Inductive electric boilers. Induction heating boiler: principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages. Price comparison for induction heating boilers

An electric boiler is, without any doubt, a great alternative to gas or solid fuel equipment. But it has a significant disadvantage - a large consumption of electricity. In the process of finding ways to reduce electricity consumption, the induction boiler was invented.

In fairness, it should be noted that the principle of an induction furnace was invented quite a long time ago, back in 1887, and they were used only in industry. The development of the technological process has made it possible to create compact models of a new generation suitable for domestic use, for example, heating a private house.

Device and principle of operation

The main element of the induction boiler is a transformer with a toroidal winding. The device itself of such a boiler consists of the following elements:

  • The body of the unit, which is made of metal.
  • Layer of electrical protection and thermal insulation.
  • The core, which is a ferrimagnetic tube.

The core winding acts as the primary winding, and the boiler body is the secondary. The kit also comes with:

Not only ordinary water and antifreeze, but also oil can act as a coolant in such a system.

Operating principle

In the name of the induction electric boiler, the principle of its operation is laid - electromagnetic induction. When voltage is applied, the following processes occur:

  • An electromagnetic field is created.
  • The core is heated to a temperature of 750 °C.
  • The coolant enters through special pipes and, passing through the core, heats up, then transferring heat to the radiators of the house.

This method of heating allows you to heat a large volume of coolant in a short period of time. At the same time, the resulting convection currents make it possible to do without a circulation pump.

Advice! The absence of a circulation pump is justified in small heating systems. When heating a two-story house with an induction boiler, its presence is mandatory.

Advantages and disadvantages of induction boilers

First, consider the positive characteristics of induction boilers:

  • High and constant efficiency: up to 99%.
  • Such a boiler does not need a chimney.
  • The absence of moving and heating elements contributes to the high reliability and durability of the new generation systems.
  • Quiet operation.
  • The low inertia of the system saves energy.
  • The installation of an induction boiler does not require a separate room.
  • The high-frequency vibration of the core prevents the formation of scale.
  • Affordable installation does not require special knowledge and skills.
  • High level of fire safety due to the absence of open fire and heating elements.

Like all equipment, an induction heating boiler has not only pluses, but also minuses, which include:

  • In the first place, of course, the high cost of such boilers. A more familiar electric heating element boiler costs 1.5 times cheaper.
  • Connection is made only to the closed heating system of the house. At the same time, the pressure in it must be controlled and kept below 0.3 MPa.
  • Significant weight in small size. This fact should be taken into account when mounting the boiler on the wall.
  • Generation of interference in the entire radio range within a radius of several meters (depending on the power of the boiler). Such interference for humans is absolutely safe.

Advice! The main advantage of induction type devices is the quick and economical heating of a large volume of coolant, for which other types of boilers would take much more time. It is this quality that has found its application in induction instantaneous water heaters.

Help in choosing a boiler

Due to the novelty of such equipment, only two brands are represented on the domestic market:

  1. VIN is a manufacturer of Alternative Energy LLC. This vortex heater (this is how the abbreviation stands for) consumes a converted high-frequency voltage. At the exit from the coil, this gives a sharp jump in the intensity of the EMF and an increase in the surface Foucault currents. This allows the case and all internal parts, which are specially made of a special ferrimagnetic alloy, to heat up almost instantly and transfer thermal energy to the coolant. We can say that all units of the unit design act as one heat exchanger, this explains its high efficiency.
  2. SAV is a manufacturer of CJSC NPK INERA. This induction boiler consists of a short-circuited labyrinth of pipes with a heat carrier, which acts as a secondary winding. The alternating current generated in this winding makes it possible to quickly heat up the surface of the heat exchanger. Due to the branched labyrinth of pipes in the heat exchanger, the coolant, passing through it, quickly heats up, which explains the high efficiency of this type of boiler. Thanks to the law of self-induction, a new generation device allows the coil to independently induce the required reactive power. This allows the use of this type of induction boilers in low voltage power networks, which gives a tangible result when working in rural areas with weak electrical substations.

All induction electric boilers differ in power and the number of connection phases:

  • Single-phase: power 2.5–7 kW.
  • Three-phase: power 7–60 kW.

In addition to standard automation (automatic breakers), the induction boiler can be equipped with an electronic programmer. This device allows you to set the operating mode of the boiler for the whole week, and, if necessary, to carry out adjustments remotely - via a GSM channel.

Boiler power calculation

To calculate the power of the system as accurately as possible, it is necessary to invite specialists. But it is easy to make an approximate calculation, which will be quite enough. To do this, for every square meter of heated area, 60 W of boiler power should be provided.

Such power is quite enough, because the efficiency is very high and does not decrease during operation.

Advice! When choosing an induction boiler, it is necessary to specify the thickness of the walls of the core. The optimal thickness is 10 mm. Such a core guarantees a long and uninterrupted operation of the home heating system.

Installation and connection

Installation of boilers of this type is quite simple, but requires compliance with a certain technology:

  • Installation is carried out only in a closed heating system.
  • It is mandatory to equip such a system with an expansion tank of the expandomat type.
  • The feasibility of having a circulation pump depends on the system of inclination of the heating pipes of the house. In some cases, if the correct slope is observed, natural circulation can be dispensed with.
  • It is necessary to set the induction boiler vertically. In this case, fastening to the wall occurs through special "ears" or ordinary clamps, depending on the model.
  • At the same time, it is important to maintain a free distance between the boiler and the walls: on the sides - at least 30 cm, above and below - at least 80 cm.
  • When fixing the unit, one should take into account its solid weight and choose a reliable load-bearing wall for installation.

Connecting the boiler to the heating system

A feature of the induction boiler is the fact that there is no need to tie metal pipes. You can connect immediately with metal-plastic or plastic pipes:

  • The branch pipe, located in the upper part of the housing, is connected to the supply of hot coolant to the heating system of the house.
  • Then, a return heating pipe is connected to the branch pipe located at the bottom of the boiler.
  • At a distance of no more than 80 cm from the outlet pipe, it is necessary to install the safety group of the unit. The set of devices present in this group is standard for all types of boilers: an automatic safety valve, a pressure gauge and an air vent.
  • After the safety group, it is possible, but not necessary, to close the circuit (connecting the hot supply to the return). In some emergency cases, the presence of a small circuit protects the induction boiler from overheating.
  • In any case, the installation of stop valves occurs after the mounted safety group.

Next, we proceed to the installation of auxiliary devices on the return pipe. On the small circuit or in front of the stop valves, the following devices are mounted in series on the return line:

  1. Expansion tank.
  2. Settling filter.
  3. Bronze coarse filter.
  4. Circulation pump.
  5. Flow sensor. The presence of this sensor in the system allows you to control the circulation of the coolant and turn off the boiler in case of its termination.

A more detailed connection diagram is contained in the instructions supplied by the manufacturer, which must be studied before starting installation work.

Electrical connection

When making electrical connections, it is necessary to use the wires of the section indicated in the instructions. Electronic control systems are connected using special connectors supplied with the equipment.

Advice! An important point in the installation of the induction apparatus is the ground connection. It must be done with a separate wire (optimally bus) and connected to the existing grounding of the house.

Maintenance of induction boilers

As such, the induction boiler does not require maintenance. The only thing that can be recommended in this matter is to periodically check the reliability of the grounding and electrical connections.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the new generation induction boilers are ideal for heating a house where the owners are absent for a long time or come and go. Profitability, autonomy and safety of this type of heating equipment fully justify its rather high cost. And if you use antifreeze as a coolant in such a system, then freezing definitely does not threaten it.

Despite the huge number of ways to obtain heat using natural resources, homeowners are increasingly turning to the use of electric heating installations to heat their homes.

Electricity boilers are environmentally friendly, since no combustion products are emitted into the atmosphere, which appear during the combustion of oil products, gas, coal and even firewood.

Vortex heater

Another plus use of electric heating is the ease of maintenance of heating systems mounted on the basis of electric boilers. However, the convenience of using electricity for home heating is becoming an increasingly costly way to get heat in the house - paying the bill for electricity consumption with each heating season becomes unbearable for many.

Homeowners are beginning to look for an alternative to electric boilers, the basis of which is a standard heating element.

Induction electric boilers are gradually gaining popularity, also converting electricity into heat needed for space heating. However their design makes it possible to use the energy carrier much more economically, which significantly reduces the current costs of maintaining the house during the heating season.

Energy savings are due to the rapid heating of the heat carrier of the heating system. This is due to the induction device, which replaced the traditional heating element in the boiler.

In addition to reducing heating costs, these boilers have a solid number of advantages over other electric boilers - high efficiency, long service life (at least 25 years) and no scale.

The internal structure of the induction heater and the principle of its operation

The design of such a device designed to produce heat energy is similar in its simplest form to a transformer. Like the transformer the induction generator consists of short-circuited windings - primary and secondary.

Primary winding serves to convert electricity into eddy currents that create an electromagnetic field directed to the secondary winding. Secondary winding at the same time it is both the body of the inductor and the heating element that transfers the received energy to the heating system. The coolant can be any electrically conductive liquid, ranging from ordinary technical water to oil and antifreeze.

Since a vortex induction heater (or simply wine) does not emit fuel decomposition products during operation, it is the safest among various types of heating equipment used to provide heat to buildings for various purposes. Such a heating system guarantees a favorable composition of the atmosphere, which means maintaining its environmental cleanliness.

Heating system starts working immediately after applying voltage to the internal winding. The resulting electromagnetic field directs eddy currents to the surface of the core located outside.

Their density almost instantly increases, heating the surface of the core, and then the entire element. This heat serves to heat the coolant circulating in the boiler.

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It should be borne in mind that the device crashes into the heating system using two nozzles. The lower one serves to supply the cooled coolant. It is mounted at the entrance to the boiler, and through the second pipe the heated coolant is sent to the heating system.

The supply of heated coolant is carried out due to hydrostatic pressure. Since the coolant constantly circulates in the system, carrying out the removal of hot liquid to the heating system, then the possibility of overheating of the equipment is completely excluded.

Features of the installation of the boiler plant and its operation

To ensure continuous circulation of the coolant, the heating system equipped with an induction electric boiler must be closed, without fail equipped with a circulation pump. There are some rules for installing an induction boiler indoors.

The boiler must be mounted at a distance of at least 30 cm from the wall surfaces. From the floor and from the ceiling, the distance should be more than 80 cm. To be able to monitor the operation of the system and ensure its safety, a pressure gauge, a blast valve, and an automatic device designed to remove air should be built right behind the coolant outlet pipe.

Before starting work, be sure to check the presence of coolant in the system. The supply of electricity in its absence guarantees the failure of the equipment. You can install such a boiler in any room of the building, taking into account its installation at the above distance from its walls, ceiling and floor.

Many consumers who used plastic pipes when installing the system are concerned about the question: Can an innovative boiler be connected to them? Such a problem does not exist, plastic pipes for heating systems are designed for the use of any heating equipment.

Read how to choose the right expansion tank for a closed heating system.

Advantages and disadvantages . How to choose and install?

How to choose a heat pump for heating a private house? Advantages and disadvantages of heating systems of the future.

Induction boiler price and installation cost

The choice of the power of the induction boiler, as well as any heating equipment. determined by the size of the heated area of ​​the building. The cost of the equipment also depends on the power. The most inexpensive VIN boiler available for sale costs about 30 thousand rubles. The cost of installation starts from 6 thousand rubles.

The power of such a heater is 6 kW, which is quite enough to heat a small country house. It has two heating sections, 3 kW each, which is very convenient when the outside air temperature rises. This design of heating equipment can significantly reduce the consumption of electricity for heating the house.


For a long time I chose the VIN boiler and bought a SAV. At 5 kW. Since there was a task to heat a country house. The device does its job well. The only negative is that the machine often knocks out and refuses to work through the RCD. I will build a more powerful power supply line. Perhaps this will solve the problem.

Do-it-yourself induction electric boiler

The simplicity of the design allows home craftsmen to make an induction wine heating boiler on their own. In the manufacture of the simplest version of such a heater you will need to purchase a high-frequency welding inverter.

It is desirable that it be equipped with a device for smoothly adjusting the current. The power of the structure depends on the magnitude of the welding current (at least 15 amperes).

You should also prepare the following materials:

  • thick-walled plastic pipe, the inner diameter of which is slightly less than 5 cm;
  • stainless steel wire 7 mm;
  • adapters for connection to the heating system;
  • enameled copper wire;
  • fine metal mesh.

The wire is cut into pieces about 5 cm. Then a plastic pipe is taken, at the bottom of which a metal mesh is fixed, and then an adapter is attached to the base. This pipe will simultaneously perform two functions - it will become a section of the heating system pipeline and the basis of an induction coil.

The inside of the pipe is completely filled with wire scraps.. They will serve as a material heated by an electromagnetic field, and a fixed metal mesh will prevent them from falling into the pipeline. Then an adapter is also installed on the top of the plastic pipe.

The next stage of work will be the manufacture of the coil. Around the base of a plastic pipe filled with wire scraps, 90 turns of prepared copper wire are carefully wound. The wire should be located in the middle of the pipe.

The finished device is installed using adapters in the gap of the pipeline of the heating system. Installation is strictly vertical.

After installation, the coil should be connected to a high-frequency inverter, and the heating system should be filled with coolant. The heating device must be connected to earth. Now you can start using the heating device made by yourself.

To prevent heat loss and a more aesthetic appearance, a heat-insulating casing should be made.

Also watch a video on how to make induction heating with your own hands:

A study of consumer demand in the boiler equipment market shows that most of the buyers who use electricity for heating their homes prefer modern factory-made induction boilers equipped with various security systems, powerful and economical. Such heating equipment of a new generation is becoming more popular every year.

Autonomous heating in a private house is a very difficult and important task that can be solved using electric boilers. Currently, there are not only models on heating elements, but also more economical products - electrode and induction. The induction electric boiler is very popular due to its high efficiency, and, accordingly, less energy consumed for space heating. Let us consider in more detail the possibilities of induction boiler equipment, its advantages and disadvantages.

The principle of operation and the device of the induction heater

Induction is a physical phenomenon based on eddy currents, which was discovered and investigated by the French physicist J. B. L. Foucault. Induction boiler equipment in its work uses Foucault currents, which operate on the principle of the same electromagnetic induction.

An alternating voltage is supplied to the coil, an electromagnetic field is formed, which provokes the appearance of eddy currents that heat the metal. Water is heated in a heat exchanger and, circulating through the system, heats the premises in a private house.

Modern heating units based on induction consist of the following elements:

  • heat exchanger or core;
  • terminal box;
  • inductor;
  • control cabinet;
  • conductors;
  • inlet and outlet pipes.

For ease of use of the equipment, additional elements may be included in its design. In fact, this type of boiler is an inductor, which is placed in a small but very heavy iron alloy case.

In this case, instead of the core in some devices, an ordinary metal tube with a coolant is mounted. However, the presence of a core increases the heat transfer area.

Such a system has a high degree of reliability, since the induction coil is firmly sealed in a sealed housing, not in direct contact with the coolant. The occurrence of holes in the turns is almost impossible, since they are not wound too tightly, and in addition they are filled with a special insulating compound.

All this is enclosed in a thick-walled massive body, which guarantees a long service life. Manufacturers give a guarantee for 5-10 years, but the sellers of boiler equipment say that an induction electric boiler can last about 30 years without maintenance.

Design features of two types of boilers

Before purchasing an induction electric boiler for autonomous heating of a house, you need to decide which type of equipment is most suitable for your case.

There are two types of electric boilers based on eddy currents used to heat the coolant - SAV and VIN (eddy current), which have characteristic differences.

  • The SAV electric boiler does not require an inverter for its operation. In this case, the voltage from the network at 50 hertz is applied directly to the winding (coil). As a result, the secondary winding, which is a system of metal pipes of the heat exchanger, is heated by Foucault currents, quickly heating the water. The coolant with the help of a circulation pump moves along the circuit of the heating system forcibly.

SAV type induction boilers are produced for voltages of 220V and 380V. Equipment with a power of 2.5 kW can heat a room up to 30 m2. You can buy this SAV electric boiler unit, together with automation and a control unit, for 27,000 - 32,000 rubles.

  • Induction electric boilers type VIN (vortex). These are new generation models that require a special inverter that converts the frequency of the electrical network. This technical solution makes it possible to make structures smaller and lighter than SAV type equipment. In this case, the heat exchanger is made of a ferromagnetic alloy, and not only the heat exchanger, but also the unit body acts as a magnetic circuit and a secondary winding.

An induction boiler of the VIN type with a power of 3 kW will easily heat a room with an area of ​​40 m2. The VIN electric boiler in a complete set with an automation unit, a pump and a circulation pump costs a little more - from 37,000 to 40,000 rubles.

Advantages of electric induction boilers for heating

Sellers of boiler equipment are scattered in praise, talking about the exceptional characteristics of induction units. Some of the words are really true, the other part is fiction. For example, consultants say that induction devices save up to 30% of electricity compared to electric boilers on a heating element. However, the claim is somewhat exaggerated.

The fact is that both types of boiler equipment consume approximately the same amount of electricity. But induction boilers heat the coolant faster than a heating element, also due to the lower inertia of the system. Therefore, if you turn off the unit in time, when the room has warmed up enough, then indeed the electricity bills will be less. In this case, it is better to equip the heating system with automation with a control unit.

The efficiency of the induction boiler is really very high and is close to ± 98%, like that of heating elements or electrode devices. However, induction electric boilers for heating a private house cost more than conventional heating elements. The control unit and automation, a special alloy body and winding increase the cost of equipment. At the same time, like other technical devices, induction heating boilers have advantages and disadvantages.

We list the main advantages of electric induction boilers:

  • high reliability, however, it must not be allowed that there is no liquid in the system;
  • any type of coolant can be used;
  • there is no need to replace any elements of the device;
  • scale does not form due to constant high-frequency vibration;
  • long service life of the boiler up to 30-35 years;
  • saving resources up to 25% due to the heating rate;
  • monolithic ferroalloy housing eliminates the possibility of leakage;
  • do not require a separate room and arrangement of ventilation;
  • small size - a pipe segment from 40 cm to 1 m in length;
  • silent during operation;
  • does not need service;
  • the coolant heats up very quickly - in 5-7 minutes;
  • autonomous system of work;
  • simple installation.

The disadvantages of these units can be called a large weight with small dimensions - from 30 to 40 kilograms, as well as the high cost of equipment. In addition, for cottages of 2-3 floors, an additional high-power circulation pump will be required.

Features of installation of induction heaters

Current induction electric boilers for heating should only be installed in a closed circuit with a membrane expansion tank and a circulation pump. Forced circulation is needed primarily due to the fact that intense heating and a small volume of the heat exchanger prevent the creation of natural circulation, the water will boil before the conditions for gravitational circulation are created.

In the event that an induction heating electric boiler is used as a heat generator, then it is necessary to use plastic pipelines in the circuit or to isolate metal pipes from the boiler by installing plastic fittings. The boiler must be provided with mandatory and high-quality grounding.

Installation requirements, as for all electric boilers: from the surface of the floor or ceiling - 80 cm, from the wall - 30 cm Installation of a safety unit, which includes a pressure gauge, air and safety valves, is mandatory as for all closed heating systems. In private homes, they usually use a standard connection system.

Installation of induction boilers must be carried out in accordance with the instructions or requirements specified in the technical data sheet. The device must be located strictly in a vertical position, the lower inlet pipe is connected to the return, the upper, respectively, to the supply. For this, only metal or metal-plastic pipes should be used.

If you decide to install an electric boiler yourself, you need to remember about grounding. In the immediate vicinity, it is necessary to install a safety group control cabinet, at the inlet - filters and a flow sensor.

During the acquisition, you need to carefully look at the power of the equipment, which does not fall during use. The optimal ratio is 60 W per 1 m2. In order to calculate this characteristic, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of all rooms.

If there is not enough thermal insulation, you need to take a more powerful heating boiler. Current induction units can maintain a low temperature in rarely used rooms. Accordingly, an electric boiler of 6 kW is quite suitable for a house.

Thus, the simplest and most optimal solution for heating is the installation of an electric boiler. They are really more economical due to the lower inertia of the system, reliability (if you use well-thought-out technology and high-quality materials) and good operation of automation, which includes only a system to maintain the temperature. This equipment is mounted as a backup in private homes and for heating offices and trade pavilions.

Today, induction boilers are considered indispensable for heating a private house: energy prices are rising continuously. Modernization of existing generators does not always give the expected result, so many people are interested in new heating methods.

How does an induction boiler work?

An induction boiler is essentially a set of tubes with a tip representing an inductor. The principle of operation of such a device is to convert electricity into an electromagnetic field. When the core of the device is heated, excess heat is transferred to the carrier, which can be almost any liquid: water, antifreeze (based on ethylene glycol) or oil. This choice is especially important for areas with large temperature differences, where abnormally cold temperature periods are not uncommon.

Induction heaters are more expensive than heating elements, however, payback in harsh temperature conditions is many times faster. Frequent operation of heating elements leads to relatively rapid combustion, and heat transfer due to scale is seriously reduced. For example, a layer thickness of 0.5 mm reduces heat transfer by approximately 10%, and over time this figure only increases. The power of the heating element drops by 40% in four years of use, while the latest generations of induction boilers are energy efficient. Such units reduce operating costs by 30% or more.

Interesting! When heating a room of 200 square meters, the efficiency of an induction heating boiler will decrease by 0% in five years, and the percentage of efficiency of a heating element heater will decrease by 3 times.

Types of electric induction boilers

Before choosing an induction boiler for heating, you should familiarize yourself with its varieties and features. Two options are offered on the modern market - for heating and hot water supply SAV and VIN(vortex induction):

  1. On the actual inductor SAV converters a current is supplied with a frequency of 50 Hz. A closed circuit of pipes filled with coolant acts as a secondary winding and a heat exchanger for such boilers. The induction current very quickly heats the coolant in the interweaving of pipes, which allows you to maximize the performance of the boiler. The boilers are powered by 220V and 380V power supply. The SAV unit releases thermal energy of 2100 kcal/hour and is able to heat a room with an area of ​​25-30 sq.m. The price in the configuration with an automatic unit is around 30 thousand rubles.
  2. Induction boilers VIN differ from the first group in that the current is already converted into high-frequency current on the primary winding, due to which the total strength of the magnetic fields increases significantly. The body and the inside of the boiler are made of a special alloy that provokes significant heating. In such a design, not only a set of pipes, but also all body parts act as a heat exchanger. Wines are capable of releasing up to 2500 kcal/hour to warm up an area of ​​about 30-40 sq.m. The price, complete with an automation unit, a circular pump and fittings, is approximately 36-38 thousand rubles.

DIY induction boiler

In this time of savings, everyone seeks to find a more rational way of investing, and is no exception to this rule. You can save money by making the induction unit yourself. This does not require a global redevelopment of the house and special knowledge - only minimal skills and elementary familiarization with the structure of the heater are enough.

More simple models induction units are arranged according to the principle of an inductor coil, consisting of two windings - primary and secondary. In the primary winding, electricity is converted into a vortex flow, the secondary is a heating element and a boiler shell, through which heat is generated. The body is a core, outer circuit, electrical insulation and thermal insulation.

For self-assembly of an induction boiler, the following materials will be required:

  • The tool is professional;
  • Pieces of copper and steel wire with a diameter of up to 7 mm;
  • Thick-walled plastic pipe;
  • Metal grid;
  • Welding machine of inverter type.

A plastic tube with an inner diameter of 50mm is used not only as an induction coil, but also as a heat conductor. Pieces of steel wire are placed in the electromagnetic field, which are pre-cut into pieces 50-70 mm long. Special adapters are used to connect the mechanism with a system of pipes, where on the one hand the heat carrier enters cold, and on the other hand it exits heated under the influence of induction.

Important! When making an induction boiler on your own, the first adapter must be connected by welding, and the second can be threaded.

The inner space of the tube is filled with cut pieces of wire, after which the structure is securely closed on both sides. For the manufacture of an induction coil, about 100 turns of copper wire are wound on a plastic case, and the distance between them should be the same. After assembling a homemade inductor, it is installed and connected to the heating system.

Attention! To make the use of the boiler absolutely safe, all visible sections of the copper wire should be insulated with suitable materials with high thermal and electrical conductivity.

Price comparison for induction heating boilers

In the modern market of thermal units, induction-type devices of brands are presented: SAV, Vin, Miratron. Russian manufacturers offer models with the following characteristics and estimated prices.

Would you like to equip your home with efficient and at the same time cost-effective heating? Then be sure to pay attention to modern induction boilers. Such units are characterized by high performance and at the same time have an extremely simple design, so you can easily handle the assembly of an induction heating boiler with your own hands. The operation of the equipment in question is based on the use of induction electrical energy.

Such boilers are absolutely safe and environmentally friendly. During their operation, no by-products are released that can harm a person and the environment.

By design, such boilers are a kind of electrical inductors, which include two short-circuited windings.

So, the internal winding is responsible for converting the incoming electrical energy into special eddy currents. An electric field is formed in the unit, which subsequently enters the secondary coil. The latter simultaneously performs the functions of the heating element of the heating unit and the boiler body.

The secondary winding is responsible for the transfer of the resulting energy directly to the coolant of the heating system. Special oils, non-freezing liquids or pure water are used as a heat carrier in such installations.

The internal winding of the heater is exposed to electricity. As a result, some voltage appears and eddy currents are formed. The generated energy is given to the secondary winding, after which the heating of the core begins. Upon reaching the heating of the entire surface, the coolant will begin to give heat to the radiators, and they to the heated rooms.

Is it rational to assemble the boiler yourself?

Induction heating boilers have the simplest design, there are no difficulties with their assembly. However, you will definitely have to at least carefully study the proposed instructions and make an effort to properly assemble a quality unit.

The reward for your efforts will be efficient and financially profitable heating equipment. To assemble the boiler, you do not need to buy any expensive components - all the necessary elements are sold in ordinary construction, household and other specialized stores.

With proper assembly and proper handling of the finished unit, it will quietly last 20 years or more. The main thing is to do everything in strict accordance with the instructions.

Super-complex tasks are not set for you, and it is almost impossible to make any critical mistakes when assembling an induction boiler according to the instructions.

Assembly of a simple induction boiler

To assemble an induction boiler, you do not need to use any difficult-to-handle tools and expensive materials. All you need is to have at least a basic understanding of the operation of an inverter-type welding machine.

First step. Cut stainless steel wire or wire rod into pieces about 5 cm long. The required diameter of the wire used is 7-8 mm.

Second step. Prepare a plastic pipe to assemble the body of the device. A product with a diameter of about 50 mm will suffice.

Third step. Close the bottom of the main pipe with a fine mesh metal mesh. Select a mesh with such cells so that pieces of loaded stainless steel or wire rod cannot pass through them.

Fourth step. Completely fill the body with wire or rod, and then close the free opening of the tube with a second metal mesh.

Fifth step. Carefully and as tightly as possible, wind about 90 turns of copper wire around the middle part of the case.

Sixth step. Connect special adapters to the heater body for tapping into the heating or plumbing system. The scheme is extremely simple: water enters the heater through one adapter - heats up almost instantly - exits the heating system through the second adapter - batteries and pipes give off heat to the serviced room.

As a result of such simple manipulations, you will get an inexpensive and extremely easy-to-assemble device for efficient heating. The advantage of using a homemade induction boiler is that there is no need to allocate a separate boiler room for its installation. You simply cut out a part of the pipe near the entrance to the radiator and fix your homemade heater in its place.

Important: do not turn on the heater if there is no coolant in the heating system. In such a situation, the plastic body of the heater will simply melt and all your work will go down the drain.

Be sure to securely ground your homemade heater.

The device of the vortex induction heating unit

The assembly of such a unit will require you to have certain skills in handling a welding machine, as well as a three-phase transformer. The advantage of the vortex heater is the absence in its composition of elements that are not capable of enduring intense loads for a long time. That is, the risk of an early failure of the boiler is reduced by an order of magnitude.

Also among the advantages of the considered unit should be attributed the absence of detachable connections. This allows you to completely forget about the risk of leaks.

A homemade vortex induction boiler operates in an almost silent mode. This allows you to mount it anywhere you want. There are no harmful emissions either, so you don’t have to worry about the need to equip a reliable boiler room and install a chimney.

First step. Weld a pair of metal pipes with a diameter of about 2.5 cm to each other so that the result is a round product. The resulting workpiece is both the heating element of the boiler and its core.

Second step. Install the resulting circle in a plastic pipe of a suitable size.

Third step. Winding on a plastic case from materials you already know. Thanks to such a winding, the efficiency and productivity of the unit will be significantly increased.

Fourth step. Place the plastic housing in a good quality insulating bag. It will prevent possible leakage of electric current and will contribute to a significant reduction in heat loss.

Heating will be carried out due to the contact of the coolant with the same winding. Winding and all further actions are performed in the same way as in the case of an ordinary induction installation, discussed in the previous instructions.

Important notes on installation and use of the boiler

Homemade induction boilers are extremely easy to assemble, install and operate. However, before you start using this kind of heater, you need to know a few important rules, namely:

It is strongly recommended to equip the boiler nozzle with a blast valve. Through this simple device, you can, if necessary, rid the system of excess air, normalizing the pressure and ensuring optimal operating conditions.

Thus, from inexpensive materials using the simplest tools, you can assemble a complete installation for efficient space heating and water heating. Follow the instructions, remember the special recommendations, and very soon you will be able to enjoy the warmth in your own home.

Successful work!

Video - DIY induction boiler