Anna Gavrilova bad character unmarried

    Rated the book

    It's kind of a never-ending groundhog day. The heroes woke up, the heroine was combed, they had breakfast, went to work, dined, dined and plunged into the abyss of passion. No, of course, the events were a little diluted with homesickness and thoughts of returning, but all this faded against the background of breakfasts, dressing, dinners and the road from the bedroom to the office in a state of constant sexual arousal. Time after time, day after day. If I'm not mistaken, it lasted about a week. Seven rises, seven breakfasts, seven dinners... The situation was not even saved by the fact that the heroine (27 years old, accountant, blonde, five extra pounds) finally had no bed problems, but on the infantile hero, the author pulled off to the fullest - A man's puberty is in full swing. When there were thirty pages left to the end, I could no longer hide my fears: is there really a second volume waiting for me?! But thanks to the author, I managed to stir up at least some intrigue and climax on a couple of pages, make the heroes sort themselves out, get married quickly and finally put the financial management of the kingdom on the shoulders of our Komsomol member. Well, figly, she kept accounting ...

    Rated the book

    This book was given to me with a serious face and captivating confidence in the correctness of their actions. You will definitely like it, they told me...
    I didn’t quite believe it, but I grabbed the book before I looked at the author’s name, or at least looked at the cover. Grasping reflex.
    My reflexes have always worked better than my brain.
    I don’t hesitate to grab leaflets on the street, and then they offered me a whole book.
    In general, I took the book without looking and felt sad. Well, this is Gavrilova, and everything is so complicated with her that even the relationship between her characters is simpler.
    I was sad for two weeks and realized that something had to be decided. Time passes, the book lies, the adviser waits. Disorder.
    And so I started reading.
    This is where the sad part began. Gavrilova did not betray herself and orphaned history to an indecent state.
    Despite the fact that there is no special plot in the book and everything revolves exclusively around the characters, it was painful.
    The heroine is a hit, the hero is a king (which is no longer even surprising). They must be in love. And for it to happen, the heroine is tied to the hero. Step left, step right - move. It’s just that the heroine has a seal on her and our influential man of the most brutal appearance is far from her, he can’t get away (the heroine, like a punishment from heaven, will overtake him everywhere). And he can't kill her, the seal can't. And all because of what? Because of the temple.
    The king decided to move the ancient temple to another place, but the abbess did not agree. The aged pimp decided that the king was so angry and touched other people's temples with dirty hands because he did not have a woman. Yes, not for the bed - everything is just very good here, the crowd of favorites will not lie - but for the soul.
    The abbess decided so, the goddess agreed. The king got a blond makeweight.
    And it seems that everything is not so scary. The heroine is for the soul. Let them get to know each other, let them get used to each other gradually, reveal themselves as individuals. But this is Gavrilova and a woman for the soul (thanks to the press) first of all became a bed warmer.
    Because what? Because the author is seriously wedges. She needs fucks. And if you need fucks, then the seal deprives the king of male power with any of his favorites, but rewards (although rather punishes) with a constant desire to get under the skirt of our sensible and calm heroine. Desire, by the way, is mutual.
    Well, who could resist?
    Nobody, of course. Because, somewhere in the middle of the book, everything happens there. At night, sex, and in the morning the king from an evil and twitchy boor became a fluffy bunny (twitchy and angry, but a bunny).
    And due to the fact that the king is a bunny, all the troubles in the kingdom were sharply eliminated. Drought? Pests? Shredded rivers? No more.
    Because there is a heroine. Lady, fuck her, Svetlana, who made a divine gift out of the evil king of the bunny.

    Now here I sit and think, but how can I give the book away? I will definitely be asked if I liked it or not. And I didn't like it. And the adviser has a heavy hand and this is her only argument.

    Rated the book

    It seems that Gavrilova is better at series than single volumes. I put it mildly, but now I will swear.
    So, a certain king of some kingdom quarreled with the local religion, for which he is pulled out of the earth as a gift-punishment-blessing. Popadanku - because quite hit. Bezvylazno. And even irresistible. We attached them to each other so that they could not move even thirty paces apart. And they made each of them something like an aphrozodiac for the second. And what’s interesting about me: let’s say the king deserves it, but what is the girl for? Turns out she was the right guy. That is to say, contributed to his enlightenment. And that's all. That is the only reason why she was deprived of her native, familiar world, family, business, thrown into another reality, tied to a boor, made a concubine, for the possession of which the ruler and the country receive bonuses. Is this a romance novel or a female horror?!
    Okay, back to the plot. Which is rather poor - for most of the book they quarrel, eat, sleep, sit next to each other. Only at the end there is a rather unconvincing attempt to revive the plot, and that does not make much weather, but only reduces to how the love story should end.
    And now the main thing that disturbed me. When, that's when she managed to fall in love with this world and the main character? When did he bully her? Or when he cheated? They didn't even talk much. They did not talk about their worlds, about the differences between them, about childhood, habits, family, views, tastes. And the world - she saw only a few rooms of the palace, a courtyard, a temple and a nearby city from afar. Away, Carl! And after that, she is reluctant to leave this world, about which she knows nothing. The girl was simply locked up in the palace and placed on state security.
    It's kind of sad. And from a psychological point of view, it is also strange. Where is the shock, the addiction, the attempt to get used to it?
    In general, nothing happened. No characters, no world, no plot, no credibility.

Anna Gavrilova

Bless the king, or Bad character, unmarried!

His Majesty Rinarion was irritated and gloomy. He read the report of the Minister of the Interior, made notes on a separate sheet, and grimaced more and more.

Two personal assistants who were here, in a huge luxurious office, knowing the temper and habits of the monarch, looked at each other and prepared for a thunderstorm.

Just didn't guess. This time the storm came from a completely different, unusual side...

The king tossed the report aside, and just at that moment, a noise came from behind the closed doors of the waiting room. Rinarion and his assistants froze in surprise, for skirmishes in the royal anteroom are nonsense!

But there could be no mistake, someone was really cursing outside. And, judging by the intonations, the verbal skirmish threatened to escalate into a fight. True, it has not grown ...

A few seconds later, before any of those present in the office could react, the doors swung open, and a short, thin old woman in dark clothes and a snow-white dress appeared on the threshold. In the visitor, one could easily guess Mother Laria - the abbess of the First Temple of the Goddess.

Invariably smiling and good-natured, at the moment Laria was seething with anger! She took two steps and, fixing an indignant look at the king, blurted out:

- You wouldn't dare!

Only now the guardsmen posted in the waiting room decided to use force - they jumped up to Lariya and prepared to twist. But it didn't come to violence.

“Leave it,” the king ordered, waving his hand, and the guards retreated.

At the moment when they, obeying Rinarion's new gesture, returned to the waiting room and closed the heavy doors, the abbess pointed her finger at the monarch incriminatingly and hissed:

“I won’t let you, do you hear? I won't let it!

The assistants, who perfectly understood what they were talking about, grimaced and sighed in unison, and the king rolled his eyes tiredly and made the most unpleasant face.

But Laria was not embarrassed by this reaction.

- You wouldn't dare! she repeated sternly. - Never!

Silence reigned in the office. The king casually threw away his pen and, leaning back in a luxurious chair, folded his arms across his chest. He gave the abbess a careful look and snorted. Then he said:

- Mother, let's not waste time and nerves? The issue with your temple has already been resolved, and ...

- Not! Laria exclaimed, stamping her foot.

The beautiful, courageous face of the monarch again distorted the grimace, and bad lights flashed in the eyes of the color of the sky. Only the abbess did not care and did not frighten the mood of his majesty. Taking another step, the old woman lifted her chin and said:

– If you forgot, then I remind you: we are talking about the very first temple dedicated to the Goddess! The temple, which was built two thousand years ago and survived three dozen royal dynasties, four fierce sieges and several wars. This is the greatest shrine! A place where the Goddess, albeit sometimes, but still comes personally!

The last words sounded especially hot, and Rinarion was completely skewed. Yes, he heard those stories about the descent of the Goddess, but let's be honest? Whatever the priests and priests shout about, the gods have not come to the world of people for a long time. They, of course, have something to do with mortals, but this interest should not be exaggerated. To attach special importance to the old pile of stones - too.

“I know everything you said,” the king replied irritably. – And I really appreciate all this historical value and prayerfulness. That is why the temple is not demolished, but simply transferred to another place. Yes, without cellars and catacombs, but with all your heavy altars and other statues.

From these words, the abbess already jumped.

“With all our altars?” she asked hysterically.

For a few seconds, mother indignantly swallowed the air, then, nevertheless, she found the strength to gather herself. blurted out:

- The temple cannot be moved!

“I don’t want that either,” said the monarch. But, alas, there is no choice. Your temple is too out of the general architectural ensemble. It looks ridiculous and interferes with the ennoblement of the palace territory.

- Ridiculous? mother repeated. - Yes, how do you ...

Laria was very loved by the people. Yes, and Rinarion himself always treated the abbess in a special way - there was something very dear and warm in this old woman. It was the kindness of the king that allowed her now to stand, shake her fists and talk in that tone.

Only the patience and mercy of the monarch are not eternal, and, despite the ensuing rage, the abbess of the First Temple understood this. At some point, she paused and sighed. Immediately, she assumed the most majestic air and sent Rinarion a new look - mocking, almost arrogant.

Bless the king, or Bad character, unmarried!


His Majesty Rinarion was irritated and gloomy. He read the report of the Minister of the Interior, made notes on a separate sheet, and grimaced more and more.

Two personal assistants who were here, in a huge luxurious office, knowing the temper and habits of the monarch, looked at each other and prepared for a thunderstorm.

Just didn't guess. This time the storm came from a completely different, unusual side...

The king tossed the report aside, just at that moment a noise came from behind the closed doors of the anteroom. Rinarion and his assistants froze in surprise, for skirmishes in the royal anteroom are nonsense!

But there could be no mistake, someone was really swearing outside. And, judging by the intonations, the verbal skirmish threatened to escalate into a fight. True, it has not grown ...

A few seconds later, before any of those present in the office could react, the doors swung open, and a short, thin old woman in dark clothes and a snow-white dress appeared on the threshold. In the visitor, one could easily guess Mother Laria - the abbess of the First Temple of the Goddess.

Invariably smiling and good-natured, at the moment Laria was seething with anger! She took two steps and, fixing an indignant look at the king, blurted out:

- You wouldn't dare!

Only now the guardsmen posted in the waiting room decided to use force - they jumped up to Lariya and prepared to twist. But it didn't come to violence.

“Leave it,” the king ordered, waving his hand, and the guards retreated ....

At the moment when they, obeying Rinarion's new gesture, returned to the waiting room and closed the heavy doors, the abbess pointed her finger at the monarch incriminatingly and hissed:

“I won’t let you, do you hear? I won't let it!

The assistants, who perfectly understood what they were talking about, grimaced and sighed in unison, and the king rolled his eyes tiredly and made the most unpleasant face.

But Laria was not embarrassed by this reaction.

- You wouldn't dare! she repeated sternly. - Never!

Silence reigned in the office. The king casually threw away his pen and, leaning back in a luxurious chair, folded his arms across his chest. He gave the abbess a careful look and snorted. Then he said:

- Mother, let's not waste time and nerves? The issue with your temple has already been resolved, and ...

- Not! Laria exclaimed, stamping her foot.

The beautiful, courageous face of the monarch again distorted the grimace, and bad lights flashed in the eyes of the color of the sky. Only the abbess did not care and did not frighten the mood of his majesty. Taking another step, the old woman lifted her chin and said:

– If you forgot, then I remind you: we are talking about the very first temple dedicated to the Goddess! The temple, which was built two thousand years ago and survived three dozen royal dynasties, four fierce sieges and several wars. This is the greatest shrine! A place where the Goddess, albeit sometimes, but still comes personally!

The last words sounded especially hot, and Rinarion was completely skewed. Yes, he heard those stories about the descent of the Goddess, but let's be honest? Whatever the priests and priests shout about, the gods have not come to the world of people for a long time. They, of course, have something to do with mortals, but this interest should not be exaggerated. To attach special importance to the old pile of stones - too.

His Majesty Rinarion was irritated and gloomy. He read the report of the Minister of the Interior, made notes on a separate sheet, and grimaced more and more.

Two personal assistants who were here, in a huge luxurious office, knowing the temper and habits of the monarch, looked at each other and prepared for a thunderstorm.

Just didn't guess. This time the storm came from a completely different, unusual side...

The king tossed the report aside, and just at that moment, a noise came from behind the closed doors of the waiting room. Rinarion and his assistants froze in surprise, for skirmishes in the royal anteroom are nonsense!

But there could be no mistake, someone was really cursing outside. And, judging by the intonations, the verbal skirmish threatened to escalate into a fight. True, it has not grown ...

A few seconds later, before any of those present in the office reacted, the doors swung open, and a short, thin old woman in dark clothes and a snow-white dress appeared on the threshold. In the visitor, one could easily guess Mother Laria - the abbess of the First Temple of the Goddess.

Invariably smiling and good-natured, at the moment Laria was seething with anger! She took two steps and, fixing an indignant look at the king, blurted out:

- You wouldn't dare!

Only now the guardsmen posted in the waiting room decided to use force - they jumped up to Lariya and prepared to twist. But it didn't come to violence.

“Leave it,” the king ordered, waving his hand, and the guards retreated.

At the moment when they, obeying Rinarion's new gesture, returned to the waiting room and closed the heavy doors, the abbess pointed her finger at the monarch incriminatingly and hissed:

“I won’t let you, do you hear? I won't let it!

The assistants, who perfectly understood what they were talking about, grimaced and sighed in unison, and the king rolled his eyes tiredly and made the most unpleasant face.

But Laria was not embarrassed by this reaction.

- You wouldn't dare! she repeated sternly. - Never!

Silence reigned in the office. The king casually threw away his pen and, leaning back in a luxurious chair, folded his arms across his chest. He gave the abbess a careful look and snorted. Then he said:

- Mother, let's not waste time and nerves? The issue with your temple has already been resolved, and ...

- Not! Laria exclaimed, stamping her foot.

The beautiful, courageous face of the monarch again distorted the grimace, and bad lights flashed in the eyes of the color of the sky. Only the abbess did not care and did not frighten the mood of his majesty. Taking another step, the old woman lifted her chin and said:

– If you forgot, then I remind you: we are talking about the very first temple dedicated to the Goddess! The temple, which was built two thousand years ago and survived three dozen royal dynasties, four fierce sieges and several wars. This is the greatest shrine! A place where the Goddess, albeit sometimes, but still comes personally!

The last words sounded especially hot, and Rinarion was completely skewed. Yes, he heard those stories about the descent of the Goddess, but let's be honest? Whatever the priests and priests shout about, the gods have not come to the world of people for a long time. They, of course, have something to do with mortals, but this interest should not be exaggerated. To attach special importance to the old pile of stones - too.

“I know everything you said,” the king replied irritably. – And I really appreciate all this historical value and prayerfulness. That is why the temple is not demolished, but simply transferred to another place. Yes, without cellars and catacombs, but with all your heavy altars and other statues.

From these words, the abbess already jumped.

“With all our altars?” she asked hysterically.

For a few seconds, mother indignantly swallowed the air, then, nevertheless, she found the strength to gather herself. blurted out:

- The temple cannot be moved!

“I don’t want that either,” said the monarch. But, alas, there is no choice. Your temple is too out of the general architectural ensemble. It looks ridiculous and interferes with the ennoblement of the palace territory.

- Ridiculous? mother repeated. - Yes, how do you ...

Laria was very loved by the people. Yes, and Rinarion himself always treated the abbess in a special way - there was something very dear and warm in this old woman. It was the kindness of the king that allowed her now to stand, shake her fists and talk in that tone.

Only the patience and mercy of the monarch are not eternal, and, despite the ensuing rage, the abbess of the First Temple understood this. At some point, she paused and sighed. Immediately, she assumed the most majestic air and sent Rinarion a new look - mocking, almost arrogant.

- What else? he snorted angrily.

The abbess shrugged, then squinted her eyes at the royal assistants, as if considering whether to speak in front of them.

“Mother…” Rinarion muttered, feeling inexplicable anxiety. - What do you…

- I? - The old woman no longer screamed, she smiled. With accentuated calm, she straightened the margins of her truia and confessed: “Nothing. I just realized what the problem is with your attitude to the temple of the Goddess.

The feeling of anxiety inexplicably increased, but the king did not want to show anything other than irritation.

- And in what? he asked after a short pause.

Laria smiled wider.

- This problem is very typical for people of your character and position. If you think about it, we have seen such pictures from century to century.

His Majesty's nostrils flared, and a real thunderstorm flashed in his eyes the color of the sky - a common reaction to demagoguery. But the old woman was not frightened, she explained almost affectionately:

“The problem is you don’t have a woman.

Rinarion froze, and after a moment smiled. The feeling of anxiety has not gone away, but the abbess's statement has become truly funny.

The assistants, who listened to the conversation with utmost attention, also did not hide their smiles. And one of them, Sars, could not stand it at all - he laughed out loud.

No woman? Who, Rinara? Yes, he literally bathes in attention, adoration and care! Three official favorites, a dozen more or less permanent mistresses and a whole army of contenders for a hand and a bed!

“Your dissolute lifestyle doesn’t count,” Lariya chuckled, easily guessing the train of thought. - What you have is not intimacy, but stupid physiology.

“Love is never banal,” retorted mother. - And no bed can replace true intimacy!

Now, not only Sars, but the king himself laughed. However, the abbess of the First Temple was not offended, on the contrary.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty," the old woman said confidently. – We will help you. We will pray! Let's ask the Goddess to send you a woman who can touch not only your... hmm... loins, but also your soul. We will ask you to give you true love!

All. The second assistant, Biris, also broke down and burst out laughing. It's just that Rinarion's attitude to all this enthusiastic nonsense was quite definite and well-known. Someone who, but the king definitely won’t fall for this. Anyone but him!

Laria again did not react to a new round of fun. She smiled enigmatically and, proudly lifting her chin, turned to leave. But she was stopped mockingly:

"Mother, what's the point?" Suppose the Goddess hears and even helps, but then what? Do you think that if some special woman appears in my life, then your temple will stand?

The old woman thought for a moment and casually shrugged her shoulders.

“I don't know, your majesty. But why not try?

She left the office to the friendly male laughter, but she still did not feel any inconvenience about such a reaction. The abbess had more important things to do - she tried to remember the sequence of one very ancient and powerful rite ...

Anna Gavrilova



His Majesty Rinarion was irritated and gloomy. He read the report of the Minister of the Interior, made notes on a separate sheet, and grimaced more and more.

Two personal assistants who were here, in a huge luxurious office, knowing the temper and habits of the monarch, looked at each other and prepared for a thunderstorm.

Just didn't guess. This time the storm came from a completely different, unusual side...

The king tossed the report aside, and just at that moment, a noise came from behind the closed doors of the waiting room. Rinarion and his assistants froze in surprise, for skirmishes in the royal anteroom are nonsense!

But there could be no mistake, someone was really cursing outside. And, judging by the intonations, the verbal skirmish threatened to escalate into a fight. True, it has not grown ...

A few seconds later, before any of those present in the office could react, the doors swung open, and a short, thin old woman in dark clothes and a snow-white dress appeared on the threshold. In the visitor, mother Laria, the abbess of the First Temple of the Goddess, was easily guessed.

Invariably smiling and good-natured, at the moment Laria was seething with anger! She took two steps and, fixing an indignant look at the king, blurted out:

You wouldn't dare!

Only now the guardsmen posted in the waiting room decided to use force - they jumped up to Lariya and prepared to twist. But it didn't come to violence.

Leave, - waving his hand, the king ordered, and the guards retreated.

At the moment when they, obeying Rinarion's new gesture, returned to the waiting room and closed the heavy doors, the abbess pointed her finger at the monarch incriminatingly and hissed:

I won't, do you hear? I won't let it!

The assistants, who perfectly understood what they were talking about, grimaced and sighed in unison, and the king rolled his eyes tiredly and made the most unpleasant face.

But Laria was not embarrassed by this reaction.

You wouldn't dare! she repeated sternly. - Never!

Silence reigned in the office. The king casually threw away his pen and, leaning back in a luxurious chair, folded his arms across his chest. He gave the abbess a careful look and snorted. Then he said:

Mother, let's not waste time and nerves? The issue with your temple has already been resolved, and ...

Not! - Lariya exclaimed, stamping her foot.

The beautiful, courageous face of the monarch again distorted the grimace, and bad lights flashed in the eyes of the color of the sky. Only the abbess did not care and did not frighten the mood of his majesty. Taking another step, the old woman lifted her chin and said:

If you forgot, then I remind you: we are talking about the very first temple dedicated to the Goddess! The temple, which was built two thousand years ago and survived three dozen royal dynasties, four fierce sieges and several wars. This is the greatest shrine! A place where the Goddess, albeit sometimes, but still comes personally!

The last words sounded especially hot, and Rinarion was completely skewed. Yes, he heard those stories about the descent of the Goddess, but let's be honest? Whatever the priests and priests shout about, the gods have not come to the world of people for a long time. They, of course, have something to do with mortals, but this interest should not be exaggerated. To attach special importance to the old heap of stones - too.

I know everything you said,” the king replied irritably. - And I really appreciate all this historical value and prayerfulness. That is why the temple is not demolished, but simply transferred to another place. Yes, without cellars and catacombs, but with all your heavy altars and other statues.

From these words, the abbess already jumped.

With all our altars? she asked hysterically.

For a few seconds, mother indignantly swallowed the air, then, nevertheless, she found the strength to gather herself. blurted out:

The temple cannot be moved!

I don't want that either," said the monarch. But, alas, there is no choice. Your temple is too out of the general architectural ensemble. It looks ridiculous and interferes with the ennoblement of the palace territory.

Ridiculous? repeated the mother. - Yes, how do you ...

Laria was very loved by the people. Yes, and Rinarion himself always treated the abbess in a special way - there was something very dear and warm in this old woman. It was the kindness of the king that allowed her now to stand, shake her fists and talk in that tone.

Only the patience and mercy of the monarch are not eternal, and, despite the ensuing rage, the abbess of the First Temple understood this. At some point, she paused and sighed. Immediately, she assumed the most majestic air and sent Rinarion a new look - mocking, almost arrogant.

What else? he snorted angrily.

The abbess shrugged, then squinted her eyes at the royal assistants, as if considering whether to speak in front of them.

Mother ... - Rinarion said, feeling inexplicable anxiety. - What do you…

I? - The old woman no longer screamed, she smiled. With accentuated calmness, she straightened the margins of her dress and admitted: - Nothing. I just realized what the problem is with your attitude to the temple of the Goddess.

The feeling of anxiety inexplicably increased, but the king did not want to show anything other than irritation.

And in what? he asked after a short pause.

Laria smiled wider.

This problem is very typical for people of your character and position. If you think about it, we have seen such pictures from century to century.

His Majesty's nostrils widened, and a real thunderstorm flashed in his eyes the color of the sky - a common reaction to demagoguery. But the old woman was not frightened, she explained almost affectionately:

The problem is that you don't have a woman.

Rinarion froze, and after a moment smiled. The feeling of anxiety has not gone away, but the abbess's statement has become truly funny.

The assistants, who listened to the conversation with utmost attention, also did not hide their smiles. And one of them, Sars, could not stand it at all - he laughed out loud.

No woman? Who, Rinara? Yes, he literally bathes in attention, adoration and care! Three official favorites, a dozen more or less permanent mistresses and a whole army of contenders for a hand and a bed!

Your dissolute way of life does not count, - having easily guessed the train of thought, Lariya chuckled. - What you have is not intimacy, but stupid physiology.

Love is never banal, - mother retorted. - And no bed can replace true intimacy!