How to calculate the required volume of the board? How many boards are in a cube: how to make calculations using various methods How to correctly calculate the cubature of an edged board

Lumber suppliers measure it in cubic meters (m 3) and the price, respectively, is indicated for 1 m 3. It will not be difficult to calculate the lumber in a cube (cubic capacity), find out the number of boards, knowing their dimensions, using this calculator.

Specify the dimensions of one board or beam in millimeters:

W- the width of the board or timber, is chosen by you based on the use of lumber. According to GOST 24454-80, the width of lumber can be from 75 to 275 mm. The optimal width value should be selected taking into account SP 64.13330.2011 (Updated edition of SNiP II-25-80).

H- the thickness of the board, an important parameter of the material section. Thickness, according to the above standard, can be from 16 to 250 mm. Take into account SP 64.13330.2011 "Wooden structures" to establish the value H.

Lumber is considered to be timber with a thickness and width of 100 mm or more, the ratio H/W at least 1/2.

L- the length of the board depends on the length of the original logs (i.e. if a workpiece 4000 mm long is sawn, then the board will be of the same size). Meaning L can vary from 1000 to 6000 mm.

E- quantity in cubic meters - this item must be selected if you want to know how many boards of a certain size will be obtained from a given number of cubic meters of wood.

Also indicate the cost of 1 meter of cubic lumber in your region.

The results of the online lumber calculator

If you have specified a parameter N(i.e. how many pieces), the calculator will calculate how much wood needs to be sawn to obtain a given number of boards. A If the parameter was specified E(i.e. volume) it will be calculated how many pieces of boards can be obtained from such a volume of wood. It will also calculate how much volume one board or beam occupies (with parameters W, H, L chosen by you) and how many pieces of boards (beams) of this size are in one cubic meter. If you have quoted prices in the relevant paragraph, the total cost of lumber, their volume and quantity will be calculated. This information will be helpful in budgeting.

Upon careful inspection, a certain amount of lumber may be rejected due to defects. Therefore, so that at the final stage of construction it is not necessary to buy additional boards by the piece, it is necessary to make a small margin in excess of the calculated amount (approximately 10-20%).

A free calculator for calculating the number of boards and joists needed to lay a floor in a room with a given area.

Calculator Features

The calculator performs the following actions and calculations:

  1. Calculates the area of ​​the room;
  2. Offers the optimal dimensions of boards and a lag for laying the floor;
  3. Calculates the optimal distance between the lags;
  4. Considers the volume of lumber and insulation that can be laid under the floor;
  5. Draws an approximate scheme for laying the future floor.

Features of working with the calculator

For preliminary calculations, it is enough to enter the length and width of the room in the special fields, and then click the "Calculate area" button:

Based on the data you entered, the script calculates the number and dimensions of boards (taking into account the choice of the minimum standard width for butt-laying and proportional thickness), as well as the load-bearing lag.

Based on the calculations, the calculator draws an approximate diagram of the future laying of the floor. In the diagram, callouts indicate the length and width of the room, as well as the recommended gap between the lags, which are indicated by a dotted line.

If you enter a larger number in the "Length" field than in the "Width" field, the values ​​will be reversed, taking into account that the length is always the longest side of the room.

If you are not satisfied with the proposed automatically calculated parameters, you can always correct them using the input fields under the drawing:

Here it is possible to switch the direction of laying the floor to the transverse version, and there are also two sections with settings for the parameters of the boards and the log. To complete the calculations, you need to click the "Calculate" button under the input fields.

The results will open in a new browser window:

Script integration into other sites

* Subject to the indication of an active dofollow link to our page.

If you like our script, you can install it on your site *.

In the downloaded archive you will find two files: board.html and board.js. The first contains the complete code of the calculation form and the built-in processing script. In the second, only the script is rendered in case of its external connection.

If you do not plan to externally connect the script, you can simply copy the contents of board.html and paste it on the desired page of your site. Otherwise, you will need to copy only part of the code before the start of the script and uncomment the line for external connection:

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

It makes no sense to make the same calculations several times if the original data does not change. A rounded log with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 6 meters will always have the same volume, regardless of who and in which city conducts the count. Only the formula V=πr²l gives the correct answer. Therefore, the volume of one OCB will always be V=3.14×(0.1)²×6=0.1884 m³. In practice, in order to exclude the moment of carrying out standard calculations, cubes are used. Such useful and informative tables are created for various types of lumber. They help to save time and find out the cubic capacity of round timber, boards, CBM, and timber.

The name of this building guide is due to the fact that the volume as a physical quantity is measured in cubic meters (or cubic meters). For a simpler explanation, they say "cubature", respectively, the table was called "cubature". This is an ordered matrix, which contains data on the volume of one product for various initial parameters. The base column contains sections, and the row contains the length (molding) of the material. The user only needs to find the number located in the cell at their intersection.

Let's consider a specific example - a cubic yard of roundwood. It was approved in 1975, is called GOST 2708-75, the main parameters are diameter (in cm) and length (in meters). Using the table is very simple: for example, you need to determine the V of one log having Ø20 cm with a length of 5 m. At the intersection of the corresponding row and column, we find the number 0.19 m³. A similar cube for round timber exists according to another standard - ISO 4480-83. Reference books are very detailed in increments of 0.1 m, as well as more general, where the length is taken in 0.5 m.

little secrets

The very use of the cube is not difficult, but the main nuance is the correct data. Round wood is not a cylinder, but a truncated cone, in which the lower and upper cuts are different. One of them can be 26 cm, and the other - 18. The table assumes an unambiguous answer for a particular section.

Various sources suggest doing it in two ways: calculate the average value and take the volume from the reference book for it, or take the size of the upper cut as the main section. But if the tables were compiled according to certain standards, then they must be used in accordance with the accompanying instructions. For a cubature GOST 2708-75, the diameter of the upper saw cut of the log is taken. Why is the raw data moment so important? Because with a length of 5 meters for Ø18 cm we get 0.156 m³, and for Ø26 cm - 0.32 m³, which is actually 2 times more.

Another nuance is the correct cubes. If complex formulas for truncated cones were used in the GOST 2708-75 table, calculations were carried out, and the results were rounded to thousandths, then modern companies that make up their own cubes allow themselves “liberties”. For example, instead of 0.156 m³, there is already the number 0.16 m³. Often, frankly erroneous cubic meters are posted on Internet sites, in which the volume of a log 5 meters long with Ø18 cm is indicated not 0.156 m³, but 0.165 m³. If an enterprise uses such directories, selling roundwood to consumers, then it makes a profit, in fact deceiving customers. After all, the difference in 1 product is significant: 0.165-0.156=0.009 or almost 0.01 m³.

The main problem of round timber is a different section. Sellers offer to resolve issues with calculations in the following ways:

  • calculation of the volume of each unit and summation of the obtained values;
  • storage method;
  • finding the average diameter;
  • method based on the density of the wood.

1. It must be said right away that the first of the indicated options gives the correct results. Only the calculation of the volume of each log and the subsequent addition of the numbers ensures that the buyer will pay for the timber that he will receive from the company. If the length is the same, then it is enough to find the cross-sectional areas of all the trunks, add them up, and then multiply by the length (in meters).

2. Warehousing method.

It is assumed that the stored round timber occupies a part of the space that has the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped. In this case, the total volume is found by multiplying the length, width and height of the figure. Given that there are voids between the stacked trunks, 20% is subtracted from the resulting cubic capacity.

Minus - the acceptance as an indisputable fact that the tree occupies 80% of the total space. After all, it may well happen that the bars are folded inaccurately, thereby the percentage of voids is much greater.

3. Density based method.

In this case, you need to know the mass of the forest and the density of the wood. The cubature is easily found by dividing the first number by the second. But the result will be very inaccurate, since a tree of the same species has a different density. The indicator depends on the degree of maturity and humidity.

4. Average method.

If the trunks of harvested trees are almost the same in appearance, then any 3 of them are chosen. Measure the diameters, and then find the average value. Further, according to the cubature, the parameter for 1 product is determined and multiplied by the required amount. Let the results show: 25, 27, 26 cm, then the average is Ø26 cm, since (25 + 26 + 27) / 3 = 26 cm.

Given the disadvantages of the considered methods, the only correct way to calculate the cubature can be considered to be the volume of each log using the cubature GOST 2708-75 or ISO 4480-83 and summing up the data obtained.

Specify dimensions in millimeters

W- board width
H- board thickness
L- board length

Initial data
N- quantity in pieces
E- quantity in cubic meters
Many, when building a house or a bath, are faced with the need to calculate how much lumber is required for work. Determining how much board or timber you need is simple. But the price of lumber is usually indicated per cubic meter, and in this case it will be more convenient to use a special program for calculations. With the help of our website, knowing the length, width and thickness of the board, as well as their number in pieces, you can calculate how many cubic meters of lumber you will need and how much one cubic meter or one board will cost.

Scope of application

Lumber is so called because it is obtained by sawing the trunk of a tree. Lumber is used for construction, furniture manufacturing, various containers and other products. Today, this type of building materials is the most popular. The wood from which lumber is made is an excellent heat-insulating material, maintains a stable humidity and does not require special treatment and care, which makes it especially convenient.

Types of lumber

Timber includes timber, edged boards, unedged boards, building slats. The beam is a log processed from all sides. In the cut, it has a square or rectangular section. The timber is most widely used in the construction of houses, baths and floor structures.
The edged board is a versatile lumber that is actively used both in construction work outside the building and in the design of the interior space. Edged board in cross section is an elongated rectangle. An unedged board differs from an edged board in that its edges are not cut off, so that a layer of the bark of the tree from which this board was cut remains visible. A building rail or bar is a bar with a smaller section than a regular one and is widely used in construction.
Lumber is classified according to the type of wood from which it is made. They are made from coniferous trees such as pine, spruce and larch. And from hardwoods such as oak and beech, birch, aspen.
Lumber is also distinguished by moisture content. They are divided into raw with a moisture level of more than 22 percent and dry with a moisture content below 22 percent. The former are used for construction work, and the latter for the manufacture of furniture.
There are also several varieties of lumber. The choice of grade depends on the application. So, for furniture, materials of the highest grade are used. For joinery and moldings, grade 1 lumber is suitable, and grade 2 and 3 are used exclusively as a building board. Lumber, if not used for a long time, must be protected from moisture. This can lead to their deterioration. It is not recommended to store lumber stacked on top of each other. There must be spacers between the layers of beams or boards.

Almost everything in our world has its own measurement value. We measure oil in barrels, coal in tons, the population of countries in thousands, millions.

We take as a basis a value that can specifically designate the object that we measure. When the question arises of how to calculate the cubature of a board, we are no longer talking about the mass of an object, since wood has a completely different density, and one tree has differences from another. In addition, boards of the same breed will have different weights depending on their moisture content.

For the convenience of calculating the cubature of the board, volume measurement formulas are used.

It is enough to recall school mathematics and the necessary formula by which to multiply the width, length and height. For the calculation to be correct, it is necessary to adjust all parameters to one value, for example, in centimeters or decimeters. It is most convenient to take meters as a basis. Thus, having multiplied three times in meters, we get m³ or cubic capacity.

Note. To calculate the cubature of the board, special formulas are used.

cubature boards

Boards may have differences in width, length, thickness. In addition, they are sold unedged and edged. Often, lumber has its own generally accepted standards, which make it easier to calculate cubic capacity.

For ordinary material sizes, there are already calculated volumes, which are systematized in tables for measuring the cubature of boards. Therefore, to determine the volume of the material, you simply need to open the table with the indicated dimensions and calculate the volume.

But, in order to do this, you must have these tables with you. Otherwise, in the absence of such, the cubature of the edged board is calculated, having previously determined the thickness and length. These are the main dimensions that meet the requirements for lumber. Each individual material is different. For example, a board with a thickness of 25 mm is used to create a crate, and 50 mm for subfloors. Next, you need to measure the width of the board.

In the case of a cutting board, everything is simple, since the material is cut to give one width. Further, using a calculator, all values ​​\u200b\u200bare multiplied among themselves. With a board length of 5 m, a thickness of 50 mm and a width of 25 cm, the volume of the material will be:

5 x 0.050 x 0.25 = 0.0625 m³

After multiplying the resulting number by the number of boards, we get the total volume of material.

The formula for calculating the cubature of boards

V = L x h x b

L - length

h - height

b - width

Determination of the number of boards in a cubic meter

1 m 3: V = N

In order to determine the cost of a particular type of board, with known volume values: V x price 1 m 3.

There is one more point that you need to pay attention to when determining the cubature of boards - the nominal length is exactly 6.1 - 6.2 m, but this is not taken into account when selling. Often this is important in the case of buying a large amount of material. For example, let's take a board with dimensions of 150 x 20 mm.

Having made simple calculations, we get the number of boards in 1 m 3 - 55, 5 pieces. So, in the cubature of the board 6 m there are exactly 55 pieces, in total, when calculating, we get the value of 0.99 m 3. In essence, the overpayment for the cubature of the board will be 1% of the exact price. For example, at a cost of 4,995 rubles, we pay 5,500 rubles.

Unedged board

Calculation features

The calculation of the cubic capacity of an unedged board is somewhat complicated, since the material does not have the same width between different boards, but also in each board individually. This is explained quite simply - the tree does not have the same diameter.

It is clear that it is wider at the bottom, narrower at the top. Thus, the width of the edged board does not fall under any standards. How to be in this case? Use different formulas to calculate. The width of the board is measured for convenience in the middle of the length. This is how you get the average width. This counting method works well if the batch of material is small.

For industrial volumes

This method is not suitable, because the work will be very slow, and this is not profitable. For such cases, experts have developed the so-called unedged board cubature. The volume in it is obtained by measuring and experimenting, in other words, using many measurements and calculating the average value of the width.

Of course, this cannot be called a super accurate way, but the deviations are so small that they should not be paid attention to.

Some wood processing companies use the stack measurement method in practice. To do this, it is not necessary to pre-sort the wood according to width. Specialists take measurements of the length of the board, the average width and height of the stack. The obtained values ​​​​are multiplied among themselves, and the result is multiplied by a coefficient for calculating the cubature of the board, which has an average value of 0.67.

Weighing method

In order to measure the cubic capacity of an unedged board, having obtained the most accurate result possible, the weighing method is used.

Before doing this, it is necessary to measure the moisture content of the material and dense wood. Considering that the edged board is the cheapest material used on objects with the least degree of responsibility, complex calculations are not very justified.

Also, it should be noted that the result that you get will not be very different from the one that can be obtained using the cube.

During the construction of residential buildings

Here, professionals in their field are required to perform many tasks, including: calculation and budgeting before finishing the premises. In addition, you need to calculate the required amount of building materials. It should be noted that this task is quite difficult. With this in mind, determining the cubature of the board is an important point.

Note. A cubic meter of lumber is calculated using a single method. The type of board does not affect the result.

To non-grooved types wood include: edged board, unedged board.

tongue-and-groove types- these are those that have special grooves for the perfect joining of the boards: flooring, lining,. Please note that when purchasing a grooved board, the calculation is carried out using the working width of the material, without spikes.

Regarding the calculation of the cubature of an unedged board, with a width of one end of 25 cm, and 20 cm of the other, the average value will be 22 cm. To calculate a large amount of material, it is laid out in such a way that the wide part does not differ from the narrow one by more than 10 centimeters.

The main length of the board in the unfolded bundle should be approximately the same. Then, using a tape measure, measure the height of the stack of boards and the width in the middle. The result obtained during measurements is multiplied by a coefficient with a value of 0.07 - 0.09, which depends on the air gap between the boards.