The best remedy for aphids in the garden. Harmless aphids. Folk remedies for aphids. Treatment of plants from aphids

In this material, aphid insecticides - an analytical review (composition / active substance, dosages, consumption rates, restrictions, etc.)

Aphids are a common and malicious pest of cultivated plants. . There are many ways and means to deal with it. Along with preventive methods of protection and the use of "folk methods", chemical preparations are still of primary importance.

All insecticidal preparations are based on the contact, intestinal or contact-intestinal principle of influencing the body of an insect pest. The active substance (nerve paralytic poison) blocks the transmission channels of nerve impulses, causing paralysis of the nervous, digestive or cardiovascular system. Sometimes fumigants are used - drugs that enter through the respiratory tract and cause chemical poisoning of insects.

Commonly used active ingredients include:

  • imidacloprid (, "Tanrek", "Commander", "Golden Spark", "Bison", "Warrant");
  • permethrin / cypermethrin (, "Spark-Double / Triple Effect");
  • malathion (, "Alatar");
  • aversectin / Avertin (, "Iskra-Bio", "Akotofit");
  • thiamethoxam (, "Cruiser", "Doctor", "Tiara", "Ephoria");
  • neonicotinoid () and others.

The use of any remedy for aphids from this list leads to the fact that insects stop eating almost immediately, within half an hour they have impaired coordination of movements, and within 2-3 days they die completely.

Features of the choice of insecticide

When choosing this or that remedy for aphids, the balance "EFFICIENCY" - "SAFETY" is important.

Criterion " EFFICIENCY"includes the concepts - the speed of exposure to the drug, the duration of the protective action, resistance (addiction of aphids to the drug).

Criterion " SAFETY”- these are such concepts as waiting time before harvesting, hazard classes for humans, bees, aquatic organisms, how they are subject to photolysis and hydrolysis (how quickly they decompose in the light and under the action of soil water), etc.

After analyzing these indicators, a rating of the best insecticides for controlling aphids on plants was compiled.

Aphid remedies - comparative analysis


It is a biological insecticide, which is its great advantage. The use of biological products is a modern trend in the fight against insect pests. "Fitoverm" - the drug of the latest generation, is included in. The active substance is a neurotoxin of natural origin aversectin-C, with a concentration of 2%. Dosage 8ml./1l. water. Consumption rate 10l/100m2. 2 or 3-fold processing is carried out. Another advantage of Fitoverma is that the drug does not accumulate in fruits and vegetables, which allows it to be used even during the harvest period, the waiting period is only 48 hours.


Refers to organophosphate pesticides. Active substance malathion. Produced in the form of 44% aqueous emulsion (VE), or 57% emulsion concentrate (EC). The drug is really effective, it has found application not only in household plots (apple, currant, vegetable crops, grapes), but also in industrial agricultural production (wheat and cereals, legumes, corn, etc.). Dosage 10-14ml./10l. water. The consumption rate of the working solution is 1l. / 10m2, or up to 2-5l. on fruit and berry bushes and trees, depending on the size of the plant and its age. The drug acts both as a contact-intestinal and as a fumigant. Protective properties are provided for 2-3 weeks. The drug has resistance, so the treatment is carried out once. Has mutagenic properties. The waiting period before harvest is 20 days.


The drug has a systemic effect, ie. gets inside the plant and moves at the cellular level. Active substance imidacloprid, 20% (synthetic analogue of nicotine). It does not apply to biological products; the name "Biotlin" uses a marketing ploy. The duration of the drug exposure is 3-5 days. Protective properties of plants are provided within 30 days, because. the poison is inside the plant and is not washed away by rain. The advantage of the drug is that imidacloprid does not accumulate in fruits, it is found mainly in the vegetative green parts of plants. When processing, a dosage of 5 ml / 10 l is used. water. The consumption rate of the working solution is 3l./10m2. One treatment is enough for the whole season. Spraying can be carried out at any time, except during the flowering period.

By the way, European regulations ALLOW the use of drugs based on imidacloprid ONLY when processing plants in CLOSED soils (greenhouses, greenhouses), this is due to measures to preserve the bee population.


An effective systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action, included in. In the line of preparations of the Tanrek series, there is a special preparation "Tanrek from and", with a high content of the active substance imidacloprid. Properties and principle of action are similar to the previous drug.


A two-component insecticide for the protection of vegetable and fruit crops from a whole range of insect pests, including aphids. As part of malathion, 22.5% and cypermethrin, 5%. Dosage in the treatment of aphids 5ml./10l. water. Consumption rate 1-2l. for 10m2. As a rule, a single treatment is sufficient. The waiting period before harvest is 20-25 days.


Preparations of the Iskra series are familiar to many gardeners and gardeners. Convenient various preparative form - emulsion concentrate, tablets, powder, sticks. For example, sticks (sticks) are convenient to use to control aphids on indoor potted plants.


Active substance - avertin-N, 2g/l., a compound produced by soil fungi. Dosage for treatments against aphids 60-80ml / 10l. water. Consumption rate 6-10l./100m2 or 2-5l. on a tree/bush. The main advantage is a safe biological basis. The drug quickly decomposes in the soil, has low toxicity to humans, and allows you to set a minimum waiting period before harvesting - only 2-3 days.


The drug acts on the basis of 20% imidacloprid. In fact, it is an analogue of the preparations "Tanrek", "Biotlin".

"Spark-Double Effect"

Two-component preparation based on permethrin and .

"Spark-triple effect"

The most modern in the line of preparations "Iskra". Added a third component imidacloprid. Instantly affects adults and larvae. Complete death is provided within 1-2 days. The period of protective action is up to 45 days. High content of a.i. stipulates a 30-day waiting period before harvest.

Any drug from the TOP-10 can be used as the main aphid control for plant protection.


The drug has not been widely used due to its relatively high cost and toxicity. The drug is used in household plots for the prevention and control of aphids, the Colorado potato beetle, thrips, etc. In the agricultural sector, it is used to combat the massive invasion of insects. Active substance - neonicotinoid, with different concentrations of 5%, 7%, 10% and 20%. The line includes preparations "Confidor-Maxi", "Confidor-Extra", etc., which are produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion (CE) or a water-soluble concentrate (WSC). "Confidor" successfully combines both efficiency and safety. Efficiency is ensured by the rapid absorption of a.i. into the cellular structure of plants and long circulation with their juices. Safety is ensured by the fact that a.i. practically does not penetrate into fruits, pollen, nectar, and besides, neonicotinoids quickly decompose in the light and under the action of soil water. Dosage of treatments against aphids 1ml./10l. water. Just one treatment per season is enough. Consumption rate 10l. / 100-150m2, or 1.5-5l. on a bush/tree.


The drug "Akotofit" works on the basis of the active substance aversectin-C. The principle of action and properties are similar to the drug "Fitoverm".


"Aktara" is a universal insecticide and is designed to kill many pests, including aphids on vegetable and berry crops. Active substance - thiamethoxam, 25%. It is produced in the form of an emulsion concentrate (EC), or water-soluble granules (WRG). The speed of exposure is 4-6 hours. The period of protective action is up to 1.5 months. Dosage for aphid treatment - 1ml / 5l. water. A 2-fold treatment is used, the second is usually preventive and is carried out after harvesting.

"Doctor" (especially for protecting indoor plants from aphids)

This systemic drug is effective for combating not only aphids, but also other pests of indoor and balcony plants (worm, scale insect, thrips). It is convenient because it is made in the form of special arrow briquettes that need to be inserted into the ground around the perimeter of the pot. During watering, the active substances, along with water, are absorbed by the roots of plants and spread along their entire length. Insects die 5-10 days after the application of the product. Active substance thiamethoxam. The drug has a long period of plant protection - up to 90 days.

These are far from all insecticidal aphids that can be used to treat and protect plants. It is possible to recommend the use of drugs " Cruiser"(thiamethoxam)," bison"(imidacloprid)," Euphoria"(lambda-cyhalothrin and thiamethoxam)," Arrow» (), « Warrant", (imidacloprid)," Tiara"(thiamethoxam), etc. The principle of action is similar to the above listed drugs, and the same active ingredients are used in the composition.

1. Strictly observe the dosage and apply insecticides in accordance with established regulations;

2. To prevent resistance (resistance to drugs), it is necessary to alternate them with insecticides from other chemical groups and other active substances

3. Preference in the choice should be given biological products. The future of agricultural technology is organic farming without pesticides. In a small area, this is already feasible today. On large areas under crops and in case of mass infection of plants with pests, of course, one cannot do without chemical pesticides.

With the advent of spring, the summer season begins, which is fraught with many difficulties and problems. One of these is the protection of plants from various pests and the destruction of the latter at the first sign of appearance. The most common misfortune among gardeners is aphids. These small insects breed at a record speed and just as quickly destroy all life in their path. Young shoots and fruit trees suffer and even die from the invasion of pests.

To protect the future crop, a fast, effective and affordable remedy against aphids is needed, which at the same time should be as safe as possible for the plants themselves, the earth and not accumulate in the fruits.

Means of combating aphids

They are divided into several types. The most correct from a natural point of view are biological methods, that is, attracting insects and birds that eat aphids to the site, as well as the correct planting of plants on the site in order to create a certain barrier. Mechanical methods are reduced to removing individuals by hand or washing them off with a stream of water under strong pressure.

However, even these methods sometimes fail. Therefore, the most effective are still chemicals from aphids. Modern pesticides and insecticides allow you to protect plants immediately from a wide range of pests. In addition, they are low-hazard and, if dosed correctly, do not disturb the natural ecosystem of the site, but effectively destroy individuals.


This is the name of the remedy for aphids, the purpose of which is to fight it and other insects. Insecticides are divided into several subspecies according to the principle of action:

  • contact, penetrating the body of the pest after direct interaction with the substance;
  • systemic, penetrating directly into the insect through direct contact, as well as into the plant itself, eating which, the aphid is additionally poisoned.

Effective means in this category are:

  • Spark from aphids "Double effect". Belongs to the group of pyrethroids and contains cypermethrin, which has a systemic effect. It is produced in the form of tablets or powder, which are dissolved in water.
  • "Tanrek" from aphids. It also has a systemic effect due to imidacloprid. Sold as an aqueous concentrate in ampoules of various sizes. The residual protective effect lasts another 15 to 21 days, depending on the abundance of rain.
  • "Actara". The drug is based on the insecticide thiamethoxam. This tool can be used both for the destruction of aphids, and for its early warning, that is, for preventive purposes.


These are agricultural pesticides aimed at controlling weeds (herbicides), insect pests (insecticides), harmful animals (zoocides) and pathogenic fungi (fungicides). All of them are aimed at suppressing individual biological reactions in the treated object. Therefore, insecticides are a subgroup of pesticides used against aphids. Thus, the following drugs can be added to the above list:

  • "Calypso". It belongs to the chlornicotinyl group and contains thiacloprid. The substance in question is available in the form of a concentrated suspension. Requires enhanced security measures.
  • "Antitla". Low-hazard drug of systemic action, domestic development. Sold in ampoules of 2 ml, diluted in 10 liters of water. The package contains 5 ampoules.

Other pest control methods

Means from aphids are mainly represented by the above groups. Physical methods such as traps or poisoned baits are powerless in this case. It can be recommended to use preparations for aphids and ants at the same time, which probably live nearby and support its population.

Thus, the correctly chosen tactics of plant protection will allow avoiding their infection with pests, and in case of their appearance, it will effectively and quickly solve this problem. It is important to remember that pesticides and insecticides are still chemicals that can harm not only aphids, but also humans, beneficial insects and the earth. Therefore, when spraying with these products, do not forget about moderation and accuracy.

Yellowing misshapen leaves, stunted growth, and, most importantly, the accumulation of small insects on the tops of young shoots are all signs that aphids have started up on your plantings. This small pest feeds on plant sap, as a result of which the affected plant wilts, dries and, in the end, may die. And since the aphid breeds simply with lightning speed, absolutely all cultures that suit her taste can be destroyed. Do not bring the situation to irreversible! After all, you will learn right now how to get rid of aphids in the garden, garden and indoor flowers, using a choice of chemical or folk remedies.

Aphids are clearly visible on the plant - they create crowded groups at the tops of the shoots

Aphid is a small pest, but not tiny, such as, for example. Therefore, to identify it, we do not have to arm ourselves with a magnifying glass. Her body is wide, pear-shaped, reaching a length of 0.5-6 mm. From above it is covered with "armor" - a protective wax or woolly coating. There are two long antennae on the head, two tubes and a small elongated tail on the back.

Aphids can be anything in color: black, green, yellow, white, gray, red, pink. Coloring depends on the type of pest and its food preferences.

Below in the photo you can see aphids in all their glory:

Our heroine - aphid - with a multiple increase

Most adults are wingless, but with the expansion of the population, when the food on the inhabited plant becomes catastrophically small, winged forms appear. They can fly to other plants, breed there and create new colonies.

Signs of defeat

The aphid does not sit idle on the plant, it actively eats it and leaves traces of its vital activity.

In this case, you can notice the following manifestations of infection:

  • The accumulation of small pests on the tops of shoots, on flower buds or on young stems. Aphids do not have a very powerful sucking apparatus, so they prefer young succulent leaves and stems, which they can easily bite through.
  • Damaged leaves twist, grow deformed. Some species of aphids inject a toxin into the leaves, which is why they twist, becoming a natural armor for the pest. In such "spins" a whole aphid settlement can hide.
  • The leaves and stems are covered with a sticky sweet liquid called honeydew. This is what aphids secrete when they feed on plant sap. Pad rather quickly becomes covered with black bloom - a sooty fungus, which not only spoils the appearance of the plant, but also slows down the processes of photosynthesis.
  • Aphids are carriers of many plant viruses. For example, diseases such as sugar beet jaundice and barley yellow dwarf are viral and are spread by aphids.
  • Some species of aphids, such as the grape aphid phylloxera, are capable of forming galls (swellings) on leaves and roots.

Reasons for the appearance

Sometimes it seems that aphids materialized on plants literally out of thin air. In fact, there are several options for infection:

  1. Migration of winged individuals born in a colony during overpopulation. They can fly to your landings, for example, from a neighboring site.
  2. The activity of ants, which in the literal sense of the word are carriers of aphids. Garden workers create a symbiosis useful to both of them with pests. Aphids, in the process of feeding, secrete a sweet nutritious liquid - honeydew, which ants feast on. Ants, in turn, protect aphids from attacks by other insects and transfer them from one plant to another. Neither give nor take the farmers who drive their cows out to pasture! Aphids, in fact, are for ants a kind of analogue of cows, which are not only milked, but also taken care of. Even in winter, so that the "livestock" does not die, it is brought into the anthill. And already in the spring - they take it out and plant it on nutritious plants in order to grow and “milk” it again. So if you have ants in your yard, there will almost certainly be aphids. And it will be necessary to destroy not only the direct pest, but also insect vectors.
  3. In the backyard, aphids can appear already in the spring - from eggs that survived the winter in the ground and fallen leaves.
  4. On indoor flowers, infection often occurs after transplantation into soil contaminated with eggs.

Peddlers of aphids are usually garden workers - ants.
Aphids on roses are common

Some aphids have food preferences. For example, potato aphids usually damage potatoes. But there are other, less picky species that, once on your yard or balcony, will feed on just about anything. For example, green peach aphids, despite their great preference for peaches and plums, will not refuse peppers, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, melons, corn, spinach, lettuce, roses, etc. There are also species such as beet root aphids, which affect not the leaves and stems, but the roots of the plant. They live in the soil, so they are more difficult to identify, but they cause damage similar to other types of aphids.

How to deal with aphids: listing methods

You can fight a dangerous pest using:

  • Folk remedies - a method that often requires perseverance and lengthy treatments. It is usually used to treat garden and horticultural fruit crops. In this case, the substances used are absolutely safe, the fruits can be eaten any day after processing. In indoor floriculture, folk remedies are usually used as a preventive measure (to protect against aphids) or at the initial stage of infection.
  • Chemical pesticides - this method is faster. However, the pesticides used in this process can poison not only aphids, but also your crop. Therefore, they should be treated with horticultural crops 2-3 weeks before harvest, strictly following the instructions.
  • Insect predators - a completely natural bio method, which consists in attracting their natural enemies to the fight against aphids: ladybugs, hoverfly flies, green lacewings, etc.
  • Defender plants are an auxiliary method that can be used in addition to the main one.

Folk remedies for aphids - victory without chemistry

If aphids appeared on crops whose fruits you will eat, you should start fighting it without chemistry. This is especially true if the infection is in its initial stage and has not taken on the character of an epidemic. As a rule, it will take longer to deal with aphids in this case, but it is safer.

soapy water

A very effective remedy for aphids, which can be used without fear in the country and on your own plot. Soap dissolves the wax shell of aphids, dehydrates it and leads to death. To prepare the drug, use laundry soap, liquid soap (best of all, laundry or tar), dishwashing detergent (for example, Fairy).

Make a solution in the following proportion:

  • 30 g of grated laundry soap per 1 liter of warm water.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of liquid soap per 1 liter of water.

When using rubbed bar soap, wait until the solids are completely dissolved. When using liquid soap, it is enough to mix it well in water. The resulting solution is sprayed on the affected plants every 2-3 days for 2 weeks.

Soap solution - the most popular folk remedy against aphids and many other pests

Infusion of onion peel

20 g of husk (onion scales) is poured with a liter of water, insisted and sprayed on diseased plants every 5 days until complete victory over aphids.

Infusion of garlic

Grind 200 g of garlic (preferably in a blender), pour it with 1 liter of water and insist under the lid for 4-5 days. For watering and spraying, a solution is used: 25 ml of the obtained infusion-concentrate is mixed with 10 liters of water.

More complex recipe. 10-12 cloves of garlic, crushed to a paste, are poured with 1.5-2 glasses of water, stirred until completely dissolved. Filtered through gauze. Then add to the resulting solution 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil and a little (1/4 teaspoon) liquid soap. Mix well until the oil and soap are mixed with the garlic water. This solution is sprayed onto the plants every day for a week. Then it can also be used once a week to protect against aphids.

Soda ash solution

Pour 3 teaspoons of soda ash into 10 liters of water (bucket), mix and pour into a spray bottle.

Ash-soap solution

3 cups of ash pour 10 liters of warm water, mix. Infuse for 2 days, then filter. To the resulting solution add 40 g of liquid or grated soap.

mustard infusion

20 g of mustard powder is poured into 1 liter of water, insisted for a day. For greater efficiency, you can add liquid soap to the infusion (dosage - 4 g per 1 liter).

Camomile tea

100 g of dried chamomile (stems, flowers, leaves) is poured into 1 liter of hot water, infused for 12 hours, then filtered. For spraying, dilute the infusion with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and mix in liquid soap (4 g per 1 liter).

Yarrow infusion

80 g of dried yarrow (stems, flowers, leaves) pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 1.5-2 days. An accelerated option is the preparation of a decoction. For this, the raw materials are not insisted, but boiled for 30 minutes (in the same ratio with water). Then cool and add soap (2 g per 1 liter).

Tobacco infusion

100 g of dry tobacco (shag) is poured into 1 liter of hot water, insisted for 2-3 hours. Then - filtered and, before use, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.

Vinegar solution

In 1 liter of water dissolve 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar. The resulting solution is used for spraying.

Ammonia solution 10% (ammonia) with soap

In 10 liters of water dissolve 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia and 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid soap (preferably tar), mix. Since ammonia is a source of nitrogen, it is advisable to use this remedy until mid-summer.

We invite you to watch a video about the preparation of ammonia-soap solution:

Soap and iodine solution

1/3 of a piece of grated laundry soap is dissolved in 10 liters of water, then 2 caps of iodine are poured into it. The prepared solution is used immediately for spraying.

Iodine and soap on guard against aphids

Orange peel infusion

100 g of dry peel is poured into 1 liter of warm water, insisted for 3 days.

Essential oil solution

In a glass (250 ml) of water dissolve 4-5 drops of essential oils of thyme, mint, cloves, rosemary. Stir well, shake well and spray the liquid on diseased plants every morning for a week. This powerful blend of essential oils will kill most insect pests as well as their eggs and larvae.


Ordinary vodka can be used as an effective insecticide against aphids. It is easy to use: just pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray the plants. Instead of vodka, you can use alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Coca Cola

It is used in the fight against aphids on the same principle as vodka. Pour into a spray bottle and spray plantings.


Before using any aphid control to the fullest, do a test spray on a small part of the plant. Then watch it for a few days. In the absence of adverse reactions (leaf deformation, yellowing, burns), the green light can be given to the proven method.

Spraying is carried out early in the morning or in the evening, as an option - in cloudy weather. Under the influence of the sun and high temperatures, even organic pesticides can burn the leaves. If rain is expected, processing is started only when the weather clears up. Otherwise, the rain will wash away the solution and render it useless.

Aphid chemicals

If it was not possible to destroy aphids with folk remedies, you should turn your attention to chemicals from a series of insecticides.

The rules for spraying chemicals are the same as when using folk remedies. And be sure to start with a test treatment on a small area to check for an adverse reaction.

The following drugs are used against aphids:

  1. Green Soap is the most non-toxic, mild contact insecticide available in liquid soap form. It is used for spraying affected plants, but is most effective for prevention.
  2. Aktara is a systemic insecticidal preparation for the control of aphids in the garden and at home. It penetrates into the vascular system of the plant and spreads through the tissues, while its juice becomes poisonous and poisons aphids. The drug is good because it works effectively both when watering and when spraying. It is especially convenient to treat trees and shrubs with Actara on the site - in order to remove aphids, you do not need to spray each branch, it is enough to water the affected plants, and the pest will disappear.
  3. A series of preparations Iskra (BIO, M, Golden, Double effect) - insecticides with various active ingredients that destroy aphids and many other pests. The form of treatment is watering and / or spraying.
  4. Fitoverm - insectoacaricide, refers to biological products. Very popular as a means of destroying almost all pests on indoor flowers, it kills aphids on the spot. It has an enteric-contact effect, the method of processing is spraying.
  5. Actellik - enteric-contact insectoacaricide, very toxic, belongs to the 2nd hazard class. Armor-piercing agent, has a specific smell inherent in FOS (like dichlorvos, karbofos). It is used against aphids in exceptional cases, its use is justified if more “complex” pests are present on the plants, for example, spider mites.
  6. Fufanon is another FOS, the active ingredient is malathion. An analogue of karbofos, Iskra M. Effectively destroys aphids and other sucking and gnawing pests. Processing method - spraying.
  7. Commander, Confidor, Tanrek, Biotlin - analogues, systemic preparations for the destruction of aphids and other insects. The active substance is imidacloprid. The insecticide enters the tissues of the plant and makes them poisonous to aphids. Processing - watering and spraying.
  8. Intavir is an enteric-contact chemical that can rid the garden of aphids and a host of other insects. The active substance is cypermethrin. Spraying required.
  9. Alatar is a complex means of intestinal contact action. Ingredients: malathion (karbofos) and cypermethrin (active ingredient Intavir). Processing method - spraying.

It usually takes 2-3 treatments at 7-day intervals to get rid of aphids completely. If after this period part of the population survived, the drug should be changed, since all chemical pesticides can cause resistance (addiction). When replacing, you should select a drug with a different active substance.

Any chemistry, especially used in gardens and kitchen gardens, on food crops, is fraught with danger. First, there are risks of fruit poisoning. They can be eaten only 2-3 weeks after pesticide treatment. Secondly, chemicals can destroy not only pests, but also beneficial insects, primarily bees. Therefore, they should be used only before the flowers open on the plant.

Fighting aphids with natural enemies

Aphids can be destroyed not only by various sprays, but also with the help of predatory insects - entomophages. They eat the pest and/or its eggs and thus keep the population under control or completely exterminate it. Entomophages can be bought in specialized stores (many are on the Internet) or attracted independently to your site. Often this method allows you to get rid of aphids both in the greenhouse and in the garden forever.


This insect is able to consume 50-60 aphids per day, it also destroys mealybugs, ticks and a number of other pests.

Ladybug, both in adulthood and in the larval stage, is a tireless predator in the fight against aphids.

Fly hoverfly, syrphidae (Syrphidae)

The larvae of this species feed on aphids and other soft-bodied pests, including spider mites, keeping their numbers under control. During the day, the hoverfly larva eats about 200 aphids.

Hoverfly fly larvae, similar to fat caterpillars, eat aphids and many other pests.

Green lacewing (Chrysoperla rufilabris)

An adult lacewing feeds on the nectar of flowers, but its larvae, which look like miniature alligators, are real predators. In the larval stage, the insect eats about 600 aphids, as well as other harmful insects and mites.

Aphids also feed on:

  • some wasps (Aphidius);
  • cicadas;
  • crickets;
  • ground beetles;
  • earwigs (pluckers);
  • riders.

To attract beneficial insect predators to your site, you should plant dill, fennel, carrots, parsley, celery, dandelion and tansy on it.

Planting Protector Plants

Another biomethod. It is based on planting plants that either repel aphids, or, conversely, attract them and take the “main blow” upon themselves, thus protecting the crops grown.

repellent plants

They have phytoncidal properties that repel aphids and many other pests. To improve the site, garlic, mustard, parsley, basil, wormwood, marigolds, calendula, tansy, mint are planted on it.

Marigolds are repellant plants that will help repel aphids from cabbage

Plants that attract aphids

There is another option: to act from the opposite. And plant plants that attract aphids next to the infected crop: petunia, cosmea, beans, cleoma, mallow. The pest switches to a more palatable bait, after which you can remove it from the site along with the aphids. Or, if it's a pity, use chemical pesticide sprays on it.

Once the aphids have been eradicated, be vigilant to prevent re-infestation. Inspect your plants often, especially the underside of the leaves. If you see signs of a pest, take immediate action. And your plants will thank you!

Akarin (Agravertin)

Means for protecting plants from insect pests of contact-intestinal action. Active ingredient Avertin N. It has a wide spectrum of action: all types of herbivorous mites, Colorado potato beetle, turnip and cabbage whitefish, cabbage scoop, sawflies, leafworms, codling moths, moths, tobacco and California thrips, as well as all types of aphids. The drug does not pollute the environment, quickly degrading in soil and water. The waiting period from the last processing to harvesting is no more than 3 days.

Preparation of a working solution: from ticks, the consumption of the drug is 1-2 ml per 1 liter of water, from aphids 6-8 ml per 1 liter of water, from thrips 8-10 ml per 1 liter of water, mix thoroughly. Consumption of working solution - 1 liter per 100 sq. m. Method of application: Spray plants in dry, clear and calm weather in the morning or evening, evenly wetting the leaves. The optimum temperature for processing is from +18 to 34°C. The period of protective action is from 3 to 5 days. The speed of exposure is 4-8 hours. Do not mix with other drugs! Not phytotoxic. Storage of the working solution is not allowed.

Actellik is one of the most powerful and common means in the treatment of plants from pests of indoor flowers. The mechanism of action differs from pyrethroid insecticides - it contains pyrimiphos-methyl (an organophosphorus group). The toxicity of pyrifosmethyl is due to the phosphorylation of acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme that plays a significant role in the transmission of a nerve impulse. A neuron (nerve cell) receives and transmits a signal in the form of an electrical impulse; Through the synaptic cleft, nervous excitation is transmitted with the help of chemical mediators, one of which is acetylcholine. Analogue: Kamikaze, KE.


Broad-spectrum contact-intestinal insecticide with high initial toxicity and long protective period. Active ingredient: cypermethrin 250 g/l. Preparative form: Arrivo 25% - emulsion concentrate, 1.5 ml ampoules.

Effective against many pests of indoor and garden plants (aphids, mealybugs, butterfly caterpillars, whiteflies, leaf beetles, springtails, thrips, etc., except for ticks). The consumption rate is 1.5 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water. The period of protective action of the drug is 10-14 days.

Hazard class II. Arrivo is not phytotoxic, but moderately toxic to warm-blooded animals and slightly toxic to birds. Work in protective clothing, gloves and a respirator.

Analogues: Alatar, KE; Inta-Vir; Inta-C-M; Spark; Sharpay and others.


Bona Forte Bona Forte insecticide- from scale insects, whiteflies and mealybugs for all indoor plants. Description of the drug

The contents of the package - 1 gram of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water. This amount is enough to spray 2-3 large trees, so for indoor plants it is bred at the rate of 0.1 grams per 1 liter of water. The drug is toxic, so it is advisable to use it if there is nothing else, to work with a respirator and gloves, it is advisable to thoroughly ventilate the room, or take the flowers for spraying to an open balcony or to the street.

Garden insecticide (against garden ants, bears), but it also gives a good effect in the fight against soil pests of indoor plants - fungal mosquito larvae. The active substance is 30 g/kg of diazinon, in granules. Grom-2 microgranules are distributed over the surface of the earth in the garden or in flower pots, they can be slightly mixed with the soil. The consumption rate is 2-3 g of the drug per 1 sq. m. area. The death of ants and flies occurs in 1-2 days. According to the manufacturer, a single application of Grom-2 provides protection against insects for 2-3 months.

The drug is not phytotoxic. Moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class III). Dangerous for fish (do not allow entry into aquariums and water bodies).

Analogues: Bazudin, Grizzly, Zemlin, Medvetoks, Anteater, Ant, Flyeater, Pochin, Provotoks.

Insecticide Spark

Working solution - 1/2 tablet is dissolved in a small amount of water until completely dissolved, then the resulting solution is filtered and diluted to 5 liters of water. You can apply re-spraying after 20 days. The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class III).


Insecticide and acaricide of contact-intestinal action. The name suggests that the tool destroys mites, but in fact, mites are effective against other leaf-eating and leaf-sucking pests. Active ingredient: Aversectin C, 2 g/l.

Systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action for use against aphids, thrips, whiteflies, scale insects. Not effective against ticks. Active ingredient: imidacloprid.

"Confidor" saves time. The manufacturability of the treatment and the replacement of two sprays (against insects and against diseases) with one procedure simplifies the task of the summer resident. With the help of treatment with the drug, the resistance of potatoes to environmental influences increases, which has a significant impact on the amount of yield, improved shoot formation, and weight gain. The quality of the products obtained is also improved. In addition, photosynthesis is enhanced. "Confidor" - a tool with low toxicity to humans and living beings.

The preparation contains two active substances. The first one blocks the transmission of impulses of the pest membrane, the second one, penetrating into the cuticle of the plant, affects the state of the cell and nucleus, blocks the development of the fungus.

The first stage of processing is the dressing of potato tubers. Next, "Confidor" should be used for spraying to prevent plant disease with late blight and other diseases. On small areas, the treatment is carried out with a working solution by spraying it with knapsack or hand sprayers. The drug has a long term protection against pests: after processing the tubers, they are protected for 2 months. Within 50-60 days, potato diseases will not be taken care of either. It is important that "Confidor" is safe for beneficial insects. The drug quickly moves through the tissues of plants, providing an effect in a short time. In addition, the result does not depend on weather conditions.

Combined protection against pests and diseases; "Anti-stress" effect of stimulating the growth and development of plants.

It is very popular because it has a low consumption rate - 1 ml per hundred square meters, a very long period of action, penetrates the plant through the root, leaf and stem (systemic properties), is effective in hot weather, resistant to washing off by rain. The drug is diluted at the rate of 1 ml of confidor per 5-10 liters of water. The effect is observed during the first hours after treatment.

Analogue: Iskra Zolotaya, Monsoon, Respect, Tanrek, Tsvetolyuks Bau, Corado, etc.

Insecticide Karate

Insectoacaricide, active ingredient: lambda-cyhalothrin. This pyrethroid has intestinal-contact and deterrent (repellant) action, does not show fumigant and systemic action. It is used in the fight against aphids, thrips and mites, as well as against caterpillars, beetles, weevils, flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes.

To prepare a solution of 0.2 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after two weeks. The drug is effective in all weather conditions (hot / cold / humid climate) and is not washed off by rain less than 1 hour after treatment. Hazard class 2. The drug is slightly toxic to birds, toxic to fish and bees.

Analogue: Lightning.

Among the effective means, Klubneshchit stands out. This drug fights the most dangerous pests: the Colorado potato beetle, which reduces yields by half, and wireworm, which can lead to the death of 90% of potatoes. The action of the substance lasts up to 2 months, this time is enough for the shoot of the bush and the development of tubers.

The tool is quite economical: a bottle of 25 milliliters, diluted with 250-300 milliliters of water, is enough to spray 30 kilograms of potatoes. Processing is carried out immediately before planting using a sprayer. Disembarkation should begin immediately. This method saves nearby plants from being hit by Tuber Shield, since if the substance gets on the fruits, they cannot be eaten for 3 months. Due to the long period of decomposition of the components, the agent is not used for early varieties of potatoes either.

It is forbidden to use the drug and near water bodies. The disinfectant contains toxic substances, therefore, precautions should be taken when working with the Tuber Shield.

There are frequent cases of inefficiency in the fight against wireworm, so you should carefully monitor the appearance of this pest.

This protectant actively fights insects due to systemic action. When it enters the plant through the roots and leaves, it affects the nervous system of the pest, inhibiting it. Use the drug in case of exceeding the threshold of harmfulness of insects, with a large number of them on potatoes.

Apply "Commander +" should be on the surface of the sheet in a dense layer. It is important to consider that the equipment must be properly adjusted, otherwise the effect of the treatment will be weak. You can not process the plant during the flowering period, since the drug is quite dangerous for bees. Resistance to temperatures and sunlight allows you to spray potatoes at any time of the day

"Commander +" is not addictive in pests, but it is still worth alternating it with other drugs. In order to avoid problems with the harvest, the dosage of the product should be strictly adhered to.

Means for combating soil pests of horticultural crops and indoor plants. Active ingredient: diazinon.

The drug is poured onto the top layer of earth in a pot, then the soil must be loosened. For indoor plants, the consumption rate of the drug is 2-3 g (approximately 1-1.5 teaspoons). Effective against fungal mosquito larvae, earthworms, root scale insects, weevil larvae.

Analogues: Bazudin, Grizzly, Thunder, Thunder-2, Zemlin, Medvetoks, Anteater, Ant, Pochin, Provotoks.

Prestige KS - An effective modern remedy for the Colorado potato beetle. The drug has both fungicidal and insecticidal properties. Protects potatoes from: wireworm, bear, aphids, thrips, leafhoppers, Maybug, scoop. At the same time, the sprouts treated with this suspension concentrate become resistant to various diseases: common scab, dry and wet rot, black leg.

Use a properly prepared Prestige solution before planting. The action lasts up to 50 days.

It is necessary to measure with a measuring cup "Prestige" at the rate of 10 ml of the drug per 10 kg of cooked tubers. Add water at the rate of 100 ml per 10 ml of the preparation. Mix and pour into sprayer.

This product is a concentrate. Potatoes are treated with a solution before planting to protect the plant from insects and fungus. The two active components of the drug act simultaneously to fight pests and infections. "Prestigitator" is active against three main insects that harm potatoes: aphids, wireworms and the Colorado potato beetle. Among fungal diseases, the drug fights only with black and common scab.

Together with "Prestigitator" they use fertilizers and growth stimulants, as well as additionally reinforcing antifungal agents. Treatment with the preparation multiplies the harvest, strengthens the immunity of potato bushes, and creates an anti-stress effect to weather changes.

The finished solution cannot be stored, so you should use it all at once. Sprouted tubers are sprayed from all sides, they should be covered by about 3/4 of the agent. Properly processed potatoes will turn red. 2-3 hours after spraying, they start planting potatoes.

If there are fresh cuts on the tubers, processing is not worth it. In this case, the wounds should be powdered with ash, then toxic substances will not get inside the potato. When working with seedlings, it is necessary to moisten the roots in the solution, planting with eyes - the pulp is processed at the base of the sprout.

Protection against pests works up to 39 days, and against fungus - until the leaves die off. "Prestigitator" unfolds within 2 months, so potatoes harvested in August-September do not have traces of the drug. For this reason, early varieties cannot be treated with the product. Tubers affected by rot should not be sprayed, as they may not sprout.

Respect is an effective insecto-fungicide.

This tool is able to overcome rhizoctoniosis and the invasion of Colorado beetles, as well as soil pests. The action of the drug lasts up to 50 days. The suspension form is convenient for work, since the spraying of the drug is easy and fairly fast.

Potato tubers are processed on the day of planting. It is required to measure with a measuring cup "Respect" at the rate of 10 ml of the drug per 10 kg of cooked tubers. Add water to the preparation at the rate of 100 ml per 10 ml. Stir and pour the solution into the sprayer.

Safe for humans and bees.

This is a system protector. Used for seed treatment of various crops. "Taboo" allows you to protect plants at the stage of seedlings, the effect lasts for a long time. In this case, the drug will not help an adult plant.

Taboo processing saves money and time as it eliminates the need for multiple treatments during the growth phase. The drug contains components that can get rid of pests that have a stable reaction to carbofuran (a substance often used in fungicides and protectants). However, the only component in the composition of the drug can be addictive in certain types of pests. "Taboo" controls the number of sucking insects and endures any weather conditions. Does not help protect plants from disease.

The protective effect of the drug lasts until 3 pairs of true leaves appear. Subject to the rules of "Taboo" is not phytotoxic. It should be alternated with other chemicals to ensure the effect.

It is worth noting: the drug is toxic to humans and animals, so the treatment should be carried out with the provision of protective measures.

Insecticide and acaricide, which provides a solution to a whole range of problems of protection against pests of many agricultural and indoor crops - whitefly, thrips, ticks, mealybugs, etc. Refers to synthetic pyrethroids. It has a contact-intestinal effect.

The culture protection period is 2-3 weeks. When applied, it is compatible with most insecticides and fungicides that have a neutral reaction. Produced as an emulsion concentrate containing 10% of the active ingredient bifenthrin in bottles from 0.5 to 1.0 liters. The concentration of the working solution to combat the tick is 0.03% (or 0.15 ml of the drug per 500 ml of water); in the fight against whitefly 0.06% (or 0.3 ml per 500 ml of water); aphids - 0.02% (or 0.1 ml per 500 ml of water). Use only fresh solution.

Insecticide Fas

Contains deltamethrin - an insecticide for the destruction of insect pests of horticultural crops and houseplants. Active ingredient: deltamethrin.

Effective against aphids, thrips, whitefly, weevil and other pests. Available in tablets. Working solution - 1/2 tablet per 5 liters of water. You can carry out 2 treatments with an interval of 15-20 days. The drug is not dangerous to humans and animals, but toxic to fish and bees. The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class III).

Analogue: Decis.

Fufanon-Nova, VE

Intestinal and contact insecticide in the form of an aqueous emulsion. Used to protect horticultural crops and indoor plants from ticks, aphids, thrips, whiteflies and other pests. Active ingredient: Malathion 440 g/l. Produces LLC "Firm" Green Pharmacy Gardener "in ampoules of 2 and 6.5 ml. Analogue - Karbofos.

Fufanon is effective against sucking and gnawing insects, including worms and herbivorous mites. There are disadvantages: Fufanon is not stable in the wind, it is quickly washed off with water. The duration of the protective action is 5-10 days (shorter in case of high humidity). With a large abundance of mites, it is advisable to combine them in one solution with others.

Method of application: spraying. The maximum number of treatments on vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes), fruit and berry trees and shrubs, strawberries, wild strawberries is two. Berry spray strictly before and after flowering. Vegetables - in the process of vegetation. The last treatment in open ground can be carried out 20 days before harvest, in protected ground - 5 days. Do not mix with other drugs. Hazard class for humans - III, toxic to bees - I hazard class. Attention: it has a slight phytotoxicity, do not overestimate the dosage:

  • apple trees, pears, currants, gooseberries, grapes and vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes) - dilute 13 ml of fufanon per 10 liters of water
  • cherry, cherry plum - dilute Fufanon 6.5 ml per 5 liters of water
  • strawberries, strawberries - dilute Fufanon 6.5 ml per 5 liters of water
  • indoor flowers - dilute Fufanon 6.5 ml per 5 liters of water or 2 ml per 1.5 liters of water

Etisso Blattlaus-Sticks

Isectoaccaricide, the active substance is dimethoate, has an enteric-contact and systemic effect. Penetrates into plants through the root system and above-ground organs, spreads through plant tissues by ascending and descending currents.

The drug is available in the form of sticks applied to the soil. A positive effect on the destruction of scale insects, ticks, aphids and other pests was noted. Calculation of the applied preparation: for a pot up to 10 cm - 1 stick, about 15 cm - 2 sticks, up to 20 cm - 3 sticks, over 20 cm - 1 stick is added for every additional 5 cm in diameter. Validity: 6-8 weeks. Systematic application causes acquired group resistance in pests. The half-life of dimethoate, depending on the plant and season, is 2-5 days.

Analogue: Bi-58 new.

Biological insecticides

bikol- acaricide. Prepared on the basis of the bacterial strain Bacillus thuringiesis var. thuringiesis. Used in the destruction of spider mites. Has an intestinal effect on pests.

Bitoxibacillin- acaricide. Prepared on the basis of the bacterial strain Bacillus thuringiesis var. tenebrionis. Used in the destruction of spider mites. Has an intestinal effect on pests. It differs from the previous preparation in some additives (various special wetting agents and adhesives are added to them).

Boverin is an insecticide based on the fungus Beauveria bassiana. Used against thrips. Plants are sprayed with a 1% solution of the drug.

Verticillin- an insecticide prepared on the basis of spores of the fungus Verticillium lecanii. This drug is used in the fight against whitefly. Its action lies in the fact that the conidia or blastospores of the fungus penetrate the integument of the insect and penetrate into its body, growing and affecting its organs. Mushrooms Verticillium lecanii reproduce especially well at high air humidity, therefore, before applying the drug, the soil in the pot should be thoroughly sprayed. Before using the drug for 12-24 hours, it is soaked in water to accelerate the germination of spores.

Gaupsin- a bioinsecticide and fungicide, a two-strain broad-spectrum preparation intended for treating gardens and kitchen gardens, as well as for protecting indoor plants from fungal diseases and various pests (curly, black spot, powdery mildew, bacteriosis, late blight, septoria, black rot, aphids, spider tick, caterpillars, thrips, etc.). The manufacturer claims that the effectiveness of gaupsin in the fight against fungal diseases is 90-92%, with pests 92-94%. The biological product is not toxic to humans, animals, fish, bees, does not accumulate in plants, soil. In addition, gaupsin is compatible with many pesticides (except Bordeaux mixture and other copper-containing chemicals - after their use, the first treatment with gaupsin is only after 21 days). The drug is diluted with water at room temperature at the rate of 200-250 g of gaupsin per 10-12 liters of water. Use only freshly prepared solution. Freezing of the drug is not allowed.

Aphid preparations are pest control products., which are used in their mass appearance on plants.

You need to use them only in a special suit and mask, to prevent the penetration of vapors of the substance into the body.

Otherwise, drugs to combat aphids can cause poisoning, skin rashes and other negative consequences. Read more about the methods of dealing with aphids.

When using chemicals that allow you to fight aphids, you need to carefully read the instructions for their use, because with an increase in the allowable dose, they can provoke the death of beneficial insects.

Chemically treated vegetables and trees, begin to act almost immediately, causing the inevitable death of aphids. In order not to cause addiction of pests to one type of drugs and increase its effectiveness, must be alternated with other means with similar protective effects.

Plants are allowed to be treated with them only before flowering or after flowering (before the appearance of fruits). Harmful substances are released into the environment after 3-5 weeks. Until this time, it is strictly forbidden to consume fruits from sprayed plants.

Wide used in the fight against aphids such means of combating aphids, like Iskra, Intavir, Tanrek against aphids and whiteflies, Aktara against aphids, Karbofos, Commander, Aktofit against aphids and many others.


This type of drug acts much more slowly than chemical agents. Aphids eating such a sprayed plant, dies only after 10-12 days. At the same time, biological preparations cannot cause any harm to bees and fish.

These aphid killers are much safer than chemicals. They can be used during when mature plants already have fruits. They are allowed to be used for food after 5 days.

Effective remedies

In addition to chemical and biological preparations, quite effective and harmless to the human body and plants are with aphids, invented by the people.

It can be prepared in a special way solutions using chamomile, dandelion, celandine, tobacco, peels of citrus fruits, tops of tomatoes and many other plants.

Also do not forget about birds, hedgehogs, lizards, ladybugs and other insects that help in the fight against aphids. That is why, if this pest is present on your land, do not drive warm-blooded helpers out of the garden, who not only will not harm you, but also clean all your seedlings and seedlings.

The best means

The most effective in the fight against aphids are, of course, chemicals. However, in those cases when people don't want to use aphid chemicals, you can properly plant a garden and some types of plants themselves will scare away aphids, thereby using the fight.

Here we are talking about onion, garlic, chamomile, calendula, lavender and thyme. The aromas emitted by these plants repel insects. and do not allow it to multiply on cultivated plants.


Insecticides against aphids are drugs that have a chemical composition. They are great at fighting aphids, their eggs and larvae.

Depending on the effect of such drugs on the insect organism, they are divided into several groups:

  • contact- act on the entire body of the pest;
  • intestinal- getting into the intestines of an insect, they cause poisoning in it;
  • systemic- cause the inevitable death of aphids when they enter the body;
  • fumigants- enter through the respiratory tract and cause poisoning of pests.

Today we will consider the most effective and best drugs that will help get rid of aphids. In addition, read the material "The best folk remedies for combating aphids and".


This remedy for aphids belongs to biological preparations. Aphid poison, affects a large number of pests. Can be used to treat cultivated plants in the garden and in the greenhouse. Also not prohibited for spraying houseplants.

This tool is especially dangerous for bees and fish.

May cause poisoning in humans if processed vegetables or fruits are eaten immediately after spraying, without waiting for the drug to be completely removed from them.


Trichopol from aphids, these are tablets used in medical practice for the treatment of various diseases caused by protozoan bacteria. Also in the right proportion can protect cucumbers and tomatoes from aphids.

  • What is produced? Produced in the form of tablets. In one cardboard box there are 2 blisters, each of which contains 10 Trichopolum tablets.
  • Chemical composition. 1 tablet contains 250 g of metronidazole. Additional components include starch syrup, potato starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate.
  • The mode of action of the drug. It has a detrimental effect on the body of aphids, causing its paralysis and problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Duration. The action ends before the first rain. After the end of the rain, the spraying procedure is allowed to be repeated.
  • Compatibility. It can be combined with any preparations that, after mixing with Trichopolum, will not precipitate.
  • When to apply? Apply at the first sign of aphids on vegetables. You can repeat the procedure at least every day (if after the first spraying it started to rain and the drug did not have time to act).
  • How to prepare a solution? 20 tablets of this drug are completely dissolved in 10 liters of water and the plants are sprayed with it. It is not forbidden to carry out treatment during flowering, because the drug does not pose any harm to bees and fish.
  • Mode of application. Seedlings are carefully treated with the finished solution. At the same time, work can be performed without special means of protection, because it does not cause harm to the body.
  • Toxicity. The drug is absolutely harmless to humans, because it is used in medical practice to treat various diseases.


An excellent means of protecting plants from aphids and other insects. Has a biological origin. Capable of destroying pests as in the garden, as well as in greenhouses.

  • What is produced? Produced in bottles of 200 ml and 40 ml, as well as plastic canisters, the volume of which is 900 ml and 4.8 liters. In addition, this drug can be purchased in soft bags of 40 ml.
  • Chemical composition. The main component is aversectin C - 0.2% (natural neurotoxin)
  • The mode of action of the drug. An effective remedy that, after contact with the body of an insect or directly into its body, causes paralysis (8 hours after eating the sprayed plant) and leads to the inevitable death of the pest (after 2-3 days).
  • Duration
  • Compatibility. Aktofit can be combined with fertilizers, growth regulators, fungicides, organophosphorus preparations and pyrethroids.

    It is forbidden to use the analyte with drugs that have an alkaline reaction.

    To make sure the compatibility of Actofit with other means, you need to conduct a test. When sediment appears, they cannot be combined.

  • When to apply? The greatest effect from the use of this tool will be if the process of processing crops and fruit trees is carried out in sunny weather, without wind. The air temperature should be above 20 degrees.

    Do not use during flowering, because Actofit has a detrimental effect on bees. In addition, at temperatures below 18 degrees, the effect of the drug is significantly reduced.

    The positive property of this tool is that it is not addictive to pests, so it can be used annually.

  • How to prepare a solution? Add 8 ml of the drug to pure water (1 l) and thoroughly mix these two components with each other.
  • Mode of application. The resulting solution is poured into a sprayer and crops are treated with it. The working fluid is not subject to storage. After the last spraying, at least two days must pass before harvesting. To finally destroy the aphids, you need to apply Aktofit against it 2 times during one season (preferably with an interval of two weeks).
  • Toxicity. It belongs to the 3rd class of toxicity, therefore it does not pose any harm to humans. However, it is necessary to carry out the processing of plants only in rubber gloves and a respirator, so as not to provoke the occurrence of poisoning of the body.
  • Dangerous for bees, but at the same time does not pollute the environment and quickly dissolves in water.


    Jaguar preparation for aphids able to fight weeds, as well as aphids common in cereal crops.

    • What is produced? You can buy the drug in a plastic canister, the size of which is 5 liters.
    • Chemical composition. The main component is fenoxaprop -P - ethyl (its amount in 1 liter of the drug is 69 grams) as well as the antidote cloquintoset-mexil (its volume in 1 liter of the drug is 34.5 grams).
    • The mode of action of the drug. Almost immediately (after 1-3 hours) after the treatment of crops with Jaguar, the drug begins to be absorbed into all its shoots and roots. Thus, the tool has a detrimental effect on aphids.
    • Duration. Keeps protective properties for 3-4 weeks.
    • Compatibility. Jaguar is compatible with many drugs, however, in order to avoid unexpected reactions, you must first conduct a compatibility test. When sediment appears, it is forbidden to combine plant protection products with each other.
    • When to apply? The processing process is carried out at a temperature that should not exceed 25 degrees. The wind should be very quiet or absent at all. It is best to spray at least 3 hours before rain.
    • In the event that the temperature is below 12 degrees, the effectiveness of the product will be significantly reduced.

    • How to prepare a solution? Less than half of the entire water tank is poured into the sprayer tank. According to the instructions, pour in the right amount of the drug and mix everything thoroughly. Then add water until the sprayer is full. The consumption rate is 150 liters per 1 ha.
    • Mode of application. The prepared solution is used immediately, without leaving it for another day. With the help of a sprayer, a thorough treatment of plants is carried out.
    • Toxicity. Belongs to the 3rd class of toxicity. It is necessary to carry out the processing of plants in a special protective suit, gloves and a respirator.

    It is forbidden to use this tool near water bodies, because the Jaguar has a detrimental effect on fish.

    Does not pose a danger to bees.


    The remedy for aphids Fufanon, a drug that excellent against aphids and other insects detrimental to crop plants. Belongs to organophosphorus agents.

    • What is produced? Fufanon is a concentrated, transparent emulsion. It is produced in transparent glass ampoules with a volume of 5 ml and small bottles of 10 ml.
    • Chemical composition. The main ingredient is malathion. Its amount in 1 liter of the product is 570 grams.
    • The mode of action of the drug. Getting on cultivated plants, the substance is quickly absorbed into the stems, shoots and roots. After 2 hours it causes paralysis and difficulty breathing in pests. Within 24 hours leads to their death.
    • Duration. It does not lose its protective functions within 4-7 days.
    • Compatibility. It is strictly forbidden to combine with other pest control products.
    • When to apply? The processing of vegetables, flowers, fruit trees and cereals is carried out in cloudy weather, without wind. It is better to do this work in the morning or in the evening.
    • It is strictly forbidden to use during flowering, because the drug is highly toxic to bees.

    • How to prepare a solution? Pour one ampoule of the drug with a volume of 5 ml into clean water (its amount should be 5 liters). The consumption rate is 1 liter of the prepared solution per 10 m2.
    • Mode of application. The finished working fluid is poured into the sprayer and the plants are treated with it at the moment when aphids appear on them. You need to apply such an amount of solution to the plants that it does not drip to the ground. Eating processed vegetables immediately after spraying them with Fufanon can lead to poisoning.
    • Toxicity. It has a 3rd class of toxicity, so it cannot cause any harm to a person. The processing process is carried out necessarily in a respirator or gauze bandage, as well as rubber gloves. The duration of spraying should not exceed 3 hours.

    The drug is completely eliminated from fruits and vegetables within 20 days.

    Poses an increased danger to fish and bees. Do not allow the substance to enter rivers and other bodies of water.


    The drug arrow from aphids, intended to kill aphids and other harmful insects. Belongs to biological preparations. Suitable for processing plants both in the garden and in greenhouse conditions. Getting rid of aphids on tomatoes, there is also their additional feeding.

    • What is produced? Produced in small bags, 50 g each.
    • Chemical composition. The main component of this drug is bitoxibacillin.
    • The mode of action of the drug. Quickly absorbed into the leaves of plants, acting on all shoots and roots. Destroys insects in 2 days after processing.
    • Duration. It does not lose its protective functions within 2-3 weeks.
    • Compatibility. Can be combined with various drugs. If a precipitate appears in the water after the compatibility test, these components cannot be combined with each other.
    • When to apply? Use at the time of the first appearance of aphids on plants. Spraying is carried out in the morning or in the evening in warm weather in the complete absence of wind.
    • How to prepare a solution? The contents of one sachet (50 g) are poured into water (10 l) and mixed thoroughly.
    • Mode of application. The finished liquid is poured into the sprayer and the leaves of tomatoes, cucumbers and other cultivated plants are treated with it.
    • Toxicity. Belongs to the 3rd class of toxicity. The process of processing plants with this preparation should be carried out in rubber gloves and goggles. As a result of the fact that the product belongs to environmentally friendly substances, it does not pose any danger to bees and fish.


    Using chemicals in the fight against aphids, instructions must be strictly followed compiled for each tool.

    Otherwise, this may adversely affect human health and the entire environment.

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