Scandinavian runes meaning description. Fortune telling on Scandinavian runes: what are the ancient symbols trying to tell us? Non-alphabetic runes in magic

Runes are the ancient Germanic alphabet. It has been used since the 1st century. In some provinces, it ceased to be used only in the 19th century. Runic writing was common in Northern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula, in Asia Minor. Archaeologists have found more than 5,000 runic inscriptions. The word "rune" itself comes from the Gothic runa - a secret or the Old German runen - mysteriously whisper. The title itself already has a meaning. Runes are not only icons for writing texts, but also magical signs used as amulets both independently and in combinations called staves. We will tell about the interpretation of runes and the most useful combinations.

Endowing runes with extraordinary properties is not a modern trend. Mention of the extraordinary properties of runic symbols can be found in sources dating back to the 1st century BC. Tacitus in his work spoke about the process of divination on sticks, on which symbols are applied. The head of the family or the priest, having prayed, would draw out three dice. What was written on them was interpreted depending on the carved signs. These were runic signs for divination.

In the Elder Edda, the runes are described as amulets that protect against disease, danger and lies.

In the XIX - XX centuries. Guido von List, a German occultist, gave the runes a modern sound. To do this, he somewhat modified the Scandinavian runes. This alphabet of symbols was called the Armanic Futhark and is still used for divination.

In the modern world, runes are a means for predicting fate, for giving ordinary objects a magical property, and are used as a talisman. Runes or becoming can be applied to any object on their own, worn as a pendant, tattooed on the body.

Each rune, according to Siegfried Kümmer (German esotericist), corresponds to the position of the human body. It connects the souls of people with the gods. This is a subtle connection between the human world and higher spiritual forces.

In the "Elder Edda" it is told that Odin nailed himself with a spear to the world tree and so spent nine days without food and drink. After that, Bolthorn gave him honey to drink and the runes were revealed to Odin. The first of them he wrote with his own blood on the trunk of a tree.

This legend about the origin of the rune indicates the magical knowledge contained in them, the ancient power. This is the language of communication between people and higher powers, the concentration of age-old wisdom.

Runic alphabet

Before compiling staves or making a runic amulet, you need to study the outline and meaning of the runes used in our time. The order of the runes is called the futhark. It consists of 3 ettirs (kinds). Each rune has its own name, interpretation and pronunciation.

inscription title meaning pronunciation Interpretation
Fehu Livestock, property F, v This rune is dedicated to the god of fertility Freyr and the goddess of love Freyja. It means everything that is connected with wealth and an increase in savings. In staves, it accelerates the action.
Uruz bison U This sign means a manifestation of strength, both physical and mental, sudden changes in life
Spike, damn P Stands guard over order, activates inspiration. Helps in a speedy recovery.
Ansuz God A Associated with intellectual abilities. It helps to quickly acquire and accumulate knowledge, to find areas of their application. Influences the senses, treats mental disorders and lingering headaches
Raidu Way R This symbol means the natural development of things, movement, growth and development.
Kauna Torch K Rune of success. Activates analytical abilities, clears the mind, gives rise to enthusiasm.
Gebu Gift G, y Connection of something, love and generous nobility. It treats disorders in the sexual sphere and calms the nervous system.
Wunju Joy W Victory, the release of power, helps on the way to achieving the goal and glory. If a person is often sick, then the symbol will help improve health.
Hagalaz hail H Establishes balance. Protects from injury.
Naudiz Need N Patience, includes the instinct of self-preservation, increases endurance.
Isaz Ice I Preservation of knowledge, experience, inner strength. Symbolizes self-control. If used in combination with other symbols, it will mean neutralization, removal of the properties of other runes.
Jara Year, harvest J Slow movement towards the goal, development.
Iwaz Yew Ih Endurance and striving for the goal.
Peru Memory P It symbolizes stability, the immutability of the way of life, the inner strengths and reserves of a person. Designed to increase tone.
Algiz Elk -z Cleansing, determination in choice. Improves mood.
Sowilu The sun S Increases vitality, gives enthusiasm.
Tiwaz Tyr T It symbolizes determination and determination.
Berkana Birch B Increases fertility, develops caring and affection.
Ehwaz Horse E Harmony and the way forward, strengthening relationships with loved ones, turns the situation in a better direction.
Mannaz Man M Reveals talent, promotes communication.
Laguz Lake L It helps to find oneself, not to get confused in emotions, brings peace in relationships, establishes sexual relationships.
Iŋwaz Yngwie N Makes a person more persuasive, helps in managing others.
Dagaz Day D,o Supports new beginnings, helps to survive the period of failure.
Oþila heritage o Protects property, gives the wearer practicality, finds a way out of any situation.

If the alphabet is learned and understood, then combinations can be created,. At the same time, the location of the runes and their orientation are taken into account. They can be written in order or superimposed on each other, forming a pattern. When turned upside down, the runes take on the opposite meaning. To create a talisman, it is better to contact a professional runologist or use ready-made staves.

The most common amulets and their meaning

Rune combinations for men and women are different, because the energy of the sexes and the tasks that each solves are different.

For men

They are very strong, courageous, independent and want to strengthen these qualities in order to win the fight with the enemy or the beast and not get themselves into an unpleasant situation. A modern man also wishes success in his career, business development, and profit multiplication.

  1. Gebo, Uruz, Dagaz, Inguz. Can be used at any age. The first rune improves relationships in a couple, illuminating with sexuality, filling with trust. The second rune is inspiring. The third rune activates internal reserves. The fourth rune gives masculinity and fortitude.
  2. For good health. Teyvaz, Pertoro, Inguz. It is advisable to use after 40 years. The action is aimed at maintaining men's health and strength, maintains interest in women. In addition, it will help those involved in sports to maintain energy and invincibility, protect against injury and burnout. Gives the owner a good mood.
  3. For charisma. Teyvaz, Inguz, Soulo, Vuno, Kenaz, Berkana. With this formula, there will be no end to the attention of women, you even have to choose. Runes will give attractiveness and masculinity.

For women

It is important for women to keep up with everything, to know everything, to keep the whole family under control and at the same time to be beautiful, attractive, young. The role of motherhood is also important: how to get pregnant, how to maintain a pregnancy, how to give birth easily, and then raise and maintain friendly relations with your children.

  1. For attraction. Laguz, berkana, gebo, soulo. The formula is indicated for use by single women in search of a mate. The amulet will increase attractiveness. The action is like a spell. The runes in the formula are aimed at increasing femininity and joy from communicating with a man.
  2. For happiness. Berkana, pertro, nautiz. A charm to make dreams come true.
  3. For the perfect figure. Evaz, mannaz, ansuz, soulu, ansuz, nautiz, jera, laguz, soulo. These badges do not have to be worn at all times. You can apply it on a jar of body cream or dishes. Improves metabolism, fats are quickly burned, increases determination and endurance.
  4. For conception. Berkana, Inguz, Algiz, Yera, Fehu. For those who have not been able to get pregnant for a long time. The formula supports the body, activates female forces, sets the morale for the appearance of a child.

For home

Houses and walls help. But it’s hard to return every evening to where the negative has accumulated: households swear, things break, and there is no trace of comfort and tranquility. You also need your own home: envious people, thieves and just angry neighbors.

  1. Against theft and damage to property. Inguz, Algiz. Such an amulet should always be kept at home. So he will take thieves away, protect from fire.
  2. For prosperity. Feihu, Inguz, Algiz. Comfort will appear in the house, the household will reconcile and will be in a good mood.
  3. Against damage and evil eye. Turisaz, teyvaz, turisaz. The dark force will not rise, and the one who sent it will be punished. The amulet will reflect evil.

This is only a small part of the whole variety of staves, a sample.

Rune use

It is important to choose your rune as a talisman and apply it correctly. To do this, apply to the base and activate. Better to do it yourself.

What material and method of application to choose

Preference should be given to natural materials:

  • leather or suede;
  • precious or ordinary stone;
  • clay tablets;
  • bone;
  • the cloth;
  • metal;
  • wood.

In the selection of material, it is necessary to listen to intuition and proceed from practicality. If you like a beautiful pebble, then you can use it. Usually the right talisman warms up in the hands of the owner, you don’t want to part with it.

Drawing a symbol can also be any. Depends on the material and skills: you can draw, carve, embroider or burn a rune.

Runes are drawn even on paper and are always carried with them as a talisman. Some advise applying magical runic formulas to the body. Fans must understand that runic energy will remain for life. For example, today an increased interest in the opposite sex is good and is perceived with joy, but tomorrow he got married and this became a problem, the cause of discord in the family. It is better to apply temporary tattoos on the wrist.

To protect the house, runic symbols can be applied to furniture, utensils, walls, threshold, front door. For children, it is convenient to embroider such a symbol on clothes or toys. Again, choose natural materials. Synthetics and plastics do not conduct life force. For example, if you need to put a rune on a toy, then let it be a wooden car, and not a soft hare.

When to make a charm with your own hands

The strengthening of the action of the runes occurs on a certain day of the week, so I will coordinate the manufacture of such a talisman with the calendar in order to activate the necessary energy:

  • Monday - attracting love, protection from damage;
  • Tuesday - good luck in business and career;
  • Wednesday - a cure for diseases;
  • Thursday - increase in wealth;
  • Friday - to protect children, for a speedy marriage;
  • Saturday - improving fate, correcting mistakes;
  • Sunday - improving relationships with loved ones.


This is the unity of the energy of a person and a talisman. Without it, it will be a trinket. Activation is designed to introduce the amulet to the owner, opens his thoughts, tunes in to desires.

To activate the amulet, you need to take a candle, salt, water, an aromatic lamp or a wand. Each such object symbolizes one of the elements. All of them are called to become conductors of energy. The amulet is placed in the center of the table. The rest of the items are placed around the corners. Each object must be touched, each object must be asked for help. The amulet is clamped in the palm of your hand, part of the energy is transferred to it.

Activation rules:

  • rituals are not performed in a bad mood or during illness;
  • the main thing is the right attitude. You need to fully concentrate on what is happening and keep in mind the goal - the transfer of energy, strain all your strength for this, imagine the mark of the sign;
  • nothing should be distracting: a ringing phone, a mumbling TV, annoying neighbors, screams from a window, or curious household members;
  • it is important to visualize the purpose of using the amulet. The brighter and more naturalistic the picture in your head, the closer the dream. Ideally, visualization should immerse in a trance-like state of inner self-contemplation;
  • some advise singing the name of a rune or a stave;
  • you can turn to the amulet with a conspiracy. It can be a ready-made text or self-invented words that contain a request.

It is worth remembering that each line in the inscription of the runes is important. It is better to use a stencil in the manufacture. Distorted lines can change the meaning of the sign. Correctly will become a very strong defense and helper. Runes need to be replaced periodically as the symbols wear out and lose energy.

In an effort to get what they want, improve their well-being, make life comfortable or protect themselves from negativity, people resort to a variety of talismans. Scandinavian amulets are considered especially powerful, which in their meaning and essence are close to Slavic ones.

Scandinavian amulets: concept, origin, purpose

The ancient Scandinavian tribes with a harsh character, also known as the Vikings, lived in the northern part of the Eurasian continent. In our time, several states are based on this territory: Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway.

It was believed that the Viking mascots were recognized as the Gods of the Northern Pantheon many centuries ago.

The history of the origin of amulets and runes of the Vikings

According to ancient legend, the Helmet of Horror magic sign was invented by two revered gods, the heavenly father Odin and his beloved son, the Thunderer Thor. It uses both Scandinavian and Icelandic motifs.

The hammer, according to legend, was used by Thor, a descendant of the heavenly father Odin and the ruling mother Yord. The young god could send thunder and lightning, fought against evil forces. Thor traveled the earth not on a horse, but on a bronze chariot, which was pulled by goats instead of horses. The chariot was decorated with copper teapots, which made loud noises when moving. The oppressed, low-class people could count on his intercession. Having crossed the threshold of the afterlife, their souls fell to God in the Hall, which had 40 rooms.

Thor's Hammer is often made of silver.

The hammer was made for Thor by two dwarfs - Cindy and Brokk. The tool had magical qualities:

  • helped the owner to move through the air;
  • hit enemies like a boomerang;
  • could make marriage blessed;
  • resurrected animals;
  • returned fertility to the "dead" land.

According to legend, the action of the Hammer was enhanced by auxiliary items:

  • Yarngriper gloves, worn by the wearer, heated the gun;
  • the belt repeatedly increased the force of impact.

In ancient times, the Hammer was installed on Viking ships (drakkars), and also worn on laces as a pendant, attached to shields and sword hilts. It was believed that the talisman helped to quickly swim to the shore.

Using the Valknut amulet, you will receive the knowledge and energy of the three worlds

Valknut became famous thanks to Odin, the supreme god of Scandinavian mythology. The legend says that the heavenly father climbed the Yggdrasil Tree, where he hung for 9 days and the same number of nights (according to the number of different worlds). This helped him understand himself, as well as comprehend the true meaning of the Runes. Nine vertices of intertwined triangles denote the terms of knowledge: one for each world.

The Black Sun was sent to earthly inhabitants by the Gods as a valuable gift. It was called:

  • help to survive in difficult conditions (crop failure, attack by strangers, etc.);
  • win in battles with the enemy;
  • protect your territory;
  • strengthen the family tree, continue the family.

In literary sources, for the first time, the description and decoding of the Black Sun are found in the "Secret Doctrine" by E. Blavatsky (1888)

In Slavic mythology, the Black Sun indicates the relationship of reality with the other world (Naviu). It was believed that the ancestors can help in difficult times, give valuable advice. The talisman could energize its owner with vital energy, open knowledge available only to the elite.

Runes are among the most ancient Scandinavian symbols (1-8 AD). They were also used by tribes living in the territories of modern Germany. Translated from the ancient German dialect, the word "rune" means a secret.

According to legend, the Creator told the heavenly father Odin about the runes. In order not to forget their meaning, Odin imprinted the runic alphabet on the World Tree. The payment for knowledge was his left eye. From Odin, information was passed on to other gods, and then reached the oracles and seers.

Symbols were used to convey valuable information, as well as in magical rites, they helped predict the future. The Viking shamans considered the runes to be a sacred alphabet with which to communicate with the Gods.

Types of Scandinavian talismans and runes

Amulets and runes, which were used by the ancient Scandinavian tribes, are able to help a modern person in difficult life situations. It is important to remember their great strength, to choose the right one according to their appearance and action.

Popular charms of the ancient Scandinavians: features and meaning

The most powerful Viking amulets that have come down to us through the centuries include:

  • Helm of Dread;
  • Hammer of Thor;
  • Valknut;
  • Black Sun.

The following types of amulets have a highly specialized value:

  1. Wolf Cross (Thor's Cross, decorated with a wolf's head) - protects those who are on the road for a long time (sailors, travelers, drivers, etc.). It is believed that the talisman helps to return to their native land unharmed.
  2. Throne of Odin - gives power and great power, brings financial well-being.
  3. Wheel of the Sun - gives well-being in the family, provides comfort and prosperity.
  4. Double Ax - a sign of the winner, ruler, leader. It indicates the relationship between heaven and earth, increases physical and spiritual strength, and gives confidence in victory.
  5. Oroboro (Snake Ring) - helps to find the best solution to the problem, to achieve the intended goal. The magical decoding of this amulet is the relationship between the beginning and the end.
  6. Eye of Odin - makes knowledge clear and crisp, helps to weed out unnecessary information, develops the owner's visionary abilities.
  7. Triskelion (Trefot) - symbolizes the kingdom of being. Formed by three spirals pointing to infinity. He helps you achieve your goal no matter what.
  8. Tree of life (Yggdrasil) - provides the owner with spiritual immortality. It was believed that the soul of the wearer of such an amulet after death would find a new, successful incarnation.

Often on the amulets you can find the image of the god of summer and fertility Freyr. It is believed that he personifies the masculine principle, brings harmony to the family, helps to acquire strong offspring, and gives good luck in business.

The ancient Celts (Icelandic tribes) contributed to the creation of Scandinavian amulets:

  1. Celtic cross - helps to get rid of any diseases, gives energy, protects from any negativity.
  2. Triskele - promotes communication with nature. Suitable for foresters, fishermen, hunters, farmers and anyone who is connected with natural resources by occupation.
  3. Knots of the Meadow - helps to know and love the world around in all its glory. Suitable for representatives of creative professions (artists, poets).
  4. Shamrock - protects from the evil eye, induced damage and negative magical effects, promotes prosperity.
  5. Joy - drives away melancholy, helps to get rid of prolonged depression and feel all the delights of life.
  6. Spirit Root - is designed to protect not the body, but the soul of its owner from any evil.
  7. The shield is a powerful protective talisman that gives invulnerability in the event of an attack or damage.
  8. Saks - designed to protect the home from any magical effects. It prevents stressful situations, helps to achieve harmony in family life.
  9. Large Celtic Knot - helps to maintain close relationships between people.

The swastika is a universal sign. Its decoding depends on which direction the rays diverging to the sides are facing:

  • to the right - a symbol of the masculine principle (Sun, spring);
  • to the left - a symbol of the feminine (Moon, autumn).

Helm of Dread

The original name of the Helmet of Dread - Agishjalm - is rather difficult to pronounce for a modern person. This is an amulet with great power, usually made in the form of a pendant or ring.

A person who has become the owner of the Helm of Horror takes the path of a warrior

The action of the Helm of Dread is twofold:

  • crush, demoralize the enemy;
  • to strengthen the prevailing combat qualities of the owner (courage, courage, determination, fortitude).

Agishjalm (in another transcription - Egishyalm) was worn by warriors and magicians who firmly believed in victory. The talisman is an effective tool to achieve the goal. He is able to bring opponents into a state of panic, and in some cases, brutally destroy them.

In ordinary life, the amulet helps:

  • resolve disputes in your favor;
  • "push" the right decision, influencing the people around;
  • to maintain the energy balance of the owner, if necessary - to clear the aura and give strength.

There are many options for the execution of this rune stav. However, they have the same basis - 8 algiz (protective spears, similar in appearance to a fish skeleton with a trident at the end), closing at one point. The number of circles framing the algiz symbolizes the number of protective levels. Additions to the algiz can be various runic signs belonging to the elder Futhark:

  • Turisaz (the name of Thor in the ancient dialect);
  • Hagalaz.

They enhance the effect of the amulet.

Dreadhelm runes have a harsh effect. Therefore, the owner of the amulet must learn to control his emotions, physical and spiritual strength. Otherwise, you may harm other people.

Hammer of Thor

The Scandinavian amulet Thor's Hammer attracts attention with its unusual appearance and great power. In one version, it resembles a roughly made anchor, in another, it resembles a tool. The most powerful are models decorated with the face of the god Thor. The amulet is also known by other names:

  • Cross Jaina (or Solar);
  • Hermetic Cross;
  • Mjolnir (Crusher).

Amulet "Thor's Hammer", made in the form of an anchor

The practical meaning of the Hammer of Thor is as follows:

  • assistance in achieving the set goals;
  • destruction of all kinds of barriers and obstacles;
  • time management;
  • effective protection against damage and the evil eye, as well as against any diseases;
  • prevention of misfortune, removal of troubles from the owner and people close to him;
  • successful dispute resolution;
  • help in identifying enemies.

The action of the Hammer is greatly enhanced in combination with the runes Turisaz or Teyvaz (justice). Often used similar to the swastika Torshamar and Hamasmark. These runes were believed to be marked by the blessing of Thor himself.

Amulet "Thor's Hammer", made in the form of a tool

It is believed that the Crusher brings good luck in all endeavors, indicates a high authority in society. The Vikings with its help consecrated the ceremony of marriage or the conclusion of an important contract.

The talisman can be worn by everyone without exception. However, due to the predominance of the masculine principle, it will be useful primarily to the representatives of the stronger sex. The hammer is recommended for judges, the military, politicians, athletes participating in competitions, rescuers, sailors.

Women wearing Thor's Hammer should be careful. Vibrant activity and a large supply of vital energy, donated by the amulet, can scare away indecisive and shy fans.

Thor's Hammer will also come in handy for those who seek to restore justice or find what was lost. It can be given to newborns, the ceremony of transferring the amulet itself has much in common with Christian baptism. An interesting property of the talisman is the imparting of healing properties to ordinary water.

In the Middle Ages, the image of the Solar Cross was used as a warning sign on the borders of the lands. He informed strangers that evil thoughts and deeds in these possessions would be punished.

Couples placed the amulet under the bed. It was believed that he would help to conceive strong and healthy offspring, and also drive away bad dreams.

Suitable materials for Thor's Hammer are any alloys based on silver or copper. Runes are painted exclusively in red, as they symbolize divine fire.

Thor's hammer does not fit with reptile images. Talismans will "compete" with each other, and their protective effect will be weakened.

Amulet "Valknut"

Odin's triangle, or Valknut, is usually made in the form of a pendant, medallion or ring. The Vikings put such an image on the handle of a weapon or shield. The amulet is also known by other names:

  • Heart of Hrungnir;
  • Knot of the Fallen.

Amulet "Valknut" consists of three intertwined triangles enclosed in a circle

Intertwined triangles symbolize the multidimensionality of the universe:

  • Asgard (upper, or world of the Gods);
  • Midgard (middle, or true reality, the world of living people);
  • Helgeim (the lower world, or the underworld).

The interweaving of the Valknut amulet indicates the close interconnection of the worlds. In Christianity, there is a similar interpretation - the trinity of the Body, Soul and Spirit, the relationship of the past, present and future.

Valknut was intended for warriors, and was also used in magical rituals. The Vikings believed that the talisman:

  • helped to gain fearlessness in battles;
  • gave firmness to the right hand.

It was believed that those who wore the triangle of Odin were under the highest patronage of the Ases.

Rune symbols can be applied to the circle around the triangles. They enhance the effect of the amulet. Silver is considered the best metal for its manufacture.

Black Sun

The little-known Scandinavian symbol Black (or Central) Sun refers to solar. He was in high esteem not only among the northern peoples, but also among the Slavs. The talisman is made in the form of broken rays diverging in all directions, it symbolizes the first fire, or the central planet of the Galaxy, around which the rest of the planets and systems revolve.

The practical significance of the amulet is to effectively protect against adverse factors:

  • magical effects (damage, evil eye);
  • injuries and illnesses.

The Black Sun helps to find the right solution in a difficult life situation. It is recommended to all managers, bosses, businessmen, politicians.

Scandinavian amulet "Black Sun" cleanses the soul

The talisman also has a secondary meaning:

  • helps to develop spiritually;
  • when renouncing the material, it contributes to the knowledge of the real purpose of a person in life;
  • eliminates false beliefs, helps to know the Truth.

The black sun, on the recommendation of K. Gaushofer, was the symbol of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany. The symbol was applied to the officer's uniform; he adorned one of the Wewelsburg halls. According to unconfirmed reports, Hitler thus tried to establish contact with the other world, for which he even made human sacrifices (prisoners of concentration camps).

Some experts see the Soul rune in the image of the Central Sun. It helps to achieve goals, crushes any obstacles, multiplies strength, gives power. You can ask the talisman for whatever your heart desires, and this will certainly come true in the shortest possible time. It is only important to remember the price: it may be too high. Practicing magicians use this symbol as a last resort, when other means have not given a positive result.

The runes of the Scandinavians used to create amulets, their decoding

Viking runes (magic signs) can be used for a variety of purposes. Their main tasks are:

  • protecting the house from uninvited invasion (robbers, invaders);
  • assistance in business ventures;
  • getting rid of diseases, prolonging life;
  • prevention of any dangers in travel and travel;
  • ensuring material well-being.

Scandinavian runes applied to the amulet enhance its effect many times over

The image of one or more runes can be transferred to jewelry, weapons and clothing.

There are two main methods for depicting runes:

  • runic ligature - a combination of 4 characters that form a single complex pattern;
  • runescript - drawing magic symbols in the right order, from right to left.

The runecode must be in its “own” place. The home amulet is placed in the room where all family members most often gather, the travel amulet is in the car.

The basic runic alphabet (Futark) has 24 characters. In some interpretations, there is an additional, twenty-fifth sign of emptiness (in the likeness of a space), denoting "pure fate" in magic. It was added by the Icelanders during the Middle Ages.

Each rune has its own meaning. Without studying it to the end, you can make an amulet that brings destruction and harm. Depending on the prevailing qualities, the runes are divided into protective and activators.

Protective runes

  1. Algiz (rune of friendship) - protects from witchcraft.
  2. Dagaz - serves as an effective amulet for the home.
  3. Otal (rune of order) - contributes to solving issues with real estate and other property.
  4. Uruz (rune of personal protection) - reflects negative energy, helps to maintain physical and mental health, is indispensable for impressionable, emotional people.
  5. Raido - useful when traveling.
  6. Fehu - symbolizes financial well-being and fertility, increases capital.


Activator runes have a narrow action, they are aimed at solving one or more interrelated issues:

  • Berkana (mother's rune) - helps women, strengthens the family, helps to prolong the family and acquire offspring;
  • Teyvaz - takes away fear, gives courage, helps to achieve what you want;
  • Vunyo (rune of joy) - provides the fulfillment of desires, attracts luck and success to its owner;
  • Laguz - sharpens intuition, helps to create a strong and happy family;
  • Nautiz - adds vitality, increases endurance, helps to find your soul mate.

You can choose runes subconsciously. If the sign is “positive”, but for some reason its appearance is alarming or repulsive, it is better to refuse to use the rune.

If cracks, chips appeared on the rune amulet, or it was lost, it means that it fulfilled its task.

Viking tattoos: the meaning of symbols and their meaning

Tattoo among the ancient Scandinavians played the same role as in other nations. She acted as a distinction, a "business card", by which it was easy to determine:

  • the belonging of its owner to the estate, caste, class, tribe, clan;
  • occupation (sailor, warrior, artisan, etc.);
  • divine patron.

Viking tattoos not only look beautiful, but also protect the wearer from all evil

The plot lines of a tattoo can be very diverse. All of them are based on ancient legends and tales. Symbolism is divided into several groups:

  • divine themes (images of the Gods);
  • runic themes (images of runoscript or tie);
  • flora and fauna (animals, plants);
  • ornament with a hidden meaning.

Each symbol has a dual meaning. For example, a wolf is a sign of nobility, great strength, but it also indicates the end of the world. Therefore, before choosing a pattern and stuffing a tattoo, you should carefully study its decoding.

The most popular types of tattoos are:

  • the image (face) of Odin, the patron of trade, maritime and military affairs;
  • the image of Frigg (the wife of Odin), giving love, helping to create and maintain a family, the goddess of fertility;
  • wolf, symbolizing wisdom and physical strength;
  • runic compass - helps to get on the right path in life;
  • helmet of horror - protects and protects from enemies;
  • Triad (one of the symbols of Odin) - denotes the unity of the body, soul and spirit;
  • Sleipnir (Odin's stallion with 8 legs instead of 4) or a pair of ravens - endow their owner with wisdom.

Instead of an ornament, you can make a tattoo in the form of a rune. It should be remembered that "negative" (destructive) runes can change life for the worse, provoke aggression, etc.

There are several runes that provide guaranteed success and improvement of affairs:

  • Ur - changes life for the better, improves health;
  • Laju - develops the subconscious, gives strength;
  • Maine - develops intelligence, helps to gain favor with others;
  • Ken - improves well-being, strengthens friendship and love relationships;
  • Jera - contributes to the fulfillment of desires;
  • Horn - protects from enemies, helps to find love, promotes success.

Runic tattoos have great energy, so their importance should not be underestimated.

Activation of Scandinavian amulets

To activate the talismans of ancient Scandinavia, you will need to perform a simple ceremony. So the amulets will gain maximum power.

Runologists recommend paying attention to several factors, in particular, for whom the talisman is made (male, female, for the whole family). The optimal activation time for the male amulet is Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday, in daylight; patronage can be asked from Odin or Thor. Family amulets are activated on Tuesday or Wednesday, at night, asking for intercession from Braga.

To activate the Scandinavian amulet, the forces of four elements are involved, so you need to stock up in advance:

  • coarse rock salt (symbol of the Earth);
  • a wax candle (preferably yellow or white), a symbol of Fire;
  • running (spring) water;
  • incense stick (symbol of Air).

Stocks are laid out on an impromptu altar (you can use a table in the house or a stone in the yard), the amulet is placed in the center. They light a candle and incense with matches, invoking each of the elements in turn. The following words are addressed to the talisman:

"I conjure, in the name of Odin, by the power of the Runes, by the words of the High One."

After that, they clearly pronounce out loud the main qualities that the amulet should have. Then they hold it for 1-2 minutes over each of the symbols of the elements, at the end they return it to the center and wait until the candle flame burns out.

There are easier ways to activate Viking amulets. For example, you can meditate on the Hammer of Thor by visually “drawing” what you want in front of you, and then with a sharp exhalation “transmit” your thoughts to the amulet.

Scandinavian amulets, runes and tattoos have the strongest effect. Their meaning may be different. Positive symbols improve the life of their owner and his family members, contribute to prosperity and procreation, protect from negative influences and evil forces. "Destructive" provoke aggression, develop negative character traits.

The writing of the ancient peoples always keeps a secret. Nine centuries have passed since the runes were replaced by the Latin letter - but the Scandinavian runes continue to excite the minds of historians. The ancient Germanic root of the word "rune" means secret. Most of the runic inscriptions (about 5000 of them are known) were found in Sweden. The runic language is the language of the ancestors, the ancient Slavs, the writing of the Vikings, the runes were used by the peoples living on the territory of modern Iceland and Greenland.

The ancient Germans attributed mystical properties to runes. The order of the runic alphabet is strange - this is not found in any written language known to the world. The alphabet is called futhark and is divided into three genera, attira, each of which includes eight runes, respectively. The original name or meaning of the runes has not been preserved. Modern names were restored thanks to the late runic alphabets that have survived and have come down to us. For example, the rune raido (raidu) is the path.

The writing of the runic letter is from left to right, however, there are also very curious options in which the direction of the letter alternates depending on the evenness of the lines. For example, the first line can be written from left to right, but the second - from right to left, and then the direction will change depending on the line. Runes, when changing the direction of writing, were written in mirror to everything else. Separate words were separated by punctuation marks, dots or colons; the image of a cross was also used as a punctuation mark.

Scandinavian runes were carved on stones that are called rune stones, spears, swords, jewelry. It is believed that one of the oldest runic inscriptions is an inscription on a bone crest, which was discovered in a swamp on the island of Funen, in Denmark. Sweden leads in the number of runic inscriptions, such inscriptions were also found on the territory of Russia, Germany and Austria. Uppsala University can be proud of the collection of large rune stones.

Origin of runic writing

The meaning and origin of the runes is still a mystery - the number of hypotheses, plausible and not very, is large, but there is still no unambiguous answer where the runes came from. Isaac Taylor believed that the runes are the heirs of the Greek alphabet, and the creators of the runic writing are the tribes of the Goths. Other scholars see the similarity of the mysterious characters with the Greek cursive.

The Greco-Latin version of the origin of the runes is not as popular as the next, North Etruscan, according to which the runes originated from one of the alphabets belonging to the northern Etruscans. Another curious version of the origin - Semitic - makes the runic alphabet related to the Lydian and Phoenician, in which there are exact analogues of some runes, for example, the Berkan runes. The meaning and history of the creation of the runic alphabet is a mystery behind seven locks. Runologists seek to uncover it, but still do not know whether the runes served as links between people and gods, or were simply conceived as an alphabet.

There are, however, mystical versions of the origins of runic writing. Professor Sigurd Agrell of Lund University argued that the feu rune is not the first, but the last, closing the runic sign of the alphabet. The runic alphabet itself seemed to be a kind of mysterious message. The scientific world rejected Agrell's theory, however, the professor and his version found followers who published a number of monographs.

According to Scandinavian myth, the runes were revealed to Odin. God pierced himself with a spear and hung for nine days and nights, nailed to the World Tree. At the end of the term, Odin, who denied himself food and drink all this time, quenched his thirst with shaman honey and heard the runes. The first were inscribed by God right there, instead of ink, Odin used his own blood, instead of a writing instrument - a spear. So the runes were inscribed on the World Tree.

There are 24 runic signs, they are called the elder runes. Runic signs are divided into three genera, attira.

First, rune feu, which Agrell considered the last, means livestock or property. The feu rune, however, is not purely material, it is also associated with spiritual values. It is interpreted as a rune of well-being, not overshadowed by self-satisfaction.

Forces of beginning and destruction

Uruz or the Force acts on the physical and subtle worlds, in the event plan, however, the force is a comprehensive, unifying property. Uruz contains both feminine and masculine principles. It is a source of energy necessary for great accomplishments, love and friendship.

Turisaz is a powerful runic sign, it has a powerful but heavy energy. Turisaz gives energy for reflection, promotes a meditative mood. The name of the runic symbol is translated as “thorn” or “devil”, so the sharpness, which should be inherent in a living, fast, all-observing mind, is a hallmark of the runic sign.

Raido or the symbol of the path has the power to influence the event plan. Raido is a sign of harmony and unification. The raido rune is designed to make the path easier for those who walk. The sign favors travelers, averting troubles from them and turning the journey into an exciting and exciting action, for, as it is said, the one who walks can master the road.

Kano, a sign of incarnation, in one version translated as "torch", in another as "ulcer". The symbol is mentioned in three runic poems, in the Anglo-Saxon it is a torch that burns with a pale, bright flame, marking the place "where the princes sit." Kano is used to attract talents, because the sign accompanies the realization of what was conceived by concentrating the will.

Rune hagalaz is a sign of destruction, natural disasters, natural violence. Hagalaz is able to open the "magic" event circle, which has a very unpleasant property - to suck in a person who has got there like a whirlpool. The hagalaz rune means death and destruction and is directly related to the Germanic goddess Skadi. The hagalaz rune is the first futhark in the second kind. The spelling of hagalaz resembles the Latin N.

Ice and sun

Nautiz or need symbolizes an effort that, after long attempts, suddenly succeeded. Nautiz can support in difficult times, however, requires emotional restraint. Good luck will definitely come, says the tenth rune of the Futhark, however, in order to get it, you will have to try.

The isa rune is simply a straight vertical line. Isa or ice is able to influence the event plan and the processes taking place in the human body. The rune of Isa can stop the course of events or any painful process. Isa is also associated with the spiritual state of a person. Rune Isa can testify to the spiritual winter that comes as a result of the cooling of relations. However, this rune can be a harbinger of spring and hidden development.

Jera or year, as well as the harvest clearly indicates the completion of what has been started and the fruits of deeds. The spelling of a runic sign resembling two diverging arrows is curious. Jera is a bit like a plow, clearly indicating a connection with agriculture. Favors only lawful deeds and accomplishments.

The rune is perth or the well of memory, where everyone who wants to be reborn in a new quality plunges. Curiously, pert is a sign, the meaning of which is not known for sure. The rune perth is also called the Chalice of Fate and a certain Lot. Perth embodies secret knowledge, the laws of the universe. The rune of perth is also able to tear off the veils of secrets and mysteries and open to the truth.

Soulu or the sun is a symbol of integrity. It may mean some result. Sixteenth runic Futhark sign, soulu pushes a person to self-awareness and self-expression. The soulu rune has the energy of the daylight. The inverted soulu rune does not carry negative meanings - the soulu rune clearly indicates a finest hour, warmth and love that has come to life.

man and god

Teyvaz belong to the 3rd attir, while the soul rune closes the second attir. Teyvaz or Tyr is identified with the one-armed god of military prowess. God lost his arm in a fight with the World Wolf. Teyvaz is not only a rune of valor and fearlessness, it helps in the fight against our own dark forces contained in each of us.

Berkana or birch, or even a birch branch, is a sign of growth, both physical and spiritual. Berkana is movement and growth leading to fertility. A symbol that promotes rebirth and the birth of a new beginning.

Mannaz means man. The rune mannaz is not simple, the sign symbolizes "one's own self". Mannaz is a rune that calls for compliance and modesty, as well as concentration and moderation in business.

Laguz is a wonderful rune. Laguz or lake is strongly associated with willow. Laguz - running water rather than standing water. The runic sign is responsible for the intuitive perception of the world and the flow of events. This rune is a unit reflected in a mirror.

Inguz - the twenty-second rune of the Futhark, associated with the god of fertility, the mighty Yngwie. An inverted Inguz means the same as a straight line - the sign unambiguously declares that the time has come for happy changes. The symbol of a happy ending - a rhombus - calls for getting rid of the old in order to make room for the new.

Who will the gods love

Otal in translation means genus. The spelling otal indicates divergent paths. The rune otal symbolizes getting rid of old habits, relationships that have become obsolete. Otal calls for the firmness of will, which is necessary to break unnecessary ties. The rune otal indicates property, which can only be owned by parting with something. The rune otal is a sign of the right, proper choice.

The runic mark of heritage should not be confused with the feu, the first rune of the futhark. Feu, dedicated to the god and goddess of fertility, means not only property, but also flame. The source of wealth in the Nordic countries is primarily the ability of a person, the most important of which is the ability to provide all possible assistance to others.

The Scandinavian peoples, Anglo-Saxons and Germans knew for sure that the gods give good luck and luck to those who are not only fearless, courageous and noble, but also to those who do not shy away from exhausting work. The Scandinavian peoples also remembered the troubles that wealth can bring without love and compassion. Wealth, they believed, is just a convenience that is shared by one who turned out to be more successful than his fellows, if he only wants to continue to enjoy the mercy of capricious gods.

From this article you will learn:

    How to guess on the Scandinavian runes

    How to prepare for divination on Scandinavian runes

    What are the meanings of Scandinavian runes for divination

    What layouts of the Scandinavian runes are considered the most popular

Runes are ancient symbols. They originated in the lands of present-day Scandinavia in the first century AD. The ancient inhabitants of the cold regions used them not only to transmit information, but also used them in secret rites, for divination. Fortune telling on Scandinavian runes is the most reliable. They talk about the future of man. In addition, each of these signs is a kind of amulet that will hide from danger, help in a difficult matter. Let's look at the nuances of divination on the runes.

In various translations, the “rune” is “mystery” or “mysteriously whisper”. Since ancient times, magical properties have been attributed to Scandinavian symbols. They were the key that opens the door to the world of riddles and mysticism. To this day, historians cannot unambiguously say where and when the runic signs arose.

Scandinavian northern traditions tell that the god Odin created the runes. He climbed to the very top of the sacred tree Yggdrasil. There he nailed himself with a spear to the trunk and hung in unbearable torment for nine days - according to the number of worlds, according to the mythology of the Scandinavians.

On the ninth night, all the secrets of the universe and the ability to runic inscription were revealed to him. Odin carved the first runes on the trunk of Yggdrasil and sprinkled them with his blood. He shared his knowledge with everyone: with the gods, with people, with giants and dwarfs.

The mechanism of action of runic symbols is also not known for certain. Only the way they were written has survived. Scandinavian symbols were carved on wooden things - on weapons, on goblets. Or they painted on other objects, things, skin. In special situations, signs were drawn with their own blood. A magical construction of several runes, which was called galdrastav, was also used.

The runic row has several types. Among them, the Elder and Younger Futhark are especially popular. For rituals, the symbols of the Elder Futhark were used. The ancients believed that he had great magical power. The runes of the Younger were used in writing.

The Elder Futhark consists of 24 characters. All of them are divided into blocks of 8 characters each. The block is called ettir or att. All symbols are divided into three attas for a reason. Each att corresponds to three universes in Scandinavian legends. Asgard is the abode of the gods, Midgard is the abode of mankind, Hel is the underworld. The runes are given the names of the Scandinavian gods.

The first att bears the name of Freya, the goddess of fertility, love and beauty. The first att includes runes that are related to the creation of the universe. Fehu is the first character in this atta. Means "cattle" or "welfare, prosperity."

The second att bears the name of Heimdall. This is a god from the genus of Ases, who guards the Bivrest bridge connecting Asgard and Midgard. The second att includes Scandinavian symbols that are related to life, death, the underworld, the cycle of everything that exists. Hagalaz is the first character in this atta. Means "hail" or destruction that gives rise to something new.

The third att bears the name of Tyr. This is the god of honor, courage and courage. The third att contains runes that personify humanity: the unification of peoples, the beginning of life, change, the desire for a new one. Teyvaz is the first symbol in this atta. Means "striving for justice".

In addition to the main symbols, the sign of Odin is also used. This is a rune that does not have a graphic pattern.

To explain the meaning of the runes is to tell in understandable phrases the universal message of a particular symbol. It is important to correctly interpret the sign that the rune answers your question. After all, the Scandinavian letter predicts not only the future. It helps to change something in your environment, in your thoughts and desires.

In order to explain this or that Scandinavian symbol, skill and practice are needed. Over time, all the knowledge you need will appear. And to begin with, let's analyze what are the meanings of the Scandinavian runes for divination. Let's start:

    Fehu- livestock, wealth, property, both spiritual and material.

    Uruz- tour, bison, well-being, strength, change, the beginning of something new.

    Turisaz- giant, onslaught, change.

    Ansuz- God, a sign from the universe, a gift.

    Raido- a long way, movement, striving forward.

    Kenaz- torch, light, getting opportunities, illness.

    Gebo- gift, honor, mercy, freedom, deal.

    Vunyo- work, occupation, change for the better.

    Hagalaz- hail, destruction, collapse, sudden situations.

    Nautiz- need, longing, collapse, test, test of fortitude.

    Isa- ice, difficulties, obstacles that will melt themselves, like ice in heat.

    Hyères- year, harvest, fruits, hope, good, reward for labors.

    Eyvaz- yew, sacred tree, fortress, proximity to the earth, test of the spirit.

    - the feminine, the cup, the manifestation of everything hidden, secret.

    Algiz- elk, yew bow, invulnerability, security.

    Soulou- sun, joy, glory, radiance, success.

    Teyvaz- valor, honesty, a sign, confidence in intentions, the way forward.

    Berkana- birch, well-being, growth, harmony of soul and body.

    Evaz- horse, moving forward, changes for the better, progress.

    Mannaz- a man, humanity, kindness, success achieved by labor.

    Laguz- flow, moisture, bow, intuition, flair.

    Inguz- god, fertility, prosperity, increase in wealth.

    Odal- heritage, property, family, dynasty.

    Dagaz- the Lord's messenger, day, hope, changes for the better.

Scandinavian signs are used both in direct and inverted form. In the inverted interpretation is reversed. The exception is letters that are identical upright and upside down. The reading of a character may change if a combination of letters is used. Almost always, Scandinavian signs in divination indicate the true solution to the problem.

Divination methods on Scandinavian runes: 7 layouts

Scandinavian symbols are the perfect structure. They contain forces, knowledge of the universe that affect people, their environment, events. In this regard, the runes are able to show how to get out of this situation.

Prediction using ancient signs requires prior training. Let's look at how to prepare for divination on the Scandinavian runes.

To get an accurate prediction, you need:

    Place. You will need a private room where no one will disturb you.

    Related items. A burning candle to create an atmosphere of mystery. Special ritual surface for runes. It can be a dense piece of fabric, cardboard, mat. Any object on which it will be convenient for you to lay out pebbles or pieces of wood with Scandinavian signs.

    Mood. Take a comfortable position. Clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. Use breathing, meditation, or your way of relaxing the mind. Concentrate on the question you want answered.

You are set. There is only one question left in your head that needs to be solved. Take the chips out of the bag, lay them out. And read the answer sent to you by the Universe through the symbols of the ancients.

There are plenty of divination methods using Scandinavian symbols. Predictions will help solve various problems in relationships, in business. They will indicate how to resolve unforeseen difficulties or lift the veil of the future. Consider which layouts of the Scandinavian runes are the most popular.

This method will help in resolving moments that are urgent. Divination is fast, but shows a clear and simple solution to a specific problem. It is necessary to pull out one chip with a symbol and correctly interpret the answer received. Remember about direct signs and reverse. The optimal time for divination is the beginning of the day. This will help you find out what the coming day is preparing. For example, the rune Perth will tell about future changes not only in life, but in the very essence of man.

This Scandinavian divination is based on the knowledge of the hidden. An appeal to the interweaving of current, future and long gone events.

The order of divination is as follows:

    Focus on the problem.

    Put your hand in the bag of runes, stir the chips around and grab as many as will fit in your fist.

    Throw on the surface and start looking at the alignment.

    Chips that are turned upside down do not count. The rest made up a structure indicating the correct solution.

Read the signs based on your intuition. Over time, you will gain experience and understand the meaning of the symbols very quickly.

Three Norns, or Divination of the Three Runes

Divination was dubbed so thanks to three sorceresses - Urd, Verdandi and Skuld. They take care of the roots of the World Tree and have the ability to determine the lot of people and gods.

Prediction is used when it is necessary to find out the outcome of an event or to view all the paths when solving a question. The sequence of actions is as follows: lay out chips with Scandinavian symbols one after another. The first will tell about the past, the second will tell about the present, the third will predict the future.

Fortune-telling helps to answer not only an exciting question. It creates connections that help you understand what will happen in a given situation. If you act like this, then things will go that way. Make a different decision, then the future will change direction.

Perth, or Hidden Love

Lay out the Scandinavian runes along the contour of the Perth symbol. Fortune telling will tell about possible or hidden romantic and cordial connections.

    1 and 2 indicate everyday moments.

    3 and 5 indicate the formation of intimate relationships.

    4 and 6 indicate the future of participants in secret contacts.

Scandinavian signs will tell you about your finances, give a recommendation on how to achieve the greatest profit. The arrangement of chips with symbols will show your income in full. You will receive a lot of additional knowledge about your affairs and ways to follow in the direction of increasing prosperity.

Formulate a question. For example: “What is the cash flow for my family next month?”. It is important to specify a short-term interval, which will be greater than 7 and less than 90 days. Then stir the chips with signs. Get three runes one after the other. Line them up:

    The first shows your current financial situation. But the meaning of the Scandinavian symbol does not say what is in sight. It indicates the distribution of finance in different directions. For example, they got Inguz - then big financial victories await you. Or choose Perth - you will plunge into the troubles associated with capital. That is, all your actions lead you to "death".

    The second indicates the future that awaits the financial side of your life. Remember, the symbol indicates the intended path, assuming no change occurs. Look at the meanings of the signs with a positive attitude. Because they warned you. So, you can change everything for the better.

    The third chip with Scandinavian symbols is the most informative. She will tell you how to change events in order to avoid financial failures. If the prediction is good, then the rune will advise how to improve the situation to excellent.

Justice, or the Prediction of Ansuz

This fortune-telling will help you find out how the court or disagreement will end. You will understand how to be in this or that moment:

    1 - grounds for proceedings;

    2 - the course of the procedure;

    3 - tactics and steps of a lawyer;

    4 - strategy and moves of the prosecutor.

In divination, all chips with Scandinavian symbols are used. Only the rune of Odin is excluded. In resolving the issue, they rely on the interpretation of all the runes in turn. It is necessary to lay out all the chips in three lines of eight pieces each.

The explanations for each specific location are as follows:

    1 - finance, prosperity, mind, consciousness;

    2 - well-being and stock of health resources;

    3 - the impact of actions on the bodily condition;

    4 - mind and inner fullness of the soul;

    5 - trips, search for the meaning of life;

    6 - talent for art and camaraderie;

    7 - talent in various fields;

    8 - habitat: people who treat you positively;

    9 - negative points that can destroy you financially;

    10 - discontent, moral resources that help in a difficult situation;

    11 - mind, fortitude;

    12 - relations with society;

    13 - intuition, secret possibilities;

    14 - the center of a positive and positive state;

    15 - faith in God, roads that help to come to harmony in the soul;

    16 - something that will open the understanding of the prophecy of God;

    17 - persistence of life positions and adherence to these provisions;

    18 - external support and development of spiritual components;

    19 - partnership, family, love;

    20 - neurosis, psychosis;

    21 - something that creates the necessary peace in the soul;

    22 - a place in life that needs to be changed;

    23 - forces that affect a person, but he cannot change anything;

    24 - family life, household chores.

After completing the divination, put the runes in place. Meditate, think, comprehend the information. And you will understand what the ancient Scandinavian symbols wanted to tell you.

Where to buy everything you need for divination on Scandinavian runes

We are sure that you, too, are attracted by the legendary magic of runes. What is holding you back from meeting her? Rumors that it is difficult and requires special preparation and dedication? A variety of traditions and approaches?

We will help you figure it out and start your fruitful work with runes. Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Slavic runes, rune sets made of wood, stone and metal, runic amulets and talismans - this is not a complete list of what you will find in "Witch's Happiness" if you strive to master the power of runes.

Runic alphabets are a collection of symbols, and are intended not only to convey information, but also for magical rituals. Runes and their meanings can be compared with syllables in writing: you can create certain magical “messages” from them by combining them in a certain sequence. For magical purposes, they are used both for divination (predicting the future) and for writing various spells (staves). In this section, we will mainly consider the Scandinavian runes of the elder Futhark.

Runes: history of occurrence, principles of action, rules of interpretation, the basics of divination and divination

Perhaps none of the existing runic alphabets has such a strong and rich thousand-year history as the Scandinavian runes.

All materials on runes

What are runes?

The word Runa - originally in a literal translation meant "cut" or "cut". However, a little later it acquired a second meaning: “secret”, “to speak in a whisper”, etc. This was due to the transformation of writing into a kind of magical ritual surrounded by mystery and accessible only to the elite.

However, modern writing largely has its roots in the Scandinavian runes. Historians have discovered various archaeological evidence of the relationship between modern writing and runes.

  • It can be noted that in the Russian alphabet there are ten letters, in the form exactly corresponding to the signs of the runes, in the Roman alphabet there are as many as thirteen such letters;
  • In addition, individual signs of the ancient Latin, Roman and runic alphabet are similar to each other, which means that they have a common origin.

Known runic alphabets

There are currently four main runic systems in northwestern Europe:

  1. Old Germanic Elder Futhark- consists of twenty-four runes, it is he who is the most common runic system in practice (400-800 AD).
  2. Anglo-Saxon Futhark (or Northumbrian system) - it includes thirty-three runes (500-1000 AD).
  3. Scandinavian Junior Futhark (Futork) It has sixteen runes. In Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Icelandic versions (600-1200 AD).
  4. Armanic runic alphabet- eighteen runes (early 20th century).

Elder Futhark

Elder Futhark- it is more graphic magic, and not at all practical writing. It is in the category of graphic magic that this runic system continues to develop.

Over the long millennia, the runic alphabets have changed, but the most common was the Germanic version, "Elder Futhark", named after the first six letters F, U, Th, A, R and K.

The name "Futhark" this runic alphabet received from the first 6 letters.

There are twenty-four signs in it, they are divided into three main groups, each of which has eight letters: the runes of Freya, Hagall and Tyr.

3 verses of the Elder Futhark respectively of the gods: Freya, Hagalla, Tire

Junior Futhark

In Iceland, as well as in Scandinavia, the Younger Futhark became the most common, it was used until the seventeenth century. To make it more convenient to designate the nineteen-year luni-solar cycle, three folding ones were added for sixteen simple runes (two with the sound [x] and one [y]).

Danish Runes of the Younger Futhark

"Short-branched" Swedish-Norwegian runes

To transform the runes in northwestern Europe, they were guided by the principle of simplifying the appearance, in addition to increasing their number. In British runic systems, special runes were added to almost all diphthongs (double sounds) - local and "alien" languages ​​abound with them.

Anglo-Saxon Futhark

A later runic alphabet adopted in what is now England.

Anglo-Saxon rune series

Armanic Futhark

Modern runic alphabet created by Guido von List. Very controversial from the point of view of historians, but very popular in esoteric practices.

Other runic alphabets

The Celtic runic alphabet (Ogham), as the most complex and least studied, and the Slavic runic alphabet (perhaps not historically existing) are separated into a separate group.

Runes of the Northern Wends (territory of modern Poland)

Why don't we write in runes now?

The Latin alphabet became widespread in territories where runes similar to German ones were used (Poland, Czech Republic, etc.). The Slavic script, similar to the Glagolitic, was replaced by the Cyrillic alphabet, during the movement to eradicate paganism and idolatry after the adoption of Christianity.

Today one can only admire the whole strength and power of the Christian ideology, which carried out the most effective information campaign, despite the meager technological capabilities.

Rune inscriptions in transliteration in the temple of the ancient Slavic city of Rethra

It's fair to say: for transliteration records, the Western Slavs used Germanic runic symbols.

For the famous temple of Retra, the idols were signed according to this principle - transliteration into Old Russian using Scandinavian runes. It is difficult to say why this was done, but the fact remains.

The Southern Slavs, including the Bulgarians, used their own unique written characters, which later became the basis of the Glagolitic alphabet.

The principle of transliteration was also used in Russia for records, but with the use of Greek writing. In this form, an agreement was drawn up for Russia and Byzantium in which two languages ​​\u200b\u200bare used - Greek and Old Russian. The letters were Greek, but the text was Russian.

Making, activating and stipulating runes

Each practicing person makes a choice in favor of the activation method that is close and suitable only to him, and as a result of which he will receive a wonderful result. For someone who is just starting out, choose your own method that will work the best possible only by trial and error. Currently, there are several most commonly used activation methods.

Making and writing runes

Runes and runic sets made of stone, wood, metal and even paper. The most popular and correct material for making runes is wood. More information about the production of such a set can be found here.

If you are making a runic formula or becoming a one-time use, then making it out of wood is quite difficult. As a rule, they are simply written on paper, cardboard or even on the body. As for how to write runes. For prescribing, you can use any tools, such as paints, a pen or pencil. Sometimes, some use their own saliva and blood to inscribe runes on the wearer.

In principle, there is no difference between the choice of tools. Most importantly, remember that in the process of making a reservation and subsequent activation, you should not keep negative thoughts in your head, because they are material and tend to come true.

There is no one special single clause that fits everything. Most importantly, be sure not to be lazy to spend a little more time on the reservation and take into account all the important points. This will be the key to your success.

Carrying out the rite of blood

The classic literary variant tells us that the runes must be activated by resorting to the use of human blood. This method is still in place today. It is quite efficient and effective, but it will not be easy to implement it and, in principle, there is no need to resort to it.

Fire Activation Ritual

For it is possible to use ordinary fire, which can be obtained with a match. In this case, the lighter should not be used. The match itself contains a huge charge of vital energy, as it is made of wood - this is simply necessary for the runes.

Attention: fire activation is not burn activation! Be careful during the ritual.

Stav or recruitment clause

Next comes . It should be said right away that the reservation is eighty percent of the successful result of the work of the runes. It is a statement of intent that you put into a particular formula. It is important to remember that the runes perform and realize everything: what you say, they do. You can mean anything, but it will be different. The runes do not speculate, they think out your hidden intentions. They perform only what they heard, using the shortest path. In this regard, it is very important to clearly set the task and stages of action.

The basics of working with runes

To perform this rite, you need to pronounce the text of the runes, and list the actions that you perform while doing this. In parallel with this, the process of writing down the names of the runes, as well as energy charging, should take place on paper, but best of all, a stone carrier. The slander is always drawn up according to the standard scheme and pronounced in an undertone.

  1. After all the entries are made and the names of the runes are spoken, it is necessary to carry out actions to activate the stav.
  2. Be sure to describe the problems that exist in as much detail as possible. The description should be detailed, so the charge will be more accurate.
  3. It is necessary to indicate the progress of the runes. Thus, we describe a step-by-step process of overcoming difficulties. What it should really look like.
  4. The final stage will again be the process of prescribing the names of the runes.

After absolutely all actions are completed, a process is launched that solves all difficulties. If there is such an opportunity, then it is worth making some amendments to the work of the runes. For example, it would be quite useful to point out that it is not worth mentioning the health of the asking person and members of his family.

The principle of the runes

Rune magic refers more to “object” or “symbol” magic and most often consists in applying individual runes, rune staves and runograms to various objects, and further magical actions with the object are usually not needed. The rune divination technique is also based on the layouts of certain groups of runes, as well as using them as magical seals (sigils).

Runic item magic - amulets and stavas


The principle of operation of the runes remained a controversial issue. The ancient Scandinavians moved in a simple way - when they turned to the rune, they turned to the as or van (deity) who patronized it. That is, as modern experts would say, to egregor runes, which was part of the collective unconscious, which has its own "quasi-consciousness".

Runes divination

Initially, it was believed that if one or another rune fell out in the layout, then it showed under whose influence or attention (what deity) the querent was. Such a world model would be logical at the present time, and it could be used if it were not for the fact that the egregores of the Scandinavian deities or other pagan gods have weakened ... although the effect of the runes is still as effective, which is why this hypothesis is doubtful.

On the other side! For thousands of years, each rune could have formed its own egregore, and if the ritual is performed correctly, its forces multiply many times passing through the “lens of faith” of the fortuneteller. Therefore, the "egregorial theory" has a lot of fans.


From the point of view of bioenergetics, each rune is a systematic vibration that resonates with the energy of the environment and man. Depending on how the runes were cut (drawn), the direction of the flows is determined, which explains the fact that images created by the same methods on the same materials and containing the same number of “graphic elements” can interact differently with the current reality and human biofield.

Bioenergetic version of the principles of the runes

The simplest explanation for this fact is the existence of the noosphere, the so-called repository of information of the universe, for which the runes are a connecting channel (or communication protocol).

With the expansion of the concept of the noosphere to the unification of the entire flow of information and cause-and-effect relationships of the Universe, then, as a result, the channel will become reversible, which makes it possible not only receive information, and also allows for the possibility of changing reality.

In esoteric schools, the world is presented as a material and spiritual component. In the doctrine of bioenergetics - as a material and informational component. But still, the concept that the world consists or rests on three pillars: informational, spiritual and material components, looks more complete.

From all of the above, we can conclude that in our model, it is the runes that are responsible for the information part, therefore, they can also influence the rest of the universe.

Actually, it is bioenergy experts who recommend initiating (activating) runes with the help of creatures from another world.

So, for example, you can turn to Asatru (when translated from Norwegian - “Faith in Ases” - that is, one of the traditions of northern paganism), most often they turn to Odin. In general, you can try to launch and activate the runes yourself, a separate article is devoted to this topic.


It is less likely that the principle of the runes is based on self-hypnosis. Suppose if a certain rune falls out to someone who is guessing, he “self-programs” to find himself in a certain situation, or with the help of the subconscious (assuming that all this is true) seeks to get into it by any means.

When the rune is used for magical purposes (for example, when applying a tattoo), then with the help of self-hypnosis, you can believe in yourself (of course, quite a few effects are explained in such ways, however, not all of them) and, as a result, win the competition, recover and so on.

But still, this theory will not be able to explain how runic practices affect your inspiration, luck when passing an exam, or helping friends recover.

How to use runes correctly?

Of course, the oldest and most common part of rune magic was the use not of a set of runes (staves, runograms, etc.), but of each rune separately, when no connections were established between the signs. So runes were probably used in everyday life by ordinary people, and not just magicians or priests.

If you draw only one rune, it will still affect our world! Runes were drawn on completely different materials.

Example: if danger was approaching, a rune of protection was used - Algiz - it was possible to draw it right in front of you, in the air, with your hand or weapon.

All signs in the runic system are magical symbols, with the help of which, in one case or another, you can create an effect or endow an object with magical properties.

The magic of individual runes

The use of a single rune in one way or another is by far the easiest kind of rune work in principle. However, this does not mean that such a simple action will have less effect. Various authors (E. Thorsson, A. Platov and others) indicated that if the rune is applied separately, this is not “oversimplification” and does not at all lead to less effective results.

Even when complex runic formulas were compiled in accordance with established technologies, there are many examples when they are supplemented or enhanced by individual runes.

Historical fact: in younger runic texts or in texts written in Latin, single older runes are traditionally found.

Such a recording scheme was used for one purpose - to avoid "extinguishing runes", to give meaning to the text bearing runes, and also so that combinations of characters would not lead to unpredictable and irreversible actions.

Important principle: in order for the action of the runes to be clear and directed, there should be few of them - for this you need to make a record in Latin, leaving only the most necessary magic runes.

Replica Lancashire magic ring with individual runes

Examples of such entries are:

  • Lancashire magic ring;
  • Anglo-Saxon inscription from Chester-le-Street, (the runes Mannaz and Nautiz are preserved in the word Edmund).

And examples, when the magic of a separate rune was used, are “Speech of Sigrdriva” - in one of the songs of the Elder Edda. The passage is given below, there are indications of the possible magical uses of the runes:

Runes of victory, if you aspire to it, carve them on the sword hilt and mark them twice with the name of Tyr!

Know the runes of beer so that you are not afraid of deceit. Put them on the horn, draw on your hand, - rune Naud - on the nail.

(Speech of Sigrdriva, 6-7)

There are many cases of such use of runes in history:

  1. In Holborough (England), an Anglo-Saxon spearhead (dating back to the sixth century) was found, on which the Tyr rune - Teyvaz was drawn, which fully corresponds to the “Speech of Sigrdriva”.
  2. Excavations in the Nydam Marsh have unearthed four ships even older than the spearhead from England. More than a hundred double-edged swords were found aboard one of these ships, the wooden hilts covered with silver, bone and bronze. About half a thousand spearheads were also found there. At the same time, the runes Teyvaz and Algiz were applied to many weapons. The approximate time of burial is the third and fourth centuries of our era.

Runic amulets

Runic amulets and amulets with runes applied to them are used not only for applying alphabetic letters to them. Many ancient amulets have been found inscribed with runes or symbols close to them. Since runes were created long before any writing system, there is nothing surprising in the findings of historians.

In modern magic, it is generally not customary to make meaningful inscriptions and runes are used exclusively as part of staves, rune formulas (runograms).

Non-alphabetic runes in magic

Valknut is one of the most famous subrunic symbols.

Runes for magic are not limited to runes that are part of any runic alphabet. At the moment, a large number of symbols are known and successfully used that are not in the main runic rows. They usually do not have a phonetic correspondence, they are called "non-alphabetic".

There are many runes that are not used for written characters in certain areas, but turned out to be alphabetic runes:

  • One of the examples is rune Freyra (Inguz), it belongs to the Elder Futhark and was alphabetic in the Scandinavian countries in the first millennium AD. But this rune did not fall into the Northern Vendian runic system - as a result, it is non-alphabetic in this case.
  • And the complete opposite rune Wald, non-alphabetic in relation to Futhark, in Frisia it was alphabetic, in writing it conveyed the sound tie.

There is a theory that most of the non-alphabetic runes have a magical power that surpasses that of the Futaraka runes. Like it or not, it's hard to say, but one thing is known for certain - that non-alphabetic runes were used in magic, as well as alphabetic ones.

Subrunic symbols

The arsenal of runic magic includes not only non-alphabetic runes, but also the so-called subrunic symbols. It was said above about the creation and compilation of alphabets from various sacred symbols collected over the centuries. It is clear that not all signs were involved in the alphabet, a great many of them existed and were used as independent symbols.

These include:

  • Swastika;
  • Simple cross;
  • Celtic cross;
  • Valknut;
  • Thunder sign;
  • etc.

When the classic Futhark (Elder) and the rest of the runic rows were created, these symbols became their sub-runic environment, from which, if necessary, magical signs were drawn that complemented the meaning of the runes for the spells used.

Why Elder Futhark became popular

The classic elder Futhark comes from a time when the gods of different peoples were neighbors and resembled each other to many. Runes represented egregors more extensively than local pantheons.

  • Separate runes are by and large not tied to a particular god, and when working with runes, you can use archetypes, and not resort to the help of other gods for you.
  • Using the graphic representation of the runes, we are approaching the archetypes, although the paths may be different. The times when the source was in the singular are gone.
  • If we follow the theory of archetypes and accept the hypothesis of the collective unconscious, we can assume that huge social structures, such as a country, or a nation, or an ethnos, will have specific features, within the framework of the above hypothesis.
  • Connections of this type come from upbringing or genetics and lie in the areas of culture (various myths, life, rituals, religion) or language, as well as hierarchical structures of power, social relations, and so on.

Many esotericists give strong arguments, one of which is that Futhark is more “developed” and therefore filled with energy and meaning. Such a system works with its own characteristics, but at the same time it is quite strong and has a long lifespan.

What you need to know before working with runes

There are people who have come up with their own runic systems and declare that only they work, and everyone else is a blatant deception. And all because a person looked at the runes in his own way in the process of work, that's all. The whole difference in understanding usually comes down to the fact that in a geometric position one or two graphic elements may be absent or present.

And even in such an individually understood case, the rune will work for the person himself and possibly his friends and relatives. But there is nothing worse than the unpredictable behavior of a rune, no matter what school or magic it belongs to.

Each person is a closed energy system. And without realizing it at all, he can interact with the help of energy with his colleagues, or neighbors, or relatives and friends.

Important! Before you start working with runes, you need to learn them thoroughly! And not just to memorize the names, but to be imbued with their meaning and deep meaning. Even if you don't succeed the first time, keep trying until you win!

When meditating with images of runes, those who started this practice, no matter what age and gender you are, have approximately the same images and sensations. This is due to the fact that runes are archetypal symbols of the construction of the universe. But any practitioner formulates the description of runes in his perception in different ways, and no matter how much magical literature you read, the most important thing is to listen to yourself and your feelings.

When communicating with the higher mind, remember one thing - you do not need to listen to your neighbor, look and listen to yourself. And in conclusion, it should be noted that only stupid and hypocritical people try to impose their view of the world and their truth on other people, not realizing that everyone has their own truth, and everyone can know their truth only on their own.

Video: "The Magic of Rune Symbols"

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