Sample order to change wages for employees. Reducing wages and salaries at the initiative of the employer. Order to amend the staffing table

Here you can see how the order to change salaries for employees looks like, a sample:

Any order of the head must have a basis for its issuance. For example, a salary increase often occurs after an employer receives a memo from an employee's immediate supervisor outlining a request for a salary increase. And for downgrading, a document is used that indicates the reasons for changes in organizational or technological working conditions.

The order to change the salary does not have a sample, a unified form of this document has not been developed, so the document can be drawn up in any form. Some companies use specially designed letterheads for this. The document must contain the following information:

    Business name;

    date and place of issue of the order;

    textual wording, which should contain information about the document that is the basis for issuing the order. The need for this action should also be explained;

    a list of persons responsible for the execution of the director's order;

    signature of the head and persons familiar with the document.

The order is the internal documentation of the company, so it is not necessary to certify it with a seal.

Such a document may concern one or more employees. If it is drawn up in relation to a group of workers, then we enter information about each of them in a separate paragraph. It is necessary to indicate the position of the employee, as well as the new size of his salary.

The issuance of such an order means a change. Therefore, additional agreement to the contract, which must be certified by the signatures of the director and the worker.

How to apply for a rate increase?

Most often, companies have to change the monthly or salary of an employee. The most common change option is promotion. Usually it occurs with high labor productivity of employees, their special merits to the company, for additional motivation, and also due to some other general reasons. Most often, the rate increases for several employees at once. Its size should be the same for employees holding the same position.

Salary can be increased for various reasons. For example:

    the employee often overfulfills the plan and shows good work results;

    the salary may be increased due to the fact that the worker has improved his qualifications;

    the employee has successfully passed the certification;

    the employee has a long work experience in the company;

    in the event that the professional duties of an employee change

The immediate supervisor of the employee is compiled. The document substantiates the reason and describes the employee. The memo is submitted for signature to the director of the organization. After its consideration, in case of a positive decision, by order of the employer, the employee of the personnel department prepares an order to change the salary and.

An important point: if a salary reduction is planned, it is necessary to inform the employee about this in advance using a written notice, against signature:

    the organization must do this within two months,

    individual employer - 14 days in advance,

    employer-religious organization - 7 days.

During this time, the citizen must decide whether he will work in the organization under such conditions or quit and find a job in another company.

If the employee agrees

If the employee decides to continue working, you need to draw up and sign with him. It should specify the new conditions of remuneration. The document is signed by both parties. Then the employer issues an order to reduce the salary.

If the employee is against

If the employee does not want to work under the new conditions, the employer must offer him in writing another job or vacancy that corresponds to the qualifications and health of the employee. If the employee refuses the proposed option, the contract with him may be terminated (paragraph 7 of part 1 Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Information about this should be indicated in the notification, which we talked about above. If an agreement is reached, an additional agreement is drawn up to the employment contract and an order to change the salary part.

When a business entity engages hired workers to perform their duties, an employment contract must be concluded with them. It specifies aspects of labor activity, including the amount of remuneration. On its own initiative or by virtue of law, the administration may change the salary. For this, after the execution of the supplementary agreement, an order to change the salary must also be drawn up.

Information about the employee's salary is one of the important components of the employment agreement. It should not be ambiguous. At the same time, the employee can receive his remuneration for the time actually worked out or for the number of units of output.

If an employee is paid a salary, this means that if he works out the established norm of time every month, he will receive the same amount.

The administration can make an increase in salary. This happens when certain legislative acts come into force, or at the initiative of the administration itself, if there are financial opportunities.

The most common situation of changing the salary is when it is set in the amount of the minimum wage. As soon as a decision is made at the legislative level to increase this indicator, the administration is also obliged to revise the employee's earnings upwards.

Otherwise, the company will be liable for non-compliance with the requirements of the law. It is not allowed if, with a typical working day, the employee's pay is less than the minimum wage.

In addition, the Constitutional Court is obliged to business entities to index the employee's earnings annually. The inflation rate, consumer price growth rate, etc. can be used as a coefficient.

Attention: thus, the salary must be increased by at least the established coefficient. Commercial organizations can choose the coefficient for themselves, budgetary institutions use the approved inflation rate.

Business entities, on a voluntary basis, can, if they have the financial ability, index the earnings of their employees.

How to commit a change

If a decision is made to change the salary of an employee, it must be recorded in several documents at once:

  • Salary change request- this is the main document for the enterprise, which fixes which employee and what salary needs to be set. It also determines from what date this change takes effect. Also, orders to change other documents may be affixed in the order.
  • - the document indicates the name and number of positions of employees, as well as the salaries related to them. In the event that an employee has a change in salary, a change in the salary in the staffing table must also be carried out. This step can be made by ordering changes, or by developing and introducing a new staffing table (if a large number of salaries change).
  • - The Labor Code determines that the amount of the employee's salary is necessarily fixed in the labor agreement with him. If the salary changes, then it is better to issue. Thanks to this document, the old provision of the contract is changed to the new one.

Grounds for issuing an order

The reasons for which an order to change the salary can be issued can conditionally be divided into two groups - at the initiative of the employer or by virtue of the law.

The law states that the salary must be expressed in a fixed amount that the employee will receive if he fully works out the time norm for the month. Its size in this case should also not be less than the minimum wage.

Therefore, if the law establishes a new minimum wage, the employer is obliged to adjust the available salaries to his level - they should not be less than the minimum.

In addition, the law or internal regulations may establish the need for annual salary indexation. It must be carried out on the value of inflation for the previous year or an increase in the level of consumer prices. Then, as a basis, Art. 134 of the Labor Code, as well as a paragraph of the Regulations on payment, or a separate Regulation on indexation.

Attention: if the administration wants to encourage the employee, then she can do this by increasing the salary. The step for this should be a memo from the immediate supervisor. The leader must consider it and put down his resolution.

If the decision to increase the salary is positive, then when drawing up the order, this memo will be used as the basis.

Download a sample salary change order


How to place an order correctly

For this document, the law does not establish any special form. As a rule, for this order, a standard form of the organization is used, on which all the details are already affixed, or an order is issued in any form.

If the order is drawn up without using a form, you first need to draw up its header. At the top of the sheet, the full name of the business entity, the address of its location, registration codes are recorded. It is allowed that bank details are also indicated in the header.

Under the name of the document, it is customary to indicate its short name - for example, "On the increase in official salary."

The next line should contain the date of the order and the place (name of the settlement).

The text of the order must begin with an introduction. It must indicate the reason why the document is issued. For example, if there was an increase in the minimum wage, then here you can write: “In connection with a change in the size of the minimum wage from<дата>».

  • An order to approve the amount of remuneration for the employee (the position, full name must be indicated). At the same time, this part must necessarily reflect the new size and the definition of the period from which it will be valid.
  • An order to the accountant of the settlement department to calculate salaries according to the new sizes.
  • The order to the specialists of the personnel department to correct the information in the company's staffing table (make changes or develop a new staffing table).
  • The order to the specialists of the personnel department to prepare additional agreements with employees for new amounts of wages.
  • Establish an official in the company, whose duties will include monitoring the execution of this order.

The basis for the preparation of the order are official and memorandums that were previously sent to the director. This order must be signed only by the head of the organization.

After its approval, all the persons mentioned in this order must put their signatures, as confirmation of the fact by familiarization with its contents. The date of introduction is indicated here.

Storage duration

The order to change the amount of salary refers to documentation on personnel. This is due to the fact that this document determines the new amount of remuneration for work for the employee, and it is used when calculating salaries.

Therefore, the order to change the amount of wages must be kept, like all orders on personnel, for 75 years.

For its storage, a filing of similar orders is used, which are grouped in chronological order.

Attention: in practice, copies of the order to change the amount of salary are also stored along with payroll calculations, with new staffing forms or in personal cards for the employee. It includes documents for a certain year.

As soon as the new year begins, the folder is reopened. The binder for the past year is stapled and transferred to the archive for storage. If there is a closure of an economic entity, then the documents must be transferred to the state archive.

As soon as the period during which the documents must be kept in the company expires, the management of the company issues an order in writing. Based on it, expired files are subject to destruction.

Attention: storage of documents on personnel, including the order to change the salary, must be stored in accordance with applicable standards. If there is a violation of the established rules, administrative measures, and sometimes even criminal law, may be applied to the company.

As a rule, an increase in the official salary of an employee is requested by his immediate supervisor. He draws up a memo (sample on page 39.). As for the reduction of the official salary, then the desire of the line manager is not taken into account. It is possible to reduce the amount of salary only for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). These can be changes in engineering and production technology, improvement of jobs based on their certification, structural reorganization of production. The main thing is that the position of the employee does not worsen in comparison with the terms of the collective agreement, agreement*. Otherwise, if the employee goes to court, the change in salary will be declared illegal.


Nadezhda K. worked as a foreman at the conveyor shop No. 3 at the Spetsmontazhkrepleniye plant. After a complete modernization of the workshop and the replacement of old technical equipment with new ones, Nadezhda's work became much easier. Now she did not need to manually adjust the conveyor belt and constantly monitor its performance. These functions were performed by machines. In connection with these circumstances, the management of the plant decided to reduce the salary of the foreman by 1,500 rubles.

Preparatory stage

Prepared on the basis of a memo order on making changes to the staffing table (sample on page 40), which notes how the salary changes: increases or decreases.

Speaking about the increase and decrease in the official salary of an employee, we must not forget that the conditions of remuneration (including official salary) are mandatory conditions of an employment contract (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If it is necessary to change a mandatory condition of the contract, the employee and the employer must conclude in writing supplementary agreement(sample on page 41).

The process of salary reduction should be analyzed in more detail. The employee should be notified in writing about the forthcoming unilateral change in the mandatory terms of the employment contract no later than two months in advance (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This is the general rule. There are two exceptions to it. For an employer of an individual, the threshold is set at 14 calendar days (Article 306 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). A religious organization is given 7 calendar days for this (Article 344 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The employee is awarded notification, which he receives against signature (sample on page 42). If the employee does not agree to work in the new conditions, the employer is obliged to offer him another job in writing. This can be either a vacant position or a job corresponding to the qualifications of an employee, or a vacant lower position or a lower-paid job that an employee can perform taking into account the state of health (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, the employee is given a list of suitable vacancies for him (with an indication of the amount of official salaries) against signature.

It is noteworthy that the employer must offer the employee the vacancies he has in the area(that is, areas within the administrative-territorial boundaries of the corresponding settlement). It is only necessary to offer vacant positions in other localities if it is provided for by the collective agreement, agreements, labor contract (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If, as a result, the employee refuses the offered job or there is no suitable job in the organization, the employment contract is terminated on the basis of paragraph 7 of the first article. 77 of the Labor Code (sample order for dismissal - on page 43).

If in the event of a reduction in wages, notification of the employee in advance is necessary, then a logical question arises. Is it necessary to warn the employee if the salary increases? Let us turn again to Article 74 of the Labor Code. With a literal reading of its first part, it becomes clear that it regulates relations to reduce the official salary: in the case when, for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions, the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties cannot be saved, it is allowed to change them at the initiative of the employer, with the exception of changing the labor function of the employee.

Therefore, a different rule applies to salary increases. It can become larger at any time by agreement of the parties to the employment contract. No need to wait two months and notifications are not needed (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Preparing a key order

So, an additional agreement to the employment contract on changing the official salary has been signed. Next, you need to prepare an order. The difficulty is that there is no unified form ** for such a case. Therefore, the order is drawn up in free form (sample on page 44). This order completes the process of changing the official salary of the employee. Then the personnel officer introduces the employee to the order, gives a copy of it to the accounting department for payroll, files the necessary documents in a personal file, etc.

Colleague's comment


Head of the Human Resources Department of IA Don-Consultant LLC (Rostov-on-Don):

- In practice, it happens that personnel officers, when preparing an order to change the official salary, use form No. T-5 (order (instruction) to transfer an employee to another job). This is explained by the fact that some developers of personnel programs lose sight of the documents prepared in free form. And personnel specialists are forced in this case to prepare transfer orders so that they are taken into account by the program. One thing can be suggested here. Any information base, especially such a complex one as personnel or accounting, as a rule, is maintained by a specialist from the developer. You can contact him with a request to add the missing forms to the program. Then the work will become easier, and office work will be carried out in accordance with all the rules.

* Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 21 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2 “On the application by the courts of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation”.

In the course of work, the salary of employees may change. This happens for various reasons. But in any case, on such an occasion, an appropriate order to change the salary should be drawn up.


Most often, the issues of changing wages relate to its increase. This method is used by managers to encourage and stimulate conscientious employees. Thus, it is possible to interest them in improving the results of their work. In order for the decision to be valid, you must first draw up an order to change the salary, and then transfer it to the accounting department to make the appropriate changes during subsequent payroll.

But such a document cannot be created spontaneously. In this case, a certain procedure must be followed:

  1. The initiator of changing the terms of payment of an employee, as a rule, is his immediate supervisor. It is from him that a memo should be drawn up in the name of the head of the enterprise, in which the main reasons for making such a decision will be detailed. Also in this document, the boss is obliged to give a description of his subordinate, which can confirm the intentions that prompted him to such actions.
  2. If agreed, the memo must be signed by the head and handed over to the head of the personnel department for review and further resolution of the issue. He, in turn, is also obliged to leave his resolution on the document.
  3. Next, the personnel officer draws up an order to change the salary for this employee, a separate paragraph in which the need to make appropriate changes to the current staffing table of the enterprise is noted, and gives it to the head for signature.
  4. Based on these documents, an additional agreement is drawn up to the employment contract with this employee.

After that, from the date specified in the order, the payroll for a specific employee is calculated according to the new official salary.

Possible options

As practice shows, the order to change the salary is not always drawn up precisely in the direction of increase. There are cases when the authorities decide to lower the level of payment. Various reasons may contribute to this:

  • change in technological and organizational working conditions at the enterprise;
  • decrease in the efficiency of the worker;
  • a situation where this employee has not coped with the duties entrusted to him.

There can be many examples. For each specific case, there is a solution to the problem, which necessarily ends with the issuance of a specific order. The employee may be offered a different position or his terms of payment revised. In any case, such a decision must be notified in advance. Indeed, in this case, the changes relate to the previously concluded employment contract. Therefore, the employee must be given two months notice, which will contain a statement of the intentions of the management. In the case of mutual agreement, the decision is made in the form of an order.

Document execution

So that the decision made by the management cannot be questioned, it is necessary to correctly draw up an order to change the salary. The sample can be considered on a specific example.

For example, an employee showed himself well, performing additional duties along with those provided for by his job description. For high results and conscientious work, the management decides to increase his salary. To do this, after preliminary mandatory steps, an order is issued, which should look like this:

  1. First, as usual, comes the name of the organization and the details of the document
  2. Next comes its name. Usually it begins with the words "On an increase in salary."
  3. Then comes the stating part or preamble, which explains the actions taken.
  4. After the word "I order" follows the administrative part. It includes several items. Firstly, the size of the new salary of the employee and the date of its establishment are approved. Secondly, an instruction is given to the chief accountant to further calculate the salary, taking into account these changes. Thirdly, the head of the personnel service is charged with the obligation to amend the current staffing of employees of the entire organization, as well as draw up an additional agreement with this employee to the employment contract concluded with him.

The basis of such a document is usually a memo. Next comes the signature of the head and familiarization of all these persons, including the employee himself.

Mandatory Consequences

As a rule, an order to change the salary of an employee is accompanied by a number of related documents. One of the most important in this case can be considered an order for the subsequent introduction of a change in the currently existing staffing table of the entire organization.

This is absolutely logical. Indeed, for normal accounting at the enterprise, it is necessary to strictly control the level of the wage fund. It is this indicator that is decisive in setting rates, salaries, allowances and bonuses. In the ascertaining part, the reason for issuing this order should be indicated. For example, "In connection with the increase in the salary of specialist Ivanov, make a change in the staffing table." A separate item must indicate the responsible employee who will be required to do this work, as well as the one who will control everything that happens. There is no strict mandatory form of this document in the regulations, so it can be drawn up arbitrarily, taking into account all the above comments.

Special cases

It happens that the order to change the salary in the staffing table concerns not one, but several employees at once. This may be in a situation where:

  • reorganization of the entire enterprise or its separate section;
  • a review of the salaries of a group of persons of a particular unit is carried out depending on their professional abilities and real contribution to the work of the department;
  • there is a change in tariff rates in accordance with the orders of state structures.

In each of these cases, the order is drawn up in a similar way. The form should correspond to the standard sample accepted at this enterprise. The order refers to the main activity and must be numbered in the current sequence. In the ascertaining part, the main reasons for the changes being carried out should be formulated. If necessary, you should indicate the exact number and date of the document on the basis of which such transformations are made. Next comes the administrative part. In it, the head gives instructions to responsible employees on making appropriate changes to previously drawn up documents. After the head's signature, all the persons mentioned in the order must be familiarized with the order.

An employee's immediate supervisor asks for an increase in salary. He draws up a memo. As for the reduction in official salary, then the desire of the line manager is not taken into account. It is possible to reduce the amount of salary only for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). These can be changes in engineering and production technology, improvement of jobs based on their certification, structural reorganization of production. The main thing is that the position of the employee does not worsen in comparison with the terms of the collective agreement, agreement. Otherwise, if the employee goes to court, the change in salary will be declared illegal.

On the basis of a memo, it is being prepared, which notes how the salary changes: it increases or decreases.

Speaking about the increase and decrease in the official salary of an employee, we must not forget that the conditions of remuneration (including official salary) are mandatory conditions of an employment contract (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If you need to change a mandatory condition of the contract, the employee and the employer must conclude an additional agreement in writing.

The process of salary reduction should be analyzed in more detail. The employee should be notified in writing about the forthcoming unilateral change in the mandatory terms of the employment contract no later than two months in advance (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This is the general rule. There are two exceptions to it. For an employer of an individual, the threshold is set at 14 calendar days (Article 306 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). A religious organization is given 7 calendar days for this (Article 344 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The employee is given a notice, which he receives against signature. If the employee does not agree to work in the new conditions, the employer is obliged to offer him another job in writing. This can be either a vacant position or a job corresponding to the qualifications of an employee, or a vacant lower position or a lower-paid job that an employee can perform taking into account the state of health (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, the employee is given a list of suitable vacancies for him (with an indication of the amount of official salaries) against signature.

So, an additional agreement to the employment contract on changing the official salary has been signed. Next, you need to prepare an order. The difficulty is that there is no unified form for such a case. Therefore, the order is drawn up in a free form. This order completes the process of changing the official salary of the employee. Then the personnel officer introduces the employee to the order, gives a copy of it to the accounting department for payroll, files the necessary documents in a personal file, etc.