Drinking diet during lactation. Diet for weight loss during breastfeeding: the menu of a nursing mother by day, the principles of proper nutrition after childbirth. Nutrition for weight loss for nursing mothers: video

Your baby needs breast milk for healthy growth. The quality of feeding depends on the food the mother eats and what kind of lifestyle she leads. It directly depends on the menu of a nursing mother whether the body of the baby will receive the necessary substances. Nutritional errors with HB can provoke constipation, poisoning and allergic reactions in a child. To avoid such cases, choosing the menu in accordance with the recommendations given will help. Prohibited foods will need to be excluded from the diet.

In the first months, the baby adapts to the world and lifestyle, so gas and diarrhea are possible. Even proper nutrition during breastfeeding will not help, because the child must get used to receiving food not through the umbilical cord. When compiling a nurse's diet, an important step will be to consult with an experienced pediatrician. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the mother's body - existing allergies to some products that are allowed during breastfeeding.

In the menu, a nursing mother learns many forbidden and healthy dishes. But it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of a particular organism. To control the menu for the week, keep a record book. Write down what foods you ate and the subsequent reaction of the baby. So nutrition during breastfeeding will be under control.

The diet of a nursing mother requires you to forget about the following food components:

  • alcohol is the enemy of babies;
  • fruits from exotic countries. Children's stomach is not adapted to such food. Such foods are not eaten while breastfeeding;
  • some types of sweet dishes and chocolate, baked dough products should not be included in the diet of a nursing mother of a newborn;
  • sausages, sausage and ham should not be eaten while breastfeeding;
  • sauerkraut is prohibited. You can't eat radishes. Radish should be excluded. Some types of cheeses are included in the diet when feeding a newborn;
  • teas of various popular varieties and any coffee. For six months, the nutrition of the mother during breastfeeding requires abstinence from the use of these drinks. Special types of tea intended for lactation are allowed;
  • fatty meats, as well as fat, are excluded from nutrition during lactation;
  • semi-finished products.
  • smoked meats are those foods that a nurse should not eat. Fish, sausage or meat that has undergone such processing is excluded by the diet when breastfeeding a newborn;
  • soda;
  • hot spices and spicy vegetables - this is what the nurse should not eat. It is forbidden to use various hot sauces. They are harmful to newborns.

The diet of a nursing mother requires the elimination of allergenic components: fruits - apples and citrus fruits, as well as some vegetables like carrots. Having studied the list of prohibited foods during breastfeeding, you should not be upset, because there are healthy foods that should be added to the list of dishes.

What can be added to the nurse's diet

Knowing what you can eat while breastfeeding, the mother will protect the child from many childhood diseases. The body of the baby will be saturated with useful substances, which will contribute to healthy growth. It is allowed to add dishes while breastfeeding, which lists the list of allowed foods:

  • greens - dill, lettuce, parsley;
  • black currants and gooseberries are sources of vitamin C for nursing mothers and babies;
  • cod fillet, perch. The diet during lactation requires a large amount of protein;
  • zucchini and pumpkin for healthy growth;
  • cottage cheese and yogurt of natural origin will saturate the body with calcium for the healthy development of the skeleton and teeth. Recipes for this period contain cottage cheese casserole;
  • eat oatmeal and other cereals for good digestion;
  • broccoli, as well as cauliflower replenish the list of products;
  • compotes, for which dried fruits and rose hips are used;
  • quail eggs are on the list of products allowed for breastfeeding;
  • mineral and spring water are essential for nutrition during lactation;
  • hard cheeses;
  • baked or boiled potatoes - this is what a nursing mother can eat;
  • types of meat with a low percentage of fat - beef, pork. A bird will also do;
  • cutlets created in a double boiler diversify the nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth;
  • Rye bread.

It is good if the products included in the breastfeeding menu please a woman. If you eat with pleasure, this will positively affect whether children will be willing to breastfeed. Food should be eaten no later than 3 hours after preparation. Following the postpartum diet for a nursing mother, eating should occur 5-6 times a day between feedings, more often if appetite occurs. A woman's body does not do two things at once. The body either produces milk or digests food. A nursing mother should drink a newborn on demand, as well as in the morning and 20 minutes before meals. Compotes up to 2 liters daily.

Sample menu during the feeding period

The well-being of her son or daughter depends on what a nursing mother can eat. Especially carefully should be approached to the diet after the birth of a child. There is an erroneous opinion that you need to eat a lot in order to have the required amount of breast milk. But the composition of the products is of paramount importance. Let us consider in more detail the approximate menu of a nursing mother for a week.

A detailed table will help with this:

BreakfastLunchDinnerafternoon teaDinner
MonSalad of allowed vegetables. Baked potatoes. Some herring.Biscuits and special tea for wet nurses. Cheesecakes seasoned with low-fat sour cream.Pickle and porridge from buckwheat. Meatballs and compote.Cookies, banana and kefir.Bread with butter and green tea. Natural cottage cheese casserole.
TueOatmeal. You can add raisins.Cookies and kefir.Lenten borscht with sour cream. Fruit juice. Vegetable pudding.Herbal tea to increase lactation. Marshmallows and baked apples.Vareniki with cottage cheese "lazy". Cookies with delicious yogurt.
WedBread black, smeared with fresh butter. Mashed potatoes with a steam cutlet.Compote made from dried fruits. Vitamin salad of fresh vegetables (except cucumbers and tomatoes).Millet porridge. The diet when feeding a baby allows you to eat soup with the addition of meatballs.Special tea with biscuits. Steamed rice porridge.Kefir.
ThuSteam fish and vegetable salad. Mashed potatoes and rosehip broth.Black bread with butter and a strip of cheese.Some pasta and stewed rabbit meat. Soup with buckwheat.Fruit and sweet curd.Bun with kefir.
FriBoiled turkey meat with boiled potatoes will be an excellent nutritional supplement during breastfeeding.Banana, natural yogurt.Corn porridge. Fresh salad of different vegetables and rice soup.Syrniki with low-fat sour cream is limited to an afternoon snack in this menu - for a nursing mother for a week.Bread and butter, and for dessert - marshmallows.
SatBoiled pasta topped with cheese. Carrot salad and boiled egg with tea and rye bread.Vinaigrette, rosehip broth.Schnitzel, pumpkin soup. Make a healthy celery salad.Baked apples.Bread, and for dessert - marshmallows. Curd casserole with raisins. Healthy tea.
SunBeef meatballs, oatmeal. Pastila is the perfect dessert for nursing after childbirth.Scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs. Rosehip decoction is a useful component of the nutrition of a nursing mother.Mashed potatoes, carrot salad. Fish soup and liver pate. As a drink - chicory.Cookies and kefir are what you are allowed to eat when feeding.Bread with fresh butter and recommended tea. Vegetable stew.

Mom needs not only to adhere to the above recommendations, but also to listen to the opinion of the pediatrician. In the event of colic in the baby, it is necessary to exclude legumes, grapes, ice cream, chocolate, fresh pastries, sauerkraut or fresh cabbage from the nurse's menu. You should strictly follow the diet for the mother during breastfeeding and record what the nurse ate.

Menu features throughout the year

At different ages of the baby, nutrition during breastfeeding may differ. As the baby grows, some foods will become available. Let's get acquainted with the recommended dishes for a nursing mother by month:

  1. In the first 14 days, the diet for breastfeeding a newborn allows kefir, cottage cheese, cereals on the water, boiled vegetables, dried bread, soup without frying, special teas and rosehip broth.
  2. Dried fruit compote, millet, wheat porridge are allowed from 1 to 3 months. Low-fat sour cream and low-salted cheeses, beef, raw vegetables, rabbit meat are allowed.
  3. From 3 to 6 months, the list of what you can eat while breastfeeding is expanded with beets and nuts. Low-fat pork is allowed. Add fresh juices to your diet. Pepper and thyme - very little.
  4. From 6 to 9 months, honey is added to the list of dishes during breastfeeding. Limited consumption of red fish is allowed. Feeding allows for some beans or peas and garlic at this stage.
  5. From 9 months to the 12th, a young mother gets the opportunity to add lemons to her diet during breastfeeding.

Attention: allergens

The nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth involves the elimination of certain foods that are most harmful. In addition to alcohol and canned food, these are:

  • milk. There is an opinion among the people that the diet for mothers during breastfeeding includes goat's milk to saturate with nutrients. But such an approach can lead to the development of an allergy to lactose in a child. Dairy products in the form of kefir and yogurt will not have to be abandoned;
  • egg whites. Especially chicken, because goose and duck are less dangerous. Eggs can be eaten while breastfeeding hard boiled. The least danger to the baby is quail.
  • when eating during lactation, fresh meat should be sent to the freezer to reduce the concentration of allergens.

For the health of the child, proper nutrition of a nursing mother must be combined with proper rest during sleep for 8 hours. A woman will be able to please herself with products that will be prohibited after the end of the feeding period, and until then, care should be taken in compiling the diet. The health and full development of the baby depends on this. A mother who ate healthy food, following the rules of diets when feeding newborns, ensured healthy growth for children.

The mother's body requires a full-fledged special nutrition after childbirth for nursing after a difficult period of pregnancy. The baby after childbirth needs a comfortable adaptation to new conditions and the way of eating. All these factors require a responsible approach to the preparation of diets after childbirth for nursing mothers.

During the pregnancy period, a woman is only concerned about one thing - the bearing of a healthy baby, his safe birth.

After the birth of a child, mommy wishes him good health, so she begins to breastfeed him.

And, suddenly, mom begins to notice that she does not return to her previous form, and the volumes only increase. And this is a tragedy for a woman. After all, it is difficult to fight overweight, complexes develop.

During breastfeeding, a woman cannot lose weight. What to do?

Where do extra pounds come from

They arose due to hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body from the moment of conception. In this case, often, there is a metabolic disorder, which is why the mother's weight increases.

A hormonal failure occurs in the female body due to the settlement in the uterine cavity of an embryo, which he considers a “stranger”, trying to get rid of him. But, the baby wins and pregnancy ensues.

For the body, pregnancy is a strong stress, to which the body of many women reacts with weight gain.

You gain weight during pregnancy due to female sex hormones - estrogens. It is they who change your body from the beginning of pregnancy, because. fat is deposited on the back, shoulders, hips, waist, buttocks. This is a kind of shock absorber that protects the fetus from injury. Also, this is a reserve for the period of breastfeeding - to provide full nutrition and energy for yourself and your baby, since housekeeping takes a lot of energy from a woman, nature has taken care of preserving lactation.

This weight, as a rule, goes away during childbirth and after them.

Remember: after childbirth, the body will not immediately come into shape, because the skin and abdominal muscles should tighten, the fats accumulated during pregnancy should be included in the metabolism.

Your weight will come off within six to nine months.

Why can't you lose weight

If you are unable to lose weight, then this can be explained as follows:

1. You are breastfeeding a baby. Of course, this will help you lose weight later, because the process of producing milk causes the burning of 800 kcal every day (from the third month of feeding, the volume of the thighs will decrease). But, you will actively lose weight only after a year of breastfeeding, therefore - breastfeed longer! This is good for both you and your child. Due to lactation, your excess weight will gradually go away, because the caloric content of food will cover the needs of the body, and the body's reserves will be spent on lactation.

2. You “ate for two” during pregnancy, but you didn’t take into account that not only the quantity of food is important, but also its quality. It is especially harmful to use sweets, starchy foods. You can't eat at night. The basis of a healthy diet is the consumption of vegetables and fruits.

Perhaps the weight has become more due to limited physical activity, because doctors often forbid a pregnant woman to play sports. Even if this is so - do not be discouraged, you just have to spend more effort to regain your previous forms.

3. You may not lose weight due to the fact that you follow a strict diet, because of which the body stores calories, this is a reaction to stress. Also, dieting undermines health, because of its observance, metabolism and metabolism are disturbed, hormonal failure appears.

Many women are on an anti-allergy diet, or a lactating mother's diet, or an anti-colic diet, but such diets do not actually exist. But a woman removes almost all healthy foods from the diet and eats harmful foods that do not cause colic and allergies. But, none of this is needed - you do not need to remove cabbage, red, yellow vegetables and fruits from the diet.

After all, the physiological rash of a newborn or contact dermatitis is often mistaken for an allergy, and the mother’s diet has no effect on these diseases. After all, all the products used by the mother during pregnancy, the child already “knows”, they do not cause colic or allergies.

And colic in a breastfed baby appears due to an imbalance in the “front” and “back” portions of milk.

We figured out the reasons for weight gain. So how can you still lose weight while breastfeeding?

Remember: your baby's health should come first. It is necessary that the child's body is supplied with a sufficient amount of food, the necessary nutrients found in breast milk.

Therefore, fasting, diets that limit the intake of vitamins and minerals into the body are contraindicated for a nursing mother.

You need to eat in a balanced way.

Know: the amount of milk produced does not depend on the amount of food consumed by a woman. You don't need to eat. After all, the hormone prolactin is responsible for the production of milk, its production is stimulated by the sucking of the breast by the baby. Therefore, try to breastfeed more often.

- Eat wholesome food, i.e. eat less fried, floury, sweet, eat more cereals, vegetables.

- Fats should make up only 40% of your diet, i.e. eat low-fat dairy products, do not eat nuts, seeds.

We eat meat products once a day.

- We control the amount of food eaten, limiting the caloric content of the diet to 1500 kcal (with short stature, small figure) or up to 2000 kcal, and keeping a calorie diary (where you write down what you eat throughout the day to control yourself by counting calories).

- We eat from a small plate, but a full portion, then you will be satiated.

- Remove forbidden foods from sight. Don't be tempted. You can replace the contents of the bowl of sweets and cookies with fruits.

“You don’t have to stop eating bread. After all, carbohydrates are a valuable source of energy.

- To quench your thirst - drink clean water, eat fresh fruits. Forbidden drinks: packaged juice, sweet soda, alcohol (it is very high in calories, for example, a glass of champagne contains 150 kcal).

- Do not eat up after the child, it is better to make a cosmetic mask out of puree.

Don't turn a food sample into a full meal.

- Eat fractionally, five times a day.

Eat low-calorie meals in the evening, four hours before bedtime.

- If your child has allergies, follow a hypoallergenic diet. Prohibited foods: any kind of cabbage, legumes, black bread.

- Do not use dietary supplements for weight loss, they are prohibited during breastfeeding.

- Do not forget about physical activity (going to the gym, walking with a stroller, walking for weight loss, visiting the pool, body flex for weight loss, Pilates for weight loss, etc.).

And diets while breastfeeding are dangerous for the baby and for you. But, you can stick to power systems, for example, a minus 60 system, or a separate power supply.

But, nevertheless, it is better to eat a balanced diet, then you will be slim and beautiful.

Diet for weight loss of a nursing woman

Your food should be healthy, i.e. ½ of the diet - any vegetables and fruits.

Prohibited Products:

- products containing dyes and preservatives,

- fruits that were grown using harmful fertilizers,

- dry food

- sandwiches,

- fast food,

- semi-finished products.

You need to eat fractionally, in small portions, every 2-3 hours.

Allowed products:

    lean meat,




    milk products,

    salads (vinaigrette),



Limited Products:




    fast carbohydrates - sugar, honey, banana.

We compose a diet menu for weight loss for a nursing mother

At each meal we eat one hundred grams of vegetables, because they contain a small amount of calories, but they are quickly saturated, they have a lot of vitamins and minerals.

We eat protein twice a day - meat, fish, cottage cheese, dairy products.

We use cereals, they give a feeling of satiety, digest for a long time.

We make the main meals and snacks - an apple, a glass of yogurt.

Also, you need to drink plenty of fluids, it will help to reduce weight.

A balanced diet after childbirth is important not only for nursing mothers, but also for babies, so the diet must be approached responsibly. The correct mode will help to avoid many problems in the first months of a baby's life.

Nutrition for a nursing mother in the first month

An important issue on which the health of the child primarily depends is the nutrition of a nursing mother. In different periods of growth of the baby, the diet is different: the most stringent nutritional conditions are observed in the first 4 weeks, then the menu gradually expands.

The basic principles of the diet after childbirth

When preparing to feed a baby, it should be borne in mind that a woman needs to consume more calories than usual. On average, the body needs about 2,800 kcal per day to get a boost of energy and provide the child with all the necessary nutrients. With malnutrition, the amount of milk will decrease sharply. However, overeating can negatively affect both the child and the mother. In the first case, a severe allergy may develop, and in the second case, excess weight will appear.

It is worth considering that proper nutrition does not mean the amount of food eaten, but its quality indicators. Experts recommend keeping a diary in which you need to mark the menu, meal times and the reaction of the crumbs to food every day.

The best option for mom's diet is simple meals that need to be consumed at least 4 times a day, and snacks should consist of only one product. It is important to observe the drinking regimen. In the first week after childbirth, the amount of liquid should be limited to 1 liter. At first, it is allowed to drink only kefir, fresh fruit drink and weakly brewed tea. Restrictions are introduced to prevent stagnation of milk in the glands.

In the first weeks, it is useful to add fermented milk products to the menu. Doctors explain this by their ability to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as replenish calcium losses. If you want to eat with benefit, and at the same time lose a few extra pounds, it is important to eat not 1 or 2 times a day, but, on the contrary, more often. Thus, metabolic processes are activated, and the baby will receive everything he needs in sufficient quantities.

Dr. Komarovsky says that full, frequent meals will protect the baby from frequent colds and many other diseases. The main thing is to exclude all foods that can cause intestinal disorders, colic and serious allergies.

As food additives, you need to eat bran, which differ not only in useful properties, but also in hypoallergenicity. The diet should consist of fresh high-quality products without artificial additives, a large amount of liquid: mineral still water, black weak tea and fruit drinks.

Allowed and prohibited foods immediately after childbirth

The amount of milk produced can be improved by eating more protein foods, drinking kefir, decoctions of herbs and vegetables, water (about 1.5 liters), tea and, of course, soups.

  • dry biscuits and crackers;
  • cottage cheese, cheese and kefir;
  • fresh seasonal fruits (not red and those that are not allergic);
  • stewed or boiled lean meat and fish;
  • boiled vegetables (except cabbage and beets);
  • dried wheat bread;
  • pasta.

The total amount of daily fluid drunk should be at least 2.5 liters. However, exceeding this figure can lead to the appearance of edema in a woman, a significant decrease in the quality of milk.

It is strictly forbidden to eat the following at the first stage of feeding:

  • spices and seasonings;
  • any coffee;
  • rye flour bread;
  • all members of the legume family;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • all smoked and deep-fried;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • sweet and flour;
  • rice side dishes and porridge.

It is also worth limiting the intake of seafood, all pickled. Caution should be taken when taking fruits, which can contribute to the occurrence of abdominal pain in the baby.

An example of a menu for nursing by day - table

The nutrition menu of a nursing mother after childbirth should be correctly compiled. Any violation can cause serious harm to the child. Below is a variant of the diet for 5 days.

Day 1:

  • secondary chicken broth (about 200 g) with the addition of bran crackers;
  • a small piece of boiled veal;
  • rosehip infusion;
  • buckwheat with the addition of vegetable oil (150 g);
  • cracker;
  • 50 g of cheese;
  • weak tea with sugar.

Day 2:

  • porridge without oil (not from rice);
  • mineral water;
  • steamed vegetables (200 g);
  • rosehip decoction;
  • any lean meat (no more than 150 g);
  • vegetable soup without spices;
  • baked apples.

Day 3:

  • oatmeal cookies + a glass of kefir;
  • a slice of wheat bread with hard cheese;
  • a plate of oatmeal with milk;
  • buckwheat + chicken cutlet (portion 250 g);
  • 1 banana (if allowed);
  • dried fruits compote;
  • cottage cheese with sour cream;
  • Apple.

Day 4:

  • natural yogurt;
  • cottage cheese casserole with sour cream (150 g);
  • not red fruits + compote;
  • stewed vegetables with meat (250 g);
  • not a rich bun with kefir;
  • low-fat baked fish (no more than 200 g);
  • porridge with tea.

Day 5:

  • porridge with the addition of a piece of butter;
  • apple compote (or plum);
  • vegetable stew (150 g);
  • boiled fish meat (no more than 180 g);
  • dry cookies and kefir;
  • hard cheese (maximum - 30 g).

Do not forget to consume the daily norm of products in 4-5 doses. In the future, the menu can be gradually expanded by adding products to which the child's body will not react negatively.

Features of the nutrition of a nursing mother by months

Mom's nutrition in the period, starting from the second month, with breastfeeding becomes more diverse. The child's body needs nutrients, which he must receive from milk without harm to health.

Main Rules

The expansion of the list of foods acceptable for consumption after 1 month is due to the fact that the child has postpartum problems with the intestines, in particular, constipation. Doctors are allowed to include rice cereal and some rich pastries in the diet. You can drink whole milk in moderation, eat raw vegetables, the intake of which is not prohibited in individual cases.

It is worth considering that when introducing a new product, you need to carefully look to see if the crumbs will have allergies. The reaction can begin a day after taking a new food, so you should be careful.

Over time, it is allowed to eat smoked dishes, canned food and sweets, but these products should not be abused. The drinking regime includes the intake of a large amount of liquid, which will ensure good lactation. Be sure to introduce new dishes in small portions and one by one. This is necessary not only to identify possible unpleasant consequences, but also so that the child has time to get used to an unusual diet.

Doctor Komarovsky's advice in the field of mother's nutrition in the postpartum period from two months to one and a half years includes several rules. A well-known pediatrician recommends that women carefully consider the diet until the end of breastfeeding.

Important principles of nutrition:

  • It is better to refuse a dish, the use of which there is doubt.
  • You can eat a little of the forbidden product in order to avoid a breakdown and not harm the baby.
  • Avoid overeating, it is better to eat often, but little by little.
  • Drink vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • You can not eat before a night's rest.
  • You can return to the usual diet when the child is one year old. However, this does not mean that you need to pounce on everything fatty, eat 1 time per day and not monitor the nutritional value of the diet.

A healthy menu is not only a guarantee of well-being of the baby, but also of the mother herself. Therefore, even after a year, a nursing woman should monitor her eating habits and not abuse junk food.

Nursing food in subsequent months

Despite the opportunity to change your diet after the first month of feeding, it is still forbidden to eat fruits and vegetables that can cause fermentation in the intestines of the child. This is primarily white cabbage, peas, grapes. You can not eat foods that belong to the group of strong allergens or cause diathesis: milk chocolate, oranges, tangerines, pistachios.

In the absence of problems in the baby with the tummy (colic, bloating, constipation), you can include a little rice, flour, lightly salted, etc. in the menu. Do not forget about the prohibition of alcoholic beverages, convenience foods, "fast" food and caffeine.

The nutrition of a nursing mother in the first months must be balanced. You can eat almost everything, but in small quantities, mono-nutrition is welcome. In case of a shortage of milk, pediatricians advise drinking more fluids. If this problem does not arise, then water volumes should not be abused. From the optimal drinks during this period, boiled milk, dried fruit compote, freshly squeezed juices are distinguished, and you can also gradually start drinking baked milk, grape juice, weak green tea.
Mom's nutrition table by month

Mom's diet after the first 4 weeks implies the inclusion of more products in the menu compared to the initial stage.

Second month


  • seedlings of grain crops;
  • increasing the percentage of raw vegetables consumed;
  • lean borscht based on tomato juice;
  • freshly squeezed juices.

Water can be drunk more than in 1 month - up to 2.5 liters, especially if there is a problem with the consistency of breast milk (too viscous).


  • coffee and any caffeinated drinks;
  • wine;
  • hot spices;
  • white cabbage and other previously prohibited products.

third month


  • nuts other than peanuts and pistachios;
  • homemade jam or jam from cherries and apples;
  • Butter biscuits and buns (in limited quantities).

From drinks, you can add more vegetable and fruit juices, if there are no negative reactions from the child's body, you can try a drink from red fruits.


  • smoked;
  • oversalted;
  • pickled;
  • milk chocolate.

fourth month

You can eat:

  • millet and barley porridge in unlimited quantities;
  • semolina;
  • squash caviar;
  • dried spices;
  • a little onion;

It is allowed to add freshly squeezed pumpkin and carrot juices from the liquid, as well as rich blueberry juice (or blackcurrant).


  • alcoholic drinks;
  • garlic;
  • desserts with cream and lots of butter;
  • spicy seasonings and spices.

Fifth month


  • medium fat sour cream;
  • any homemade jam;
  • walnuts;
  • any cereals and cereals.

The drinking regime for the 5th month remains unchanged (tea, almost all juices and fruit drinks, mineral water).

You can not eat in addition to the previous prohibitions:

  • fast food;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • fatty cow's milk;
  • seafood.

sixth month


  • seafood;
  • all representatives of legumes;
  • red fruits;
  • soft wheat bread.

The drinking regimen implies the use of everything that was previously allowed + you can try tropical fruit juices.


  • grape;
  • semi-finished products;
  • smoked meats;
  • hot and spicy dishes.

seventh month


  • lightly fried foods;
  • some exotic fruits;
  • chocolate (preferably dark).

You can drink everything that was permissible in previous months.


  • citrus fruit;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • smoked sausages.

eighth month

You can eat:

  • garlic;
  • any fish (except red);
  • sweet with a little cream;
  • any berries;
  • natural dry wine (half a glass is rare).

Drinking regimen: if there are deviations, drink more water and any drinks with the exception of caffeine.


  • peppered dishes;
  • fat meat;
  • "fast food.

ninth month


  • fresh and salted tomatoes;
  • red fish;
  • pickled cucumbers and mushrooms.

From drinks other than coffee and alcohol, there are no restrictions, as in the following months.

It is forbidden:

  • fatty meats and foods with a lot of oil;
  • oranges, grapefruits, lemons, tangerines;
  • smoked sausages and sausages.

tenth month


  • natural seasonings (basil, dill, parsley);
  • sweet paprika;
  • some lemon.


  • mayonnaise;
  • pasta from 2 grades of flour;
  • smoked meats;
  • refined sugar.

11-12 months

You can eat:

  • legumes;
  • milk chocolate;
  • fried food;
  • milk sausages;
  • flower pollen.

From restrictions:

  • margarine;
  • processed cheese;
  • fast food;
  • mayonnaise sauces.

Experts believe that from this period, you can gradually switch to the usual menu for a woman, but with the utmost care.

Frequently asked Questions

To avoid many misunderstandings and problems when compiling a menu during lactation, you should familiarize yourself with the frequently asked questions that bother many women after pregnancy.

Can you eat chocolate after giving birth?

Are apples and pomegranates allowed?

You can eat apples, as well as apricots, pears, if there are no contraindications. You need to be careful with pomegranate: tropical fruits are not completely digested, load the liver, and can cause a severe allergic reaction in an infant.

Can a nursing mother eat watermelon in the first month after childbirth?

During this period, any red berries (pulp, peel) are prohibited. However, starting from 4 months or six months, doctors recommend eating watermelon regularly.

Can I eat bananas and persimmons when feeding?

In order not to provoke an allergy, it is better not to eat these fruits in the first 3 months of lactation. After this period, bananas and persimmons can be consumed both fresh and as ingredients for dessert.

Are breastfeeding mothers allowed to drink coffee?

Coffee is one of the strictly prohibited foods during lactation. This prohibition applies not only at the initial stage, but throughout the entire breastfeeding.

How much water can you drink while feeding?

The drinking regime at different stages varies. Doctors advise not to drink a lot (up to 1 liter) in the first week. After this, liquids should be consumed in large quantities - about 2-2.5 liters per day, so that the milk is not excessively viscous.

Is it okay to drink wine while breastfeeding a baby?

No, alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited. They negatively affect the development of the crumbs (physical and mental). Plus, the functionality of all systems of the child's fragile body is significantly reduced.

Can you eat seeds and nuts?

If an allergy is not detected in a child, then nuts with seeds are acceptable. You should not risk and include them in the first month of feeding.

Is it possible to drink kefir, apple juice after childbirth?

Sour-milk products are an obligatory component of the menu for lactation. Juice is allowed, but it is better to choose a drink from green rather than red fruits. Kefir should be taken high-quality, if possible - cooked at home.

A healthy and balanced diet after childbirth will help not only strengthen the baby’s immunity, but also restore the woman’s strength, give her vigor, and most importantly, form healthy eating habits. A new lifestyle will allow you to always be in good shape, devote a lot of time to raising crumbs and enjoy its full growth.

Excess weight often appears after the birth of a child, it is quite difficult to lose it during breastfeeding. Nursing mothers need a diet, but how to make a menu so that the quality of milk does not suffer? What foods must be present in the diet, and which should be avoided?

Strict diets and intensive training are contraindicated for lactating women, so it is not always possible to quickly and effectively lose weight after childbirth. Any restriction in nutrition will affect the development of the child, he needs to receive all the nutrients in full every day.

Causes of excess weight in nursing mothers:

  • Chronic lack of sleep, which leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes. If the sleep pattern is disturbed, the feeling of hunger appears more often, many nursing mothers have a snack late in the evening or at night. You need to get enough sleep, go to bed at every opportunity - during sleep, the body gets rid of excess calories.
  • Low physical activity. Long walks with a child in the fresh air, exercises, hula hoops will help burn calories for a nursing woman.
  • Excess calories - during breastfeeding, many mothers believe that you need to eat for two. To avoid overeating, but not harm the child, you need to make a balanced menu for every day. You should minimize the consumption of fast carbohydrates, fatty foods. During breastfeeding, a woman needs 450 kcal more than before the birth of a child.
  • Violation of the regime. Frequent snacking, eating on the run, lack of hot meals - all this provokes the appearance of extra pounds. It is necessary to adjust the nutrition schedule to the child's daily routine, a full breakfast and lunch will help you lose weight faster. It is better to eat fractionally - eat small meals 5-6 times a day.
  • Postpartum depression is a common problem for breastfeeding mothers. Chronic fatigue, irritability, emotional instability are caused by hormonal changes. Bad mood during breastfeeding, women tend to eat delicious, but unhealthy food.

Difficulty in losing weight in lactating women can be caused by heredity, a natural tendency to be overweight. According to women, losing weight after the second or third birth is much more difficult than after the first.

Features of the nutrition of nursing mothers

A properly composed regimen and menu for several days or weeks is the key to rapid weight loss after the birth of a child. Daily exercise for 15-20 minutes will help you lose weight faster, even without special diets.

What should not be on the menu of a nursing woman:

  • rich pastries, sweets, chocolate;
  • sugary drinks with gas, caffeine, dyes and other dangerous ingredients are of little use in packaged juices;
  • fatty broths;
  • fast food;
  • salty, spicy, fried foods - retains fluid in the body, contains a lot of calories, can cause allergies in a child;
  • wheat flour bread;
  • potatoes, corn, legumes - they have a lot of starch, which interferes with weight loss, causes constipation;
  • bananas and grapes - high-calorie fruits;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat.

The basis of the menu of a nursing woman should be seasonal vegetables, fruits, greens, low-fat fish, poultry and rabbit meat, dairy products and low-fat cheese, cereals. Olive oil is effective in helping to lose weight, they need to dress salads or drink 5 ml every morning before breakfast. Food can be boiled, stewed, baked in the oven, steamed. It is useful to use bakery products made from rye flour, with bran. Dried fruits and nuts are used for snacks during breastfeeding.

Nursing mothers are prohibited from diet pills and dietary supplements - such drugs negatively affect the functioning of internal organs, worsen the quality of milk, the child may develop an allergy. Mono-diets are also dangerous - a sharp weight loss is dangerous, during breastfeeding it is allowed to lose no more than 400 g per day. With greater weight loss, malfunctions in the endocrine system may begin, problems with the digestive organs will arise, and immunity will weaken.

Nursing women need to observe the drinking regimen, drink at least 2 liters of clean water without gas per day - this will help speed up metabolic processes, cleanse the body of toxic waste. In addition to water during breastfeeding, you can drink chamomile and green tea, dried apple compote, fresh juices from hypoallergenic fruits.

Menu for weight loss by months

A diet for nursing mothers is a great opportunity to get rid of harmful gastronomic addictions and acquire healthy eating habits. The nutrition of a woman after the birth of a baby largely depends on the age of the child; new foods on the menu must be introduced carefully.

In the first 2 weeks, the diet should be especially strict - cereals, lean soups, baked apples. You can consume no more than 15 g of butter per day. From drinks, give preference to compotes, a decoction of rose hips.

The menu of a nursing mother depending on the age of the child

Month Approved Products Prohibited Products
1 Low-fat meat and fish, durum wheat pasta, fermented milk products, hard cheese, butter, vegetable. The menu should include porridge made from buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat groats. You can eat baked apples, dried fruits. No more than 2 times a week to eat boiled eggs, preferably quail. From sweet - marshmallow, marshmallow, biscuit cookies. Bee products, grapes, white cabbage, limit the amount of salt. You can not eat nuts, condensed and homemade cow's milk.
2–3 The menu includes borsch with fresh tomato juice dressing, a small amount of almonds or walnuts, apple and cherry jam.
3–6 In a small amount, you can use honey, diversify the diet of cereals. Beans are allowed, only they must be pre-soaked for at least 10 hours, fresh natural juices. Only 1 new product is introduced per day to understand what the baby has allergic reactions to.
6–12 Since the introduction of complementary foods, a woman's diet has become more diverse. You can eat seafood, onions and garlic, berries, different varieties of fish in small quantities.

During lactation, nursing mothers are strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages, chocolate, spicy and smoked foods, carbonated drinks, exotic fruits. Any medications can be taken only after consulting a doctor. If a child begins to have colic, then the diet should be tightened - exclude fresh bread and pastries, raw apples, cabbage. From the first weeks of a child's life, it is necessary to increase the daily fluid intake by at least 1 liter, provided that there is no tendency to edema.

Diet of a nursing mother for weight loss

Proper and balanced nutrition is the best diet for losing weight for a nursing mother, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of healthy and beautiful women who have recently given birth to a child. You can not skip breakfast to avoid overeating in the afternoon. For lunch, be sure to eat soups, protein foods, vegetables. Dinner should be light, at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Approximate diet for nursing mothers:

  • Breakfast options are oatmeal or wheat porridge with a small amount of permitted fruits, vegetable puree, baked fruits, cottage cheese casseroles, toast with cheese.
  • For lunch, you can eat soup with vegetable or light meat broth, fish soup, poultry stew, stuffed vegetables.
  • For an afternoon snack, homemade ice cream with low-fat milk, steam omelet, cheesecakes are suitable.
  • Dinner - steamed chicken cutlets, vegetable stew, baked lean fish, low-fat dairy products, boiled tuna or liver salads with beets, green beans, broccoli. As a dressing, use olive oil, natural yogurt, low-fat sour cream.

Keep a food diary to keep track of your child's reactions to foods. This will help to clearly see everything eaten during the day, if necessary, adjust the menu. A nursing mother should remember that the main thing is the health and proper development of the child, and not a beautiful figure. It is better to increase physical activity, do it every day - fasting, strict diets will not benefit either mother or baby.

Even the most effective diet and balanced diet will not help you lose weight without regular exercise. You need to actively move while walking with your child, do exercises every morning, take a contrast shower.

Mom and her baby are very closely related. Even after birth, the baby receives those elements and nutrients that the mother consumes, and the same toxins if she abuses harmful foods, alcohol, etc.

Knowing this, a nursing mother should plan her diet with intelligence and understanding so that her diet is healthy, correct and complete. It will not be the same from month to month, both in terms of the beneficial properties of the products, and in terms of possible harm.

Choosing a diet is a big responsibility for a nursing mother, because the quality of milk and the health of the baby depend on it. To make everything go as smoothly as possible, you should listen to the advice of experts. The menu cannot be thought out for the entire feeding period, it changes from week to week, from month to month

Many products, useful or simply habitual, that we use every day, can cause poisoning, stool disorders or serious allergic reactions in a newborn. It is believed that the number of mother's meals should match the number of feedings of a newborn baby.

There are tables containing an approximate menu for the nutrition of a nursing woman, which are compiled taking into account the age of the child. Such tables, offered, for example, by Dr. Komarovsky, are well guided when compiling your own nutrition system.

Products for a nursing mother: the basics of choice

  • security;
  • quality;
  • fullness, which is provided by diversity.

These are the basic principles, guided by which, you can create a balanced menu. Safety is due to the ability of products to nourish the baby through mother's milk without harming the little person, including without leading to allergies or indigestion. It is also determined by freshness. It is better to use authentic food products (i.e. those that grow in your home region).

The quality of the product is determined by its composition (for example, you need to eat real cottage cheese, not a curd product), the content of unnecessary or dangerous substances (pesticides, toxins) in it. Variety is determined by the ability to include in your menu all types of permitted products, from lactic acid to red fish meat.

The food consumed has a partial (although rather large) effect on the quality of breast milk, mainly on the content of micronutrients (vitamin complex and minerals) in it, and partly on fat content. The mood of the mother, her physical condition and other factors also affect such a product of the mother's body that is necessary for the baby.

For normal lactation, not only diet, but also drinking regimen is of great importance. A nursing mother should drink at least 2, and preferably from 2 to 3 liters of clean water per day.

In addition to nutrition, the psycho-emotional state also plays a big role. If a young mother is depressed, nervous, sad, hormones are released into the blood, which then penetrate into the milk. They can impair physical health and affect the baby's fragile nervous system.

Baby from 0 to 1 month: what do we eat?

The first month of a baby's life is the most responsible, in terms of the mother's choice of her dietary products. The child has just been born: what should his mother eat to help the fragile body adapt? During this period, the diet of the nursing mother of the newborn should be complete. However, it is worth choosing products whose ability to cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and flatulence is minimal. These helpful products include:

  • eggs (you can eat quail or chicken, but it is better to refrain from eating duck) - 1 egg in three days;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal, less often wheat;
  • lean white poultry meat, rabbit meat (some recommend veal);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir);
  • boiled and steamed vegetables (raw vegetables can be introduced after the 1st week, one product at a time, so that if an allergy occurs, immediately exclude it from the menu);
  • baked apples (some recommend raw);
  • vegetable oil (corn, olive or sunflower) - 15 grams per day;
  • butter - up to 30 grams per day;
  • durum wheat pasta (sometimes);
  • dried fruit compote (apples, prunes, dried apricots);
  • apple juice (no more than 1 glass per day);
  • homemade marshmallows or marshmallows from natural products (no more than 1 time per week) (we recommend reading:).

It is required to exclude from the diet in the first month salted and canned foods, grapes, mayonnaise, ketchups, adjika, cabbage (namely white cabbage), cocoa bean products, pastries, sausages, nuts, coffee, strong black and green teas, alcohol of any strength, and others on the recommendation of a doctor.

Such products cause indigestion in the baby, some are allergens, and some (for example, alcohol) are toxic to the baby's body.

For a child from 1 to 3 months: we replenish the menu

The diet of a nursing mother of a newborn at the age of 1 to 3 months becomes freer, her the table is replenished:

  • lean beetroot (some experts allow you to add a little tomato juice);
  • a small amount of nuts, except for pistachios and peanuts (according to some recommendations, it is better to attribute the use of nuts for a period of 3 months);
  • raw fruits (preferably homemade), they should be included gradually, adding one product at a time;
  • homemade jam (in a small amount).

During this period, it is categorically not recommended to break the diet, including whole cow's milk, fatty sour cream, meat broths, pastries, cocoa beans, coffee, strong tea, raisins in the menu. Other foods from a woman's diet may also be excluded on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

A pediatrician can help give advice on the optimal diet for mom. He will check the condition of the baby, calculate compliance with weight standards, and conduct neurological tests. It happens that mom needs to exclude some products, although they are formally allowed.

The baby grows, the diet expands: from 3 to 6 months

After the newborn has lived his first three months, matured and got stronger, the diet is also softened for the nursing mother. Food is becoming more diverse, but the entire previous list of prohibited foods is still relevant.

Mom is allowed to include fresh juices or fruit drinks (they should be squeezed before use):

  • pumpkin;
  • apple;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

The diet during this period allows you to eat barley and wheat porridge, allows the use of fresh onions (bulb). Whole cow's milk is still not recommended. Although according to some reports, tea with milk is a good remedy for lactation. And if the child does not have an allergy to cow protein or lactose deficiency, such a remedy is quite applicable.

Freshly squeezed homemade juices are an excellent remedy for a nursing mother, adding a lot of vitamins to the diet. They should be prepared immediately before use, the addition of chemical preservatives (even citric acid) to the product should be excluded.

Menu from six months to 1 year

The body of six-month-old children is quite capable of withstanding fried foods in the diet of a nursing mother (we recommend reading:). Products should not be too browned and greasy. Very slowly, in minimal portions, you can diversify your table with exotic, introducing oranges, tangerines, kiwi into your diet.

You can try to eat some garlic (although the garlic taste and smell of milk is usually unpleasant for children), legumes (for example, borscht with beans), seafood and a small portion of chocolate.

You should not switch to the usual diet of a modern person, all the more abruptly. When feeding a child of this age, mommy still needs to eat mostly cooked foods.

The diet of a nursing woman allows you to include the following products in the menu:

  • all varieties of meat used in previous periods and beef;
  • the assortment of cereals is expanding, replenishing with corn and rice;
  • legumes (peas and beans);
  • different varieties of fish and seafood (preferably boiled or stewed);
  • bran bread, dried white;
  • nuts (except for pistachios and peanuts);
  • all kinds of baked vegetables;
  • quail and chicken eggs (duck, goose and others are better not to use yet) (for more details, see the article:);
  • cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk (we recommend reading:);
  • boiled potatoes, can be baked;
  • small amounts of onion and garlic;
  • juices and fruit drinks;
  • compotes and decoctions (mainly from dried fruits and rose hips);
  • weak tea (green and black) without additives and flavors.

Pivot table by month

MonthCanCarefullyIt is forbidden
From birth to 1
  • boiled / baked turkey, rabbit
  • lean fish (cod, hake, zander, carp)
  • boiled / stewed / baked vegetables (potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini)
  • fruits (green apple, pear, banana)
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes)
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal)
  • fermented milk products (ryazhenka, curdled milk, kefir, yogurt)
  • cottage cheese and cheese
  • whole grain bread, crackers, biscuits
  • vegetable broths
  • whole milk
  • chicken eggs
  • pasta
  • biscuit
  • seafood, red fish, caviar
  • mushrooms
  • pâtés
  • sausage and sausages
  • soft cheese
  • gas producing vegetables (cabbage, celery)
  • allergenic fruits (red apples, grapes, kiwi, pineapples, strawberries)
  • citrus
  • coffee and cocoa
  • cream cakes, nuts
1 to 3Plus:
  • lean beef, chicken
  • corn, millet, rice porridge
  • meat broths
  • bright vegetables in fresh and boiled form (beets, carrots, eggplant, tomato, cucumber, radish)
  • fruits (apricots, peaches, plums, cherries), melon and watermelon
  • homemade jam
3 to 6Plus:
  • boiled beets, carrots, pumpkin
  • tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden
From 6Plus:
  • lean pork (carbonade)
  • legumes
  • nuts
  • seafood / boiled red fish

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky and his advice are very popular today. Many women correlate their menu with his recommendations for breastfeeding. The basis of the diet of a nursing mother according to Komarovsky is healthy food, and should be excluded:

  • herbs (including garlic and onions);
  • exotic fruits, especially citruses;
  • products containing any kind of preservatives and dyes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • condensed milk;
  • all types of dressings for dishes (primarily mayonnaise, ketchup and adjika);
  • pasta in large quantities;
  • all kinds of fast food;
  • sausages and shop semi-finished products;
  • pickles, smoked meats, marinades;
  • products containing GMOs.

What is this diet for?

Many women believe that it is not necessary to follow these recommendations. Nothing bad will happen if they eat as usual - the child will adapt faster. Some appeal to the experience of their girlfriends, who barely drank and smoked everything they wanted. And their children survived. Of course, children's organisms are different, and what is detrimental to one, the other can withstand. But that doesn't mean there won't be consequences.

Gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis and other diseases of the hepatobiliary system and digestive organs that overtake a person in adulthood, strange as it sounds, depend not only on what kind of lifestyle he leads, but also on how his mother ate before and after childbirth, while feeding him with her milk.

Proper nutrition of a woman and a healthy lifestyle will not be able to protect her child from the diseases that he will receive, based on his chosen life path. But at the same time, they will significantly reduce the risk of developing a whole range of diseases, and ensure its full development (both body and intellect). In any case, they will serve as significant prerequisites for the fact that the child was healthy, had strong immunity and a quick mind.