Summer internships in Scotland for students. Internship in London - Professional Internships in London

My name is Vlada, I am 21 years old. In the fall, I went to live, study and do an internship at the Burlington School of English London for 6 weeks. And that's how it was.

The main goals of my trip were the exchange of experience and the study of the organization of cultural and leisure programs in England on a specific example. At the same time, I wanted to improve my level of English, meet new people, and also change my outlook on life outside my comfort zone.

About school

The Burlington School of English London is a standard English course. Students come here for a period of a week to a year in order to study English.

The location of the school, in my opinion, is very successful. Parsons Green tube station is a five minute walk away. You can get to the center by metro in 20-30 minutes without transfers. And for London, believe me, this is very little. The closest major attraction is Hyde park (15 minutes by bus). In addition, the school is located in a typical London area with beautiful two-story houses. Nearby you can find a supermarket, cafes and coffee houses for different tastes and budgets.

In terms of equipment and classrooms, students from Russia need time to get used to the cold in the classroom and uncomfortable chairs. Although it is believed that these are typical conditions in British schools.

Learning process

On the first day, regardless of the program chosen by the student, a test is conducted, the results of which determine the level of the student. After that, the distribution into groups takes place and the learning process begins directly.

Classes are held every day in the first or second - at the choice of the student - half a day. The teachers are interesting, each with their own unique methodology. In addition to learning grammar and various exercises, the lessons also include games that contribute to the assimilation of the material.

Everyone quickly gets to know each other and finds a common language"

Each group is a mix of different nationalities, and the teacher does his best to ensure that students communicate with each other. In addition, communication continues during breaks. Despite the fluidity of people in the classes, everyone quickly gets to know each other and finds a common language, especially if the level of English allows them to speak freely.

In my opinion, learning outcomes depend on the desire and goal that each student sets. For me, learning English as part of the educational process was not the main task, and I treated this without much zeal. Nevertheless, learning in the classroom gave its advantages, and not only in terms of improving English. While communicating with students, I analyzed what leisure activities they would like to take part in, and later applied this information in my work.


My program in England combined education and an internship (Intern course). In the first half of the day I, along with other students, studied English in the classroom, and in the second I worked for the benefit of the school. My duties included: translation of booklets for Russian-speaking students; maintaining Instagram, Facebook and VK; support of excursion programs; organization of events for students of different ages, as well as various assistance to school staff. There were few interns like me (I think I can fully call myself an employee) - no more than 4 people at one time. So there was plenty of work!

Now I can easily support any topic"

The true value of a school is its staff. Already after the first week spent with them, I felt as if I had worked in this team for many months. The staff are friendly and you can always turn to them for help or advice. It's great to have the experience of working with such a team.

Publication from Vlada Koneva(@v_lada_k) Nov 23, 2017 at 2:49 pm PST

In general, if you manage your time wisely, you can do everything that you have planned, both in terms of study and in terms of entertainment.


This wonderful trip was organized for me by the manager of the educational center English For Life Daria Borisova. She chose exactly the program that suited me one hundred percent. I turned out to be a very demanding client, but she answered all my questions, fulfilled all my requests regarding a future trip. I am very grateful to her for this, and in the future I will be happy to contact her, knowing that everything will be done clearly, on time and to the point. I also want to note the excellent work of Taliya Sadchikova, who helped me in obtaining a UK visa.

In the UK, about 550 language schools are accredited by the British Council. This means that they meet high educational standards and can accept children from all over the world, including Russians.

If you want your child to speak English confidently in a short time, use the school holidays and send him to the UK!

Studying in England will appeal to any child, because it is a great way to relax and learn English through complete immersion in the language environment.

Types of language courses

Language courses can be intensive (about two weeks) and long (several months or a year). You can study all day or choose an option that harmoniously combines cultural and linguistic education. For example, you can get knowledge from professional teachers for half a day, and devote the other half to a cultural program and sightseeing.

In addition, an important feature of studying in the UK is the opportunity to choose what is right for you. Day school or boarding school? The capital of England or a small town? Separate or mixed type of education? Lots of options. In order to find the most suitable for you, contact the specialists of our center. We will help you choose the most affordable, optimal and high-quality solution!



CHURCHILL HOUSE SCHOOL OF ENGLISH is a well-organized English language school located on the coast, in the picturesque county of Kent. This resort region is famous for the best weather conditions in the British Isles. The school was founded in 1971 and has an excellent reputation, is accredited by the British Council and is one of the leading educational organizations in the UK (Quality English, English UK). ...


School CHURCHILL HOUSE in Edinburghaccredited by the British Council and is considered one of the best international schools in the UK (according to Quality English, English UK).

After classes, students have a great opportunity to see the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, and on excursions to see the ancient castles of Scotland and the most beautiful lakes of this beautiful country. The cultural program is very rich and includes many activities organized at the school (Scottish dances, barbecue, karaoke, quizzes).



LONDON HOUSE SCHOOL OF ENGLISH is a small English language school for students from different countries. This school was founded in 1965 and is located in the picturesque county of Kent, which is called the "garden of England" for its orchards and green fields. The school is located on the coast, and at the same time only 100 km from London. All teachers of the school are certified specialists and native speakers of English. ...

How can I find out more about the courses and enroll in them?

To get the most complete information about courses and training options, please contact us via the feedback form. Fill in its fields and send a request from the pages of the site. After processing the received application, we will contact you to answer your questions and tell you about the details of studying in England.

An internship in England is a great opportunity to improve your English, improve your professional skills and abilities, see the majestic foggy Albion and learn the intricacies of organizing a work process abroad.

In addition to studying, living in another country will allow you to make more friends, learn the national traditions of England.

Today, most internships in the UK are paid.

Internships in England are available in the following areas:

  1. Economy.
  2. Medical industry.
  3. jurisprudence.
  4. Engineering.
  5. Information technologies.
  6. Marketing.
  7. Advertising.
  8. International trade.
  9. Finance.
  10. Banking, etc.

Depending on the chosen specialty, wages are negotiated. In such areas as marketing, engineering, insurance, advertising, law, the student does not receive such a payment.

Often the salary is paid only during the internship in the restaurant or hotel business. Interns work in the service sector: restaurants, amusement parks, tourist camps and hotel complexes.

Salary depends on the age of the trainee.

So, according to English law, students under 22 are paid one hour of work in the amount of 4.7 pounds sterling. If the student is older, then his wages per hour will be equal to 5.7 pounds sterling.

Practice conditions

Most of the companies where internships are supposed to take place offer the following conditions:

Many companies provide free housing and meals, but most often the trainees have to pay the rent themselves. Students are accommodated in campsites at colleges. When you move in, you have to pay a registration fee (about 60 pounds) and rent.

Upon completion of the internship, the student receives an international certificate.

Requirements for candidates

To participate in the program, you must meet the following requirements:

Required documents

To participate in the program, you must submit the following documents:

  1. Motivation letter.
  2. Photocopy of foreign passport.
  3. A letter of recommendation from a higher education institution.
  4. Two photographs 35 * 45 millimeters in size.
  5. One full length photo.
  6. A diploma confirming the availability of education, or a certificate from the university on the completion of training.

Where to train

The place of internship is usually determined by the agency. Often in all cities of England they undergo practice in the following areas:

  1. Accounting.
  2. Financial business.
  3. Banking.
  4. Advertising, marketing.

In the direction of management and business, internships are held in London, Guildford, Oxford, Brighton, Portsmouth, Reading and Southampton.

Most of them - on the hotel and restaurant business, the fashion industry and innovative technologies - take place in London.

Agencies often send interns to such international companies:

  1. Goldman Sachs is an investment bank. Accountants, financiers, economists, etc. practice in this institution.
  2. Hugo Boss is a clothing company. This company also annually recruits interns in the areas of business and finance.
  3. PwC is a company offering its services in the field of accounting and consulting.
  4. Lloyds Banking Group is a retail bank in foggy Albion.
  5. Rolls-Royce is a car manufacturing company. Annually recruits interns in different areas.
  6. Alliance Healthcare is a pharmacological distributor. Pharmacists and doctors practice in this company.
  7. Nestlé is a beverage and food company. Hiring interns in sales, marketing, advertising.
  8. P&G is a consumer goods firm.
  9. Squire Patton Boggs is a law firm that employs lawyers.
  10. Engineering, Manufacturing or Research Internship at Schlumber is a major oilfield services company. Annually accepts engineers for internships.


Today, the most famous practice programs are:

  • 9 weeks - 1500.
  • 5 weeks - 2000.
  • 25 weeks - 2900.
  • 52 weeks - 4100.

Karina, 27 years old, Moscow. Trip in summer 2017.

Knowledge of the language is a skill that must be used at work. I have always dreamed of building a career in a large international company. In order to increase my chances of getting a good job, I went to England to take an intensive business English course. In the process of selecting a language school at the agency, I received an offer to do an internship in my profession at the KBM Group. The internship is unpaid, but the cost was very reasonable. I was delighted with this opportunity, because with the experience of working in a real British company, future employers will pick me up “hands and feet”. I am an accountant by profession. Not long before my trip to London, I completed IFRS courses in Moscow and already had an idea of ​​how the international accounting system works, and the internship was supposed to consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice. 2 months before the trip, I was assigned a date and time for an interview with a representative of the KBM Group, the purpose of which was to determine the level of my qualifications in the profession as well as the level of the language. You can go for an internship with a level not lower than Intermediate (with a Pre Intermediate level, an internship is possible with a longer language course during which the level of the language increases).

I went to England for a period of 1 month. I was very satisfied with the language school. During my studies, I met students from Italy, Spain, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, France, Germany, Japan and even Mongolia. Communication with representatives of different cultures is a very interesting experience. To my surprise, I was alone from Russia, which also made me very happy, since there were practically no chances to speak my native language.

After completing a two-week intensive business English course, an internship began for a period of 2 weeks in full-time mode (full-time work from 10 to 17 with a lunch break of 1 per hour). By the way, you can also train part-time (part-time from 10 to 13 in the morning and from 14 to 17 in the afternoon), which is very convenient for those who travel for a short time and want to have time to train and learn at the same time. On the first day of the internship, I was met by a representative of the company, talked with me about my expectations from the internship, then took a tour of the company and took me to my workplace. I thought they would put me up with some experienced employee and for all 2 weeks I would observe his work and carry out his orders in the form of “bring-give”, but it turned out to be different. I was given a full-fledged workplace and given a task in the form of a real current job, which pleasantly surprised me. It can be said that during the internship period I became a full-fledged employee of the company. The KBM GROUP team, as well as the British in general, were very friendly, answered all questions with pleasure, explained everything intelligibly and clearly. During the internship, I did not, of course, the most highly intellectual work, still an intern, but these were the real current duties of an accountant in a British company. I got an excellent idea of ​​how, in what programs and on what basis accounting is done in the UK. In the process, I also asked a lot of questions, got acquainted with the financial statements, etc. - in general, I tried to take the maximum possible from the internship. At the end of the internship, I received a certificate of completion, as well as a letter of recommendation from KBM GROUP with a list of duties and skills that I developed during the internship.

For me, an internship abroad is not only a professional experience, but also a life experience. I got the opportunity to learn the inside out of the work of an international company, not only from a professional point of view, but also from the point of view of the culture and traditions of the country in which I decided to train. My choice fell on England because England is a world standard, centuries-old traditions, modernity and prestige. This is the historical birthplace of the English language, because only there you will hear real English speech and classic British pronunciation. An internship is also a real language practice with native speakers, because it is here that you can work out and consolidate the knowledge of the language acquired in the language school to the fullest.

My expectations from the internship and reality justified themselves 100%. Upon my return to Moscow, I became very much in demand in the labor market. As a result, today I work for a large British company in Moscow and I can say with confidence that the internship is a STEP TO SUCCESS!

A qualified specialized internship at an educational institution is a great chance to gain practical experience and improve your knowledge in the area of ​​interest. Confirmed by a document on its passage.

EUeasy finds for you the most interesting internship options, which are promising jobs and a great start for your career and life in general!

EUeasy gives preference to creative internships that contribute to the development of professional and personal qualities, rapid adaptation in the country and interesting pastime.

UK internship opportunities

  • Prestigious and socially significant works.
  • Legal residence in the UK from 6 to 24 months.
  • Obtaining a residence permit in the UK with the possibility of its further extension.
  • Internship in large companies in the UK.
  • Visa-free travel across EU countries.
  • Obtaining a European certificate of completion of an internship.

Directions of internships in the UK

Internships are a qualified activity, so the permission for their passage directly depends on the education you received.

  • Tourism
  • Hotel business
  • Economics (all directions, including accounting)
  • secretarial business
  • Advertising
  • Jurisprudence
  • Sports projects
  • Medical ( Attention! If you do not have a European diploma, then after completing the internship, you will not be able to work in the UK in your specialty. To get started, you need to go through the certification process.
  • Other.

Application time

Year-round, but most programs open in autumn (September-October, November).

The selection of a suitable internship and the execution of documents can take from 2 to 6 months.

Conditions for an internship in the UK

  • London, etc. (Venue: selected upon request).
  • Duration: 6 -24 months (prolongation for another year is possible).
  • Internships are designed for university graduates, the minimum requirement is a bachelor's or specialist's degree.
  • Knowledge of English at level B1.2 and above. If you do not have a certificate confirming the level of language proficiency, then you will be interviewed on the spot.
  • Partial pay for internship hours at the enterprise.
  • Obtaining a certificate at the end of the internship.
  • Supervising the relocation of trainees. Additional advice to interns experiencing difficulties in adaptation.

List of required documents for registration

  • Full resume in English.
  • Motivation letter and wish list for work.
  • Photocopy of the passport.
  • Photocopy of diploma.



EUeasy takes responsibility for compiling and submitting the correct package of documents for the successful enrollment of the candidate for the internship program, and also represents the interests of the intern during the entire period of the internship.

EUeasy services


Cost - € 2100

Prepayment € 200. After making the first payment and receiving all the necessary documents of the candidate, EUeasy selects internship options depending on the wishes of the candidate and the availability of places.

The second fee of € 1900 is made after the selection of the program. After the transfer of the documents, EUeasy independently draws up the documents and registers the applicant for the program, and then sends the documents for a visa.

In some cases, Eueasy recommends making a second payment in advance so that as soon as the university starts opening the Internship program reservation, we can book it for you by immediately submitting the entire package of documents. Thus, the entire package of documents is being prepared in advance .

  1. Consultations on the collection of documents in the home country under the requirements of the program.
  2. Sending documents to employees for further translation.
  3. Filling in all forms.
  4. Submission of documents in the UK by proxy.
  5. Receipt of documents and forwarding them to the trainee.
  6. Supervision of obtaining a long-term visa and residence permit.

Additionally paid:

The cost of training programs, as well as on request: selection of housing, meeting and transfer from the airport to the place of internship, support for the first days in the country.

UK Internship Costs

EU-easy has prepared for you a complete list of costs for paperwork, relocation, training, and accommodation to make it easier for you to create your future budget.

Visa + insurance

Financial guarantees

After receiving a certificate of enrollment, you need to show€7,200 (€8,000) in the account - if the student is studying outside London and €10,000 (€11,000) if in London. The amount may be reduced if the student has the possibility of free accommodation.

The move itself

Program cost

from €8000 – (year)


€50-60 (per month)

The cost of a residence permit

€150 (per year)

Rent for 2 apartments or hostel

€250-400 (per month)

Meals, travel, household chemicals, etc.

€400 per month

EU-easy wishes you success!

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Svetlana 4 years/years 2 month(s)

Hello, How much will it cost to train as a gynecologist in England?

Reply Quote

HannaShumska 4 years\years 11 month(s)

Ivan said:
Hello. I am a surgeon, I am 29 years old, I have a wife and a one-year-old child. I want to do an internship in London, but I don’t want to leave my family. Is it possible to do this with my family?
Yes, you can, the main thing is to have sufficient financial security, that is, about 20t euros in your account.

Reply Quote

Ivan 5 years

Hello. I am a surgeon, I am 29 years old, I have a wife and a one-year-old child. I want to do an internship in London, but I don’t want to leave my family. Is it possible to do this with my family?

Reply Quote

Julia 5 years/years 2 month(s)

Hello. Please tell me, is it possible to apply if the diploma has not yet been received (defense in June)? And is an IELTS certificate required? Or perhaps an interview or surrender on the spot? Thanks in advance.

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HannaShumska 5 years\years 7 month(s)

Div said:
Hello, tell me, please, if I have a diploma in translation, do I need to take an exam?
It's better to give up. Kseniya said:
I would like to know if it is possible to do an internship if I have only a secondary special education in the specialty Tourism?
Then it is better to enter the bachelor's degree.

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Div 5 years\years 7 month(s)

Hello, tell me, please, if I have a diploma in translation, do I need to take an exam? Thank you.

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Kseniya 6 years\years 1 month

Good evening. I would like to know if it is possible to do an internship if I have only a secondary specialized education in the specialty Tourism?