Making corners in the apartment. Perforated corner How to glue corners on a doorway

So you have finished finishing the walls with drywall. But one very important detail remained - the corners. In this article, we will figure out how to make the corners of drywall walls even and how to fix the corner to drywall. And also which corners to use is better, easier and cheaper.

Types of corners and why they are needed

Perforated drywall corners not only allow you to beautifully seal the corner joint, but also give even greater structural strength, preventing even slight movements and vibrations from the plasterboard sheets.

On sale you can find 4 types of corners. There are perforated corners for right angles and even arched models. So:

  • Perforated metal corner

This is the most famous and used model. The thin perforated metal construction has a rib to provide rigidity. But, despite this, the configuration of the corner is often violated during transportation, which makes it impossible to use it to create perfectly even corners. Therefore, the store always needs to check their quality.

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  • Plastic corners

The material is the main difference from the previous version. This results in low strength and low resistance to shape change. Advantages - not afraid of water and moisture, corrosion is not terrible. A big plus is the low price.

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  • arched corners

Everything is clear from the name - it has the ability to bend well. This is the main advantage over other types. The material from which it is made - flexible plastic - gives it such an opportunity.

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  • Mesh corners

They are usually used where it is necessary to protect the corner from mechanical damage and give additional rigidity. Often such places are the outer corners of buildings. But we use them in the apartment. This will be useful if the corners are rather uneven and of dubious strength.

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We examined the main corners of drywall, which is better - you decide. You should choose based on where the perforated corner will be installed on drywall and what goal will be pursued: will it be a significant strengthening of the corner or just a design idea. Also pay attention to the price.

Important: if you just need to fasten the sheets at an angle of 90 degrees, you need not a corner, but a connector. This frame element does not apply to corners.

How to attach a perforated corner to drywall?

For work, we need some tools and materials:

  • The corner itself
  • Putty. It is she who will ensure reliable fastening of the corner to drywall (the best composition for this work is Vetonit, it is reliable and easy to use)
  • A primer with which we will strengthen the GKL sheets, and then we will carry out the final processing
  • Scissors for working with metal (if you are going to fix not a plastic corner on drywall, but a metal one)
  • Brush for priming surfaces
  • Two spatulas: one wide, the other narrow (wide is more convenient to smooth out irregularities on the surface, and narrow to apply the composition and distribute it)
  • Bar for grinding. It will help to make perfectly even corners, removing all irregularities

Now let's figure out in detail how to fix the corner on drywall:

  1. We carry out the primer of each sheet of the corner, drawing a strip of about 30 cm. After that, we take measurements in order to know how much the length of the corner is required. A distance of 20-30 mm to the floor can be left without a corner, since everything will be closed with a plinth anyway;
  2. According to the results of measurements, we cut a corner. Having made cuts, the metal corner can be easily and accurately broken;
  3. With a narrow spatula, apply putty to the joint itself. The layer thickness is small (about 3-4 mm);
  4. We press the corner so that the putty penetrates through the perforation outward;
  5. Apply a thicker layer of putty on top;
  6. We level everything with a wide spatula and remove excesses, while you need to hold the tool at an angle to the sheet and press it a little;
  7. We grind the corner with a bar;
  8. Then we apply a second coat of primer. The width of the strips should be 20-30 cm. This method allows you to remove a sharp transition between the layer and the plasterboard wall;
  9. Now we finally align the angle: first with a spatula, and then, already on dry putty, with a bar;
  10. Before plastering the rest of the wall, apply an additional coat of primer to the joint.

To properly take care of interior design, it is important to pay attention to every detail. Finishing windows and doorways is no exception in this regard. Decorate openings and give them an aesthetic appearance. decorative plastic corner.

It will not only emphasize the clarity of the lines of the corners, but also hide the imperfections of the plaster, if one was used as a finishing material.

What are these products?

This is a piece of furniture for decorative finishing window and other slopes, as well as to hide corner joints when using different materials.

corners made from rigid PVC by the method of "hot" inflection of the sheet using a special technology.

Scope of application

To make the idea of ​​the purpose of the products more complete, it is worth considering this issue in a little more detail.

PVC corners can be used in the following cases:

Advantages and disadvantages

Plastic sloping corner, like any material, has its pros and cons, let's talk about them in more detail.

First, about the pros of products:

  • allow you to close the corner abutments of various materials;
  • smooth out irregularities and form an angle of 90 ° in the places of finishing;
  • service life is 20-25 years;
  • easy to process during installation;
  • you can choose the desired color (the corners are produced not only white, but also colored)
  • reasonable price, favorably highlighting PVC corners against the background of wooden and metal products.


  • weak mechanical strength - when cutting, the material may crack in the cut area, the products are easily scratched;
  • combustibility, heated and burning plastic emits acrid smoke and gas.

Types and sizes

PVC corners can be split, based on two criteria: area of ​​application and type of finish. The main types will be discussed below.

According to the nature of the purpose, the products are divided into the following types:

  1. Equilateral. This type is used mainly to give strength to slopes. Available in sizes from 20x20 to 50x50 mm.
  2. Not equilateral. With their help, they perform the decoration of arched openings. Dimensions - 5x17 and 20x25 mm.
  3. T-shaped products. Most often used to hide the joints between wall cladding and slope.
  4. Removable (with latch). Allow to carry out repair work without resorting to the dismantling of the profile. If necessary, it is enough to simply bend it, and at the end of the repair, return the shelves to their place.

By type of finish, the corners are:

  • outdoor;
  • internal;

What glue to use?

One of the most effective options- polyurethane adhesive. It is possible to use both a special adhesive for plastic corners, and any other composition suitable for mounting PVC products.

When finishing areas with low traffic, you can use a silicone-based sealant.

This glue is also used for fixing corners to ceramic tiles in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Another option is liquid nails. When installing light products it is better to use a colorless composition, and for dark products, any option is suitable.

How to glue plastic corners on slopes?

Installation of corners should be carried out only after finishing work is completed (wallpapering, painting, etc.). Myself the installation process is carried out in several stages.

First of all, you need remove all protrusions from the surface, if any, be it plaster, putty, etc. If wallpaper is pasted on the wall, you need to remove it in the places where the corner fits.

Otherwise, it will be glued to the wallpaper and not to the wall. The wallpaper should be cut in such a way that after installing the corner, there is no gap between it and the cladding. Next, you need a place to mount the corner degrease with a mild solvent or white spirit.

The corner must be attached to the wall and mark it with a pencil- at the top and bottom on the vertical parts and along the edges on the horizontal corners, which will be located between the slopes.

It is advisable to measure the vertical elements after gluing the upper horizontal one, and the lower one after mounting the vertical ones. In this case reduces the risk of gap formation between their ends.

According to the labels cuts are made with metal scissors. The inner part of the corners is cut at an angle of 90 °, and the outer part is cut at an angle of 45 °.

The glue is applied in a narrow dotted strip on the inside of the product, closer to the middle, at intervals of 1–1.5 cm.

Next you need attach the corner to the surface and press well, then fix it for a day with masking tape or tape in several places. After the glue dries, the tape should be carefully removed. This completes the installation.

How to glue an arched corner with your own hands

The topic of today's article is an arched corner. We will talk about the types, purpose and methods of fastening this finishing element.

To begin with, let's define the terminology: which of them are called arched and what is their difference. In general, such angles serve to design curvilinear structures from various types of finishing and building materials.

The main purpose of these elements is to protect the decorative coating of corners. They prevent peeling and abrasion of paint, wallpaper, etc. Also, these corners, as it were, highlight the shape of the structures they are attached to. For example, arches (see), plasterboard niches, curly ceilings.


Arched PVC element


  • The decorative element has a different width on each side. For example, 20 × 10mm or 20 × 5mm. From the very name of this corner, it is clear that it serves to decorate arches and highlight them against the background of the general interior in the room.
  • In addition to the design function, this type of finish allows you to hide small irregularities on the arched openings. This is especially true when the arches are made by hand. For example, from drywall (see).
  • And, of course, such a decor protects the finish coating of the walls from various types of influences: wallpaper from abrasion, putty and VD-paint from delamination and chipping from the surface of the corners.
  • Decorative corners with a length of 2 meters 70 centimeters are produced. They have different colors: white, wood-like (repeating its structure), colored.
  • The main material for the manufacture is polyvinyl chloride. It is the arched pvc corner that has received the greatest distribution among finishers. It is also possible to find cork corners for arches on sale in stores.

Perforated plastic element, photo



  • This type of auxiliary finishing materials has perforations (holes) on its entire surface. One side has petals (similar to cuts). Thanks to this design, they bend perfectly.
  • Basically, the perforated arched element under consideration is used to give a smooth edge to curved structures. For example, when installing plasterboard arches, figured suspended ceilings, graceful partitions. It is not difficult to bend it, because it is very flexible.
  • Corners for plaster are made of plastic. The most common length is 3 meters.


Fastening decorative elements

If you decide to abandon the installation of an interior door and made a semicircular opening (see), then you need to “ennoble” it - attach an arched decorative corner around the entire contour.

There are several ways to do this:

  • Stick with glue.
  • Fasten with screws.
  • Pin with carnations without caps.

Let's take a closer look at each of these methods. Most often, PVC elements are glued to the wall with glue. For example, liquid nails or titanium.

Should know! No need to use liquid nails for heavy structures! They may contain solvents that can corrode plastic. The best option is Express-Decor class glue.

Before you start gluing the corners to the surface, it should be prepared:

Should know! In no case do not stick plastic corners on the wallpaper. Even if the latter are firmly attached to the wall.

  • All loose materials must be removed.
  • If you already have wallpaper pasted, then remove it from the place where the corner will be pasted as follows: attach it tightly to the “native” place and mark its edge on both sides with a pencil. Then remove and carefully cut and remove the wallpaper with a sharp clerical knife.

Now you can start gluing. If you decide to use liquid nails, then it is better to take them in a tube (for a gun). From such packaging it will be more convenient to apply glue. Just buy the gun itself.

Apply glue in a small layer along the entire length and attach to the wall. Move the corner a little so that the glue spreads over the surface. Then remove the corner and wait five minutes. After that, firmly press the element again and fix it to the wall with masking tape.

Now we will consider a fairly simple screed - a furniture corner. They are produced quite a lot of varieties that differ in appearance, the number of screws and material (plastic, metal), but the concept is always the same: a corner fixed with screws.

Consider the installation process using the example of a plastic corner with a removable cover. It seemed that there was no need to discuss it at all - screw the screws and it will hold! But no!!! Even here there is a trick. If you screw the corner incorrectly, then it will not tighten anything and a gap will form between the parts.

The first step is to determine the size from the edge to the center of the hole (this size is individual for each corner). For the considered corners (with a removable cover) 15 mm.

Now we determine the location of the parts to be tightened: one of them necessarily rests on the second.

We need a detail number 2. We set aside all such details separately and proceed to the markup (for this it is convenient to use a carpenter's square.

The marked pencil marks are easily smeared, so it is advisable to immediately deepen them with an awl or (as I have been doing lately - with a dowel by hitting it with a hammer). It is necessary to postpone not 15 mm, but 16 !!!(It will become clear why later.

We put a corner opposite the hole and wrap a self-tapping screw into it - the self-tapping screw is screwed into the hole marked with an awl much better. The corner installed in this way does not adjoin the edge of the part with its edge, but is 1 mm away from it.

Now, when we attract the second part, this millimeter will be covered by a deformable corner (and plastic is still quite a plastic material), but the tension of the material will allow the parts to be pulled together without gaps.

We have considered the main ties with which furniture is assembled, now let's move on to the consideration of the simplest, but extremely common modules. Let's start with the drawer.

The topic of today's article is an arched corner. We will talk about the types, purpose and methods of fastening this finishing element.

To begin with, let's define the terminology: which corners are called arched and what is their difference. In general, such angles serve to design curvilinear structures from various types of finishing and building materials.

The main purpose of these elements is to protect the decorative coating of corners. They prevent peeling and abrasion of paint, wallpaper, etc. Also, these corners, as it were, highlight the shape of the structures they are attached to. For example, arches, plasterboard niches, figured ceilings.

Types and purpose of arched corners

decorative corners

Stucco arched corners

  • This type of auxiliary finishing materials has perforations (holes) on its entire surface. One side of such corners has petals (similar to incisions). Thanks to this design, they bend perfectly.
  • Basically, the perforated arched angle is used to give a smooth edge to curved structures. For example, when installing plasterboard arches, figured suspended ceilings, graceful partitions.
  • Corners for plaster are made of plastic. The most common length is 3 meters.

Fixing arched corners

Fixing decorative arched corners

If you decide to refuse to install an interior door and make a semicircular opening (see Arched openings), then you need to “ennoble” it - attach an arched decorative corner along the entire contour.

There are several ways to do this:

  • Stick with glue.
  • Fasten with screws.
  • Pin with carnations without caps.

Let's take a closer look at each of these methods.

Most often, PVC corners are glued to the wall with glue. For example, liquid nails or titanium.

Should know! No need to use liquid nails for heavy structures! They may contain solvents that can corrode plastic. The best option is Express-Decor class glue.

Before you start gluing the corners to the surface, it should be prepared:

Should know! In no case do not stick plastic corners on the wallpaper. Even if the latter are firmly attached to the wall.

  • All loose materials must be removed.
  • If you have already pasted wallpaper, then remove it from the place where the corner will be pasted as follows: attach the pvc arched corner to the “native” place tightly and mark its edge with a pencil on both sides. Then remove the corner and carefully cut and remove the wallpaper with a sharp clerical knife.

Now you can start gluing. If you decide to use liquid nails, then it is better to take them in a tube (for a gun). From such packaging it will be more convenient to apply glue. Just buy the gun itself.

Apply glue to the corner in a small layer along the entire length and attach to the wall. Move the corner a little so that the glue spreads over the surface. Then remove the corner and wait five minutes.

After that, firmly press the corner again and fix it to the wall with masking tape.

Should know! For white corners, buy white glue, and for colored corners - colorless.

How to glue an arched cork corner: follow all the surface treatment steps described above. Glue must be used special - contact, for cork products.

Fastening arched corners to studs and furniture brackets has a number of disadvantages.:

  • Lost aesthetics, as the fasteners will be visible.
  • At the moment of tightening the self-tapping screws (shooting the staples) possible cracks. on the surface of the corner.
  • If the fastener is tightened, then corner may be bent..

Fixing perforated arched corners

Perforated corner fasteners include the following procedure:

  • Should firmly press the corner to the surface and shoot it with staples using a construction stapler on both sides.
  • Next, a solution is prepared from gypsum plaster (or base putty) and applied with a spatula to the corner. In this case, you need to press the plaster more tightly.
  • Immediately after applying the plaster mortar, it is necessary remove excess.
  • After the plaster has dried, sand it with a special mesh or sandpaper.

Should know! The use of gypsum-based plaster "VOLMA-Sloy" will be optimal. It is very elastic and rubs off easily after drying. It is also possible to apply ready-made putty with a coating thickness of 3 mm.

Since the arched perforated corner is flexible, it will perfectly hide all design flaws of any form of curvature.

All of the above steps will help you secure the arched corners yourself.

If you still have questions on this topic, then you can watch a video about fixing corners for arches, as well as read other articles.