How to use a manual router. How to work with a manual wood router. Working stroke of the cutter

The time of chasing cheap synthetic analogues is gradually becoming a thing of the past and a person is more and more drawn to beautiful things created with soul and from natural materials. Handmade carvings are a great way to make the interior unique and the house cozy. You can add nobility and originality to the room with the help of a variety of custom-made decor items.

Elements of hand carved wood

Hand carving is the oldest way of artistic processing of wood. The technique of hand carving allows unlimited play with shapes and embody the most daring fantasies. Even things created according to one sketch will never be the same, because they carry living energy and a piece of the master's soul. requires a lot of patience and time, so products created by experienced craftsmen to order are highly valued.
Handicrafts are made in a variety of ways. Moreover, each master has his own preferences, and some cutters are even made to order.
The main tools for working with wood include:

There are moments when a carver faces a task that can only be solved with the help of special equipment.

For example, working with especially hard exotic woods - quebracho, algorro, backout, which do not take ordinary chisels. A useful tool in such cases is a drill. With its help, both rough and final grinding of the product is performed.

Types of woodcarving

Wood carving is grouped into the following types:

  • geometric;
  • flat-relief;
  • sculptural;


It is a variety and is considered relatively simple. Straight, winding and broken lines form a pattern and patterns on a flat wooden surface.

An example of contour woodcarving

The work is done with a special knife-jamb, a sloping chisel, a cranberry-corner and a semicircular cranberry. The main difficulty of contouring technique is accuracy; gouges and errors should not be allowed when drawing contours. Therefore, the workpiece must be firmly fixed on the workbench. In this case, the work with two hands will be more confident and accurate.

In such decorative processing, various panels, furniture, dishes and decorative interior items are made. Hand carving of this type is decorative due to the lines of various depths and widths, as well as the way the background around the pattern is selected. Contour carving goes well with other techniques.


The simplest, most affordable and at the same time very effective type of carving. It is the creation of wedge-shaped recesses, cut at different angles and to different depths.

Various options for geometric wood carving

There are the following subspecies of geometric technology:

  1. Two-, three- and four-sided - the pattern is formed from recesses with several faces. Most often, the pattern is created from trihedral recesses.
  2. Staple - work is carried out with semicircular chisels of different diameters. From these brackets, a wide variety of ornaments are created.


When performing this thread, the pattern is located in one plane, and the surrounding background is deepened and selected so that the relief comes through more clearly. Flat-relief carving is very diverse and working with it requires a variety of specialized tools: knives, chisels, scrapers.

In flat-relief technology, the following subspecies are distinguished:

  • with a selected background;
  • with pillow background;
  • with oval outline.

Products made in flat-relief technique are very popular and are most often made to order.

Products made with flat relief carving

Such painstaking manual work requires rich imagination, patience and great experience from the master.


One of the most expressive and beautiful types of carving. Products made in relief technique are very popular for interior decoration, furniture, walls.

There are two types of embossed wood finishes:

  1. Bas-relief. The drawing rises above the main background by no more than half of its volume.
  2. High relief. The image rises more than half of its volume.


One of the oldest and most complex woodworking techniques. Forms a separately protruding relief, sculpture or a whole three-dimensional composition. Sculptural carving requires great experience, skill and special equipment from the carver.

Sculptural carvings are viewed from all angles and therefore must be carefully thought out and produced.

The work is done with chisels of various widths and a special tool - the Bogorodsk knife.


The main difference between house carving is overall dimensions, and its purpose is to decorate the exterior of the house with the help of various figures and ornaments. The blanks are processed with the most affordable tools: a jigsaw, an ax, a saw, chisels. Almost all types of techniques are used for house carving, but the most common are overhead and slotted threads:

  1. Welt (openwork) carving. It features a completely removed background of the picture.
  2. . A blank surface is decorated with a slotted workpiece, due to which the illusion of a blind thread appears.

Devices for a manual router and the machine itself turn woodworking at home into a completely professional process. To achieve maximum efficiency, you need to know something about this tool! Let's figure it out together.

Manual electric milling cutter - when is such a tool needed?

With an electric hand mill at your disposal, with your own hands you can easily groove wooden parts, create holes of various kinds, process edges and cut wood shields. With this tool, it is easy to install fittings on furniture and even engage in artistic processing of the material.

In production, as a rule, all these tasks are handled by a bulky machine, which is clearly not suitable for domestic use, therefore for a long time the listed operations were only a dream of a home craftsman, although something could be done manually using other tools (, chisels, etc.). ) The peculiarity of the manual version is that such a device has small dimensions and relatively low weight, which means that you do not need a spacious workshop to implement your plans.

In addition, often the range of work covers not only the processing of wooden parts, some mechanisms can handle plastic and even metal. Of course, a manual milling cutter for metal will cost you more, because all the fixtures for it must be made of durable alloys, and the motor must have increased power. After the appearance of the tool itself, they immediately began to expand its functionality through additional devices and attachments. Now some manual milling machines can do more than industrial designs.

Devices for a manual router - what are they useful for?

Among the additional devices for the operation of the router, both commercial and home-made options are distinguished. Sometimes your ideas are so intricate that the manufacturers did not provide a suitable auxiliary structure, then you have to contrive and make it yourself. Among the popular devices, there are a parallel stop that keeps the cutter strictly at a certain distance from the surface, and a guide bar that can do the same job, but also at an angle. Also, sometimes you may need copy rings, with which you can guide the cutter along the desired curved path without errors, templates also serve for this.

A special device exists for creating elliptical and, as a special case, rounded grooves. They are called compasses, and they themselves are also divided into various types. It is not difficult to guess that this mechanism will help to cut the correct circle. Those who have ever made a groove on the end of the door for the lock know that this process is not fast. This is true when a chisel is used and, but the cutter is able to do this in a few minutes if there is a special fixture that is quickly attached to the sole of the machine. For such narrow surfaces, most often, a small auxiliary part is made by hand.

You will also have to make a fixture yourself for creating grooves and grooves in bodies of revolution, for example, balusters or poles, then you will not need a lathe, which usually performs such a task.

Choosing a manual router - how not to get lost in the characteristics?

When buying a tool for your own use, you should keep in mind some features of the choice. First of all, let's look at the technical specifications. Power is considered the most important indicator, and the more it is, the better. But with him, in a pair, you should also look at the speed of the cutter, if these parameters do not correlate, then the tool will not meet your expectations. High power with low speed does not make sense and vice versa. It is important to pay attention to the accuracy of the device, an error of about 0.5 mm is quite enough for good quality work in domestic conditions.

It is rather difficult to answer the question of how to choose a good quality hand router at a low cost. It is impossible to do this in any category of goods, it is better to look for the “golden mean” option, then the price will not “bite” much, and the material of the cutters and fixtures will be of good quality. Mandatory features for high-quality and convenient work are soft start and speed control. It does not hurt to evaluate the mechanism for attaching the cutter and the locking device, reliability is important here, first of all, for your own safety. And the choice of a manual router with a stop bar, an elevator regulator and a nozzle for a vacuum cleaner would be absolutely ideal.

It remains only to talk about what kinds of milling cutters are, so as not to overpay for extra features, without even getting the desired ones. If you have already looked closely at the showcases with this tool, you have found three main types - top, for edges and lamella. The first option is not the smallest, but it is easier for beginners to master, since auxiliary devices help control the position of the cutter relative to the part, removing some of the load from the master. The top milling cutter can be submersible or fixed. The edging machine speaks for itself, it is mainly used to process edges or cut chamfers. The lamellar tool is suitable for creating all kinds of grooves.

Wood carving with a manual milling cutter - instructions for beginners

Working with a wood router at first seems difficult, because it is difficult to manage the entire structure, but a few of our recommendations will allow you to get started more boldly.

Wood carving with a manual milling cutter - step by step diagram

Step 1: Putting together the tool

Examine the place where the cutter is attached to your machine, most often, a collet chuck is used for this, so we will discuss this option. First, select the required cutter, it must match the diameter of the cartridge. If deep machining is required, the long shank option is suitable. It is also possible to replace the chuck itself (hand tools often offer 6mm and 8mm diameter options) if needed.

The shank is inserted into the hole of the cartridge and tightened with a special key. It does not require a lot of force, you can accidentally pinch, which is not the norm for the operation of the tool. However, do not be afraid to reach a good stop so that the cutter does not hang out. Then tighten the spindle lock, and the mechanism is ready to work. Run the instrument to get a feel for the start and get used to the sound, because sometimes the unexpected is the reason for the rejection of parts in beginners.

Step 2: Depth adjustment

Wood carving with a hand router should begin with the setting of the milling depth limiter. To do this, we apply the machine to the part from the edge so that the cutter does not yet come into contact with the material. Press down on it until it reaches the depth you plan to work on and lock into position. A more accurate value is set using a step-by-step limiter, its step is indicated in the manual for the instrument, turn the knob to the desired number of degrees.

Step 3: Milling

Determine the required speed from the table in the instructions, based on the material being processed and the size of the cutter. It is advisable to start work on a draft version in order to try out the style of operation of your particular mechanism if you turn it on for the first time. If you are familiar with his tactics, then the draft version will help you set the desired parameters already directly in the operating mode, right now you need to bring the milling depth to the exact value.

Also, if you have not tried working on your tool yet, compare the results after the router moves away from you and towards you, clockwise and counterclockwise. The correct direction when machining a part around is counterclockwise, and on the flat side - away from you. Then you can proceed to milling the main workpiece.

Many well-known companies are engaged in the production of equipment for woodworking. Manual milling machines have always been in the greatest demand and popularity, with the help of which you can get exclusive and unique products.

Anyone can work with a milling cutter, however, when working, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • The workpiece must be carefully fixed on the work table, which will improve the quality of processing and reduce the risk of injury.
  • You need to move the tool so that the cutter blades move towards the wood, this direction is called counter. In the opposite direction, the tool will break out of the hands, the processing line will be uneven and of poor quality.
  • For milling various circles, ovals and ellipses, you can use special compasses that allow you to make a circle of a fairly large radius. There are several types of nozzles that are quickly attached to the sole of the router.

With a manual milling cutter, you can perform a number of jobs, ranging from simple household tasks for cutting locks to complex decorative operations on expensive furniture, cutting patterns, and woodcarving. Of course, a beginner should not start with a difficult task, it is better to start with something simple and gradually, gaining experience, complicate the tasks.

Additional tools

With constant work with a milling cutter, various additional tools and fixtures will be required. First of all, this list includes:

  • Electric drill with a set of drills.
  • Various screws.
  • Electric jigsaw with saw blades of various lengths and thicknesses.
  • Set of cutters.
  • A set of files.
  • Various templates.
  • Protective clothing, respirator, goggles.

This is the minimum set that allows you to perform basic types of work with a router. As necessary, each master supplements it with his own tools, nozzles, templates, which allows you to use the router at 100%.

Machine Setup + (Video)

Before starting the tool, it is necessary to set its depth correctly. For this you should:

  1. Place the tool on the part.
  2. Install the turret close to the limiter end face.
  3. Loosen the locking screw to move the router in the desired direction.
  4. Lower the engine to the work surface.
  5. The depth limiter is set at the desired level.
  6. Locking screw is tightened.
  7. Depth setting is complete.

The choice of the rotation speed of the cutter must be determined based on the density of the treated surface, the diameter of the cutter itself. Typically, for processing wooden products, a speed of the order of 10,000 revolutions per minute is used, which allows you to get an even and smooth cut. A very high speed of rotation of the cutter can cause charring of the workpiece and lead to breakage of the part.

Very hard surfaces are machined at low speed cutters, and from time to time it is necessary to run the engine without load at maximum speed, which will allow it to cool.

The choice of the linear speed of the cutter is based on its diameter, the larger it is, the lower the applied speed, which is set by the regulator. When installing the cutter, you must be guided by the manufacturer's instructions, which will necessarily indicate the rotation speed and recommended linear speed.

Cutter selection

For each type of work performed by a milling cutter, it is necessary to choose the right cutter. This will allow not only to process the material with high quality, but also to complete all the work much faster. You can purchase whole sets of different cutters that allow you to perform a wide range of operations.

Structurally, any cutter consists of a shank, which is clamped in the tool chuck and a special cutting part. Cutters differ from each other both in size and in material, in the shape of the cutting part. When processing soft woods, cutters made of ordinary metal are used; for hard woods, stronger cutters with soldering are chosen. There are several types of cutters:

  • Used for processing various types of grooves - rectangular.
  • For decorating all kinds of products - profile.
  • For processing wood at different angles - cone-shaped.
  • For making inscriptions on the treated surface - v-shaped.
  • To make grooves in a horizontal plane - disk.
  • For making quarters in a tree - folded.
  • To round the working edge - molding.
  • To perform fillets - fillets.
  • To perform any spiked joints - such as "dovetail".

Cutter installation order + (Video)

Installing the cutter on the tool is not difficult and consists of following simple steps:

  • The selected cutter with a shank is inserted into the chuck to a depth of about 20mm.
  • The cartridge snaps into place and is tightened with a nut.

After fixing the cutter, the cutter is set to the required depth using a movable limiter. Then a trial cut is made to make sure that the settings are correct and then they start working.

Safety regulations

Techniques for safe work with the device must be prescribed in the manufacturer's instructions, do not neglect them so as not to get injured. The basic rules for safe work include:

  1. Be sure to wear protective clothing with no loose parts that could wrap around the router.
  2. Protect your eyes from chips by wearing goggles or a mask.
  3. Protect your respiratory organs with a respirator.
  4. Be sure to unplug the appliance from the socket when not in use.
  5. Hold the tool firmly in your hands to prevent it from slipping when it touches the workpiece.
  6. Be sure to read and follow all manufacturer's instructions.

Fulfillment of these simple requirements will allow you to avoid injuries when working with a router, because this is a rather dangerous device. Learning to work with wood requires not only a strong desire, but also special patience and care. Only a combination of all these qualities will allow you to gain experience and achieve high peaks of skill.

Reading 13 min. Published on 05.12.2018

A wood router is a truly versatile machine. In capable hands, he is able to replace most of the machine park with a well-equipped carpentry workshop. Considering that the price of a manual router is quite affordable for every home craftsman, and interchangeable cutters are sold both in sets and individually, the need to have such a versatile tool in your arsenal is obvious.

Also available are specific working methods that are peculiar only to a manual router and impossible on "large" machines. The question is interesting and capacious, so it should be considered in detail.

What is a cutter and what is it for?

A hand mill is a power tool, which is an electric motor with a collet for mounting a cutting tool on a shaft.

A platform or base, a kind of desktop, is structurally combined with it, which is able to move along the guides and be fixed in a given position.

The platform is used to set the depth of cut. On the sides there are two handles for which the machine is held in the desired position or fed to the workpiece.

The milling cutter is designed for cutting parts from different materials:

  • Solid wood;
  • chipboard, including - laminated chipboard;
  • Aluminum, duralumin;
  • Soft plastic.

With the help of a manual milling cutter, various types of material processing can be performed. These include the following operations:

  • Milling recesses of various shapes - grooves, nests, grooves and other elements;
  • Edge profiling - creating shaped (shaped) surfaces, milling quarters;
  • Milling of special structural elements - recesses for hinges, locks, handles, spikes and nests for them;
  • Trimming curved and complex edges of furniture parts or special elements.

To ensure the accuracy and cleanliness of the cut, the design of the router has a lot of adjustment and adjustment elements. They produce the following

  • Changing the speed of rotation of the shaft;
  • Setting the immersion depth of the cutting body;
  • Depth preset for quick change of cutting mode.

Important! For serial production of large volumes of products, a manual milling cutter is not suitable. It is most rational to use it only for domestic purposes or in small workshops engaged in small-scale production of products to order.

The main types of nozzles

Main types

For milling work, end mills with a shank diameter of 6.8 or 12 mm are used.

They are sold individually or in sets that include the most popular types of cutters.

There are sets with 7 mm shanks, but it is difficult to find a collet for them. Depending on the purpose and shape of the cut, there are edge and groove cutters. Edges include:

  • Profile;
  • conical;
  • Molding (moulding, quarter-roller);
  • Disk;
  • Fillet.

A common feature of edge cutters is the presence of a bearing that plays the role of a stop. Groove cutters include:

  • Rectangular (straight);
  • Fillet;
  • "Dovetail";
  • V-shaped.

Groove cutters do not have thrust bearings and allow you to cut both on the edges and on the face. There are straight cutters with a bearing at the top, just above the cutting edges. Usually its diameter corresponds to the size of the cutting part, which allows cutting curved shapes according to the template. Such cutters are called overrunning. They are not included in the standard kits, if necessary, they must be purchased separately. Almost all cutters are available in several sizes. To make a recess of the desired size, it is necessary to select a cutter of the appropriate diameter or profile.


To install the cutter in the chuck, the cutter is laid on its side. Some types allow you to disconnect the engine with a cartridge from the platform without changing its settings. Others do not provide such an opportunity, so most often you have to lower the base as far down as possible. The cartridge is unscrewed with a wrench, which is included in the delivery.

The cartridge is fixed in immobility with the help of a special button located above the exit point of the shaft from the housing. It is not present on all types of routers, sometimes you have to fix the shaft with a wrench, and unscrew the cartridge with another.

It is not necessary to completely remove the cap nut, but sometimes it is necessary to do this if the cutter is clamped too tightly in the collet. By gently tapping on the side surfaces and turning the shaft, the collet is loosened and the jammed cutter is removed.

The nut is screwed on, a new cutter is inserted into the collet by about 20 mm. Some cutters on shanks have special marks indicating the minimum and maximum insertion depths, but most of them are installed by eye. If the insertion depth is too small, the cutter may be deformed and the workpiece damaged if the feed is too fast. This is dangerous, as the maximum speed of the router shaft is 30,000 rpm or more. A milling cutter that has flown out of the collet on the move has great destructive power; if it hits a person, the consequences are very undesirable.

Attention! It is forbidden to screw in the union nut without a cutter installed, as this will break the collet.

Setting the milling depth is done as follows:

  • The milling cutter with the base lowered is installed on a flat platform;
  • The cutter is lowered to the stop and fixed;
  • The depth indicator slider is set to zero;
  • The depth stop rises to the desired value and is locked with a screw;
  • The cutter is unlocked and lowered to the stop of the depth gauge in the adjusting screw, after which it is fixed again.

It is recommended to check the set depth on a test piece so that adjustments can be made if necessary. Do not immediately make too much depth, this contributes to overheating of the router and creates an excessive load on the electric motor. The recommended depth in one pass is 4-6 mm.

A hand mill is a universal device that every home master should have in his arsenal. The versatility of this power tool lies not only in the ability to perform various technological operations with it, but also in the fact that, using the appropriate equipment, you can work with such a router not only on wood, but also on plastic, glass, natural and artificial stone, colored metal. In order for a manual milling cutter to effectively cope with all the tasks assigned to it, you should know how to choose such a device correctly, as well as have an idea about its design features, technical characteristics and types of equipment that can be used with it.

It is very easy to get confused in the variety of models of milling cutters on the market. Our task is to understand the nuances and make the right choice.

Functionality and scope

If you are planning to purchase, first of all ask yourself why you need a router. Meanwhile, the functionality of such a power tool is so wide that it can always be used in any workshop. In particular, with the help of a milling cutter equipped with appropriate equipment, it is possible to successfully perform such technological operations as:

  • profiling of straight and curly edges on the workpiece;
  • high-quality and accurate preparation of seats for dowels, door locks and hinges, awnings and any other fittings;
  • selection of a quarter (fold);
  • grinding and polishing;
  • drilling and boring holes, including figured ones;
  • cutting studs and creating grooves of various configurations (such as "dovetail", T-shaped, V-shaped, micro-studs);
  • cutting blanks and cutting them into segments of the required length;
  • performing rough leveling of the workpiece surface;
  • woodcarving, for which manual milling machines are used quite actively;
  • engraving (patterns can be cut with a milling cutter not only on the surface of wood products, but also on metal, plastic and stone parts);
  • execution of grooves of both direct and spiral type on the surface of products having the form of bodies of revolution (balusters, etc.);
  • creation of various grooves and slots on the surface of the workpieces.

Obviously, the functionality that such a versatile power tool as a milling cutter has makes it equally useful for both the home craftsman and the professional. If we talk about the areas of application of a manual milling cutter, then it is an almost indispensable element of equipping any carpentry workshop. Do not do without it as construction and repair teams. With the help of such a technical device, decorations for the interior are made, as well as various crafts.

Varieties of manual routers

When deciding which router is better to choose, it should be borne in mind that all such devices can fall into one of the following categories:

  • top type milling cutters;
  • edging manual milling cutters;
  • lamellar milling power tools.

The manual electric router of the top type can be fixed or submersible. The design of the fixed-type milling cutter includes an electric motor, which is connected to a cartridge through elements of the kinematic circuit of the device, in which the tool being used is fixed. Such a milling cutter is called stationary because the tool in it does not have the ability to move relative to the body of the device. It is quite difficult to use such a milling cutter, since it is necessary to manually adjust the depth of the processing performed when using it, manipulating the entire device, which can be of considerable weight.

Much more convenient to use is a plunge mill, the drive motor of which is mounted on special guides and can move along them along with the working nozzle during processing. The design of plunge-type routers also has a special spring that ensures that the working nozzle rises after processing with its help is completed. If, in the process of purchasing top-type routers, you choose which one is better, then you should definitely pay attention to submersible models, which are perfect for both professionals and beginners.

The edge router, in full accordance with its name, is used for processing the edges of products and chamfering them. Equipping the edge router with working nozzles of various types, it is possible to process not only straight, but also curly surfaces. In particular, using such a milling cutter and the appropriate cutting tool, you can make skirting boards and process curly door panels.

The lamellar milling cutter, which is mainly used to create various grooves on the surface of the workpiece, is a highly specialized power tool.

Thus, the consumer today is offered various types of milling cutters, the design of each of which is designed to solve certain technological problems. Knowing the answer to the question of why you need a router, you can always choose exactly the model that will fully meet your needs.

When choosing a router, one should not forget that its functionality and ease of use will also depend on the additional devices that you will use with the power tool. Such devices, which, in particular, include various stops, clamps, templates, guides, etc., allow processing with higher accuracy and safety.

Nuances of choice

Many professionals and home craftsmen are interested in the question of how to choose a manual router so that the purchase of such a device does not turn into a waste of money. To prevent this from happening, when choosing a manual router, consider a number of parameters and technical characteristics of such devices.

One of the main parameters that should be taken into account when choosing a manual milling device is power. Depending on this characteristic, which directly affects the mass of the device, manual milling cutters are divided into light, medium and heavy. Lightweight milling cutters, which, respectively, have a minimum mass, have a power value of which does not exceed 750 watts. The power of milling cutters of the middle weight category reaches 1100 W, and for heavy models this parameter exceeds 1200 W.

If the milling cutter will perform simple and not too intensive work in a home workshop, you should not chase too high power of such a device, which affects, among other factors, its cost. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a powerful milling cutter will not be able to process at a high rotational speed of the tool used. In the same case, if working with such a device is associated with professional activities and it will be used in intensive mode and for processing various materials, then the best router in this case is a heavy, but powerful model that will last much longer and will not let you down. responsible situation.

The rotation speed that the router is capable of developing is another important parameter that you should pay attention to when buying. This parameter, which for manual milling machines can be in the range of 7–24 thousand rpm, affects the range of processed materials. In addition, this parameter also determines what can be done with a power tool. So, for grinding and polishing, as well as for working with a wood router and engraving, high-speed devices are optimally suited, and for working with hard and brittle materials and processing to a considerable depth, powerful, but low-speed models should be chosen.

The convenience of the location and reliability of the power button of the router are parameters that many people do not attach much importance to in vain. But it is precisely on whether the design of the power button has a locking mechanism and a protection mechanism against accidental activation that directly affects not only the convenience of using a power tool, but also the safety of those who work with it.

Before buying, also evaluate the design of the collet mechanism and the workmanship of its constituent elements. The best among all the collets on the market today are cone-shaped devices, the structural elements of which are made of hardened steel. Such collets, the seating surface of which most closely matches the shape and dimensions of the motor shaft, are less subject to wear due to the material of manufacture and can last much longer than collets made of ordinary steel.

When choosing a milling cutter, you should also pay attention to whether its design has a device that ensures the removal of dust from the processing area. Almost all modern models of such power tools are equipped with such a device, which makes working with a router not only more convenient, but also safer. The most effective of these devices are dust extraction sluices built into the body of the router itself.

Another important element of the router, the design and workmanship of which should be paid attention to, is the sole. It can be stamped or cast (in more expensive models). The quality and ease of performing technological operations depend on how well the sole of the router will adhere to the surface to be treated. The base support that the router is equipped with must have special lugs or holes in its design that are used to install additional guide mechanisms. When choosing a router, pay attention to the diameter of the hole in the overlay, which covers its sole. This parameter determines the maximum diameter of the cutter that can be used when working with this router.

If you purchase a manual wood router, the design of which provides for the possibility of moving the working head relative to the surface of the workpiece, you should check its rod mechanism. The quality of manufacture of such a mechanism, which should provide for the possibility of adjusting the depth of immersion of the cutter in the material being processed, directly affects the smoothness and ease of movement of the tool used.

In modern models of milling cutters, the depth of processing can be adjusted using a lever, screw or turret, the accuracy of which should also be controlled. More convenient to use is a turret with a counterpart in the form of bolts, when screwed in and out of which, the depth of processing changes.

To make the work with a manual wood router more convenient and accurate, additional devices are usually used. Some of them are included in the basic package of modern models of milling power tools. One of these devices is a parallel stop, which is used in order to accurately position the cut performed by the router relative to the edge of the workpiece during processing. It should be borne in mind that a cut made using such an emphasis can only be located parallel to the edge of the workpiece. The design of the simplest of these stops includes two rods inserted into the holes in the support frame of the router, a locking screw and support legs, which slide along the edge of the product during its processing.

Having several copying rings, you can use various combinations of "ring-cutter"

Another device that is often equipped with both a router and a horizontal type handheld power tool is a copy ring. It is a round metal plate with a protruding rim on it and is also used to provide the working head of the router with the required trajectory of movement. The base surface on which such a ring slides during processing is the edge of a special template. Such a ring can be fixed on the tool used with the help of a threaded hole into which it is screwed, or by means of two antennae inserted into the hole on the sole of the router.

When choosing a router not from a photo or video on the Internet, but in a regular store, you should ask the consultant not only to demonstrate the device in action, but also to show the entire arsenal of additional devices that the manufacturer equipped it with.

If you plan to do wood carving with a router in your home workshop, then, as mentioned above, you can opt for less powerful devices that are cheaper, but can still provide all the necessary list of functions. In this case, it is better to choose those models that have the option of adjusting the rotation speed of the tool used. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the wheel, due to which such adjustment is provided, is of a discrete type and moves with some effort, and not too freely.

More convenient when determining the depth of milling is a power tool, the lower end of the collet of which does not protrude beyond the sole. When you are shown a router in the store, see if the collet provides a quick and secure fixation of the tool being used.

The ergonomics of the power tool you choose should also attract your special attention, since working with a hand router, in the design of which everything is thought out to the smallest detail, is much more convenient and safer. The concept of "ergonomics of a manual router" includes not only the convenience of its handles and the presence of illumination, but also the convenience of the location of the dust extractor and even such a trifle as the length of the electric cord.

If the manual milling cutter that you choose contains additional nozzles, then you need to check how securely they are fixed on the working head of the power tool. In the event that you plan to work with a router without additional devices, for such purposes it is better to choose models that are able to provide the maximum overview of the processing area. A milling cutter that suits you in terms of its technical characteristics and functionality should definitely be turned on in order to assess how strong the vibrations and noise generated during its operation are.

Reading reviews of manual milling devices, you may come across an opinion that professional power tools are initially of higher quality than household models. Meanwhile, as practice shows, household models of milling cutters can be of very high quality, and the fact that a power tool belongs to a professional series does not at all indicate a high level of its characteristics. In this case, it all depends on the specific manufacturer (before buying, it is advisable to study the rating of the relevant brands).

If we talk about the main features by which you can easily distinguish a professional-level hand router, then they should include:

  • the presence in the standard configuration of the milling cutter of a large number of additional devices;
  • use in the design of the milling cutter not polymer, but metal bushings;
  • installation of bearing assemblies in metal sleeves, in which, even after numerous heating and cooling cycles, no play appears.

Due to such features of its design, it is possible to work with a professional router for several hours in a row, while household models after a short period of their use (on average 15 minutes) should be allowed to cool for the same period of time.

The question of how to choose a router is very important. However, it is equally important to know how to operate the router to get the desired results. If you have never dealt with such a power tool before, it is not enough just to get acquainted with the theoretical part of such a question, it is also advisable to watch video tutorials on this topic.

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