GOST for pressure vessels. Pressure vessels Pressure vessels new gost

The operation of pressure vessels is associated with the risk of explosion, which releases a large amount of destructive energy. In the article we will tell you what measures established by GOST are taken in order to prevent such consequences.

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Pressure vessels: GOST 12.2.085-2002 scope

GOST 12.2.085-2002 regulates the selection of safety valves. We are talking about pipeline fittings, the purpose of which is to protect equipment from destruction.

A huge store of energy in the working environment is released. The power of the explosion depends on both the pressure and the properties of the contained substance. Dangerous overpressure of the working medium occurs when the negative impact of external factors (overheating from extraneous heat sources, improper assembly or adjustment).


In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use a device that automatically releases an excess of the working medium, and when the working pressure stabilizes, this discharge stops. This device is widely used in production, as it is quite simple to operate, adjust and assemble, and also inexpensive to maintain.

The standard has been applied since July 1, 2003 and is a mandatory regulatory and technical document for manufacturers of safety valves for pressure vessels, and also contains recommendations for their safe operation.

The safety valve must be made of durable materials that allow it to be used in the most adverse industrial conditions. This will eliminate failures and failure during the warranty period, taking into account the use in a wide temperature range.

The design must exclude the possibility of ejection of moving parts. These elements must move freely and not cause injury. GOST requires manufacturers to eliminate the risk of arbitrarily changing valve settings.

Devices must not be subjected to impacts when opening and closing during placement and subsequent operation. They must be placed in such a way that the company's service personnel have the opportunity for free and convenient inspection of the vessel, its maintenance and necessary repairs.

GOST describes where valves should be placed on pressure vessels - in the upper zones. It is forbidden to install valves in stagnant areas. Such zones are pits and other recesses in which gas can accumulate from the released working medium of the vessel.

GOST12.2.085-82 (ST SEV 3085-81)

UDC 62-213.34-33:658.382.3:006.354 Group Т58



Pressure vessels.

Safety valves.

Safety requirements.

Occupational safety standards system.

Vessels working under pressure. safety valves.

safety requirements

OKP 36 1000

Date of introduction from 1983-07-01

before 1988-07-01

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards of December 30, 1982 No. 5310

REPUBLICATION. September 1985

This standard applies to safety valves installed on vessels operating under pressure above 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / cm).

The calculation of the throughput of safety valves is given in mandatory Appendix 1.

Explanations of the terms used in this standard are given in reference annex 8.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 3085-81.

1. General requirements

1.1. The capacity of the safety valves and their number should be chosen so that the pressure in the vessel does not exceed the excess working pressure by more than 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf / cm
) at excess working pressure in the vessel up to 0.3 MPa (3 kgf/cm
) inclusive, by 15% - at an excess working pressure in the vessel up to 6.0 MPa (60 kgf / cm2) inclusive and by 10% - at an excessive working pressure in the vessel over 6.0 MPa (60 kgf / cm

1.2. The setting pressure of the safety valves must be equal to the working pressure in the vessel or exceed it, but not more than 25%.

1.3. The increase in excess pressure over the worker according to paragraphs. 1.1. and 1.2. should be taken into account when calculating the strength in accordance with GOST 14249-80.

1.4. The design and material of elements of safety valves and their auxiliary devices should be selected depending on the properties and operating parameters of the medium.

1.5. Safety valves and their auxiliary devices must comply with the "Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels" approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor.

1.6. All safety valves and their ancillaries must be protected from arbitrary changes in their adjustment.

1.7. Safety valves should be placed in places accessible for inspection.

1.8. On permanently installed vessels, for which, due to operating conditions, it becomes necessary to turn off the safety valve, it is necessary to install a three-way switching valve or other switching devices between the safety valve and the vessel, provided that at any position of the locking element of the switching device, both or one of the safety valves will be connected to the vessel. valves. In this case, each safety valve must be designed so that the pressure in the vessel does not exceed the working pressure by the value specified in paragraph 1.1.

1.9. The working medium leaving the safety valve must be discharged to a safe place.

1.10. When calculating the capacity of a valve, the back pressure behind the valve must be taken into account.

1.11. When determining the flow capacity of safety valves, the silencer resistance should be taken into account. Its installation must not interfere with the normal operation of the safety valves.

1.12. In the area between the safety valve and the silencer, a fitting must be installed for installing a pressure measuring device.

2. Requirements for safety

direct acting valves

2.1. Lever-weight safety valves must be installed on stationary vessels.

2.2. The design of the cargo and spring valve should provide for a device for checking the correct operation of the valve in working condition by forcibly opening it during the operation of the vessel. The possibility of forced opening must be ensured at a pressure equal to 80%
opening. It is allowed to install safety valves without devices for forced opening, if it is unacceptable due to the properties of the medium (poisonous, explosive, etc.) or according to the conditions of the technological process. In this case, the check of safety valves should be carried out periodically within the time limits established by the technological regulations, but at least once every 6 months, provided that the possibility of freezing, sticking of polymerization or clogging of the valve with the working medium is excluded.

2.3. Safety valve springs must be protected from impermissible heating (cooling) and direct exposure to the working medium, if it has a harmful effect on the spring material. When the valve is fully opened, the possibility of mutual contact of the coils of the spring must be excluded.

2.4. The mass of the load and the length of the lever of the lever-weight safety valve should be chosen so that the load is at the end of the lever. The lever arm ratio must not exceed 10:1. When using a load with a suspension, its connection must be one-piece. The mass of the cargo must not exceed 60 kg and must be indicated (embossed or molded) on the surface of the cargo.

2.5. In the body of the safety valve and in the inlet and outlet pipelines, it must be possible to remove condensate from the places of its accumulation.

3.Requirements for safety valves,

controlled by assistive devices

3.1. Safety valves and their ancillaries must be designed so that in the event of failure of any control or regulatory body, or in the event of a power failure, the function of protecting the vessel from overpressure by duplication, or other measures, is retained. The design of the valves must meet the requirements of paragraphs. 2.3 and 2.5.

3.2. The design of the safety valve shall provide for the possibility of controlling it manually or remotely.

3.3. Electrically actuated safety valves must be supplied with two independent power supplies. In electrical circuits where the disconnection of the auxiliary power causes a pulse to open the valve, one power supply is allowed.

3.4. The design of the safety valve must exclude the possibility of impermissible shocks during opening and closing.

3.5. If the control element is a pulse valve, then the nominal diameter of this valve must be at least 15 mm. The internal diameter of the impulse lines (inlet and outlet) must be at least 20 mm and not less than the diameter of the outlet fitting of the impulse valve. Impulse and control lines must ensure reliable condensate drainage. It is forbidden to install locking devices on these lines. It is allowed to install a switching device if, in any position of this device, the impulse line will remain open.

3.6. The working medium used to control safety valves must not be subject to freezing, coking, polymerization and corrosive effects on the metal.

3.7. The design of the valve must ensure its closing at a pressure of at least 95%

3.8. When using an external power source for auxiliary devices, the safety valve must be equipped with at least two independently operating control circuits, which must be designed so that if one of the control circuits fails, the other circuit will ensure reliable operation of the safety valve.

4. Requirements for inlet and outlet pipelines

safety valves

4.1. Safety valves must be installed on branch pipes or connecting pipelines. When installing several safety valves on one branch pipe (pipeline), the cross-sectional area of ​​the branch pipe (pipeline) must be at least 1.25 of the total cross-sectional area of ​​the valves installed on it. When determining the cross section of connecting pipelines with a length of more than 1000 mm, it is also necessary to take into account the value of their resistance.

4.2. In pipelines of safety valves, the necessary compensation for thermal expansion must be ensured. The fastening of the body and pipelines of safety valves must be calculated taking into account static loads and dynamic forces arising from the operation of the safety valve.

4.3. The supply pipelines must be made with a slope along the entire length towards the vessel. In the supply pipelines, sudden changes in wall temperature (thermal shocks) should be excluded when the safety valve is actuated.

4.4. The inner diameter of the inlet pipeline must be at least the maximum inner diameter of the inlet pipe of the safety valve, which determines the capacity of the valve.

4.5. The inner diameter of the supply line must be calculated based on the maximum capacity of the safety valve. The pressure drop in the supply pipeline must not exceed 3%
safety valve.

4.6. The inner diameter of the discharge pipeline must be at least the largest inner diameter of the outlet pipe of the safety valve.

4.7. The internal diameter of the discharge pipeline must be calculated so that at a flow rate equal to the maximum capacity of the safety valve, the back pressure in its outlet pipe does not exceed the maximum back pressure.


4.1 General requirements

4.1.1 The design of the vessels must be technologically advanced, reliable during the service life specified in the technical documentation, ensure safety during manufacture, installation and operation, provide for the possibility of inspection (including the internal surface), cleaning, flushing, purging and repair, monitoring the technical condition vessel during diagnosis, as well as monitoring the absence of pressure and the selection of the medium before opening the vessel.

If the design of the vessel does not allow for inspection (external or internal), hydraulic testing during the technical examination, then the designer of the vessel must indicate in the technical documentation for the vessel the method, frequency and scope of control of the vessel, the implementation of which will ensure the timely detection and elimination of defects.

4.1.2 The estimated service life of the vessel is set by the vessel developer and it is indicated in the technical documentation.

4.1.3 When designing vessels, the requirements of the Rules for the carriage of goods by rail, water and road transport should be taken into account.

Vessels that cannot be transported in assembled form must be designed from parts that meet the requirements for transportation by vehicles in terms of dimensions. The division of the vessel into transportable parts should be indicated in the technical documentation.

4.1.4 Strength calculation of vessels and their elements should be carried out in accordance with GOST R 52857.1 - GOST R 52857.11, GOST R 51273, GOST R 51274, GOST 30780.

It is allowed to use this standard in conjunction with other international and national standards for strength analysis, provided that their requirements are not lower than the requirements of Russian national standards.

4.1.5 Vessels transported in assembled form, as well as transported parts, must have sling devices (grippers) for carrying out loading and unloading operations, lifting and placing the vessels in the design position.

It is allowed to use technological fittings, necks, ledges, collars and other structural elements of vessels when confirmed by strength calculations.

The design, location of slinging devices and structural elements for slinging, their number, slinging scheme of vessels and their transported parts must be indicated in the technical documentation.

4.1.6 Tipping vessels must have devices to prevent self-tipping.

4.1.7 Depending on the design pressure, wall temperature and the nature of the working medium, the vessels are divided into groups. The vessel group is determined by the developer, but not lower than indicated in Table 1.

Table 1 - Groups of vessels

Design pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2)

Wall temperature, °С

Working environment

More than 0.07 (0.7)


Explosive, fire hazardous or 1st, 2nd hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007

More than 0.07 (0.7) up to 2.5 (25)

Any, except for the one indicated for the 1st group of vessels

More than 2.5 (25) to 5.0 (50)

Over 5.0 (50)


More than 4.0 (40) to 5.0 (50)

More than 0.07 (0.7) up to 1.6 (16)

Above +200 to +400

More than 1.6 (16) up to 2.5 (25)

More than 2.5 (25) to 4.0 (40)

More than 4.0 (40) to 5.0 (50)

-40 to +200

More than 0.07 (0.7) up to 1.6 (16)

-20 to +200


Explosive, fire hazardous or 1st, 2nd, 3rd hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007


Explosion-proof, fireproof or hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007

A group of a vessel with cavities having different design parameters and media may be determined for each cavity separately.

4.2 Bottoms, covers, transitions

4.2.1 The following bottoms are used in vessels: elliptical, hemispherical, toruspherical, spherical non-flared, conical flanged, conical non-flared, flat flanged, flat non-flared, flat, bolted.

4.2.2 Bulbs of convex bottoms are allowed to be welded from parts with the location of welds as indicated in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Arrangement of welded seams of billets of convex bottoms

Distances l and l1 from the axis of the workpiece of elliptical and toruspherical bottoms to the center of the weld should be no more than 1/5 of the inner diameter of the bottom.

In the manufacture of blanks with the location of welds according to the drawing of 1 m, the number of petals is not regulated.

4.2.3 Convex bottoms are allowed to be made from stamped petals and a ball segment. The number of petals is not regulated.

If a fitting is installed in the center of the bottom, then the ball segment may not be manufactured.

4.2.4 Circular seams of convex bottoms made of stamped petals and a spherical segment or blanks with the location of welds according to the drawing 1 m, should be located from the center of the bottom at a projection distance of not more than 1/3 of the inner diameter of the bottom. For hemispherical bottoms, the location of circular seams is not regulated.

The smallest distance between the meridional seams at their junction with the ball segment or fitting installed in the center of the bottom instead of the ball segment, as well as between the meridional seams and the seam on the ball segment, must be more than three times the thickness of the bottom, but not less than 100 mm along the axes of the seams.

4.2.5 The main dimensions of elliptical bottoms must comply with GOST 6533. Other basic diameters of elliptical bottoms are allowed, provided that the height of the convex part is not less than 0.25 of the inside diameter of the bottom.

4.2.6 Hemispherical composite heads (see Figure 2) are used in vessels under the following conditions:

The neutral axes of the hemispherical part of the bottom and the transitional part of the body shell must match; the coincidence of the axes must be ensured by observing the dimensions specified in the design documentation;

The displacement t of the neutral axes of the hemispherical part of the bottom and the transitional part of the body shell should not exceed 0.5 (S-S1);

The height h of the transitional part of the body shell must be at least 3у.

Figure 2 - Joint of the bottom with the shell

4.2.7 Spherical unflared heads may be used in vessels of the 5th group, with the exception of those operating under vacuum.

Spherical unflared bottoms in vessels of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th groups and in vessels operating under vacuum may only be used as an element of flanged covers.

Spherical unflared heads (see Figure 3) must:

Have a sphere radius R not less than 0.85D and not more than D;

To be welded with a welded seam with continuous penetration.

Figure 3 - Spherical unflared bottom

4.2.8 Torospheric bottoms must have:

The height of the convex part, measured along the inner surface, is not less than 0.2 of the inner diameter of the bottom;

The inner radius of the flanging is not less than 0.095 of the inner diameter of the bottom;

The inner radius of curvature of the central part is not more than the inner diameter of the bottom.

4.2.9 Conical unflared bottoms or transitions may be used:

a) for vessels of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th groups, if the central angle at the top of the cone is not more than 45°. It is allowed to use conical bottoms and transitions with an angle at the top of more than 45°, subject to additional confirmation of their strength by calculation of allowable stresses in accordance with GOST R 52857.1, subsection 8.10;

b) for vessels operating under external pressure or vacuum, if the central angle at the top of the cone is not more than 60°.

Parts of convex bottoms in combination with conical bottoms or transitions are used without limiting the angle at the top of the cone.

4.2.10 Flat bottoms (see Figure 4) used in vessels of groups 1, 2, 3, 4 should be made from forgings.

In this case, the following conditions must be met:

The distance from the beginning of the rounding to the axis of the weld is at least 0.25 (D is the inner diameter of the shell, S is the thickness of the shell);

Curve radius r≥2.5S (see Figure 4a);

The radius of the annular groove r1≥2.5S, but not less than 8 mm (see Figure 4b);

The smallest thickness of the bottom (see Figure 4b) in the place of the annular groove S2≥0.8S1, but not less than the thickness of the shell S (S1 - bottom thickness);

The length of the cylindrical part of the bottom flanging h1≥r ;

The groove angle should be between 30° and 90°;

The zone is controlled in the direction according to the requirements of 5.4.2.

Figure 4 - Flat bottoms

It is allowed to manufacture a flat bottom (see Figure 4) from a sheet, if the flanging is performed by stamping or rolling the edge of the sheet with a bend of 90 °.

4.2.11 The main dimensions of flat bottoms intended for vessels of groups 5a and 5b must comply with GOST 12622 or GOST 12623.

4.2.12 The length of the cylindrical side l (l is the distance from the beginning of the rounding of the flanged element to the finished edge) depending on the wall thickness S (Figure 5) for flanged and transitional elements of vessels, with the exception of fittings, compensators and convex bottoms, should not be less than specified in table 2. Flanging radius R≥2.5S.

Figure 5 - Beaded and transition element

Table 2 - Length of the cylindrical side

4.3 Hatches, hatches, bosses and fittings

4.3.1 Vessels shall be equipped with hatches or inspection hatches that ensure inspection, cleaning, safety of corrosion protection work, installation and dismantling of collapsible internal devices, repair and control of vessels. The number of hatches and hatches is determined by the developer of the vessel. Hatches and hatches must be located in places accessible for use.

4.3.2 Vessels with an internal diameter of more than 800 mm shall have hatches.

The inner diameter of the round hatch for vessels installed outdoors must be at least 450 mm, and for vessels located indoors - at least 400 mm. The size of oval hatches along the smallest and largest axes must be at least 325 × 400 mm.

The inner diameter of the hatch for vessels that do not have body flange connectors and are subject to internal anti-corrosion protection with non-metallic materials must be at least 800 mm.

It is allowed to design without hatches:

Vessels designed to work with substances of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes according to GOST 12.1.007, which do not cause corrosion and scale, regardless of their diameter, while providing the required number of inspection hatches;

Vessels with welded jackets and shell-and-tube heat exchangers, regardless of their diameter;

Vessels having removable bottoms or lids, as well as providing the possibility of internal inspection without dismantling the neck pipeline or fitting.

4.3.3 Vessels with an internal diameter of not more than 800 mm shall have a round or oval hatch. The size of the hatch along the smallest axis must be at least 80 mm.

4.3.4 Each vessel must have bosses or fittings for filling with water and draining, removing air during a hydraulic test. For this purpose, it is allowed to use technological bosses and fittings.

Fittings and bosses on vertical vessels should be located taking into account the possibility of conducting a hydraulic test in both vertical and horizontal positions.

4.3.5 Hatch covers weighing more than 20 kg shall be provided with devices to facilitate their opening and closing.

4.3.6 Hinged or plug-in bolts placed in slots, clamps and other clamping devices of hatches, covers and flanges shall be protected from shifting or loosening.

4.4 Hole arrangement

4.4.1 The location of holes in elliptical and hemispherical bottoms is not regulated.

The location of holes on the torospherical bottoms is allowed within the central spherical segment. In this case, the distance from the outer edge of the hole to the center of the bottom, measured along the chord, should not exceed 0.4 of the outer diameter of the bottom.

4.4.2 Openings for hatches, hatches and fittings in vessels of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th groups should be located, as a rule, outside the welds.

The location of the holes is allowed:

On the longitudinal seams of cylindrical and conical shells of vessels, if the diameter of the holes is not more than 150 mm;

Annular seams of cylindrical and conical shells of vessels without limiting the diameter of the holes;

Welds of convex bottoms without limiting the diameter of the holes, provided that the welds of the bottoms are 100% checked by radiographic or ultrasonic methods;

Seams of flat bottoms.

4.4.3 Holes are not allowed to be located at the intersection of welds of vessels of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th groups.

This requirement does not apply to the case specified in 4.2.3.

4.4.4 Openings for hatches, hatches, fittings in vessels of the 5th group are allowed to be installed on welds without diameter restrictions.

4.5 Support requirements

4.5.1 Supports made of carbon steels may be used for vessels made of corrosion-resistant steels, provided that the adapter shell of the support made of corrosion-resistant steel is welded to the vessel with a height determined by the calculation made by the developer of the vessel.

4.5.2 For horizontal vessels, the span angle of the saddle shall, as a rule, be not less than 120°.

4.5.3 In the presence of thermal expansion in the longitudinal direction in horizontal vessels, only one saddle support should be fixed, the rest of the supports should be movable. An indication of this should be contained in the technical documentation.

4.6 Requirements for indoor and outdoor devices

4.6.1 Internal devices in vessels (coils, plates, baffles, etc.) that prevent inspection and repair, as a rule, must be removable.

When using welded devices, the requirements of 4.1.1 should be observed.

4.6.2 Internal and external welded devices must be designed so as to ensure the removal of air and complete emptying of the apparatus during hydraulic testing in horizontal and vertical positions.

4.6.3 Jackets and coils used for external heating or cooling of vessels can be removable and welded.

4.6.4 All blind parts of assembly units and elements of internal devices must have drainage holes to ensure complete draining (emptying) of the liquid in the event of a vessel stoppage.

CANCELED 08/01/2018.


Introduction date 2013-04-01


1 DEVELOPED by CJSC "Petrohim Engineering" (CJSC "PHI"), JSC "Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Engineering" (JSC "NIIKHIMMASH"), JSC "All-Russian Research and Design Institute of Petroleum Engineering" (JSC "VNIINEFTEMASH")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 23 "Technique and technology for the production and processing of oil and gas"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 29, 2012 N 1637-st

4. This standard takes into account the main regulatory provisions of the following international documents and standards:

Directive 97/23* EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 May 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to pressure equipment;

European regional standard EN 13445-2002 "Pressure vessels without fired heat supply" (EN 13445:2014 "Unfired Pressure Vessels", NEQ)


5 INSTEAD OF GOST R 52630-2006

The rules for the application of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0-2012 (section 8). Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index "National Standards", and the official text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet (gost.ru)"

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

INTRODUCED Amendment No. 1, approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated 02.02.2015 N 60-st from 01.05.2015

Change N 1 was made by the database manufacturer according to the text of IUS N 6, 2015

When designing and operating technological equipment, it is necessary to provide for the use of devices that either exclude the possibility of human contact with the danger zone, or reduce the risk of contact (protective equipment for workers). Means of protection of workers according to the nature of their application are divided into two categories: collective and individual.

Collective protection means, depending on the purpose, are divided into the following classes: normalization of the air environment of industrial premises and workplaces, normalization of lighting of industrial premises and workplaces, means of protection against ionizing radiation, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, electromagnetic radiation, magnetic and electric fields, radiation optical quantum generators, noise, vibration, ultrasound, electric shock, electrostatic charges, from high and low temperatures of the surfaces of equipment, materials, products, workpieces, from high and low air temperatures in the working area, from the effects of mechanical, chemical, biological factors.

4.2. Carrying out hydraulic tests

4.2.1. A minimum number of people, but not less than two people, should participate in hydraulic testing.

4.2.2. During hydrotesting it is prohibited:

be on the territory of the site to persons not participating in the test;

be from the side of the plugs to the persons participating in the test;

carry out extraneous work on the territory of the hydraulic testing site and work related to the elimination of detected defects on a product under pressure. Work on the elimination of defects may only be carried out after the pressure has been relieved and, if necessary, the operating fluid has been drained.

transport (turn over) a product under pressure;

transport loads over a pressurized product.

4.2.3. The tester is prohibited from:

to carry out tests on a hydraulic stand that is not assigned to him or his team by order in the workshop;

leave without supervision the control panel of the hydraulic stand, the product under test connected to the water supply system (even after the pressure has been removed);

perform under pressure assembly and disassembly of products, equipment, repair of equipment of the hydraulic stand, etc.;

to arbitrarily make changes to the technological process of testing, change the pressure or holding time under pressure, etc.

4.2.4. Hydraulic testing on an assembly stand using portable equipment is allowed in exceptional cases with the written permission of the chief engineer of the enterprise and compliance with the requirements of this guideline.

4.2.5. The product under test must be completely filled with the working fluid, the presence of air cushions in communications and the product is not allowed.

The surface of the product must be dry.

4.2.6. The pressure in the product should rise and fall smoothly. The increase in pressure should be carried out with stops (for the timely detection of possible defects). The value of the intermediate pressure is taken equal to half of the test pressure. The rate of pressure rise should not exceed 0.5 MPa (5 kgf / cm 2) per minute.

The maximum deviation of the test pressure should not exceed ± 5% of its value. The exposure time of the product under test pressure is set by the project developer or indicated in the regulatory and technical documentation for the product.

4.2.7. It is forbidden to be near and (or) inspect the product during the increase in pressure to the test pressure and holding the product under test pressure. The personnel participating in the test must be at the control panel at this time.

Inspection of the product should be carried out after the pressure in the product is reduced to the calculated one.

At the design pressure in the product, it is allowed to be at the hydraulic stand:



representatives of the technical control department (TCD);

leakage through the drain holes, which serves as a signal to terminate the test;

destruction of the tested product;

fire, etc.

4.2.10. After depressurizing the system, before disassembling the flange connections, it is necessary to remove the working fluid from the product and the system.

4.2.11. When dismantling the tooling, the nuts of the bolted connections should be removed, gradually loosening the diametrically opposite ones (“crosswise”), and pay attention to the integrity of the sealing elements in order to prevent them from falling into the internal cavities of the product.

4.2.12. Waste working fluid containing chemicals must be neutralized and (or) cleaned before being discharged into the sewer network.

Discharge into the sewer of working liquids containing phosphors, preservatives, etc., which have not undergone neutralization and (or) purification, is prohibited.

When working with a solution of bleach at the site of hydrotesting, the system of general exchange supply and exhaust ventilation must be turned on. The exhaust pipe of the ventilation system must be located directly above the container with the bleach solution.

Chlorine lime that has fallen on the floor should be washed off with water into the sewer drain.

All work with bleach should be carried out in goggles, a canvas suit, rubber boots and gloves, with a gas mask on.

4.2.13. Removal from the skin of phosphors based on fluorescein and its solutions (suspensions) must be done with soap and water or 1 - 3% aqueous ammonia solution.

Upon completion of work with phosphors, personnel must thoroughly wash their hands with warm water and soap.




Design pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2) ____________________________________________

Permissible working pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2) __________________________________

Design temperature, °C _________________________________________________

Characteristics of the working agent ______________________________________________

(water, neutral liquids, etc.) ___________________________________________




Document Number

Name of work performed

Stand person's signature

5. List of replacement units, fittings, MEASURING INSTRUMENTS





Company ___________________

Manufacturing shop _______________

Stand for hydraulic tests in accordance with the drawing No. ___________________________ and TU _____________________________ and accepted by the QCD of shop No. ________________

Beginning manufacturer's shop ____________________________________________ (stamp)

  • 5. Security, security systems
  • 6. Classification of dangerous and harmful production factors
  • 7. Organization and functions of the labor protection service at enterprises
  • 8. Training of managers and specialists in labor protection requirements
  • 9. Supervision and control over compliance with labor protection legislation
  • 10. State supervision and control over compliance with labor protection legislation
  • 11. Types of briefings, the procedure for their conduct and registration
  • 12. Industrial injuries and occupational diseases. Classification of accidents.
  • 13. Causes of industrial injuries
  • 14. Methods for studying the causes of industrial injuries and occupational diseases.
  • 15. Industrial injury rates
  • 16. Investigation and registration of industrial accidents
  • 17. Pressure vessels. Causes of accidents
  • 18. Procedure for designing vessels. Basic instrumentation and safety devices.
  • 19. Installation and registration of pressure vessels
  • 22. Maintenance and service of pressure vessels. Emergency stop and repair of vessels.
  • 23. General provisions for the safe operation of boilers. Basic instrumentation and safety devices.
  • 24. Organization of safe operation of boilers. Emergency stop and organization of repair.
  • 25. Order of registration and installation of boilers
  • 26. Technical examination and permission to operate boilers.
  • 27. Rules for the device, installation of pipelines. Basic instrumentation and safety devices
  • 30. Types of ptm. The main hazards arising from the operation of the PTM
  • 31. Basic instruments and safety devices on the PTM
  • 32. Installation and registration of lifting and transport mechanisms
  • 33. Technical examination of ptm
  • 34. Testing of lifting and transport mechanisms and load-handling mechanisms
  • 35. Supervision and maintenance of PTM. Crane repair
  • 36. Dangerous zone during the operation of ptm
  • 37. Stability of cranes
  • 39. Physiological effects of electric current on the human body
  • 40. Types of lesions arising from the action of electric current on the human body
  • 41. Factors affecting the outcome of the defeat of the human body by electric current
  • Registration. The following are not subject to registration with the Rostekhnadzor authorities: - vessels operating at a wall temperature not exceeding 200 °C, in which the pressure does not exceed 0.05 MPa; - devices of air separation plants located inside the heat-insulating casing (regenerators, columns, heat exchangers); - barrels for the transportation of liquefied gases, cylinders with a capacity of up to 100 liters. Registration is carried out on the basis of a written application from the management of the organization-owner of the vessel. To register a vessel, the following must be submitted: - passport of the vessel; - certificate of completion of installation; - diagram of the inclusion of the vessel; - safety valve passport. Rostechnadzor body within 5 days review. provided documentation. If the documentation for the vessel complies with the vessel passport, it puts a stamp on registration, seals the documents. In the case refusal decree. reasons with reference to the relevant documents.

    20. Technical examination of pressure vessels

    During the technical examination of vessels, it is allowed to use all methods of non-destructive testing. Primary and secondary wire. Inspector of Rostekhnadzor. The wire. ext. And int. Inspections. Also wire. Pneumatic And a hydraulic test - to check the strength of the elements of the vessel and the tightness of the connections. Vessels working with hazardous substances of hazard classes 1 and 2 must be thoroughly processed before the start of work inside. Extraordinary examination of vessels is carried out: - if the vessel has not been operated for more than 12 months; - if the vessel was dismantled and installed in a new place; - after repair; - after working out the design service life of the vessel; - after a vessel accident; - at the request of the inspector. The results of the technical examination carried out are recorded in the vessel passport and signed by the members of the commission.

    21. Hydraulic and pneumatic testing of pressure vessels

    hydraulic test all vessels are subject after their manufacture. Vessels, the manufacture of which is completed at the installation site, transported to the installation site in parts, are subjected to a hydraulic test at the installation site. Vessels that have a protective coating or insulation are subjected to a hydraulic test before coating is applied. Hydraulic testing of vessels, with the exception of cast ones, must be carried out by test pressure. Appl. water with a temperature not lower than 5 °C and not higher than 40 °C. The test pressure shall be controlled by two manometers. After exposure under test pressure, the pressure is reduced to the design pressure, at which the outer surface of the vessel, all its detachable and welded joints are inspected. The vessel is considered to have passed the hydraulic test if it is not found: - leaks, cracks, tears, sweating in and on the base metal; - leaks in detachable connections; - visible residual deformations, pressure drop on the pressure gauge. It is allowed to replace the hydraulic test with a pneumatic one, provided that this test is controlled by the acoustic emission method. Pneumatic tests must be carried out according to the instructions with compressed air or inert gas. The holding time of the vessel under test pressure is set by the project developer, but must be at least 5 minutes. Then the pressure in the test vessel should be reduced to the design one and the vessel should be inspected. The test results are recorded in the vessel passport.

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    RULES FOR THE DEVICE AND SAFE OPERATION OF VESSELS WORKING UNDER PRESSURE - PB 10-115-96 (approved by the Decree ... Relevant in 2017

    6.3. Technical certification

    6.3.1. Vessels to which these Rules apply shall be subject to technical examination after installation, before commissioning, periodically during operation and, if necessary, to an extraordinary survey.

    6.3.2. The scope, methods and frequency of technical examinations of vessels (except for cylinders) must be determined by the manufacturer and specified in the operating manuals.

    dated 03.07.2002 N 41)

    In the absence of such instructions, the technical examination should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Table. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 of these Rules.

    Table 10


    Table 11


    dated 02.09.97 N 25, dated 03.07.2002 N 41)

    N p / pName
    1 2 3 4 5
    1 Vessels operating with a medium that causes destruction and physical and chemical transformation of the material (corrosion, etc.) at a rate of not more than 0.1 mm / year2 years4 years8 years
    2 12 months4 years8 years
    3 Vessels buried in the ground, intended for the storage of liquid petroleum gas with a hydrogen sulfide content of not more than 5 g per 100 cubic meters. m, and vessels insulated on the basis of vacuum and intended for transportation and storage of liquefied oxygen, nitrogen and other non-corrosive cryogenic liquids 10 years10 years
    4 Sulfite digesters and hydrolysis apparatuses with internal acid-resistant lining12 months5 years10 years
    5 Multilayer gas storage vessels installed at CNG compressor stations10 years10 years10 years
    6 High and low pressure regenerative heaters, boilers, deaerators, receivers and blowdown expanders for power plants of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of RussiaAfter each major overhaul, but at least once every 6 yearsInternal inspection and hydraulic test after two overhauls, but at least once every 12 years
    7 Vessels in the production of ammonia and methanol, working with a medium that causes destruction and physico-chemical transformation of the material (corrosion, etc.) at a rate, mm / year:12 months8 years8 years
    no more than 0.18 years8 years8 years
    from 0.1 to 0.52 years8 years8 years
    over 0.512 months4 years8 years
    8 Heat exchangers with a retractable pipe system for petrochemical plants operating at pressures above 0.7 kgf/sq. cm up to 1000 kgf/sq. cm, with an environment that causes destruction and physical and chemical transformation of the material (corrosion, etc.), no more than 0.1 mm / year 12 years12 years
    9 Heat exchangers with a retractable pipe system for petrochemical plants operating at pressures above 0.7 kgf/sq. cm up to 1000 kgf/sq. cm, with a medium that causes destruction and physical and chemical transformation of the material (corrosion, etc.) at a rate of more than 0.1 mm / year to 0.3 mm / yearAfter each excavation of the pipe system8 years8 years
    10 Vessels of petrochemical enterprises operating with a medium that causes destruction and physical and chemical transformation of the material (corrosion, etc.) at a rate of not more than 0.1 mm / year6 years6 years12 years
    11 Vessels of petrochemical enterprises operating with a medium that causes destruction and physical and chemical transformation of the material (corrosion, etc.) at a rate of more than 0.1 mm/year to 0.3 mm/year2 years4 years8 years
    12 Vessels of petrochemical enterprises operating with a medium that causes destruction and physical and chemical transformation of the material (corrosion, etc.) at a rate of more than 0.3 mm/year12 months4 years8 years

    Notes. 1. Technical examination of vessels buried in the ground with a non-corrosive medium, as well as with liquid petroleum gas with a hydrogen sulfide content of not more than 5 g / 100 m3, can be carried out without releasing them from the ground and removing the outer insulation, provided that the thickness of the walls of the vessels is measured by a non-destructive method of control. Wall thickness measurements should be made according to instructions specially drawn up for this.

    2. Hydraulic testing of sulfite digesters and hydrolysis apparatuses with an internal acid-resistant lining may not be carried out provided that the metal walls of these boilers and apparatuses are controlled by ultrasonic flaw detection. Ultrasonic flaw detection should be carried out during their overhaul by an organization that has a permit (license) from the state technical supervision bodies, but at least once every five years according to the instructions in the amount of at least 50% of the body metal surface and at least 50% of the length of the seams, so that 100 % ultrasonic control was carried out at least every 10 years.

    3. Vessels made using composite materials, buried in the ground, are inspected and tested according to a special program specified in the passport for the vessel.

    Table 12


    (as amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.97 N 25)

    N p / pName
    1 2 3 4
    1 Tanks and drums that do not have vacuum-based insulation, in which pressure above 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / sq. cm) is periodically created to empty them2 years8 years
    2 Vessels operating with a medium that causes destruction and physical and chemical transformation of the material (corrosion, etc.) at a rate of more than 0.1 mm / year4 years4 years
    3 Barrels for liquefied gases causing destruction and physical and chemical transformation of the material (corrosion, etc.) at a rate of more than 0.1 mm / year2 years2 years
    4 Vacuum-insulated tanks and drums in which a pressure above 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm2) is generated periodically to empty them10 years10 years
    (as amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.97 N 25)

    Table 13


    N p / pNameresponsible for the implementation of production control (Art. 6.3.3)
    external and internal examinations
    1 2 3 4 5
    1 Railway tanks for transportation of propane - butane and pentane 10 years10 years
    2 Railway tanks isolated on the basis of vacuum 10 years10 years
    (as amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.97 N 25)
    3 Railway tanks made of steels 09G2S and 10G2SD, heat-treated in assembled form and intended for the transportation of ammonia 8 years8 years
    4 Tanks for liquefied gases causing destruction and physical and chemical transformation of the material (corrosion, etc.) at a rate of more than 0.1 mm/year12 months4 years8 years
    5 All other tanks2 years4 years8 years

    Table 14


    (as amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.97 N 25)

    N p / pNameExternal and internal examinationsHydraulic pressure test
    1 2 3 4
    1 Cylinders in operation for filling with gases that cause destruction and physico-chemical transformation of the material (corrosion, etc.):
    at a rate of not more than 0.1 mm/year;5 years5 years
    at a rate of more than 0.1 mm/year2 years2 years
    2 Cylinders designed to provide fuel to the engines of vehicles on which they are installed:
    a) for compressed gas:
    made of alloyed steels and metal-composite materials;5 years5 years
    made of carbon steels and metal-composite materials;3 years3 years
    made from non-metallic materials;2 years2 years
    b) for liquefied gas2 years2 years
    3 Cylinders with a medium that causes destruction and physico-chemical transformation of materials (corrosion, etc.) at a rate of less than 0.1 mm / year, in which pressure above 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / sq. cm) is created periodically to empty them10 years10 years
    4 Cylinders installed permanently, as well as permanently installed on mobile vehicles, in which compressed air, oxygen, argon, nitrogen, helium are stored with a dew point temperature of -35 degrees. C and below, measured at a pressure of 15 MPa (150 kgf / sq. cm) and above, as well as cylinders with dehydrated carbon dioxide10 years10 years
    5 Cylinders intended for propane or butane, with a wall thickness of at least 3 mm, with a capacity of 55 liters, with a corrosion rate of not more than 0.1 mm/year10 years10 years
    (as amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.97 N 25)

    Table 15


    N p / pNameresponsible for the implementation of production control (Art. 6.3.3)Specialist of an organization licensed by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia (Article 6.3.3)
    external and internal examinationsexternal and internal examinationshydraulic pressure test
    1 Cylinders installed permanently, as well as permanently installed on mobile vehicles, in which compressed air, oxygen, nitrogen, argon and helium are stored with a dew point temperature of -35 degrees. C and below, measured at a pressure of 15 MPa (150 kgf / sq. cm) and above, as well as cylinders with dehydrated carbon dioxide 10 years10 years
    2 All other balloons:
    with an environment that causes destruction and physico-chemical transformation of materials (corrosion, etc.) at a rate of not more than 0.1 mm / year2 years4 years8 years
    with an environment that causes destruction and physico-chemical transformation of materials (corrosion, etc.) at a rate of more than 0.1 mm / year12 months4 years8 years

    If, according to the conditions of production, it is not possible to present the vessel for examination at the appointed time, the owner is obliged to present it ahead of schedule.

    Examination of cylinders must be carried out according to the methodology approved by the designer of the cylinder design, which must indicate the frequency of examination and the rejection rate.

    During the technical examination, it is allowed to use all methods of non-destructive testing, including the method of acoustic emission.

    6.3.3. The technical examination of vessels that are not registered with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia is carried out by a person responsible for exercising production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during the operation of vessels.

    (As amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 03.07.2002 N 41)

    Primary, periodic and extraordinary technical examination of vessels is carried out by a specialist of an organization that has a license from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to conduct an industrial safety examination of technical devices (vessels).

    (As amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 03.07.2002 N 41)

    6.3.4. External and internal examinations are aimed at:

    during the initial survey, check that the vessel is installed and equipped in accordance with these Rules and the documents submitted during registration, and that the vessel and its elements are not damaged;

    during periodic and extraordinary surveys, establish the serviceability of the vessel and the possibility of its further operation.

    The hydraulic test is intended to check the strength of the elements of the vessel and the tightness of the joints. Vessels must be presented for hydraulic testing with fittings installed on them.

    6.3.5. Before internal inspection and hydraulic testing, the vessel must be stopped, cooled (warmed), freed from the working medium filling it, disconnected by plugs from all pipelines connecting the vessel to a pressure source or to other vessels. Metal vessels must be cleaned down to metal.

    Vessels working with hazardous substances of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes according to GOST 12.1.007-76, before starting any work inside, as well as before internal inspection, must be thoroughly processed (neutralization, degassing) in accordance with the instructions on the safe conduct of work, approved by the owner of the vessel in the prescribed manner.

    Lining, insulation and other types of corrosion protection should be partially or completely removed if there are signs indicating the possibility of defects in the material of the strength elements of the vessel structure (leakage of the lining, gumming bulges, traces of wetting of the insulation, etc.). Electrical heating and vessel drive must be switched off. In this case, the requirements of paragraphs 7.4.4, 7.4.5, 7.4.6 of these Rules must be met.

    6.3.6. An extraordinary survey of vessels in operation should be carried out in the following cases:

    if the vessel has not been used for more than 12 months;

    if the vessel was dismantled and installed in a new place;

    if bulges or dents have been corrected, as well as reconstruction or repair of the vessel using welding or soldering of pressure elements;

    before applying a protective coating to the walls of the vessel;

    After an accident of a vessel or elements working under pressure, if such a survey is required by the scope of restoration work;

    at the request of the inspector of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia or the person responsible for exercising production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during the operation of pressure vessels.

    (as amended by the Resolutions of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 09/02/97 N 25, dated 07/03/2002 N 41)

    6.3.7. Technical examination of vessels, tanks, cylinders and barrels can be carried out at special repair and test stations, in manufacturing organizations, filling stations, as well as in organizations - owners that have the necessary base, equipment for conducting the survey in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

    6.3.8. The results of the technical examination must be recorded in the vessel passport by the person who carried out the examination, indicating the permitted operating parameters of the vessel and the timing of the next surveys.

    When conducting an extraordinary survey, the reason that necessitated such a survey should be indicated.

    If additional tests and studies were carried out during the survey, then the types and results of these tests and studies should be recorded in the vessel passport, indicating the places of sampling or areas subjected to tests, as well as the reasons that necessitated additional tests.

    6.3.9. On the vessels, recognized during the technical examination as fit for further operation, information is applied in accordance with paragraph 6.4.4 of these Rules.

    6.3.10. If during the survey defects are found that reduce the strength of the vessel, then its operation may be allowed at reduced parameters (pressure and temperature).

    The possibility of operating the vessel at reduced parameters must be confirmed by a strength calculation submitted by the owner, while a verification calculation of the throughput of safety valves must be carried out and the requirements of paragraph 5.5.6 of these Rules must be met.

    Such a decision is recorded in the passport of the vessel by the person who conducted the survey.

    6.3.11. In case of detection of defects, the causes and consequences of which are difficult to establish, the person who carried out the technical examination of the vessel is obliged to demand that the owner of the vessel conduct special studies, and, if necessary, present the conclusion of a specialized research organization on the causes of defects, as well as on the possibility and conditions for further operation of the vessel.

    6.3.12. If during the technical examination it turns out that the vessel is in a state dangerous for further operation due to existing defects or violations of these Rules, the operation of such a vessel must be prohibited.

    6.3.13. Vessels supplied assembled must be mothballed by the manufacturer and the operating manual specifies the conditions and terms of their storage. When these requirements are met, only external and internal inspections are carried out before putting into operation; hydraulic testing of vessels is not required. In this case, the period of hydraulic testing is assigned based on the date of issuance of a permit for the operation of the vessel.

    (As amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 03.07.2002 N 41)

    Tanks for liquefied gas before applying insulation to them should only be subjected to external and internal inspections, if the terms and conditions of the manufacturer for their storage were observed.

    After installation at the place of operation before backfilling with soil, these containers can only be subjected to external inspection, if no more than 12 months have passed since the moment of applying the insulation and welding was not used during their installation.

    6.3.14. Vessels operating under the pressure of harmful substances (liquids and gases) of the 1st, 2nd hazard classes according to GOST 12.1.007-76, must be subjected by the owner of the vessel to a leak test with air or an inert gas at a pressure equal to the working pressure. Tests are carried out by the owner of the vessel in accordance with the instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

    6.3.15. During external and internal examinations, all defects that reduce the strength of the vessels should be identified, while special attention should be paid to identifying the following defects:

    on the surfaces of the vessel - cracks, tears, corrosion of the walls (especially in the places of flanging and cutouts), bulges, bulges (mainly in vessels with "shirts", as well as in vessels with fire or electric heating), shells (in cast vessels);

    In welds - welding defects specified in clause 4.5.17 of these Rules, tears, corrosion;

    in rivet joints - cracks between rivets, breaks of heads, traces of gaps, tears in the edges of riveted sheets, corrosion damage to rivet seams, gaps under the edges of riveted sheets and rivet heads, especially in vessels working with aggressive media (acid, oxygen, alkalis, etc.) .);

    in vessels with corrosion-protected surfaces - destruction of the lining, including leaks in the layers of lining tiles, cracks in the gummed, lead or other coating, chipping of enamel, cracks and bulges in the cladding layer, damage to the metal of the vessel walls in places of the outer protective coating;

    in metal-plastic and non-metal vessels - delaminations and ruptures of reinforcing fibers in excess of the norms established by a specialized research organization.

    (as amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.97 N 25)

    6.3.16. The surveyor may, if necessary, require the removal (total or partial) of the protective coating.

    6.3.17. Vessels with a height of more than 2 m before inspection must be equipped with the necessary devices to ensure safe access to all parts of the vessel.

    6.3.18. Hydraulic testing of vessels is carried out only with satisfactory results of external and internal examinations.

    6.3.19. Hydraulic tests must be carried out in accordance with the requirements set forth in Sec. 4.6 of these Rules, with the exception of clause 4.6.12. In this case, the value of the test pressure can be determined based on the permitted pressure for the vessel. The vessel must be under test pressure for 5 minutes. unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.

    During hydraulic testing of vertically installed vessels, the test pressure must be controlled by a manometer installed on the top cover (bottom) of the vessel.

    6.3.20. In cases where it is impossible to conduct a hydraulic test (high stress from the weight of water in the foundation, interfloor ceilings or the vessel itself; difficulty in removing water; the presence of a lining inside the vessel that prevents the vessel from filling with water), it is allowed to replace it with a pneumatic test (air or inert gas). This type of test is allowed under the condition of its control by the acoustic emission method (or another method agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia). Acoustic emission control should be carried out in accordance with RD 03-131-97 "Vessels, apparatus, boilers and technological pipelines. Acoustic-emission control method", approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on 11.11.96.

    (as amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.97 N 25)

    During the pneumatic test, precautions are taken: the valve on the filling pipeline from the pressure source and pressure gauges are taken outside the room in which the test vessel is located, and people are removed to a safe place for the duration of the test pressure test.

    6.3.21. The day of the technical examination of the vessel is set by the owner and agreed in advance with the person conducting the examination. The vessel must be stopped no later than the inspection period specified in its passport. The owner is obliged to notify the person performing the specified work about the forthcoming survey of the vessel no later than 5 days in advance.

    If the inspector fails to appear at the appointed time, the administration is given the right to independently conduct an examination by a commission appointed by order of the head of the organization.

    (as amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.97 N 25)

    The results of the conducted and the date of the next survey are recorded in the vessel's passport and signed by the members of the commission.

    (as amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.97 N 25)

    A copy of this record is sent to the Gosgortekhnadzor body no later than 5 days after the survey.

    (as amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.97 N 25)

    The period of the next survey established by the commission shall not exceed that specified in these Rules.

    (as amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.97 N 25)

    6.3.22. The owner is responsible for the timely and high-quality preparation of the vessel for survey.

    6.3.23. Vessels in which the action of the medium can cause a deterioration in the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the metal, as well as vessels in which the wall temperature during operation exceeds 450 degrees. C, must be subject to additional survey in accordance with the instructions approved by the organization in the prescribed manner. The results of additional surveys must be recorded in the vessel's passport.

    6.3.24. For vessels that have worked out the design service life established by the design, the manufacturer, another RD or for which the design (permissible) service life has been extended based on the technical report, the scope, methods and frequency of the technical examination should be determined based on the results of technical diagnostics and determination of the residual life a specialized research organization or organizations licensed by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to conduct an industrial safety review of technical devices (vessels).

    (As amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 03.07.2002 N 41)

    6.3.25. If during the analysis of defects revealed by the technical examination of vessels, it is established that their occurrence is associated with the mode of operation of vessels in a given organization or is characteristic of vessels of a given design, then the person who conducted the survey must require an extraordinary technical examination of all vessels installed in this organization, operation which was carried out according to the same regime, or, respectively, all vessels of this design with notification of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.