How old can you be a godfather. In what case can a priest refuse a person to be baptized? Is it possible to refuse godparents who do not fulfill their duties, who have fallen into serious sins or lead an immoral lifestyle

Baptism- this is one of the seven sacraments of the Orthodox Church, in which the believer, when the body is immersed three times in water with the invocation of the name of the Most Holy Trinity - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, dies to a sinful life, and is reborn by the Holy Spirit for Eternal Life. Of course, this action has a basis in Holy Scripture: "Whois not born of water and the Spirit, cannot enter the kingdom of God."(John 3, 5). Christ says in the Gospel: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; but whoever does not believe will be condemned" (Mark 16:16).

The New Testament baptism was typified by the Old Testament circumcision. In the Old Testament, babies were brought to the temple for circumcision on the eighth day. By this, the child's parents showed their and his faith and belonging to God's chosen people. Christians can say the same about baptism in the words of John Chrysostom: "Baptism constitutes the most obvious distinction and separation between the faithful and the unbelievers". Moreover, there is a basis for this in the Holy Scriptures: “Circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the sinful body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ; being buried with Him in baptism" (Col. 2:11-12). That is, baptism is a dying and burial for sin and a resurrection for a perfect life with Christ.

Usually children are baptized on the 40th day after birth, although this can be done earlier or later. The main thing is not to postpone baptism for a long time unless absolutely necessary. It would be wrong to deprive a child of such a great sacrament for the sake of the circumstances.

Each person, if possible, should have godparents - godparents from the baptismal font. A person who agrees to become a recipient is a great responsibility for which he will have to answer before God. The very meaning of reception presupposes the acceptance by the godfather of his godson from the font itself. By his presence, the godfather agrees to be the recipient of the baptized and undertakes to educate him in the Orthodox faith. Unfortunately, some godparents, having christened the baby, completely forget about their immediate duties. Sometimes the reason for this is not only the elementary ignorance of the recipient about his duties, but his falling into grave sins that make their own spiritual life very difficult.

Below is the information, which will allow the parents of the baptized, godparents and the baptized himself (if he is already an adult) to learn about some of the features of the Sacrament of Baptism directly in our Temple.

Please do not forget in advance discuss with the priest all the questions that you have about the Sacrament of Baptism and the answers to which are not presented here.

What are the duties of godparents?

Since ancient times, in the Orthodox Church, there has been a custom at the baptism of infants to have godparents, that is, people experienced in the faith who are able to share with parents the responsibility for the Christian upbringing of the baby. They become the spiritual parents of the child and the spiritual relatives of his parents in the flesh.

The godmother and father, participating in the Sacrament, take responsibility for the little member of the Church, so they must be Orthodox people. Godfather, of course, should become a person who has some church life experience and will be able to help parents raise the baby in faith and Christian piety, help him embark on the path of church life, will lead him to the temple to participate in the Sacraments of Confession and Communion.

During the performance of the Sacrament of Baptism over the baby, the godfather will hold him in his arms, pronounce on his behalf the Creed and vows of renunciation of Satan and union with Christ. The main obligation that the godfather takes upon himself is not only to be present at Baptism, but also to help later on to help those received from the font to grow, to be strengthened in church life, and in no case to limit one’s Christianity only by the fact Baptisms in childhood. According to the teachings of the Church, for the way the godparents took care of the fulfillment of their duties, they will be asked the same on the day of the last judgment, as well as for raising their own children. Therefore, of course, the responsibility of godparents is very great.

If a person feels an inner unpreparedness or has fundamental fears that he will not be able to conscientiously fulfill the duties of a godparent, then he may well refuse the child’s parents (or the baptized person himself, if it is an adult) to become their child’s godfather. There is no sin in this. It will be more honest in relation to the child, his parents and himself than, having taken responsibility for the spiritual upbringing of the child, not fulfilling his immediate duties.

At what age can a child be baptized?
According to the established tradition, babies are baptized from the first day of life .

When can the Sacrament of Baptism be performed?
- Baptism is performed at any time (day) of the year;
- the periods of Lent are not an obstacle to Baptism;
— Orthodox holidays are not an obstacle to Baptism;
- Pre-registration is required for Baptism.

To register for the Sacrament of Baptism, you need:

— come to our Church and contact the church shop to select the date and time of Baptism.
– In our Church, Baptism is performed on Sundays (by appointment).

The procedure for preparing for Baptism:
- Before Baptism, the priest conducts public conversations with the person being baptized (if he is an adult) or with parents and prospective godparents (for an infant).
- Desirable:
future godparents to learn / know the “Symbol of Faith” (during Baptism, this prayer is read aloud by the godparents three times);
if possible, read the Holy Gospel, as well as confess and take communion before the sacrament of Baptism.

Some features of the Sacrament of Baptism for adults:
- if possible, fast for 2-3 days before the Sacrament of Baptism;
- preferably - on the very day of Epiphany in the morning do not eat, drink or smoke;
- living in marriage on the eve of the night to refrain from conjugal communication;
- you need to appear at the Sacrament of Baptism clean and tidy, without cosmetics and jewelry;
- for women - the Sacrament of Baptism is performed at the end of the monthly cleansing.

What you need to prepare with you for Baptism:
- an Orthodox cross (if in doubt, it is better to show it to the priest in advance);
- baptismal shirt (new);
- a large towel (to wrap the child after the font);
- change of shoes (for adults, to get out of the font);
- candles;
- all baptized people present at the baptism must have a pectoral cross.

What name is given to a child at baptism?
- An Orthodox Christian is given the name of an Orthodox Saint, who will become his heavenly patron;
- in the calendar, the day of memory of that Saint with whom the baptized bears the same name (given by parents) is selected;
- if there are several days of remembrance of Saints with a similar name in a year, then the day of remembrance is chosen, which follows the first after the birthday of the baptized;
- if the name by which the person being baptized is named is not in the calendar, then at baptism the name that is closest in sound is chosen;
- give a name in baptism excellent from a passport name, if a person is baptized in honor of some saint especially revered in the family;
- the names "Mary" and "Jesus" - in the Orthodox Church it is not customary to give names in honor of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. The reason is the intense reverence for Their holiness. The name Jesus is given in honor of St. righteous Joshua. Orthodox Christians bear the name Mary, common in Russia, in memory of the saints of God: Mary Magdalene, Mary of Egypt and others.

When are birthdays celebrated?
Name days are celebrated on the Day of Church veneration (commemoration day) of that Saint, whose name a person is named at Baptism.
The day of memory of the Saint is chosen after the birthday of the person being baptized, and not before. Those. A person celebrates a name day after his birthday, and not before.

When is Angel Day celebrated?
Angel Day is the date of the Sacrament of Baptism.
It is during Baptism that a person receives his Guardian Angel, who will be by his side all the days of his life.

At what age can you become godparents (grandparents)?
According to the existing rules, a person can become a godparent at the age of 18.

Underage children cannot become godparents. But, even if a person has not yet reached the age of majority, then his age should be such that he can realize the full burden of the responsibility taken upon himself, and will conscientiously fulfill his duties as a godfather. It seems that this may be the age close to adulthood.

Mandatory requirements for godparents:
— godparents must themselves be baptized into Orthodoxy;
- if the person who was chosen to be a godparent has recently received Baptism himself, then he can become a Receiver only after 1 year has passed, after his own Baptism.

Inadmissible options for family ties between spiritual relatives:
- According to the 53rd canon of the VI Ecumenical Council, neither in the present nor in the future - marriage is not possible :
godparents and their godchildren
godparents and physical parents
godmother and godfather of the same
- According to the 53rd canon of the VI Ecumenical Council, unacceptable so that the adoptive father / adoptive mother becomes godparents in relation to his adopted child.

Some acceptable options for family ties between spiritual relatives:
- husband and wife can be godparents of different children in the same family;
- brother and sister, father and daughter, mother and son can be godparents of the same godson;
- several children from the same family can have the same godparents;
— a brother/sister can be a godfather/godmother to a brother/sister;
- grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles and aunts - not married to each other- can become godparents to the same grandson, nephew;
- relations between godfathers (godparents / godparents are the godparents of one baptized in relation to each other, as well as in relation to the parents of the baptized):
married parents of the person being baptized can be / become godparents in relation to the children of their godfathers (but not for the same child);
- One person can become a godparent to several people from the same family.

How many times can you become godparents?
You can become godparents any number of times, if at the same time you can (feel the strength in yourself) to properly fulfill the duties of a godparent: participate in the religious education of your godchildren, educate them in the spirit of Orthodoxy and piety.

How many godparents can one baptized person have?
- Church rules prescribe to have a godparent for the child of the same sex as the person being baptized, i.e. for a boy - a man, and for a girl - a woman;
- the tradition of choosing both godparents for the child at once: father and mother, does not contradict the canons;
- a situation where the person being baptized has only one godparent opposite about sex with the person being baptized - is permissible, but in exceptional x cases.

Can one person during Baptism be the recipient of several people (for example, twins)?
There are no canonical restrictions on this. But technically it can be quite difficult if babies are being baptized. The recipient will have to hold and receive both babies from the font at the same time. It would be better if each godson had his own godparents. After all, each of those baptized individually are different people who have the right to their godfather.

Can relatives become godparents?
The father and mother of the child cannot be godparents. Grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles and aunts, older brothers and sisters may well become godparents to their little relatives. There is no contradiction to this in church canons.

Can spouses or those who are about to get married become godparents?
The spiritual kinship established between the recipients in the Sacrament of Baptism is higher than any other union, even marriage. Therefore, spouses cannot become godparents for one child. By doing this, they will question the possibility of the continued existence of their marriage. But one by one, they may well be godparents to different children from the same family. Cannot become godparents and those who are going to marry, because. becoming godparents, they will have a spiritual degree of kinship, which is higher than the physical. They will have to end their relationship and limit themselves only to spiritual kinship.

Can I be baptized without godparents?
In extreme circumstances, if it is impossible to find godparents, or Baptism is performed at a critical moment for a person's life, it can be performed without godparents.

Is it possible to baptize a child in the Orthodox Church if one or both parents are unbaptized or non-Christians?
It is possible if the parents do not object to raising their child in the Orthodox Faith and there are believing Orthodox godparents.

Is it possible to be baptized again?
The sacrament of baptism is a spiritual birth. It happens only once in a lifetime. Re-baptism for an Orthodox Christian is impossible under any circumstances.

Is it possible to refuse to become a godfather? Wouldn't that be a sin?
If a person feels internally unprepared or seriously fears that he will not be able to conscientiously fulfill the duties of a godparent, then he may well refuse the parents of the child (or the adult being baptized) to become their child's godfather. There is no sin in this. This will be more honest with respect to the child, his parents and himself than, having taken responsibility for the spiritual upbringing of the child, not fulfilling these duties.

What to do after baptism with a baptismal shirt and towel?
Because of the particles of the holy world that remain on the baptismal clothes and diaper, they are kept as a shrine. The baby is dressed in a baptismal shirt and brought to Communion.
You can put a shirt on the baby if he is very sick and pray for his recovery. A towel, if the child was not wrapped in it after chrismation, but simply wiped with it by the person being baptized after the font, can continue to be used for its intended purpose.

These are superstitious statements that are not related to the Orthodox faith:
- a girl should not be a godmother for a girl for the first time;
- an unmarried godmother gives up her happiness if she baptizes a girl first, and not a boy;
- a pregnant woman cannot become a godmother;
- if at baptism the wax with the hair of the baptized sinks, the life of the baptized will be short.

Godparents' prayers for their godchildren

The very first and main help of the godparent to his godson consists, of course, in prayer. It is important to regularly pray for the godchildren at the Divine Liturgy, submit notes about health so that the Church can pray for them in a conciliar way, and commemorate your godchildren at home prayer in the morning and evening.

Prayer for children and godchildren, Father John (Krestyankin)

Sweetest Jesus! God of my heart! You gave me children according to the flesh, they are Yours according to your soul. You have redeemed both my soul and theirs with Your priceless Blood. For the sake of Your Divine Blood, I beg You, my sweetest Savior, with Your grace, touch the hearts of my children (names) and my godchildren (names), protect them with Your Divine fear, keep them from bad inclinations and habits, direct them to the bright path of life, truth and good . Decorate their lives with everything good and saving, arrange their fate as you yourself want and save their souls with their own destinies! Lord God of our fathers! Give my children (names) and godchildren (names) a right heart to keep Your commandments, Your revelations and Your statutes. And do it all! Amen.

Prayer to the Lord God, compiled by St. Ambrose of Optina

Merciful Lord, Jesus Christ, I entrust to You my children whom You have given me, fulfill my prayer.
I ask You, Lord, save them in ways that You Yourself know. Save them from vices, evil, pride, and let nothing that is contrary to You touch their souls. But grant them faith, love and hope for salvation, and may their life path be holy and blameless before God.
Bless them, Lord, that they strive every minute of their lives to fulfill Your Holy will, so that You, Lord, may always be with them by Your Holy Spirit.
Lord, teach them to pray to You, so that prayer would be their support, joy in sorrows and consolation of their lives, and so that we, their parents, would be saved by their prayer.
May your angels always keep them.
May my children be sensitive to the grief of their neighbors, and may they fulfill Your commandment of love. And if they sin, then vouchsafe them, Lord, to bring repentance to You, and You, in Your inexpressible mercy, forgive them.
When their earthly life ends, then take them to Your Heavenly Abodes, where let them bring with them other servants of Your chosen ones.
Through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and Your saints (all the holy families are listed), Lord, have mercy on us, as if glorified with Your Beginningless Son and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

On the upbringing of children by good Christians: Prayer of parents to the Lord God

God, our merciful and heavenly Father!
Have mercy on our children (names) and godchildren (names), for whom we humbly pray to You and whom we commit to Your care and protection.
Give them strong faith, teach them to revere You, and make them worthy to love You, our Creator and Savior.
Guide them, O God, on the path of truth and goodness, so that they do everything for the glory of Your name.
Teach them to live piously and virtuously, to be good Christians and useful people.
Give them health of mind and body and success in their labors.
Deliver them from the cunning machinations of the devil, from numerous temptations, from bad passions and from all kinds of wicked and disorderly people.
For the sake of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother and all the saints, bring them to the quiet haven of Your eternal Kingdom, so that they, with all the righteous, always thank You with Your only begotten Son and Your life-giving Spirit. Amen.

The baptism of a child is an important, perhaps even the main event in his life and in the life of his parents. But how to properly prepare for baptism, how to choose godparents, and why are catechumens conducted in Saratov churches now before baptism? We asked these questions to the cleric of the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Saratov, Hierodeacon Paisius (Shurukhin).


- Father Paisios, I know that you hold public talks before the baptism of children. How long has this innovation been introduced in Saratov churches and for what?

Such conversations are held before the baptism of not only children, but also adults, this is not an innovation. Announcements as a message of Christian doctrine to those who enter the Church have been held in the Church since its inception. The Lord told the apostles: “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19). This “teach” is the indication of the Lord to the need to teach the basics of the faith before being baptized.

Teaching the foundations of the Christian faith was already known in the apostolic period of the Church: it is known that the apostle and evangelist Mark founded a catechumenical (Alexandrian) school for the instruction of converts. The announcement in the ancient Church took from forty days to three years. The catechumen had to have a godfather - a witness who would vouch for the bishop or presbyter for the sincerity of the intentions of the person wishing to become a member of the Church.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, the announcement took place over six weeks. Only then could a person be baptized. The situation changed in the Soviet years, when the announcement and the baptism itself were practically prohibited. Only recently has the state ceased to be an implacable enemy of the Church, and now the practice of pronouncement has been reintroduced. Each person should be familiar with the main provisions of our faith, be able to correctly substantiate why he believes so, explain how Orthodoxy differs from other religions and confessions.

Now we have two conversations for one and a half to two hours, people can't stand it anymore.

- Do public conversations take place with both parents and godparents?

We must prepare people for their future responsibility of being godparents. Therefore, conversations are obligatory for godparents. Of course, the presence of parents is also desirable.


Father Paisius, tell me, can any people from the environment of their parents become godparents, or should godparents still be churched people?

The latter is a prerequisite. Godparents should be not only baptized, but also churched people. Unfortunately, at present this is not always observed, and when you talk with godparents at catechumens, they cannot even recite the Creed (a summary of the Orthodox dogma) by heart.

Somehow a man came up to me and asked why categorical conversations were needed, he said: “I am already a godfather, I have godchildren, and I want to become a godfather again.”

During the conversation, it turned out that he did not know the Creed, he was not a churchman himself, and he never brought one of his godchildren to the church for Communion. We just sat at the table after the baptism and parted ways. There is no spiritual upbringing of godchildren, but this should not be the case: how can a person be responsible for something about which he has no idea? And godparents are, first of all, spiritual educators. If the father and mother of the child are his physical parents, then the godparents are his spiritual mentors, they are obliged to help the godson become an Orthodox person. When a child is baptized, they make serious vows before the Lord. A person who does not know the doctrine and laws of the Church, who does not live the life of the Church, cannot be the spiritual educator of a boy or girl. The Church has blessed the baptism of children from infancy. Because it is difficult to imagine an Orthodox family where the parents will be baptized, but their child will not. But the baby himself cannot give a conscious oath of allegiance to God, and his godparents do it for him.

Baptism is like a second birth, spiritual. It is the door to the Church. A person who is baptized becomes a member of the Church, finds himself on its doorstep. This is the beginning of the journey. In the future, it depends on him whether he will go forward. Of course, the road ahead is difficult, but the Lord did not promise us an easy path. And godparents are called to help the child go.

- If a person does not know whether he is baptized or not, can he become a godparent?

No, only a baptized person can be a godfather. If a person does not know if he was baptized in childhood, he needs to contact a priest and be baptized with the rite "if not baptized." Only after him can a person become a godfather.

Is it necessary to have two godparents?

No, not necessarily. The presence of two recipients is a Russian tradition. According to the rules of the Church, one godfather is enough: a godfather for a boy and a godmother for a girl. In practice, gender mismatch is allowed.

What age should godparents be?

You can become a godfather from the age of 14. At this age, the Church considers the child to be old enough to make important decisions in his life. There is no upper age limit, unless, of course, the potential godfather has mental disabilities or some serious illness. Parents cannot be godparents of their own children. In general, spouses cannot be godparents to one child.

- To sum up, what, if I may say so, are the main requirements for godparents?

First, they must lead a godly life. Secondly, they must be aware of the full depth of the responsibility ahead. Thirdly, of course, future godparents must be or become churched people who regularly participate in the Church Sacraments of Confession and Communion. Godparents should be engaged in the spiritual upbringing of the child, teach faith, accustom him to prayer, Communion and Church life, read him relevant literature so that the Church becomes part of the child's life. Based on this, the parents of the child should choose godparents, and not just because these people are well known to them. Parents must be sure that they will not be mistaken in godparents for their child.

That is, the godparents and parents of the baptized child have a great responsibility? It's just that often the fact of baptism of their child does not bring any changes into people's lives.

Yes, and this responsibility is great. Unfortunately, many people treat faith as something abstract, like an ordinary philosophical theory. But if a person does not strive for churching, it is unlikely that anything will change in his life even after baptism. When immersed in the font, a person is freed from all sins, including the original. And in the future, it depends on a person whether to commit new sins or to fight against them. And the responsibility of parents and godparents is very great: they must teach the child to live like a Christian, according to the commandments of God. If the recipients do not do this, the sin of breaking the oath will fall on them. In this case, they leave the child without their protection. If the godfather does not fulfill his duties, then there is absolutely no sense in him as a godfather. A person, when he becomes a godfather, must necessarily understand the depth and importance of the event.


It happens that one of the parents of the child adheres to a different religion. Is it then possible to baptize a child according to Orthodox canons?

Of course, it is possible if the second parent agrees to the baptism of the baby and his Orthodox upbringing. If he is against, then it is necessary to look at the situation. Sometimes children are brought to be baptized and secretly. There were cases when the mother is a Christian, and the father is a Muslim. But then one parent can put the whole family at risk. How will the father react to this fact? There may be a scandal, and even the family will collapse. Therefore, it is difficult to give a definite answer. It is better in such a situation to approach the priest and detail all the life circumstances of a particular family. But in general, the Church does not recommend marrying a non-Christian, so that such disagreements do not happen. Because a person, for the sake of preserving his family, may neglect his faith, at first he will have difficulty attending worship, and then falling away from the faith may occur.

- Is it possible to baptize a child if one or more family members are against it?

Such people should be tried to persuade to meet with the priest. The main thing here is to understand what is inside a person, why he refuses to baptize his child. If people are atheists, it can be difficult to convince them and make them give up their views. But it is still possible to convince of the need for a calm and loyal attitude to the fact of the baptism of a child.

Are there cases when the parents did not baptize the child, did not consider it necessary, and he, having reached the age of majority, has already come to be baptized himself?

After fourteen years, a teenager can come by himself, without parents and godparents, and be baptized. But such situations should be considered separately in order to reduce the possibility of creating scandals in the family. We had cases when the family waged almost a war with a family member who was secretly baptized. But over time, quarrels smoothed out, and the family slowly came to terms with what had happened.

- When the Sacrament of Baptism is performed, boys are brought to the altar, but girls are not. What is it connected with?

Since ancient times, it so happened that women without a special blessing could not enter the altar. And the entrance to the altar is closed to women. Therefore, during the rite of churching, which takes place immediately after baptism, the boys, as future men, are brought to the altar, and the girls are brought to the royal doors.

When baptized, a child is sometimes given a different name, not the one chosen by the parents and which is included in the documents. And what is the reason for the choice of a particular name by a priest?

If the baby is given a name that is not in the Orthodox calendar, then in this case they look at the memory of which saint is celebrated on the child’s birthday, on the eighth day after birth or on the day of his christening, or simply an Orthodox consonant name is selected for baptism. The name of a saint revered in the family may be chosen. In the documents, of course, the former name will remain, but in the Church a person must give his church name, which he received in the Sacrament of Baptism.

With the birth of a child, parents have to solve many important questions about raising a baby. One of the most important questions for Orthodox parents is when to baptize a newborn. The rite of baptism involves some preparation, and how to properly organize christening, read on.

At what age should the ceremony be performed

The ministers of the church do not give an exact answer to the question of when it is better to baptize a newborn, because many people go through the rite of baptism already as adults. However, according to folk beliefs, a child must be baptized before the age of 7. It is also believed that the baby should not be carried to the temple until the 40th day. This is due to the fact that the mother has not yet fully recovered from the birth and cannot attend church at this time. But there are emergency situations as well.

According to Archpriest Alexander Soyuzov, a child can be baptized from the first day of birth. After all, earlier, if a child was born weak or premature and his life was in danger, the priest was invited to the house to perform the rite of baptism. There is a lot of evidence that after the christening, the child recovered faster and grew up as a pious person, because the prayer of the parents is the strongest.

If your child is healthy and you want to baptize him in the temple, after the child is 40 days old, you must choose any day to perform the ceremony.

It is believed that the sooner a newborn is christened, the better, because after the ceremony he receives the protection and support that the Almighty gives us.

It is up to you to choose when it is better to baptize a child, but remember that the rite of baptism is a great and joyful sacrament that requires some preparation.

Preparation for the ceremony

Before the sacrament of baptism takes place, parents need to resolve several organizational issues. Firstly, you need to go to the temple and get advice from the priest on how and when you can baptize a child. After explaining all the nuances of the rite, the priest will appoint you the day and time when you can baptize the newborn.

How to baptize a child, what rules to follow.

In the life of every child, the most important people are his parents. After all, parents are the people who give us life, love, care and attention. This fact is undeniable and known to all of us since childhood. However, do not forget about spiritual parents or, as we used to call them, godparents.

The question regarding the choice of godparents and the baptism procedure itself has always been and remains relevant, since both the godfather and the godmother are given to the child alone and for life. Moreover, it is the spiritual parents who are faced with the most important task - to educate the baby in accordance with the generally accepted norms of morality and, of course, faith. Well, today we will talk in detail about all the nuances of the baptism procedure and the choice of godparents, so that you no longer have to worry about this.

What are godparents for?

How many people know why a baby needs godparents? How many people think about this issue? Unfortunately no.

  • Most couples, when choosing godparents for their children, think completely about what it would be worth.
  • It is customary for us to take people we know well as godfathers. Most often these are friends or relatives. Not the last factor when choosing godparents is their financial condition, while you need to pay attention to completely different things.
  • I must say that to talk about the question: “What are godparents for?” stands after the answer to the question: “Why baptize a child at all?”. Agree, it is quite logical. This is where we'll start.
  • According to Orthodox beliefs, every person comes into this world with original sin. We are talking about the violation of the same prohibition by Adam and Eve. So this original sin is a kind of congenital disease, without getting rid of which, the baby will not be able to grow up healthy and happy.
  • To remove this sin is possible only by accepting faith. Many parents try to christen the baby as soon as possible, but in principle they do not understand why this should be done. Here is the answer for you, children are baptized as soon as possible so that they are with God, and he gave them all sorts of blessings.

Now let's move on to the question of why we need godparents:

  • As a rule, each person is baptized almost immediately after birth. Due to their age, the baby, and in principle the teenager, cannot objectively assess the importance of this step, as well as cannot follow this faith, because they simply do not know it.
  • That's why we all need godparents. Godparents perceive babies directly from the font and become full-fledged spiritual parents (godparents, godparents).
  • Second parents should teach the child to live "by the rules." In this case, we are talking not so much about the rules of life in society, but about the foundations of the Orthodox faith. The godparents should guide the baby on the true path, take care of him and love him like his own child, and if the godson ever stumbles, give him a helping hand. Also, the recipients should always pray for their godson and ask the Lord to be favorable to him.
  • Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that when choosing godparents for your child, you need to look not at the availability of money and opportunities for them, but at what lifestyle these people lead and whether they are actually believers.

How to choose a godfather and godmother for a child: rules, who can be a godfather, mother and from what age?

When choosing a godfather for a baby, few people think about what it should be like. We are more inclined to evaluate the future recipient according to other criteria: friend, relative, responsible or not, lives in this city and can often see the child or not, etc. However, the church puts forward its own rules and they must be followed.

IMPORTANT: Of course, the godfather must be baptized. This condition is mandatory and is not subject to any discussion. After all, how can an unbaptized person who does not believe in God and, accordingly, does not understand the commandments by which everyone who came to this earth must live, teach this to a small child? The answer is obvious.

  • Moreover, the recipient must be churched. However, in our time, few people even know the meaning of this word. In simple words, a person who is not only baptized, but also really believes, lives like a Christian and tries to follow all the foundations of his faith, is considered to be churched.

  • Regarding age. There are no clear boundaries here, but the church is inclined to believe that the beneficiary must be of age. Why is that? The point here is not in 18 years, but in the fact that adults are considered to be old enough and responsible for such a serious step. By the way, this is not about civil adulthood, but about church. Despite this, one can become a godfather earlier, but this issue must be discussed with the priest, who will give permission for this.

The godmother should be chosen in the same way as the godfather:

  • The spiritual mother must necessarily be a believing Orthodox Christian, respectively, it must be baptized.
  • It is also necessary to consider how a woman lives. Does she believe in God, does she go to church, can she raise a baby as a believing Orthodox Christian.
  • In addition to church restrictions, future parents should pay attention to other things. When choosing a godmother for your baby, you must understand that in fact this woman will be the second mother for your child and, accordingly, you must completely trust her.
  • You should not take unfamiliar or dubious people as godparents for a baby. Godparents should be responsible and trusted people.

Who can not be taken as godparents to your child?

If you are already very concerned about this issue, then we recommend that you consult with a priest, he, like no one else, knows the answers to all your questions. However, speaking in general, the church forbids taking such people as godparents:

  1. Monk or nun. Despite this, the father can become the child's godfather.
  2. Native parents. It would seem, well, who, if not the parents themselves, can give the child the best education and help? But no, parents are strictly forbidden to baptize their babies.
  3. A woman and a man who are married. The Church not only disapproves, but strictly forbids ignoring this rule. Because people who baptize a baby become relatives on a spiritual level and, accordingly, they will not be able to lead a worldly life after that. It is also forbidden to marry already established godfathers - this is considered a huge sin.
  4. It is clear that it is impossible to take as recipients people who suffer from mental disorders and are seriously ill.
  5. And one more rule, which we talked about briefly earlier. The age of the godparents. In addition to coming of age, there are two more age thresholds: a girl must reach 14 years old, and a guy - 15. In principle, you shouldn’t talk much about this condition, because it’s clear that a child cannot raise a child, and therefore take people of such an age as godmothers. category is not possible.

How many times can you be a godfather, godmother? Is it possible to refuse to be a godmother, a godmother?

The Church does not give a clear answer to the question of how many times a child can be baptized, and this is quite logical:

  • Adoption is a very big responsibility, and the more children you baptize, the greater this responsibility becomes. That is why a person must answer such a question for himself. Ask yourself the question: “Will I be able to give this godchild as much attention as he needs?”, “Will I have enough spiritual and physical strength to raise another child?”, “Will I have to be “torn” between all the godchildren?” . When you honestly give yourself answers to such questions, then you will understand whether you can christen another baby or whether you will have to refuse.
  • By the way, many people ask the question: “Is it possible to refuse to be a godmother, a godmother?”. The answer is that it is possible, moreover, even necessary, if you do not want to do this or cannot for some reason of your own.

  • The person who was offered to baptize the baby must clearly understand that after the Sacrament of baptism he will become a close person for the child, his second parent, and this implies a huge responsibility. It's not just to come to a birthday party, to congratulate the New Year or St. Nicholas, no, it means to constantly participate in the life of the baby, develop him, help him in all his endeavors. Are you ready for such a responsibility? Refuse right away, because this is not considered a sin and something shameful, but to become a godfather and not fulfill your direct duties is a church sin, for which God will definitely ask.

Is it possible to baptize a child without godparents, godmother, godfather, with one godfather?

In ancient times, only one godparent baptized a child. Boys - a man, girls - a woman. This is due to the fact that once upon a time everyone was baptized as adults and, accordingly, in order not to be embarrassed, they took a person of the same sex with them as godparents.

  • Now, when baptism takes place at that stage, while the baby is still completely unintelligent, two recipients of different sexes can baptize him at once.
  • At the request of the parents, only a man or only a woman can baptize a newborn. For boys it's a man, for girls it's a woman. The Church does not forbid such a practice, moreover, initially everything was done that way.
  • There are situations when parents want to conduct the Sacrament of Baptism without any recipients at all, and this is quite possible. In this case, they baptize without godparents at all. However, initially this nuance needs to be discussed with the priest, so that later you do not have any surprises.

Is it possible to be a godmother, godmother to two or more children in the same family?

The Church gives a very succinct answer to this question. It is possible and necessary, if it is offered to you, and you want it. There are no prohibitions on being a godmother / godmother at once for two children in a family, and this phenomenon is quite common. The main thing, when making such a decision, is to objectively assess your capabilities, and if you are ready for such a responsibility, go ahead.

Can a pregnant, unmarried woman be godmother to someone else's child?

How many disputes this question causes, and superstitions, by the way, too:

  • For some reason, it is customary for us to believe that a pregnant woman does not have the right to baptize a baby. However, this claim is completely unfounded. The Church in no way forbids the expectant mother to become the newborn's godfather; moreover, it is generally believed that this is even useful for a pregnant woman. Therefore, you should not believe in prejudices, if you are faced with such a situation and do not know how to do the right thing, just contact the church, they will explain everything to you in detail.
  • The same applies to unmarried women. The fact that a woman is not married does not mean that she cannot be a good mate for a baby.

Can a grandfather, grandmother of a grandson, granddaughter be a godfather and godmother? Can a native, cousin, native, cousin be a godfather, godmother of a sister, brother?

Most often, we choose our friends and acquaintances as godparents, however, some people express a desire for their relatives to baptize their children.

  • The Orthodox faith does not forbid grandparents to become godparents for their grandchildren. Moreover, purely from the point of view of education, this is very good. Grandparents have lived their lives, have rich life experience, and grandchildren are sacred to them, so someone who, and they will definitely be able to raise a newborn in accordance with all the rules and foundations of Christianity.
  • The prohibitions on baptism did not affect the brothers / sisters of a newborn baby. The Church permits and approves the baptism of children by their siblings and cousins.

  • Everyone knows that younger children always want to be like their older brothers and sisters and imitate them in every possible way. In this case, the subject of imitation will have to help his godson in every possible way and show only a positive example.
  • The only thing to think about is the age of possible godparents. After all, the recipients must be responsible and relatively experienced people.

Can a husband and wife be godparents with the same child? Can godparents get married?

Regarding this issue, the church is very strict. It is strictly forbidden for a married couple to baptize a child. Moreover, future godfathers are also forbidden to marry in the future. In simple words, between people who baptize the same baby there should be only a spiritual connection (godparents), but not an “earthly” one (marriage). It cannot be otherwise in this case.

Conversation before baptism for godparents: what does the priest ask before baptism?

Few people know, but before the Sacrament of Baptism itself, future recipients should go to special conversations. In practice, we can see that sometimes such conversations are not held at all or are held, but not the number of times that is necessary.

  • As a rule, during such conversations, the priest explains to the future godparents the foundations of the Orthodox faith, talks about what duties they will have in relation to the godson.
  • Those who do not know the basics of Christianity are advised to read the Holy Scriptures. This will help future spiritual parents to better understand the faith and, accordingly, understand what is required of them in raising a child.
  • The priest also tells that the recipients must endure a 3-day fast, and after that confess their sins and take communion.
  • Directly at the Sacrament of Baptism itself, the priest asks future godparents about whether they believe in God, whether they renounce the unclean and whether they are ready to be godparents.

Baptism of a boy and a girl: requirements, rules, responsibilities and what you need to know for a godmother?

If you were offered to become the godmother of a child, it is a great honor and responsibility. Therefore, you must know the following rules and requirements for you:

  • Of course, the main requirement for a woman who will baptize a child is to be baptized and sincerely believe in God.
  • Further, a few days before the celebration itself, you need to confess and take communion. It is also worth refraining from any carnal pleasures. And besides all this, you should know the prayer "Creed". You will read this prayer at baptism only if you baptize a girl.

Your duties to the baby as a godmother:

  • The godmother takes responsibility for the upbringing of the child
  • Must teach him to live in accordance with Christian rules and principles
  • Must pray for him before God and help the baby in everything
  • Also, the godmother should take the child to church, do not forget about the day of his birth and baptism
  • And, of course, should be a good example for him.

What else does a godmother need to know besides this? You can add, perhaps, only responsibilities regarding organizational issues:

  • It is generally accepted that it is the spiritual mother who should bring the child a kryzhma (a special baptismal towel) and a baptismal set, which, as a rule, consists of a shirt, hat and socks, or panties, sweater, hat and socks.
  • It is important to know that the kryzhma must be new, it is in this towel that the priest will put the newly baptized child. This attribute is a kind of protection for the child and can later be used as a talisman.

Baptism of a boy and a girl: requirements, rules, responsibilities and what you need to know for a godfather?

It is also important for future godfathers to know certain rules and obligations associated with the rite of baptism of a baby:

  • Just like with mom, the godfather must be an Orthodox Christian and be baptized.
  • The main duty of the spiritual father is to be a worthy example, this is most important if the child who is being baptized is a boy. He must see before him a worthy example of male behavior. Also, the godfather should take the godson to church and teach him to live in peace with all the people around him.
  • It is accepted that the future recipient should buy the baby a cross and a chain or a thread on which the cross can be worn. Also, it will not be superfluous to purchase a baptismal icon. It is the godfather who must pay all the expenses for baptism, if any.
  • It is better to solve all these worries and troubles in advance, so that later you do not have to do everything at the last moment.

Baptism of a boy and a girl: what should a godmother do at christening?

It is immediately necessary to clarify that the future godmother must be present at the christening of the girl, but the godfather may be present in absentia.

  • Directly at the christening itself, it is the godmother who will perceive the goddaughter after immersion in the font. To keep the baby initially, most likely, will be the godfather.
  • After the child is given to the godmother, she must dress the girl in a new outfit.
  • Further, the recipient holds the baby while the priest reads prayers, and then when he performs chrismation.
  • Sometimes priests ask to read a prayer, but most often they do it themselves.

  • Everything will be the same with the boy, however, after dipping him into the font, he will be handed over to the godfather. Also, when a boy is baptized, he must be brought down the altar (after 40 days from birth).

Christening of a boy and a girl: what should the godfather do at the christening?

The duties of a godfather are not much different from those of a godmother:

  • A spiritual dad can also hold a baby.
  • After the priest receives answers to all the traditionally asked questions, the recipient may be asked to say a special prayer. But again, most likely it will be done by the priest himself.
  • The godfather helps to undress the child before immersing in water, and then to dress. If the child who is being baptized is a girl, then after this ceremony she will be handed over to the godmother, if it is a boy, then the godfather will hold it.

Is it possible to change godparents, godfather, godmother to a child, boy, girl ?

All people come into this world only once, exactly the same number of times it is allowed to be baptized.

  • The Church forbids changing godparents, moreover, in fact there is no such possibility, because there is no such rite.
  • That is why attention has been repeatedly drawn to the fact that baptizing a child is a huge responsibility, which after that you cannot simply take and refuse.
  • Godparents do not change under any circumstances. Even if over time you stopped communicating with godfathers, even if they left and cannot often see the baby, they still remain his godparents and are responsible for him.

How many godparents should a child have, can there be two godmothers and two godfathers?

We have already discussed this issue a little earlier:

  • Nowadays, two people are most often taken as godparents: the godfather and the godmother. However, you can do it differently.
  • You can only take godfather or godmother as godmother. At the same time, it is worth remembering that for a newborn baby, the presence of a successor is more important, but for a boy, it is still a successor.
  • If for some reason you don’t want to take godparents at all, well, or you just don’t have anyone to take, then you can baptize a child without godparents at all.

  • Moreover, you can ask the priest to become your baby's godfather, but you must take into account the fact that it is unlikely that a person distant from your family will be able to pay due attention to the child.
  • Can there be 2 godmothers or 2 godfathers - a rhetorical question. This must be clarified directly in the church in which you want to baptize the child and with the priest who will conduct the ceremony. Such cases are known, but different churches, no matter how strange it may sound, may give you a different answer.

Can a Muslim be a godfather to an Orthodox Christian?

The answer to this question is very obvious. Of course not. After all, how can a Muslim teach a child the Orthodox faith? No way. The only thing a Muslim can do is to stand in the church during the sacrament of baptism, if it is performed on his relative.

As you can see, the issue of baptism and the choice of godparents is very relevant and is being actively discussed. There are many rules and prejudices that in our time, for some reason, are on the same level as church customs, which is why if you don’t know what to do in this or that situation, contact the church, they will explain in detail all the points you are interested in.

Video: About infant baptism and modern lifestyle

It is one of the most important in the days preceding the celebration of this great sacrament. The path of spiritual growth that he has to go through largely depends on how successful the choice of the child's parents will be. Therefore, we will try to fully understand this issue, and, if possible, avoid errors.

When should a baby be baptized?

The first and most important event in the life of a newborn is the rite of holy baptism. Regarding how many days after the birth of a baby, it should be done, there is no strictly established rule. But taking into account the spiritual significance of the sacrament, it is recommended not to postpone it for a long time without serious reasons, and to try to have the sacrament performed in the first year of the child's life.

Both in the process of performing the ceremony and in the further spiritual life of the newly baptized, an important role is played by the godparents appointed to him, who take upon themselves the obligation to educate him in the spirit of Orthodoxy. That is why the question of how to choose godparents for a child is of great importance, so that in the future they will be able to fully fulfill the mission entrusted to them.

Who can't be godparents?

It should be noted that there are certain restrictions on the appointment of godparents. This role cannot be played primarily by the child's parents themselves and, in addition, persons who are related. Also, church rules prohibit entrusting this to people who are married to each other or intend to enter into it after some time. The reason for this is quite obvious. - these are people who are in spiritual relationship, and physical proximity between them is unacceptable.

Continuing the conversation about how godparents are chosen for a child, it must be emphasized that they cannot be all kinds of people of other faiths, including even Christians of other denominations (Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, etc.). And, of course, you should not trust this to people who do not believe at all or who declare their faith, but are not baptized and do not attend church.

With regard to the age restrictions imposed on possible candidates, girls can be godparents from the age of thirteen, and boys from fifteen. It is believed that, subject to correct and proper religious education at this age, they are already able to realize the responsibility entrusted to them and eventually become their godson.

And finally, persons suffering from mental illness should be excluded from the list of possible candidates, since they cannot be held responsible for their actions, and those who lead an immoral (from the ecclesiastical and universal point of view) lifestyle. Godparents also cannot be monks and nuns.

On whom to opt for?

However, the question of how godparents are chosen for a child is not limited to a list of those who are not suitable for this role. Something else is much more important. You should know who you can choose as godparents for a child, and in this regard there are no clearly defined boundaries, but only recommendations based on the life experience of previous generations of Orthodox Christians.

Before choosing someone, you should first of all think about whether they will pray all their lives for their godson or goddaughter, because this is one of their main duties. This is especially important in the first years after baptism, since the child is still small and cannot turn to the Creator in prayer. In addition, it is generally accepted that the prayer of those who received the baby from the holy font has a special grace-filled power and is heard.

Any relative of a child can become a godchild, regardless of a friend of his parents or just someone whom they know and respect. But at the same time, it is necessary first of all to be guided by whether the chosen one will be a good adviser and a good spiritual educator of the child.

In order to better understand how godparents are chosen for a child, one should outline the range of responsibilities that are assigned to each of them. This will help to avoid in the future many disappointments and disappointments associated with the haste and thoughtlessness of the decision made.

According to the existing tradition, godparents should go to church a day or two before the sacrament and confess and take communion there in order to remove the burden of earthly sins that could interfere with the establishment of spiritual unity with the godson. Directly on the day of baptism, they impose a voluntary fast on themselves, excluding both eating and performing marital duties.

During the sacrament, the “Symbol of Faith” is read, and if the rite is performed on a girl, then the godmother reads a prayer, and if on a boy, then the godfather. In this regard, it is important to carefully prepare, learn the text and ask the priest in advance when to read the prayer and how.

Choosing the right godparents for a child is extremely important in relation to the help that is expected from them during the ceremony itself. And first of all, this applies to the godmother. She, among other things, must take care of the gift for the child, and of various things necessary for performing the sacrament, such as a baptismal shirt, a towel and, of course, a pectoral cross that will be worn on him. By the way, it should be noted that during the performance of the sacrament, her presence is necessary, while the godfather can participate in it only in absentia.

The psychological aspect of choosing a godmother

It is also very important to take into account the fact that after bathing in the font the godmother takes the child in her arms, and here it is necessary to take care that this does not cause stress for the baby. It is highly desirable that the candidate for this role had held him in her arms before, and her features were familiar to him. The same can be said about the godfather. In the whole range of issues related to how godparents are chosen for a child, this one occupies one of the main places.

Responsibility for the subsequent spiritual life of the child

According to church teaching, the connection of a child with those who took him from the holy font is considered even closer than with the real parents who gave him life. They will have to answer for him at the Last Judgment, and therefore it is their duty to unswervingly care for the spiritual growth of their godson.

This side of their duties to him and to the church includes not only conversations on religious topics that can expand the knowledge of the godson in the field of Orthodoxy, but also the introduction of the child to attend church and participate in worship. Moreover, in order to achieve the best result, godparents must steadily improve their own spirituality and be a living and convincing example for the child.

Replacing faith with ritual

It is very regrettable that today the true Christian faith is often replaced by the so-called ritual faith. Leaving aside the foundations of the teachings of Jesus Christ, who preached humanism, sacrifice in the name of one's neighbor and repentance as the acquisition of the Kingdom of God, people hope to receive momentary earthly blessings by performing certain ritual actions.

If such naivety was excusable for the ancient pagans due to their ignorance, now that the Lord has given us the holy Gospel, it remains only to regret those who, when asked why they baptize a child, without hesitation, answer: "So that he does not get sick." And it's all! Not a word about the fact that they want him to unite in the Spirit of God with the Creator of the Universe and the possibility of inheriting Eternal Life by him.

How to choose godparents for a child if the parents are unbelievers?

In addition, in recent years it has become fashionable, and unbelieving parents often carry them to the holy font, doing this only in order to keep up with others. Despite this, the church welcomes the baptism of a newborn, regardless of the reasons that led his parents, although he wants them to take a more responsible approach to the holy sacrament, which is the spiritual birth of their little man.

That is why the question of how to choose godparents for a child is of particular importance, because it is they who, with their religiosity, can make up for what real fathers and mothers are not able to give. There can be no general advice in his decision, since in each case it is individual and depends on the environment of relatives and friends in which the young parents live. It is among these people that one should look for those who, with their faith, are able to help the child embark on the path of spiritual growth.

A question born of superstition

Sometimes one hears a rather strange question about how to choose godparents for a child and in general, is it possible to perform this sacrament in a year that has February 29 in its calendar? This question is strange, first of all, because, according to the clergy themselves, in the Orthodox Church there is no such thing as a leap year, and therefore there are no restrictions associated with it, whether it be weddings, christenings or other sacraments. The popular belief that it brings misfortune is the fruit of superstition and empty conjectures. Believers, on the other hand, should have in themselves only the fear of God and hope in His mercy, and not the fear of some signs.