International ranking of world universities. Ranking of universities in the world: the best and most prestigious educational institutions

On Wednesday this week, the British magazine Times Higher Education published the results of THE World University Rankings, an annual global survey of the best universities in the world.

The unchanging leader of the last five years, California Institute of Technology came in second in the rankings. Otherwise, the top ten higher education in the world has practically not changed: positions from 3 to 9 are occupied by the same universities as last year.

On the third place - Stanford University(USA). It is followed by the University of Cambridge (UK, 4), Massachusetts Institute of Technology(USA, 5), Harvard University(USA, 6), Princeton University(USA, 7), Imperial College London (UK, 8). The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich retained its ninth spot, managing to remain the only institution outside the US or UK in the top 10. Rounding out the top ten UC Berkeley(USA).

This year, THE World University Rankings study includes 980 universities of the world, which is 180 more than a year earlier. The study once again demonstrated the dominance of higher education institutions in the US and the UK.

So, the top 100 best universities in the world in 2016-2017:

1. Oxford University (University of Oxford), Great Britain
2. California Institute of Technology, USA
3. Stanford University, USA
4. University of Cambridge, Great Britain
5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
6. Harvard University, USA
7. Princeton University, USA
8. Imperial College London (Imperial College London), Great Britain
9. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich), Switzerland
10-11. University of California at Berkeley (University of California, Berkeley), USA
University of Chicago, USA

12. Yale University, USA
13. University of Pennsylvania, USA
14.University of California at Los Angeles (University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA), USA
15. University College London (UCL), Great Britain
16. Columbia University, USA
17. Johns Hopkins University, USA
18. Duke University, USA
19. Cornell University, USA
20. Northwestern University (Northwestern University), USA
21. University of Michigan, USA
22. University of Toronto (University of Toronto), Canada
23. Carnegie Mellon University, USA
24.National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
25-26. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Great Britain
University of Washington (University of Washington), USA
27. University of Edinburgh, Great Britain
28. Karolinska Institute, Sweden
29. Peking University, China
30-31. Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Switzerland
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Munich, Germany
32. New York University (NYU), USA
33-34. Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), USA
Melbourne University (University of Melbourne), Australia
35. Tsinghua University, China
36-38. University of British Columbia, Canada
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Kings College (King's College London), Great Britain
39. University of Tokyo (The University of Tokyo), Japan
40. Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium
41. University of California at San Diego (University of California, San Diego), USA
42. McGill University, Canada
43-44. Heidelberg University, Germany
Hong Kong University (The University of Hong Kong), Hong Kong
45. University of Wisconsin-Madison (University of Wisconsin-Madison), USA
46. Technical University of Munich (Technical University of Munich), Germany
47. Australian National University, Australia
48.University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
49. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Hong Kong
50. University of Texas at Austin, USA
51-52. Brown University, USA
University of California, Davis, USA
53.University of Minnesota, USA
54. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
55. University of Manchester, Great Britain
56. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
57-58. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Washington University in St. Louis (Washington University in St. Louis), USA
59. Delft University of Technology (Delft University of Technology), Netherlands
60-62. Queensland University (University of Queensland), Australia
University of Southern California, USA
University of Sydney, Australia
63. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
64. Boston University, USA
65. Wageningen University and Research Center, Netherlands
66. Higher Normal School (École Normale Supérieure), France
67. University of Maryland at College Park (University of Maryland, College Park), USA
68. Pennsylvania State University, USA
60. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
70. Purdue University, USA
71. Bristol University (University of Bristol), Great Britain
72-73. Ohio State University, USA
Seoul National University, The Republic of Korea
74. Monash University, Australia
75. Free University of Berlin (Free University of Berlin), Germany
76. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
77. Leiden University, Netherlands
78-79. University of New South Wales (University of New South Wales), Australia
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
80-81. University of Groningen, Netherlands
University of Pittsburgh, USA
82-85. Dartmouth College (Dartmouth College), USA
Emory University, USA
Technical University of Berlin (Technical University of Berlin), Germany
University of Warwick, Great Britain
86. Utrecht University, Netherlands
87. Rice University, USA
88. University of Glasgow, Great Britain
89-90. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea
University of Tübingen, Germany
91-92. University of Helsinki, Finland
Kyoto University, Japan
93. Uppsala University, Sweden
94. Maastricht University, Netherlands
95. Freiburg University (University of Freiburg), Germany
96-97. Durham University, Great Britain
Lund University, Sweden
98-100. Aarhus University, Denmark
Basel University (University of Basel), Switzerland
University of California, Irvine, USA

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Established (1636) by missionary D. Harvard in Massachusetts. Since 2003, it has firmly held the leading position in ARWU.

Harvard has 12 faculties and colleges. Particularly authoritative areas: medicine, law and economics.

In addition, the university has a number of private museums. Harvard has the largest scientific library in the world. It contains a predominant number of unique books and manuscripts.

More than 30 of the Nobel Prize winners are Harvard graduates.

Erected (1891) by California Governor L. Stanford in California. It got its name in honor of the son of a politician who died in adolescence.

Part of the land is in long-term lease from firms associated with high technology. This structure is called - "Silicon Valley".

The university is famous for its high level of business education, MBA. Many famous companies have been created by Stanford graduates.

MIT was built in the USA in 1861. This educational institution was a response to the development of science and technology in the 19th century. This was due to the fact that classical education at that time no longer corresponded to progress.

MIT houses: a research center, a computer science and artificial intelligence laboratory, a Lincoln laboratory, and a school of management.

MIT is the cradle of many areas of science and technology, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and computer technology. In addition to technical sciences, they teach here: management, linguistics, economics, politics and philosophy.

In this educational institution, the greatest preference is given to practice rather than theory. During the Second World War, students and teachers of the institute actively participated in military research programs.

Among the Nobel laureates, about 72 people are its graduates.

Established in 1868. The physicists of this university took part in the development of hydrogen and atomic bombs. In addition, a laser was created here, photosynthesis was studied, and the cyclotron was invented. Also within its walls, the BSD operating system was born, which has become historically significant.

Since 2007, the YouTube Internet portal has been hosting video materials with lectures and events taking place at the university. This was done at the initiative of Berkeley in accordance with its ideology as a public institution.

According to legend, part of the scientists said goodbye to Oxford because of contradictions with the local population. It was they who built Cambridge (1209) in Great Britain.

At the moment, the university owns 31 multidirectional colleges and more than 100 departments. Three of the colleges accept exclusively women.

Since 1904, 87 graduates have won the Nobel Prize.

Organized (1746) by priest D. Dickinson. Moved to Princeton in 1756. It acquired its current status in 1896.

It is noteworthy that classes here are held according to individual plans, and are closely related to research work. The university's honor code obliges students not to cheat and report any violations of the order. Failure to comply with the code entails expulsion from the university.

Popular due to sports traditions: more than 38 teams.

It was founded (1891) in the USA by businessman and politician E. Troop. It changed its name several times, and acquired the final version in 1920.

It has very interesting traditions, in particular: on Halloween, students traditionally throw a pumpkin frozen with liquid nitrogen and dressed up in a garland from the library; the first-year students are given a "truancy day", while the senior students make various traps, and the task of the younger ones is to get into the institute.

However, studying here is quite difficult, there is even an aphorism: "Social life, classes, sleep: choose 2 out of 3."

Established (1754) with the permission of King George II of England. Became private in 1787. Gained fame thanks to the training of the political elite.

Here is the "Bakhmetevsky archive", which stores materials about the Russian emigration. Popular with the school of journalism opened in 1912.

54 graduates have won the Nobel Prize. In addition, many US presidents and ministers have graduated from this university.

Private university founded by D. Rockefeller in 1980. According to some reports, the university began its activities in 1857. Nevertheless, the tycoon's direct financial support enabled the university to start functioning in full force.

The library of the university began its activity in 1892 and today has more than 3.5 million books and unique manuscripts. Particularly strong areas: jurisprudence, economics, physics and sociology.

Nobel laureates - 79 people.

The old university, located in Great Britain, was built in 1117. There is some evidence that they began to study here as early as 1096. Oxford began to allow women into its ranks only in the 1920s, and in the 1970s. Separate education was also abolished.

Education is the best provision for old age: this aphorism of Aristotle is more than relevant in our time. Therefore, those who really want to fully reveal their creative potential and gain maximum knowledge should try to enroll in higher educational institutions, where the level of academic education is maximum. These universities can be safely attributed to the educational centers of the United States and Great Britain: we bring to your attention a list of the best universities in the world according to well-known and influential rating agencies.

TOP-10: Ranking of the best universities in the world according to European rating agencies

Name Country Place in the ranking:
QS Times Higher Education U.S. News shanghai rating
🇺🇸 1 5 2 4
🇺🇸 3 6 1 1
🇺🇸 2 3 3 2
🇺🇸 4 3 5 9
🇺🇸 27 15 4 5
🇬🇧 5 2 7 3
🇬🇧 6 1 6 7
🇺🇸 9 9 13 10
🇺🇸 13 7 8 6
🇺🇸 16 12 14 8

According to a number of scientific publishers, the university trains the best engineers and IT specialists in the United States. The departments of robotics and artificial intelligence are considered leading, by the way, these scientific areas also began to be studied at this educational center for the first time.

  • The key buildings of the university are interconnected by one annular passage, the so-called "endless corridor". Its length is 251 meters and twice a year, in November and January, it is fully illuminated by sunlight: these days are considered holidays in the educational institution;
  • It was within the walls of this university, in the famous LIII (Laboratory of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence), that the World Wide Web Consortium was created. It develops and creates unified global standards for software operating in the global information network;
  • The term "hacker" was coined by the teachers of this university. "Hackers" they called students who are able to find quick and effective ways to solve problems.

The most prestigious liberal arts university in the United States. More than 20,000 students are educated there every year. Several presidents, a whole galaxy of political leaders from other countries, and many modern-day billionaires have been Harvard students: for example, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.

💡 A selection of interesting facts:

  • It is the oldest university in America: it was founded in 1636;
  • Harvard is home to the second largest library in the United States. It is located in a 10-storey building, four of which are underground;
  • Since 1970, any commercial video and photography has been prohibited on campus. This rule applies to student dormitories, canteens and classes for classes;
  • Due to the tradition that a student of an institution must pass through the main gate only twice (when entering and upon graduation), the gates of Johnston are almost always closed. By the way, breaking the tradition, that is, passing through this gate more than twice, is considered a bad omen.

It is located in the famous Silicon Valley and is considered the best private university for training IT industry specialists. The students of the university were the presidents of the United States and Peru, senators, a whole galaxy of successful businessmen and brilliant scientists.

💡 A selection of interesting facts:

  • The founders of the search engines Google (Sergey Brin, Larry Page) and Yahoo (Jerry Yang, David Filo) were students at Stanford University;
  • If we combine together the financial strength of the companies founded by Stanford graduates, the resulting economy would be among the top ten strongest economies in the world;
  • The campus of the university consists of 77 dormitories and was named "The Farm", as it is located on the territory of the former ranch.

One of several US universities that are considered the main forge of highly qualified engineering personnel. On the territory of the institute there is a jet propulsion laboratory, where most of the automatic systems for NASA spacecraft are developed and produced.

💡 A selection of interesting facts:

  • The university celebrates a specific holiday - "Truancy Day". Classes are canceled on this day, and fourth-year students also come up with various traps and devices that prevent first-year students from entering the training rooms;
  • California and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are long-time rivals, and students from competing universities are not averse to taunting each other. One of the most successful draws was carried out by students of the California Institute of Technology in 2005. During a commemorative event in Massachusetts, the name of the university on the front of the main building was changed with a poster. The word Massachusetts was covered by a banner that read, "Another One." Thus, new students entered "Another Technological University".

This is the only public educational institution on the list, and the California Education Center is regularly included in the list of top 10 universities. It is considered one of the best universities for training IT specialists in the world.

💡 A selection of interesting facts:

  • Within the walls of this educational institution, an “invisible” bottle was invented: the researchers demonstrated how acoustic effects can visually hide objects;
  • This is the first university to host free lectures on video hosting: on the official youtube channel you can find a variety of training courses from the most recognized teachers in the United States;
  • The world's largest collection of objects related to the life and work of Mark Twain is located in the library of this particular university.

The university was allegedly founded by runaway students from the University of Oxford, who had disagreements with the inhabitants of the city of Oxford. The eternal competitor of Oxford University, with a history rich in tradition. Gives its graduates a chance to get an excellent liberal arts or technical education.

💡 A selection of interesting facts:

  • Arriving in the town of Cambridge and asking the question “where is the university located?”, You will act rather recklessly, since each of the faculties (and there are 31 of them) are located in different parts of the city. Roughly speaking, Cambridge is a city and a university rolled into one;
  • Newton and Darwin studied at Cambridge, and here they made their famous scientific discoveries;
  • Each faculty has its own color scheme for study accessories and some wardrobe items: for example, for scarves;
  • In Cambridge, even the worst students were celebrated with "awards". Until 1909, the student who did the worst in mathematics was given a huge wooden spoon: it was a meter long, and its handle was made in the shape of an oar.

The oldest English university, scientists do not even know the exact date of opening, according to rough estimates, the educational institution began its activities in the 11th century. It is considered, on a par with Cambridge, the most prestigious university in the UK. Many representatives of the royal dynasty and world-famous scientists studied there. The famous writers John Tolkien and Lewis Carroll were also Oxford graduates.

💡 A selection of interesting facts:

  • In the Clarendon Laboratory, located on the territory of Oxford, there is a unique bell: it has been ringing continuously for more than 180 years. The experiment set with his participation is considered the longest in time;
  • Until the beginning of the 20th century, only men studied at Oxford: women began to be accepted as students starting in 1920, and separate education was generally abolished only in the 70s of the last century;
  • 25 British Prime Ministers have been students of Oxford;
  • It is impossible to apply for admission to Oxford and Cambridge at the same time: this is carefully monitored. If you have chosen Oxford, then it will be possible to enter Cambridge only next year.

Compared to other representatives of the ranking, the University of Chicago was opened relatively recently - at the end of the 19th century. But over its century-long history, it has already managed to become famous for a large number of graduates who have become Nobel laureates: in terms of their number, it ranks fourth.

💡 A selection of interesting facts:

  • Becoming a student of this educational institution is extremely difficult: the average chance of admission is only 7%;
  • The university library is immediately famous for several reasons. Firstly, because of its unusual appearance: the building is made in the form of an ovoid sphere of glass. Secondly, because of its size: its vault contains about three and a half million books! Another interesting fact: it was on the territory of the library that the film "Divergent" was filmed;
  • The educational institution is famous for its Nobel laureates in the field of physics. By the way, the world's first successful experiment on the splitting of an atom was carried out at the University of Chicago.

Included in the list of top 3 American universities belonging to the so-called "Ivy League". There are no business and law schools, but it graduates the best architects and engineers of a wide profile recognized around the world.

💡 A selection of interesting facts:

  • The House hospital is the Frist Center building, which is located on the grounds of Princeton University. Albert Einstein once taught in the same building;
  • Princeton University can be considered the ancestor of such a sport as American football, because it was the students of this educational institution who first played it in 1869;
  • Each student at Princeton University takes an oath upon admission to uphold the "Code of Honor". Under the terms of the code, the student undertakes to behave honestly in exams, not to cheat and report any violation of this rule. Not surprisingly, for most exams, teachers are simply absent from the classrooms where tests are taken.

On a note

The Ivy League includes eight of the oldest private universities in the United States. The association got its name due to the fact that this plant can be found on all old university buildings. Each training center is distinguished by the high quality of teaching knowledge, and the diplomas issued by them are recognized in almost all countries of the world.

Another representative of the Ivy League with a unique history and cultural traditions. Yale seeks to enter to study the humanities and social sciences. Five American presidents graduated from this particular educational institution.

💡 A selection of interesting facts:

  • It is the first university in the world to receive its own symbol. They became a bulldog named Handsome Dan. After the death of a pet, the next dog with the same name takes its place. Biography of dogs is carefully recorded and published. To date, the official symbol of Yale University is the bulldog Handsome Dan XVIII: information about him and his predecessors can be found on Wikipedia, and the current symbol even has its own instagram page;
  • The world's oldest humorous publication remains the magazine published by Yale University;
  • Frisbee was invented by Yale students: empty candy boxes from the Frisbee Pie Company became the prototype of the “flying” saucers.

The best universities in the world: what is the chance to enter them and do foreign applicants have it?

The first thing we want to note is that any applicant has the opportunity to enter the best universities in the world. And it does not matter where you come from: from Russia, Ukraine or, for example, from Zimbabwe. But you need to be a really creative, extraordinary person and go through a very tough selection (according to the submitted applications, in most universities from our list, 9 candidates out of 10 are eliminated). You can increase the chances of admission by using the services of companies that provide assistance (on a paid basis) in collecting documents and data for admission to foreign universities.

Ratings of educational institutions are carried out by special statistical agencies. Moreover, the data can vary greatly, depending on many factors that they took into account. As a result, it turns out that in the statistical top 100 of the best universities in the world, for example, one university is in fifth place, and according to another rating, the same educational institution occupies the 20th line.

Therefore, for a more objective picture, we will consider the lists of three world agencies at once: QS, THE (Times Higher Education) and U.S. News. They are distinguished by their impartiality, as well as their authority. That is, we are looking for a kind of arithmetic mean, if such a concept can be applied to the ranking of the best universities in the world.

It’s worth clarifying right away that domestic institutions, alas, were not included in this list. All universities, which will be discussed, are located in North America and the UK. Yes, we have decent universities, but according to the aforementioned agencies, they are not good enough. One of the most serious Russian educational institutions - Lomonosov Moscow State University - takes only 95th place in the list of the best universities in the world (2017) (QS statistics). So our universities are not only up to the top ten, but up to the first fifty, they are still very far away and will take a long time to grow.

So, let's try to figure out which is the best university in the world, why it is so famous, what is studied in it and where to find it. The data may change from year to year, but the top three and even the top five, as a rule, are unchanged and hold the bar for a very, very long time. Let's designate the first ten educational institutions.

TOP of the best universities in the world:

  1. Harvard University.
  2. Cambridge.
  3. Oxford.
  4. Stanford.
  5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  6. University College London.
  7. California Institute of Technology.
  8. Yale university.
  9. Imperial College London.

And now we will analyze the most remarkable educational institutions in more detail.

Harvard University

Harvard remains the undisputed leader of the ranking, that is, the best university in the world. It was founded back in 1636 and is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The average number of students, according to the university, fluctuates within 21 thousand people.

Among the other top universities in the world, Harvard has the largest endowment fund, as well as a significant number of scholarships with far-reaching paychecks. Separately, it is worth mentioning the library at the university - it's just a storehouse for anyone who suffers from knowledge and answers to their questions.


Today's student-to-teacher ratio is seven to one. Moreover, a good half of the lectures are read for groups of no more than 20 people, which greatly increases the chances for understanding and consolidating the received material by applicants.

The best university in the world has the following faculties:

  • business school;
  • humanitarian sciences;
  • design;
  • pedagogy;
  • management and management;
  • right;
  • healthcare;
  • dentistry;
  • religion;
  • applied Science;
  • cutting edge research.

And this is not a complete list. There are also academic specialties and departments for training specialists of various profiles. So at Harvard you can study any science, if there is a desire (and opportunities).


Among the famous graduates of the best university in the world are the presidents of the United States (Roosevelt, Kennedy, Bush, Obama), world leaders of other countries, members of royal families (Prince Frederick of Denmark, Sheikh Sabah of Kuwait, Princess Owada of Japan, as well as businessmen Zuckerberg and Bill Gates .

University of Cambridge

Silver goes to one of the oldest educational institutions in Europe - the University of Cambridge. It was founded in 1209 and is located in East Anglia (about 90 km north of London). Nearby (50 km) is the major airport Stansted.

Almost 30 thousand students from all over the world study at the university. The educational institution is distinguished by its conservatism (however, like the whole of Foggy Albion), so any applicant who gets into the walls of Cambridge becomes part of the centuries-old English traditions. This applies to clothing, matriculation ceremonies, graduation ceremonies, etc.

University faculties

When entering a university, applicants always face a serious dilemma - which college to choose. The fact is that the existing Cambridge system is strikingly different from the usual American and European counterparts.

That is, here choosing a college, which is also a faculty, you determine for yourself a lifestyle and social circle. Whichever direction you take, it has its own buildings, gyms, playgrounds and generally separate structures that do not come into contact with other specializations.


  • humanitarian sciences;
  • biology;
  • clinical medicine;
  • physics;
  • advanced research;
  • Social sciencies.

All of them are divided into 150 faculties and departments. It is worth noting that to study at the university you need to have not only an impeccable portfolio, but a tidy sum in a bank account.

Famous Alumni

Cambridge is famous for its alumni, including such major figures as Newton, Bacon, Rutherford and Oppenheimer. Also noteworthy are major literary figures: A. A. Milne, J. B. Prisley, Cl. Art. Lewis, L. Stern and our compatriot Vladimir Nabokov.

Cambridge has given our planet the largest number of Nobel Prize winners in many fields.

Oxford University (University of Oxford)

Bronze went to another oldest university in Europe - Oxford. The educational institution was founded in 1096 and is located in Central England (100 km northwest of London). Oxford can host up to 25,000 students from all over the world.

The university is also notable for the fact that the cult film about Harry Potter was filmed on the territory of Christ Church College, and the no less legendary Alice in Wonderland was written within its walls.

List of faculties

The main direction of the university is the humanities. But since the twentieth century, the exact sciences, law, music, medicine and art have been taught at Oxford with due success. The academic year here begins in October and consists of three semesters: autumn, winter and spring. Summer, respectively, is vacation time.

There are plenty of teachers at Oxford: one lecturer can read to audiences of five or six people, which allows full use of the tutoring system. That is, the student receives from his teacher not only basic, but also specialized knowledge in an expanded volume.


  • humanitarian sciences;
  • design;
  • pedagogy;
  • right;
  • healthcare;
  • applied Science;
  • cutting edge research.

Faculties, as in the case of Cambridge, are divided into colleges and function in a similar way to it.

Famous graduates

Among the famous graduates of the university, the following world figures can be distinguished: Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Lewis Carroll and John Tolkien. We must not forget our compatriots - Anna Akhmatova, Joseph Brodsky, Ivan Turgenev and Korney Chukovsky.

Stanford University

Stanford is primarily famous for its research activities. From the first years of its existence (1891), the educational institution devoted itself to the search for truth and solving the most difficult problems, in parallel, of course, teaching applicants and attracting the best of them to its ranks. The complex is located in Silicon Valley, in California, North America.

In addition, Stanford has repeatedly found itself at the top of the rankings as the best medical university in the world, thanks to innovative discoveries in this field and a large number of exceptionally competent and experienced teachers.

Faculties of Stanford

Stanford was conceived not only as a purely educational institution, but also as a practical one. That is, when other universities focused on the cultural level, Stanford systematized the data of world employment exchanges month by month and provided citizens who were exclusively “useful” to society.

University specializations:

  • business and management;
  • the medicine;
  • earth science;
  • humanitarian sciences;
  • engineering;
  • right;
  • pedagogy;
  • society.

The specific direction of each faculty was necessarily calculated from the current needs of the labor market, so Stanford graduates were 100% likely to be provided with a job. In fact, they were already employed only by choosing a specialization and passing the entrance exams.

About graduates

We owe Stanford the invention of the modem and the TCP/IP protocols. Together with other alumni, Vintov Serf and Brand Townsend made our Internet possible today. Presidents and statesmen studied at the university: US President Herbert Hoover, Senators Kent Conrad, Dianne Feinstein and Supreme Court Justice Sandra O'Connor.

Businessmen also distinguished themselves with high-quality education: Nike director Philip Knight, developer and father of Pay Pal payment system Peter Thiel, two founders of the venerable Google search engine Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin, as well as Yahoo founder David Filo.

Many rating agencies are engaged in determining the best universities in the world, and the results of their assessments sometimes differ significantly.

For the most objective determination of the best universities in the world, we have collected data from three world university rankings - QS, Shanghai and U.S. News.

Ratings on the basis of which the best universities in the world are determined

Best Universities in the World 2016-2017

Harvard University

- a university that has established itself as a world leader in the field of exact sciences and technologies. It is here that cutting-edge research in the field of natural sciences and engineering is carried out. MIT has given the world 80 Nobel laureates, as well as many outstanding scientists, engineers, and public figures who have changed our lives forever.

- a truly legendary educational institution, one of the oldest in Europe. The University of Cambridge was founded in 1209 and from the very beginning has established itself as a brilliant university. No university in the world can boast of such a number of Nobel laureates who studied within its walls as Cambridge - 88 winners of this prestigious award.

- the first educational institution opened in London. Since its inception, the university has always been at the forefront of research work. UCL alumni include the prime ministers of China and Japan, as well as Alexander Bel (inventor of the telephone), John Fleming (inventor of the vacuum tube) and Francis Crick (researcher of the structure of the DNA molecule).