Cold water metering unit. The correct water supply inlet in the apartment The method of accounting for the throughput of devices and structures

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the organization of commercial accounting of water, wastewater.

2. Explanations on the procedure for applying the Rules approved by this resolution are given by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

3. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation within 3 months to approve:

guidelines for calculating the losses of hot, drinking, process water in centralized water supply systems during its production and transportation;

guidelines for calculating the volume of accepted (diverted) wastewater using the method of accounting for the throughput of sewer networks;

guidelines for calculating the volume of accepted (discharged) surface wastewater.

organization of commercial accounting of water, wastewater
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2013 No. 776)

I. General provisions

1. These Rules for the organization of commercial metering of water, wastewater determine the procedure for commercial metering of water, wastewater using metering devices that meet the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements in metering units designed and approved for operation in the manner prescribed by these Rules, or by calculation in order to calculate the amount of payment for supplied (received), transported water, accepted (diverted), transported waste water under cold water supply contracts, hot water supply contracts (hereinafter referred to as water supply contracts), sanitation contracts, unified contracts for cold water supply and sanitation, contracts for the transportation of cold water, contracts for the transportation of hot water, contracts for the transportation of waste water and other contracts concluded with organizations engaged in regulated activities in the field of water supply and (or) sanitation.

These Rules apply to relations arising from the provision of public services, to the extent that such relations are not regulated by the housing legislation of the Russian Federation, including the Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings."

2. Commercial accounting of water, waste water is subject to the amount (volume):

a) water supplied (received) for a certain period to subscribers under water supply contracts, a single contract for cold water supply and sanitation;

b) water transported by an organization operating water supply networks under contracts for the transportation of hot water, contracts for the transportation of cold water;

c) wastewater received from subscribers under a water disposal agreement, including a single agreement for cold water supply and sanitation;

d) wastewater transported by an organization transporting wastewater under a wastewater transportation agreement;

e) water in respect of which water treatment measures have been taken under a water treatment agreement;

f) wastewater treated in accordance with the wastewater treatment agreement.

3. Commercial metering of water, waste water is carried out by measuring the amount of water and waste water with metering devices (measuring instruments) of water, waste water in metering units or by calculation in cases provided for by the Federal Law "On Water Supply and Sanitation".

4. Metering devices for water, waste water are placed by the subscriber or the organization transporting hot water, cold water, waste water (hereinafter referred to as the transit organization), on the border of the balance sheet ownership of networks or on the border of the operational responsibility of the subscriber and (or) the transit organization with the organization, providing hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) sanitation (hereinafter referred to as the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation), other organizations operating water supply and (or) sewer networks, unless otherwise provided by water supply contracts, a water disposal contract, a single contract for cold water supply and sanitation, an agreement on the transportation of cold water, an agreement on the transportation of hot water, an agreement on the transportation of wastewater, an agreement on connection (technological connection) to centralized systems of hot water supply, cold water supply and sanitation, an agreement on water preparation, a wastewater treatment agreement, as well as other agreements concluded with organizations providing water supply and (or) sanitation.

Connection (technological connection) of subscribers to a centralized hot water supply system and (or) a centralized cold water supply system (hereinafter referred to as centralized water supply systems) without equipping a metering station with water meters is not allowed.

Subscribers and transit organizations are obliged to equip their sewer outlets into the centralized sewerage system with wastewater meters in cases established by the Rules for Cold Water Supply and Sanitation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2013 No. 644.

5. Commercial accounting of cold water, hot water, thermal energy in the composition of hot water, wastewater is carried out:

a) by the subscriber, unless otherwise provided by the water supply agreements, the water disposal agreement and (or) the unified agreement for cold water supply and sanitation;

b) a transit organization, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the transportation of cold water, the contract for the transportation of hot water and (or) the contract for the transportation of waste water.

6. Commercial metering of water, in respect of which water treatment measures have been taken, is carried out by an organization operating individual objects of centralized water supply systems, unless otherwise provided by a water treatment agreement, a contract for the transportation of cold water and (or) an agreement for the transportation of hot water.

7. Commercial accounting of wastewater, in respect of which treatment has been carried out, is carried out by the organization operating individual objects of centralized sewerage systems, unless otherwise provided by the wastewater treatment agreement, the wastewater transportation agreement and (or) the agreement on the treatment of sewage sludge.

8. Installation, operation, verification, repair and replacement of metering units are carried out in the following order:

a) obtaining technical specifications for the design of the metering unit;

b) design of a metering station and installation of a metering station for newly commissioned metering stations, including the installation of metering devices;

c) admission to the operation of the metering unit;

d) operation of the metering unit, including taking readings from metering devices on the amount of supplied (received, transported) cold water, hot water, thermal energy as part of supplied (received, transported) hot water, on accepted (discharged, transported) wastewater and other indications , provided for by the technical documentation, displayed by metering devices, including using remote reading systems (telemetry systems), as well as keeping records of the number and duration of emergency situations that occur in the operation of metering devices of the metering station;

e) verification, repair and replacement (if necessary) of metering devices.

9. Used metering devices for cold water, hot water and thermal energy as part of hot water, wastewater must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements in force at the time the metering devices are put into operation.

After the interval between verifications has expired or after the failure of metering devices or their loss, if this happened before the expiration of the interval between verifications, metering devices that do not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements are subject to verification or replacement with new metering devices. These provisions apply, among other things, to metering devices for cold water, hot water and heat energy as part of hot water, used to determine the amount of cold and hot water, heat energy as part of hot water supplied to the premises of apartment buildings and residential buildings.

II. Commercial metering of water, wastewater using metering devices

10. Collection of information on the readings of metering devices on the amount of supplied (received, transported) cold water, hot water, thermal energy as part of the supplied (received, transported) hot water, on the received (discharged, transported) wastewater, the number and duration of emergency situations arising in the operation of metering devices, and other information provided for by the technical documentation, displayed by metering devices, as well as taking readings from metering devices, including using remote reading systems (telemetry systems), is carried out by a subscriber or a transit organization, unless otherwise provided contracts of a subscriber and (or) a transit organization with an organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal. The subscriber or the transit organization shall provide the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, before the end of the 2nd day of the month following the billing month, information about the meter readings as of the 1st day of the month following the billing month, if other terms not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as information about the current readings of metering devices within 2 working days after receiving a request for the provision of such information from an organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation. Such information is sent to the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal by any available method (postal item, fax message, telephone message, electronic message using the information and telecommunication network "Internet"), which allows confirming the receipt by the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, the specified information.

If the technical characteristics of the metering devices and metering units used allow the use of telemetry systems for transmitting meter readings and there is financial and technical support for the installation of telemetry modules and telemetry software, the presentation (removal) of meter readings is carried out remotely using such telemetry systems.

11. The subscriber or transit organization is obliged to ensure unimpeded access of representatives of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, or at the direction of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, representatives of another organization to metering units and metering devices for reconciliation of meter readings and verification compliance with the operating conditions of metering devices.

12. In the event of a discrepancy between the readings of the metering devices of a subscriber or a transit organization discovered during the verification process on the volume of supplied (received) cold water, hot water, thermal energy in the composition of hot water and discharged (received) wastewater with the information provided by subscribers or transit organizations, the organization, providing water supply and (or) water disposal, draws up an act of reconciliation of meter readings, signed by representatives of the subscriber or the transit organization and the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal.

If the representative of the subscriber or transit organization does not agree with the content of the act of reconciliation of readings of metering devices, the representative of the subscriber or transit organization makes a mark on the act "acquainted" and affixes his signature. The objections of the subscriber or the transit organization are indicated in the act or sent to the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation in writing in any way that allows confirming the receipt of the document by the subscriber or the transit organization. If the representative of the subscriber or the transit organization refuses to sign the act of reconciliation of meter readings, such an act is signed by the representative of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, with the note "the representative of the subscriber or the organization transporting water and (or) wastewater refused to sign ".

The act of reconciliation of meter readings is the basis for the recalculation of the volume of supplied (received) water and thermal energy as part of hot water and discharged (received) wastewater from the date of signing the last act of reconciliation of meter readings until the day of signing a new act.

13. In order to control the volumes of supplied (received) water, thermal energy in the composition of hot water and discharged (received) wastewater, the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, or the subscriber or transit organization has the right to use control (parallel) cold water metering devices , hot water, thermal energy as part of hot water and wastewater, subject to notification of one of the parties to the contract of the other party about the use of such metering devices.

Control (parallel) metering devices for cold water, hot water, thermal energy as part of hot water and wastewater are installed on the networks of the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, transit organization or subscriber in places that allow commercial accounting of water supplied to the subscriber, thermal energy in the composition of hot water and received wastewater.

In the event of a difference in the readings of control (parallel) meters for water, thermal energy in the composition of hot water and waste water and the main meters for water, thermal energy in the composition of hot water and waste water by more than the measurement error of such meters for a period of at least one billing month, the person who installed the control (parallel) metering device may require the other party to conduct an extraordinary verification of the metering device operated by this party. The readings of the control (parallel) metering device are used for the purpose of commercial metering of water, thermal energy as part of hot water and wastewater for the period of malfunction, verification of the main metering device, and also in case of violation of the deadlines for providing metering readings.

Installation, replacement, operation and verification of control (parallel) metering devices for water, heat energy as part of hot water and wastewater are carried out in accordance with the procedures provided for the installation, replacement, operation and verification of the main metering devices provided for by these Rules.

The person who installed the control (parallel) metering device is obliged to provide the other party (subscriber, transit organization, organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation) with unhindered access to the control (parallel) meters for water, heat energy as part of hot water and diverted ( accepted) wastewater in order to control the correct installation and operation of the control (parallel) metering device.

III. Commercial accounting of water by calculation

14. Commercial accounting of water is carried out by calculation in the following cases:

a) in the absence of a meter, including in the case of unauthorized connection and (or) use of centralized water supply systems;

c) in case of violation for more than 6 months of the deadline for submitting meter readings, which is the property of the subscriber or the transit organization, except for cases of prior notification by the subscriber or the transit organization of the organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply, of a temporary cessation of water consumption.

15. When calculating the method of commercial accounting of water, the following are applied:

a) the method of accounting for the capacity of devices and structures used for connection to centralized water supply systems;

b) the method of calculated average monthly (average daily, average hourly) amount of supplied (transported) water;

c) method of guaranteed volume of water supply;

d) the method of summing up the volumes of water.

16. The application of the method of accounting for the capacity of devices and structures used to connect to centralized water supply systems, with their round-the-clock full-section operation at the point of connection to the centralized water supply system and at a water movement speed of 1.2 meters per second, is used in the following cases:

a) in case of unauthorized connection and (or) use of centralized water supply systems for the period of time during which such unauthorized connection and (or) use was carried out, but not more than 3 years. At the same time, the period of time during which unauthorized connection and (or) use of centralized water supply systems was carried out is determined from the day of the previous control check of the technical condition of the objects of the centralized water supply system in the place where the fact of unauthorized connection and (or) use of centralized water supply systems was later revealed , until the day of elimination of unauthorized accession (cessation of unauthorized use). If, within 1 year after the entry into force of these Rules, the subscriber informed the organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply, about unauthorized connection and (or) use of the centralized water supply system, the calculation method for determining the amount of supplied (received) water is applied for no more than 6 months;

b) after 60 days from the date of occurrence of a metering device malfunction (including failure to perform verification after the expiration of the calibration interval) or dismantling of the metering device until the metering device is admitted to operation or verification without dismantling the metering device;

c) if the subscriber or the transit organization does not have water meters approved for operation in the prescribed manner, if within 60 days from the date of receipt from the organization providing hot water, cold water, notification of the need to install meters or after the date defined in the water supply contracts, the unified water supply and sanitation contract, the contract for the transportation of cold water and the contract for the transportation of hot water, water meters are not installed;

d) in case of violation for more than 6 months of the deadline for submitting meter readings, with the exception of cases of prior notification by the subscriber or transit organization of the organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply, of a temporary cessation of water consumption.

17. The method of calculating the average monthly (average daily, average hourly) amount of supplied (transported) water, used on the basis of the readings of the meter for the last year, is applied in the event that a malfunction of such a meter is established or such a meter is dismantled in connection with its verification, repair or replacement , but not more than within 60 days after establishing the fact of a malfunction of the metering device or dismantling the metering device, unless a different period is agreed with the organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply, and does not apply in cases of using control (parallel) metering devices.

If the period of operation of the meter is less than 1 year, then the data of the meter for the actual period of its operation are used.

If the actual period of operation of the meter is less than 60 days, then the method of calculated average monthly (average daily, average hourly) amount of supplied (transported) water is not applied.

18. The application of the method of guaranteed volume of water supply, determined by water supply contracts, a single contract for cold water supply and sanitation, is used in the following cases:

a) if the subscriber does not have a water meter, except for the cases provided for in paragraphs 16 and 17 of these Rules;

b) if the actual period of operation of the metering device from the date of admission to the operation of the metering device until its failure was less than 60 calendar days.

19. If the readings of the meter contain information about temporary violations in the operation of the meter that occurred during the operation of the meter, the calculation of the volume of water received for the specified period is made in accordance with paragraph 16 of these Rules.

20. The application of the method of summing up the volumes of water supplied to subscribers and (or) other transit organizations, the volumes of which are determined by meter readings or by calculation, by an organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply, using the water supply networks of these transit organizations is used in the absence of at the transit organization of water meters, as well as in the event of a malfunction of the meter and dismantling of the meter for the purpose of its verification, repair or replacement.

21. If the water metering unit is not located on the border of the operational responsibility of the organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply, the subscriber and (or) the transit organization, then the calculation of the volume of supplied (received) water is made taking into account losses in water supply networks from the border of operational responsibility to the place of installation of the meter.

IV. Commercial metering of wastewater by calculation

22. Commercial accounting of wastewater is carried out by calculation in the following cases:

a) in the absence of a metering device, including in the case of unauthorized connection and (or) use of a centralized sewerage system;

b) in case of malfunction of the metering device;

c) in case of violation for more than 6 months of the deadlines for submitting meter readings to the organization carrying out water disposal, except for cases when the subscriber of such an organization has previously notified about the temporary cessation of wastewater discharge.

23. If the subscriber does not have a metering device or a malfunction of the metering device (including when dismantling the metering device in connection with its verification, repair or replacement), violation of the deadlines for submitting meter readings, except in cases where the subscriber has previously notified the organization that carries out the water disposal, about temporary cessation of wastewater discharge, the volume of wastewater discharged by the subscriber is taken equal to the volume of water supplied to this subscriber from all sources of water supply, including those determined by calculation in accordance with Section III of these Rules. This takes into account the volume of surface wastewater, which is calculated in accordance with paragraph 25 of these Rules, if the acceptance of such wastewater into the sewerage system is provided for by the water supply and sewerage scheme or the sewerage agreement, a single contract for cold water supply and sewerage.

24. In case of unauthorized connection and (or) use of a centralized sewerage system, the volume of discharged wastewater is determined by calculation in accordance with the guidelines for calculating the volume of accepted (discharged) wastewater using the method of accounting for the capacity of sewer networks, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, for the period of time during which such unauthorized connection and (or) use was carried out, but not more than 3 years. At the same time, the period of time during which unauthorized connection and (or) use of centralized sewerage systems was carried out is determined from the date of the previous control check of the technical condition of the objects of the centralized sewerage system in the place where the fact of unauthorized connection and (or) use of centralized sewerage systems was later revealed until the date of elimination of unauthorized connection (termination of unauthorized use). If the subscriber, within 1 year after the entry into force of these Rules, informed the organization that carries out the water disposal of the unauthorized connection and (or) use of the centralized water disposal system, the calculation method for determining the amount of accepted (discharged) wastewater is applied no more than 6 months.

25. Commercial accounting of surface wastewater is carried out by calculation in accordance with the guidelines for calculating the volume of accepted (discharged) surface wastewater, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

26. The volume of wastewater received from the owners or users of premises in multi-apartment buildings, in which the direct management of the owners of premises in multi-apartment buildings is chosen as the management method or in which the management method is not selected, as well as management organizations, homeowners associations, housing cooperatives or other specialized consumer cooperatives, as a communal resource from an apartment building that is not equipped with an appropriate collective (common house) metering device, is determined in accordance with the Rules that are mandatory when a management organization or a homeowners association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative concludes agreements with resource supply organizations , approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2012 No. 124.

27. If the transit organization does not have a metering device, as well as in the event of a malfunction of the metering device or dismantling of the metering device for the purpose of its verification, repair or replacement, the volume of wastewater transported through the sewer networks of such an organization is determined by calculation by summing up the volume of wastewater, which diverted by subscribers or accepted from other transit organizations, as well as the volume of surface wastewater accepted by the transit organization.

V. Design of the metering unit

28. The design of the metering unit is carried out on the basis of technical conditions. The result of the design of the metering unit is the project documentation. The subscriber or transit organization has the right to involve legal entities or individuals in the preparation of project documentation.

29. Specifications for the design of a metering unit are issued by the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, within 10 working days from the date of receipt from the subscriber or transit organization of an application for the issuance of technical specifications containing the information necessary for issuing technical specifications (volume of water consumed , discharged wastewater, the layout of the subscriber's facilities, the scheme of laying networks).

30. Specifications for the design of the metering station should contain:

a) requirements for the location of the metering unit;

b) requirements for the installation scheme of the metering device and other components of the metering unit;

c) requirements for the technical characteristics of the meter, including accuracy, measurement range and error level.

31. Design documentation for the equipment of the metering station should contain:

a) an indication of the location of the metering unit;

b) scheme of installation (connection) of the metering device and other components of the metering unit to the water supply and sanitation networks;

c) information about the type of meter used and information confirming its compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

32. The organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal shall consider the design documentation for the equipment of the metering station within 10 working days and notify the subscriber or transit organization in writing about the approval of the design documentation or the presence of comments and the need to finalize the design documentation. If the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation has not sent comments within the prescribed period, the design documentation is considered agreed without comments.

33. The organization that provides water supply and (or) sanitation refuses to approve design documentation for the equipment of the metering station in the following cases:

a) non-compliance of the project documentation with the requirements of the technical specifications for the design of the metering unit, including the non-compliance of the location of the metering unit with the place indicated in the installation (connection) diagram of the metering device and other components of the metering unit to water supply and (or) sewer networks;

b) non-compliance of the metering device installation scheme with the requirements established for the selected type of metering device by the metering device manufacturer.

VI. Admission of the metering station to operation

34. The admission of the installed metering unit to operation is carried out by the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, no later than 15 working days from the date of receipt from the subscriber or transit organization of the application for the admission of the metering unit to operation (hereinafter - the application).

If the subscriber's facility is not connected directly to the water and (or) sewer networks of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, a copy of the application sent to the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation is sent for information to the transit organization, to the water supply and (or) sewer networks to which the subscriber's facility is connected.

The application must indicate:

details of the subscriber or transit organization (for legal entities - the full name and main state registration number of the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the date of its entry into the register, location, individual taxpayer number, for individual entrepreneurs - the main state registration number of the entry in the Unified State Register of Individuals entrepreneurs and the date of its entry in the register, registration address at the place of residence, individual taxpayer number, for individuals - last name, first name, patronymic, series, number and date of issue of a passport or other identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, registration address place of residence), contact details, including postal address and telephone number of the person who submitted the application;

details (number, date of conclusion) of water supply agreements, a water disposal agreement, a single contract for cold water supply and sanitation, an agreement for the transportation of cold water, an agreement for the transportation of hot water, an agreement for the transportation of wastewater or an agreement for connecting to a centralized water supply or sanitation system;

the proposed date and time for the procedure for admitting the metering unit and (or) the metering device to operation, which cannot be earlier than 5 working days and later than 15 working days from the date of filing the application.

3 5. Attached to the application:

a) a copy certified by the subscriber or the transit organization by the agreed organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, design documentation for the equipment of the metering station;

b) copies of passports for metering devices that are part of the metering unit certified by the subscriber or the transit organization;

c) copies of documents certified by the subscriber or transit organization confirming the last verification of metering devices (except for new metering devices);

d) documents confirming the right of a person to sign an application and (or) submit an application on behalf of a subscriber or a transit organization.

36. The admission of the metering station to operation is carried out by the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, with the participation of a representative of the subscriber or the transit organization.

37. When carrying out admission to the operation of a metering station in an apartment building, a representative of the utility service provider represented by the managing organization, homeowners association, housing construction cooperative, housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative is involved in the admission to operation, and with direct management owners of premises in an apartment building - a person authorized by the decision of the general meeting of such owners, or an authorized representative of a person involved by the owners of premises in an apartment building under contracts providing for the provision of services for the maintenance and (or) performance of work on the repair of in-house water supply and (or) sanitation systems (in the presence of such agreements).

38. The organization that provides water supply and (or) sanitation, which received the application, determines the representative for its part and, if necessary, within 3 days from the date of receipt of the application, determines a different date and time for the procedure for allowing the metering unit to operate, which cannot be earlier than 5 working days and later than 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

The new date and time are agreed with the subscriber or transit organization that sent the application.

39. When carrying out the admission of the metering station to operation, the following shall be checked:

a) compliance of serial numbers on metering devices that are part of the metering unit with the numbers indicated in their passports;

b) compliance of the metering station with design and technical documentation, including the configuration and installation scheme of metering devices of the metering station;

c) the presence of signs of the last verification (with the exception of new metering devices);

d) the performance of metering devices that are part of the metering unit, and the metering unit;

e) operability of telemetry devices (if they are included in the metering unit).

40. If an organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, during the verification of inconsistencies between information, requirements and conditions with the information, requirements and conditions provided for in paragraph 39 of these Rules, the metering unit cannot be allowed to operate.

41. If the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation has not carried out such a check within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application, the metering unit is considered to be approved for operation.

42. Based on the results of checking the metering station, the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation draws up an act of admitting the metering station to operation, which indicates:

a) date, time and location of the object of verification;

b) last names, first names, patronymics, positions and contact details of the persons who took part in the inspection;

c) the results of checking the metering unit;

d) a decision on admission or refusal to allow the metering station to operate, indicating the reason for the refusal;

e) if the metering station is admitted to operation, the readings of metering devices at the time of completion of the procedure for admitting the metering station to operation and an indication of the places on the metering station where control one-time numbered seals (control seals) are installed.

43. The certificate of admission of the metering station to operation is signed by the persons who took part in the admission of the metering station to operation, in a number of copies equal to the number of parties (organizations) that took part in the admission of the metering station to operation. The act in case of refusal of the indicated persons to sign it is signed by representatives of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation. At the same time, such an organization is obliged to send the act to the parties who took part in the admission, in any way that allows confirming the receipt of this act.

44. Before signing the certificate of admission of the metering station to operation (in the absence of grounds for refusing to admit the metering station to operation), a representative of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation installs control seals on metering devices, flanges and valves on the bypass lines of the metering station .

45. The installation of metering devices is carried out by subscribers or transit organizations independently or under an agreement with an organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, at the expense of the subscriber or transit organization.

46. ​​In the event that an organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal installs metering devices in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", admission to the operation of the metering unit is carried out in the manner provided for in paragraphs 36 - 45 of these Rules. The water supply and (or) water disposal organization that installed the metering station sends the subscriber a notification of the date and time of the procedure for admitting the metering station to operation no later than 5 working days before the day the metering station is admitted to operation. If the representative of the subscriber fails to appear to participate in the procedure for admitting the metering station to operation on the day and time specified in the notice sent to the subscriber by the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation shall admit the metering station to operation without the participation of representatives of the subscriber, followed by the direction of the certificate of admission of the metering station to operation to the address of the subscriber. This act, with a copy of the passport attached to the metering devices, is sent to the subscriber in any way that allows you to confirm the fact of its receipt. Metering devices are considered approved for operation in the prescribed manner from the date of receipt by the subscriber (delivery to the subscriber) of the certificate of admission of the metering unit to operation with a copy of the passport for metering devices attached.

VII. Operation of the metering station (metering devices)

47. The operation of the metering unit, as well as the repair and replacement of metering devices are carried out by the subscriber or the transit organization in accordance with the technical documentation. Verification of metering devices that are part of the metering unit is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

48. Metering devices and (or) metering unit must be protected from unauthorized interference in their work.

49. The metering unit is considered out of order (faulty) in the following cases:

a) non-display of measurement results by metering devices;

b) the presence of signs of unauthorized interference in the operation of the metering unit, determined by a representative of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, based on photographic materials and by visual comparison of the metering device before and after unauthorized interference;

c) violation of control seals or verification marks;

d) mechanical damage to metering devices and (or) other elements of the metering unit;

e) exceeding the permissible error of readings of metering devices;

f) violation of the design documentation for the equipment of the metering station, in particular, the implementation of a tie-in into pipelines that are part of the metering station that is not provided for by the design documentation for the equipment of the metering station;

g) expiration of the calibration interval for verification of metering devices.

50. The person operating the metering unit, in the event of a failure of the metering unit or metering device (malfunction), is obliged to immediately notify the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal (subscriber or transit organization) and report the readings of metering devices at the time failure of the metering unit (malfunction), as well as to eliminate the identified malfunction (repair) within 60 days from the date of failure of the metering unit or metering devices (malfunction). The organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal must be notified of the dismantling of metering devices at least 2 working days in advance. The dismantling of metering devices that are part of the metering unit or metering unit, as well as their subsequent installation, are carried out in the presence of representatives of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, unless such representatives did not appear by the time of dismantling the metering devices or metering unit, specified in the notice.

51. Installation of seals on the metering device, which is part of the metering unit, after repair and (or) replacement of the metering device, its verification is carried out by the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal.

Water and (or) wastewater metering devices installed to determine the amount of water supplied to the subscriber under water supply agreements, a single cold water supply and sanitation agreement, wastewater diverted by a subscriber under a sanitation agreement, a single cold water supply and sanitation agreement, including after verification, are sealed organizations that provide water supply and (or) water disposal and with which these contracts are concluded, without charging a fee from the subscriber, except for cases when the sealing of the relevant metering devices is performed by such an organization again due to violation of the seal or verification marks by the subscriber or a third party.

Document overview

The procedure for commercial metering of water, wastewater using metering devices or by calculation has been established. It is used to determine the amount of payment for supplied (received), transported water, accepted (diverted), transported waste water under water supply (water disposal, water or waste water) contracts.

Requirements for the placement of metering devices are prescribed. It is determined who should keep commercial records. As a general rule, these are subscribers and transit organizations. The terms and methods for presenting meter readings have been established. The resource supplying organization has the right to reconcile readings and use control (parallel) metering devices (by notifying the other party).

The requirements for the design of metering units, as well as the procedure for their installation, operation, verification, repair and replacement are prescribed. All metering devices installed by subscribers are sealed free of charge, including after verification. An exception is re-sealing due to a broken seal.

Cases are determined when commercial accounting of water (waste water) is carried out by calculation. This is the absence of metering devices, their malfunction, violation of the deadlines for submitting meter readings for more than 6 months.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2013 N 776
"On approval of the Rules for the organization of commercial accounting of water, wastewater"

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

2. Explanations on the procedure for applying the Rules approved by this resolution are given by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

3. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation within 3 months to approve:

guidelines for calculating the losses of hot, drinking, process water in centralized water supply systems during its production and transportation;

guidelines for calculating the volume of accepted (diverted) wastewater using the method of accounting for the throughput of sewer networks;

guidelines for calculating the volume of accepted (discharged) surface wastewater.

organization of commercial accounting of water, wastewater
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2013 N 776)

With changes and additions from:

I. General provisions

1. These Rules for the organization of commercial metering of water, wastewater determine the procedure for commercial metering of water, wastewater using metering devices that meet the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements in metering units designed and approved for operation in the manner prescribed by these Rules, or by calculation in order to calculate the amount of payment for supplied (received), transported water, accepted (diverted), transported waste water under cold water supply contracts, hot water supply contracts (hereinafter referred to as water supply contracts), sanitation contracts, unified contracts for cold water supply and sanitation, contracts for the transportation of cold water, contracts for the transportation of hot water, contracts for the transportation of waste water and other contracts concluded with organizations engaged in regulated activities in the field of water supply and (or) sanitation.

These Rules apply to relations arising from the provision of public services, to the extent that such relations are not regulated by the housing legislation of the Russian Federation, including the Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354 "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings."

2. Commercial accounting of water, waste water is subject to the amount (volume):

a) water supplied (received) for a certain period to subscribers under water supply contracts, a single contract for cold water supply and sanitation;

b) water transported by an organization operating water supply networks under contracts for the transportation of hot water, contracts for the transportation of cold water;

c) wastewater received from subscribers under a water disposal agreement, including a single agreement for cold water supply and sanitation;

d) wastewater transported by an organization transporting wastewater under a wastewater transportation agreement;

e) water in respect of which water treatment measures have been taken under a water treatment agreement;

f) wastewater treated in accordance with the wastewater treatment agreement.

3. Commercial metering of water, waste water is carried out by measuring the amount of water and waste water with metering devices (measuring instruments) of water, waste water in metering units or by calculation in cases provided for by the Federal Law "On Water Supply and Sanitation".

4. Metering devices for water, waste water are placed by the subscriber or the organization transporting hot water, cold water, waste water (hereinafter referred to as the transit organization), on the border of the balance sheet ownership of networks or on the border of the operational responsibility of the subscriber and (or) the transit organization with the organization, providing hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) sanitation (hereinafter referred to as the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation), other organizations operating water supply and (or) sewer networks, unless otherwise provided by water supply contracts, a water disposal contract, a single contract for cold water supply and sanitation, an agreement on the transportation of cold water, an agreement on the transportation of hot water, an agreement on the transportation of wastewater, an agreement on connection (technological connection) to centralized systems of hot water supply, cold water supply and sanitation, an agreement on water preparation, a wastewater treatment agreement, as well as other agreements concluded with organizations providing water supply and (or) sanitation.

Connection (technological connection) of subscribers to a centralized hot water supply system and (or) a centralized cold water supply system (hereinafter referred to as centralized water supply systems) without equipping a metering station with water meters is not allowed.

Subscribers and transit organizations are obliged to equip their sewer outlets into the centralized sewerage system with wastewater meters in cases established by the Rules by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 644.

5. Commercial accounting of cold water, hot water, thermal energy in the composition of hot water, wastewater is carried out:

a) by the subscriber, unless otherwise provided by the water supply agreements, the water disposal agreement and (or) the unified agreement for cold water supply and sanitation;

b) a transit organization, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the transportation of cold water, the contract for the transportation of hot water and (or) the contract for the transportation of waste water.

6. Commercial metering of water, in respect of which water treatment measures have been taken, is carried out by an organization operating individual objects of centralized water supply systems, unless otherwise provided by a water treatment agreement, a contract for the transportation of cold water and (or) an agreement for the transportation of hot water.

7. Commercial accounting of wastewater, in respect of which treatment has been carried out, is carried out by the organization operating individual objects of centralized sewerage systems, unless otherwise provided by the wastewater treatment agreement, the wastewater transportation agreement and (or) the agreement on the treatment of sewage sludge.

8. Unless otherwise provided by these Rules, installation, operation, verification, repair and replacement of metering units are carried out in the following order:

a) obtaining technical specifications for the design of the metering unit;

b) design of a metering station and installation of a metering station for newly commissioned metering stations, including the installation of metering devices;

c) admission to the operation of the metering unit;

d) operation of the metering unit, including taking readings from metering devices on the amount of supplied (received, transported) cold water, hot water, thermal energy as part of supplied (received, transported) hot water, on accepted (discharged, transported) wastewater and other indications , provided for by the technical documentation, displayed by metering devices, including using remote reading systems (telemetry systems), as well as keeping records of the number and duration of emergency situations that occur in the operation of metering devices of the metering station;

e) verification, repair and replacement (if necessary) of metering devices.

Information about changes:

Rules were supplemented by clause 8.1 from July 14, 2017 - Decree

8.1. Installation of metering units in newly created capital construction objects, in respect of which connection (technological connection) to centralized water supply systems and (or) centralized water disposal systems is carried out, in accordance with the conditions for connection (technological connection) of the capital construction object to centralized water supply systems and (or ) centralized wastewater systems include:

a) design, installation and installation of the metering unit in accordance with the design documentation of the capital construction facility and (or) the connection conditions (technological connection);

b) admission to the operation of the metering unit.

9. Used metering devices for cold water, hot water and thermal energy as part of hot water, wastewater must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements in force at the time the metering devices are put into operation.

After the interval between verifications has expired or after the failure of metering devices or their loss, if this happened before the expiration of the interval between verifications, metering devices that do not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements are subject to verification or replacement with new metering devices. These provisions apply, among other things, to metering devices for cold water, hot water and heat energy as part of hot water, used to determine the amount of cold and hot water, heat energy as part of hot water supplied to the premises of apartment buildings and residential buildings.

II. Commercial metering of water, wastewater using metering devices

10. Collection of information on the readings of metering devices on the amount of supplied (received, transported) cold water, hot water, thermal energy as part of the supplied (received, transported) hot water, on the received (discharged, transported) wastewater, the number and duration of emergency situations arising in the operation of metering devices, and other information provided for by the technical documentation, displayed by metering devices, as well as taking readings from metering devices, including using remote reading systems (telemetry systems), is carried out by a subscriber or a transit organization, unless otherwise provided contracts of a subscriber and (or) a transit organization with an organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal. By the end of the 2nd day of the month following the billing month, the subscriber or the transit organization shall provide the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation with information on the readings of metering devices as of the last day of the billing period, unless other terms are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as information about the current readings of metering devices within 2 working days after receiving a request for the provision of such information from the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation. Such information is sent to the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal by any available method (postal item, fax message, telephone message, electronic message using the information and telecommunication network "Internet"), which allows confirming the receipt by the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, the specified information.

If the technical characteristics of the metering devices and metering units used allow the use of telemetry systems for transmitting meter readings and there is financial and technical support for the installation of telemetry modules and telemetry software, the presentation (removal) of meter readings is carried out remotely using such telemetry systems.

11. The subscriber or transit organization is obliged to ensure unimpeded access of representatives of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, or at the direction of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, representatives of another organization to metering units and metering devices for reconciliation of meter readings and verification compliance with the operating conditions of metering devices.

12. In the event of a discrepancy between the readings of the metering devices of a subscriber or a transit organization discovered during the verification process on the volume of supplied (received) cold water, hot water, thermal energy in the composition of hot water and discharged (received) wastewater with the information provided by subscribers or transit organizations, the organization, providing water supply and (or) water disposal, draws up an act of reconciliation of meter readings, signed by representatives of the subscriber or the transit organization and the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal.

If the representative of the subscriber or transit organization does not agree with the content of the act of reconciliation of readings of metering devices, the representative of the subscriber or transit organization makes a mark on the act "acquainted" and affixes his signature. The objections of the subscriber or the transit organization are indicated in the act or sent to the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation in writing in any way that allows confirming the receipt of the document by the subscriber or the transit organization. If the representative of the subscriber or the transit organization refuses to sign the act of reconciliation of meter readings, such an act is signed by the representative of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, with the note "the representative of the subscriber or the organization transporting water and (or) wastewater refused to sign ".

The act of reconciliation of meter readings is the basis for the recalculation of the volume of supplied (received) water and thermal energy as part of hot water and discharged (received) wastewater from the date of signing the last act of reconciliation of meter readings until the day of signing a new act.

13. In order to control the volumes of supplied (received) water, thermal energy in the composition of hot water and discharged (received) wastewater, the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, or the subscriber or transit organization has the right to use control (parallel) cold water metering devices , hot water, thermal energy as part of hot water and wastewater, subject to notification of one of the parties to the contract of the other party about the use of such metering devices.

Control (parallel) metering devices for cold water, hot water, thermal energy as part of hot water and wastewater are installed on the networks of the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, transit organization or subscriber in places that allow commercial accounting of water supplied to the subscriber, thermal energy in the composition of hot water and received wastewater.

In the event of a difference in the readings of control (parallel) meters for water, thermal energy in the composition of hot water and waste water and the main meters for water, thermal energy in the composition of hot water and waste water by more than the measurement error of such meters for a period of at least one billing month, the person who installed the control (parallel) metering device may require the other party to conduct an extraordinary verification of the metering device operated by this party. The readings of the control (parallel) metering device are used for the purpose of commercial metering of water, thermal energy as part of hot water and wastewater for the period of malfunction, verification of the main metering device, and also in case of violation of the deadlines for providing metering readings.

Installation, replacement, operation and verification of control (parallel) metering devices for water, heat energy as part of hot water and wastewater are carried out in accordance with the procedures provided for the installation, replacement, operation and verification of the main metering devices provided for by these Rules.

The person who installed the control (parallel) metering device is obliged to provide the other party (subscriber, transit organization, organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation) with unhindered access to the control (parallel) meters for water, heat energy as part of hot water and diverted ( accepted) wastewater in order to control the correct installation and operation of the control (parallel) metering device.

III. Commercial accounting of water by calculation

14. Commercial accounting of water is carried out by calculation in the following cases:

a) in the absence of a meter, including in the case of unauthorized connection and (or) use of centralized water supply systems;

c) in case of violation for more than 6 months of the deadline for submitting meter readings, which is the property of the subscriber or the transit organization, except for cases of prior notification by the subscriber or the transit organization of the organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply, of a temporary cessation of water consumption.

15. When calculating the method of commercial accounting of water, the following are applied:

a) the method of accounting for the capacity of devices and structures used for connection to centralized water supply systems;

b) the method of calculated average monthly (average daily, average hourly) amount of supplied (transported) water;

c) method of guaranteed volume of water supply;

d) the method of summing up the volumes of water.

16. The application of the method of accounting for the capacity of devices and structures used to connect to centralized water supply systems, with their round-the-clock full-section operation at the point of connection to the centralized water supply system and at a water movement speed of 1.2 meters per second, is used in the following cases:

a) in case of unauthorized connection and (or) use of centralized water supply systems for the period of time during which such unauthorized connection and (or) use was carried out, but not more than 3 years. At the same time, the period of time during which unauthorized connection and (or) use of centralized water supply systems was carried out is determined from the day of the previous control check of the technical condition of the objects of the centralized water supply system in the place where the fact of unauthorized connection and (or) use of centralized water supply systems was later revealed , until the day of elimination of unauthorized accession (cessation of unauthorized use). If, within 1 year after the entry into force of these Rules, the subscriber informed the organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply, about unauthorized connection and (or) use of the centralized water supply system, the calculation method for determining the amount of supplied (received) water is applied for no more than 6 months;

b) after 60 days from the date of occurrence of a metering device malfunction (including failure to perform verification after the expiration of the calibration interval) or dismantling of the metering device until the metering device is admitted to operation or verification without dismantling the metering device;

c) if the subscriber or the transit organization does not have water meters approved for operation in the prescribed manner, if within 60 days from the date of receipt from the organization providing hot water, cold water, notification of the need to install meters or after the date defined in the water supply contracts, the unified water supply and sanitation contract, the contract for the transportation of cold water and the contract for the transportation of hot water, water meters are not installed;

d) in case of violation for more than 6 months of the deadline for submitting meter readings, with the exception of cases of prior notification by the subscriber or transit organization of the organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply, of a temporary cessation of water consumption.

17. The method of calculating the average monthly (average daily, average hourly) amount of supplied (transported) water, used on the basis of the readings of the meter for the last year, is applied in the event that a malfunction of such a meter is established or such a meter is dismantled in connection with its verification, repair or replacement , but not more than within 60 days after establishing the fact of a malfunction of the metering device or dismantling the metering device, unless a different period is agreed with the organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply, and does not apply in cases of using control (parallel) metering devices.

If the period of operation of the meter is less than 1 year, then the data of the meter for the actual period of its operation are used.

If the actual period of operation of the meter is less than 60 days, then the method of calculated average monthly (average daily, average hourly) amount of supplied (transported) water is not applied.

18. The application of the method of guaranteed volume of water supply, determined by water supply contracts, a single contract for cold water supply and sanitation, is used in the following cases:

b) if the actual period of operation of the metering device from the date of admission to the operation of the metering device until its failure was less than 60 calendar days.

19. If the readings of the meter contain information about temporary violations in the operation of the meter that occurred during the operation of the meter, the calculation of the volume of water received for the specified period is made in accordance with paragraph 16 of these Rules.

20. The application of the method of summing up the volumes of water supplied to subscribers and (or) other transit organizations, the volumes of which are determined by meter readings or by calculation, by an organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply, using the water supply networks of these transit organizations is used in the absence of at the transit organization of water meters, as well as in the event of a malfunction of the meter and dismantling of the meter for the purpose of its verification, repair or replacement.

21. If the water metering unit is not located on the border of the operational responsibility of the organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply, the subscriber and (or) the transit organization, then the calculation of the volume of supplied (received) water is made taking into account losses in water supply networks from the border of operational responsibility to the place of installation of the meter.

IV. Commercial metering of wastewater by calculation

22. Commercial accounting of wastewater is carried out by calculation in the following cases:

a) in the absence of a metering device, including in the case of unauthorized connection and (or) use of a centralized sewerage system;

b) in case of malfunction of the metering device;

c) in case of violation for more than 6 months of the deadlines for submitting meter readings to the organization carrying out water disposal, except for cases when the subscriber of such an organization has previously notified about the temporary cessation of wastewater discharge.

23. If the subscriber does not have a metering device or a malfunction of the metering device (including when dismantling the metering device in connection with its verification, repair or replacement), violation of the deadlines for submitting meter readings, except in cases where the subscriber has previously notified the organization that carries out the water disposal, about temporary cessation of wastewater discharge, the volume of wastewater discharged by the subscriber is taken equal to the volume of water supplied to this subscriber from all sources of water supply, including those determined by calculation in accordance with Section III of these Rules. This takes into account the volume of surface wastewater, which is calculated in accordance with paragraph 25 of these Rules, if the acceptance of such wastewater into the sewerage system is provided for by the water supply and sewerage scheme or the sewerage agreement, a single contract for cold water supply and sewerage.

23.1 The volume of wastewater discharged by the subscriber into the centralized sewerage system is determined in accordance with the balance of water consumption and sanitation developed by the subscriber and agreed with the organization performing the wastewater disposal, subject to the following conditions:

establishment by the subscriber, together with the organization providing water disposal, in the manner prescribed by the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 644 "On approval of the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation and on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation ", the fact that it is not technically possible to install a wastewater meter and the signing of the relevant act or the absence of the subscriber's obligation to install a wastewater meter;

the use by the subscriber of water as part of the output, in the production of thermal energy, or the subscriber has independent outlets into water bodies, or the subscriber has 2 or more sewer outlets into the centralized water disposal system.

In the balance of water consumption and sanitation, the average daily volume of wastewater discharged by the subscriber into the centralized sewerage system is indicated, indicating the distribution of the total volume of wastewater by sewer outlets (in percent).

The subscriber is obliged to submit documents and materials confirming the data indicated in the balance of water consumption and sanitation to the organization that carries out water disposal.

The organization carrying out water disposal, when considering the balance of water consumption and water disposal, checks the data contained in the balance of water consumption and water disposal of the subscriber, as well as other data reported by the subscriber when providing the balance. When checking the data on the balance of water consumption and sanitation, the amount of wastewater can be measured using portable (temporary) metering devices installed for a period of 7 to 30 days by the organization carrying out the water disposal, or another organization authorized by it.

23.2. The organization carrying out water disposal has the right to refuse the subscriber to agree on the balance of water consumption and water disposal on the following grounds:

non-submission by the subscriber of documents and materials confirming the data indicated in the balance of water consumption and sanitation;

non-compliance of the balance of water consumption and sanitation with the documents and materials submitted by the subscriber in support of the data specified in the balance of water consumption and sanitation;

identification by the organization carrying out water disposal, or another organization authorized by it, when checking the data on the balance of water consumption and water disposal by measuring the amount of wastewater using portable (temporary) metering devices, discrepancies with the balance of water consumption and water disposal provided by the subscriber by more than 30 percent.

In this case, the amount of discharged wastewater is determined in accordance with paragraph 23 of these Rules.

23.3. The period of validity of the balance of water consumption and water disposal of the subscriber is determined by agreement between the subscriber and the organization that carries out the water disposal, but cannot be more than 5 years. The subscriber, no later than 90 calendar days before the expiration of the balance of water consumption and water disposal, is obliged to develop and send for approval to the organization that carries out water disposal, a new balance of water consumption and water disposal in the manner prescribed by paragraph 23.1 of these Rules.

24. In case of unauthorized connection and (or) use of a centralized sewerage system, the volume of discharged wastewater is determined by calculation in accordance with the guidelines for calculating the volume of accepted (discharged) wastewater using the method of accounting for the capacity of sewer networks, approved by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services. economy of the Russian Federation, for the period of time during which such unauthorized connection and (or) use was carried out, but not more than 3 years. At the same time, the period of time during which unauthorized connection and (or) use of centralized sewerage systems was carried out is determined from the date of the previous control check of the technical condition of the objects of the centralized sewerage system in the place where the fact of unauthorized connection and (or) use of centralized sewerage systems was later revealed until the date of elimination of unauthorized connection (termination of unauthorized use). If the subscriber, within 1 year after the entry into force of these Rules, informed the organization that carries out the water disposal of the unauthorized connection and (or) use of the centralized water disposal system, the calculation method for determining the amount of accepted (discharged) wastewater is applied no more than 6 months.

25. Commercial accounting of surface wastewater is carried out by calculation in accordance with the guidelines for calculating the volume of accepted (discharged) surface wastewater, approved by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

26. The volume of wastewater received from the owners or users of premises in multi-apartment buildings, in which direct management by the owners of premises in multi-apartment buildings is chosen as the management method or in which the management method is not selected, as well as management organizations, homeowners associations, housing cooperatives or other specialized consumer cooperatives, as a communal resource from an apartment building that is not equipped with an appropriate collective (common house) metering device, is determined in accordance with the Rules, mandatory when a management organization or a homeowners association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative concludes agreements with resource supply organizations , approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2012 N 124.

27. If the transit organization does not have a metering device, as well as in the event of a malfunction of the metering device or dismantling of the metering device for the purpose of its verification, repair or replacement, the volume of wastewater transported through the sewer networks of such an organization is determined by calculation by summing up the volume of wastewater, which diverted by subscribers or accepted from other transit organizations, as well as the volume of surface wastewater accepted by the transit organization.

V. Design of the metering unit

28. In cases of installation of metering units at capital construction facilities not specified in paragraph 8.1 of these Rules, the design of the metering unit is carried out on the basis of the technical specifications for the design of the metering unit. The result of the design of the metering station is the design documentation for the equipment of the metering station. The subscriber or transit organization has the right to involve legal entities or individuals in the preparation of project documentation for the equipment of the metering station.

29. Technical specifications for the design of the metering unit are issued in the cases provided for in paragraph 28 of these Rules by the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, within 10 working days from the date of receipt from the subscriber or transit organization of an application for the issuance of technical specifications containing information, necessary for the issuance of technical conditions (the volume of water consumed, wastewater discharged, the layout of the subscriber's facilities, the scheme for laying networks).

30. Specifications for the design of the metering station should contain:

a) requirements for the location of the metering unit;

b) requirements for the installation scheme of the metering device and other components of the metering unit;

c) requirements for the technical characteristics of the meter, including accuracy, measurement range and error level.

31. Design documentation for a capital construction facility and design documentation for metering station equipment in the cases provided for in paragraph 28 of these Rules must contain:

a) an indication of the location of the metering unit;

b) scheme of installation (connection) of the metering device and other components of the metering unit to the water supply and sanitation networks;

c) information about the type of meter used and information confirming its compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

VI. Admission of the metering station to operation

34. The admission of the installed metering unit to operation is carried out by the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, no later than 15 working days from the date of receipt from the subscriber or transit organization of the application for the admission of the metering unit to operation (hereinafter - the application).

If the subscriber's facility is not connected directly to the water and (or) sewer networks of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, a copy of the application sent to the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation is sent for information to the transit organization, to the water supply and (or) sewer networks to which the subscriber's facility is connected.

The application must indicate:

details of the subscriber or transit organization (for legal entities - the full name and main state registration number of the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the date of its entry into the register, location, individual taxpayer number, for individual entrepreneurs - the main state registration number of the entry in the Unified State Register of Individuals entrepreneurs and the date of its entry in the register, registration address at the place of residence, individual taxpayer number, for individuals - last name, first name, patronymic, series, number and date of issue of a passport or other identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, registration address place of residence), contact details, including postal address and telephone number of the person who submitted the application;

details (number, date of conclusion) of water supply agreements, a water disposal agreement, a single contract for cold water supply and sanitation, an agreement for the transportation of cold water, an agreement for the transportation of hot water, an agreement for the transportation of wastewater or an agreement for connecting to a centralized water supply or sanitation system;

the proposed date and time for the procedure for admitting the metering unit and (or) the metering device to operation, which cannot be earlier than 5 working days and later than 15 working days from the date of filing the application.

35. Attached to the application:

a) a copy of the design documentation for the metering station equipment certified by the subscriber or the transit organization;

b) copies of passports for metering devices that are part of the metering unit certified by the subscriber or the transit organization;

c) copies of documents certified by the subscriber or transit organization confirming the last verification of metering devices (except for new metering devices);

d) documents confirming the right of a person to sign an application and (or) submit an application on behalf of a subscriber or a transit organization.

36. The admission of the metering station to operation is carried out by the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, with the participation of a representative of the subscriber or the transit organization.

Information about changes:

The rules were supplemented by clause 36.1 from July 14, 2017 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2017 N 778

36.1. Admission to operation of a metering unit installed in a newly created or created capital construction facility, connected (technologically connected) to centralized water supply systems and (or) centralized water disposal systems, is carried out by an organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, on the basis of a connection act ( technological connection) of the facility within the connection period (technological connection) determined by the Rules for hot water supply, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 642 "On approval of the Rules for hot water supply and amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 . N 83", and (or) the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 644 "On approval of the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation and on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation".

In cases where the subscriber's facility is not connected directly to the water supply and (or) sewerage networks of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, a copy of the notice of the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection) sent to the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, it is sent by it for information to the transit organization, to the water supply and (or) sewer networks of which the subscriber's facility is connected.

37. When carrying out admission to the operation of a metering station in an apartment building, a representative of the utility service provider represented by the managing organization, homeowners association, housing construction cooperative, housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative is involved in the admission to operation, and with direct management owners of premises in an apartment building - a person authorized by the decision of the general meeting of such owners, or an authorized representative of a person involved by the owners of premises in an apartment building under contracts providing for the provision of services for the maintenance and (or) performance of work on the repair of in-house water supply and (or) sanitation systems (in the presence of such agreements).

38. The organization that provides water supply and (or) sanitation, which received the application, determines the representative for its part and, if necessary, within 3 days from the date of receipt of the application, determines a different date and time for the procedure for allowing the metering unit to operate, which cannot be earlier than 5 working days and later than 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

The new date and time are agreed with the subscriber or transit organization that sent the application.

39. When carrying out the admission of the metering station to operation, the following shall be checked:

a) compliance of serial numbers on metering devices that are part of the metering unit with the numbers indicated in their passports;

b) compliance of the metering station with the relevant design and technical documentation, including the configuration and installation scheme of the metering station metering devices, as well as the compliance of the design and technical documentation with the technical specifications;

Subparagraph "d" of paragraph 53 of the Rules for hot water supply, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 642 "On approval of the Rules for hot water supply and amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 N 83", or paragraph 106 of the Rules for Cold Water Supply and Sanitation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2013 N 644 "On Approval of the Rules for Cold Water Supply and Sanitation and on Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation", respectively, the metering unit is considered approved for operation.

42. Based on the results of checking the metering station, the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation draws up an act of admitting the metering station to operation, which indicates:

a) date, time and location of the object of verification;

b) last names, first names, patronymics, positions and contact details of the persons who took part in the inspection;

c) the results of checking the metering unit;

d) a decision on admission or refusal to allow the metering station to operate, indicating the reason for the refusal;

e) if the metering station is admitted to operation, the readings of metering devices at the time of completion of the procedure for admitting the metering station to operation and an indication of the places on the metering station where control one-time numbered seals (control seals) are installed.

43. The certificate of admission of the metering station to operation is signed by the persons who took part in the admission of the metering station to operation, in a number of copies equal to the number of parties (organizations) that took part in the admission of the metering station to operation. The act in case of refusal of the indicated persons to sign it is signed by representatives of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation. At the same time, such an organization is obliged to send the act to the parties who took part in the admission, in any way that allows confirming the receipt of this act.

Information about changes:

The rules were supplemented by clause 43.1 from July 14, 2017 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2017 N 778

43.1. In the absence of comments on the metering unit installed in a newly created or created capital construction facility, connected (technologically connected) to centralized water supply systems and (or) centralized water disposal systems, the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal reflects information on the admission of the metering unit for operation in the act of connection (technological connection) of the facility.

44. Before signing the certificate of admission of the metering station to operation (in the absence of grounds for refusing to admit the metering station to operation), a representative of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation installs control seals on metering devices, flanges and valves on the bypass lines of the metering station .

45. The installation of metering devices is carried out by subscribers or transit organizations independently or under an agreement with an organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, at the expense of the subscriber or transit organization.

46. ​​In the event that an organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal installs metering devices in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", admission to the operation of the metering unit is carried out in the manner provided for in paragraphs 36 - 45 of these Rules. The water supply and (or) water disposal organization that installed the metering station sends the subscriber a notification of the date and time of the procedure for admitting the metering station to operation no later than 5 working days before the day the metering station is admitted to operation. If the representative of the subscriber fails to appear to participate in the procedure for admitting the metering station to operation on the day and time specified in the notice sent to the subscriber by the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation shall admit the metering station to operation without the participation of representatives of the subscriber, followed by the direction of the certificate of admission of the metering station to operation to the address of the subscriber. This act, with a copy of the passport attached to the metering devices, is sent to the subscriber in any way that allows you to confirm the fact of its receipt. Metering devices are considered approved for operation in the prescribed manner from the date of receipt by the subscriber (delivery to the subscriber) of the certificate of admission of the metering unit to operation with a copy of the passport for metering devices attached.

b) the presence of signs of unauthorized interference in the operation of the metering unit, determined by a representative of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, based on photographic materials and by visual comparison of the metering device before and after unauthorized interference;

c) violation of control seals or verification marks;

d) mechanical damage to metering devices and (or) other elements of the metering unit;

e) exceeding the permissible error of readings of metering devices;

f) violation of the design documentation for the equipment of the metering station, in particular, the implementation of a tie-in into pipelines that are part of the metering station that is not provided for by the design documentation for the equipment of the metering station;

g) expiration of the calibration interval for verification of metering devices.

50. The person operating the metering unit, in the event of a failure of the metering unit or metering device (malfunction), is obliged to immediately notify the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal (subscriber or transit organization) and report the readings of metering devices at the time failure of the metering unit (malfunction), as well as to eliminate the identified malfunction (repair) within 60 days from the date of failure of the metering unit or metering devices (malfunction). The organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal must be notified of the dismantling of metering devices at least 2 working days in advance. The dismantling of metering devices that are part of the metering unit or metering unit, as well as their subsequent installation, are carried out in the presence of representatives of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, unless such representatives did not appear by the time of dismantling the metering devices or metering unit, specified in the notice.

51. Installation of seals on the metering device, which is part of the metering unit, after repair and (or) replacement of the metering device, its verification is carried out by the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal.

Water and (or) wastewater metering devices installed to determine the amount of water supplied to the subscriber under water supply agreements, a single cold water supply and sanitation agreement, wastewater diverted by a subscriber under a sanitation agreement, a single cold water supply and sanitation agreement, including after verification, are sealed organizations that provide water supply and (or) water disposal and with which these contracts are concluded, without charging a fee from the subscriber, except for cases when the sealing of the relevant metering devices is performed by such an organization again due to violation of the seal or verification marks by the subscriber or a third party.

The subscriber wants to oblige the WSS organization to recalculate in connection with the supply of cold water of inadequate quality

The WSS organization wants to collect payment for cold water consumed in the absence of a contract

The WSS organization wants to recover the debt for unaccounted for consumed cold water

The subscriber has not paid the accrued fee for water disposal services in relation to general house needs, for which charging is not allowed, and wants to oblige the WSS organization to recalculate

The subscriber wants to oblige the WSS organization to recalculate the payment for the supplied cold water, as the WSS organization incorrectly determined its volume

1. Quantity is subject to commercial accounting:

1) water supplied (received) for a certain period to subscribers under water supply agreements;

2) water transported by an organization operating water supply networks under a water transportation agreement;

3) water in respect of which water treatment measures have been taken under a water treatment agreement;

4) wastewater received from subscribers under water disposal agreements;

5) wastewater transported by the organization transporting wastewater under a wastewater transportation agreement;

6) wastewater, in respect of which treatment has been carried out in accordance with the wastewater treatment agreement.

2. Commercial metering of water and waste water is carried out in accordance with the rules for organizing commercial metering of water and waste water, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. Commercial accounting of thermal energy, which is released (received) for a certain period to subscribers as part of hot water under hot water supply contracts, is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Heat Supply".

4. Commercial metering is carried out at metering stations by measuring the amount of water and waste water with water, waste water metering devices or, in the cases provided for by this article, by calculation.

5. Meters for water, wastewater are placed by the subscriber, the organization operating water supply or sewer networks, at the border of the balance sheet ownership of the networks, the border of the operational responsibility of the subscriber, these organizations or in another place in accordance with the agreements specified in part 1 of article 7, part 1 article 11, part 5 of article 12 of this Federal Law, agreements on connection (technological connection). Meters for water, wastewater, installed to determine the amount of water supplied to the subscriber under a water supply agreement, wastewater diverted by a subscriber under a water disposal agreement, are sealed by organizations that provide hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) water disposal and with which these agreements are concluded, free of charge payment from the subscriber, except for cases when the sealing of the relevant metering devices is performed by such an organization again due to the violation of the seal due to the fault of the subscriber or third parties.

(see text in previous edition)

6. Connection (technological connection) of subscribers to a centralized hot water supply system, a centralized cold water supply system without equipping a metering station with water meters is not allowed.

(see text in previous edition)

7. Subscribers and organizations operating sewer networks are obliged to equip their sewer outlets into the centralized sewerage system with wastewater meters in cases determined by the rules for cold water supply and sanitation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

8. Installation, replacement, operation, verification of water and wastewater meters are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. Subscribers, organizations operating water supply and sewer networks are obliged to provide access to representatives of the organization providing hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) sanitation, with which the agreements specified in

11. If the subscriber does not have a wastewater metering device, the volume of wastewater discharged by the subscriber is taken equal to the volume of water supplied to this subscriber from all sources of centralized water supply, while taking into account the volume of surface wastewater if the acceptance of such wastewater into the drainage system is provided for by the contract drainage.

The design of water supply for a residential building is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.01-85 and SNiP 2.04.03-85.

2.1.1 Internal plumbing

The composition of the water supply system includes the following elements: input, water metering unit, internal water supply network (distributing main, risers, connections to water taps) and installations for increasing the pressure of water in the network.

2.1.2. The choice of system and scheme of internal cold


1. Depending on the initial data in the work, the following systems of internal water supply of buildings are possible:

a) an internal drinking water supply system powered directly from the city network without booster devices (H gar

b) an internal water supply system, when the pressure in the network is insufficient only during the daytime - the system works with a water tank;

c) an internal water supply system with pumps to increase the pressure. This system is adopted when the pressure in the external network is constantly less than the required pressure in the building, and the water consumption in the building is even.

In this work, the internal water supply system is domestic and drinking, supplying drinking water according to GOST 2874-93 "Drinking water".

The source of water supply for a residential building is the city water supply. The city water main is laid along the street, which faces the facade of the building. City pipe diameter d = 200 mm. The laying depth is 2.3 m

The internal water supply network is designed as a dead end, with a lower distribution of mains, without special water pressure devices (see below).

2. One input for a building with a dead-end network of internal water supply is designed, since a temporary interruption of the water supply is allowed.

The entrance to the building is laid in its central part with a slope 0,005 from the building and connected to the water supply network with the help of a nurse. It is designed from cast iron water pipes. d = 32 mm according to GOST 5525-61.

The length of the input should be as short as possible, and the diameter of its pipes is determined by calculation. Input length = 15 m(sealing of the pipe at the place of its passage through the foundation of the building is carried out using a metal sleeve d = 250 mm and bookmarks in the annular gap of the resin strand and greasy crumpled clay). At the point of connection of the input to the external network, a well is provided for placing connecting and shutoff valves.

The depth of laying the input is assigned depending on the depth of laying the pipes of the street water supply network and the depth of soil freezing.

The input is laid with a slope from the building above the drainage pipes and away from them at distances recommended by SNiP 2.04.01-85.

3. The water metering unit and water meters are located near the outer wall, immediately after the introduction of pipes into the building, in the central part of the basement, the temperature in which is 2 °C. The selected premises are available for inspection, taking readings from the water meter and on-site repairs.

In internal water supply systems, as a rule, high-speed meters are used: vane or turbine. Vane meters are installed only horizontally; turbine - in any position. On each side of the meter, straight sections of pipelines should be provided on which gate valves or valves are installed.

A drain cock must be installed between the meter and the second (in terms of water movement) valve, valve. If there is one entrance to the building, a bypass line is arranged at the meter with a valve sealed at normal times in the closed position. The device of the water measuring unit is shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Water meter assembly and its main elements.

1 – water meter (water meter); 2 - locking device to the water meter; 3 - locking device after the water meter; 4 - control and drain valve; 5 – sealed gate valve on the bypass line; 6 - bypass line; 7 - the main pipeline.

2.1.3. The device of the internal water supply network

When designing a water supply network, one should strive for the shortest length of pipelines. The main highway is laid under the ceiling of the basement with a slope 0,002 towards the water meter. On the main line, in places where sanitary appliances are concentrated (in sanitary facilities), 5 risers are installed, which are necessary for distributing water over the floors of the building.

An open laying of risers is provided. Connections to taps and appliances are laid 0.25 m above the floor.

Shut-off valves are installed at the base of each riser; on each eyeliner to the toilet flush tank; on branches to each apartment; in front of outdoor watering taps. On the internal water supply, two watering taps are provided, one for every 60–70 m of the perimeter of the building, located in the niches of the outer walls of the building.

The internal main network, risers and connections to appliances and watering taps are designed from galvanized steel gas pipes GOST 3242-75.

The risers are located in the bathrooms.

The layout of cold water pipelines in terms of is shown in fig. 3, axonometric diagram of the water supply network - in fig. four.

Preparation of initial data for design

Calculation and graphic work covers the solution of issues of designing systems of internal drinking water supply and household and fecal sewerage of buildings, is performed by students individually outside of school hours with consultations from design managers .

1. Toilet bowl with flush tank,

2. Washbasin with faucet,

3. Bathtub with mixer,

4. Sink with a mixer.

Rice. 3. Layout of pipelines of cold water supply in the plan

Rice. four. Axonometric diagram of the internal plumbing.

When calculating taken:

a) 4 people live in each apartment;

b) the water meter is installed in the basement of the house;

c) the source of water supply is the city utility and drinking water supply, to the street network of which the input of the water supply is connected (see master plan);

d) the building has a centralized hot water supply.

All data for the performance of the work is given in the task.

In accordance with the number of sections on the assignment, a typical floor plan is drawn. The layout of the remaining floors of the building should be taken of the same type. The plan of the basement or technical underground should be designed by the student, focusing on the plan of a typical floor.

The master plan of the site is finalized by the student, taking into account the principle of free planning. The configuration of buildings on the master plan must correspond to the configuration of the building plan issued in the task (see Appendix 2). Floor plans, basement or technical underground plan, master plan must be agreed with the consultant.

When developing a plumbing scheme, it is necessary to carefully study the plans for the basement, floors and the location of sanitary appliances. After that, outline the location of the risers on the floor plan .

2.3. Initial data for design

(Calculation example)

It is necessary to design the internal drinking water supply and internal drainage of a residential building . In doing so, the following must be taken into account:

a) the layout of the floors of the building is of the same type ;

b) the basement is operated and located under the entire building;

c) the land surface of the building site is flat;

d) the number of sections of the building - two (the second is considered a mirror image of the given one).

The following data has been received:

1. Plan of a typical floor of a residential building (Fig. 1), consisting of two identical sections, in each section there are 15 apartments, the house, respectively, for 30 apartments. All apartments in the house are equipped with sinks, washbasins 1.7 m long with shower nets, toilets.

2. Floor height (from floor to floor) h e = 2.8 m.

3. Absolute mark of the floor of the first floor Z 1 = 119.6 m

4. Number of floors n = 5.

5. Guaranteed pressure in the external water supply network, at the connection point H gar = 20 m.

6. The number of water consumers U = 4 people in the apartment.

7. Water consumption rate = 300 l / person. day.

8. Hot water preparation neutralized.

9. The absolute mark of the ground surface of the building Z 2 = 119.3 m.

10. The absolute mark of the top of the city water pipe is 116.45 m.

11. The absolute mark of the tray of the well "A" of urban drainage is 116.0 m.

12. The slope of the municipal sewer pipe 0.025 m

13. The absolute mark of hatches of wells on street water supply and sanitation networks is 117.13 m.

14. Depth of soil freezing h pr \u003d 2.3 m.

15. Distance from the red line of the building - 1 = 10 m

16. Distance from the building to the city drainage well ℓ 2 = 10 m.

17. Pipe diameter: city water supply D water - 200 mm,

urban drainage D to / from - 300 mm.

18. Basement height (from the floor of the first floor) - 2.2 m.

19. Develop on a scale of 1:20 - 1:5 one of the following elements of the designed systems: according to the number of the student's option (Appendix 3).

2. Design of internal plumbing

2.1. Description of the building - taken from the task.

Improvement of the building - a residential building of an apartment type with a gas water heater or hot water supply (according to hydraulic calculation).

Accepted norm of water consumption (from the task - specific water consumption l / day per person).

The number of occupants is determined by hydraulic calculation by area and from the probability of simultaneous operation of devices.

2.2.Accepted system and scheme of water supply, pipe material, methods of their connection, wiring, fastening, isolation and slope of the main.

The choice of system and plumbing scheme.

The internal water supply system is selected depending on the technical and economic feasibility, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements, as well as taking into account the adopted external water supply system.

For the conditions of this course work, a drinking water supply system is used.

Water supply schemes must be designed simple, economical, reliable and easy to install and operate.

According to the configuration of the water supply scheme, there are with lower and upper wiring of main pipelines, dead-end and ring. In residential buildings with a height of up to 12 floors, a dead-end scheme with a lower wiring of main pipes is used.

At bottom wiring the highway is located at the lowest level, i.e. in the basement, if there is one, or in special channels. (mainly in residential and public buildings) (Fig. 1 and 2)

At top wiring the highway is located at a high level, i.e. somewhere under the ceiling of the upper floor or on the technical floor (mainly for industrial buildings).

Fig.1. Bottom wiring. Fig.2. Top wiring.

For this course project, we accept a drinking water supply system, a dead-end water supply scheme with one input and a lower wiring of main pipelines.

The dead-end water supply scheme consists of a main line and dead-end branches. Water in such a system moves from the input of the highway to dead ends. The advantage of such a system is that a minimum number of water pipes are required. And the disadvantage is that any breakdown in the section of the highway leaves subsequent branches without water.

Depending on the magnitude of the guaranteed pressure in the external water supply network, the following schemes are distinguished:

a) working under the pressure of the external network;

b) working with local booster installations.

Schemes with local booster installations are divided into:

a) schemes with a water tank;

b) schemes with permanent pumping units;

c) schemes with intermittent pumping units operating in conjunction with a water tank.

The internal plumbing system includes:

entry into the building of the water supply system, water metering unit, distribution network, risers,

connections to sanitary appliances, water folding, mixing, shut-off and control valves.

The material of pipes for water supply will be taken from the hydraulic calculation.

The methods of their connection of pipes depend on the material of the pipes.

Insulation of the line for cold water supply only up to the water meter unit along the length of possible freezing.

2.2.1. Entering the water supply and water meter unit (piping network routing) .

The internal plumbing scheme should be developed starting from the entrance to the building.

An input is a section of the pipeline from the city water supply network to the water metering unit. The input must be laid along the shortest distance at an angle of 90 ° to the wall of the building.

Each water supply in residential buildings is designed for a maximum of 400 apartments.

The input diameter is determined during the hydraulic calculation of the network.

The input of the water supply is carried out:

Water meter assembly . A water meter assembly (water meter frame) is a section of a water pipe immediately after entering the water supply, which has a water meter, pressure gauge, shutoff valves and a bypass line. The water meter unit should be installed at the outer wall of the building in a convenient and easily accessible room with artificial or natural lighting at a distance of about 1 m from the wall with anti-freeze measures, or with an air temperature of at least +5 ° С in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01-85. How to isolate the pipe to the water meter assembly is explained in an explanatory note, but this is not noted in the drawing. The bypass line of the water metering unit is usually closed, and the fittings on it are sealed. This is necessary to account for water through a water meter. The reliability of the water meter readings can be checked using the control valve installed after it. Valves or gate valves are installed on each side of the water meter.

The house input ends with a water metering unit, which is mounted behind the first outer wall of the building - in a warm and dry room. A “city” valve or gate valve is installed in front of the water meter, and a “house” valve behind the water meter. A tee with a tap is installed between the water meter and the "house" valve. The presence of this tap makes it possible to drain water from the system in emergency situations, as well as to check the correctness of the water meter readings without removing it from its place.

The depth of the input is taken equal to the depth of the city water supply and depends on the depth of soil freezing. For the possibility of emptying, the input is laid with a slope of 0.002-0.005 towards the street network.

A - floor mark of the first floor

Zh - floor mark of the basement, technical floor

B - mark of the surface of the earth near the building

B - mark of the earth's surface at the point of connection to the city water supply and sewerage

G - mark of the axis of the city water pipe at the connection point

D - mark of the bottom of the city sewer pipe at the connection point

A - in dry soil.

B - in wet soils;

1 - input pipe; 2 - resin strand; 3 - crumpled greasy clay; 4 - plaster with cement mortar; 5 - sleeve; 6 - cement-sand mortar; 7 - wooden insert; 8 - tarred rope; 9 - wall

basement; 10 - clay castle.

The water supply inlet is located above the sewer pipes, the distance in the plan is at least 1.5 m from each other.

The intersection of the input with the basement walls is carried out in dry soils with a gap of 0.2 m between the pipeline and building structures, sealing the hole with waterproof and gas-tight elastic materials, in wet soils - with the installation of glands.

The distance in the plan between the input of the water supply and the outlets of the sewerage and drains must be at least 1.5 m with an input diameter of up to 200 mm. Not less than 3 m - with an input diameter of more than 200 mm,

Clause 9.5 [Lukinykh A.A., Lukinykh N.A. Tables for the hydraulic calculation of sewer networks and siphons according to the formula of acad. Pavlovsky. - M., 1984].

On the main pipelines, it is also necessary to provide for the installation of watering taps with a diameter of 25 mm, which are placed on the outside of the building in niches to a height of 0.25 m from the blind area through 60-70 m along the perimeter of the building. On the inside, a shut-off valve is installed to turn off the watering tap for the winter.

- shut-off valve (diameter 15, 20, 25, 32, 40 mm). – water meter (water flow meter). - manometer.

When designing a system with a single inlet, a water meter assembly is arranged with a bypass line, on which a sealed valve is installed, including, if necessary, skipping a fire-fighting water pass or removing the water meter for repair and inspection. It is necessary to provide a free approach to the water meter assembly for ease of operation and reading of the water meter. Stop valves are installed before and after the water meter, and a check valve is installed between the water meter and the second valve in the direction of travel.

The water metering unit is usually located immediately after entering it inside the building at a distance of no more than 1 m from the outer wall.

The input of the water supply is carried out:

a) from cast iron pipes with an input diameter of more than 50 mm,

b) from galvanized steel pipes with an input diameter of less than 50 mm.

Water metering units are installed immediately after the passage of the input through the wall

or foundation at a distance of about 1 m from the wall with measures against freezing. How to isolate the pipe to the water meter assembly is explained in an explanatory note, but this is not noted in the drawing.

The bypass line of the water metering unit is usually closed, and the fittings on it are sealed. This is necessary to account for water through a water meter. The reliability of the water meter readings can be checked using the control valve installed after it. Valves or gate valves are installed on each side of the water meter.

Between the water meter and the second valve in terms of water movement, a control and drain valve is provided to empty the system and check the accuracy of the water meter reading. When arranging one input to the building, a bypass line with a valve or valve is arranged at the water meter.

Routing of the water network.

Water risers should be placed together with sewer risers and hot water risers in places of greatest water intake, usually in the corner near the toilet.

Depending on the finishing of buildings, open and hidden laying of risers is used.

Main water pipes are laid along the main inner wall or columns 40-50 cm below the basement ceiling. Fastening of pipelines is carried out on brackets or roofs.

On the inside, a shut-off valve is installed to turn off the watering tap for the winter. The supply pipelines from the risers to the sanitary appliances are laid at a height of 20-30 cm above the floor with a slope of 0.002-0.005 to the risers and connected to the fittings of the appliance in vertical sections.

If there is a basement or technical underground, the input is carried out in the basement or technical underground with free access to the water metering unit. In the absence of a basement or a technical underground, it is advisable to assign an input to the stairwell with the installation of a water meter in the underground channel.


- visible section of the pipeline B1 (open laying). - an invisible section of the pipeline K1 (hidden laying). - water faucet. - watering faucet.

B1 - household and drinking water supply; B2 - fire water supply; B3 - industrial water supply (general designation).

B1-1 - means that the input refers to the domestic drinking water pipeline B1 and the serial number of the input is No. 1. This means that the input refers to the domestic drinking water supply B1 and the serial number of the input is No. 1. 2.2.2. Internal water supply network and fittings.

1. The design of networks must begin with the selection of locations for risers for various purposes on the floor plans. When designing, we are guided by the following provisions: - networks should be laid parallel to the walls of buildings and lines of columns, as straight as possible, so that the length of the pipe is minimal; - pipelines should not cross beams, columns and other load-bearing parts of the building; - choose the laying of the cold water supply network taking into account the joint installation with other networks (hot water supply, heating); - when placing risers, it is necessary to take into account the layout of the premises so that they are located near walls that allow the fastening of pipelines; - risers are laid, if possible, at the locations of the largest number of water-folding devices so that their number and length of wiring to water-folding devices are minimal.

2. The internal water supply network consists of main pipelines, risers and pipes leading to sanitary appliances.

We number all risers clockwise, respectively, plumbing: household and drinking - StV1-1, St.V1-2, etc., sewer: household systems - Art. K1-1, Art. K1-2, etc.

For the installation of cold water supply networks, SNiP 2.04.01-85 * recommend the use of plastic, metal-polymer, fiberglass, steel, cast iron and asbestos-cement pipes. It is allowed to use copper, bronze, brass pipes and fittings for them.

We design the internal water supply and sewerage networks on the plans at the same time so that the design solutions of the schemes are the simplest, most convenient in operation and interconnected. Moreover, the advantage in the design is given to sewage, since it becomes clogged during operation and requires cleaning.

It is advisable to use industrial construction methods when designing with the use of sanitary blocks and cabins of various types, but individual installation is also possible.

Water risers are placed together with sewer pipes, which are installed at the device (toilet bowl), which discharges the largest one-time wastewater consumption. Depending on the requirements for finishing buildings, open or hidden laying of risers is used.

External load-bearing wall 510 mm thick. Internal load-bearing wall 380 mm thick. Niche for risers 150 mm deep, 250-300 mm wide.

3. We place sewer risers near sanitary appliances with the most polluted sewage, so that they get into the risers in the shortest way, at the main walls, and not at the partitions.

In bathrooms, we place sewer risers near the toilet bowl or behind the toilet bowl, in a wall channel or shaft.

It is impossible to have sewer risers near the walls adjacent to the living quarters.

We lay the outlet pipelines from sanitary appliances along partitions and main walls to the corresponding risers to which they are connected.

It is not correct to place the water supply riser so that the sewer riser has to loop around it.

It is wrong to place one riser for two apartments, because.

The hydraulic calculation is increased (the farthest will be the busiest riser),

Seal pipes with tiles is also impossible because of the neighbors.

4. We place water risers in places of the greatest water intake and taking into account the possibility of installing one shut-off valve to disconnect the entire supply from each riser.

Water risers should not be placed on walls adjacent to living rooms and near external walls.

We lay water lines from water risers along walls or partitions to the installation sites of water fittings of the corresponding sanitary device.

5. After we have completed the design of networks on the floor plans, we proceed to the design of networks on the basement plan, having previously transferred all the risers to the same places on the basement plan.

6. The tracing of the internal network starts from the water-folding devices: on the floor plans and sections of the building, the places for laying pipes supplying water to the devices (wiring), as well as risers are outlined.

7. Water supply networks are laid in such a way that their length and the number of intersections with building structures is minimal. The presence of bends and turns in the form of loops on the risers is undesirable, since air jams form in them, which disrupt the network.

The main pipeline is laid in the basement along the internal main wall of the building below the ceiling by 0.3-0.5 m.

8. Pipelines must not cross beams, columns and other load-bearing parts of the building. When placing risers, it is necessary to take into account the layout of the premises on all floors of buildings: risers should not pass in the middle of the room, cross the supporting structures of the building, should be located near walls and partitions, columns that allow pipelines to be fastened.

To change the direction of the pipeline, connect side branches, connect pipes of various diameters, shaped (connecting) parts are used.

9. For ease of use in buildings with a large number of water fittings and a significant number of pipelines, risers are located in mounting shafts (150 x 250 ... 300 mm in internal load-bearing walls) or channels, furrows.

Hidden laying in the furrows is allowed for rooms with increased requirements for finishing. To ensure reliable operation of the network with hidden wiring, all connections embedded in the wall must be welded (with the exception of elbows for attaching wall fittings). Furrows with pipelines should be sealed with plaster or lining, allowing easy opening of pipelines during their repair and dismantling. At the place of installation of threaded connections and fittings, hatches with doors are provided.

It is possible to lay pipelines openly along walls, trusses, columns and under ceilings. This allows you to reduce installation and construction work, provides easy access for inspection and repair of networks. The disadvantage of open laying is the clutter of the walls, the deterioration of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the room due to the accumulation of dust, sweating pipes.

At the intersection of risers and other vertical pipelines with ceilings, sleeves made of roofing paper or sheet steel are put on them (so that they protrude 20 mm above the finished floor mark) to protect the ceilings from wetting with condensing moisture.

The deviation of risers from the vertical should not exceed 2 mm per 1 m of their length. 10. The mains are laid in such a way as to combine all the risers and the pipeline supplying water to the building. On networks with lower wiring, they are placed in undergrounds, basements and technical floors or on the ground floor, in underground channels.

With the upper wiring of the mains, they are mounted in the attic of the building, under the ceiling of the upper floor.

11. To drain water, the mains should be laid with a slope of 0.002-0.005 towards the input or water points. In the lowest sections of the highway, plugs should be provided to release water from the networks during their repair.

12. It is not allowed to embed pipes in walls and ceilings.

13. It is recommended to lay the network together with other networks. At the same time, in order to avoid pollution and an increase in the temperature of the water, it is necessary: ​​to provide for laying with sewer pipelines only in through channels when the water supply is located on top; prevent laying with pipelines transporting flammable, combustible and toxic liquids and gases; locate pipelines below the networks transporting hot water and steam, and cover them with thermal insulation.

14. Pipelines are laid in rooms with temperatures above 2 ° C to prevent freezing of pipelines.

When laying in rooms with a lower temperature, in the zone of influence of cold outside air (near entrance doors and gates), in rooms with high humidity, where condensation can form on the cold surface of pipes, the pipelines should be covered with thermal insulation.

Uninsulated pipes are painted with oil paint, and in damp rooms they are varnished.

If several pipelines for various purposes are laid in the room, they are painted in different colors.

15. When laying networks of plastic pipes, their features should be taken into account.

To avoid damage to the pipe, it is desirable to use a hidden gasket in furrows, shafts, channels.

Compensation for large temperature elongations of plastic pipes (0.6-1 mm per 1 m) is provided by the device for turns, bends, indents, and in long straight sections - by installing U-shaped or lens compensators.

Plastic pipes must be protected from high temperatures: when they are laid parallel to heating pipes, hot water pipes, they must be located at a distance of at least 100 mm.

16. Pipes are attached to the walls with brackets and clamps that have a smooth inner surface and rounded edges.

For movable fasteners, clamps with an inner diameter 1-3 mm larger than the pipe diameter are used. With a fixed mount, rubber gaskets are placed under the same clamps. Fixed fasteners are installed at a distance of not more than 400 pipe diameters.

The distance between the fasteners due to the low strength of the pipes is assumed to be 0.3-0.6 m for pipes with a diameter of 10-20 mm; 0.4-1.3 m at d = 25-50 mm.

Horizontal pipes are attached to the walls, ceiling or laid on the floor on supports.

17. Wiring is laid, as a rule, openly along the walls of showers, kitchens and other rooms. It is rational to place them under sanitary appliances at a height of 15-40 cm above the floor and, if necessary, cover them with a ceramic tile plinth.

18. The supply pipelines from the risers to the sanitary appliances are laid at a height of 20-30 cm above the floor with a slope of 0.002-0.005 to the risers and connected to the fittings of the appliance in vertical sections.

19. Pipelines of the internal water supply are laid from pipes with a diameter of 15-32 mm. The internal water supply of a residential building consists of vertical risers, main and distributing pipelines, sanitary appliances and connections to them. In the diagrams and drawings, the main water supply is indicated, for example, as follows: Input B1-1.

20. In an extensive network, shut-off valves can be installed on a group of devices. Pipelines laid outside, for example for irrigation, must have devices to turn off the water supply in winter and drain the water.

21. Household sewer outlets are located on one side of the building perpendicular to the outer walls.

When deciding on the number of releases from the building, one must proceed from the conditions:

best performance in the future;

a specific layout of the building, so that when combining several risers for one outlet, the length of the network is the smallest and with fewer turns, bearing in mind that when operating in the places of turns, clogging of pipelines is possible.

We install cleaning or revisions in places where the direction of wastewater movement changes, in straight sections at certain distances, according to table.6. Revisions and cleanings must be installed in places convenient for their maintenance.

The installation of revisions and cleanings on the internal drainage network is carried out similarly to the domestic sewerage network.

22. In the project, a deviation from the detailed design is allowed so as not to make two identical floor plans, the water supply and sewerage networks are applied parallel to each other on the same drawing of the building plan.

An example of the installation of a water meter assembly.

Mounting of the water metering unit is carried out on a working system filled with water and passed pressure testing and washing. Units are installed in dry non-residential premises. The measuring device is installed on a straight section, and the nodes themselves are assembled from the smallest number of bends, fittings and other parts in order to avoid unnecessary pressure losses. As an example, a water metering unit with a nominal diameter of 50 mm is presented, as one of the most common (in practice, for most apartment buildings, the diameters of the supply pipelines are in the range of 32 ... 100 mm.

As follows from the presented diagram, the water meter assembly consists of a main line (in which an inlet gate, a filter, a water meter, a check valve and an outlet gate are installed in series) and a bypass line with a gate installed in it. In the operating position, the main line gates are fully open and the bypass line gate is fully closed. The presence of a bypass line in the water metering unit is determined by the requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to ensure maximum water supply in the event of emergency situations, primarily in the event of a fire. It is also necessary to ensure uninterrupted water supply at home during maintenance and repair work: cleaning the filter, replacing the water meter (for example, during its next verification), etc. In this case, the bypass line gate is fully opened first, and then the main line inlet and outlet gates are fully closed. After that, the pressure from the main line is "vented" using a two- or three-way valve, usually installed between the check valve and the outlet gate, and the necessary work is carried out. At the end of them, the shutters of the main channel are fully opened, and the shutter of the bypass channel is completely closed. It should be especially noted that the presence of a bypass line in the water metering unit, as well as the need to carry out the above-described maintenance and repair work when servicing the water metering unit, imposes increased requirements on the tightness of the gates in the closed position.

A water meter unit with a bypass line is used mainly on the combined systems of fire-fighting and domestic and drinking water supply. It might be convenient

When you need to pass water for a fire through the bypass line bypassing the meter,

In buildings where water supply cannot be interrupted,

The bypass line may turn on in case of removal, replacement or repair of the water meter.

The capacity of the water metering unit is determined by the water flow. It is necessary to select water meter units according to the maximum estimated water flow in the building, taking into account the fire-fighting flow, and also do not forget to check the water meter for small costs, which are 5-9% of the average hourly flow.

In the diagrams and drawings, the input is indicated, for example, as follows: Input B1-1. This means that the input refers to the B1 domestic and drinking water supply and the serial number of the input is No. 1. The depth of the water supply inlet pipe is taken according to SNiP 2.04.02-84 for external networks and is found by the formula: H hall \u003d H frozen + 0.5 m , where H is frozen - the standard depth of soil freezing in a given area; 0.5 m - a margin of half a meter.

An example of a B1 domestic and drinking water supply in a two-story building with a basement.

Elements of household and drinking water supply B1: 1 - water supply input; 2 - water meter unit; 3 - pumping unit (not always); 4 - distributing water supply network; 5 - water riser; 6 - floor (apartment) eyeliner; 7 - water folding and mixing fittings.

An example of piping is shown in the figure.

Network tracing (laying pipelines) begins with a block network that combines the main elements of the system (pumping stations, networks of individual buildings, etc.). Usually quarterly networks are laid in the ground. The minimum distances from these networks to other communications are assumed to be the same as for inputs. It is rational to lay quarterly networks together with other networks in through and non-through channels - couplings between buildings.

Fig.5. a - valve, b - gate valve Some people think that the valve is the same gate valve, only of a small size. But that's not the case at all! Whatever it was valve price less on them than on valves. In valves, the fluid flow is blocked by a valve (Fig. a), which is pressed against the seat in a horizontal plane or in another parallel to the flow. In order to carry out such a channel for the movement of liquid in the valve, it bends twice at an angle of 90 degrees, which is not good, because excess resistance to the flow of liquid is created. And in valves, the fluid flow is blocked by a damper or cone (Fig. b), which descends perpendicular to the flow.

The peculiarity of the valve is the complete absence of resistance, because there are no bends. Gate valves and valves have their pros and cons. The main advantage of the gate valve is the absence of resistance and such valves are more reliable, better locks the channel even at high pressure, because one-sided pressure presses the gate more tightly to the saddle. Gate valve advantages work more efficiently at high pressures and diameters, i.e. the larger the size of the valve, the better the design of the valve works. This is felt from about a pipe diameter of 300 mm. The advantages of the valve are ease of manufacture, because it is not necessary to grind parts so precisely, due to the use of gaskets and the ease of rotation (opening) of the lamb at high pressures. But the downside is that the pressure tends to push the valve away from the seat, and this entails additional loads on the structure.

According to the design of the valve, there are: wedge, rigid wedge, double-disk wedge, elastic wedge, parallel valve, pinch valve, slide valve, with a non-rising or rising spindle. Gate valves are usually made of steel or cast iron, but they are also made of titanium or aluminum alloys.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation (17-94), the subscriber must be equipped with a water and wastewater metering unit. Subscribers who do not have metering devices must install them within the period determined by the WSS organization (operating water supply and sewer systems). The exception is networks intended only for fire extinguishing. Their water supply occurs, bypassing accounting devices.

General location requirements and rules

Water metering systems are located in rooms where:

  • the air temperature should not fall below 4 C (including in winter),
  • there is natural or artificial lighting, while a socket must be provided for connecting electrical measuring devices,
  • external insulation of the room (along the entire height) was made to prevent the ingress of groundwater and precipitation,
  • isolation of the mounted structure from the places of storage of material assets is provided (in case of flooding).

Transit sewer lines and outlets are taken out of the premises.

The contract between the WSS organization and the subscriber specifies the name and position of the person responsible for the safety of the facility, the integrity of the seal on the meter and the bypass line valve. After the expiration of the maximum allowable service life of the meter, regardless of the state of the device, the WSS organization sends an order to the subscriber to replace the device.

The caliber of the device (nominal diameter) is agreed with the WSS organization and is determined by theoretical calculations with a check for max. and min. object water consumption.

Representatives of the bodies of the State Standard of the Russian Federation must, after verification, seal the meter - without this, its operation is prohibited. The function of sealing according to a power of attorney (or a similar replacement document) can be performed by water and utilities organizations at the expense of subscribers.

In case of violation of the installation rules, damage to the metering device or its absence, the consumption of drinking water is determined by the incoming volume at a round-the-clock flow at a speed of 1.5 m / s. The total cross section is taken into account at the maximum throughput of the device. Accruals are made from the date of the last verification until the installation of the meter. In this case, the recalculation for the consumed water flow is not done. For the wastewater metering unit in this case, their quantity is considered equal to the calculated value for the incoming resource.

Designing nodes based on consumption volumes

For apartments and small organizations

To register a small amount of water consumption, single-jet vane meters with remote control (nominal diameter) - 10-15 mm are recommended. In apartments (in the presence of passing risers, for which registrars are needed at each input), 2-5 counting devices are installed. A valve, a ball valve, a filter are mounted in front of each water meter.

For homes and institutions

With an estimated consumption of hot or cold water in volumes of the order of 3.5-20 m3 / h, vane multi-jet water meters with a remote control of 20-40 mm are recommended. Combined devices are also used, where a turbine meter with a DN of 50-150 mm is combined with a vane meter of 20-40 mm. The following scheme can be presented as a sample project for a cold water metering unit:

Designing a cold water metering unit assumes the presence of:

  • water meter,
  • pressure gauge
  • mesh filter,
  • check valve,
  • shutoff valves located on both sides of the meter,
  • bypass (bypass) line.

For hot water, a bypass line is not provided (see diagram below):

For multi-storey buildings and large enterprises

In order to ensure general house accounting in multi-storey buildings, turbine flange devices with remote control - 40-150 mm are recommended. Before installing such meters at the enterprise (in order to obtain permission), the customer must present:

  • A copy of the contract for water supply and sanitation services (for cold hydroflow).
  • A copy of the contract for heat supply services with prescribed contractual loads for hot water supply.
  • A copy of the Act delimiting the balance sheet ownership and liability of the parties. A scheme of supply heating mains must be attached to the Act.

Design of H/E and coolant metering units

The metering unit for heat energy and hot water consists of:

  • calculator,
  • carrier mass or volume meter,
  • primary transducers of temperature, pressure, flow,
  • display devices,
  • shutoff valve.

Subscriber - mounted on the border between the heat supply and the consumer, which fixes the balance sheet. Apartment-mounted - are mounted mainly with vertical wiring of internal consumption systems.

Works include:

  • design,
  • installation with insertion of the thermal-mechanical part into pipelines,
  • electrical connections,
  • adjustment and programming of the calculator,
  • verification of work for at least 3 days before delivery.

The price of a water metering unit and maintenance varies significantly in specialized companies and depends mainly on:

  • DU devices - the price is directly proportional to the diameter of the water meter (for example, checking DN 10-15 mm - 450 rubles; DN 40-50 mm - 2000 rubles).
  • Absence/presence of a pulse output.
  • A model range of heat meters, calculators, flow meters (for example, verification of a heat meter with one flow channel - from 4000 rubles, with two channels - from 4700-5000 rubles).
  • Type of procedure performed (verification, removal, installation, paperwork).

At the same time, the general scheme for saving resources involves the installation of accounting devices only as a first step. Next comes the introduction into everyday life of the idea of ​​reducing consumption through saving devices, savers (, personal discipline and responsibility.

1. Task

2. Designing a cold water supply system.

3. Design of internal sewerage.

4. Application.

5. List of references.

Design of a cold water supply system

A hydraulic seal or siphon serves as an intermediate link between the device and the sewer network, preventing the penetration of gases from the network into the room. The most widespread are siphons with a diameter of 50 mm: double-turn, oblique, straight, with revision, bottle.

Branch lines from appliances to risers should be laid straight along the walls above the floor, in the interfloor overlap, if the design and thickness of it allow it, under the ceiling below the non-residential public premises in the form of overhead lines. In the first floors of buildings, in the absence of basements, outlet pipelines and collectors are laid in special channels. Changing the direction of the gasket is made using special fittings.

Sewer risers are installed at the locations of groups of sanitary appliances and, if possible, closer to the toilet or kitchen sink. If at least one toilet bowl is connected to the riser, its diameter should be taken at least 100 mm. Risers are placed openly - near walls and partitions or hidden - in assembly shafts, blocks, cabins. Sewer risers should be brought out above the roof of the building to a height: from a flat unexploited roof - by 0.3 m, from a pitched unexploited roof - by 0.5 m, from an exploited roof - by 3 m, from the edge of a prefabricated ventilation shaft - not less than on the
0.1 m

To ensure the reliability and uninterrupted operation of the internal sewerage network, revisions or cleanings are installed on it. On the stoics, revisions are installed in the upper and lower floors and above the indents. In residential buildings with a height of 5 floors and more, additional revisions are installed at least every three floors. On risers, revisions are installed at a height of 1 and from the floor. On horizontal sections of the network, revisions or cleanings are installed at turns, as well as along the length of pipelines at a distance of 6 to 25 m from each other, depending on the diameter of the pipelines and the nature of wastewater pollution. On the suspension lines, revisions or cleanings are installed, which can be displayed in the premises of the higher floor.

Outlets that divert wastewater from risers outside the building into the yard (internal) sewer network are laid with smooth connections to risers (two 45˚ outlets are used). In one release, 2-3 risers can be combined, while ensuring the proper location of revisions and cleanings in accessible places. In this case, the outlet diameter should be checked by calculation. Outlets from sewer risers are mounted straight, without kinks; they are directed outside the walls of the courtyard facades, and not on the main facade of the building. The maximum allowable length of the outlet pipe from the riser or from cleaning to the axis of the manhole depends on the diameters of the outlet pipes: with a diameter of 50 mm - 8 m, with a diameter of 100 mm - 12 m. The shortest length of the outlet pipe from the outer wall to the manhole is taken depending on the soils: for solid soils - 3m, for macroporous subsidence soils - 5m.

Wastewater is removed and transported through gravity sewer pipes (cast iron or plastic) connected by fittings. Per storey: straight tee 100×100, straight tee 100×50, straight tee 50×50 (2 pcs.), elbow).

Yard sewer network

Sewer outlets are connected to the manholes of the yard or intra-apartment network. The yard sewer network is laid parallel to the outer walls of the building, along the shortest path to the street collector, with the smallest pipe laying depth according to the rules for installing external sewer networks.

Before connecting the yard network to the city network, a KK control manhole is installed, which is located at a distance of no more than 1.5 - 2 m from the red line of the site.

For inspection, flushing and cleaning of yard sewer networks, manholes, in addition to the places where outlets from the building are connected to the yard network, are arranged in places where the direction, slopes, diameters of pipelines change and in straight sections with a pipe diameter of 150 mm at a distance
35 m and with a diameter of 200 mm or more - 50 m.

The minimum depth of laying the pipeline tray, in the absence of operational data, is allowed to be taken for yard sewer pipes 0.3 m less than the greatest freezing depth of the soil, but not less than 0.7 m from the top of the pipe.

The diameter of the yard domestic sewer network must be at least 150 mm, the estimated filling of pipelines should be taken no more than 0.6 of the pipe diameter, the speed of the waste fluid in the pipe should be at least
0.7 m/s. The smallest slopes for pipes with a diameter of 150 mm - i=0.008, for pipes with a diameter of 200 mm - i=0.005.

In the underlying (in the direction of fluid movement) sections of the network, the speed should be equal to or greater than the speed in the underlying sections. It should be borne in mind that on the upstream sections of the yard network there may be insignificant waste liquid flows (the depth of the water layer is less than 5 cm). Such sections of the network are called off-design and they are joined at the marks of the tray. If the depth of the water layer in the pipe is more than 5 cm, the sections are calculated, and they are interconnected by the water level. When docking a non-calculated section with a calculated section, the mark of the flume of the pipe of the non-rated section is aligned with the water surface in the pipe of the calculated section.

When joining pipes of different diameters, their conjugation should be carried out along the pipes of the pipes (the pipe is the upper generatrix of the pipe arch). When connecting the yard network to the city sewer, the yard network pipe must match the city sewer pipe. If the street sewer runs at a depth greater than the lower section of the yard network, then the difference is arranged in the control well.

Calculation of the yard sewer network

The calculation of the yard sewer network consists of determining the estimated wastewater flow rates at the facility and in individual sections of the network and the hydraulic calculation of the network. The network is calculated on the basis of sewerage schemes shown on the general plan of the site and floor plans of the building with the location and number of wastewater receivers.

Estimated wastewater consumption in the courtyard network sections qk, l / s, is determined by the formula:

where qtot is the estimated water consumption for household and drinking needs, determined by the formula:, (because q = 0.3); qs0 - wastewater flow rate from the device with the highest water discharge (usually in residential buildings, the flow rate from the toilet bowl is taken equal to 1.6 l / s).

The flow rate from the volley discharge of wastewater into the sewer network qs0 is taken into account only if the calculated flow rate qtot is less than 8 l/s.

All data on determining the estimated costs for individual sections of the yard sewer network are recorded in the table:

Determination of the estimated costs of the yard sewer network:

Lot numbers

Number of consumers U, people

The device with the highest water discharge

Consumption, l / s

Device name

Estimated qs

Design qscalc

Hydraulic consumption of the yard sewerage network:

Lot number

Length l, m

Estimated flow rate qscalc, l/s

Diameter D, mm

Speed, m/s


Marks, m

Depth of laying Nzal, m

Earth surfaces

water surface

tray pipe

The first five columns are filled in, as in the calculation of the internal water supply. The values ​​q0 are the consumption by the sanitary appliance and qhr, u are the rate of water consumption by the consumer in the hour of the highest consumption of hot and cold water. Since the value of qtot is less than 8 l / s in all sections of the network, then when determining the estimated flow rate, we add the flow rate from the toilet to the value of qtot, equal to 1.6 l / s.

Sewer outlets from the building should be checked for the following conditions:

where K = 0.6 - for cast iron pipes; V is the speed of the waste liquid in the pipeline, m/s; h/d - pipeline filling.

For the first riser of the sewer network, the estimated flow rate is
qs = 2.504 l / s, the slope is selected according to the reference manual (2) equal to i = 0.018, when the wastewater velocity is V = 0.77 m / s, and the filling of the pipeline h / d = 0.43

For the second riser of the sewer network, the estimated flow rate is
qs=3.184 l/s; the slope is selected according to the reference manual (2) equal to i=0.018, when the wastewater velocity is V=0.825 m/s, and the filling of the pipeline is h/d=0.494

Therefore, the condition for this riser cannot be satisfied, then the pipeline is laid with a maximum slope for a diameter of 100 mm i=0.02.

The resulting estimated costs are entered in the third column of the hydraulic calculation of the yard sewer network.

The lengths of the network sections are taken according to the general plan of the section.

According to the application (Table No. 3), depending on the estimated flow rate, the accepted diameter of the pipe and filling, the slope of the pipe and the speed of water movement in it are found. The magnitude of the drop ∆h is determined by multiplying the length of the section and the accepted slope.

Pipe surface marks are taken according to the task.

The mark of the pipe tray at the beginning of the network is determined as the difference between the mark of the earth's surface Zzem and the depth of the pipe Nzal. at the end of the well, in turn, the laying depth is equal to the difference between the freezing depth and 0.3 m. Subtracting the fall at the site from the obtained value, we obtain the mark of the pipe tray at the end of the section.

The marks of the water surface in the pipe are found by adding the depth of the layer in the pipeline to the marks of the pipe tray.

The depth of the pipe at the beginning and at the end of each section is found by subtracting the marks of the pipe tray from the marks of the earth's surface. Finding the values ​​of the remaining marks is similar to the above.

Docking of the calculated sections (up to the control well KK) is carried out according to the water level in the pipelines, while the mark of the water surface in the pipeline in the overlying section is equated to the mark of the water surface in the pipeline in the subsequent section.

In the control manhole KK, located at a distance of 2.0 m from the red line of the site, a drop is arranged, and the yard network is connected to the city sewer collector along the pipes of the yard and city network. That is, the mark of the pipe tray at the end of the KK-KGK section will be determined by the formula:

where d is the diameter of the city sewer.

According to the table, a longitudinal profile of the yard sewer network was built.


No. 1. Table of values ​​of the coefficient α depending on the number of sanitary appliances N and the probability of their action P:

α values ​​for Р≤0.1 for any number N

No. 2. Data for the hydraulic calculation of steel and cast iron water pipes:

q, l/s

Speed V( m/s) and specific head loss in pipes i(mm/m) with diameter dy (mm)

Number 3. Data for hydraulic calculation of sewer gravity cast iron pipes dy=150 mm:


Consumption and speed on slope


1. Sanitary equipment of buildings (internal water supply and sewerage): Guidelines for the implementation of the course project.

2., Lukinykh for the hydraulic calculation of sewer networks and siphons according to the formula of acad. : Reference manual.

3. SNiP 2.04.01-85*. Internal plumbing and sewerage of buildings.


Number of floors - 9

Room height, m ​​- 2.5

Average occupancy sq., pers. - 3

Absolute marks, m:

Land surface area - 12.5

Basement floor - 11.0

Shelygi city water pipe - 10.5

City sewer pipe tray - 9.5

Pipe diameter, mm:

City water supply - 250

City sewer - 400

Guaranteed pressure in the city water supply, m - 45

Depth of soil freezing, m - 1.5


to the course project



Developed by studio. gr. 2-PZ-3

Bogdanova A.A.

Received Romanov Yu.V.

1. Introduction............................................... ................................................. ....................3

2. Initial data for design .......................................................... .......................3

3. Designing a cold water supply system....................................................4

3.1. The choice of the system and scheme of internal plumbing .............................................. 4

3.2. Entrance to the building, water metering unit .............................................. .........................four

3.3. Tracing the network and building an axonometric diagram of pipelines .... 5

3.4. Hydraulic calculation of the network .................................................... ...............................7

4. Design of internal sewerage.................................................... ...........ten

4.1. Internal sewerage device .............................................................. ..............ten

4.2. Yard sewer network .............................................................. .....................eleven

4.3. Calculation of the yard sewer network ....................................................... ..........13

List of references .............................................................................. ....................17


The choice of an internal water supply system depends on the purpose of the building, its number of storeys and volume, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements, and on the magnitude of the guaranteed pressure in the external network. Since our building is a residential building with less than 12 floors, we design only domestic drinking water supply.


The height of the technical underground premises is 2.2 m. The thickness of the interfloor ceilings is 0.3 m.


3.1. The choice of the system and scheme of internal water supply

The choice of an internal water supply system depends on the purpose of the building, its number of storeys, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements, and the value of the minimum guaranteed pressure in the external pipeline.

The water supply scheme is determined by the presence of technical floors in the building, as well as the type and volume of serviced systems. When choosing an internal water supply scheme, the placement of water folding devices, the mode of water consumption, the reliability of supplying consumers with water, the maintainability of networks, as well as technical and economic feasibility are taken into account.

The project uses a dead-end scheme of the water supply network with a lower wiring of the mains.

When choosing a water supply system, it is first necessary to determine the approximate required set at the point of connection of the internal water supply to the street network, m of water. Art. and compare it with the guaranteed pressure in the city water supply network and the permissible pressure in the internal network, which should not exceed 45 m of water. Art. in front of the sanitary appliance:

where n is the number of floors of the building

Because , then the water supply system can operate under the pressure of the city water supply network.

3.2. Entrance to the building, water meter unit

Entrance to the building - a pipeline from the external water supply to the water metering unit located inside the building or in a special heated room. The water meter assembly is installed 2 m behind the outer wall of the building in a lighted, accessible, heated (temperature not lower than 5 ° C) room. The number of inputs is determined by the selected system and the water supply scheme. In view of the fact that the building has less than 16 floors and 400 apartments, 1 inlet is arranged, the diameter of the inlet pipe from the hydraulic calculation is 40 mm.

The depth of laying the shelyga of the input pipe is at a depth of 2.8 m, which is 0.5 m more than the depth of soil freezing. At the point of connection of the input to the external network, we install a shut-off valve. The input is laid with a slope of 0.005 towards the external network to enable the water supply to be emptied.

The water meter is located in the basement of the building. The water meter unit is equipped with a water meter, a coarse filter (to remove mechanical contaminants), valves for possible repair or replacement of the meter, straight pipes both before and after the meter.

Head loss in meters h ch, m, at the estimated maximum second water flow q, l/s, should be determined by the formula:

where S- hydraulic resistance of the meter, taken according to Table. 1. for meter nominal diameter 40 mm.

3.3. Tracing the network and building an axonometric diagram of pipelines

The design of the internal water supply network begins with drawing on the floor plans in the sanitary units of the water risers, which are located taking into account the placement of other adjacent engineering communications of the building (sewerage, heating, ventilation, power supply, etc.). Due to the absence of floor plans in the architectural background, the arrangement of sanitary appliances was carried out independently. Water (and sewer) risers are placed hidden in special shafts near the rear wall. In residential buildings, water risers are located one vertical on all floors.

The main water supply network is routed along the internal main walls with risers connected at the shortest distance, taking into account the possibility of free access to the installed fittings and pipe connections.

Watering taps dy 25 mm is placed in the niches of the outer walls of the building (niche size 200 × 300 mm) at a height of 0.3–0.4 m from the blind area. If it is impossible to place a watering tap in a niche of the outer wall, then it is placed in carpets near the building.

Shutoff valves on the internal water supply network must be installed in the following places:

- at the base of the risers of the household and drinking or industrial network in buildings of 3 floors or more;

- on branches from the main water supply lines;

– branches to each apartment;

- branches of the distributing network to ensure the possibility of disconnecting its individual sections;

- connections to drain tanks;

- backbone network in order to allocate repair areas, but with simultaneous shutdown of no more than 5 fire risers.

At the base of the risers and at the repair sections of the main network, it should be provided for the installation of drain valves for emptying pipelines during their repair.

The main pipelines in the basement are laid, as a rule, under the ceiling with a clear distance from building structures and between pipes of 0.10–0.15 m. When using steel, polypropylene or PVC pipes, serial wiring is most often used.

The network tracing and axonometric diagram of water supply pipelines are presented below in the working drawings for the project.

3.4. Hydraulic network calculation

The purpose of the hydraulic calculation is to determine the most economical pipe diameters and pressure losses when the estimated water flow is skipped. All water networks are calculated to skip the maximum flow rate per second.

The basis for the calculation is the axonometric diagram of the water supply. On it, a dictating water-folding device is selected and the dictating (calculated) direction is determined (from the dictating point to the point of connection to the external network). The dictating direction is divided into calculated sections. The calculated section of the pipeline is taken, on which at the considered moment of time the flow rate of transported water does not change.

The procedure for performing a hydraulic calculation:

- determine the number of devices on the site, N;

- determine the probability of action of sanitary appliances by the formula , where U is the number of consumers in the estimated section of the network; - the rate of consumption of cold water by the consumer at the hour of the highest water consumption, for residential buildings of apartment type 5.6 l;

- determine the estimated consumption of cold water used for domestic and drinking needs in the estimated section of the network, where α - coefficient determined by SNiP;

- by interpolation in the table of Appendix 2, the pipe diameters d are found for the corresponding flow rate, based on the condition that the velocity of the fluid in the pipe will lie in the range of 0.7-2.2 m/s;

During the Soviet Union, water could be used in unlimited quantities for a very small fee. But unfortunately, water resources are not endless and they are becoming less and less. Today, water is becoming closer in importance to oil, which means that accounting for its consumption is stricter. Currently, there is a federal law, according to which all consumed water is subject to calculation using special devices. To ensure the operation of such devices or meters, there is a water meter unit.

What it is?

A water metering unit is considered to be a pipe section with various constituent elements, coming from the entrance of the central water supply to an apartment or private house. With its help, a company providing water supply services controls the amount of water used by consumers at a particular facility. For consumers, the installation of a water metering unit allows not only to control the use of water, but also save money by analyzing the consumption over a certain period of time.

A water metering unit is a whole system consisting of different elements that have their own purpose. The main component of the node is the counter. No less important parts of the system are fixing fittings with a locking mechanism, a strainer, a crane with a fixed trigger mechanism, compensating pipe sections in the form of branch pipes and other elements that perform a connecting function.

The meter shows the amount of water consumed in cubic meters. The purpose of the tap is to drain water and control pressure in the internal network, it can be used to check the accuracy of the installed meter and determine the location of the water leak in the internal system.

With the help of valves, the access of water to the house from the central highway is blocked. It is used when dismantling the meter or completely draining the system. A mesh filter is necessary for the post-treatment of water entering the internal system from impurities resulting from corrosive changes in pipes or emergencies at a waterworks. Flanged pipes are used for mounting individual sections of the system. And the rest of the connecting elements perform an auxiliary function.

Regulatory requirements

For the arrangement of a water meter unit it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements specially developed and adopted in the Russian Federation.

  • For the installation of a water metering unit, a non-residential premises with a relative air humidity of 75-80% and a temperature not lower than + 5 ° C are used. The location of the nodal system must be accessible for inspection, reading, replacement or dismantling of the instrument for verification. In apartment buildings and public buildings, nodes are most often located in central heating points, basements or specially equipped pits. For private houses installation in a well is possible.
  • Installation of the unit is impossible without preliminary preparation of the system, namely, pressure testing and flushing of pipes. Direct installation begins only after filling the system pipes with water. Pipes and other components used for assembly and subsequent installation must be firmly fixed to the floor or wall surface. To ensure that the water pressure does not decrease with the commissioning of the unit, it is recommended to use the minimum number of outlets and fittings during installation.

  • The design of the unit and the installation of the meter must be carried out in accordance with regulatory documents and accepted standards (SNiP, technical passport of the meter). The measuring device is always installed on a straight section and at a certain height from the floor level, as a rule, it ranges from 300-1000 mm. The length of the sections on each side of the measuring device must comply with state standards for measuring devices (SNiP).
  • The device to be installed must have a manufacturer's passport with the date of issue and a state certificate. After installation, the device must be protected from unauthorized intervention by installing a seal. The sealing of the metering device with the issuance of an official permit for operation is carried out by a company providing water supply services.

  • To assess the volume of cold water, a device with the cold water mark is installed, and for calculating hot water, a meter with the hot water mark is installed. The cold water meter is subject to verification once every 6 years, and the operation of the DHW meter is checked every 4 years.
  • Verification of measuring instruments is carried out either by organizations with appropriate accreditation, or by a company providing maintenance of this unit, with the issuance of an appropriate conclusion. To test the measuring device, you can use special equipment that excludes the possibility of dismantling. As a rule, ultrasonic, electromagnetic and mobile testing devices are used.


The classification of water measuring units depends on the number of lines and the design features of the measuring device installed on the line.

  • Depending on the number of lines in the structure, and water metering units subdivided into simple, consisting of one line, and complex, with a bypass line. Structures with a bypass line are to be installed at facilities with one water inlet. This system is also provided if the installed meter is not designed to pass water in sufficient quantity for fire extinguishing systems. In order to provide water to the fire extinguishing system, a valve is additionally mounted on the bypass line, which is driven automatically by an electric drive.

  • Depending on the counters used in the construction, nodes are divided into tachometric, electromagnetic, vortex and ultrasonic. The tachometric meter is one of the most common and typical metering devices installed directly in pipes, whose diameter does not exceed 400 mm. Water flow is measured by the rotation of the working fluid driven by the flow. The higher the rotation speed, the greater the volume flow of water. The division of tachometric metering devices depends on the internal device.

To date, there are: vane, turbine and combined meters.

  • For buildings with a small amount of water consumed, where the diameter of the pipes is in the range of 15-40 mm, set vane sectional water meters. These meters are mounted exclusively on horizontal sections, the connecting elements of which are interconnected by means of a thread. This attitude is related to their internal structure. For a more accurate measurement of the volume of water consumed, the axis of the device must be in a perpendicular position with respect to the liquid flow. Hot water meters can withstand temperatures up to +150 degrees, and those used in cold water supply units can withstand temperatures no more than +40 degrees.

  • Turbine meters unlike winged ones, they can be mounted not only in a horizontal, but also in a vertical position. In this case, the water flow is parallel to the axis of rotation. The vertical arrangement of the device is possible if the incoming water is of an ascending type. Water metering units with a turbine-type meter are installed in buildings with high water consumption, where pipes have a diameter of 50-250 mm.
  • In combined instruments accounting, there are elements of a vane and turbine counter. Such structures are indispensable if the building has an uneven consumption of water resources, and there are also sharp fluctuations in consumption.

The method of supplying water to the device allows you to subdivide tachometric meters into single-jet and multi-jet types. The flow of water passing through the mechanism of a single-jet meter causes the spring moving around the impeller to rotate. To set the impeller in motion, the water flow in multi-jet meters is first divided into small streams and only then enters the blades. Multi-jet types are among the most accurate metering devices of this class.

To measure large volumes of water consumed at large enterprises, electromagnetic metering devices are installed. Their work is based on the analysis of changes in the magnetic field created inside the meter by the flow of water. Electromagnetic models of water meters are high-precision measuring instruments that can withstand any pressure inside the system, giving accurate water flow rates for a certain period of time. By connecting to a laptop computer, you can draw up a graph of consumption for different periods in dynamics.

The work of vortex counters is based on the analysis of the speed and intensity of vortices measured by a piezoelectric element located inside the device. In ultrasonic devices, water consumption is accounted for by analyzing the displacements of the ultrasonic wave created by the water flow. The wave propagation interval is fixed using a piezoelectric receiver. Ultrasonic devices are used in units where it is impossible to install electromagnetic meters due to impurities in the water, in particular, to calculate the volume of wastewater. To trap impurities, a DN 100 mesh filter is most often used; the use of filters with a smaller cross section can lead to a pressure drop.


The project of a water meter unit is a diagram on which the location of all constituent elements and connections is drawn in detail. There are different schemes for the location of water meter nodes. But the sequence for any scheme must remain unchanged: first comes the locking device (valve, tap), then the pipe section with the filter, and only then the metering device. When installing meters, certain requirements must be met. The length of straight connecting elements coming from the device in both directions must correspond to the value specified in the document for a specific meter model. Similar requirements are imposed on the diameters of the sections and the conditional passage of the device, they must correspond to each other.

The length of the straight connecting elements is formed by fittings with union nuts included in the kit with the meter. If they provide the length specified in the device passport, and the nominal diameter of the meter corresponds to the diameter of the straight sections, then there is no need to install a transition element. If there is a discrepancy in length, and the diameters are the same, then an elongated fitting with union nuts is mounted. If the diameter does not match, a transition element is installed.

To increase the length in straight sections, if the declared value does not match, use couplings and drives (straight or angular), and if the diameters do not match, a transition element is also used. Combined installation of additional elements is also allowed. The surge can be installed between the filtering device and the meter or between the locking and filtering device.

The scheme also provides for the presence of tanks, circulation systems, and in case of difficult draining of water, a second locking device is also allowed, installed after the meter. Additionally, a drain cock or plug is included in the node diagram, in case it is planned to drain water directly from the node and control the water pressure at the outlet of the device. To control the pressure, a regulator can be included in the circuit, located between the shutter device and the counter. It is turned on if ball valves, shut-off and rotary devices cannot provide smooth flow control, to protect the meter from water hammer, and also if it is required to periodically reduce the pressure to the optimum value.