How to block access to YouTube. YouTube safe mode. Tablets and phones

Hello dear blog readers. Today we will protect our children, as well as sisters and brothers from bad videos that can affect its development in the future. And in the article I will tell in detail how to block a youtube channel from children with prohibited content. I hope the material will be useful in practice.

In today's world, a lot of information is available on the Internet. Children at a young age are inquisitive and impressionable, so scenes of beating or insults can have a devastating effect on an unformed psyche. The younger generation likes to spend most of their time watching cartoons and vlogs. The largest accumulation of media content is Youtube, where you can find any information.

Despite this great library of knowledge, the service contains a lot of stupid, pointless and violent videos. If a kid or teenager sees this, then the information will certainly be deposited in his memory and in the future will affect the character of a person and his thinking.

It is best to completely block YouTube, and provide access only in the presence of adults, as well as if possible. In this case, no one will be able to access the site until the protection is removed. The disadvantage of this method is the ease of bypassing it. You need to find out the password or cancel the changes made.

How to block youtube channel from kids

You can prevent visiting a resource directly from the device. However, it is quite easy to get around such restrictions, for this you can run an additional OS, log in from your phone, or remove the program from the device. Therefore, it is recommended to limit traffic at the level of the router that is connected to the Internet. In such a situation, bypassing protection is much more difficult. But in this situation, the blocking applies to the entire service, and not just to one video blogger.

Video blocking on computer

The easiest way to protect yourself from viewing harmful content is to install the Video Blocker extension in your browser. This add-on was originally created for Google Chrome, but later adapted to other software.

You can find and download the current version on these sites. An example is given for 4 popular browsers:

  • Chrome -
  • Firefox -
  • Opera and Yandex.Browser –

Using the software is easy:

  • Open Youtube and find a video of an unwanted blogger. You just need to know the name of the channel.

  • Copy and add the name to the black list.

  • You can also hover over and click block video from this channel».

Now, when trying to launch content from a blocked author, the viewer will be automatically transferred to the main page of the video hosting. With this method, you can limit the viewing of all unwanted video bloggers. This add-on works best on Google Chrome.

Videos are limited exclusively to YouTube and, if desired, they can be found on third-party services. It is enough for a child to change the device or browser, and as a result, all videos will be available for viewing again. In addition, if the child already knows how to work with browsers, then he is able to remove the add-on or change its settings.

In addition, it is recommended to enable age restrictions. There is a separate setting for this at the bottom of the page. In it, enable the "Safe Mode" item. Blocking in this way allows you to automatically remove adult content. The introduced changes work only for the desktop browser.

Restricting the site through auxiliary programs and hosts

Supplements, while effective, are easy to bypass. The most effective are local utilities that scan all information for unwanted requests before sending data to the Internet. When they are found, the connection is reset and it is impossible to get to the server page. Thanks to this, you can prevent the display of not only video content, but also other Internet forums, blogs, etc.

If you want to block not a single blogger, but the entire site, you can use one of the following programs. Among the most common free software, the best ones have proven themselves:

  • K9 Web Protection;
  • Internet Censor (Internet censor);
  • Any Webblock;
  • Madly Internet.

Through the above software, you can block all unwanted resources containing porn, extremism, hacker themes, etc. So that the user does not have to create a huge database on his own, K9 checks with his data on the server, so protection is complete and comprehensive.

The last two utilities work mostly only with the Hosts file and make changes to it. But these modifications can be done independently. For this:

  • Open the folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

  • Select the hosts file and open it with notepad. To do this, double-click on the document and select "notepad" in the window that appears.

  • On the left, write IP, press TAB and enter the name of the site with the domain.

Hosts is used by the computer as a local DNS. Therefore, all requests are first viewed in it, and only then sent to external servers to obtain an IP.

This method will block access to YouTube entirely. The host modification option is suitable for completely removing the child from video hosting, which is recommended, since blocking millions of channels for a long time and, as a rule, is pointless, because instead of a closed channel there is a similar alternative and therefore it is best to write to support so that they will help forever.

How to block a channel on an iPad or iPhone

The modern world is filled with technology from Apple, iPads and iPhones are used by many everywhere. Therefore, the question of how to block a YouTube channel from children on an iPad remains relevant. Unlike other operating systems, iOS supports a built-in access blocking setting. To activate it, follow the instructions:

  • Open "Settings".
  • Select "Main".
  • Find Restrictions.
  • The user will be prompted to come up with a security password, which is used to prevent unexpected changes to settings.
  • In the list of installed applications, find the Youtube icon and opposite it, move the slider to the “disabled” position.

You can set up not only apps, but also TV shows, movies, books, music, and websites. In addition, there is the possibility of establishing an age censor. To block the use of Youtube, go to the site restrictions settings section and add a new item to the "never allow" section.

After these steps, an installation will appear in the device’s memory stating that when you try to open an application or Youtube website, you need to ask for a password. Access to the content becomes available only after entering the correct security code. In fact, access restriction for sites is carried out in a similar way as on Windows, first the system accesses the local DNS and if the desired information is not found in the file, then the system goes to the Internet for an IP address.

Now the child will be able to watch cartoons from an iPad or iPhone only with their parents. But unwanted videos will still fall into the eyes of the baby. To prevent this, constant parental control is required, the easiest option is to watch cartoons and programs with the baby.

How to block content on android devices

Android is the most popular OS in the smartphone market. Due to its prevalence, many different programs have been written for this system. Therefore, you need to consider the question of how to block a YouTube channel from children through Android.

When you enter the phrase “block YouTube channels” on Google Play, the YouTube Kids app is displayed first in the search results. It was released by Google specifically so that children do not have to watch videos for the adult category.

To install the program, follow the instructions:

  • Enter the name of the application in PlayMarket.

  • Go to the download page and click install.
  • Wait for the installation to complete, then launch the application. At the first start, the user is shown instructions for use.

  • After viewing the settings, an adult is offered to pass a simple test. You need to enter a simple password. Each time you want to change the program settings, a window appears in which you need to pass a test.

  • After entering the access code, you can change the settings for YouTube for Kids. Here you can set a permanent security code, edit the age category of the collection, enable subtitles, etc.

This application is effective in combination with parental control on the device, it is enough to set a strong password to access browsers and other programs.

On the main screen in the form of icons there are several icons through which the child selects the category of video to watch (shows, games, programs, music, education, kaleidoscope). When turned on, a melody will play in the background, interesting sounds will be played during touches. Such effects captivate the child and add to his interest in viewing. If desired, these features can be disabled in the settings.

Thanks to YouTube for kids, parents can be sure that their child, when visiting a popular video hosting site, will not get into unwanted content that can disrupt the child's psyche.

IMPORTANT: If you are not strong in computer software, then be sure to pay attention to the various applications installed on children's computers to bypass protection like or, allowing incognito to visit various sites and social networks.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

The World Wide Web today contains a huge amount of content that is not intended for children. But the curiosity of the younger generation knows no barriers, and a child in search of new information can easily harm his psyche. Watching videos that contain shock content or adult content is especially dangerous.

Youtube is the largest video sharing platform on the web. Therefore, in order to limit the network activity of the baby, many parents are thinking about how to securely block YouTube from the child. Let's look at some of the most popular methods.

In the Windows operating system, open the Start menu and go to the Control Panel. In it, select "Internet Options" and activate it. In the window that opens, go to the "Security" tab. There, select the zone for which you want to configure security settings, called "Dangerous Sites" ("Restricted Sites").

On the right you will see the button "Sites" ("Nodes"). Click on it and in the window that opens, enter "*" in the text field, and then click "Add". Attention, enter the website address without quotes.

Save the changes, restart your machine, and then try to open the most famous video hosting in any browser. If everything is done correctly, then YouTube is now securely blocked on this computer.

How to block a specific YouTube channel

Blocking the YouTube site through the hosts file

You can restrict access to the Internet for a child through the system hosts file. In our case, we use it to limit visits to Youtube. Thus, you can also block a specific YouTube channel if its content is not intended for kids.

Using the "Explorer" go to drive C, and then to the address "Windows / System 32 / drivers / etc". The etc folder contains the hosts file - you need to open it in Notepad or another text editor. At the end of the file, add the line "" (write without quotes). Press the Ctrl+S keys and restart your computer.

On Apple

How to turn off all Youtube or how to block a channel on this site if your son or daughter owns Apple gadgets? Don't worry, there's a solution for iPhone and iPad too.

Take the device, on it go to the “Settings” section, then to the “General” subsection and from it to “Restrictions”. Then you need to create an access password at the suggestion of the gadget's operating system. In the "Allowed content" settings subgroup, pay attention to the "Websites" item. Enter the address of the Youtube video hosting there.

After that, switch to the “Privacy” subsection and there restrict network access for the Youtube service application program. Or delete it completely from the child's device.

On Android

The fastest solution on how to block the Youtube site from children on a smartphone or other device running the Android system is to install a paid or free antivirus. Next, in its settings, find the "Unwanted Content" tab, and add the video hosting address there.

An alternative way is to edit the hosts file on the mobile phone. Use the file manager "ES File Explorer" for this. Navigate to the "etc" directory through the "Device" folder, and use ES Note Editor to open the hosts file. Add the same line there as in the Windows system ("" - enter without quotes).

block site

BlockSite is an extension for modern browsers that allows you to restrict access to any page on the web. You must install it for each Internet browser that is installed on this computer.

In the extension parameters, you need to specify the video hosting address and add it to the list of blocked resources. Such actions must be repeated in opera, chrome and mozilla, as well as any other browsers.

To prevent the child from changing the BlockSite settings on his own, set a password that will protect the list of sites to which you have restricted access from editing.

Safe mode

Youtube video hosting itself offers a number of ways to protect underage Internet users from inappropriate content. To do this, you need to enable "Safe Mode" in your account on this service.

Log in to the site, then at the bottom of the page, activate the "Safe Mode" of browsing. You will need to re-enter your account password to save your changes. Now your son or daughter will not be able to view videos that have age restrictions.

Safe Mode on YouTube

Setting up Smart-TV

Smart TVs are increasingly penetrating our lives, and therefore the question of how to restrict access to Youtube to this type of device is very relevant. Consider it on the example of a model from the manufacturer Samsung.

On the Smart-TV, select the "Samsung Apps" section. Then use the cursor to highlight the Youtube app shortcut. Press and hold the Enter button until the context menu appears on the screen. In it, you must select the line "Block / Unblock". Think up and enter a four-digit pin code (factory default is "0000"). Now, to open the online video viewing service, the user will need to enter an access code.

There are many ways to protect boys and girls from inappropriate content by which you can block Youtube or any other site securely. Be attentive to your children and competently ensure their online safety.

An article about options for blocking YouTube from a child on Android.


Virtual life on the Internet can endanger the psychological, physical mood of your child.

Sites on YouTube prohibited under 18 years old

Company Youtube intended for an adult audience. Some videos, videos, photos, texts may carry negative information about violence, pornography, drug addiction, pseudo-ideology that poisons the fragile psyche of the child.

YouTube site

In what cases should you block YouTube from a child on Android?

  • child surfs the internet at night
  • teenager instead of lessons sits on the web
  • falls into a depressed state, closes in on itself
  • increased anxiety, fear
  • sleep is disturbed

In order not to bring the child to such a state of negative information, you should worry about blocking in advance Youtube, other unwanted sites.
How to do this, we will tell below.

Limit the viewing of unwanted information on YouTube, on an Android phone, for your child

Before we talk about blocking options, let's remind you about setting age restrictions in the program itself. YouTube. To do this, set the option "Safe mode", in which all videos, films that are not allowed for children under 18 will be closed.

Safe Mode option

Installation « safe mode »

  • sign in Youtube

Youtube home page

  • press a key "To come in"(on the right, at the top of the page) for authorization
  • enter your page details or register for an account through which your child will access Youtube

Page for entering personal data or registering a new account

  • turn the page down
  • activate key "Safe Mode: Off"(indicated in yellow in the figure)

Setting up security on YouTube

  • in the window that opens, activate the option "On"(indicated by number 1 in the figure)
  • here you can set the prohibition of safe mode Youtube in this browser
  • press a key "Save"(number 3 in the picture)
  • to prevent access by teenagers who already understand passwords, click the option "Fix safe mode in this browser"(indicated by the number 2 in the figure) and enter the password for the account
  • the previous step will prevent the teen from logging into the account, as it will require you to enter a password that only parents will know

Shutdown « safe mode »

  • sign in google account
  • enter your password and login

Google Page

  • press a key "Security"

(indicated by the red box in the figure)

Disabling the "Security" key

  • safe mode disabled

Blocking Options

Option number 1
To implement this method, you must install a special application. Let's consider an application using Avast:

  • download free version Avast Free Antivirus

Avast Free Antivirus (Home)

  • right-click on the program icon located near the clock
  • select an option "Open Avast User Interface" menu

"Open Avast User Interface" option from the menu

  • activate sign "Gears" top right

Activation of the "Gear" option (indicated by a red arrow)

  • go to section "Active Defense", select a key "Web Screen"

Active Protection section, Web Screen key

  • press a key "Settings", down below

Activating the "Settings" key

Adding the address of a banned site, completing the blocking

Note: You may need to block other sites that your child doesn't need. In this case, you must press the key "Add", enter the website address.
If you, personally, want to go to the site, the antivirus program will send a warning about blocking the entrance.

Website login blocking

Note: Do not forget to put your password in the program settings Avast by pressing the key "Password". After that, you will have the ability to disable and enable the lock.
Option number 2
Use operating system version Windows XP/Vista/7.

Windows XP/Vista/7 version

In this case, installation of an additional blocking program is not required.
Blocking actions:

  • press a key "Start" on the computer

Control panel after pressing start key on computer

  • open control panel

Control Panel

  • select an option "Internet Options"

Internet Options option open in

  • turn on the key "Restriction of access to Information received from the Internet"

Key "Restricting access to Information received from the Internet"

  • enter the name of the site you want to block (, in this case)
  • press a key "Add"
  • press a key "Close"
  • activate key "Apply"

Using the version of the Windows XP / Vista / 7 operating system to block YouTube

Option number 3

  • go to the disk From the computer, to the system folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

System folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc hosts file

  • open the file hosts in option "Notebook"
  • scroll the pages of the file to the end, enter in the line


  • press a key "File"
  • press a key "Save"

Option number 4
This blocking option is carried out using a specialized system Video Blocker for Android

  • enter the program Video Blocker, available in the browser Chrome

Video Blocker login page

  • in the address bar of the browser, enter the address of the site to be blocked, go to the site
  • wait for the site to load
  • press a key "Menu"
  • login as administrator
  • press a key "Further"

Block YouTube with Video Blocker on Android

  • select the site you want to block from the list

Choosing a site to block

  • in the menu that opens, activate the " Add to Blacklist»

Option to add a site to the Blacklist

  • access to an unwanted site is blocked. Access to it is possible only through the option " Settings"
  • after blocking a site or sites, press the key "Menu"
  • press a key "More"
  • activate key "Log off"

Activation of the "Exit" key. List of blocked sites.

The last steps were performed in order to exit the mode "Administrator". Now, other users (in particular, children) will not be able to access prohibited sites.

Option number 5
This option Youtube blocking(site) for Android produced using Norton Family apps

  • turn on the application mode "Parent"
  • add an account "Child"

Norton Family app. Activation of the "Parent" mode, "Child" options

  • enter the section "Rules"
  • press the key "Actions"
  • go to point "Website Control"

Website Control key

  • choose sites that are prohibited for viewing under 18 years old
  • press the key "Add site"

Blocking prohibited sites (YouTube)

  • in the window on the page, enter the address of the sites to block, in this case Youtube
  • press option "OK"
  • press the key "Ready"

We have considered several options for blocking the site from unwanted visits. The first three options are more suitable for desktop computers, the last two options work successfully to block youtube(and other sites) for mobile devices working in the system Android.

In any case, you have a choice!
Good luck!

Video: Blocking YouTube on Android

How to block YouTube from a baby: a step by step summary, tips and reviews

Now we will try to realize how to block YouTube from the baby. This can be done in various ways. It is best to pay attention to each option. After all, none of them allows you to 100% protect kids from unnecessary information on the network. Therefore, it is worth understanding the implementation of each possible path. It's not as hard as it might seem. The best tips and tricks on how to protect your baby from YouTube are presented below. Even a novice user will be able to master them.

Safe mode

Parental control on Android

All tablets on Android: All Android phones: .

how to block youtube channels on android

Block annoying youtube channels and videos on android tablets and phones.

Tablets and phones

block youtube from the baby on the Droid or on any other device in several ways. You can choose the appropriate method without the help of others. Usually, if a child uses the mobile web, he has no idea about the methods of blocking websites. Therefore, the ancestors are able to successfully use certain techniques. Firstly, on a Droid, you can block YouTube in the same way as on a computer - by turning on safe mode. Secondly, the hosts file is also available here. Therefore, you should pay attention to the method of manually blocking the site completely.

iPad and more

But the possibilities don't end there. If you've been wondering how block YouTube from a child (iPad or any other gadget - no matter which one), use a mobile antivirus. Now many programs for protecting information have a special blocking function. Access to any site may be terminated. In order to use this option, you will have to install an antivirus (usually paid) for your phone. And then visit a section that looks like a URL filter. Enter the YouTube address there and save the changes. Don't forget the mobile version.


Now it’s clear how to block YouTube from a child on a tablet or any other gadget. It's not as difficult as it seems. But the above options are not the only ones. There are several other ways to block. True, they are mainly used for computers. For example, you can use special blockers. They are installed by separate utilities and then block the specified sites. For example, download OpenDNS for yourself (any similar utility will do). This software is great for home use. To answer how block Youtube from a child, do the following:

  1. Download and install OpenDNS.
  2. Launch a browser and use it to open your modem's configuration.
  3. Log in to the settings system.
  4. Visit LAN or Internet in the opened window.
  5. Specify Open DNS servers in DNS settings. To do this, write there: and
  6. In the installed utility, visit the settings and in the Manage individual domains section, select YouTube.
  7. Save your changes.

For iOS

On gadgets with iOS, you can use another very interesting way to solve our problem. There is a built-in function here. It's called Blocking. To activate it, do the following:

  1. In the gadget, open the Settings-General-Blocking section.
  2. Click Activate.
  3. Think up and type an access code (password) for the operation.
  4. Go to Advanced Content.
  5. Open the section Sites-Always block. and write here all the addresses of YouTube.
  6. Check the box next to Block adult websites.
  7. Return to the top of the Lock menu and select App Install Lock as an option.
  8. If you have a YouTube app, delete it.

That's all. But this is only for iOS operating systems. On Android, there is no such option and cannot be. Therefore, there will have to use previously studied methods.

User opinions

Now I know how to block Youtube from a child. Feedback from parents indicates that almost any of the above methods are relatively easy to expose by modern children. Therefore, it cannot be said with certainty that blocking the site will help protect the child from unwanted videos.

The most effective is the inclusion of safe mode, as well as the use of antiviruses to implement the idea. All manipulations with the hosts file are now known even to children. Therefore, it is not worth hoping that the child will be safe online. If desired, he will independently unlock, and then sweep up his tracks. Therefore, YouTube does not always get banned for viewing. None of the methods gives confidence that the child will not bypass the system and will be content with the lack of access to the largest video hosting.

Children are quite difficult, but it is quite possible to restrict access to some channels and videos. You can enable "safe mode" on the site itself and some . You can block YouTube from children, both on your computer and on your phone. But, if you need to completely close access to it, then read

How to block YouTube from a child on a computer?

To block YouTube, you can use the "Safe Mode" filter, which can be enabled on the site itself. This filter will only work in the browser where it has been enabled.

Click on the icon of your account in the upper right corner, and then select "Safe Mode".

Then move the toggle switch to the right.

That's it, the filter is on, but what has changed?

Some videos are now unavailable. It can be some shocking videos or videos with age restrictions. You can also notice that on the site, under the search bar, when we search for videos with keywords, a warning appears that some results have been blocked.

Safe Mode also blocks comments on all YouTube videos, guess why?

How to disable safe mode?

To prevent the child from turning off safe mode, you can use the ban on turning it off. To do this, click on your account icon, then select "Safe Mode", and "Set disable shutdown ...".

On the next page, you need to enter the password for your account.

Then the ban will be set.

That's how everything seems to be simple, but YouTube warns that there are no ideal filters, and they do not provide 100% protection, so you shouldn't rely on it too much.

I will tell from myself. Not only does this filter not provide 100% protection, but it can also be disabled bypassing the password.

How to disable safe mode without password?

To remove restrictions on video viewing, it is enough to clear cookies in the browser, or switch to incognito mode. Knowing this, the child can easily remove the filter.

If your child has the YouTube application installed on their phone, then you can also enable safe mode in it, as described above. Launch the app, go to settings > general, and check the "Safe mode" box.

But, if you want to completely block YouTube on your phone, then you can use the Android application "Secret App Lock". With it, you can set passwords for other mobile applications. But if the child deletes it, then all restrictions will be lifted.