The power of Jordanian water. The miraculous turn of the jordan river back to epiphany

The most detailed description: prayer to Jordanian water - for our readers and subscribers.

Epiphany, Jordanian, Epiphany water, consecrated in churches on January 18 and 19, is also holy.

Prayer before taking holy water.

Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities through Your boundless mercy through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints yours. Amen.

Prayer to Jordanian water


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Epiphany prayer has incredible power!

Prayer on the Feast of the Epiphany (Theophany)

Godparents' prayers for their godchildren:

Lord Jesus Christ, be Thy mercy on my godson (godchild) (my) (names), keep him (her) under Thy shelter, cover from every crafty lust, cast away from him (her) every enemy and adversary, open him (her ) ears and eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to his (her) heart. Amen.

Save, Lord, and have mercy on my godson (godchild) (my) (names) and enlighten him (her) with the light of the mind of Your Holy Gospel and guide him (her) on the path of Your commandments and teach him (her), Savior, to do Your will , as you are our God, and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A prayer is read before taking (drinking) water:

Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, through Your boundless mercy, with the prayers of the Most Pure Your Mother and all Your saints. Amen.

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Every believer comes to church, first of all, to pray and meet with God. But on such a holiday as the Epiphany of the Lord, the church is simply overflowing with people. After the service, a huge queue is built in order to take baptismal water. Why is it so popular, and every believer wants to pick it up and bring it to their home, let's try to figure it out in this article.

Many people ask themselves the question: how many days is Epiphany water considered holy and how many days can you collect Epiphany water? According to the priests, it is considered Epiphany from January 18 to 19. It so happened historically that there are two liturgies, after which the water is blessed. One in the evening, the second in the morning. Therefore, it can be recruited for two days.

Epiphany water and its properties

The fact that queues are gathering for Epiphany water and Epiphany water is not really surprising. After all, it is she who is considered the most powerful and healing. What is most interesting is that its healing properties are not even denied by doctors. It favorably influences:

In addition, it helps to heal the brain area and respiratory system, improves the balance between the right and left side of the body. There are even such cases when just a couple of drops of healing water brought people out of a coma and much more. Therefore, people very often use it for the benefit of their health. As a preventive measure, take it on an empty stomach from all diseases, wash it.

But still, it is not recommended to use it daily in large quantities. It is enough to take a couple of sips on an empty stomach in the morning. If you need to take medicine, then a couple of sips of water are taken, and then the rest of the procedures are already carried out.

For those who do not know how to use Epiphany water at home, priests recommend that women wash their faces with it, sprinkle food, and use it as a medicine during illness. After all, Epiphany water is very useful for the sick.

A bit of history and tradition

Water is directly related to the feast of the Epiphany. Christ, before a public sermon on the Jordan River, received his water Baptism from the Baptist. This ceremony took place as follows: believers came to John and confessed their sins. This served as a sign of remission of sins.

Even though Jesus Christ was sinless, he still fulfilled all customs. As the Gospel says, at the moment when he received water Baptism, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a white dove.

This holiday is also called Theophany, because at the same time as Baptism, the Holy Trinity appeared on the Jordan. After Baptism, Christ began to go out to preach. He did this for three years, until the very crucifixion at Calvary.

The custom of consecrating water for this holiday came from the custom of the Jerusalem church. There, to this day, the Jerusalem Patriarch, together with believers, travel to the Jordan River and perform the ritual of blessing the water. Then they take it for drinking, washing. From Palestine, the custom passed to all Orthodox churches.

For many years, Orthodox believers have been celebrating the Epiphany on the night of January 18-19. I must say that it is he who is one of the most revered holidays. It is also called Epiphany Christmas Eve.

Popular beliefs

  • In the villages on this day, old women and girls collected snow from haystacks. The old women did this in order to bleach the canvas. They believed that only he could bleach her. And the girls did it in order to whiten their skin.
  • It was believed that a girl who washed herself in the morning at Epiphany with snow became much more attractive.
  • It was also believed that the snow collected in the evening before Epiphany was healing. Using it, people were healed of many ailments. A bowl of water was placed on the table. This was done in order to see the Baptism of the Lord.

Epiphany Christmas Eve is an evening of preparation before a great Orthodox holiday. It is called Theophany of the Lord's Baptism. This day commemorates the baptism of Jesus Christ by the Baptist in the Jordan River. On this day, in the courtyards of temples and churches, there are huge queues for holy water.

Interesting facts of the study of Epiphany water

Once, laboratory assistants noticed one interesting fact: water collected from the lake on the feast of Epiphany stood in the laboratory for four years. And at the same time, she did not change her properties, and did not even bloom. While ordinary water from the water supply after 2 months is not suitable for use.

After such an incident, the question arose: why does Epiphany water not deteriorate? Physicists from the Research Institute of Human Ecology began to conduct daily studies of water taken from the tap in the Lord's Epiphany. As surprising as it may sound, the phenomenon has been confirmed.

In fact, it has a high level of energy. In addition, these days the water becomes softer, its pH level rises by 1.5 points. Why this happens no one can explain. Isn't it a miracle?

Where to get Epiphany water

It is best to collect water in the temple. But many are gaining it from the tap. But it's probably more about faith. After all, as scientists have proven, water on the feast of Epiphany really changes its properties, regardless of where it is collected.

  • If you do not believe in miracles, then wherever you type it, it will not help you.
  • You need to store it next to the icons in the house in a glass or plastic container.
  • It must be treated as a shrine, rubbed with it, drunk and sprinkled with housing.

Some people, when baptismal water runs out, try to dilute it with ordinary water, not wondering if it is possible to dilute baptismal water. There is an opinion that it is forbidden. As the water begins to lose its power, and will no longer have such healing properties.

But as the priests say, you can dilute it, only not with a large amount of ordinary water. And it is better to do this not with liquid from the tap, but from wells.

How is Epiphany water different from holy water?

Epiphany water differs from ordinary holy water in its extraordinary properties and healing power. Epiphany water is also called Agiasma. Another difference is the prayers that are read during the rite of consecration. She is considered stronger.

Jordanian and Epiphany water, what is the difference

In essence, this is one and the same. It’s just that the first one is consecrated on January 18, and the second one on January 19. So both of them have healing power.

How is Epiphany water treated

It should be noted that baptismal water is a shrine that must be treated with grace. Only with such an attitude will she be able to help and heal. You can not water the flowerpots with it or pour it into the bath - this is not acceptable.

A very large number of people decide to take a cleansing ice font on a holiday. Surprisingly, after swimming in the font in severe frost, people do not get sick.

  • To do this, the bath is filled with cold water in the time interval from 00:10 to 1:30 at night.
  • Then you need to cross the water and read a prayer.
  • Then you should hit yourself with the fist of your right hand on the chest. This is done so that the body comes into harmony with the water.
  • Then sit down in the bath and plunge three times with your head. Don't forget to hit yourself with your fist.
  • If during the bathing procedure the water starts to form bubbles, then this is a sure sign that the cleansing process has begun. This means that negative energy comes out of a person.

You need to leave the bathroom, silently and not immediately dry yourself. Let the water dry a little. After the brow, it is recommended to put on new things (socks, bathrobe, underwear).

How to sprinkle an apartment with Epiphany water

For many centuries, Christians have developed a tradition of sprinkling their homes with baptismal water. As a rule, this happens on the day of the holiday. This ceremony is carried out in order to cleanse the home of all that is bad. For this procedure, it will be necessary to remove the housing, take a container of water.

First, they sprinkle the eastern side of the apartment, then the western, northern and southern. Before the consecration of the premises is carried out, the owner is advised to ventilate the apartment well, and confess and take communion themselves.

In case of ailments or attacks by evil forces, you can and should drink water without hesitation at any time.


So Jordanian water came to our homes again. I remember when I was still a schoolgirl and we were forbidden to visit the temple of God, my grandmother still managed to bless the willow, paska or collect Jordanian water in a jar for Baptism. She brought it home and sprinkled the dwelling, gave a few sips to everyone in the family to drink, being careful not to spill a single drop. Filling our palms with consecrated water, we washed ourselves to be healthier, not to have a headache, to have healthy and beautiful eyes.

From time immemorial, magic power, especially Jordanian, was attributed to water, - says phytotherapeutist, honorary professor of the Vienna International University Maria Troychak.

Water collected in any reservoir - a river, lake, pond, well, even from taps in city apartments on the night of Epiphany (until 5 o'clock in the morning) will be fresh throughout the year, it does not have an unpleasant odor, does not stagnate. In Ukraine, people believed and believe in the healing power of Jordanian water. Since ancient times, various diseases in people and animals have been treated with it, a woman in labor has been sprinkled, estates have been cleansed, so there was Jordanian water in the house throughout the year, which did not deteriorate for a year or two, but was always fresh and usable. On Epiphany, some daredevils swim in the ice holes. People say that the one who bathes in the Jordan will not get sick for a whole year, since Jesus Christ was baptized on this day. At home, the owner sprinkled holy water on the garden, remanent, cattle, house, then all the corners, walls, windows, the stove and the shelf for dishes in the house, everyone drank the holy water and only then sat down at the table for breakfast, since until that time no one had eaten anything . According to Christian doctrine, says Maria Troychak, it was after Baptism that Jesus began to teach people, illuminating them with the light of truth. In addition, in the baptism of Christ, humanity partakes in His Divine grace, having received in this sacrament the cleansing of living water, which leads to eternal life. Therefore, the acceptance of the sacrament of Baptism is a prerequisite for parishioners to belong to the church. The Lord gives grace for the healing of ailments with holy water precisely through prayer. The grace and healing power of Jordanian water is the answer to our prayers, our religious feeling.

Today there are many newest technologies for water purification, but the highest degree is the consecrated Jordanian water, - continues the story of Maria Troychak. - I remember a story told to us during an excursion in the city of Brixel, not far from Munich, that scientists-monks examined water from reservoirs of the Alpine mountains of South Tyrol. After the rite of consecration by seven monks, standing, with an unpleasant odor, water quality improved significantly - the structure changed, taste and color improved, mechanical and chemical pollution disappeared. Viruses, fungi and other microorganisms also disappeared. And there was no trace left of bacteria, since an electric field formed in the water, in which these microorganisms no longer developed. In addition, many water oxidation reactions occurred, during which the content of such chemical elements as iron, cadmium, lead, arsenic decreased, hydrogen sulfide and chlorine disappeared. The first studies and observations of the state of water date back to the 17th century.

Maria Ivanovna advises her patients to drink a glass of spring water on an empty stomach in the morning, adding one teaspoon of Jordanian water. You can make such a drink in the evening by adding a teaspoon of honey.

Water is one of the greatest mysteries of nature, created for the benefit of man, therefore it is so important not to ruin with your indifferent attitude one of the greatest miracles in the world, about which the famous writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery spoke so aptly: “Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without knowing what you are. »

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Prayer to Jordanian water

People try to get ahead of each other in vain. As Father Valery Sirotyuk, rector of the UGCC Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God, says, this ancient tradition dates back to the Old Testament:

– The tradition of worshiping holy water exists among many peoples. The Old Testament says that the Jerusalem temple had a sheep font, where water from Siloam flowed. Once a year an angel descended upon those waters. It was also said that the one who was the first to plunge into those waters that would not have physical disabilities would definitely improve his health.

- Jordanian water acquires healing properties for a particular person only if she went to Divine services, took Holy Communion and came to holy confession. In order for water to become healing, a person must change - sincerely believe and practice the holy faith. “Faith without deed is dead.” Since then, people have been trying to first touch the blessed water on the Jordan and believe that it will cure them of various ailments.

- They say that Jordanian water changes in its structure, never spoils and is healing. But you should not make God out of water. You can't just trust holy water.

I emphasize that the road to salvation is the church of Christ, who gives the holy mysteries, they are not revealed outside the church. When people come to church only “once a year”, this is not evidence of deep faith, and a person needs to look for a way to God.

As for the changes that occur in Jordanian water, they include a change in the very substance of water and its properties. By the way, such amazing changes occur with water only at Epiphany. The Church preserves Jordanian water for a year for the consecration of dwellings with holy water and the baptism of infants. It is said that water is not spoiled only by the fact that silver is put into it. I think that these are Soviet inventions. On this day, through the blessing of the Church - the reading of prayers, the Gospel - rivers and reservoirs are consecrated. Where can you get so much silver? The water is sanctified by the Holy Spirit, which ascends and sanctifies the water with the grace of hypocrisy. Jordanian water not only cleanses the house, but also deprives its owners of the devil's power.

– How are the traditions of cleaning with Jordanian water carried out today?

– Priests with church brotherhood, accompanied by loud ringing from the Trinity, go to the houses of the faithful and bring them Jordanian water. It’s a pity that this tradition didn’t work out in the city. I happened to be in many such houses where, at the time of the consecration of the house, amazing things happened that only a believer can explain. It was like entering a house and feeling that my presence here was urgently needed. Everything prevented me from crossing the threshold of such a house - they wouldn’t open, the priest’s cassock clung to all the door handles, something constantly fell from my hands. And this does not frighten the priest, he has spiritual immunity for that.

When there are problems at home or it seems to a person that there are some unclean spirits in her house that haunt her, or a noticeable cycle of some evil miscalculations in the house - illness, misfortune - Christians turn to us with a request for a complete cleaning of the house. Jordanian water and prayer do wonders. After consecration, the home atmosphere immediately changes, prayers and

Jordanian water cleans the house, the owners immediately feel it.

Jordanian water is also used for exorcism - prayers for the expulsion of a demon from a person. With my own eyes I saw that struggle of a good and evil spirit in a person - a terrible sight.

Drink Jordanian water and purify your hearts!

The beginning of the world is water, and the beginning of the gospel is the Jordan

Oh Jordan! From which side should I mentally approach you?

Is it from the east, whence came from the wilderness a people who had to inherit the land beyond your borders and whom you allowed to cross over your bottom dried up by the command of God? Or from the west, from where people who wished for the baptism of John made their way to your waters? That last journey was difficult, and many dangers awaited the travelers. But, apparently, the voice of “crying in the wilderness” was strong, since people risked being robbed, but went after the spiritual treasure.

It was once necessary to cross the Jordan alone in order to settle in the land flowing with milk and honey. It was necessary for others to plunge into the Jordan in order to believe in the One whom John pointed out.

“The beginning of the world is water, and the beginning of the gospel is the Jordan.” Christ did not walk among people, saying loudly or in their ear, "I am the Messiah." Very rarely do we hear the voice of Jesus in the Gospel, speaking of Himself, that He is the Promised and Long-Awaited. You need to have evidence from someone else. And this other must be a person worthy of every possibility, disinterested, righteous, zealous for the Truth. John was like that.

The son of a priest, born of a father and mother in old age, a desert dweller, he must have appeared to the Jews as an angel. They asked if he was Elijah, if he was the Messiah? He answered with Isaiah's words. The listeners should understand.

He came to testify to point to the One to whom he considered himself unworthy to untie the strap on his shoes.

The main thing in John's preaching is repentance. Not an ounce of sentimentality. One formidable voice, like a lion's roar, called to him a multitude of people from all over the Promised Land. They went to look, to push, but they had to listen. He spoke and they lowered their heads. Then, bearing a blush of shame on their faces, they entered the water, and he immersed them in it (baptized) in repentance and for the sake of faith in Him Who had to come.

He who had to come came.

John recognized Him. Not according to a verbal or written portrait, but according to the beating of the heart, according to the excitement of the soul, according to the notification from the Holy Spirit.

– Are you coming to me? I need to be baptized by You! the prophet said.

- Leave now. We must fulfill all righteousness, answered Truth.

The sinless one entered the water and, as Luke says, he prayed. And through His prayer, what we are celebrating happened: “The appearance of the Trinity was in the Jordan.” The true God appeared as a Trinity. And Jesus of Nazareth appeared as the Christ.

The Spirit descended upon the humble Word in the form of a dove.

John said, “I didn't know Him; but he who sent me to baptize with water said, On whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining on him, this is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit” (John 1:33).

We say: "Thou hast appeared this day to the universe, and Thy light, O Lord, is seen upon us." The Father said, "This is My Beloved Son."

In every holiday there is a dogma and there is edification. There is a rule for the mind and there is a law for behavior.

“This is My Beloved Son” is a dogma.

“I am well pleased with you” is the doctrine of the impossibility of pleasing the God of Heaven without obeying His incarnate Son. In the same way, the Father will say to the apostles on the Mount of Transfiguration in due course: “This is My Beloved Son,” and will add: “Listen to Him” (Luke 9:35).

Dogma and commandment. Commandment and dogma. Break the connection, and you will separate the soul from the body, that is, you will commit murder.

The Son of the Virgin will go into the desert to fight the devil and for the first time give human nature the opportunity to repel all that attacks and blows.

The son of Elizabeth, having performed the service, will soon sit down in the prison dungeon, so as not to get out of there otherwise than through the shedding of blood and cutting off his righteous head from his fasting body.

The priest's son will be silent. Mary's son will pick up the sermon.

“He must increase, but I must decrease,” John will say (John 3:30).

But the Son of Man did not come to be served, and therefore His preaching will begin with a repetition of John's words: "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17).

But we, who came in abundance with flasks and eggplants, as if exhausted by thirst and reached the watering place, what will we hear with our hearts?

Having come for water, let us receive the Spirit, and together with the Spirit, the fear of correction. Imagine that we, and not someone else, are told through the mouth of John: “Blood of vipers! Who inspired you to flee from future wrath? Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of repentance” (Matthew 3:7–8). And let us not think of saying within ourselves: “We believe rightly. We are good. We, they say, are nothing of the kind, but, on the contrary, this and that. John tells us that God from stones can create children for Abraham. He also says that the ax lies at the root of every tree. And the tree that bears no fruit will be cut down. And the fire in which he burns will not go out.

This is also for us. Let us love Jesus, who has shown that He is the Christ.

Let us worship God, who has shown above the waters that He is the Trinity.

Well, there you can already jump into the polynya. We won't get cold.

Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

5 questions about Baptism, asked by Archpriest Alypiy Svetlichny for Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine.

1. Does all water at Baptism become holy? If I just take it from the tap, chlorinated - is that right? This water is holy.

Church people really call Epiphany water "holy" because of its special properties, as isolated from the general composition of water. And the Greeks call it the Great Shrine.

Since, through the prayers of the Church and the action of grace, water becomes regenerated, it acquires the primary properties of heavenly water. Therefore, people receive healing from it, both from physical and spiritual ailments, and enemy machinations are destroyed. This water, as it is said in the verse of the Feast of Baptism, is flowing into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Precisely because this water is isolated from the general water element, it is worth saying that it is special in its exclusivity and therefore has boundaries. However, it is natural for a person to “cunning” and he tries to beg for sanctification not just for water in a font, or in a well, but goes to the river, the sea, in order to call on the grace of God for the largest possible volume of water. Thus, it may happen that you open a water tap at home, and there the water that is blessed today runs on the river. And you are lucky!

But it should be remembered that from ancient times there was a tradition of drawing blessed water, i.e. from the moment of consecration, the water was kept in the vessel for a long time. This reverent action of the believing heart allowed the water to retain its sacred properties not for a year or two, but for many years!

One old woman managed to accidentally find a bottle of consecrated water at home in 1956! Its neck was simply closed with thickened paper, but the taste of the water was clear and the appearance was not cloudy. Water that was out of time!

2. When the water is blessed, a silver cross is lowered into it. And if I myself dip the crucifix into water, will such water become holy?

Water is not sanctified by the immersion of the Cross. The fact that the Cross is lowered into the water is only a visible sign of the Divine presence. It is, as it were, mystically shown to the Church (that is, to the people of God) that the water is given the property of that Jordan into which Christ entered. And the priest acts in the role of John the Baptist, immersing the Savior in the sanctified waters.

But the consecration of water is accomplished only by the prayer of the Church of Christ! And the priest in this rite says prayers on behalf of the Church, and the Church prays for sanctification, repeating the prayers in the heart. Only for the sake of these prayers does the sacred grace of God act over water, making it sanctified!

3. Why do I need holy water in my everyday life? How to use it?

It is very difficult for me to think of what holy water may be needed for in everyday life. In ordinary, everyday life, simple water is needed: to wash the dishes, wash, wash the floors. But in moments of sorrow, illness, on some special, decisive days, consecrated water can play an important role.

Pious people drink holy water before any other drinks or food, immediately after morning prayers. Usually a small amount, but daily. We are approximately 78% water! And if holy water enters into it, will it not become an important sanctifying property for our body, but through the body and souls?

I know people who were cured not with pills and potions, but with their faith, taking sacred water, anointing themselves with holy oil. They take it lightly. If water is intended to heal, then people use it for this, not being surprised at the miraculous power of sanctification.

The special use of sacred moisture in days of sorrow, despondency. There are times when God's help is clearly needed. Then, after a long sincere prayer, a person drinks holy water and goes, trusting the will of God, to solve important issues.

Water is blessed with an object that is necessary in everyday life. For example, new clothes. Why not bless her? After all, we do not know who made it - sewed it, who sold it, etc. But in the spiritual world everything is important!

4. Wouldn't it be blasphemy if I boiled soup or brewed tea in holy water? Or if I wash myself with holy water?

You can wash yourself with holy water. And immersing the body in holy water is not bad. But at the same time, the attitude towards her should remain appropriate - reverent.

Many people try to plunge into rivers and lakes after the blessing of water. But they do it boldly, with pride, dashing. That's why it's not good for them. Others believe that mechanically, water will take away their sins with its property. This is mistake.

Consecrated water has the property of its holiness to unite with the desire to be sanctified. This requires faith and purity of heart, the need to expel from oneself all evil that prevents holiness from reigning. But cooking food in holy water is stupidity! It's like putting a gold coin under the leg of a table so that it doesn't wobble. However, if the same food is sprinkled with holy water for the sake of blessing the meal or because someone cooked with an unkind heart, it is possible.

5. Is it possible to baptize a child in Baptism? Will this be additional protection for him or will it not affect him at all?

Since ancient times, there have been several days in the Church when baptisms were performed: on the feasts of the Nativity of Christ, the Baptism of the Lord, Lazarus Saturday, Holy Saturday (which is before Easter), on Easter itself and Trinity.

But today the clergy often refuse to perform Baptism on the very day of the holiday because of the heavy workload. Therefore, those wishing to be baptized or to baptize a child should look for less popular Orthodox churches, but better in the village. They are unlikely to refuse.

Will this be some kind of special protection for the person being baptized? The fact that the day is significant, it will be remembered. But special protection is most likely not. Nothing happens mechanically in the Church. This approach is utilitarian, occult. Where you find the right time, the right place, the right performer, and you will be happy! Of course not!

The Church leads to the salvation of the soul. This is her mission on earth. And salvation requires cooperation. No one will be saved mechanically: personal will and efforts are needed for God to begin to help through the Church. The help of the Church to man on the path to salvation lies in her Sacraments. Among such means is sacred water, which is consecrated on a special day and in a solemn atmosphere by a prayerful appeal to Heaven.

Use it for the benefit of your eternal soul. Draw from it the joy of communion with Paradise!


Pilgrimage to Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville. Oct-2017

Twice a year, Orthodox believers have the opportunity to collect baptismal water, which has a particularly strong healing power. The Feast of Epiphany is considered one of the most revered in the Christian religion. On this day, God appeared in the Trinity to people and sent down his grace on them.

Features of baptismal water

The tradition of consecrating water has existed in the church since the 5th century. In liturgical records it is mentioned that all the water element on earth is consecrated on this day. Christian churches around the world perform a special rite to consecrate it, reading prayers dedicated to this occasion.

Epiphany water has special properties that are known to all believers:

  • she is able to give healing;
  • purify and convey God's grace to those who drink it or wash their faces;
  • this water remains drinkable after a year or more.

Some testify that the holy water remained fresh and pure even after three or four years. Even John Chrysostom spoke about this at one time.

Although, sometimes, Epiphany water blooms. There is no need to look for bad omens in this. Microorganisms just live in water. It's more about the person himself and how he uses this water. Perhaps God thus points to problems and infidelity in life attitudes.

Atheists in Soviet times argued that the safety of baptismal water was due to the lowering of a silver cross by the priest into it. But how then to explain the fact that people who did not have the opportunity to come to the temple stored ordinary tap water, and at the same time it had all the characteristics of baptismal water? Seeing devotion to the faith, the Lord, by His grace, communicated grace to such water.

In the Russian tradition, the rite of consecration is performed twice - on Christmas Eve and on Epiphany. On which day the water was consecrated - it does not matter. It has the same properties. It can be taken from any temple.

Attention! You need to collect as much water as you need for a year. At the same time, she treats her like a shrine, do not cook food on her and do not add to the bath. Epiphany water is drunk on an empty stomach. A few sips are enough.

Epiphany and Epiphany water: are there any differences

Laity are often interested in the question of what difference exists between Epiphany and Epiphany water. There are just no differences between them. The same rite is used in both cases of water blessing. Simply baptismal is water consecrated on the feast of Epiphany itself, January 19th. And the water consecrated on Christmas Eve is Epiphany.

Churchmen remember the events of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist. The moment the Son of God was baptized, the Lord appeared in the Trinity. Hence the second name of the holiday - Epiphany.

Baptism of Jesus Christ

That is, in fact, Baptism and Theophany are one and the same. Therefore, the water blessed on these two days is of the same nature.

Jordanian and Epiphany water: what is the difference

Actually there is no difference. Jordanian is the name of the water blessed on January 18th. And the Epiphany - consecrated on January 19. But this is the same water, with the same energy and properties.

What is the difference between baptismal water and holy

In churches, no one measured the parameters of baptismal and holy water with instruments. It's impossible to say which is better. Holy water will always remain holy. It’s just that Epiphany is dedicated to a specific holiday and is consecrated by a special rite, which is served only once a year. Both are holy water.

The only difference is that the baptismal occupies a special place in the ritual life of Orthodox Christians.

Interesting facts about the study of baptismal water

According to Christian tradition, believers believe that all water on earth becomes holy on the feast of Epiphany. But the manifestation of the grace of the Almighty is one-time, but the water collected after the rite of the Blessing of Water is stored for a long time.

Believers remember that from that moment Jesus Christ began to preach until his crucifixion on the cross for human sins.

Epiphany water is considered the most powerful and healing

In laboratory studies, the phenomenon of baptismal water was tested. She was recruited from the lake on holidays. The water remained drinkable for four years. Scientists were puzzled and decided to check its parameters. It turned out that Epiphany water is softer than usual, it has a pH level one and a half points higher. But none of the luminaries of science could explain why these changes occur.

Meanwhile, the clergy explain everything simply - water acquires such properties as a result of the influence of divine power.

When to go for baptismal water

Since the first consecration of water takes place on Epiphany Christmas Eve in the morning, from that moment the water is already considered Epiphany, and it can be collected. But in this case, it is important not so much the time at which water is collected, but participation in its consecration.

Advice! It is advisable to be present at the rite of the Blessing of Water and feel the whole atmosphere of worship. Indeed, without faith, even Agiasma can be devalued.

The clergy say that you can collect water for two days. Moreover, from the moment of the first rite of the blessing of water. The end of the Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water is the moment when Epiphany water is poured into churches. As a rule, the Liturgy is served on the morning of January 18, and on the morning of January 19, and sometimes on the night of 18 to 19.

Usually, water is not spilled during worship. But in big cities with a strong influx of laity, exceptions are sometimes made. It is necessary to clarify in advance the organizational issues in the church in which the believer is going.

How to properly use baptismal water

The shrine should not just stand in the house. Epiphany water is used to acquire grace by believers all year round.

Epiphany water is a sacred thing that must be treated with grace

On the holidays of January 18 and 19, they drink it all day. Weekdays involve drinking in small quantities before meals, with the reading of a prayer. It is drunk in a few sips on an empty stomach. But eating food is not a strict ban on taking holy water. In the church, this is emphasized. Especially if a person is sick or suffering from mental illness.

Important! Agiasma is a gift. An appropriate attitude to water will allow it to fully manifest its healing properties. The intake of water must be accompanied without fail by the words of a prayer.

Theophan the Recluse in his sermon noted that holy water is not a church medicine. It will not help an evil and unbelieving person. It must be drunk with faith and reverence.

Is it possible to dilute baptismal water

There is an opinion that it is impossible to dilute baptismal water with tap water. Allegedly, this contributes to the loss of her healing power.

But priests say otherwise. The only caveat is to do it with a small amount of water and take it better from the well.

Epiphany water is diluted while reading a prayer. A few drops of holy water are enough for her to transfer her grace to ordinary water. That is why it makes no sense to store baptismal water in canisters. Enough and a small vessel, which is just used up in a year.

Is it possible to sprinkle an apartment with baptismal water

In home life, baptismal water is used not only for drinking, but also for expelling everything unclean and bad from the house.

The practice of sprinkling homes with Epiphany water is firmly entrenched in the Orthodox tradition. The dwelling is sprinkled and a prayer is said aloud with an appeal to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. With the reading of the troparia, water is first sprinkled on the eastern, then western, northern and southern sides. It is permissible to sprinkle material values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are important to a person.

But it is impossible to equate this rite with the rite performed by the priest when blessing the dwelling.

Is it possible to heat the bath

We must not forget that baptismal water requires a respectful attitude. It is unlikely that the use of agiasma for bathing will make a person spiritually cleaner. But the holy water drained into the sewer is very bad.

Is it possible to swim in baptismal water

Nobody forbids diving into the hole. What matters is the motives of people doing it. If for the sake of entertainment and thrills, then such a bath will not have the desired effect.

Cleansing ice font for the Feast of Epiphany

And in general, it is not so important whether people bathed on the feast of Epiphany or not. What matters is only the faith and feelings that are invested in the actions of each person.

On a note! Many believe that on Epiphany you definitely need to plunge into the hole. Contrary to popular belief, such bathing does not wash away sins. For this there is the sacrament of confession and communion. And climbing into an ice hole is absolutely not useful for everyone, due to the physical characteristics of health.

How to store holy water

After the consecrated water is brought home from the temple, it must be placed in a glass or plastic container near the icons. Drink in the morning before meals, so that the Divine grace of this water is transferred to the body and soul.

It is not forbidden to use baptismal water further if it has retained freshness and pleasant taste properties.

Otherwise, the spoiled agiasma should be poured into a place where a person’s foot does not set foot, that is, not trampled. For example, in a river or in a flower pot.

Important! Agiasma is a shrine that is unacceptable to be drained into the sink drain or the first place that comes across.

In conclusion, we can say that baptismal water helps people with pious intentions. And it doesn’t matter how much of this water a person drinks or pours on himself. If he is callous in soul and weak in faith, such actions will not bring him the expected result.

The water in the Jordan River is sanctified for all times of earthly life by the personal presence of the Son of God Jesus Christ, the blessing of the Heavenly Father and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of the Baptism of the Lord. From this, she always keeps all the qualities of holy baptismal water, for she is actually baptismal water. All other baptismal waters, which are reproduced by God in the natural springs of the earth on the night of Theophany or in true churches on the day of this holiday, receive the blessing of the Jordan. This is directly stated in the prayers for the blessing of water. One of my children brought me water from the Jordan, which he himself collected in this river. I have had this water for the seventh year at room temperature in a glass vessel with a loose lid - and the water has not deteriorated or corrupted at all. In preparation for the sacrament of baptism, the clergyman blesses the water in the font according to the order of the Great Sanctification, after which the water becomes equal to the Jordanian. Thus, baptized people by a church miracle are immersed in Jordanian water, sanctified by the baptism of Christ!

As for water sources located in holy places, a different law applies there. These waters belong to this particular local holy place (for example, the source of St. Seraphim of Sarov). That is why the holy water from these sources has its beneficial, healing and sanctifying effect only on those who come with faith. to this source and to this holy place of people. It is impossible to transfer this beneficial effect by drawing water from a source into some kind of vessel. The principle of pilgrimage works here, when a person must go to worship the holy spring, and not wait for this water to be brought to him. On the other hand, earthenware from the grave of a holy person or oil from a lamp near a holy place can be taken with you as a blessing.
From time immemorial, magical powers have been attributed to water, especially Jordanian.

Water collected in any reservoir - a river, lake, pond, well, even from taps in city apartments on the night of Epiphany (until 5 o'clock in the morning) will be fresh throughout the year, it does not have an unpleasant odor, does not stagnate.

In Ukraine, people believed and believe in the healing power of Jordanian water. Since ancient times, various diseases in people and animals have been treated with it, a woman in labor has been sprinkled, estates have been cleansed, so there was Jordanian water in the house throughout the year, which did not deteriorate for a year or two, but was always fresh and usable.

On Epiphany, some daredevils swim in the ice holes. People say that the one who bathes in the Jordan will not get sick for a whole year, since Jesus Christ was baptized on this day.

At home, the owner sprinkled holy water on the garden, remanent, cattle, house, then all the corners, walls, windows, the stove and the shelf for dishes in the house, everyone drank the holy water and only then sat down at the table for breakfast, since until that time no one had eaten anything .

According to Christian doctrine, it was after Baptism that Jesus began to teach people, illuminating them with the light of truth. In addition, in the baptism of Christ, humanity partakes in His Divine grace, having received in this sacrament the cleansing of living water, which leads to eternal life. Therefore, the acceptance of the sacrament of Baptism is a prerequisite for parishioners to belong to the church. The Lord gives grace for the healing of ailments with holy water precisely through prayer. The grace and healing power of Jordanian water is the answer to our prayers, our religious feeling.

Today, there are many new technologies for water purification, but the consecrated Jordanian water has the highest degree. The protection of reservoirs was traditional for our people. Many families had their own kopankas, which were filled in naturally. Our ancestors believed that earthly water unites with heavenly water, therefore, protecting earthly water, they believed that they would also have heavenly water. Near wells, springs, one could often see a willow - its roots purified the water. It was impossible to throw garbage into the water, pollute it. It was necessary to repent for the desecration of water, as the punishment awaited this person. And there was also a good tradition among the Ukrainians: a young man, going to war, had to clean 12 sources so that the enemy bullet would not take. If a person treats water in a divine way, then the water that is in the body, in case of danger, removes evil, becomes an invisible shield that protects against all kinds of misfortunes. The treatment from three wells, which are at the temple, is known among the people.

The Baptism of the Lord is a holiday dedicated not only to the event of the Baptism of Christ the Savior, but also to the appearance of the Holy Trinity to the world. The incarnated Son comes to the Jordan, the Spirit appears in the form of a dove, and the voice of the Father is heard. Therefore, the feast is otherwise called the Epiphany. The grace of consecration is given to the water the same, both on the eve of the Theophany (January 5/18) and on the very day of the feast of the Theophany (January 6/19): one common feast and the same rite of prayer . The basis for the great consecration of water on Vespers (January 5/18) is that on this day the Great Festive Vespers is celebrated, which is combined with the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great. Therefore, the holiday has already begun. On the very day of the Baptism of the Lord, Great Compline, solemn Matins and the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom are celebrated. In our time, the two-time performance of the rite of the great blessing of water has become a statutory tradition. In the ancient Church there was an important reason for this: on the eve of this feast, the baptism of the catechumens took place. For the sake of this sacrament, the first great blessing of water was performed in remembrance of Baptism, which the Lord received in the waters of the Jordan from the hand of St. Prophet John the Baptist. The difference between the first and second consecrations is that on the Eve of Theophany, the blessing of water was performed in churches where the catechumens were baptized, and on the day of the feast of Theophany they went to the Jordan River. In the first centuries (including even the 4th and 5th centuries), the great sanctification of water took place only in the Jerusalem Church, where it was customary to go out onto the Jordan River to the place where our Savior received Baptism. Later they began to arrange "Jordan" in other places where there were rivers or lakes. Christians have great reverence for baptismal water. Saint John Chrysostom said: “Christ was baptized and sanctified the nature of the waters; and therefore, on the feast of Epiphany, everyone, having scooped up water at midnight, brings it home and stores it all year. And so the water in its essence does not deteriorate from the continuation of time, but now drawn for a whole year, and often two or three, remains fresh and undamaged, and after a long time is not inferior to water just drawn from sources ”(Conversation XXXVII. On Baptism). On the eve of Christmas Eve, let's get together as a family and read aloud about the meaning of the feast of the Epiphany. The fact that a great miracle is happening, God Himself comes into the human world to transform each of us, to revive, to give hope and eternal, grace-filled life. Go to the solemn service on the eve of the holiday, not for ten minutes, but from beginning to end, but what joy will be revealed behind this difficulty - and it cannot be compared with anything. In the morning, come to the temple, to the beginning of the service. Pray, and maybe someone will find the strength and determination to prepare for communion. And there you can consecrate some water and carry it home as a symbol, as a sign of mysterious involvement. And this complicity cannot be acquired otherwise than through personal efforts, although small, but conscious. In a word, let's not be lazy to delve into our own faith, and not only with the mind, but with actions consistent with church experience, and this humble communion with Christ will reveal to us a completely different experience, unattainable in ordinary life.

How did the Baptism take place?

According to the gospel testimony, Christ came to John the Baptist, who was at the Jordan River in Bethabara (John 1:28), who was then, according to the Evangelist Luke, thirty years old. The Nativity of the Messiah was the beginning of a new era for all mankind, while Baptism drew the line between the Old and New Testaments. The ancient Jews - according to the Old Testament prophecy - knew about the coming of the Messiah, they were waiting for Him. For some time they took for Him John the Baptist, a strange hermit who wore clothes made of camel hair and ate wild honey. At the same time, the saint himself was aware of his special role - to announce the imminent coming of the Savior. It is known from the Gospel narrative that the angel who testified to Zechariah about the birth of John predicted that he would be a Nazirite, that is, he would devote himself completely to serving God. And so it happened. Forerunner - the one who goes before ("before") Christ, that is - a predecessor, a harbinger. John the Baptist was the last Old Testament prophet sent to warn that a Savior had already been born. He was not an ordinary preacher, but conveyed the will of God to people (Lk. 3:2) and was filled with the Holy Spirit, not yet born into the world, in the womb of his mother (Lk. 1:15). The location of Viafara, where the Savior came to be baptized, has not been determined with reliable accuracy. Since about the 16th century, it has been considered the place where the monastery of St. John is now located, not far from modern Beit Avara. According to the gospel testimony, John the Baptist, seeing the Savior who came to him, was amazed and asked: “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” To which He replied, "We must fulfill all righteousness." And having been baptized by John, the Savior fulfilled that very "truth," that is, fidelity to God's commandments. Saint John the Baptist accepted the command from God to baptize the people as a sign of the cleansing of sins. Christ, as a man, had to fulfill this commandment and be baptized by John, thereby confirming the holiness and greatness of what was being done and showing an example of humility and obedience. When the baptism took place, “the sky was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in bodily form like a dove, and there was a voice from heaven, saying: You are My Beloved Son; My favor is in you!” (Luke 3:21-22). The Monk John of Damascus said that the Lord was baptized not because He Himself had a need for purification, but in order to “bury human sin with the waters”, fulfill the law, reveal the sacrament of the Holy Trinity and, finally, sanctify the “water nature” and give us the image and example of Baptism .

The Appearance of the Trinity

The Baptism of the Lord is also called Theophany, since during this event all three Persons of the Holy Trinity were revealed to the world: God the Son was baptized in the Jordan, God the Father testified about Him with a voice from Heaven: “You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Mark 1: 11), and God the Holy Spirit descended from heaven on Christ in the form of a dove. The baptism of Jesus Christ marked the beginning of His ministry in the salvation of mankind. He begins His ministry at thirty, the age at which His ancestor David became king over Israel. Baptism in the Jordan has become not only a symbol of purification, but also an actual transforming, renewing human nature action. Immersion in the water of the Jordan is a kind of image of the forthcoming Cross of Christ's death, His Resurrection and Ascension. The Savior shows Himself to be the founder of a new Kingdom, which cannot be entered otherwise than by being "reborn by water and the Spirit" in the sacrament of Baptism (Matt. 28:19-20). After His Baptism, the Savior withdrew into the wilderness, where, in prayer and fasting, he began to prepare for the fulfillment of His Mission. As Evangelist Luke testifies, Christ “was tempted by the devil for forty days and did not eat anything these days” (Luke 4:2).

The rite of the great consecration of water

The story about the special properties of the water collected on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, we can already see in one of the sermons of John Chrysostom (387): “On this holiday, everyone, having drawn water, brings it home and keeps it all year long, since today the waters are consecrated; and a clear sign occurs: this water does not deteriorate in its essence over time, but, drawn today, it remains intact and fresh for a whole year, and often two or three years. The Church annually renews the remembrance of the Jordanian event with the rite of the great consecration of water, which is carried out (if the liturgy of St. Basil the Great is served) after the prayer beyond the ambo. If Vespers is served separately, the rite is put at its end: after the exclamation “Be the power”, the priest through the royal gates while singing the troparions “The voice of the Lord on the waters” goes out to the vessels filled with water, carrying the Holy Cross at the head, and the blessing of water begins. It is also performed on the very feast after the liturgy (also after the ambo prayer). On the eve, the consecration of water was performed in remembrance of the Baptism of the Lord, which sanctified the watery nature, as well as the baptism of the catechumens, which in ancient times was performed on the eve of Theophany. On the feast itself, the consecration of water happens in remembrance of the actual event of the Baptism of the Savior. This rite originated in the Jerusalem Church, in the 4th-5th centuries it was practiced only in it alone: ​​according to custom, everyone went to the Jordan River for water blessing in remembrance of the Baptism of the Savior. In the Russian Orthodox Church, consecration of water is performed in churches on eve, but on holidays it usually takes place on rivers, springs and wells - in the so-called Jordans, since Christ was baptized outside the church. The very rite of consecrating water is attributed to the Evangelist Matthew. Several prayers for this rank were written by St. Proclus of Constantinople. The succession of the great consecration of water both on eve and on the feast itself is, of course, one and the same, and in some parts resembles the following of the small consecration of water. It consists in remembering the prophecies relating to the event of Baptism (paroemia), the event itself (the Apostle and the Gospel) and its meaning (litanies and prayers), in invoking the blessing of God on the waters and thrice immersing the Life-giving Cross of the Lord in them. On eve, after the dismissal of vespers or liturgy, a lamp is supplied in the middle of the church (and not a lectern with an icon), in front of which the clergy and singers sing the troparion and (on “Glory, and now”) the kontakion of the holiday. The candle symbolizes the light of Christ's teachings, Divine enlightenment, bestowed in Theophany. After that, the worshipers venerate the cross, and the priest sprinkles each with holy water. In the Orthodox Church, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is one of the twelve, according to the new style, it is celebrated on January 19. It is celebrated with a grandeur equal to the Nativity of Christ. Both of these holidays are "connected" by Christmas time. The eve of the holiday is called the eve of the Epiphany, or Christmas Eve. Its services are similar to the service on the eve of the Nativity of Christ. On Christmas Eve of Theophany (as well as on Christmas Eve of the Nativity of Christ), a strict fast is prescribed: eating once after the blessing of water. If the eve happens on Saturday and Sunday, fasting is facilitated: food is allowed twice - also after the liturgy. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord lasts eight days.

how to drink it?

It is usually taken on an empty stomach in the morning. with a prayer: Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, through Your boundless mercy, with the prayers of the Most Pure Your Mother and all Your saints. Amen“. A man got up, crossed himself, asked for a blessing from the Lord for the day that had begun, washed himself, prayed and took a great hagiasma. If the medication is prescribed on an empty stomach, then first take holy water and then the medicine. And then breakfast and stuff. But due to a special need for God's help - in case of ailments or attacks by evil forces - you can and should drink it without hesitation, at any time or every hour. Is it possible to drink Epiphany water not on an empty stomach (for children or in illness). Typicon answers the question, Yes. After all, if dwellings and animals are sprinkled with this water, then it is all the more not forbidden for any person to use it. Is it possible for unclean women to drink Epiphany water? There is no reason not to drink Epiphany water in this state. Our sins, not physiology, make us unworthy of the shrine. (from answer arch. Konstantin OSTROVSKII to the magazine "Neskuchny Sad"). With a reverent attitude, holy water remains fresh and pleasant to the taste for a long time. It should be stored in a separate place, next to the home iconostasis.. Because the Great Agiasma is one of the main shrines of the Orthodox Church. The very word "Agiasma" means "shrine".

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate one of their most revered holidays - the Baptism of the Lord, also called Theophany.

January 18 in the Russian Orthodox Church is the day of the Eve of the Baptism of the Lord, or Epiphany Christmas Eve.

Epiphany Christmas Eve - traditions and rituals

So, in the villages before Epiphany, old women and girls collected snow from haystacks.
Old women - in order to bleach the canvas, it was believed that only this snow could make it snow-white.

And girls - in order to whiten the skin and become more beautiful. It was believed that, having washed herself with this snow, the girl becomes very attractive. In addition, according to legend, Epiphany snow could even store water in dry wells for the whole year. The snow collected on the Epiphany evening was considered healing, they were treated for various ailments. A bowl of water was placed on the table to see the Baptism of the Lord. At the same time, they said: “at night the water itself sways”, - this was a sign. If at midnight the water in the bowl really swayed, they ran to watch the “open skies” - what you pray to the open sky for will come true.

Until the 5th century, it was customary to remember the birth and baptism of the Son of God on the same day - January 6, and this holiday was called Theophany - Epiphany, which spoke of the incarnation of Christ into the world and the appearance of the Trinity in the waters of the Jordan. The feast of the Nativity of Christ was moved to December 25 (according to the Julian calendar, or old style) was already later, in the 5th century. Thus was the beginning of a new church phenomenon - Christmas time, ending with the eve, or Christmas Eve of the feast of Epiphany.

The word eve means the eve of a church celebration, and the second name - Christmas Eve (or Sochevnik) is associated with the tradition on this day to cook wheat broth with honey and raisins - sochivo.

Epiphany Christmas Eve is an evening-preparation before the great Orthodox holiday, which is called the Epiphany of the Lord's Baptism. This holiday of the Orthodox Church is one of the Twelve. On this day, the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist (the Baptist) in the Jordan River is remembered.

In view of the importance of the event that took place on the coming day in the life of Jesus Christ, the Church established a fast. It was from here that the tradition of brewing sochivo came, which is not mandatory, but is so convenient that it has become a tradition everywhere. Of course, not everyone has such an opportunity these days, but it is still necessary to observe fasting: “Because we nourish us with God’s Grace, we will be freed from covetousness,” the Typikon tells us. Covetousness is understood to mean everything that is eaten in excess of need, and let everyone's conscience be the measure here.

Believers determine the measure of fasting individually, according to the strength and blessing of the confessor. On this day, as on Christmas Eve, they do not eat food until the candle is taken out after the Liturgy in the morning and the first communion of Epiphany water.

Epiphany water

On Christmas Eve, after the liturgy, a great consecration of water is performed in churches. Blessing of water is called great because of the special solemnity of the rite, imbued with the memory of the gospel event, which became not only the prototype of the mysterious washing away of sins, but also the actual sanctification of the very nature of water through the immersion of God in the flesh into it. This water is called Agiasma, or simply Epiphany water. Under the influence of the Jerusalem Charter, from the 11th-12th centuries, the consecration of water takes place twice - both on Epiphany Christmas Eve, and directly on the feast of the Epiphany - Epiphany water. Consecration on both days takes place in the same order, so the water consecrated on these days is no different.

In the courtyards of temples, long queues stretch for holy water. If a person, for some serious reason, cannot go to the service or lives a thousand kilometers from the nearest church, he can resort to the healing power of plain water taken from an ordinary reservoir on Epiphany night, although such water itself cannot be considered holy. On the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, water in churches is consecrated according to a special order - the great Jordanian consecration and is called Epiphany. There is such a Greek word - "agiasma", it is translated as a shrine. And the attitude to it, to the great shrine, should be special.

Properties of baptismal water. Epiphany water treatment

She eats on an empty stomach, a spoonful, a little bit. A man got up, crossed himself, asked for a blessing from the Lord for the day that had begun, washed himself, prayed and took a great hagiasma. If the medicine is prescribed on an empty stomach, then first they take holy water, and then the medicine. And then breakfast and stuff. Ascetics of Christian piety call blessed water the best medicine for all spiritual and bodily ailments. Often confessors “prescribe” baptismal water to their sick children - a spoonful every hour, with faith, of course, but without faith, drink at least half a canister. She can wash the patient and sprinkle the bed. True, women are not blessed to take baptismal water on critical days. But this is if the woman is otherwise healthy. And if she is sick, then even this circumstance does not play a role. Epiphany water will help her!

There is a pious tradition to sprinkle one's dwelling with Epiphany water on this day while singing the troparion of the Epiphany. Epiphany water is consumed all year on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora "so that we can receive power that strengthens health, heals diseases, drives away demons and averts all enemy slander, we could receive from God."

At the same time, a prayer is read:

"Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities through Your infinite mercy through prayers Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints, Amen." In case of ailments or attacks by evil forces, you can and should drink water without hesitation at any time.


On this night, douse yourself with baptismal water three times or take a bath. Between 0:10 and 1:30, fill the tub with cold tap water. Cross the water and yourself three times, say a prayer and hit the chest with your right fist three times to cause the body to vibrate in harmony with the vibrations of the water.

Then, without screaming or making noise, sit in the bath and plunge headlong three times, hitting your chest each time.

Silently get out of the bath (if someone else from your household wants to bathe in baptismal water, fill the bath with new water).

Do not dry off immediately, let the water soak into the skin. At this time, do a self-massage or vigorously tap your fingers all over your body from the top of your head to your heels. Then put on warm clothes, underwear, socks, everything is new and already washed and ironed. Drink herbal tea with honey.

Dilution of baptismal water

A special property of holy water is that, added even in a small amount to ordinary water, it imparts beneficial properties to it, therefore, in case of a shortage of holy water, it can be diluted with plain water.

It is believed that holy water does not spoil, so it is not necessary to put it in the refrigerator. The Orthodox keep it in the Red Corner, next to the icons. In addition, a drop of shrine sanctifies the sea. You can take ordinary, not consecrated water and add a drop of baptismal water there, and it will all be consecrated.

It is strictly forbidden, taking holy water or taking it, to quarrel, swear, and allow unpious deeds or thoughts. From this, holy water loses its holiness, and often simply spills.

We must not forget that consecrated water is a church shrine, with which the grace of God has come into contact, and which requires a reverent attitude towards itself. With a reverent attitude, holy water does not deteriorate for many years. It should be stored in a separate place, preferably next to the home iconostasis.