Is it possible to bathe after the operation. Bath after the flu: is it worth it? Why can't you go to the pool

Sauna or bath after surgery - is it possible? This question is asked to doctors by many lovers of the steam room, because someone visits these health facilities regularly, and some even live in the village and do not have the opportunity to wash themselves in any other way. Let's figure out how dangerous a bath can be for those who have recently undergone surgery, and when you can bathe again.

The effect of the bath on the body

Everyone knows that a bath is not just an opportunity to wash off the dirt. This is a rather pleasant pastime in a warm wooden room filled with natural natural aromas. And it is also a real storehouse of health, because exposure to high temperature and humidity favorably affects the work of almost all body systems.

Important! The bath is useful only when the temperature regime is observed, and the person feels comfortable inside. If bath procedures cause ailments (shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness), it is better to temporarily stop them and consult a doctor.

What happens to the body when a person enters the bath? At first, the body slowly warms up through the skin and lungs. As it warms up, the temperature of the blood and tissues rises, so the blood supply accelerates by about 3-4 times. The process of thermoregulation is gradually activated, substances that dilate skin vessels and stimulate sweating are released into the blood. Thanks to the sweat released, the body is partially cooled.

At some time, the blood temperature reaches 38 degrees, and the internal organs begin to warm up. Sweating increases, and if you do not make up for the loss of fluid, the salt balance will be disturbed and heat transfer will deteriorate. Stronger warming leads to fatigue, muscle weakness. There is a risk of heat stroke. The heart beats at a frequency of up to 185 beats per minute, which is dangerous for health and even life.

All people tolerate the bath in different ways. One "enough" 10 minutes to begin to feel a frantic heartbeat and experience shortness of breath. And others calmly tolerate high temperatures and prolonged soaring.

Is it dangerous to bathe after surgery

From a medical point of view, the operation involves the violation of the integrity of tissues by surgery. And, therefore, any intervention ends with suturing. And this is the first reason why you can not visit the bath after the operation. The bandage will get wet, and healing will deteriorate significantly. And if the seams are fresh, then they will easily disperse due to the expansion of the pores and stretching of the skin.

Even if the bandage has already been removed and the stitches are healing, it is too early to go to the bathhouse. Despite the fact that vaping is a hygienic measure, there are plenty of bacteria in the humid air, and an infection can easily get into the wound. And this is suppuration, sepsis and long-term treatment.

The second reason why it is dangerous to visit the bathhouse after a recent operation is the unpreparedness of the body. Surgery is stressful. Plus anesthesia (especially if it was general) and rehabilitation with the help of drugs. All this is seriously "crippling" health, and the body needs time to recover. Even if the patient feels great, it is better to wait for the prescribed time, and then go to the steam room with peace of mind.

When and how can you start steaming

How much time should elapse between the operation and a visit to the bath? The duration of the interval depends on the type of surgery.

  • After plastic surgery, which does not involve affecting vital organs, you can bathe after a month and a half, i.e. when the stitches are completely healed. If it was plastic with the insertion of implants (chest, buttocks), then you will have to forget about the bath for a longer period: 4-6 months.
  • Also, you need to wait 1-1.5 months after simple ordinary interventions such as removing the appendix, removing a hernia, cutting out wen, etc.
  • If an intervention was performed associated with the surgical treatment of hemorrhoids (removal of polyps, bumps), you will have to wait 2-2.5 months. The bath accelerates blood circulation, and hemorrhoids are a disease associated with the work of blood vessels.
  • After surgery on the internal organs (stomach, liver, kidneys, genitourinary system), you will have to refrain from soaring for six months, because the external and internal sutures need to heal.
  • After some heart surgeries (bypass, installation of a pacemaker, ablation), sometimes there is a complete ban on visiting the bath.

It turns out that the minimum period that must be waited after surgery before visiting the bath is 1 month. During this time, simple seams have time to grow together.

Attention! The exact timing of admission to the steam room is determined by the doctor. The above figures are given taking into account the fact that the operation took place without complications and deterioration in health.

Possible consequences for the body

What can happen to a person who disobeyed a doctor and went to the steam room ahead of schedule? First, the seams may come apart. This is painful, unpleasant and dangerous, because bleeding can open up and infection can begin. And if the bath is located outside the city, there is a problem of emergency transportation of the victim to the hospital.

Secondly, health may worsen. Depending on immunity, age and type of operation performed, this manifests itself in different ways: from shortness of breath and increased pressure to loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest.

Thirdly, specific force majeure may occur. If it was an umbilical hernia repair with the installation of a mesh, the latter may lose its properties under the influence of high temperatures. And the hernia will easily break through again. If implants were inserted into the patient, they can move in the bath, spoiling the aesthetic result. In a word, it is better not to take risks.

Rules for visiting the bath after surgery

In order for a bathhouse not to turn from a pleasant event into a troublesome and dangerous one, a person who has recently undergone surgery must follow a few rules. This is especially true for the first 3-5 visits.

  1. You shouldn't sweat alone. You need to bring someone with you who can provide immediate assistance if necessary.
  2. At the first urge to feel worse, immediately exit and do not enter again.
  3. The first visit to the bath after the operation should not be long. You need to get used to the steam room gradually.
  4. Do not rub the area around the wound with a washcloth, do not pour hot water on it.
  5. Be sure to follow the drinking regimen.

Many people after the operation are guided not by the doctor's prescriptions, but by advice from the forums. One person will write that he went to the bathhouse 3 weeks after the intervention, and nothing happened, and someone will consider this an indicator. But it's a risk anyway. And if nothing happened to one patient, another may have problems. And the complexity of the operation, the type of wound, the state of health - all this also matters.

Bath after surgery, rules, contraindications and consequences

Is the bath dangerous after the operation. Indications and contraindications for the steam room after surgery. Possible consequences for the body.

Can I take a bath after the operation?

You know, they say that you can’t go to the bathhouse if you have heart problems, but is it possible to go to the bathhouse if you recently had an operation? There are no definite answers to this question, and some believe that it is possible, while others completely deny the possibility of bathing after a recent operation. But which option is correct? Let's figure it out.

The effect of the bath on the body after surgery

Everyone knows that taking a bath stimulates the body's metabolic processes. It promotes the production of large amounts of red blood cells and hemoglobin. You probably didn’t understand any of the above, so we say in simple words - wounds will heal much faster. And here, many will think that the bath is cool, but everything is not as beautiful as it seems at first glance. The bath stimulates not only the regenerative functions of the body. If postoperative inflammation is not removed, you can prepare for the fact that a session in the steam room will stimulate it and the seams may disperse, which is fraught with infection.

If you do not have a problem with inflammation, then going to the bathhouse is allowed. Only if you used to spend a lot of time in the steam room, now you have to cut it a little. You can sit in the steam room before the start of moderate sweating. Take a shower or wash very carefully using only soft washcloths. It is desirable that there is a person next to you who can control the situation if you feel bad.

Many do not know what kind of coating to choose for the floor in the bath. It seems that wood is a good material, but it is expensive, and you can’t buy chemicals. In order not to look for good material for a long time, you should pay attention to the parquet board. You can buy it here. It tolerates high humidity and sudden changes in temperature.

But some patients have a difficult choice, which bath to choose after the operation: dry or wet? Many scientists dealt with this issue for a long time and came to the general opinion that a wet bath would be the best after the operation. In it, the temperature is much lower and moist air is much easier to carry.

Bath after surgery

Many, for one reason or another, have to deal with surgical intervention. After the operation, a person is deprived of many pleasures that were available to him before. But what about the bath, is it possible to go to your favorite steam room after such an incident? Of course, you will receive the answer in this article, but in any case, before making such a serious decision, It is best to consult with your doctor.

In the bath with the human body, serious changes occur. The heart beats faster, metabolic processes are stimulated, hemoglobin is produced, blood vessels constrict, etc. All this indicates that recovery functions will occur faster.. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. If the steam room stimulates all the functions of the body, then the inflammatory processes too. Thus, the heat of the sauna can create excellent conditions for the development of postoperative inflammation. That is why, until all the wounds after the operation are completely healed, in no case should you visit a hot bath.

If there is no inflammation as such, then you can visit the sauna. But only within reason. Inveterate bath attendants need to come to terms with the idea that, since before, it’s not worth bathing. After the operation, you need to wash and bathe very carefully. No brooms, hard washcloths, dousing with ice water and other stressful factors. It is also desirable that someone is always nearby in order to provide first aid in case of emergency. After the operation, it is best to choose a humid and not too hot bath, such air is better tolerated by a person.

Now let's look at each operation separately:

  1. After surgery for hemorrhoids, you need to wait at least a month and a half before visiting the bathhouse.
  2. After surgery on the digestive organs and liver, you should refrain from visiting the sauna for six months.
  3. After nose surgery, you can go to the steam room after two weeks, but on condition that there is no inflammation and swelling.
  4. After surgery on the legs or arms, it is better to refrain from visiting the sauna and bath.
  5. After cataract surgery, you can go to the bath, but only at a low temperature.

These are general rules, but at the same time, every person who has undergone surgery must consult with their doctor before going to the bathhouse. After all, the characteristics of the body are different for everyone, and healing for someone is faster, and for someone it is slower.

Bath after surgery

Is it dangerous bath after surgery? Is it possible to go to the bath after surgery? Such questions are asked by bath lovers who survived the operation.

I did an analysis of medical sites and forums and collected scattered answers to the above questions in this article. At the beginning of the article he gave the general effect of the bath on the body after the operation, at the end - the opinions of doctors about visiting the bath after certain operations.

Questions are not considered here: is it possible to go to the bathhouse after operations on the head and after the removal of tumors. All questions only to the attending physician.

How does the bath affect the body after surgery

It is known that the bath stimulates the metabolic processes of the body, the combination of a hot steam room and dousing with cool water increases the production of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and so on. and so on, in this spirit, you can continue for quite some time. All this speaks in favor of the fact that wound healing will occur faster.

However, not everything is so simple, the bath stimulates not only the regenerative functions of the body. If postoperative inflammation is not removed, a visit to the bath will also stimulate inflammation, thereby further intensifying it. Also, in the bath, insufficiently tightened postoperative sutures may disperse, opening up infection.

The first thing to remember: you can’t go to the bath if the inflammation is not removed and the surgical wound is not tightened enough.

When can I go to the bath after surgery

If everything is in order with the above, you can visit the bathhouse. Only not as actively as visited before the operation. You can sit in the steam room until moderate sweating begins. You need to wash gently, no hard washcloths. Remember - the main thing is to constantly control your well-being. And it is desirable that there was someone nearby.

Which bath is better after surgery, dry sauna or wet bath? According to scientists, a wet bath is more suitable for most people. It is understandable, in the bath the temperature is lower, moist air is easier to carry. Sauna is more aggressive, more suitable for healthy people.

Now consider the possibility of visiting the bath after specific operations.

After nose surgery bath can be visited no earlier than two weeks. In this case, as mentioned earlier, there should be no inflammation, swelling, nasal discharge. The nose must breathe.

To the bath after hemorrhoid surgery doctors allow no earlier than a month and a half later.

After operations on limbs doctors recommend to refrain from thermal procedures, especially during intra-articular operations, as they cause swelling in the area of ​​operations. The time of abstinence is individual, you need to consult with your doctor.

After operations on the stomach, duodenum, biliary tract, liver the bath is allowed no earlier than after 6 months.

After cataract surgery visiting the bath is permissible, however, the temperature in the bath should be moderate. You need to wash your face and wash your hair carefully so that water does not get into the operated eye. After a month, you can wash your face and wash your hair as usual, water and gentle touches are no longer dangerous for the eye. After 2 months you can steam.

After augmentation mammoplasty bath is allowed after a month. Contrast procedures are especially indicated, which lead to a decrease in edema.

After vein removal surgery you can go to the bath after 1-2 months, but you need to consult with the operating surgeon.

In general, the result is that if two or three months have passed after the operation and you feel good, there are no complaints, then it is quite possible to start visiting the bathhouse.

Bath after surgery

Surgical operations are sometimes the only method of treating a particular pathology, and after performing them, people face a large number of restrictions. Sometimes for a very short time, sometimes for many years. One of these restrictions is the impossibility of visiting the steam room, since going to the bathhouse can be a health hazard.

Let's try to figure out how the bathhouse and surgical operations get along, and is it possible to go to the steam room on your own, with friends or with your family after the intervention, or should you refuse such rest and physiotherapy treatment?

It all depends on the type of intervention.

In fact, it is rather difficult to give an unambiguous answer about the possibility and expediency of visiting a bath after undergoing a surgical intervention, if only for the reason that these same interventions can be of a very different nature.

It is one thing when an operation is performed, for example, on a finger for paronychia. In this case, after a few days you will not have any restrictions on visiting the steam room. However, if you feel fine, and the wound is isolated, then you can go to the bathhouse the next day after the operation.

It is a completely different matter when it comes to performing abdominal operations. Deep intervention, general anesthesia, severe anesthesia, complications after surgery - all this can lead to the fact that you will still have restrictions on visiting the bathhouse and many other types of recreation for a very, very long time.

The danger of visiting the steam room after surgery

One of the main restrictions in visiting the bathhouse after the intervention is weakness and a general decrease in the body's resistance after severe stress, which can be considered an operation.

After stabilization of the condition, the danger may lie in the penetration of infection into the wound, and it is one thing when the wound is small and can be isolated well enough, it is quite another when it is huge, and the probability of penetration of pathogenic bacteria into soft tissues is very high.

It is also worth understanding that a lot depends on the reasons for which it was necessary to perform surgery. If there was a broken leg, after which you fully recovered, then you can visit the bathhouse without any restrictions. But if the operation consisted in stenting the coronary arteries or other intervention aimed at eliminating the pathology of the cardiovascular system, then, of course, it is better for you to refuse the bath.

The main thing is to approach wisely

You need to think on your own about the presence or absence of restrictions on visiting the bath after undergoing surgery, or consult a specialist, but the main thing is to approach the issue wisely.

You should not think that surgery is in itself a restriction on visiting the steam room, or that you can go to the steam room, regardless of what kind of operation you had to undergo.

Think about your health, about the balance of potential benefits and risks, and only then make the final decision. It is this approach, on the one hand, that will allow you not to limit yourself in your favorite vacation, but on the other hand, not to risk your health in vain.

Bath after surgical operations, Baths in St. Petersburg No. 1

Bath after surgical operations Surgical operations are sometimes the only method of treating a particular pathology, and after performing them, people are faced with a large number of
Table of contents:

For health wisely

Baths are loved, if not by everyone, then by many. Probably, there is no such person who would never visit Russian or Turkish baths or sauna. No one denies the benefits of a bath. Both the washing ritual itself and the action of high temperatures have a truly healing effect.

Human skin consists of a large number of sebaceous and sweat glands. Under the influence of steam and hot water, profuse sweating begins, pores open, through which toxins and dissolved toxins are removed from the body. It must be remembered that the skin is the largest organ of the human body. It performs several functions:

  • protective;
  • thermoregulatory;
  • takes part in water-salt metabolism;
  • removes metabolic products and drugs with sweat.

Therefore, bathing procedures, in which the skin is actively involved, cannot be ignored. Yes, a bath is a potent remedy in the fight against many diseases, but there are also those for whom visiting a steam room is contraindicated. If you do not have good health, have any diseases or even injuries, besides, if you go to the bath for the first time, you just need to consult a doctor.

The microclimate of the steam room primarily affects the nervous system. This can manifest itself in violations of some of its functions and even in changes in the psyche.

If the blood rushes to the internal (peripheral) organs of the body, then less of it enters the brain. Therefore, some visitors to the bath may experience a slowdown in mental reactions. In addition, emotional activity decreases in the steam room. But doctors, as a rule, do not regard such manifestations as negative. The removal of mental stress is accompanied by muscle relaxation. And this is very important for rehabilitation.

Who will be happy in the bath?

The steam room can and should be visited by cores with organic heart diseases, but not in the active phase of the inflammatory process. However, if you have heart failure, going to the bath is not recommended. At the same time, the steam room is indicated for those suffering from coronary heart disease, if there are no angina attacks, or for people who suffered a myocardial infarction six months ago. The bath will help allergy sufferers and those who have problems with the upper respiratory tract: various inflammations of the sinuses, laryngitis, bronchitis. Good steam is also indicated for chronic lung patients, as well as for those who have suffered pneumonia.

In the bath with the whole family

Even with diseases of the nervous system, bath procedures can be recommended. Doctors often advise them:

  • with unexpressed paralysis;
  • pain in the roots of the spine;
  • dystrophic myopathies and myotonias;
  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • neuroses.

With children's enuresis and sleep disorders, a bath will also help. After injuries, operations, you can recover in a good steam room. With various diseases of the joints in remission, some diseases of the digestive system - a direct road to the bath. Under the influence of steam and then cool water, blood circulation in the internal organs increases. And with chronic diseases, what could be better?

In addition, inflammatory components are removed from the tissues. Almost all body systems are activated. Therefore, young women with various dysfunctions and ladies during and after menopause should go to the bathhouse. Dry sauna steam helps with hormonal deficiency or chronic inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs. You can go to the bath even with uncomplicated pregnancy up to the very birth. And if you remember the history, then in Russia they gave birth in a hotly heated soapbox.

Bath contraindications

Not everyone can steam

Sometimes you can’t go to the steam room only temporarily. For example, you need to refrain from going to the bathhouse with a cold with a high temperature, any exacerbated chronic diseases. You should not bathe with thrombophlebitis, regular headaches, oncology. Caution should be given to hypertensive patients of stages I and II with systolic pressure at rest above 200. The same applies to cores with unstable angina pectoris, heart failure. A sharp temperature drop during the transition from the steam room to the cool pool and back is highly undesirable for them.
Absolute contraindications to visiting the bath:

  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • III stage of hypertension;
  • acute inflammation of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute thrombophlebitis, accompanied by venous insufficiency;
  • general atherosclerosis marked by organ damage;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • ischemic pathology of the legs;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • some heart diseases.

It is strictly forbidden to visit the bath for those who are ill with acute viral infections and various acute inflammations, as well as for those who suffer from epilepsy, migraine, Parkinson's disease. In acute rheumatic diseases, compressive radicular syndromes and active corticosteroid therapy, the path to the steam room is also ordered. In general, any exacerbations are a reason to refuse to go to the bathhouse.

The conclusion is clear: if you are not sure about your health, before going to the bath - to the doctor. A specialist who knows your body and understands various kinds of ailments will give the right advice and explain what contraindications work for you. Otherwise, we risk getting into trouble. If you are over 60 and you have never been in a bath before, it is better not to start. You can’t go to the steam room after a hearty dinner and heavy alcoholic libations. Drinking before a bath or directly in it is considered almost national dashing, but drinking is contraindicated for all bathers.

Be sure to follow. Carefully monitor your condition, do not overdo it.

The body of each person is unique and has a strictly individual reaction to a variety of external factors. Even experienced bathers may not know what are the contraindications to visiting the bath. Only a doctor will tell you exactly how long you can stay in the steam room, how best to cool off and even what cleansers and cosmetics to use. And do not think that if you can’t go to a dry sauna, then a wet Russian bath may well come up. High temperatures are not good for everyone.

Bath is a recognized remedy for many diseases. During the adoption of thermal procedures, you can not only have a good time, but also improve the whole body. The benefits of a bath for a healthy person are obvious. But there are times when people wonder whether it is possible to bathe with a particular disease. For example, whether a bath is indicated after a fracture.

Types of injuries and indications for bath procedures

A fracture is an injury that deforms a bone. There are 2 types of fractures. If the fracture is accompanied by an open wound, then it is called open. When there are no external injuries, this is a closed fracture. With open fractures, not only the bone is damaged, but also the skin, muscle tissue, and blood vessels.

The most severe and dangerous fractures are displaced injuries, the process of treatment and recovery from which will take a long time. When the bones are displaced, there is a risk of developing complications:

  • bleeding (open and closed);
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • partial paralysis;
  • violation of the innervation of the limbs (connection of nerve endings with the central nervous system).

Bath is indispensable in the treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Fractures of limbs are not the most dangerous cases; bath procedures are useful for such injuries. A fracture associated with a dislocated joint complicates the situation, and the recovery period will be longer. Also, the duration of treatment differs in trauma with a fracture of the sacrum or (this can occur if the pelvic bones are damaged).

A common type of injury is. In this case, blood and foam are released from the respiratory tract, suffocation appears, and there is a risk of damage to the lungs. And the most dangerous are spinal injuries - after this, a person can be completely or partially paralyzed.

For all types of fractures, bath procedures are indicated. After all, the bath, even with the most complex injuries, contributes to the rapid formation of callus at the site of fractures and cracks, and hot air has a therapeutic effect when stretching injured muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Speed ​​up recovery:

  • impaired blood supply to muscle tissue causes hypoxia, and intense heating of the body stimulates blood flow;
  • massage procedures using a broom and inhalation of hot air improve regenerative processes;
  • due to the flow of blood to the affected area, pain is reduced, the restoration of cartilage and bone tissue is accelerated;
  • endorphins (hormones of happiness) are released;
  • increases tone and mood.


When restoring a weakened body, it must be remembered that fractures may be accompanied by existing chronic diseases. In this case, the adaptation mechanisms of the body are reduced. Therefore, you can visit the bath, but only after consulting a doctor, so that in the acute period of inflammation, intense exposure to heat does not aggravate the situation.

You should go to the bathhouse only after removing the plaster.

When the osteoarticular system is inflamed, it is strongly not recommended to go to the bath. If there is no edema in the area of ​​the fracture, then bath procedures can be started immediately. Otherwise, high temperatures can increase swelling, and massage will provoke hemorrhage of subcutaneous capillaries that have not yet fully recovered.

Contraindications to visiting the steam room can be any diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the acute stage:

  • progressive discopathy (wear of intervertebral discs);
  • spondylitis (inflammatory processes of the spine);
  • bone tuberculosis;
  • corticosteroid therapy, dangerous complications in osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic tendonitis (inflammation of the tendons);
  • compressive radicular syndrome (intervertebral hernia).

  • no need to go to the bath on an empty stomach, as well as after a heavy meal;
  • it is dangerous to enter the steam room while intoxicated;
  • you can not bathe immediately after intense physical exertion;
  • it is strictly forbidden to visit the bath for patients with oncology;
  • with caution, you need to treat bath procedures for hypertensive patients, patients who have had a heart attack or stroke.

Under any conditions, even if a person believes that he is healthy, overheating of the body should not be allowed. The main amount of heat is consumed in the very first minutes of being in the steam room (the first 5-10 minutes). This time will be enough for effective healing of bones, joints, muscles and tendons.

How long can you visit the bath to avoid negative consequences? It is better to start visiting the bath 1-4 weeks after the fracture, depending on the complexity of tissue fusion. Dousing with hot water is also indicated if the patient has contraindications to visiting the bath, but treating an injury with heat is useful (for example, when a person is prescribed to soar his leg after a fracture). And you can also resort not to a wet steam room, but to the effects of the healing properties of the sauna.

Sauna is a dry bath. This method of warming up the body was invented in Finland, so we call a dry bath a Finnish sauna. Hot dry air has the same positive effect on the body as a Russian bath with a steam room.

A visit to the sauna has a complex effect on all parts of the body:

  • relaxes muscles;
  • cleanses pores;
  • trains blood vessels;
  • increases tone;
  • improves mood;
  • relieves stress.

The effect of heat is indicated for such diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • curvature of the spine.

The thermal effect of dry steam helps:

  • disperse the blood;
  • warm up muscles and joints;
  • improve regenerative processes throughout the body;
  • reduce pain;
  • alleviate the course of any disease.

Dry air is more easily tolerated by the body than moist air. If warming up is necessary, but there are conditions such as influenza, acute respiratory infections, then it is recommended to start dry therapy not when the disease progresses, but a little earlier.

When visiting the sauna, as well as the steam room, it is desirable to observe regularity. The best option is once a week. Then it will be an excellent prevention not only of problems of the musculoskeletal system, but also of many other diseases.

Is it dangerous? Is it possible to go to the bath after surgery? Such questions are asked by bath lovers who survived the operation.

I did an analysis of medical sites and forums and collected scattered answers to the above questions in this article. At the beginning of the article he gave the general effect of the bath on the body after the operation, at the end - the opinions of doctors about visiting the bath after certain operations.

Questions are not considered here: is it possible to go to the bathhouse after operations on the head and after the removal of tumors. All questions only to the attending physician.

How does the bath affect the body after surgery

It is known that the bath stimulates the metabolic processes of the body, the combination of a hot steam room and dousing with cool water increases the production of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and so on. and so on, in this spirit, you can continue for quite some time. All this speaks in favor of the fact that wound healing will occur faster.

However, not everything is so simple, the bath stimulates not only the regenerative functions of the body. If postoperative inflammation is not removed, a visit to the bath will also stimulate inflammation, thereby further intensifying it. Also, in the bath, insufficiently tightened postoperative sutures may disperse, opening up infection.

The first thing to remember: you can’t go to the bath if the inflammation is not removed and the surgical wound is not tightened enough.

When can I go to the bath after surgery

If everything is in order with the above, you can visit the bathhouse. Only not as actively as visited before the operation. You can sit in the steam room until moderate sweating begins. You need to wash gently, no hard washcloths. Remember - the main thing is to constantly control your well-being. And it is desirable that there was someone nearby.

Which bath is better after surgery, dry sauna or wet bath? According to scientists, a wet bath is more suitable for most people. It is understandable, in the bath the temperature is lower, moist air is easier to carry. Sauna is more aggressive, more suitable for healthy people.

Now consider the possibility of visiting the bath after specific operations.

After nose surgery bath can be visited no earlier than two weeks. In this case, as mentioned earlier, there should be no inflammation, swelling, nasal discharge. The nose must breathe.

To the bath after hemorrhoid surgery doctors allow no earlier than a month and a half later.

After operations on limbs doctors recommend to refrain from thermal procedures, especially during intra-articular operations, as they cause swelling in the area of ​​operations. The time of abstinence is individual, you need to consult with your doctor.

After operations on the stomach, duodenum, biliary tract, liver the bath is allowed no earlier than after 6 months.

After cataract surgery visiting the bath is permissible, however, the temperature in the bath should be moderate. You need to wash your face and wash your hair carefully so that water does not get into the operated eye. After a month, you can wash your face and wash your hair as usual, water and gentle touches are no longer dangerous for the eye. After 2 months you can steam.

After augmentation mammoplasty bath is allowed after a month. Contrast procedures are especially indicated, which lead to a decrease in edema.

After vein removal surgery you can go to the bath after 1-2 months, but you need to consult with the operating surgeon.

In general, the result is that if two or three months have passed after the operation and you feel good, there are no complaints, then it is quite possible to start visiting the bathhouse.

Finally, the video, God forbid to get to such doctors.

Visiting a bath or sauna is a great way to get rid of physical and moral stress. If you visit the sauna at high temperatures, endorphins and serotonin are produced, which gives a feeling of lightness and euphoria. "Challenger" tells how to and how not to behave before, during and after the sauna.

The main benefit of the sauna and bath is to cleanse the body: in one session, you can lose more than a liter of fluid. The body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, the skin is cleansed of dead skin particles. Well, you yourself - from unpleasant thoughts. Going to the sauna after a workout is also useful - it increases blood microcirculation and reduces the amount of lactic acid that accumulates in the muscles during intense physical exertion (that is, the next day the muscles hurt less). With a systematic visit to the sauna, even the endurance of the body increases and blood pressure normalizes.

The difference between a sauna and a bath is that in a Russian bath, the humidity is almost 70%, and in a sauna - 3-8. At the same time, the temperature in the bath ranges from 50 to 70 degrees, and in the sauna - from 100 to 110. Most fitness clubs have saunas, while baths are extremely rare.

By themselves, a sauna or bath cannot be a means for losing weight. When visiting the sauna, the body loses fluid, but not fat. Dehydration, burns and loss of important trace elements are what can happen if you sit in the sauna for too long.

Stanislav Zhitnikov

Wellness Park Instructor

Sauna is a great way to relax and unwind after a workout, but we are not talking about some kind of fat burning at all. You won't be able to lose weight in the sauna, so don't be fooled. The frequency of visiting the sauna rather depends on how much free time you have, and on the individual characteristics of your body. I recommend going to it at least once a week for 10 minutes. You can do it more often, but you need to remember that high temperatures create an additional load on the heart, so bathing every day is definitely too much. The use of oils and other cosmetics in the steam room is more of an aesthetic nature, they do not have any effect on the internal processes of the body. After the sauna, you should definitely lie down on the sunbeds for 10-15 minutes, let the pressure normalize, and most importantly, eat.

Denis Semenikhin

Bestselling fitness author, video blogger, and workout and nutrition creator, The Man Who Always Smiles

Most fitness centers now have saunas. Very often, visitors, out of a desire to spend their time as efficiently as possible, want to work out on the simulators, run on the track, swim in the pool, and go to the sauna / bath. This is absolutely impossible to do, since both the sauna and the bath are a load on the cardiovascular system, stress for the whole organism. Do not expose your body to unnecessary stress and do not arrange a visit to the sauna after a workout, and even more so before it. Set aside a special day for water procedures: take a relaxing swim in the pool, take a good steam bath in the sauna without haste, and do not forget to drink plenty of plain water.