Types of connection of sentences in the text. Means and types of communication between sentences of the text. Types of communication, structural components of the text Types of communication of sentences in a paragraph

Means of communication in the text

The means of communication of sentences in the text are considered at several levels: lexical, morphological, syntactic. In this chapter, only those that are most often found in the USE tasks will be considered:

Lexical means:

Lexical repetitions are repetitions of the same word or a single-root word. We discussed the reading for a long time. book. In this book was what we were waiting for.
Synonyms Bunin in his story"Easy Breath" expressed a disturbing thought about the fate of man. Plot short stories is a tense development of two motives: death and life.
Antonyms Foe agrees. Friend argues.
Kenning - You amaze me, gentlemen, - said Odintsov, - but we will talk with you later.

At dinner, Anna Sergeevna again started speech about botany.

Morphological means:

Parsing the task.

Among sentences 25-34, find one that connects with the previous ones with the help of an adversative conjunction and a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

(25) I don’t know how much time has passed, but suddenly the night was lit up with bright headlights, and a long shadow of some giant fell on my face. (26) I closed my eyes and through my eyelashes I saw my father. (27) He took me in his arms and pressed me to him. (28) In a whisper, he told his mother that he had reached the regional center, raised everyone to their feet and returned with an all-terrain vehicle.

(29) I dozed in his arms and through my sleep I heard him coughing. (30) Then no one attached any importance to this. (31) And for a long time later he was ill with bilateral pneumonia.

(32) ... My children are perplexed why, when decorating a Christmas tree, I always cry. (ZZ) From the darkness of the past, a father comes to me, he sits under the tree and puts his head on the button accordion, as if stealthily wants to see his daughter among the dressed up crowd of children and smile at her cheerfully. (34) I look at his face shining with happiness and also want to smile at him, but instead I start to cry.

The task includes two conditions: firstly, the sentence must begin with an adversative conjunction, and secondly, it must contain a personal pronoun. Let's start with the first condition. From the list of proposals, only one begins with a union - proposal No. 31. It also has a personal pronoun. is he.

Thus, the correct answer is sentence number 31.


1. Among sentences 1 - 8, find one that connects with the previous one using lexical repetition and a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Then the question arises: why is a person so deaf to the inner call of self-preservation? (2) Why does he break down doors that have a No Trespassing sign on them? (3) What is it? (4) Stupidity as an innate human quality? (5) Purposeless protest against all laws and regulations, which feeds on the dark energy of animal instincts? (6) Or maybe an ineradicable need for knowledge? (7) The need, which is as natural as the need to drink, eat, sleep ... (8) Look at the history of mankind: it is all in this uncompromising and steady movement beyond the line of what is permitted.

2. Among sentences 1 - 6, find one that connects with the previous ones with the help of a union and a possessive pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Sympathy is a great human ability and need, a good and a duty. (2) People who are endowed with this ability or who anxiously feel a lack of it in themselves, people who have cultivated in themselves the talent of kindness, those who know how to turn sympathy into assistance, live more difficult than insensitive. (3) And more restless. (4) But their conscience is clear. (5) They tend to raise good children. (6) They are generally respected by those around them.

3. Among sentences 1 - 5, find one that is related to the previous one using a contextual synonym. Write the number of this offer.

A text is a sequence of sentences that are linked by a common theme and a common thought. At the same time, in each of them the author's thought is completed only partially. It requires further development, for which the remaining proposals serve.

Each new sentence in the text is created on the basis of the previous ones. In order for the theme to develop continuously, they must be connected to each other with the help of a semantic or grammatical connection.

In contact with


It is thanks to this connection that different semantic relationships between sentences can arise in the text. For example, one sentence can be opposed to another, explain its meaning, or clarify some details. This helps the author to better reveal his thought, more accurately convey emotions or show the reader different shades of meaning.

Consider the main ways and means of communication between sentences in the text.

To combine sentences into a clear and logical text, the authors use two methods of communication: chain and parallel. In the first case, all new sentences are connected with the previous ones, like links in one chain (hence the name). In the second case, the proposals with each other, at first glance, are not connected in any way, but are built around one common thesis. Let's examine both of these methods in more detail.

chain link

This is the most common type of sentence connection in a text. It occurs where the author expresses his thoughts in order, and each new sentence seems to continue or develop the previous one. In another way, this type of connection is called sequential or linear.

Such a connection works very simply: some information is taken from one sentence and developed in the next sentence. For example:

The bright summer sun peeked out from behind the clouds. It illuminated the wet streets and houses with its rays.

Here the word "sun" is used in the first sentence, but the story continues in the second. Thanks to this repetition, both statements look connected and consistently develop the same theme.

Chain link is used very widely. It can be found in all literary styles: artistic, business, journalistic, and especially scientific, where the author is required to present the material as convincingly and logically as possible. It is equally well suited for description, and for narration, and for reasoning. Such popularity is due to the fact that the chain connection to some extent copies human thinking.

It is easy to see that the meaning of the chain connection is repetition. In order for two statements to connect with each other, they must repeat some words or they must talk about the same object. Here are the most common chain link options:

Parallel communication

When using a parallel connection, sentences do not directly depend on each other, but are usually built around some central thesis. Each of them looks independent in content, but at the same time is part of some general list, comparison or opposition. For example:

Evening came. The city imperceptibly emptied. The voices of people and the signals of cars were silent. Street lights and shop windows lit up.

Here the phrase “Evening has come” acts as a semantic center around which all other statements are built. By the way, in a different way, the parallel connection of sentences in the text is called centralized.

As a rule, the order of parallel clauses does not matter. They can be interchanged as you like and the meaning of the paragraph will not change from this.

Typically, the structure of a text with parallel links looks like this:

  1. The beginning, that is, the central thesis around which the rest of the text is built.
  2. A series of statements that expand or prove a thesis.
  3. Optional part: change of plan. This is the very last sentence, which can be a conclusion from all that has been said or serve as a "bridge" to the next text.

Here is an example of a paragraph built according to this scheme:

Our cat Vasily is a harmful animal. At night, he runs around the rooms and wakes everyone up with his stomp. In the morning he asks for food and meows for the whole house. Not a week goes by without him breaking a cup or plate in the kitchen. However, we still love him very much.

Offers with centralized links have two characteristic features:

  1. Structure parallelism. This means that sentences generally retain their word order and form. And sometimes for greater expressiveness they repeat the first word.
  2. The unity of predicate forms. Most often these are verbs in one form (as in the example above: runs, wakes up, asks, meows).

Texts with a centralized link help the author to talk about several phenomena, objects or events at once. This technique is often found in the description and narration.

Combination of different ways of communication

Chain and parallel communication rarely occurs alone. If the text is relatively large, then it will certainly contain both. Usually the author chooses the appropriate way to connect sentences in the text based on their specific goals and objectives. For example, to describe the main character's room, the writer can use text with a centralized link, and to talk about how his day went - with a chain link.

But it also happens that both methods can be applied even in one paragraph. For example:

There was no bus, and people at the bus stop began to worry. The man in the rumpled hat every minute took out his watch from his pocket and examined its dial. The elderly woman grimaced and looked hopefully at the evening highway. But the highway was still empty and deserted.

Here the second and third sentences are connected using a parallel connection, and the fourth one is connected using a chain connection.

To create a chain and parallel connection, various linguistic means, both semantic and grammatical, are used. Today, philologists divide them into three groups:

  • lexical,
  • Morphological,
  • Syntax.

Let's look at each of these groups in more detail..

Lexical means

These means of communication can be roughly divided into six categories:

1. Lexical repetitions, that is, the repetition of words or phrases. For example:

The man held a huge bouquet of flowers in his hands. The flowers were expensive, but already withered.

2. Root words:

We hoped that in the fall we would have a good harvest. And our hope was not in vain.

3. Synonyms. This group also includes various synonymic replacements: contextual synonyms, descriptive phrases, generic words, and so on.

book published four months later. However novel caused a flurry of indignation among both critics and readers.

Pushkin wrote the tragedy "Boris Godunov" in 1825. The great poet was able to very accurately convey the atmosphere of that era and the characters of the characters.

4. Antonyms, including contextual ones. For example:

And then it turned out that Vasily Petrovich had few friends. Enemies turned out to be much more.

5. Linking words showing the logic of presentation: therefore, in conclusion, for this reason etc. Example:

Vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins. That is why it is desirable to eat them every day.

6. Words on the same topic:

Has come winter. A week later l snow and the strong ones began frosts.

Morphological means

To create a morphological connection, various parts of speech are used:

1. Unions, allied words and particles at the beginning of a sentence. For example:

While fishing, we drowned the boat and lost our fishing rods. But we caught two crucians and one gudgeon.

2. Pronouns. This group includes personal and demonstrative pronouns, as well as pronominal adverbs. For example:

Tourists made a halt on the bank of a small river. They d They had no idea what awaited them here.

3. Adverbs of time and place. Often these are adverbs applicable to several sentences at once with a parallel connection:

The furniture was covered with a thick layer of dust. Huge gray cobwebs hung in the corners. The windows, apparently, have not been washed for five years. Here everywhere chaos and desolation reigned.

4. Verbs-predicates in one tense form:

Has come late fall. From the trees in the park crumbled leaves. Over the roofs drummed long and dull rains.

5. Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs:

The parking space was great. It is better and it was impossible to imagine.

Syntactic means

They can also be divided into five categories:

1. Syntactic parallelism, that is, the use of the same word order. Moreover, the words themselves are usually in the same morphological form:

The man was sitting in an armchair by the fireplace. The dog lay on the floor near his feet.

2. Parceling - the design of parts of a complete statement in the form of separate sentences.

The kittens have already matured and crawl out of the box. They run around the room. They meow.

3. Incomplete sentences:

Do you know where chinchillas live? In the mountains of Peru!

4. Introductory words and sentences, appeals and rhetorical questions. Here are some examples:

First, he is the best doctor in town. And secondly, he plays the piano superbly.

Want to try something different this summer? Make Spanish Cold Tomato Soup!

5. Use of direct and reverse word order:

This is a day he will never forget. Never forget how his whole life flew downhill in an instant.

To learn how to correctly recognize and use various means of communication, you need to remember the following:

10. Determine the type of logical connection between sentences in paragraphs:

1. All material bodies, some smaller, others larger, change their shape. The change in the shape of a body is called deformation. If the deformation of the body is small, then the body can be considered absolutely rigid

2. One of the authors of the book "The Science of the Bicycle", American mechanical engineer D. Wilson, came to the conclusion that the best vehicle on the moon would be a bicycle. He even developed a project for a two-seat four-wheeled vehicle adapted to lunar conditions, on which astronauts would be able to travel along the natural satellite of the Earth at speeds up to 30 km per hour. The author of the project believes that the advantages

1) parallel

2) serial

3) mixed

4) no connection

bicycles are reliability, convenience, independence from power sources

3. Attempts to find some pattern in all the diversity of human characters, to find common features were made back in antiquity. One of the most prominent physicians of ancient Greece, Hippocrates, who lived in the 5th-4th centuries. BC e., distinguished four types of temperament, and this is the oldest known typology of the psyche

4. Echinacea - a perennial herb

standing medicinal plant from North America. Thanks to this, it is completely possible to prevent the onset of the disease.

or at least shorten its duration and relieve symptoms

11. Determine the type of logical connection between sentences in paragraphs:

1. The foundation for the development of socionics was laid by Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychologist. In his work "Psychological Types" eight types of personality were described with different characteristics. These eight types formed the basis of socionics

2. Shipbuilding is an industry that carries out

construction of ships of all types and purposes. All this made an indelible impression on me, and already

1) parallel

2) serial

3) mixed

4) no connection

then I decided to connect my life with the sea

3. Introverts are focused on their inner world and their relationship with the outside world. Introverts prefer to save energy, do no more than what is necessary

4. Logicians are people whose main categories of thinking are correctness, justice, efficiency, objectivity. Logicians "decide with their heads", considering first of all the facts and rules

12. Determine the type of logical connection between sentences in paragraphs:

1. Ethics - those who "think with their hearts", are guided primarily by the relationship between people, their feelings, emotions. Ethics are able to understand other people, their needs and desires.

2. Extroverts are outward oriented and prefer to take action to achieve significant results. Extroverts at the same time maintain internal constancy - it is better to change something around than in yourself.

3. It should be noted that the effective work of the managerial level of a commercial company depends entirely on the level of equipment of the company's office with electronic equipment, such as communications, copiers, etc.

1) parallel

2) serial

3) mixed

4) no connection

Spreadsheets increase the efficiency of workflow, improve teamwork

4. In popular science literature, not highly specialized, but commonly used terminology is used.

Terms, as a rule, are explained in the text, definitions are simplified, replaced by descriptive phrases, examples and comparisons.

13. Determine the type of logical connection between sentences in paragraphs:

1. Popular science literature does not aim to give a consistent presentation of scientific truths. The explanation of the scientific position here is not necessarily supported by calculations, formulas, tables, experimental results, etc.

2. Chemical analysis of animal and plant tissues shows that they contain a variety of chemical elements that form organic compounds. The most important, vital elements are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

3. Various elements from other styles can be included in the language of popular science texts. Epithets, metaphors, personifications, expressions are widely used.

1) parallel

2) serial

3) mixed

4) no connection

14. Determine the type of logical connection between sentences in paragraphs:

1. Lomonosov confidently defended atomism - the doctrine of the discontinuous (granular) structure of matter, consisting of individual extremely small particles. He developed the idea that particles of matter exist in two forms: an atom ("element") and a molecule ("corpuscle") as some closed set of atoms.

2. The line along which the material point moves is called the trajectory of the point. If the trajectory of the point is a curved line, then the movement of the point is called curvilinear movement

3. If the trajectory of the point is a curved line, then the movement of the point is called curvilinear movement. If the trajectory of the point is a straight line, then the movement of the point is called rectilinear movement.

1) parallel

2) serial

3) mixed

4) no connection

1. Russia is not only a state ... It is ... a superstate, an ocean ... Russia is an ocean of lands, sweeping over a whole sixth of the world ... Russia is a country of unheard-of, richest treasures that lurk in its deep bowels for a time . Russia is not a single race, and this is its strength. Russia is an association of races, an association of peoples speaking one hundred and forty languages, it is a free catholicity, unity of difference, polychromy, polyphony (From the letters of N. Roerich)

2. Help connect text information with introductory words and sentences. With their help, the author expresses his attitude to the expressed thought: confidence, assumption, doubt, addition, etc.

3. The momentum of a body is the product of the mass of the body and its speed. The momentum is a vector that coincides in direction with the velocity vector and is equal in magnitude to the product of the body's mass and its velocity. The momentum is denoted by the letter p

4. Oxides are called complex substances consisting of atoms of two elements, one of which is oxygen. According to their chemical properties, oxides are divided into salt-forming and non-salt-forming.

1) parallel

2) serial

3) mixed

4) no connection

1. Potential energy is determined up to a constant. The presence of a constant requires the preliminary establishment of a conditional zero energy reading. The zero energy level is taken to be the energy of a body lying on the surface of the Earth.

2. It is believed that garlic is useful. The unpleasant odor is due to volatile dimethyl selenide, an organic derivative of selenium that is formed in the digestive tract of the eater, but is not present in the plant itself.

3. Water makes up 65% of our weight, in children even 80%. The amount of water in different organs and tissues of our body is different. So, its blood contains about 83%, in the brain, heart, muscles - about 70 - 80%, and bones contain only 15 - 20%

4. Of the chemical compounds that make up the tissues of organisms, the bulk by weight is accounted for by water. Water is a necessary participant in all metabolic processes. All nutrients and salts can be absorbed into the blood only when dissolved in water, just as all chemical processes in cells are possible only in the presence of water.

1) parallel

2) serial

3) mixed

4) no connection

1. Magnetic storms are usually not considered a formidable natural phenomenon, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons. True, they disrupt radio communications in the high latitudes of the planet, make compass needles “dance”

2. People don't know who was Roman

pope in Galileo's time, but they will always know Galileo. People don't know which queen ruled England in Newton's time, but they will always know Newton. People do not know who reigned in Russia during the time of Lomonosov, but they will know Lomonosov at all times. People do not know what kind of Kaiser was in Germany and who was the President of the United States in the time of Einstein, but the name of Einstein will carry humanity through the millennia.

(V.D. Plykin)

3. Secondary abstracts are written in order to highlight the main information of any source, for example, a textbook, scientific article or monograph. Such theses are necessary for students and graduate students for further scientific work.

4. Original abstracts are written as the primary text for the upcoming presentation at the seminar, conference or congress. Such abstracts are published in special collections.

1) parallel

2) serial

3) mixed

4) no connection

1. Russia is not only a country of the instant present. It is a country of great past, with which it keeps an inextricable link... Russia is a country of Byzantine domes, which give Russia an unheard-of beauty captured in Russian art... Russia is grandiose. Unique. Russia is polar. Russia - the mission of new times (From the letters of N. Roerich)

2. Water is involved in the regulation of body temperature: released with sweat, it evaporates and, cooling the body, protects it from overheating. The need for it is on average 2 - 2.5 liters per day. This need is satisfied approximately as follows: 1 liter in the form of drinking, 1 liter is contained in food and 300 - 350 g is formed in the body as a result of chemical transformations occurring in all cells and tissues

3. The expression "fish" appeared in connection with a pop miniature about a songwriter. In order not to forget the music to write the lyrics to, he memorized the rhythm using the names of various types of fish.

4. At the end of last year, a polar expedition of Danish and German researchers took place on the icebreaker Polar Star along the eastern coast of Greenland and 74 km from the coast among

1) parallel

2) serial

3) mixed

4) no connection

19. Determine the type of logical connection between sentences in paragraphs:

1. The code implies language units that have communicative significance, i.e. words and sentences. The most important principle of information coding is the principle of redundancy. It is redundancy that provides adequate conditions for interpreting the message.

2. P.M. Tretyakov began to collect paintings by Russian artists in the 1950s, setting himself the goal of creating a national museum of painting accessible to all strata of society. He followed the development of Russian art, made sure that everything marked by talent got into his collection.

3. P.M. Tretyakov passionately loved his city. Since then, the collection of Russian painting has been replenished with new canvases, a sculpture department has been created, and the departments of graphics and icon painting have increased.

4. Engineers and inventors of our days have found a wide variety of applications for ultrasound and infrasound. Infrasound was very

1) parallel

2) serial

3) mixed

4) no connection

convenient for long-range underwater communications, for the rapid detection of underwater obstacles. Ultrasound well cleans the surface of various crystals from various contaminants

20. Indicate the sequence of sentences in the paragraph, taking into account the need for a logical connection between the sentences:

1. In the Middle Ages, a new digital system came to Europe - 1

ma, which was called Arabic, since it was the Arabs who contributed to its spread

2. So, 555 means 5 units + 5 tens + 5 hundreds

3. In the Arabic system, each number had a separate symbol, which was not a letter of the alphabet, as in the ancient Greek language, and had a positional value

4. In fact, this system was invented in India

21. Indicate the sequence of sentences in the paragraph, taking into account the need for a logical connection between the sentences:

1. For many centuries, the beginning of the year in Russia was considered the first of March, but in 1492 the beginning of the year was moved to the first of September

2. In Russia, the Julian calendar (introduced under Julius Caesar in 46 BC) was adopted at the end of the 10th century in connection with Baptism

3. The Decree "On the introduction of the Western European calendar in the Russian Republic" from February 14 (1), 1918 established the Gregorian calendar, and the dates began to be indicated according to the so-called "new style"

4. But the time was counted "from the creation of the world", which was attributed to 5508 BC. e.

5. They differ from old style dates by 13 days

6. With the advent of the decrees of Peter I “On the writing of Genvar from the 1st of 1700 in all papers of the summer from the Nativity of Christ, and not from the creation of the world” and “On the celebration of the New Year”, the new year begins on January 1

The units from which the whole is built, in the linguistics of the text, are those elements that have all or most of the main features inherent in the whole.

In relation to our topic, the starting point in this sense is the text and its features: coherence, integrity, semantic and stylistic unity, and other categorical features of the text.

Most of these features are possessed by paragraphs, complex syntactic integers, and partly by sentences.

Paragraph(German Absatz, lit. - indent):

1) indentation in the initial line of printed or handwritten text.

2) A connected text component consisting of one or more phrases (sentences) and characterized by unity and relative completeness of content. In a meaning close to this, the terms "period", "complex syntactic whole", "super-phrasal unity" also appear.

Offer is the second building unit of the text. For a long time, it was generally not considered the only unit of speech, while the famous Russian linguist A.M. Peshkovsky did not show that connected speech is an alternation of single sentences and superphrasal units.

The selection of complex (super-phrasal) syntactic units as units of coherent speech revealed that sentences act in speech both as a “building material” for super-phrasal units, and as their functionally equal equivalents.

Sentences in the text are connected to each other according to certain laws, embodying the rules for unfolding thoughts.

The main means that create the semantic and grammatical integrity of the text are a single topic, a way of concatenating sentences, the nature of syntactic constructions, word order, stress, thematic vocabulary, repetition of words (lexical repetition), single-root words, pronouns, conjunctions, etc.

The semantic integrity of the text is provided by the theme. A general theme may include a number of smaller sub-themes.

It is the theme that determines some syntactic features of the text.

In the text, sentences can be connected by a chain or parallel connection.

Chain the serial connection of the second sentence with the first, the third with the second, etc. is called. For example:

All the blessings and joys of life//are created by labor. Without labor / I it is impossible to live honestly. From an early age // learn to be true to the word. Loyalty to the word //-- your personal honor.(According to V. Sukhomlinsky.)

The chain connection of the sentences of the text is due to the alternation of the given and the new. The author's thought develops consistently. What was new in the first sentence becomes given in the second, and so on.

Parallel a connection is the subordination of the second, third, etc. sentences to the first. The first sentence contains the theme, gives, as it were, the general plan of the picture, and all subsequent sentences are connected both in meaning and grammatically with it. They detail the overall picture, concretize the theme of the text. For example: I don't remember such an autumn in all my life. September passed-- clear blue, May-like warm, with charming mornings and pensive purple sunsets. In the mornings, fish splash in the Volga, and large circles diverge along the mirror surface of the river. High in the sky, chirping, belated cranes fly by. The left bank changes from green to yellow, then reddish-gold.(V. Nekrasov.)

Strengthens the semantic and grammatical connection of parts of the text lexical repetition(various forms of repeated words are possible).

For example: A person must remember from childhood, from school, on what land he was born. He must remember that he has duties to this great, most beautiful land in the world, which is called the Motherland. If she is in mortal danger, he must stand up for her and stand, if necessary, to the death.

He must remember and honor the deeds of his ancestors, who did not spare their lives, defending their native country, native language, native home.(N. Tikhonov.) In this text, the repetition of key words must, native(in various forms) reinforces the theme - a person's duty to the Motherland.

As one of the means of communication between parts of the text are used one-root the words.

For example: He[Chekhov] loved laughter, but laughed with his sweet, infectious laugh only when someone else told something funny; he himself said the most ridiculous things without the slightest smile.(I. Bunin.) Single-root words (laughter, laughing, funny) belong to different parts of speech and are formally distinguished by morphemes. common root laugh creates the semantic integrity of the text, different morphemes complicate the meaning of words with the same root, make them semantically richer.

The most important means of connecting parts of the text are pronouns to eliminate unnecessary repetition of words.

For example: Swans flew in herds from the cold side to the warm lands.They are flew across the seas ... One young swan flew behind everyone. His strength has weakened.(L. Tolstoy.)

As means of communication of parts of the text are used unions:

In a word, you can sell, and betray, and buy,

The word can be poured into smashing lead.

But words to all the words in the language we have:

Glory, Motherland, Loyalty, Freedom and Honor;

I do not dare to repeat them at every step -

Like banners in a case, I keep them in my soul. (AT. Shefner.)

The same tools can perform different functions. For example, word order not only provides a connection between parts of the text, but also allows you to highlight key words. In the same text, all means of communication are not always used, the predominance of any one or more means of communication depends on the nature of the text, on the individual preferences of the author, etc.

The presence of a thematic sentence in a paragraph is important for both the writer and the reader. The writer of such a sentence allows you to determine the topic of the paragraph and strictly adhere to its development in other sentences of the paragraph, and it helps the reader or listener to determine the subject of speech and keep it in memory until it is replaced by another subject of speech.

When we write, we must begin each paragraph with a slight departure from the main line from which the lines begin. This grabs the reader's attention and shows them that there is a transition from one thought or topic to another.

A well-formed paragraph must meet the following requirements:

1. Only one topic should be stated in a paragraph. It should include everything that is necessary for the development of the topic, why, what does not apply to this topic.

In fiction, the topic of a paragraph can be expressed not in one, but in several sentences. If the paragraph does not have its own thematic proposal, then this means that it is the material for providing a topic or some provision reflected in the previous part of the text.

The placement of sentences within a paragraph should be thoughtful. The relationship of each sentence to the topic sentence of the paragraph should be clear to the reader, and each sentence should prepare the reader for the next sentence.

Sentences within a paragraph should be arranged in such a way that the most important sentence is positionally highlighted and underlined. In this sense, the beginning and end of a paragraph are most capable of emphasizing the expressed idea. Therefore, you should strive to express the main idea at the beginning or at the end of the paragraph.

Paragraph example:

Soon the fox managed to take revenge on the eagle. Once people in the field sacrificed a goat to the gods. The eagle flew down to the altar and carried away the burning entrails from it. But as soon as he brought them to the nest, a strong wind blew. And thin old rods flared up with a bright flame. The eagles fell to the ground. The fox ran up and ate them.

A manifestation of the unity of the content of the paragraph are interphrase links. In the above paragraph, interphrase links are created, in particular:

a) unions in which one of the connected components is absent in the phrase (but also);

b) the identity of the mentioned objects (eagle- eagle, fox - fox), expressed, for example, by substitute words (the insides are theirs) as well as zero substituents (cf. the absence of a subject with a predicate denounced in the 4th phrase);

c) semantic connections of words (for example: sacrifice- altar, eagle- eaglets);

d) the correlation of the species-temporal forms of predicates (in all phrases, except for the 2nd, the predicate is a perfective verb in the form of the past tense);

e) the actual division of this phrase in the context of the previous ones: (for example, in the 7th phrase, the direct word order and the absence of phrasal stress on the word fox mean that fox is the subject of this sentence, and this, in turn, is due to the fact that this fox has already been mentioned earlier).

Some interphrase links (in particular, causal, explanatory, as well as links based on the unity of time, place of action, or the identity of actors and objects) may not have an explicit expression, but are restored in the text due to its originally set connection (innards- refers to the insides of a goat; flew off- meaning not an arbitrary moment in the past, but the moment when people made a sacrifice). Connecting and adversative connections are often expressed by lexical-syntactic parallelism of phrases. Both individual phrases and groups of phrases can enter into interphrase links. So, the 1st phrase is connected by an explanatory link with all the other phrases of the paragraph as a whole.

Links between paragraphs in the text have the same nature, which is the relationship between phrases in a paragraph. The boundaries between paragraphs pass at points with a minimum number of interphrase links. In links between paragraphs, the main role is usually played by the first phrases of the paragraph.

So, in the 1st phrase the word soon(questionable then?) and word take revenge(questionable for what?) relate this paragraph to the previous ones.

The structure of a paragraph and the relationship between paragraphs carry a semantic load. A paragraph is a unit of speech, despite the ambiguity of its boundary.

The semantic and grammatical coherence of parts of the text is achieved using various means of communication. The lexical, morphological and syntactic means of communication of sentences in the text are distinguished.

Lexical means of communication include:

1 Words from one thematic group Winter in these parts is harsh and long. Frosts reach 60 degrees. Snow lies until June. And in April there are blizzards.
2 Lexical repetitions (repetitions of words and phrases), including repetitions of key words, the use of cognate words We discussed the book we read for a long time. This book was exactly what we were waiting for. And our expectations were not in vain.
3 Synonyms and synonymic substitutions (including contextual synonyms, synonymic and descriptive phrases and generic designations) The work of A. S. Pushkin was of particular importance for the development of the Russian literary language. The great Russian poet managed in his works to organically combine high Old Slavonicisms, foreign borrowings and elements of lively colloquial speech.
4 Antonyms (including contextual ones) The enemy agrees. A friend is arguing.
5 Words and phrases with the meaning of logical connections of sentences and summarizing words like this is why, therefore, it follows from this, to summarize, in conclusion, etc. Sea water contains a lot of salt. That is why it is not suitable for cooking.

Morphological means of communication include:

1 Conjunctions, allied words and particles at the beginning of sentences Outside the window, the rain rumbles. But the house is warm and cozy.
2 The use of personal (in 3rd letter), demonstrative and some other pronouns instead of words from previous sentences Language is not transmitted to a person by inheritance. It develops only in the process of communication.
3 The use of adverbs of time and place, which in meaning can refer to several independent sentences at once To the left were mountains. The river gleamed in a narrow strip. Small groves were green. Everywhere here it was quiet and calm.
4 The unity of tense forms of verbs-predicates The night came unexpectedly. It became dark. The stars lit up in the sky.
5 Using degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs The place was great. It couldn't have been better. We were above the clouds. There was nothing above.

The syntactic means of communication of sentences include:

1 Syntactic parallelism, assuming the same word order and the same morphological design of the members of adjacent sentences Youth is a time of hope. Maturity is the time for accomplishments.
2 Parcellation (division) of constructions, removal of any part from the sentence and its design (after the dot) in the form of an independent incomplete sentence To love the Motherland means to live one life with it. Rejoice when she has a holiday. Suffer when the Motherland is hard.
3 Using incomplete sentences Do you know what we were arguing about? - About literature, music, painting.
4 Use of introductory words and sentences, appeals, rhetorical questions First, you need to decide what is most important right now. And secondly, you need to take action. Is it possible to forget the land where you grew up?
5 Use of direct and reverse word order I will come in the evening. I will come to finally see you.

In addition to those noted, the text can also use the semantic and associative links of the parts: Evening came, the sun was already setting, but the stuffiness did not decrease. Ephraim was exhausted and hardly listened to Kuzma. (A.P. Chekhov)

Attention! 1. The indicated means of communication are not obligatory for all texts. Their use depends on the content of the topic of the text, the features of the author's style, the form of narration, etc. 2. The connection of sentences in the text can be not only contact, but also distant (that is, sentences that are distant from each other can also be connected). 3. The connection between individual sentences in the text should not be confused with the connection between parts of a complex sentence.

The semantic and grammatical means of connecting sentences in the text are the basis for distinguishing between two main types (methods) of connecting sentences in the text: chain and parallel. Chain (sequential) connection reflects the consistent development of thoughts, actions, events. In texts with such a connection, each new sentence is related to the words and phrases of the previous sentence; The proposals seem to be intertwined. The "new" in each preceding sentence becomes the "given" for the next sentence. Finally we saw the sea. It was huge and very calm. But this calmness was deceptive. The means of chain communication are usually repetition, synonymous substitutions, pronouns, conjunctions, semantic correspondences and associations. With a parallel connection, sentences are not connected with each other, but are compared or contrasted. Parallel communication is based on parallel, i.e. identical or similar in structure, sentences in which verbs-predicates of the same tense and form are usually used. In many texts with a parallel connection, the first sentence becomes “given” for all subsequent ones, which concretize, develop the idea expressed in the first sentence (while the “given” in all sentences except the first one turns out to be the same).

Forests heal the earth. They are not only gigantic laboratories providing oxygen. They absorb dust and poisonous gases. They are rightly called the "lungs of the earth." The main means of parallel communication are: syntactic parallelism, introductory words (firstly, secondly, finally), adverbs of place and time (right, left, there, first, etc.).

Ex. 4 Read the text. What means of sentence communication (lexical, morphological and syntactic) are used in this text?

I live in a small house on the dunes. The entire Riga seaside is covered in snow. He constantly flies from tall pines in long strands and crumbles into dust. It flies from the wind and from the fact that squirrels jump over the pines. When it is very quiet, you can hear them peeling pine cones. The house is right next to the sea. To see the sea, you need to go behind the gate and walk a little along the path trodden in the snow past the boarded-up cottage. Curtains have been left on the windows of this dacha since the summer. They move in the light wind. The wind must be penetrating through imperceptible cracks into the empty cottage, but from a distance it seems that someone is picking them up and carefully watching you. The sea is not frozen. Snow lies to the very edge of the water. There are traces of hares on it. When a wave rises on the sea, it is not the sound of the surf that is heard, but the crunch of ice and the rustle of settling snow. The Baltic is deserted and gloomy in winter. (Yu. V. Bondarev)

Ex. 5 Put the sentences in the correct order. Write down the resulting texts. Emphasize those linguistic means that serve to connect sentences.

I. 1) You barely glance at the monument standing in the square, beautiful in the midst of winter whiteness, and you can’t take your eyes off this lonely and proud figure. 2) In Odessa, on the boulevard, there is a monument to Pushkin. 3) It is set so that the profile of the poet is visible against the background of a double glowing blue: the sea and the sky. II. 1) Autumn, bright and quiet, came to us so peacefully and calmly that it seemed that there would be no end to clear days. 2) In this transparent blueness, one could discern the most remote mound in the steppe, on an open and spacious plain of yellow stubble. 3) She made the sky clear and meek, gave pale blue and deep. III. 1) The sun rises higher - its color changes, more delicate pastel colors are used. 2) The fact that it is the purest, the most transparent, almost distilled, is well known. 3) Its shades are countless. 4) He blew harder - gray-haired combs lined this blue with foamy stripes. 5) I did not know: this water in its kilometer thickness is the most beautiful. 6) On a quiet summer morning in the shade of the shore, the water is blue-dense and juicy. 7) Baikal water! 8) A breeze blew - someone added blue to the lake.

Ex. 6 Write down. Instead of dots, insert appropriate means of connecting sentences in the text, choosing from the reference material. Justify your choice.

Cyril did not teach for long at the University of Constantinople. (...) this philosopher, who was an expert in Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Latin and Slavic, was sent to Bulgaria on an educational mission. (...) it turned out that it was impossible to educate the Slavs without books in their native language. (...) Cyril began to compose the Slavic alphabet. (According to V.D. Yanchenko)

Reference material: soon, then, then; however, but, a; therefore, therefore, consequently.

Ex. 7 Determine the way the sentences are connected in the text (chain or parallel). Underline the means of communication of sentences with one line, inscribe their names, using reference material.

1) More than half a century ago, the first edition of the world-famous Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov was published. Probably, there is no such person in our country who has never turned to this guide in his life. Moreover, the dictionary has become a desktop guide for those who care about and need the Russian language. This wonderful reference book, created by the great lexicographer of the 20th century, Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, has outlived its creator and compiler by a long way. (According to V.D. Yanchenko)

Reference material: personal pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, word repetition, synonym, introductory word.

2) Ancient Phoenicia was the birthplace of the very first alphabetic letter. Then, in the era of Antiquity, the alphabetic-sound writing invented by the ancient Phoenicians was adopted by the Greeks. It is believed that the ancient Greeks borrowed writing from the Phoenicians, somewhat changing and supplementing their alphabet with new letters. Moreover, if there were 22 letters in the Phoenician alphabet, then in Greek there were 24. (According to V. D. Yanchenko)

Reference material: words of one thematic group, adverb of time, cognates, demonstrative pronoun, word repetition.

Ex. 8 Determine the way the sentences are connected in the text (chain or parallel). Bring evidence.