How easy is it to wash the fat in the kitchen with folk remedies? How to clean grease from kitchen furniture using folk remedies How to quickly clean kitchen cabinets

Kitchen furniture inevitably gets dirty with grease. It settles both on open surfaces - cutting tables, doors, decorative surfaces, and in closed cabinets, clogs in cracks. And if the set is made of wood, it can be quite difficult to wash old fat so as not to spoil the surface.

Depending on the manufacturing technology and material, furniture in the kitchen can be sensitive to one or another type of cleaning.

In particular, wooden surfaces can be irreparably damaged:

  • mechanical processing;
  • exposure to acids and alkalis;
  • plenty of water;
  • excessive dryness;
  • high temperatures.

Among other things, wood is a material with a porous structure. Therefore, if you do not regularly wash a wooden kitchen, over time, fat penetrates into its thickness and is difficult to remove.

We must not forget that fat deposits tend to polymerize. It is almost impossible to wash such contaminants without special professional tools.

Universal kitchen cleaner (video)

Gentle cleaner for wooden surfaces

A mixture of vegetable oil and soda will help to wash grease from wooden furniture. This tool cleans countertops, doors, shelves, frames, dishes.

To prepare such a remedy:

  1. Take soda and sunflower oil in a 2:1 ratio.
  2. Blend ingredients until creamy.
  3. Apply the resulting scrub with a soft cloth on a wooden surface.
  4. With light movements, without effort, rub the stains of fat.
  5. Then the entire furniture is wiped with the same composition.

After such a procedure, the tree is transformed, looks newer and brighter. This cleansing and nourishing scrub is used to treat furniture once every 2-3 weeks.

The mixture not only cleans furniture from grease, but also protects against high humidity in the kitchen or overdrying from high temperatures.

Unusual detergents

Housewives sometimes use the most unexpected means to clean wooden surfaces.

Let's take a closer look at such original ways of washing furniture:

  • Clay. Ordinary clay is diluted with table vinegar to a state of soft slurry. The composition is applied to the surface and left on them until dry, and then washed off with warm water. Clay perfectly absorbs fat.
  • Ammonia. An aqueous solution of ammonia perfectly fights against persistent greasy stains on a tree. They are also advised to wipe the work area for disinfection.
  • Salt. Exposed wooden surfaces are advised to wipe with salt. This removes fatty deposits and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. Once a week, facades and countertops are treated with salt water.

Aromatic furniture cleaner

This universal tool is used not only for cleaning wooden furniture. It is also suitable for removing lime deposits on metal surfaces. They can wash ceramics and plastics.

To prepare the composition:

  1. Take half a glass of vodka, the same amount of vinegar, add 0.5 teaspoon of orange essential oil and a few drops of eucalyptus. Vodka can be replaced with alcohol diluted with water.
  2. Mix all ingredients and pour into a spray bottle.
  3. Shake well before use and spray onto desired area.
  4. Wash off the composition with a damp sponge after a quarter of an hour.

How to wash a wooden kitchen from fat (video)

Here are some simple tips that will help in caring for wooden furniture and cleaning surfaces from grease. The tools are simple and inexpensive, but very effective.

No matter how neat you are, sooner or later the question arises: how to wash the fat in the kitchen. To the great chagrin of clean housewives, droplets of old fat accumulate on kitchen furniture, gas stove, tile, which can be very difficult to wash off.

Sure, home improvement stores carry a wide range of cleaning products, but some are very expensive and others can cause allergic reactions or burns on the skin.
The question involuntarily arises: how did our grandmothers cope with fat, not being able to purchase cleaning products? After all, they knew exactly how to clean fat on their own without the use of household chemicals.

Indispensable helpers in the kitchen for cleanliness are ordinary baking soda and dry mustard.
Enamelware and surfaces can be cleaned with baking soda. If the surfaces are very dirty: not only greasy, but also covered with oil dust, then vinegar or citric acid can be added to the soda. The chemical reaction that occurs at this moment will easily help to remove any fat.

Having washed the enamelled surface of the gas stove to a shine, we ask ourselves the question: how to wash the fat from the grate? The grate covered with greasy streaks will also help clean the soda.

To do this, dilute it with water to a slurry state and apply it with a brush (you can use an old toothbrush) on a dirty surface and leave for 20 minutes, after which dirt of any complexity can be easily washed off with hot water.

Dry mustard works in much the same way. Just before surface treatment, it is necessary to soak abundantly with hot water, and then, without sparing, sprinkle with mustard. With this chemical reaction, fatty deposits are easily decomposed. Then the mixture just needs to be washed off, and the kitchen will shine like new.

Cleaning delicate surfaces

When cleaning, we habitually apply force to achieve a brilliant result. But the question involuntarily arises: how to clean grease and dirt from ceramics, glass, plastic, wood?
These delicate surfaces require gentle and careful handling. But irreplaceable soda will help here too. Only now the soda must be mixed with vegetable oil to the consistency of sour cream. With a soft cloth or a special napkin, rub wooden or plastic furniture with this mixture - it perfectly cleans dirt and dust. This procedure should be repeated every 2-3 weeks.

Plastic furniture is inexpensive and comfortable, but fragile, it is easy to damage it by mechanical action. How to clean a fragile surface? After all, it requires especially careful handling. It can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. Spray the surface with peroxide using a spray bottle, and after 5-10 minutes, wipe the furniture with a soft, dry cloth.

Tile cleaning

The white tile in the kitchen turns yellow from time to time, and on the walls near the gas stove it is covered with drops of orange fat, which is very difficult to wash off. If patented detergents and cleaners are powerless here, then ammonia will help you. Dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of 1:10 and rub the tile with a rag or sponge, in places where the dirt is very strong, moisten the tile and leave for a short time.

IMPORTANT: do not forget to open the window before starting to process the kitchen, the smell of ammonia can cause an allergic reaction.

After cleaning, wipe the tiled walls with clean water, and you will no longer have a question about how to clean grease from tiles. The walls will shine with a mirror shine.

Universal ways to deal with fat

There is an amazing way to clean kitchen utensils. You need to take a very large tank (you can boil the laundry), pour water into it, pour a pack of soda ash, a pack of baking soda and a bottle of stationery glue. Put the tank on the fire and place all the dishes that need cleaning there. Let the water in the tank boil and simmer for 30 minutes. After that, you can remove the tank from the heat, but do not remove the dishes until the water has completely cooled down.
You will be amazed at the result: all the dishes will come out clean and shiny, as if they had just come from the store. You just need to rinse it and you can use it.
Vinegar is a great kitchen cleaner. In addition, it also helps to get rid of unpleasant odors. It can be used to clean wooden, plastic, leather and ceramic surfaces.

To get rid of an old smell in the refrigerator or in cabinets, wipe the insides with water and table vinegar.
You can prepare an effective mixture for cleaning kitchen surfaces. To do this, mix water, alcohol (you can use vodka) and vinegar in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 and add a few drops of any essential oil. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and treat all areas that need cleaning.

After 15–20 minutes, treat the dirt with water and detergent, greasy dirt will easily come off, and the smell will be fresh and pleasant.

Over time, you have to clean the microwave from the inside. Citrus fruits will help to cope with this problem: oranges, tangerines, lemons. Cut the fruits and place inside the oven, turn on the microwave to the maximum and leave for 15-10 minutes, after which the fat will move away from the walls, and you can easily remove it with a sponge and detergent.

When the question arises: how to clean grease from kitchen surfaces quickly and efficiently, try out patented products.
"Silit - anti-fat", LOC, "Komet" - gel and some other means have proven themselves well. They clean tough stains and make our kitchen sparkle, but they are not suitable for all surfaces, you need to be careful when using them. Some chemical additives cause allergies and skin burns. In addition, effective means are quite expensive.

There are many means to deal with grease and dirt in the kitchen, your task is to choose the best option for yourself, but remember: the sooner you start removing grease and oil stains, the easier your work will be. Old fat is much more difficult to remove.


Best of all, high-quality cleaning technologies are familiar to professionals. Cleaning company specialists need to work quickly and efficiently, and the result should suit the most demanding customer. We asked Olga Malakhova, the chief technologist of the cleaning company Pure Power, about how to get rid of greasy deposits in the kitchen:

Greasy deposits on kitchen surfaces are formed from mixing ordinary household dust with fumes during cooking, and in the immediate vicinity of the stove - due to the smallest greasy splashes. You can remove old greasy plaque, but get ready for the fact that this is a step-by-step process.

    Put on rubber gloves before starting work. All detergents contain alkali, from which it is better to protect your hands.

    Wet the surfaces you are going to wash, it is convenient to do this with a bottle with a spray nozzle. This is done so that the detergent for removing grease enters into a chemical reaction with water and begins to work effectively. If you apply the product on a dry surface, we will simply complicate our work and cleaning time.

    Use a regular double-sided sponge- parallone, with a hard abrasive layer. If the sponge has been used for a long time, replace it with a new one, since the abrasive layer eventually becomes clogged with the same fat and stops working as it should.

    Apply any anti-grease product to wet kitchen surfaces using a soft sponge layer and leave for 15 minutes to act.

    From experience: often there is not much difference in whether you use a cheap or expensive anti-fat product, it is alkali that “works” in it, which is part of most products.

    Using the abrasive layer of the sponge, wipe surfaces vigorously, then remove with the soft side of a sponge. After the procedure, fatty deposits should not remain. Repeat the process again if necessary.

    Wipe kitchen surfaces with a microfiber cloth to remove detergent residue. For glossy surfaces, use a dry microfiber cloth as a final touch to let them shine.

But what about the lamp?

These recommendations are also suitable for cleaning any fixtures in the kitchen. Remember that during washing, the lamp should never be turned on! After cleaning, allow the lamp to dry well and only after that it can be turned on.

How to degrease wood and metal?

Any chrome-plated metal and wood parts in the kitchen should not be wiped down with a grease remover. They can be washed by making a solution of warm water with any soap, including dishwashing detergent. You can make a solution of water with the addition of ammonia or ordinary vinegar and gently wipe the desired surfaces with the soft side of the sponge, and then treat with a wet and dry microfiber cloth. We hope that our tips will make cleaning your kitchen easier!

Cleaning and washing the kitchen takes a lot of time, especially cleaning the surface of grease. Many women, due to the busy pace of life, simply do not have time to take care of the kitchen every day. Regular cooking work leaves behind an unpleasant dirty mark on the countertop, walls, stove, sink and household utensils. These moments cannot be avoided, since the appearance of dust and dirt is inevitable. In our article, we will try to answer the question of how to clean old grease from the walls in the kitchen. This can be done in several ways, the recipes of which we will talk about today.

How to wash the walls and apron from grease in the kitchen with detergents?

There is the most common and fastest way to solve this problem - the use of special detergents and cleaners. On the modern market, they are presented in a large assortment, with different purposes, validity periods and pricing policies. Using a purchased detergent, you can quickly and efficiently get rid of annoying fat not only from the surface of the furniture, but also from the dishes. Modern technology is so modernized that these "assistants" include potent substances that help to ideally cope with the problem.

  • When using household chemicals, you should worry about your safety in advance. For the use of more gentle compositions, you need to use rubber gloves, and for more aggressive ones - a respirator.
  • Also, before cleaning, you need to prepare all the necessary materials with which you will clean the surfaces. For this, a set of sponges, brushes, rags for various purposes is perfect.
  • It is advisable to carefully study the instructions for the proposed product in the store. It should describe not only the constituent components, but also the purpose, and sometimes the method of application with detailed instructions.
  • Do not exceed the permissible concentration of detergent. Otherwise, you risk damaging furniture, expensive utensils and appliances in the kitchen.
  • Even before cleaning, we recommend that you slightly open the window for air to enter the room in order to reduce the effect of a strong odor on the body.

Surface cleaning:

  1. Wet the dirty area with clean warm water.
  2. We apply the remedy chosen by you to the oily place.
  3. We are waiting for the time indicated on the product label.
  4. After dissolving the plaque, we remove household chemicals from the surface along with the removed layer of dirt with a sponge or other device, depending on the place of contamination.
  5. We wash the area where there was previously dirt with warm water to achieve maximum and lasting effect.
  6. We wipe the surface dry.

Such manipulations should be enough to wash off recent and even dried fat. Difficulties may arise only to remove dirt from hard-to-reach places, for example, along the contour of the countertop, burners, and so on. It does not hurt to use toothpicks here, and after picking out the dirt, you need to refill the detergent and repeat all subsequent steps.

Popular products

The range of modern household chemicals is very wide, but not all of them are so effective as to remove serious plaque in a matter of minutes. However, there are those that literally before your eyes will corrode all the dirt and layers, transforming the surface. To quickly and easily clean or wash the greasy panel in the kitchen, from furniture, stoves and other surfaces, we recommend using products from the following brands:

  • "Amway";
  • "Silit";
  • "Komet";
  • "Shumanit";
  • "Sif";
  • "Ecover".

Folk ways

Grease stains on the wall can be easily removed using grandmother's methods. They have a number of advantages: they are simple, affordable, without chemicals, they quickly and efficiently cope with grease, stains and the strongest dirt. We will tell you how to use them correctly so that the result is noticeable. Below are a few basic recipes, many of which are completely safe and fast acting.

mustard powder

You do not know how to wash grease from the walls in the kitchen? The usual kitchen mustard in dry form will come to your aid. With its help, you can restore the former cleanliness and brilliance of absolutely any surface.


  1. Wet the contaminated area with water.
  2. Sprinkle generously with mustard powder.
  3. Wipe the surface with a clean dry cloth.
  4. We remove the remnants of the substance with a sponge previously moistened with warm water.

Important! Mustard is an excellent fat-dissolving agent, and after reading it, it will simply remain on your napkin. In this way, you can quickly and easily wash the sink, stove, refrigerator or kitchen furniture with a protective coating. The only thing to pay attention to, mustard powder is not suitable for getting rid of fat on a wooden surface.

Soap and soda solution

One of the most effective methods in the fight against fat can be called a combination of soap and soda. Cleaning your kitchen from dirt with such a solution is nowhere easier. It is advisable to use a soap-soda composition for cleaning kitchen utensils and household appliances.

Working process:

  1. We rub on a grater a simple laundry soap. These manipulations will allow one piece of soap to quickly dissolve in water.
  2. Pour the formed chips with warm water so that in the end we get a cloudy solution. Make sure that the water covers the soap a little, otherwise you may end up with a weak concentration of detergent.
  3. Wipe the contaminated surface with the resulting mixture.
  4. Without waiting for the soap solution to dry completely, pour baking soda on the sponge, and then wipe the still wet areas treated with soap.
  5. We stand for about 20 minutes.
  6. We wash the surface first with a damp, and then with a dry cloth.

With this soap and soda solution, even heavily soiled pans can be cleaned. Soda is an excellent abrasive, and soap will not only help get rid of fat, but will also serve as a disinfectant for treated areas.

Important! Remember one caveat: the recipe can only be used to clean tiles, stoves and other metal elements. Soda is categorically not suitable for removing grease from a glossy or varnish coating, as it can scratch such a delicate coating.

Oil and soda

The combination of oil and soda is quite good, and most importantly, it is an effective remedy for dealing with contaminated areas.

Important! It is with the help of this composition that you can delicately clean the wooden set.

Technology of use:

  1. We mix ordinary vegetable oil with soda in a ratio of 1 to 2. We have a rather thick mixture, similar in consistency to sour cream.
  2. We apply a homemade mixture to problem areas.
  3. We pass over the surface with a soft brush, thereby removing the remnants of dirt and grease. Do not rub too vigorously to avoid damaging the wood.
  4. We leave the gruel to act, waiting for a period of 10-15 minutes.
  5. Wash off the applied composition with a damp cloth.

Alcohol-acetic solution

If you want to clean and disinfect your kitchen furniture in one fell swoop, then this method is for you. It can be safely used for washing kitchen sets, utensils and various household appliances.

Stages of work:

  1. We mix together table vinegar with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1. Alcohol can be replaced with ordinary vodka, it also disinfects perfectly.
  2. Add two parts of water to the resulting solution.
  3. Pour ⅓ teaspoon of essential oil into the liquid. To do this, we took tea tree oil, which is used as a cleaner not only for skin, but also for other surfaces, including kitchen appliances.
  4. Pour homemade product into a spray bottle. Now we spray them with all contaminated areas.
  5. We give the solution time to absorb, 10-15 minutes will be enough for this.
  6. We clean kitchen furniture from grease with a damp sponge or cloth.

Important! Essential oil will not only perfectly cope with problem greasy areas in the kitchen, but will also leave behind a pleasant light aroma.


Here is another effective way to solve the problem of how to remove greasy stains from the wall. Ammonia can be found in any first aid kit, so the tool is very affordable.

Important! Before starting all subsequent actions with this substance, we recommend that you immediately open the window, as the smell will be very intense.

The recipe for making and applying ammonia on a greasy surface:

  1. We mix together a tablespoon of ammonia with one liter of water.
  2. We moisten a sponge in liquid, and then we pass it through all the greasy places in the kitchen.
  3. We stand the solution for 5 minutes, and then remove it with a damp cloth.

With this simple method, you can effortlessly wash kitchen furniture and household appliances.

Hydrogen peroxide

It is with this substance that you can wash the oven and baking sheet to a shine. Not only the gas stove, household appliances, but also dishes of frequent use suffer from everyday cooking.

Working process:

  1. Add soda to a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to get the consistency of sour cream.
  2. We put the resulting mixture on a baking sheet, which we leave to sour for half an hour.
  3. Remove the remaining fat with a brush.
  4. Rinse the pan with warm water.

Steam cleaning

It will be great if you have a steam cleaner in your house, which will cope with absolutely any pollution in no time. With the help of hot steam, you not only clean the dirty surface well, but also disinfect it perfectly.

The steam cleaner will save you from the following problems:

  • Cleans walls, household appliances, headsets from scale and other contaminants.
  • It will remove the remnants of scale, oil and soot on the dishes.
  • Restores the original shine to glass and stainless steel surfaces.
  • It will destroy fungal formations, bacteria, unpleasant odors in the kitchen.


A variety of options were presented to your attention on how to remove greasy stains from the wall in the kitchen. As you can see, cleaning the kitchen can take a minimal amount of time, and the result will be simply stunning. Let cleanliness and order always reign in your kitchen!

Daily cooking requires no less frequent cleaning in the kitchen. If you do not fight the fat that has appeared on the walls, as well as kitchen furniture in a timely manner, then it will become more difficult to get rid of it in the future. Wet cleaning will help keep the main room in the house in perfect order.

Wiping the furniture in the kitchen once every two days, it is enough just to keep things in order. Having learned how to wash grease from kitchen furniture, everyone will be able to effectively eliminate old stains!

What inventory to choose for cleaning?

Effectively wash the fat in the kitchen, and at the same time not damage the surface of the headset, the right tool will help. It must be remembered that the use of a soft cloth and sponge is the most gentle option for such cleaning. Textiles are relevant: cloth, microfiber, flannel.

It is better to refuse the use of metal brushes for furniture. The use of such equipment will only damage the surface, and also lead to scratches. The most effective result in the cleaning process is easily achieved if you pre-soak the fat (applying the product on it) for 30 minutes.

Do not forget that the formation of scratches from a hard brush will only lead to the fact that the dirt will clog into the voids much faster.

A wide selection of materials for cleaning the kitchen surface confuses many housewives. It must be remembered that a standard sponge or flannel rag will cope with its function no worse than highly specialized materials.

During wet cleaning, you should choose the right equipment, namely:

  1. Use rubber gloves. This precaution will protect the skin from cleaning products, as well as keep the manicure intact.
  2. Buy a regular sponge. Such material will make it possible to delicately get rid of new, as well as old problematic stains.
  3. Use a rag at the final stage of cleaning. With its help, it will be very easy to remove the remnants of imported detergent, as well as wash off the folk remedy from the headset.
  4. Use a soft brush. Using such equipment, it is easy to cope with complex pollution: on relief details, previously scratched surfaces.

How to wash old fat in the kitchen?

In order for a wooden kitchen (and not only) to serve the family for many years, you should choose the right cleaning products. It is better to use furniture powders to a minimum, as they can damage the integrity of things and lead to scratches. Before choosing household chemicals for your kitchen, you should carefully study the composition of the product. Eco-friendly products will allow you to remove grease from kitchen furniture as safely as possible. They are made on a natural and mineral basis, make it possible to effectively cope with old stains. Eco-substances are safe for family health as well as the environment.

Do not buy detergents that contain acids and ammonia to remove grease. Such components will effectively cope with fat, but at the same time damage the headset. For cleaning glossy surfaces, as well as easily scratched furniture, it is important to use the most gentle chemicals, especially gels and sprays.

In order to remove old fat, it will take much more time than in the case of a fresh stain. Removing dirt from the hood, stove and other metal surfaces is quite difficult. Cleaning such a section of the kitchen is best done in 2-3 stages. Each time the surface must be pre-soaked and then processed.

To wash a kitchen set made of MDF and at the same time finished with a film or plastic, it is best to use specialized tools. The composition of the chemistry should not include abrasive or chlorine. When choosing a product, it is recommended to pay attention to the composition, as well as instructions. Household chemicals for glass, wood or metal surfaces may vary.

If you have not previously used the product (regardless of whether it is household chemicals or a folk remedy), it is better to test its quality before use. Miss Clean magazine recommends testing the product on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe headset, such a measure will protect furniture from unwanted damage.

Before cleaning the headset from fat, you need to carefully read the instructions. When using any chemical, it is recommended to adhere to the following safety measures:

  1. Observe the indicated concentration of the product when cleaning the surface. Remember that using a substance in excess of the norm is dangerous for the integrity of the furniture.
  2. Make sure the room is ventilated. By opening the window, it will be very easy to prevent chemical poisoning and (dizziness) from a strong smell.
  3. Put on rubber gloves. Such a measure will protect the skin on the hands, as well as manicure and nail plates.
  4. Make sure that there are no small children or pets in the kitchen during cleaning.

It is extremely dangerous if the baby knocks over the concentrated composition on himself or drinks, seduced by the bright color of the substance or packaging. It is important to understand how to wash off fat effectively and safely.

Cleaning folk remedies

A fairly simple and effective method of dealing with greasy stains is the use of laundry soap with soda. Soap should be grated on a coarse grater and add a little water. The dirty surface is wiped with a sponge, which is pre-moistened in this solution. Then a small amount of soda is applied to the material and problem areas are treated. After 20 minutes, the consistency is washed off. This option is suitable for cleaning tiles, stoves and other metal surfaces. However, do not forget that soda powder is an abrasive.

Water with vinegar (preferably apple cider) will help to remove fat qualitatively. This option will allow you to get rid of fat in the kitchen, but it will require patience from the hostess. It is necessary to moisten the dirty area with a rag and wait until the fat moves away, and then wipe the surface with a clean, damp cloth.

A baking powder will help remove fat from the headset. A little water is added to the component to form a slurry. Then the necessary areas are wiped with a sponge, and after 30 minutes the product is washed off with water.

Vodka or alcohol will help get rid of grease stains. The sponge is pre-wetted in such a solution, then greasy places on the furniture are wiped with it. If this cleaning option did not bring results, then the problem area is thoroughly moistened with vodka (alcohol) for 30 minutes.

Essential oil (spruce or eucalyptus) ideally removes unpleasant odors and cares for wood. Add a few drops of oil to the water and wipe the surface with a sponge during the final step.

Using a slice of lemon in the fight against old stains is also quite effective. This option will allow you to safely clean the headset from fat. To do this, first wipe the kitchen cabinet with a slice of lemon so that the juice flows from the surface. After 10 minutes, the surface is treated with a damp cloth and again with a paper towel.

Citric acid will help to effectively clean the headset from dirt. 15 g of acid and a little detergent are added to 1 liter of water. Such a cleaning liquid should be moistened with problem areas and then wipe the surface with a clean cloth.

The use of vegetable oil and soda is another method of dealing with dirt. To prepare the consistency, it is necessary to take both components in equal proportions and mix thoroughly. It is recommended to leave this mass on furniture for 30 minutes. After that, the formed lumps of fat should be removed with a rag. To remove dirt, you do not need to rub the problem area with a sponge. If the first time the procedure did not bring the desired result, it is worth processing the headset again.

Clay in combination with vinegar is also suitable for fighting stains in the kitchen. To prepare the mass, it is necessary to dilute the clay with vinegar until a slurry is formed. Removing contamination is quite simple if you rub the surface a little with a sponge with such a home remedy. To launder the cleaning mass, a soft sponge is perfect, which must first be rinsed in water.

When dealing with fat, regardless of the method chosen (household chemicals or folk remedies), you must remember about safety measures. Cleaning agent for kitchen furniture will not harm your health only if you ventilate the room every time after cleaning. When processing glossy or glass surfaces, you need to be especially careful. Household powder, as well as folk remedies (with a mushy mass) are not suitable for this cleaning option - they scratch and matte the surface. Gloves must be used to protect hands, and all bottles, sponges and bowls of detergent must be out of the reach of children and pets. Following simple rules will help keep furniture clean and attractive in such an important part of the house as the kitchen.