Free project of a house from a bar. Free project of a house from a bar Project of a house 6 6 from a bar

The catalog contains popular projects of houses made of 6x6 timber with a description of the configuration. For each option there is a photo, the price of turnkey construction and shrinkage. The cost is calculated for buildings made of profiled timber of different thicknesses.

Overview of projects offered by "ProfDom 53"

Modern houses made of 6x6 timber with classic pitched, asymmetrical and complex roofs, a built-in and adjoining entrance group, with a usable area from 36 to 75 sq.m. offered at a price of 240,000 rubles. Model range includes:

  • One-story: compact buildings are suitable for a comfortable stay of 1 person or a family of 2 people who prefer comfortable housing without frills. The internal layout allows you to arrange everything you need for life outside the city. Projects from a bar of 100 * 150 mm are often chosen as an option for arranging summer cottages.
  • With an attic floor: a sought-after type of housing, since it is economical to operate than a house with a full second floor, more comfortable than one-story houses. They are for those who seek to combine practicality and comfort.
  • Two-storey: large houses with a second light are suitable for families of 3-4 people. The abundance of sunlight allows you to save on lighting, heating. From the windows of the second floor it is pleasant to view the surroundings, to wake up from the gentle rays of the sun.

The alternativeness of numerous projects allows you to make the best choice, taking into account the behavioral habits and wishes of each family member.

Call, write, sign up for a consultation to find out what opportunities a production and construction company provides for Russians who decide to settle in a suburban or village zone of the central and northwestern federal district.

Building a cottage from scratch is a laborious and costly process. The prices of houses made of timber 6 by 6 may change already during construction, if you entrust the preparation of the project to amateurs. The technical documentation should indicate everything "from" and "to" in order to avoid high financial losses. Often people have to postpone construction, and the object turns into a “long-term construction” just because of the lack of a professional technical plan.

The Vybor company will create a turnkey 6x6 log house within a pre-agreed time frame, without additional financial losses. Our team has been making the dreams of our clients come true since 2005 and creating high quality wooden houses that are not afraid of harsh winters and precipitation.

You win when buying a finished project

Creating an atypical plan is a risk. An engineer can make gross mistakes, which will violate the construction technology and lead to rapid deterioration of the structure.

Let's take a closer look at what bonuses you get when you purchase a drawing of a house from a 6 * 6 timber:

  • You can start building a house on the land the next day. If you develop a technical plan from scratch, it can take several months, taking into account changes.
  • Layouts are designed by experts and 100% meet the needs of customers. Therefore, you do not have to “puzzle your head” for a long time and think about what area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe children's room or living room will be optimal.
  • The location of all communications is taken into account in advance: electrical wiring, water supply, heating, gas supply.
  • The cost of a standard plan is 2-3 times cheaper than with an individual development.

All options for a log house are presented in the electronic catalog on our website. Vybor experts use only strong, durable, environmentally friendly materials with certificates of conformity and quality assurance. You can consult with an expert in advance, learn more about the layouts and conditions of cooperation by phone during business hours.

If you are planning to build in the city or on a garden, saving space on the site becomes one of the key tasks. Will help solve it. Such houses take up little space, but with the right approach to construction, they are very comfortable. This is a great option for a narrow area or a site with difficult terrain, where it is difficult to choose a large flat area for the foundation.

How to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house 6 by 6

  • Choose a project of a 1.5- or 2-story house. If savings are in the first place, then a project with an attic is suitable, which reduces the cost of building materials.
  • Think carefully about your layout. By abandoning the corridors, you will increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. It is better to divide the space into zones with furniture and light partitions.
  • Divide the building into active and passive parts. The active zone is the living room and kitchen, the passive one includes the bedrooms. The kitchen can be combined with the living room, this will help not only add volume, but also reduce the length of communications.

Timber houses 6 by 6 primarily intended for summer residence of a small family. However, with appropriate wall insulation, you may well live in it in the winter.

Projects of houses 6 by 6 in "Brusovye tekhnologii"

We offer projects of houses from a bar 6 by 6 created by our experts. All projects are designed specifically for wooden construction, meet building codes and requirements, and are adapted for construction in the central zone of the Russian Federation. To simplify the choice, we have prepared detailed project descriptions, sketches and planning solutions.

Brusovye Tekhnologii is a construction company, not a design company. The price indicated in the catalog includes the cost of the project itself and the cost of building with our lumber.

If necessary, we are ready to finalize the project you have chosen: move windows, change the layout, increase the area. All improvements are discussed individually and paid separately. Some of them, such as moving doors and windows, we are ready to do for free.

Private housing construction is superior in number to multi-storey construction. Often chooses houses from a bar 6 by 6. This is due to the desire to live in environmentally friendly conditions. Therefore, more often land owners choose cleaner building materials. This includes profiled timber. It is made from solid wood. Coniferous species are selected - pine, spruce, larch, cedar. Each of them has its own characteristics. The type of wood you choose depends on the climate. The buildings have good energy properties and are able to keep the temperature, so they are comfortable in winter. The heat stays for a long time. Glued material is worse in quality and inferior to whole-cut raw materials. It does not meet customer requirements.

House layout 6x6

Projects with such dimensions are popular, the parameters are average. In this embodiment, it is easy to provide several rooms and utility rooms. You can organize a terrace near the object, creating additional space for relaxation.

The comfort of the owners depends on the planning of the internal space. Our company designs a usable area. Our solutions include the required household pantries, boiler rooms (if necessary) and rooms for receiving guests. We manufacture turnkey buildings:

  • interior and exterior finishing,
  • piping, sewerage, electricity and heating,
  • installation of plumbing equipment,
  • purchase of furniture.

You can choose the roof of your choice. Prices for a one-story building 6x6 are democratic.

Our masters will come to the place and, having decided on the dimensions, will calculate the amount. The estimate will be in the hands of the customer quickly.

Call us at the office. We will answer your questions. Check out the gallery for a quote. Here is the approximate cost of each option.