How to deal with chicken mites. Ticks in chickens: signs, control measures and prevention A variety of ticks dangerous for chickens

The life cycle of ticks is 7-8 months, while at the same time they can be without food for 2-3 months. The development cycle of the mite is more favorable in dirty and damp houses. When bitten, bloodsuckers inject a special substance that prevents blood from clotting. After the bite, severe itching begins.

What are the dangers of chicken mites?

The first thing that may alert poultry farmers is the symptoms of a bird.

  • birds have a sleepy look;
  • chickens have dull-colored earrings;
  • anemia;
  • scallops have a blue tint;
  • the bird is not active (sluggish);
  • decreased appetite;

Chickens move slowly around the house, have a fluffy look. The laying of eggs is noticeably reduced, but at the same time, the nutrition remains the same, the norms. Young chicks refuse to eat, fluff up and sit. The most common cause of death of young animals is exhaustion.

Bird treatment

The bird can be treated with special insecticides. Processing is done twice with a weekly interval. It is recommended to treat birds with Sevin, Feverfew, Ecoflis powder. Powders are intended for the treatment of feathers, and aerosols for the treatment of poultry houses and birds. Well proven spray with permethrin EC. After spraying the livestock and poultry house, the effect lasts up to nine weeks.

An ash-sand mixture is recommended as a proven folk way of fighting. It is scattered over the basins, leaving livestock in the walking area. In this mixture, the bird bathes, the contents need to be changed every two weeks. If the mixture accidentally gets wet, it must be changed immediately. In the old days they washed with wood ash.
Measures to combat ticks in sheds can be carried out with boiling water, fire or a blowtorch. It is necessary to process floors, walls, nests, perches.

If there are old things in the premises where the bird is kept, they must be thrown away, wooden perches should be replaced, it is very difficult to smoke ticks from their cracks.
On poultry farms, for the prevention of premises, quartz lamps are used.
Products containing chlorinated hydrocarbons are prohibited for processing. Active substances can accumulate in the meat and eggs of chickens.

Preventive measures for the chicken coop

Having considered how to treat a bird from a red tick, you need to find out the rules for combating possible infection.

Regular inspection of the bird is required, it is carried out from the first days of spring to the end of the autumn season. It is necessary to clean the chicken coop and pallets from litter in a timely manner, change the litter regularly, and make sure that cobwebs do not accumulate. It is necessary to periodically scald containers for drinking and food with boiling water. Walking places should wake up with sand and be always dry. The walk must be in an open area.
Disinfection of premises should be carried out at least once a month. Preventive measures require sand and ash.

If a container is delivered from another poultry farm, it must be checked for tick infestation. Metal egg cages have a plastic lining, which is considered a weak point by farmers, it must be cleaned with chemicals and washed in hot water. Farmers advise - carrying out prevention reduces the risk of infection with ticks.

It is easiest to act in advance than to suffer later with the removal of pests, especially some species are difficult to remove. A simple inspection of the bird and the place of detention will save not only the livestock, but also their owners from many problems. When buying young animals, you need to carefully examine the bird for ticks. One infected chicken can bring a lot of trouble. Best of all, play it safe. Before releasing a new bird into the coop, it is better to treat it for tick prevention.

Sucking blood from chickens, ticks inject poisonous saliva, with which it can get into the wound.

Chickens of the Paduan breed will become a real decoration of your poultry yard. A detailed description of the birds of this breed is in.

Preventive measures

No treatment will be effective if preventive measures are not taken regularly.

To get rid of ticks faster, you should:

  • periodically change bedding;
  • keep the chicken coop clean;
  • process feeders and drinkers with boiling water;
  • establish a schedule for regular disinfection of the premises. You can process the poultry house with diesel fuel, and lime also showed itself perfectly, which needs to whitewash the walls and floor;
  • remove the web;
  • conduct inspections of chickens, and if an infected bird is detected, isolate it until it is completely cured.

If you are going to build a new poultry house out of wood, then the material can be soaked in hot grease, which includes a substance that repels ticks.

The chicken mite is a pest that lives off the blood of birds.

What danger is fraught with the appearance of ticks?

It's pretty easy to find them in a chicken coop. It is necessary to inspect the premises, especially if it is damp or poorly ventilated. In addition, the tick is easily identified by the birds themselves. Chickens lay much fewer eggs than usual, but they need much more food. And the chicks are growing slower than expected by the standards. They can also be infected, as the tick often settles in.

How to get rid of ticks?

Red chicken mite

Birds should be checked regularly

Prevention: what measures to take?

Bird feeders also need to be cleaned, in no case is it recommended to pour food into those forms that have not been doused with boiling water. Cover the area where you walk the chickens with sand, provide high-quality lighting and keep it dry. As a preventive measure, it is also recommended to organize baths for birds with a mixture of sand and ash, which were mentioned above. Also, when you receive egg cartons or cages, inspect them for mites.

Types of ticks

There are two other types of pests: feather mites and mites. Feather mites live on bird feathers and slowly lead to their destruction. The chicken may remain practically without feathers, which is bad for all the functions of its life. An effective method to get rid of this type of tick has not yet been developed.

Akariform ticks mainly settle on, occasionally choosing chickens as their prey. They lead to a disease - knemidokoptosis, popularly known as "calcareous foot". This disease leads to deformation of the legs, which impairs the ability of birds to move normally. Birch tar is relevant as a way to fight. It helps to get rid of the gray build-up that quickly spreads along the legs of birds. It will take a week to treat the skin to see the first positive result.

A chronic disease caused by acariform mites that live under the scales of the unfeathered part of the legs.

What to do if a tick is on a person?

Wear tight clothing that covers exposed skin. Special thick clothing combined with rubber boots can protect you from chicken mites.

It must be remembered that it is much easier to prevent a tick invasion than to subsequently fight for the health and life of birds, going through a huge number of methods in search of an effective one. It is recommended that the above preventive measures be followed, as they help protect the inhabitants of the chicken coop from pests. The more carefully you examine the birds, the more likely you are to never know what they really are.

The ixodid tick is larger than the red one and can be found both on the paws and under the feather. He carries a number of dangerous diseases.

How to identify a tick

A sick bird is nervous, constantly itches. The reason for checking for ticks is the decrease in egg production, the appearance of wheezing and coughing. Lice can be seen if you run a white piece of paper over holes and crevices in your chicken coop. After such a check, small dots of a dark or gray color may remain on the sheet - these are bloodsuckers. In this case, it is imperative to start the fight against ticks in order to prevent severe infestation of your birds.

Signs and treatment of the disease

Symptoms of a bird tick:

  • nervousness of birds, constant shaking of the head;
  • long bathing in the sand;
  • the bird plucks feathers, constantly itches;
  • the presence of wounds in the tail area, under the wing, on the legs and muzzle;
  • decreased appetite and egg production, stopping weight gain;
  • the presence of the tick itself in the feathers or bedding of the chicken coop.

If you find ticks in domestic chickens, you need to understand how to deal with them. First of all, it is worth treating the wounds already inflicted by lice. Lubricate the bite sites with ordinary oil. After that, we apply any antiseptic - iodine, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide. We heal the wound with a special ointment with a wound healing effect.

Treatment of chickens from ticks should be comprehensive. Processing already inflicted injuries will not solve the problem.

To answer the question: "how to completely get rid of chicken mites" you need to understand their physiology and life cycle. It is not recommended to treat birds with the application of insecticidal preparations. They only work against insects. In the fight against lice, use special anti-accaricidal agents. A week after treatment, it is recommended to apply the preparations again.

The list of drugs that are used in the treatment of chicken mites is small. Usually this is Sevin or Piterium powder - its safe counterpart based on chamomile flowers. In severe cases, it is recommended to use Ecofleece. Some use "Peremethrin EC", produced in the form of a spray. Treatment of birds is done by spraying dissolved powders or directly rubbing them into feathers.

People fight with bloodsuckers using sand and ash. If you use such a mixture, you do not need to treat chickens - the bird processes itself by bathing in ashes. Ash and sand in basins are placed throughout the yard and changed after two weeks. It is important to ensure that the mixture does not get wet, otherwise it will not have any effect.

Some, faced with the problem of a chicken tick, are looking for how to get rid of it cheaply and quickly. Anti-mite agents based on chlorinated hydrocarbons may seem inexpensive. However, these drugs accumulate in the eggs and meat of processed birds and cause serious illness in humans if consumed.

From ticks in the chicken coop, treating it with boiling water or a flame helps.


Prevention is the best way to get rid of bloodsuckers on your birds. It is necessary to regularly change the bedding of birds, keep the chicken coop dry and warm. Quartzization of the room after cleaning will not only allow you not to wonder “how to get rid of pests”, but will also protect your pets from a number of other bacterial and viral diseases.

From this video you will learn how to deal with ticks in chickens.

Good afternoon, readers and subscribers of our chicken site. Today we will show what ticks look like in chickens, how to deal with dermanissiosis and explain preventive measures. Poultry farming is the branch of animal husbandry that, despite various economic upheavals, has been increasing its production capacity over the past decade.

This is especially true for both the industrial sector of the industry and private households.

The red chicken mites Dermanyssus gallinae lead to outbreaks in poultry of dermanissiosis, which is now ubiquitous, regardless of region.

There is an increase in susceptibility to various infectious etiologies.

More than 30 species of birds, including synanthropic ones, are susceptible to dermanissiosis.

What do chicken ticks look like?

The first pair of limbs serves as an organ of sensation. The mouth apparatus is of a piercing-sucking type, the chelicerae are rather long, skeletal-like. The size of the male is smaller than that of the female, his chelicerae are shorter, but more massive.


The body of males has an elongated shape, in comparison with the body of females. The length of hungry tick individuals averaged between 0.6–0.85 mm, although individuals were also identified, the size of which in the hungry state exceeded 1 mm, the color is yellowish. The length of ticks after saturation with blood was more than 1 mm, the color was red, almost brown.

Depending on the amount of blood consumed, the female lays 3-20 eggs per oviposition, on average 17-24 hours after the first blood consumption. Eggs are glued to the substrate with a special adhesive.

Their location is single, the eggs are small and covered with a thin shell. Usually the female goes through about ten gonotrophic cycles. After 2-3 days, sedentary larvae hatch from them, each of which has three pairs of limbs.

The development of the tick during this period is carried out due to the embryonic yolk. The protonymph already has four pairs of limbs and feeds on the host's blood. Within 48 hours there is a molt and the transformation of the protonymph into a nymph. Then - another molt and, at favorable temperature and humidity, on the eighth day, female ticks are able to physiologically lay eggs.

Chicken ticks have no eyes. Cuticle soft, dorsal and ventral scutes absent. The vast majority of the studied individuals of chicken mites had a bumpy, folded structure. The location of the genital opening is between the first and second pairs of limbs. In females, the genital opening had the form of a transverse slit, while its shape in males was in the form of a crescent.

In some literary sources, there are reports of the death of ticks at temperatures below 5 °C, although this was not confirmed as a result of in vitro experiments.


In the case of staying in a contaminated poultry house, the attendants experienced manifestations of itching, skin rashes, and in some cases, an increase in temperature. With prolonged contact of personnel with an invasive onset, ticks can feed on their blood, usually feeding on the skin of the hands, neck, and shoulders.

In the case of a low intensity of invasion, at first glance, mite colonies may not be visually visible, in which case it is necessary to place a damp cloth in invisible nooks and crannies of technological equipment in the poultry house. After its removal, if there are mites in the house, they can be contemplated on the fabric.

Treatment of chickens from ticks

For more effective control of the tick population, it is desirable use acaricides from different groups in a complex, systematically rotating them to prevent the emergence of resistant races of Dermanyssus gallinae.


Preventive measures include:

In households, mites in laying hens and broilers are rare, because. breeders carefully monitor chickens, pullets and.
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