fixtures. See which item reduced the quality of throughput and look for the cause in this place.

Ways to eliminate blockages

At the moment, there are many effective and efficient ways to eliminate blockage. From old-fashioned methods using soda, to using the latest in household chemicals for cleaning pipes.

Even though the sewer system will be equipped with special filters, it is not always possible to avoid blockage. Perhaps, at least once in a lifetime, but everyone faced a similar problem. Do not despair. There are three main ways to eliminate blockage and knowledge of the theory will help to apply the methods in practice, to eliminate blockage even before a serious compaction of substances in the pipe.

Here are the options:

  • chemical method using special household chemicals;
  • mechanical method using fixtures and tools;
  • hydrodynamic method using high water pressure.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular options.

Chemical ways to eliminate blockage

The use of modern chemicals allows you to quickly and effectively cope with a large number of blockages. In stores you can see a huge assortment of goods, such that without outside help you can not figure it out. Funds are sold in various forms:

  • liquid;
  • gel-like;
  • granulated;
  • powdered.

The similarity between all these forms is in the main component - each product is based on caustic soda. Thanks to the substance, you can easily dissolve grease, adhesion of small debris, deposits of organic origin.

This method of removing blockage is considered very fast. Chemical ingredients, spreading through the sewer system, envelop the inner surface of the pipes and break down organic deposits. So when trying to clear a blockage in the pipes, you should give preference to liquid products. Solids and powders act on deposits or blockages fragmentarily and only partially remove accumulations. It is pointless to chase a brand when buying such a product; caustic soda equally effectively fights blockages in a product from any manufacturer.

When buying a product, pay attention not to the price, but to the consistency.

But it should be understood that not all pipes can withstand the aggressive effects of chemicals. Depending on the material from which the pipes are made, you should also buy a product. Caustic soda should be used judiciously so as not to harm the integrity of the pipes and human health.

There are strict rules when using household chemicals:

  • to avoid a serious chemical burn, you can work with drugs only with gloves;
  • it is highly desirable to use a respirator to protect the respiratory organs from toxic fumes.

You can use chemicals to remove blockages and to prevent their occurrence. For example, when using drugs every ten days, you can completely protect the sewer system from blockages. Fats simply will not be able to have time to be deposited and accumulated, retain other debris and bunch up.

Mechanical ways to eliminate blockage

Mechanical methods of clogging are carried out with the help of some devices or objects. Consider the most popular options:

  • if you know exactly what caused the “sharp” blockage, you can get the item with your hands, protecting them with rubber gloves, if there are no gloves, put on plastic bags;
  • if you fail to get the object with your hands, you can use a hard wire with a curved end in the form of a hook;
  • with the help of a plunger, hydraulic shocks can push the blockage out of the narrowest area;
  • a plastic bottle can replace a plunger if one is not available.

If mechanical methods were not effective, a chemical method is used.

How to effectively deal with a blockage in the pipes in the bathroom at home

Clogged bathrooms can be caused by clumps of hair, soap residue, dirt, animal hair, and the like. Clogging in this case occurs gradually: at first, the water leaves more slowly, then badly, and as a result, it may not pass at all. This can cause big trouble. But before calling a specialist, you should try to eliminate the blockage in the pipes yourself.

As a rule, at home, an effective remedy for eliminating a clogged fragment of the system is a plunger. This device is effective only when cleaning the bath. The troubleshooting algorithm is as follows:

  • so that during the operation of the plunger the water pressure does not decrease, the overflow hole is clogged and water is drawn;
  • it is necessary to place the plunger over the drain hole and press rhythmically to create high pressure, the plunger is removed sharply, this causes the lump that has gone astray - the cause of the blockage - to move and cease to be a monolithic mass;
  • if there are no changes, it is recommended to pour boiling water into the drain pipe and after a short time repeat the steps with the plunger again.

As a rule, such manipulations will help to influence the blockage and eliminate it without resorting to a plumber. Using boiling water will ensure that the blockage is broken.

There are other options for removing blockage in the bathroom. They need to be known in order to influence an unpleasant situation in a timely and effective manner.

No less effective is the use of a plumbing cable: it is a thick, rigid wire with a spiral. The tool is used as follows:

  • a bucket or any other tank should be placed directly under the siphon;
  • carefully dismantle the siphon and inspect it if it is clogged with debris, clean it if necessary;
  • install the siphon in place;
  • if nothing has changed, and the water also leaves slowly or does not pass at all, then pipe cleaning is required;
  • the siphon is removed again and the plumbing cable is immersed in the pipe;
  • as soon as the cable rests against something that has resisted, turn the tool to the right and jerk, pull out the device and clean the debris from the end of the cable;
  • no need to act with force, otherwise the fixture may break in the system or spoil the integrity of the pipes.

Plastic pipes should be cleaned very carefully, as there is a risk of damage to them.

How to clean a blockage in the pipes in the kitchen at home

You can clean the clogged pipes in the kitchen in any of the following ways. And you can use folk methods that give an effect. Here is some of them:

  • The use of soda and vinegar is a simple, economical and effective option: they take equal amounts of soda and vinegar, pour soda into the drain hole, pour vinegar on top, close the hole for a couple of hours, after this time hot water must be poured into the drain hole. This is an inexpensive way that will clear the blockage and not damage the structure of the pipes. This method can also be used to prevent blockages in the future.
  • Heat soda in a dry frying pan for about twenty minutes, cool and dissolve in water, pour into a pipe. In terms of effectiveness, this method is comparable to a chemical pipe cleaner, but having the same effect, it is gentle.
  • Using lemon is a safe and reliable option for clearing blockages. Squeeze the juice of one lemon or pour a bag of lemon juice into the drain hole.
  • A concentrated saline solution also helps to remove foreign matter from the pipes, in this method it is preferable to use a plunger.

How to clean the blockage in the pipes at home and not spoil them

Trying to eliminate the blockage, it should be remembered that the irrational use of chemicals can cause the failure of plumbing equipment. The use of funds without taking into account the characteristics of the pipes, their material, can damage the structures. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a household chemical substance to eliminate blockage, taking into account the material from which the system is made and the type of blockage. Metal or cast iron pipes clog faster, corrode and easily accumulate deposits on the walls. Plastic pipes clog less frequently and are easier to clear. Plunger or chemicals effectively clean this kind of pipe. Mechanical or chemical methods are more suitable for metal pipes.

Cleaning plastic pipes

Due to their smooth inner surface, plastic pipes are less likely to clog than cast iron pipes. But if a blockage occurs, then with a high probability it is either a bend or a turn in the system. You can clean this type of pipe using chemicals designed for plastic. In general, pipe cleaners have already been listed, summing up, we can say that the blockage is eliminated as follows:

  • special chemical preparations, often with a bad result of one, another remedy is used, and it gives a result;
  • folk ways;
  • plunger;
  • mechanical means - extremely carefully.

Blockage Prevention

To avoid blockages, preventive maintenance should be carried out systematically. A set of preventive actions will help to avoid the troubles associated with clogged pipes and the elimination of the defect. It is recommended to install special traps - filters and fine-mesh nets. All bends, elbows and joints should be equipped with inspection hatches and holes to monitor the condition of the pipes.

For prevention, the system is periodically washed with boiling water, solutions of soda and vinegar. Care should be taken to ensure that large particles of debris do not enter the sewer system along with water. The implementation of such simple measures will allow you to keep the sewer system in order.

If you still have questions about how to fix the blockage yourself, watch the video on how to clean the sewer at home and feel free to start troubleshooting. To do this work yourself is quite affordable.

Sewerage is an integral and very important part of any modern house, both multi-apartment and private. Due to constant use, there is always a risk of blockage in it.

Of course, the occurrence of an unpleasant situation can be prevented, but there are no absolute methods and guarantees. Therefore, it is always important to know how to clean sewer pipes in a private house and what tools will be required for this.

Preventing a problem is always easier, and often cheaper, than fixing it, this is clear to many. And problems with sewerage in a private house are no exception. Prevention measures will minimize the likelihood of pipe clogging if they are carried out regularly and systematically.

A significant problem can often be created by the very search for the place where the trouble occurred. This can be a difficult task for a non-specialist.

Usually, pipes do not clog immediately, but debris accumulates gradually. It accumulates in the pipe, interfering with the free passage of water. Respectively The main symptom of clogging is poor water flow..

Method number 3 - chemicals

The chemical cleaning method is rather preventive or final after cleaning in another way to consolidate the result.

However, for health safety and to prevent any damage, a number of rules and precautions must be observed:

  1. Due to the specifics of the composition, various means can harm the communications themselves. This must be taken into account when choosing a tool for a particular type of pipe.
  2. Be sure to follow the necessary precautions when working, they are usually written directly on the packaging of chemicals, because many of them can have toxic fumes.
  3. Eliminate blockages in a well-ventilated area.

When buying plumbing chemicals in a store, be sure to carefully read the instructions: the amount of the product prescribed for dosage is poured into the drain.

Then, after the time specified in the instructions, the drain is washed with a strong stream of water. It can be either cold or warm - depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.

In no case should different ones be mixed with each other, since the consequences of this can be completely unpredictable.

Method number 4 - hydrodynamic cleaning

If it is not possible to cope with the blockage of the sewer pipe by any method, it remains to resort to the latter, more radical - hydrodynamic. It involves removing the blockage with a jet of water under high pressure.

If all means have been tried, but there is still no result, then it remains to resort to hydrodynamic cleaning of clogged pipes. Just keep in mind that this procedure is not cheap, and only specialists can perform it.

Prevention and prevention of blockages

Currently, there are many different methods for effectively dealing with garbage plugs. But it is more important not to start the situation and not bring the sewer to a state of blockage.

Any technical equipment and any communications need care and timely prevention, sewer pipes are no exception.

It is enough to follow the usual and accessible, but effective rules:

  1. Do not dispose of substances that do not dissolve well into the sewer. They belong in the trash can, not in the pipes.
  2. When installing sewer pipes, it is necessary to make them at a small angle, and large angles should also be avoided, since blockages can accumulate in them.
  3. At least once a week, and preferably more often, it is necessary to flush the sewer drains with boiling water for several minutes.
  4. In the drains, it is necessary to install special grates that will not allow debris to enter the pipeline and clog it. It is easier to clean the grate itself than to pull the waste out of the pipe.
  5. Never leave small objects in the immediate vicinity of the drain, as well as bags or rags - they can easily end up in the pipe and cause serious problems for you.

When carrying out repair or construction work in the house, pay double attention to the issues of drainage.

It is necessary to regularly clean the walls of the pipes from the layer of grease and other dirt accumulated in them. It is important to monitor very carefully so that foreign objects and household debris do not get into them. For example, peeling vegetables, plastic bags, cloth

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

You can learn how to properly use a plumbing cable in the following video:

Following a few simple rules and precautions will minimize the risk of clogging in your sewer system, wear and tear, chemical damage, and generally extend its life.

By preventing clogs and avoiding time-consuming clean-up operations, you can save not only a lot of time, but also money.

And which one do you use? Please tell us about it in the comment block. There you have the opportunity to ask questions of interest on the topic of the article, and we will try to answer them promptly.

Sewer blockages can cause many problems for homeowners. As a rule, it is much more difficult for them to cope with pipe blockages than for residents of city apartments. Today, there are several ways to help get rid of this problem. However, first it is important to find out the causes of blockages.

The main signs of blockages in the sewer system are:

  • slowing down the flow of water in the bathroom, washbasin;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the sewer hole;
  • the appearance of "stagnant" water in the sink.

Timely cleaning of pipes will help to cope with these problems. The simplest cleaning method is chemical. It consists in the use of special chemicals that break down grease and dirt. If this method does not bring tangible results, then it is worth resorting to mechanical removal of blockages. In this case, a plunger or plumbing cable is used. It is worth noting that this method will be most relevant if a foreign object has entered the pipes.

However, with complex blockages, the only right solution will be the help of a professional. One of the key activities of the company Hydro Clean is cleaning and removing blockages of sewers in the house, which is available to everyone. When cleaning pipes, experienced specialists use high-quality, modern equipment and advanced methods. The most effective is the hydrodynamic method of pipe cleaning. In addition, experienced specialists will talk about the rules for the proper use of the sewer system, which will help prevent repeated blockages.