How to properly install a shower tray? Installing a shower tray with your own hands - the main ways How to install a steel tray for a shower stall

A new type of recreation is becoming popular: you are thrown from a helicopter into a completely unfamiliar forest with a two-week supply of provisions and water. At the same time, you are guaranteed that during all this time your foot will not set foot on the shower tray.

To be sad for two weeks in a paradise for entomologists, where there is no shower tray and the shower itself, this fragment of civilization, such a vacation is not for me.

As a child, I never asked myself such a question: “How to install a shower tray?” And as an adult, I did not hear a single song about the shower tray. Someone will be surprised, indignant and say: “It can’t be!” Maybe, how can.

So how do you install a shower tray?

Shower trays are made from different materials. For example, ceramic or acrylic. There is also the concept of "hand made" - "made by hand" or "made by hand", as you like. This means that the shape of the shower tray is laid out by human hands and lined with ceramic tiles or mosaics. This is what the masters of ancient civilizations did when there were no factories for the production of shower trays. The work of making a shower tray by hand is interesting for the master, but now there is almost no demand for it. Therefore, I will talk about installing a ceramic shower tray, a ceramic shower tray.

Installing a ceramic tray

So, there is a ceramic shower tray and a place where it should be. All this can be seen in the photo.

We will assume that the water distribution has already been done, because this had to be taken care of in advance, which I did. Therefore, we will not focus on this.
First you need to determine the boundaries of the pallet along the plane of the floor. Let's use a pencil and outline them. We remove the pallet and slightly reduce the outlined borders. Borders do not have to be immutable, it is important that they have a logical explanation. The podium will be lined with mosaics, but before that it must be leveled with putty or plaster. Therefore, you need to leave room for finishing work. I guess 15 mm. quite enough. We draw a parallel line, shifting it inward by 15 mm. This line will define the boundaries of the "rough" podium. Do not forget to mark the boundaries of the drain hole, it is very important to know and leave it free for the siphon.

Next, you need to decide what height the podium will have. First you need to determine the minimum height, in this case it is tied to the pipes and the box that hides the pipes, located on the right. It will be completely ugly if the box rests on the pallet. He should be below him, I think. Now let's define the maximum height. Here you need to proceed from the size of the mosaic with which the podium will be lined. Here, all the same aesthetic considerations. I would not like to cut the “squares” of the mosaic into pieces when facing the podium. It looks ugly, we don't need it. It is most convenient to use a laser level for these calculations, which I mention every now and then in various posts. If you are a professional finisher, rest assured that this tool will make your job much easier.

podium material

The most convenient material, I think Sibit. It is easy to process and can withstand heavy loads. The sizes of Sibit stones are standard with a slight deviation in length: 600x250x100 mm. They are perfect for mounting. To protect against excessive absorption of moisture, each element of Sibit must be primed. To do this, I use Aquastop - an honest and high-quality primer.

Cutting out the form and mounting the podium

Following the outlined boundaries, we measure the distance of straight segments from the edges of the walls. That is, up to those borders where the line takes the form of a circle. We do the same with the space inside these boundaries. In them, we can use straight-shaped Sibit stones. This is the easiest part of the installation. We simply cut the stones to size and stack them, leaving an empty space only where the podium siphon will be installed and its connection to the sewer pipes.

Don't let the wide socket on the sewer pipe fool you. It is installed temporarily and with only one purpose - to comfortably drain water from buckets.

For starters, just like in childhood, let's play "cubes". We cut out the necessary elements and put them in place without mortar. It's simple. Sibit is cut with an ordinary hacksaw for wood. Of course, you can purchase a special sibit hacksaw. It will last you longer. A hacksaw for wood, after such an outrage as cutting a sibita, will have to be thrown away. It cannot be used to cut wood. Sibit has a remarkable property - to blunt and grind the teeth of a hacksaw completely. Here he has no equal among the materials that can be cut with a hacksaw. If you really want to slightly improve the quality of cutting the hacksaw after a long sawing of the sibit, then this can be done with the help of pliers, successively spreading all the teeth of the hacksaw to the sides.

For some reason, the words of one song came to mind: “I cured the teeth by force, because I’m a fool. The mouth said to me arrogantly, they say, “thank you so much” and bit painfully on the barrel. This is an impregnable digression from the topic, let's move on.

Sawing small parts of the circle

This, perhaps, is the main difficulty in installing a podium for a shower tray. Sawing small details for a circle is where patience is tested. As one text put it: “One person was reading a page with a lot of letters about patience. Uhh, he sighed and turned the page without finishing it. Treat this as a lengthy but necessary process, otherwise you will create many additional difficulties for yourself when facing the podium. You can write for a long time about how to do this, but it's better to look at the photo. It is only important to understand that the inner radius of those composed of small elements is less than the outer one. "Details" are sawn down under a small cone.

Podium installation

After you have cut and arranged all the elements, you can start gluing them, that is, installing the pallet itself using blanks.
First you need to prime everything that you sawed from Sibit and sign each element with a pencil to avoid confusion. Prime the surface of the screed on which the podium will be mounted.

You can mount the Sibit podium on ordinary tile adhesive. It is done like this. Dilute the tile adhesive in a bucket to a thick cream. Any surface to be glued, first putty “on the peel” with glue, and then apply a thin layer of the same solution to it. In places of tight fit of the planes, it would be wise to use a 6x6 mm notched trowel. As for the elements that make up the circle, just fill the space between them with glue. Glue all Sibit stones inside to the screed. Then spread the glue thinner and fill the voids between them. Days will pass and the glue will settle. Then it will be possible to more carefully align the planes with the same glue. The outer plane of the circle is easier to level with a moisture-resistant putty. I use "Rock" putty for these purposes. It is easier to grind to give the desired shape. Some people like other blends.

After all the manipulations described above, the podium takes on the form as in the photo below.

Shower tray installation
breaks into real life

So, we went to a straight, still untrodden path for installing a shower tray. The ceramic shower tray is quite heavy for one person. I personally did not weigh it, but I believe that it weighs at least 35 kg. according to my feelings. It is not easy to lift and install it in such a “deployed” plane. There's no way we can just throw it into the mortar and then move it around as we please. This will not achieve the desired level during installation and adhesion to the solution. You need to put it immediately and in place, without moving.

Despite the fact that the screed on which the podium of the sibit rests in the level, as well as the sibit itself, has the same dimensions in height, we will still have a plane that is not an ideal level. In addition, right now it is necessary to tile the floor, which also introduces its own errors in the height at which the pallet should be installed. So let's tile the floor.

We make new measurements using a laser level. Those who do not have it can use the usual rack level. This is not important, the laser only facilitates the work.
It is necessary to reveal again the height that will allow us to cover the podium with mosaics without cutting its elements into pieces. It is very important.

Modern dwellings are distinguished by fairly large bathrooms, but the bathroom for many takes only a few squares. For this reason, people try to install a shower stall in order to free up at least a little space for other things. We will help you cope with this work, consider the options for shower trays and the main points of their installation.

Which material is better - metal, ceramic or acrylic?

The easiest way today is to purchase a ready-made shower cabin, the installation of which does not take much time. This design is equipped with many functions, such as hydromassage, radio, telephone. However, such functionality is not always in demand, and the cost of the cabin can reach fabulous figures. In this regard, most people prefer not to spend money, but to purchase a shower tray that you can install in your home with your own hands.

Before installing the shower tray, you need to decide on the material of its manufacture, since some of the installation nuances will depend on this. And there really is plenty to choose from:

  • A natural stone. Expensive options that should be installed by professionals, because they are heavy, and with the slightest wrong movement, the pallet can be damaged beyond repair.
  • Metal. Such pallets are quite noisy and slippery, especially steel ones, although modern manufacturers are trying to make more advanced models, struggling with these shortcomings. But there are very few such options. Therefore, you need to be prepared for independent soundproofing of the bowl.
  • Ceramics. Heavy, but at the same time reliable design. Their disadvantage is the price and the possibility of damage by heavy objects.
  • Acrylic (plastic). The most common option, due to its affordable price and low weight. Such structures heat up easily, they are non-slip and do not make noise, unlike steel counterparts.

Modern models can also be of various sizes and heights. Here, as they say, everyone chooses according to their own parameters. If the house is inhabited by people aged or with any physical limitations, then options with a slight rise will be relevant, so that it was not difficult to get into the pallet . But if you have small children, and you plan to use the structure as a miniature bathroom, we advise you to take pallets with high walls. Indeed, in some models they can reach 40 cm.

Preparatory stage - what you need to take care of in advance?

Installation of a shower tray should begin with the preparation of the very place where installation is planned. For this, some corner of the room or a specially equipped niche is usually used. The walls must be leveled, waterproofed and finished with ceramic tiles before installation. This material, judging by the reviews and practice, best tolerates direct contact with water. However, tiling is not mandatory, and everyone has the right to choose any other material at their discretion.

It should be noted that the installation can be done on the floor, on specially designed supports or a metal frame. First you need to level the floor, especially if you have to mount the pallet directly on it. Pay special attention to the installation of plastic and acrylic models. They can bend under the weight of a person, so you need to provide additional reinforcement. For this purpose, they lay out a frame of brick or foam blocks with their own hands, on which the pallet will then rest. Alternatively, you can fill the place with concrete - create a kind of screed right in the area where the structure is located.

Before installing the shower tray, all pipes must be checked for serviceability and brought directly to the location of the font. Pay special attention to the drain system, as a faulty sewer can subsequently cause great trouble to both you and the neighbors below. If you plan to install a shower tray, then you also need to consider an electricity supply system for connecting lighting and other functions inside the structure. For this, hidden wiring is used, and a separate machine with an RCD is installed in the shield.

Installing a shower tray - each material has its own way

Installing acrylic pallets is the easiest. To do this, you need to put the bowl on its back and screw into it the legs that come with the kit, the number of which varies depending on the model. It may be that the pallet will be equipped with a frame, then the legs will need to be screwed into it. The next step is to install the drain system. Most of its elements are threaded, so it will not be difficult to assemble it. We recommend using a special thread or linen to seal the seams. Coat all connections with silicone sealant.

Since the acrylic bowl can sag under the weight of a person, it is best to make a supporting wall out of bricks or blocks. Then place the tray on the floor and adjust the height so that the siphon does not touch the surface. The installation of the shower tray must be carried out strictly according to the level, otherwise there is a high risk of leakage. The edges of the connection of the pallet with the walls of the bathroom must be filled with adhesive or sealant. At the final stage, connect the sewer pipe and install a protective screen, if one is included.

Cast iron, steel and other metal structures do not require additional support for the central part, so they are mounted either on legs or on a specially equipped frame. The installation method is similar, with the only difference being that mounting foam is used to soundproof steel structures, which fills the cavities between the pallet and the base.

The installation of ceramic pallets and models made of natural stone has its own characteristics. Such structures have an impressive weight and are installed directly on the base, and not additional fasteners. However, due to their weight, plumbing equipment is quite fragile, so when working with it, care must be taken not to damage it. When installing heavy pallets, pay special attention to the sewage equipment and the installation of a siphon. Since the font is placed directly on the main foundation, it is necessary to provide for a small niche at the design and foundation stage, where the drain and drainage system can freely fit.

In addition, it is necessary to create a technological gap through which it will be easy to service the siphon with your own hands in case of a malfunction. This place can later be decorated by installing a hatch or a removable trim element there. Glue is applied to the base where the bowl will be attached, after which a pallet is installed on it, which is aligned strictly horizontally on all sides. After that, we wait for the adhesive solution to dry completely and connect the sewer pipes to the siphon. The place where the bowl touches the wall is treated with silicone sealant or tile adhesive to create a reliable hydro-barrier. If you wish, you can install a ceramic or plastic corner on the joint.

After completing all the work, we proceed to the installation of the protective screen, and if the pallet was attached directly to the frame of blocks or bricks, then we plaster the wall, prime it and line it with the material that is most suitable for the interior of the bathroom. To protect against splashes, we install glass doors or hang a waterproof curtain. Each model may have its own characteristics, so before starting work, you must read the attached instructions.

A modern shower cabin is a wonderful addition to the usual bath, making pleasant and healthy water treatments as diverse as possible. Here you can place both a hydromassage system and an exotic shower, connect light music and create light and sound effects.

However, without a quality pallet - the basis of any shower - all this is simply impossible. Therefore, you should know how to install a metal shower tray with your own hands.

Why is it better to choose, for example, not a ceramic shower tray, but a metal shower tray, and why is it better to install it yourself, and not with the help of qualified installers? A metal shower tray is an excellent choice and installation is not particularly difficult. Plus, you can save money.

Materials and tools

In order to quickly and correctly install a metal pallet, you need to stock up on the following materials, tools and fixtures:

  • finished shower tray;
  • downpipe;
  • mixer with siphon;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • waterproofing mixture (silicone sealant);
  • stock of bricks;
  • sheet rubber;
  • FUM tape;
  • trowel for stone work;
  • plastering spatula;
  • paint brush;
  • a hammer;
  • building level.

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Mounting order

There are many ways to quickly and efficiently install a metal tray in a shower room (chamber). Consider one of the simplest and most common options for mounting a waste tray.

Before you start the installation process of this design with your own hands, you must definitely study the technical instructions that are usually attached to it when selling. It is worth noting that experts recommend doing this, regardless of what material the shower tray is made of.

First of all, the shower cabin must have dimensions that generally correspond to the dimensions of the metal base. In this case, the dimensions and finish should be adjusted in such a way that the facing ceramic tiles, if not the entire wall of the room is lined with it, descend with their lower edge slightly below the level of the pallet attached to the wall. If there is a gap between the wall and the base of the cabin, it must be sealed with a waterproofing compound (sealant).

Starting to set the pallet according to all the rules, it is recommended to immediately monitor the clear horizontal position of its upper plane with the building level.

This situation should not interfere with the effective removal of water in the future, since modern drain products are manufactured with ready-made cone-shaped funnels.

To fix the structure in a certain position and to ensure its horizontalness, the legs attached to the pallet are used. Usually they are adjustable so that they can be used to quickly and easily set the base in a given position. Upon completion of the adjustment, the legs are rigidly fixed with locking mounting bolts.

In some cases, instead of legs, special plastic supports are used, which are supplied with the pallet. At the same time, very often builders mount these products, resting them not on legs, but on specially constructed stands made of bricks or mounting cinder blocks.

The specified stand (or, as it is also called, the well) is built in accordance with such dimensions that the future bottom of the shower cabin freely fits on it, resting its sides on the edge of the brick (cinder block) masonry. To fix the pallet, its sides are either glued to the masonry with a special adhesive mixture, or planted on a cement mortar.

When installing the base of the shower chamber on a stone well-support, one cannot but take into account the fact that a siphon must be connected from below to the drain mouth of the tray. The fact that the height of the well is sufficient for it (the sewer outlet must be above the floor at a height of 12-15 cm) must be taken care of in advance when designing a bathroom. By the time the entire structure is finally fixed on a brick support, the mixer must be assembled, and its components must be tightly screwed to each other according to the diagram.

For better stability of the pallet, the space between it and the floor can be filled with ordinary sand. This will create additional support for him. If there is no sand at hand, polyurethane foam can partly replace it.

It should be borne in mind that a shower is a place where, by definition, there should be a lot of water. Therefore, all the slightest seams, cracks and junctions - between the sides and the brick on which they rest, between the edges of the pallet and tiles on the walls, between the tightly twisted elements of the mixer and the pallet - should be carefully smeared with silicone sealant and laid with FUM tape.

Each time, having completed one or another stage of the installation procedure, it is recommended to immediately check the quality of what has been done. In particular, after the support well (but without its final fixation), it is proposed to verify its stability. To do this, it is enough, with the utmost care, to just stand on the pallet, and, most likely, the balancing flaws will immediately manifest themselves.

It is also necessary to make sure that the junction of the pipe with the neck of the pallet and the siphon with the sewer pipe is well sealed. For this purpose, water is supplied to the pallet with a small pressure. If there is no liquid leakage, the shower can be used for its intended purpose. If water leakage is detected, additional sealing of the connected components will have to be done.

The shower cabin is a great alternative to the traditional cast iron bath. It is great for a small combined bathroom, allowing you to save a lot of space, as well as for taking water procedures in the country. The main element of the cab is the pallet. It depends on it the service life and comfort. It is important to properly install the base, subject to special requirements. You can do it yourself with just a few simple steps. The installation procedure depends on the material of manufacture and the coating of the bathroom.

Types of shower trays

Before buying a shower tray, it is important to choose a specific sample that will meet all the necessary requirements. Such products differ from each other in the material of manufacture, installation method and cost.

The most popular today are pallets made of the following materials:

  • sheet metal;
  • cast iron;
  • acrylic;
  • ceramics.

Metal products are distinguished by their availability and excellent strength. The inner surface is covered with abrasion-resistant enamel, which increases the service life. The main disadvantage is the significant noise that drops of water will make when falling. This problem is especially relevant for large families, since getting up early with a shower will interfere with the rest of the neighbors.

Acrylic bases are the most popular among consumers, due to their low cost and a wide variety of products. Modern technologies allow you to give plastic any shape. It is difficult to call a pallet absolutely silent, but in comparison with sheet metal, the indicators of discomfort are much lower. Among the shortcomings, low strength is noted, since under heavy load the product is able to lose shape or crack.

The most expensive model will cost cast iron. It is distinguished by good indicators of strength, noiselessness and reliability. Heavy weight requires a solid base and supports during installation. The main disadvantage of cast iron is its low thermal conductivity. Without additional heating, it heats up for a long time. That is why in the first few minutes of taking a shower, the legs will experience slight discomfort.

A less popular material is ceramics. In all respects, such pallets occupy an average position. Sufficient strength, lack of noise and affordable cost make them a good option when choosing a product in terms of price and quality.

The list of distinctive characteristics includes the size of the walls, the geometric shape and the location of the drain hole. Large sides, more than 20 centimeters high, minimize the likelihood of overfilling the pallet and leakage. However, they can become an obstacle for the elderly or children. For installation, the shape and place under the drain are of great importance. Therefore, you will have to devote some time to the correct placement of the pallet in the bathroom, so as not to carry out extra pipes and not to hollow out the walls.

Step-by-step instructions for installing the pallet

Professional builders most often use three main ways to install a shower tray. They differ in the type of base on which the product is installed. The choice will depend on the floor in the bathroom, on the materials from which the product is created. A concrete or tile floor is ideal. The wooden structure will require additional reinforcement.

Installation on a foundation of foam concrete blocks

Foamed concrete blocks are used as the basis for the future pallet, which are placed at all corners of the frame. If necessary, they can be replaced with a brick. The list of necessary tools will include a building level, tile adhesive, a sealant bottle with a gun, a trowel, a hacksaw, a tape measure, a pencil, a corrugated hose and a siphon for organizing the sewer system.

It is necessary to put the pallet so that the sewer hole is closed by the plane of the product, and the drain is located as close as possible. Having chosen the right place for placement, you should circle the contours of the product with a pencil or marker. 4 rectangles no more than 10 centimeters high are cut out of foam concrete. The floor in the room must be clean and level. Pre-prepared tile adhesive is applied to one of the faces of the stand, after which it is fixed along the perimeter of the contour.

It is important to fix all the blocks perfectly evenly using a building level and a trowel.

Pieces of foam concrete placed in the corners will serve as beacons for the foundation. Using a hacksaw, cut out rectangular strips, apply glue and fill in all the gaps, forming an even square along the contour of the pallet. Don't forget to use a level and constantly check the perfect horizon..

The foundation will take several hours to finally harden. At this time, it is worth doing the sewer system and installing the siphon. The drain hole is located next to the sewer, adjusting it with a corrugated hose. The siphon is assembled in accordance with the instructions, special attention is paid to the tightness of all connections and the correct installation of the sealing rings. The resulting base is smeared with a thin layer of tile adhesive, no more than 1 centimeter thick.

Before fixing the pallet on the foundation, the assembled drain system is mounted. After the glue has completely hardened, it will be very problematic to remove the product without damage. Therefore, it is especially important to immediately set the ideal level.

Processing the joints between the pallet and the wall requires close attention. Poor sealing will lead to the formation of unpleasant black streaks around the perimeter of the shower and harmful mold. Experts recommend a special plumbing composition with elasticity and quick-hardening.

The final stage will be the process of facing the foundation. To do this, use tiles and decorative aluminum corners that hide the cut points.

Product on factory metal legs

Most modern products are equipped with metal legs made at the factory. This method of installation is much faster and requires less money. If you act in accordance with the detailed instructions that are in each box, the shower cabin will be absolutely stable and will last for more than one year.

The fixation points of the legs are specially marked and stand out with an influx of more material to give strength. The bases are fixed to the pallet on the floor, with the obligatory use of the building level. After installation, proceed to the installation of the drain system. A siphon must be supplied with the shower cabin. If it is not there, a wide variety of such devices is presented in the plumbing store. The sales assistant will help you make the right choice.

Assembling a siphon will require precision and painstaking work. All connections must be tight, to prevent water leakage. It will be impossible to correct defects after the installation is completed. You will need to completely disassemble the structure and do all the operations again. The package may include side clamps that will provide maximum stability. They are fixed with self-tapping screws, so you have to use a drill. Professionals advise not to drill holes at the joints of the tiles, as this will cause cracks to form.

Do not use the drill in hammer mode, as the impact load will destroy the ceramics.

After the pallet is installed and connected to the drain system, the attachment points to the wall are treated with sanitary sealant. To make the layer perfectly even and uniform over the entire surface, use a construction gun. It will take from 12 to 30 hours to completely dry the composition.

Styrofoam base

Some manufacturers include blank stands made of durable polystyrene foam in the package. Such structures are very low, easy to install and will serve as an excellent basis for a future shower cabin.

Due to the presence of transverse cuts, polystyrene strips break easily, allowing you to form a foundation to the desired size. Turning the structure over, it is necessary to outline the places for attaching the stiffeners and the drain hole. Plastic legs are screwed into pre-prepared sockets, which will ensure maximum stability of the entire system. By adjusting the height, a minimum clearance between the stand and the floor is achieved. The construction level will help to cope with this task.

The structure is installed on the floor so that the siphon is located directly under the hole. The contour is outlined with a pencil or marker both from the outside and from the inside. Fastening will be carried out using mounting foam, which is applied over the entire surface of the marking.

The stand is carefully installed on the circuit, the compliance of the siphon and the drain hole is checked. After degreasing the surface and cleaning the pallet from dust and moisture, it is fixed to the plastic base with mounting foam and pressed tightly. For greater reliability, use heavy objects. It will take up to 24 hours for the tiles to fully cure.

At the final stage of work, all joints are coated with sanitary sealant, guided by general rules. Like the foam concrete base, the plastic contour is covered with tiles or decorative mosaics. If you predetermine the height of the pedestal for the shower enclosure, you can choose the right size cladding and avoid unpleasant trim marks.

The choice of installation method for a shower tray depends on the area of ​​the bathroom, the material of the product itself and the strength of the base. By following all the instructions step by step, it is easy to create a solid and reliable foundation for the cabin with your own hands.

It is not difficult to build a shower cabin if you fix the pallet correctly. Before giving preference to any pallet, consider its varieties by material:

1. Ceramics. Pallets are made of sanitary ware and sanitary ware. The range of colors is very different. Sizes are standard. Shapes: round, square, quarter circle, rectangular on one side and semicircle on the other. Pros: easy to clean, look beautiful, hygienic, do not make noise from the flow of water, but only a gentle murmur.

Cons: fragile material, cracks can form when heavy objects fall and break during transportation, heavy. Depending on the size and material, the cost varies from 2,800 rubles to 46,200. The most popular brands are made in Italy, as well as in Bulgaria, Spain, Russia

The ceramic tray cools down quickly, before taking a shower, it needs to be slightly warmed up

2. Steel. The depth of pallets varies between 80-160 cm. Advantages of pallets: strength, light weight, ease of installation, versatility, low price. Disadvantages of pallets: water flows noisily, requires a metal frame, cold, poor choice of shapes, slippery surfaces.

When buying, you should pay attention to the thickness of the material, since thin steel has the ability to deform under heavy weight. As a result, the surface layer of the enamel will crack. The cost of steel pallets from 2,000 rubles. up to 10,000.

3. Cast iron. Pros: with proper operation, long service life, high weight allows you to install the pallet without additional support posts, does not bend under weight, the surface layer of enamel gives a designer look.

A positive parameter of the pallet is a large drain hole. It is relevant for small-sized specimens with a low side - the water is drained instantly, without gathering in the bowl.

Deep footed trays are well maintained in terms of siphon access for draining.

Cons: pallets are heavy, which makes installation difficult, the material heats up for a long time, but when heated, it keeps heat for a long time, the choice of shapes is limited, the appearance of chips leads to rust.

Products are produced by domestic manufacturers and Belarus. Among foreign firms, Portugal can be noted. The price fluctuates between 4,600-6,800 rubles. This is determined by the manufacturer and the size of the pallet.

Cast iron pallets are not diverse and have a lot of weight

4. Acrylic. The plasticity of the material made it possible to produce pallets of the most complex shape and various sizes. Among all the varieties by material, it is acrylic products that are put in first place in terms of their diversity.

Advantages of pallets: light, warm to the touch, do not allow bacteria to multiply, do not make noise while taking a shower, easy to clean, heat up quickly, do not require grounding. Cons: unstable due to low weight, deep scratches appear when washing dogs.

Products are mass-produced by both domestic and foreign firms, so the price range varies from 2,790 rubles. up to 19,990. The warranty period of various manufacturers is not stable and can be from one year to twenty-five years.

Acrylic pallets have a variety and attractive design

5. Marble. Natural material has superiority in almost all respects, unlike the materials presented above. the pallet is durable, does not create noise, embodies all design solutions. The shape, colors and sizes are multifaceted. The disadvantage of the material is its high cost, fragility, heavy weight. The price varies from 20,000 rubles. up to 50,000.

The consumer can choose a pallet not only by material, but also by the following parameters:

- flat models. During installation, a frame is not required;

- deep. Installed only with an additional frame.

It is these groups that determine the installation progress during installation.

The main advantage of marble pallets can be considered a high level of sound insulation.

What tool is needed for the job

To install the pallet you will need:

- a device for settling water or a siphon;

- flexible PVC hose;

- a small piece of corrugated pipe;

- cellular concrete with a porous structure;

- dry mix or mastic for tiles;

- plastic silicone sealant;

- gun for silicone;

- a measuring device in the form of a tape measure;

- marker;

- bubble level;

- hacksaw or jigsaw;

- container for the solution;

- spatula or trowel.

How to install a pallet?

The bathroom must be fully prepared for installation. To do this, you need to perform preliminary work:

- carry out hidden electrical wiring;

- install water pipes;

- prepare the sewer system;

- install an exhaust fan;

- cover the walls with paint, tiles, etc.

ceramic tray

Set the pallet to its location, and circle it with a marker. If there are no adjustable legs in the kit, install 4 foam concrete bars. In advance, we designate the height of the mixer.

Hot and cold water supply must be provided. Put the bars on the tile adhesive. Set the pan on the bars and circle the drain hole with a marker. After removing the pallet, connect the siphon to the pipe.

If necessary, use corrugated tubing. Cover the perimeter with foam concrete blocks and fix it with tile adhesive. Glue is applied on top, and until it has hardened, put the pallet on it and, using the building level, set it up by tapping it with a rubber mallet.

Then pour water into the sewer pipe to make sure that no parts are moved during installation. As soon as the glue dries, mount the siphon into the pan.

Degrease the edges of the pallet and go through the sealant around the perimeter in contact with the wall. This will increase the tightness. After, How is the shower tray installed? it is lined at the request of the owner.

steel pallet

Install steel shower tray there are two options: prepare a frame or lay out a foundation of ceramic bricks, which differs from others in moisture resistance.

If a flat model is selected, then before how to install a low shower tray, care should be taken to bring the sewer pipe to the floor level. Then, the model with a low pallet is glued onto the mounting plate.

To prevent the structure from being lifted up, it is loaded with heavy objects. In some cases, flat steel pallets are recessed inwards. In this case, a recess is prepared to the height of the siphon tray.

Cast iron pallet

The manufacturer produces cast iron pallets, cast together with legs. Such models are aligned by placing various objects under the legs. So that the materials at hand do not move out of place, a cement formwork is prepared for them, where the plates are laid.

In some cases, the legs are short in order to install a siphon. It is enough to make a concrete collar or a brick parapet, followed by fixing the legs in the form of cement bosses.

acrylic pallet

Acrylic base comes with adjustable legs. Before as DIY shower tray installation, it is necessary to assemble the entire structure. To do this, the pallet is turned over, and assembly is carried out according to the instructions. It is necessary to make measurements of the height of the siphon, and adjust the legs a little higher.

At installation of a shower enclosure with a tray, you should pay attention to the central part. It should be further strengthened with a leg or substrate made of foam concrete blocks. If bars are used, lay a rubber cushion on top of them.

marble pallets

The marble pallet cannot be called popular among consumers, due to its high cost. Before, how to install shower tray from real stone, preparatory work is carried out and installation is the same as in the case of ceramics.

Shower tray installation price by third-party workers varies from 2,000 rubles to 7,000. It all depends on the complexity of the installation and preparatory work.