Houses and bathhouses made of cedar carriage, hand-cutting of a log house according to Norwegian technology. Unusual houses from the Norwegian gun carriage - directly from the contractor in the Moscow region

House catalog

gun carriage

gun carriage

Lafet (laft) is a log, the section of which resembles a vertical oval with straight sides. Due to this, when building houses from such logs, walls with a smooth outer and inner surface are obtained, which are more convenient to finish in the future.

This method of processing logs originates in the Scandinavian countries, which is why it is called the “Norwegian gun carriage”. Initially, its use was due not only to the desire to achieve a reliable connection of logs and a more aesthetic appearance of the walls, but also to economic considerations: the side surfaces of the logs (croaker) were used in the decoration of roofs and floors. The carriage is also called a half-beam, and the connection with which logs of this type are connected is the “Norwegian castle”.

Advantages of the gun carriage

The advantages of the Norwegian gun carriage are due to the shape of the log and the features of the lock connection, which has a complex shape. The carriage is chosen because of the following characteristics:

The price of a Norwegian gun carriage per cube

We offer high quality Norwegian gun carriages at low prices. The price is for a wall kit for the project.

Our houses from the gun carriage

We build houses from the Norwegian carriage of our own production, which has an affordable price per cubic meter.

Advantages of the Norwegian carriage

As a rule, masonry walls do not need to be finished, since they themselves look aesthetically pleasing and do not need additional insulation. It is enough to treat wood with protective compounds. Walls made of round timber take up some of the interior space of the room, and it is not easy to place shelves or other accessories on the walls. With the walls of the carriage, this problem does not arise, the laying of communications and the placement of furniture can be done without wasting time.

The logs connected in the Norwegian castle are wedged under their own weight, and each of them is securely fixed in its place. Over time, the strength of the connection will only increase.

Building a house from a Norwegian gun carriage

Roofing in houses from the Norwegian gun carriage is also usually mounted according to traditional Scandinavian technology. The pediments form a single whole with the slegs, and the slegs and the horse act as a support for the roof - strong logs connecting the pediments.

Building a house from a Norwegian carriage is a more laborious process than using a round log, but the additional labor costs are fully justified by the improvement in performance and the aesthetic qualities of the building.

There are many cutting methods, but the Norwegian gun carriage house stands alone on the list. The fact is that the technology allows you to fully realize the possibilities of wood and manual felling, thanks to the special geometry of the grooves and bowls. As a result, the project of the house not only withstands the destructive impact of time, but only hardens under its own weight with the course of shrinkage. Let us consider in more detail how the masters manage to put into practice such wonderful qualities of this architectural style.

Distinctive features of the method

It should be noted right away that the Norwegian carriage house has not only its own unique features, but also all the undeniable advantages inherent in log houses in general.

1 First of all, the positive aspects of living in houses of this kind relate to the qualities of the wood itself. The material is primarily environmentally friendly, which becomes one of the most attractive sides for the city dweller, who is used to living in smoky cities surrounded by composites. The activity of the Norwegian gun carriage in environments with high temperature or humidity is zero. Most synthetic building materials, on the other hand, emit harmful compounds under various influences, for example, thermal and ultraviolet, up to those that stimulate the growth of cancer cells.

2 In terms of heat saving and sound insulation, it is difficult to find equal logs of hand-cut logs. Of course, these parameters largely depend on the diameter of the elements used. A Norwegian carriage house with walls of more than 300 mm can be safely operated without additional layers of insulation. All year round, a unique comfortable microclimate will be maintained in the carriage house: in winter, all the heat will be securely “locked” in the house, and in the summer heat, thick walls will keep cool. At the same time, the "breathing" structure of the tree allows you to constantly maintain the required level of humidity and oxygen balance in the premises.

3 The aesthetic component of any carriage house project is a hallmark of the felling as a whole. Processing fully reveals and emphasizes the patterned unique structure of the material, which becomes a unique decoration of the interior and exterior. Thanks to such features, the finish becomes an excess that will only spoil all the unique natural beauty of the hand-crafted material. The very form of the Norwegian carriage, on the one hand, gives a special individuality to the concept of a turnkey log house, and on the other hand, is quite universal in terms of style. The fact is that the two-edged half-beam itself, as it is also called, is produced by squeezing two opposite sidewalls, after which the remaining semicircular sections are processed by removing the bark. They work by hand, using an electric planer to increase productivity. As a result, the walls of the turnkey Norwegian house are flat, and since the logs are thick, the crowns remain very high and solid (we will talk about their sizes in more detail below). Such flat walls are the main distinguishing feature of this method, and the versatility lies in the fact that they are in perfect harmony with both classic interior design and the most modern.

4 If we talk about the qualities of the material itself, processed according to this technique, it is important to emphasize the special geometry of the grooves. The elements, with the help of which the crowns of the Norwegian house from the gun carriage are articulated, acquire a complex form, which can only be competently realized by a highly qualified master with many years of experience behind him. The fact is that competently processed logs fit snugly against each other and “tightly” wedged over time. The joints are completely protected from atmospheric influences, like rain or wind, over the years there will be no gaps between the elements, and the structure will only gain strength. The company "Vityaz-Stroy" specializes in the construction of houses from the gun carriage, our specialists have the proper qualifications, the necessary tools and extensive experience in the construction of such projects!

Features of the Norwegian carriage

Building a house from a gun carriage involves the use of materials, which are also called a half-beam.

The production of elements begins with the selection of wood. Suitable for the implementation of Norwegian house projects are pine, cedar or larch, which have grown to a diameter of 320 or more millimeters in diameter. They work with northern wood of a natural level of humidity, winter harvesting.

Even at the stage of natural drying, the Norwegian gun carriage is prepared accordingly, so that large cracks do not appear on the surface. For this purpose, longitudinal cuts are made. After assembly, the structure is subjected to shrinkage for several years, which leads to a decrease in the size of the section. One-story Norwegian house designs can be reduced by up to 50mm in height, and two-story designs by up to 150mm, but this is more than offset by the uniquely large size of the hand-finished log. The thickness of the finished Norwegian carriage usually reaches 240-280 millimeters, and the height is at least 300-400. By the way, the slabs removed during sawing are used to prepare the roof and subfloor. They will also look very stylish as a final ceiling finish in a bar or billiard area with subdued lighting.

Advantages of the technique

  • As mentioned earlier, the construction of a Norwegian house involves the creation of a complex castle. The connection becomes an insurmountable obstacle to any atmospheric phenomena. In addition, the implementation of Norwegian house projects is carried out using high crowns, for example, about 10-12 crowns are used per floor, which is much less than with other felling methods. As a result, the number of joints is minimal, which also has a positive effect on the amazing thermal insulation properties of such a project of a carriage house.
  • If you buy a house, you will get a structure with equal thickness of the walls along their entire length. In this case, the technical characteristics of the building will be the same in all areas, which also favorably affects sound and heat insulation. According to these parameters, the Norwegian gun carriage is almost five times better than brick. The wall obtained as a result of laying a half-beam does not have bulges, which complicate the installation of hanging furniture, communications and slightly hide the usable area.
  • Additional processing of the walls is excluded, except that they need to be antiseptic from time to time and tinted with varnish or paint for the desired shade. In this case, the defeat of microorganisms and the occurrence of foci of destruction of the Norwegian house from the gun carriage does not threaten at all.
  • In addition, if you buy a house from a carriage, then you don’t have to worry about the strength of your new home. A special lock prevents the logs from twisting, under their own weight they wedged even more tightly, cracks and deformations do not appear, and the technique is certainly the leader in terms of rigidity and stability. The price of a carriage house is the only weakness of the method, but the resulting properties more than compensate for the costs.
  • It is fair to say that the way of connecting the elements of a Norwegian house from a carriage on a turnkey basis is similar to the Russian felling “in the oblo”, in which protruding ends remain. The difference lies in the hidden spike, which is included in the previously prepared groove of the opposite log.
  • During shrinkage, small shallow cracks appear on the surface of the material. This effect is a distinctive stylistic feature of the method, which can be enjoyed if you buy a Norwegian house. It is worth noting that there is no deterioration in the qualities of the material, neither in terms of insulation nor in terms of durability, since the cracks are very small and shallow.

Assembling the project of the Norwegian house

The construction of a carriage house begins with the development and approval of the architectural design of the Norwegian house. All aspects of the future design are being worked out, starting with communications and ending with volumetric modeling of the structure on the selected type of foundation.

The price of the house from the carriage follows partly from the method of preparing the material. It takes place in several stages: harvesting wood, debarking and surface treatment of the log, cutting grooves and bowls, and then drilling holes for dowels, if necessary.

Initially, draft bowls are marked, corresponding to the profile of the transverse crown, which are cut roughly with a chainsaw. Thus, it is possible to quickly remove the main part of the material. For maximum accuracy, use the level. At the final stage of preparation for the final felling, the crowns are adjusted and marked.

The grooves in the construction of a house from a gun carriage are also cut by hand. At the same time, they use an ax, and to simplify the work, vertical cuts are first applied with a chainsaw. Naturally, the complexity of the process affects the price of a carriage house.

The holes for the dowels are drilled with a drill with a diameter of 30 mm, after marking them in a checkerboard pattern. You can buy a house from a gun carriage with pins located in increments of up to two meters. The considered component enters the lower crown of the structure by no more than 150 mm.

However, the work of the masters does not end there. On our territory, we assemble the structure without pins in order to finally fit the elements to each other and eliminate all the shortcomings. The laboriousness of the technique, along with the selected type of wood, become the main factors on which the price of a carriage house depends.

After disassembly, the numbered parts are sent to your territory. On a pre-prepared foundation, the final assembly begins. The first crowns are installed on pre-prepared mortgage boards, the thickness of which reaches 60 mm. They are preliminarily antiseptic. Given that the construction of a carriage house at this stage is carried out using heavy elements, it is preferable to carry out work with a crane. The crowns are adjusted with the help of manual labor and scaffolding, at the same stage window and door openings are sawn out with their subsequent trimming.

The assembly of gables is also carried out from the gun carriage, by analogy with the technique of mounting a log house. Ridge beams and slats are fixed with a notch, which ensures proper strength. Once again, it is worth recalling that buying a house from a gun carriage means acquiring a truly durable and thoughtful design that will serve literally for centuries.

At the final stage, the ends of the gables are sawn in accordance with the selected slope and type of roof. The price of the house from the gun carriage is finally verified at this stage. Experts recommend insulated options.

The project of the Norwegian house, in order not to disturb the geometry during installation and shrinkage, is strengthened in all vertical sections. This step will partially compensate for the deformations that, in exceptional cases, may occur during uneven shrinkage of the structure.

When planning to buy a house from Vityaz-Stroy, you can be sure of the quality of execution and compliance with all deadlines! Over the years of work, we have implemented dozens of projects of our clients who live in high-quality log houses and enjoy bathing in log saunas. At the same time, the price of a carriage house from the Vityaz-Stroy company is one of the advantages of cooperation with us.

A carriage is a log sawn from two opposite sides.

Carriage made of rounded logs is a log that has undergone mechanized processing on special equipment, as a result of which a log is even along the entire length and sawn from both sides. We call such material a calibrated carriage.

The carriage itself resembles a profiled beam, but with a semicircular groove, like a rounded log. Corner connection is made in a bowl with a release. Corner joints are manufactured at the Customer's site.

For the production of a calibrated gun carriage, we select the best wood of the Arkhangelsk region. High density, increased strength, beautiful wood texture are the result of the harsh conditions of forest growth in the Arkhangelsk region.

The carriage house has a special appearance, and the smooth surface of the walls is functional for the implementation of design solutions (surface cladding, furniture arrangement, etc.). In addition, when comparing identical projects from the OCB and the carriage from it, the latter wins in a smaller amount of material, respectively, in saving money spent on transporting the material.

Prices for carriages made of logs

Construction of houses from a gun carriage Find out how much it costs to build a house or a bathhouse from a cedar, pine or larch carriage, equipment, stages and cost of turnkey construction

Norwegian manual cabin from a gun carriage

Manual cutting from a gun carriage, unlike calibrated logs or glued boards, requires the most careful attitude to the quality of the round wood. Only selected large-sized wood can be used to make real houses from a gun carriage.

The white Canadian cedar is significantly inferior to the Siberian mountain cedar in all the main parameters: the size of the trunk, the density of the wood, and the healing properties.

The mountain forest, due to the specifics of its growth, is more distinguished by its characteristic pink-red color and aroma, leaving no doubt that the cedar has the property of a real “forest doctor”.

Thanks to the richness of our nature, we are able to build completely unique and, without a doubt, the best wooden log houses in the world from cedar.

Wooden chopped houses and baths attract the attention of many developers with their original beauty, individuality, durability, environmental friendliness and excellent thermal conductivity. Our company will give you the opportunity to build your own house from a cedar carriage, because such a house not only has all the advantages of wooden buildings, but also has a stylish modern look.

Currently, we can order the construction of a country house, country houses and saunas from a gun carriage, for the construction of which we use high-quality winter cedar, pine and larch wood. Houses made of these types of wood have increased strength and can last more than a hundred years!

5 years warranty for all types of work

Log cabin caulking, installation of penetrations, provision of elements for shrinkage

Unique properties of a cedar carriage

The aroma of Siberian cedar has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system of a person, and houses built from it will exude a subtle, barely perceptible and at the same time healing smell throughout the entire period of operation. That is, when ordering the construction of a house from a cedar carriage, you not only give your family a reliable and strong family hearth, but also take care of the health of your family members.

Larch is an elite wood for your home!

Larch is the most expensive wood material used for the construction of residential buildings. Its price was formed due to the unique aesthetic properties and strength qualities of this material. The fact is that, unlike other types of wood, larch does not lose its hardness over time, but on the contrary, it becomes as strong as stone.

Speaking about the beauty of this tree species, it is impossible to ignore its unique texture and delicate color.

Typically, the height of the crown in a contract for a pine and larch frame is: from 280 to 380 mm, for a frame from mountain cedar: from 350 to 650 mm.

Visually, the difference in the height of the crowns emphasizes a certain status of a log house from a gun carriage, as a rare, exclusive item worthy of a true connoisseur.

The wall thickness specified in the contract is strictly observed for all external and internal walls. Norwegian standard for permanent residences is 220 mm for pine log cabins. For the mountain larch carriage, we provide a minimum wall thickness of 240 mm, since this denser and resinous wood is very beautiful, but cold.

In cedar houses, the wall thickness can be 280 mm; we use such a powerful carriage, provided that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house exceeds 400 m². In this case, for the sake of external aesthetics, it makes sense to deprive yourself of some internal space of residential and utility rooms.

After manufacturing at the factory, the log cabin is disassembled, packed and transported to the Customer's site, complete with everything necessary for assembly at the construction site of the house.

Decorative details of interior and exterior decoration of balconies, terraces, architraves are selected individually.

Prices and construction stages Your dream home is more affordable than you think

Two stages of construction of a log house from a gun carriage:

  • - making a log house;
  • - 1st floor - height 2.8 m "clean" to the 1st floor;
  • - 2nd floor - height - 3.5 m "clean" to the roof ridge;
  • - assembly of a log house on the foundation.

All our heights are “clean”, which means that they are always given taking into account interfloor ceilings and shrinkage of the log house, the areas of terraces and balconies are not taken into account in the total footage of the log house.

The foundation and roofing can be made by the Customer after the approval of the log house project. The terms of the guarantee - 5 years for the log house (and the assembly of the log house) - are preserved. All this is fixed in the contract for the manufacture of a log house.

The cost of a log cabin

Construction and assembly

    1. FOUNDATION * "Rostverk", depth 1.8 meters, monolithic reinforced concrete pillars with a section of 400x400mm with monolithic "heels", a monolithic reinforced concrete beam for all load-bearing walls of the log house, section 400x400mm, reinforced floor slab or reinforced concrete slabs under the fireplace and chimneys in accordance with the project, concrete M300.

    2. LOG MANUFACTURING At the factory, double antiseptic, transport coloring, disassembly and packaging, loading, delivery.

    3. LOG ASSEMBLY On the Customer's site, taking into account the rent of a truck crane. The log house is fully equipped with the necessary materials for assembly - flax fiber, birch dowels, compensators, etc.

4. ROOF INSTALLATION* Includes a complete roof pie with ventilation, made of high quality materials. Flexible tile "TEGOLA", Natural tile, Seam - Steel or Copper roofing, Paroc Extra 200mm basalt insulation or analogues, Italian diffusion membrane, additional waterproofing, OSB 12 mm, decorative aprons, metal gutter system, sliding rafter system, decorative type-setting "frontal "board, decorative filing of roof overhangs, made of planed board or bar 40x40mm, in all configurations - pine and cedar houses.

*foundation and roofing can be performed by the Customer after the approval of the project of the house.

Warranty conditions - 5 years for a log house (and a log house assembly) - are preserved. All this is fixed in the CONTRACT FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF THE LOG HOUSE.

Turnkey construction Entrust us with all the cares of creating a house

*Price per square meter based on floor area.

(the turnkey package does not include furniture, plumbing fixtures, light sources, stone foundation finishing)

The turnkey package includes the highest quality materials and components for all types of work:

1. Sanding and painting

internal and external walls of the log house is carried out using a sanding belt No. 40 and No. 80, paint for external and internal walls - Remmers, Teknos, Biofa.

2. Windows

wooden glued beam with a section of 80x80 mm, industrially painted with Zowosan paints (Germany), Mako opening system, two-chamber "winter" double-glazed window 42 mm (three glasses), high-quality plastic windows

Thanks to modern wood processing technologies, it is possible to realize any design ideas and solutions. The texture of wood is diverse and attractive, it brings warmth, comfort and psychological peace to the home. A classic in a modern interpretation is the construction of a house from a gun carriage. The interior of the log cabin from the gun carriage emphasizes the inextricable link between the house and the surrounding nature. Our craftsmen create interiors of unique beauty and variety, each of which was original and unique.

Residential houses and bathhouses built from a gun carriage have a lot of useful properties, among which natural beauty, strength, lightness and, undoubtedly, the absence of adhesive compositions have a positive effect on your health.

Thanks to the new equipment, you can choose the type of processing of the walls of the house, the bath from the gun carriage.

Norwegian gun carriage

The Norwegian gun carriage is obtained after sawing the log from both sides. The logs are selected by size so as not to get one carriage small, the other large in height. The blanks for the carriage lie in the warehouse from 6 months to 1.5 years. They naturally dry out. Humidity usually reaches 16-20%. From the dried logs, the fire monitors of the bathhouse are cut.

Calibrated carriage

For the manufacture of a calibrated carriage, the log is additionally sawn from above and below. The edges of such a gun carriage can be of a natural uneven appearance or planed on a machine. The workpiece on the "calibrated carriage" necessarily passes through the drying chamber. After drying, the gun carriage is planed from 2 sides or profiled (like a groove / comb on a bar).

Faceted gun carriage

To get a faceted carriage, in the process of sawing a log and obtaining a rectangular blank, the carriage is placed on the edge and each corner is cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Thus obtaining 8 coal blanks. Then it is also dried, planed.

View in Shuvoi — 90 km from MKAD

All this can be visually seen at our production site in the village of Shuvoe. 90 km from Moscow is not such a long distance. Sawing, drying chambers, workshops, the process of carriage production and felling.

Before you start construction, you must definitely work out, model your fire monitor house, bathhouse. The specialists of our company, together with you, will create a model of your house, taking into account your wishes and the technical equipment of the future magnificent house, bath. Working since 1995 on the market of individual building - we ask everyone to adhere to the principle - if you don’t know what you want to get at the end of the construction, it’s better not to start building!

Director of the construction company
Dmitry Sachkov

The price of a Norwegian gun carriage

The thickness of the wall of the house / bath Wood species, price per 1 m³
Pine Cedar Larch
160 to 200 mm 20500 rubles 26500 rubles 26000 rubles
200 to 240 mm 21500 rubles 28500 rubles 28000 rubles
240 to 280 mm 23500 rubles 30500 rubles 30000 rubles
280 to 400 mm negotiable, price after discussion of the project

The first rule in construction: first we plan - then we build. The main things to answer the question of how much it costs and why is the development of a project for a house, a bathhouse and an estimate for each stage of work. When creating a project, together with you we will take into account and visualize all the premises, understand the location of the house on the site, and get facade views. Data on the volume of material used, roof area, insulation, window and door sizes will be automatically generated by the modern program. Based on these, an estimate for the construction of a house will be drawn up.

Chamber drying carriage

The use of a dry gun carriage significantly reduces the time it takes for a house to be ready for occupancy.

Wood drying takes place in a vacuum drying chamber. During the drying process, up to 200 kg of moisture is removed from 1 cubic meter of wood. Shrinkage of the house from a dry gun carriage is minimal.

For the construction of log cabins from a dry gun carriage, we have equipped a closed felling area of ​​1200 m².