Grow figs from seeds at home. Practical advice from gardeners: how to grow figs at home. Where is the best place to grow figs?

Healthy and tasty figs in nature grow in a subtropical climate, on the Mediterranean Sea. Does not require complex special care. Therefore, it is loved and successfully grown at home. The tree bears fruit twice a year.

Figs come from the genus Ficus. Houses have been grown since the 18th century. Scientists have developed indoor varieties that are small in size, self-pollinating.

The table shows the main types.

Variety Description of fruits
Sochi 7, Sochi 8 Breeding species, bred on the basis of the white Adriatic by the scientist Yu.S. Chernenko. Medium size, 65-70 gr, yellow-green skin color, red flesh, juicy. They ripen at the end of summer.
Sochi 15 Lemon color, pink inside, 75 gr. Fruiting in autumn, from September to November.
Dalmatic Large, 130 gr. Green on the outside, scarlet on the inside. Harvest in July, October.
White Adriatic Yellow-green shade, 60 gr, sweet. In June, August.
Seedling of Ogloblin Selection species, bred by N. A. Ogloblin. They are tied in the fall before the rest period. They leave for wintering in the form of small green berries. By the summer they are gaining growth, during the growing season they ripen.
Sary Apsheron Small, 40 gr. Cream color, salmon flesh, sugar. Double bountiful harvest in late summer and early autumn.

How to grow figs

Figs are grown in three ways: planting seeds, cuttings, root propagation. For planting, use universal soil mixed with sand, peat, leafy soil. As a fertilizer, ash, lime, eggshells are mixed.


Seed for planting is obtained from a mature fruit.

To do this, they are taken out of the core, washed under running water and allowed to dry. At this time, prepare a container for planting. The bottom is covered with drainage. The soil mixture is poured (manure, turf, sand (peat) in a ratio of 2: 2: 1).

As a fertilizer, ash is used (1 tbsp per 1 liter of substrate). Water abundantly and lay the seeds on paper or a napkin. Top covered with soil. They create a greenhouse with an air temperature of + 23 ... + 25 ºC. Daily arrange airing, monitor the humidity. The soil is moistened by spraying. A moisture level of 2 mm is maintained in the pallet.

After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots appear. The seedling is being cut. After the first leaves dive into separate pots.

The tree begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting.


The procedure is recommended to be carried out in April. To obtain a cutting, a semi-lignified shoot is chosen. Sections are made from below under the kidney along an oblique, from above in a straight line. Leave 3 buds on the seedling. The leaves are cut to 1/3 part for rapid root growth. The resulting stalk is placed in a pre-prepared soil (cleaned moistened sand), creating a greenhouse effect.

Roots appear after 3 weeks. The tree is ready for planting in a separate container.

Root growth

The shoot is pressed to the soil, sprinkled with soil. Roots will sprout within three weeks. The plant is separated and planted. When propagated by cuttings and shoots, the first fruits appear in the third year after planting.

Fig care at home

To create optimal conditions, two main factors are taken into account: humidity and illumination. Figs have two stages of development: in winter the flower is at rest, in summer it begins to bloom and bear fruit.

Location and watering in different phases of life

The rest period lasts from October to March. At this time, the plant needs rare watering, once every two weeks to moisten the soil. The air temperature does not rise above +10…+12 ºC.

From the end of February, figs begin to grow actively, the rest period is replaced by flowering. Increase the frequency of watering. Sometimes a warm shower is carried out if the size of the tree allows. If not, then spray. In warm weather, expose to fresh air.

The optimum air temperature is +22…+25 ºC.

top dressing

Fertilizers are chosen filled with organic matter, minerals. Apply during the flowering period twice a month. Alternate cow dung with infusion of herbs (wood louse, dandelion, nettle). Feed once a season with ferrous sulfate (iron vitriol) to prevent pests and diseases.

Figs also need potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizer with trace elements is sold in the store. Top dressing is carried out during the growing season one-time.


Figs are a fast growing plant and require maintenance to maintain their appearance. To fix the size, the formation of a green lush bush, the branches are cut off. Old, bare ones are completely removed to obtain new shoots.

The more fresh young shoots on the tree, the more fruit the fig will produce.

The procedure is carried out at the end of winter before the start of the active period.

Diseases, pests

Figs are not susceptible to attack by insects, subject to simple care rules, the grower will not cause much trouble.

To maintain comfortable conditions for the root system, regularly loosen the soil. The formation of the crown contributes to the strengthening of the lower part, the absence of pests, the greening of the tree: the branches are cut in time, the leaves are pinched, and watered abundantly.

The fig tree is a storehouse of elements useful for the body, vitamins, minerals. Especially recommended for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

  • vitamins (A, B, C, PP);
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • macro-, microelements (potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus);
  • mono-, disaccharides (glucose, fructose).

Potassium and magnesium strengthen the heart and reduce the possibility of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Thanks to ficin, the wine berry helps to thin the blood, which leads to a decrease in the risk of blood clots and serves as a preventive measure against diseases: thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.

The fruits of the fig tree are a good diuretic. To prevent kidney disease (pyelonephritis, stones), they are recommended to be eaten.

A subtropical deciduous crop can grow in the middle lane, but bears fruit only once a year and requires special care. When growing figs at home, it is easier to protect the plant from adverse factors, so the fruits ripen 2 times a year. For the home, new varieties have been bred that have the ability to self-pollinate - Black Pearl, Kadota, Dalmatica, Muason.

Origin and description of the plant

Other names - fig, fig tree, fig tree, fig, wine berry. The international Latin name is Ficus carica. Culture is one of the most ancient. Initially, figs were grown in Arabia, from there they came to Phoenicia, Syria and Egypt. In Russia, the first mentions are found in written works of the 18th century.

Externally, the plant is a tree covered with smooth light gray bark. The leaves are large, hard, with 3, 5 or 7 lobes, and may be divided. Fruits in sweet, juicy, pear-shaped figs filled with seeds. The skin is thin, covered with small hairs, the color depends on the variety, it can be from yellow to bluish-black.

How to create ideal conditions for figs

The plant is quite unpretentious, but the correct cultivation technique will contribute to rapid growth, two fruiting per year, and high yields.

It is necessary to take into account the changing needs of culture depending on the time of year.

Before growing figs at home, you need to create a favorable microclimate by choosing the right one:

  • place in the apartment;
  • daylight hours;
  • temperature and humidity conditions;
  • suitable substrate and container.

Location and lighting

Figs are light-requiring, in order to make them bear fruit twice a season, you should ensure that the daylight hours are at least 12 hours. It is best to place the indoor flower on the windowsill of the south window. The fig tree grows rapidly and grows green mass, so later it is recommended to put the container on a special stand nearby. At the same time, a thin transparent curtain will protect the aerial part from getting sunburn. In winter, a dormant period begins for figs, the foliage falls off, so the requirements for lighting and other parameters change. In autumn, the flower pot should be moved to a cool shaded place.

Temperature and Humidity

The conditions of a tropical climate in their natural habitat say that figs are thermophilic and require high humidity. During the active growing season, it is recommended to take the plant to fresh air when the temperature stops dropping below +15 °C. In the cold season, you should rearrange the container with the fig tree in a room with a thermometer value in the range of + 5-15 ° C.

Figs require high humidity. It is advisable to install a special humidifier nearby. Another way to achieve optimal conditions is to spray daily with settled water at room temperature. In winter, the procedure is not needed, since there are no leaf plates.

Soil and pot requirements

Figs grow well in light, well-drained nutrient soil. Loams should not be used, strong salinization is unacceptable. As a fertilizer, it is allowed to make crushed eggshells. The soil mixture can be assembled independently from the following components:

  • garden land;
  • riding peat;
  • wood ash;
  • coarse sand.

The pot should be small. Bowls and very deep containers will not work. A container up to 1 liter is enough for a young seedling, the size should be gradually increased. It is unacceptable to immediately plant in too large pots. At the bottom, be sure to lay a drainage layer of expanded clay and sand.

Ways to grow figs at home

The culture can be propagated by several methods - vegetatively (cuttings, layering) and sowing seeds. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. The common thing is that the procedure for breeding figs at home should be started in the spring. If necessary, a ready-made seedling can be purchased at a special garden center. In this case, it is required to clarify whether the planting material was taken from an already fruiting plant or from a young bush.

Secrets of growing from cuttings

This method is the most acceptable, since with proper agricultural technology, figs will bloom in a year. The plant grows rapidly, so in a fairly short time you can get a full-fledged indoor flower. In order for the reproduction of the fig tree to end successfully, attention must be paid to:

  • the time of the operation;
  • selection of suitable planting material;
  • preparatory procedures;
  • rooting process;
  • timely transplantation into an individual container.

When is the best time to cut figs?

It is recommended to cut the cuttings before the start of the active growing season - in February. In the spring, the kidneys will wake up, the rapid development of the aerial part will begin. The shoots cut in advance will have time to take root by this time, they will begin to develop rapidly.

Selection and preparation of cuttings

Flower growers recommend taking mature branches from the bottom of a fig tree that has already bloomed and bore fruit. You can take 1 knot and divide into several cuttings. The main requirements for the latter are a length of 10-15 cm, the presence of 3-4 buds. The top cut should be straight, the bottom at an angle of about 45°. It is advisable to scratch the hard bark at the bottom in several places in order to simplify and speed up rooting. Leave the cut cuttings for a while, wait until the milky juice hardens and stops standing out. For 12 hours, immerse the lower part in a solution of a growth and root formation stimulator.


Further planting material can be placed in water, wet sand or soil mixture. Rooting of figs occurs quickly, so the method does not play a special role. If the latter option is chosen, then pour drainage on the bottom of the individual cups.

When rooting cuttings, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions by covering with a glass jar or a cut plastic bottle.

Put the cuttings in a warm, bright place, protected from drafts, sudden changes in temperature, direct sunlight. Every day, briefly open the greenhouse to ventilate, remove accumulated condensate, and water if necessary. Rooted cuttings ready for transplanting will begin to grow young leaves.

Disembarkation to a permanent place

Transfer to your own flower pot follows the general transplant rules. If a nutrient soil mixture was used for rooting, then carry out the transshipment method. A large container is not required, but should be sufficient to accommodate layers of drainage, soil substrate and fig rhizomes. After planting, water the seedling, spray the leaves from a fine spray with warm water.

Subtleties of seed breeding

This method is used less frequently, because figs grown from seeds will begin to bear fruit only after 4-5 years. Seed material can be purchased at a garden or grocery store, or harvested from your own tree. Fig fruits ripen within a month. Properly carried out procedure will allow you to get a lot of healthy seedlings. The disadvantage of the method is that varietal features are almost not preserved.

How to get seeds from figs

It is required to choose large, healthy fruits. Cut the peel, remove the seeds and rinse with running water. Spread the seeds on cotton cloth or paper, dry from several hours to 1 day. Carefully pour the seed into paper bags, sign the name of the variety and the date of harvest.

Optimal sowing time

Experienced flower growers recommend using the collected seeds in the near future. It is advisable to sow them in a prepared soil substrate already in early spring. During the natural growing season, the seeds will quickly germinate and increase in size.

Soil preparation and planting material

It is permissible to use the purchased universal soil mixture or collect it yourself. The composition of the substrate has proven itself well:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • coarse sand.

All components must be disinfected in any convenient way - heated in the microwave, spilled with boiling water or a chemical agent. Disinfect seeds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dry.

Technology and sowing scheme

The procedure is similar to other cultures of indoor floriculture.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pour drainage at the bottom of the container, fill the rest of the volume almost completely with soil mixture.
  2. On the surface of the soil, make small depressions in the form of grooves or holes.
  3. Spread the seeds, sprinkle with disinfected sand on top.
  4. Moisten the soil with warm water from a fine spray.
  5. Cover with glass or film to create greenhouse conditions.
  6. Move the container to a warm, bright place.

Seedling care

After the emergence of seedlings, the shelter should be removed for a short time, gradually increasing the time in the fresh air. If a lot of seeds sprout, it is necessary to thin out the crops, removing weak and crooked specimens. The earthen coma should not be allowed to dry out, so watering should be carried out as needed. It is advisable to spray the fig leaves from a spray bottle with warm water. Seedlings need to be protected from adverse environmental factors. When the seedlings grow up, plant them in individual pots.

How to care for figs at home

Mature plants are unpretentious and have good resistance to diseases and pests, but require the maintenance of an optimal microclimate. With improper agricultural cultivation at home, figs lose their decorative effect, do not bloom and do not bear fruit, and often get sick. Complete care will help to avoid problems:

  • watering;
  • spraying;
  • top dressing;
  • pruning;
  • providing a rest period;
  • transplants;
  • prevention of diseases and pests.

Watering and fertilizing

The drying of the earthy coma causes the figs to shed their leaves. Regular watering with warm water will help to avoid this. In summer, it is recommended to spray the aerial part daily. In winter, the frequency of procedures is greatly reduced, moisten with a cool liquid only when the soil in the pot is almost completely dry. Top dressing is needed during the active growing season. You should start after swelling of the kidneys.

It is recommended to water the figs with nutrient solution every 2 weeks. At the same time, alternate fertilizing with organic matter with mineral supplements. It is permissible to use folk remedies - a weak infusion of humus or weeds.

Shaping and trimming

The fig tree is characterized by its large size, which in an apartment will cause inconvenience. For this reason, in early spring, it is necessary to shorten the upper branches and pinch the side shoots. It is especially important to remove branches directed inside the crown.. At the same time, it is permissible to begin the formation of a plant only after the indoor flower blooms and bears fruit. For the procedure, use a disinfected, sharply sharpened instrument. It is desirable to treat wide places of cuts with special putties.

Flowering and fruiting

Figs at home, with proper agricultural technology, can produce a crop 2 times per season. Flowering depends on the variety of culture; it occurs differently in male and female specimens. Indoor plants are self-pollinating, do not require the participation of insects. Fruits from dried flowers ripen first in June-July, then in September. A bountiful harvest can be obtained if the tree is provided with the required care and planted in small pots that inhibit the growth of the root system.

Diseases and pests

Subject to agricultural technology, a fig tree can be grown without ever encountering a similar problem. The culture has a high resistance to diseases and insects, but with a decrease in immune defense, infection with fungal diseases is possible. An unusual disease is coral spot, which is manifested by small reddish formations on the stems. Treatment consists in removing the affected branches and treating the remaining mass with a fungicide solution.

Of the pests, figs most often infect the spider mite, but maintaining optimal humidity in the room will create an unfavorable habitat for the insect.

Possible difficulties and typical mistakes

With the observance of agricultural cultivation techniques, a fig tree does not cause trouble. A decrease in decorativeness, external signs of ill health often indicate improper care.

Main problems:

  1. The culture is characterized by rapid growth, so the indoor flower needs to be replanted annually, if this is not done, the plant will begin to wither.
  2. Overdrying an earthen clod, watering it with cold water, a draft can lead to a drop in foliage by figs.
  3. The increased acidity of the soil is unacceptable for the fig tree, it provokes diseases of the root system and the rapid death of the fig.
  4. Small light leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen.
  5. Flowering delay is possible in the absence of a dormant period.

Growing figs at home is possible subject to the basic recommendations for care and maintaining an optimal microclimate. The plant is able to bear fruit 2 times in one season of active vegetation, but requires a full dormant period.

The fig, or fig, is a rather unpretentious deciduous tree that prefers a subtropical humid climate with warm winters. Similar climatic conditions can easily be arranged indoors in colder areas. Therefore, it is possible to grow figs at home in closed ground, in pots or greenhouses. With sufficient care, homemade figs can bear fruit in adulthood.

Indoor figs can be grown by purchasing a ready-made seedling with known varietal characteristics and seller's guarantees. But it is much more interesting to grow your own fig tree from cuttings or seeds. It is quite easy to get planting material for cuttings if you happen to go to places where figs grow - warm tropical countries or subtropical coasts.

As cuttings, segments of fig branches no thicker than the little finger, up to 15 cm long and with 3-4 live buds, are suitable. The best time to harvest cuttings is during the cold winter months when the trees have shed their leaves and are dormant. Cut cuttings prepared for growing homemade figs should be stored for several weeks in a cool place at 10-12 degrees Celsius to dry and simulate wintering.

It is necessary to germinate cuttings of a homemade fig tree in a small pot with river sand, having previously treated the lower part with any root-stimulating drug. For germination, the fig stalk is transferred to a warm, up to 25 degrees Celsius, and a bright place. The sand must be constantly moist, this is achieved with small regular waterings and shelter for the first time from a glass jar. Bud swelling on a fig twig indicates the awakening of the plant and the formation of the first roots. After the appearance of a few leaves, indoor figs need to be transplanted into permanent soil and a large pot.

Growing figs from seed at home.

Seeds may be a more accessible material for planting homemade figs. Fresh figs, although rare, can be found for sale in grocery stores and markets. For planting, seeds of the most mature fruit, including spoiled ones, are suitable. Dried figs, which are commercially available all year round, also make it possible to obtain ready-made seeds for planting a homemade fig tree. You should know that a fig tree grown from a seed will not have the varietal characteristics that a seed fruit has, but such a plant will be physically stronger than its brother obtained by cuttings.

Washed, clean seeds of ripe figs are soaked in water for 1-2 days, and then planted in the soil. Infertile seeds will float on the surface, while viable specimens, having gained moisture, will be at the bottom of the container, ready to germinate. Live seeds should be germinated in a tray in moist coarse sand or vermiculite. The use of soil or compost for this purpose is not advisable, as this can cause the development of mold that is detrimental to fig seeds.

Fig seeds germinated at home need a warm and humid environment. This can be done with a transparent cover for the tray, which must be removed for a few minutes to ventilate the seeds. The tray is placed in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Germination of fig seeds can take up to eight weeks. After the appearance of small sprouts with leaves, the shelter must be removed, thus acclimatizing the plants to home humidity conditions. At the same time, you will have to water the tray more often, preventing the surface from drying out.

After the fig sprouts reach 3-4 centimeters, they can be transplanted into small pots up to 12 cm in diameter with permanent soil. As a soil for growing figs at home, flower soil with the addition of coarse sand is suitable; you can use the soil gathered under the forest floor.

Homegrown fig seedlings need regular watering every two days as the topsoil dries out. Excess moisture should flow freely through the drainage holes in the pot. Figs will respond well to regular spraying of the crown with water. A mature fig tree can easily tolerate direct sunlight for half a day, but young plants should be protected from excessive sun by placing them in shady places.

A growing fig tree needs to be transplanted annually in stages into a larger container that you can provide for home grown figs. In the absence of the possibility of further transplantation, the upper part of the soil should be replaced with minimal damage to the roots. Thus, the plant will be able to replenish its mineral reserves even in a pot.

Homemade figs for crown formation can be subjected to gentle pruning, that is, gradually 1-2 branches at a time, preferably during the winter dormancy. With the creation of favorable conditions, a homemade fig tree in a few years will be able to bloom and form fruits. At the same time, a plant grown from a cutting is capable of fruiting 2-3 years earlier than a tree planted with a seed.

Tell your friends about it.

Figs are a healthy and tasty fruit, which, unfortunately, does not take root well in our climatic conditions. It is possible to grow it in open ground on a personal plot, however, such a tree will not begin to bear ripe fruits immediately. At home, the fig tree is used as an indoor crop, with which, with proper care, you can also collect a certain amount of seedlings. Let's figure out how to grow figs from seeds.

Usually trees of this species are distinguished by the color of ripe fruits (they are called figs). It can range from dark purple to light green, almost white. Dark figs are considered the most ancient type, they are very sweet, have a rounded shape and medium size. Light-colored seedlings are most often the result of selection, therefore they turn out to be softer, larger and look like a teardrop.

The choice of variety in case you live in the middle or northern strip of Russia should be especially influenced by its frost resistance. The most profitable options are:

  • "Brunsovik" - the most popular in Russia, survives temperatures down to -27 ° in winter and produces white pear-shaped fruits with juicy pulp;
  • "Sochi N7" - a special indoor variety grown in pots, has small sweet seeds that appear once a year;
  • "Dalmatian" - suitable for planting in open ground in the southern regions of the country, bears fruit twice a year (spring-autumn) and produces large figs;
  • "Turkish brown" - will survive the cold down to -20 °, the fruits of its dark color both inside and out, have a characteristic pleasant taste;
  • "Cadotta" - withstands frost down to -27 °, the fruit is round, green, moderately sweet.

Having decided on the variety, you can proceed directly to the cultivation of a fig tree.

Cultivation of figs from seeds

If you want a guaranteed result, it is better to purchase ready-made planting material, which will be prepared in accordance with all the rules. If you wish, you can try to germinate seeds obtained independently from mature seedlings, but this is a rather laborious process. Firstly, fig seeds are very small, and secondly, they will have to be washed very thoroughly, because the sticky sweet pulp will become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that will lead to the death of the whole plant.

So, having received the seeds, we proceed to planting. The ideal soil for a fig tree is an earthen mixture with the addition of sand. Since figs are a southern culture, it is worth covering the pot on top with a plastic bottle or building a “greenhouse” from other improvised means. And then you just need to be patient, because sometimes (especially in winter) you have to wait for seedlings for several months. So do not despair, according to statistics, most of the planting material takes root, if all the necessary conditions are provided.

Figs need frequent watering and fertilizing. Reduce the amount of water up to several times a month at the end of October, when the tree enters the dormant phase until early spring. Subject to all the rules, it begins to bear fruit in 4-5 years at room conditions. However, plants planted in the backyard have their own specifics.

Features of planting in open ground

Although some varieties take root in temperate climates, the best option for growing figs in a summer cottage is the Crimea, the Caucasus and the Black Sea region. Here, seedlings that have emerged from seeds can simply be placed in a hole measuring 80 × 80, sprinkled with earth and tamped well. The next step is watering and fertilizing.

In Central Russia, the fig tree is usually planted in trenches up to 1.5 m deep. In this case, the soil must be enriched with a nutrient substrate, and covering material is placed on top.

Note! Even frost-resistant varieties of figs still need shelter in winter. They can be protected with a film or (more preferably) organized around an insulating "house" of Styrofoam.

Due to the special dessert qualities of fig seedlings, today there are many who want to grow it on their own. Here are some recommendations from enthusiasts for those who have just started breeding this crop:

  • The branches of the fig tree are quite wide, together with the leaves they take up a large space, so it is better to take care of the place where you will put the plants in advance;
  • Unlike many other southern fruit trees, figs love cool wintering, which cannot be provided in a heated apartment. Therefore, think in advance about a cool space where pots can be placed (this can be an attic, basement or glazed balcony);
  • The tree grows very quickly (sometimes up to 1.5 m per season!), Therefore, its shoots must be pruned, otherwise it will affect the fruitful ability. However, don't overdo it! Remember that seedlings are formed exclusively on young branches.

As you can see, growing figs from seeds is not that difficult. Follow the steps in this article and you can enjoy delicious, healthy figs all year round.

figs(its scientific name is ficus karika) is a subtropical fruit tree. In nature, it reaches a height of eight meters and bears fruit twice a year. Cultivated figs are a dioecious plant, so only female plants are used for fruits.


  • You can try growing figs at home from seeds. To do this, we extract the seeds from the fruit, wash them in water and dry them for about a day. After that, the seeds are ready for planting.
  • Pour a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot, then fill it with nutritious loose soil, sprinkle the seeds lightly with earth, cover the pot with polyethylene and put it in a warm place. The temperature in our greenhouse should be about twenty-five degrees. Shoots will appear in about two to three weeks. All this time. After the appearance of the third leaf, the seedlings need to be transplanted into separate pots.
  • figs- the plant is thermophilic, so find the warmest and brightest place in the house for it. Keep an eye on the humidity, if the air is too dry, pests can start on the figs, if it is too humid, the leaves can rot. Use warm water for watering. In autumn and winter, watering the plant should be reduced. In anticipation of winter, figs can shed their foliage completely, don't let that bother you. Winter is a time of rest. The air temperature should not be higher than eighteen degrees and not lower than eight.
  • In the spring, a young plant needs to be transplanted into a larger pot and fed with complex fertilizer. After the start of active growth, top dressing should be carried out every two weeks. To make the crown branched, pinch the top.

Our indoor figs are the messenger of the ancient world

History of cultivation

Fig, fig tree, or fig is one of the first agricultural crops cultivated by man. It is possible that figs were domesticated several thousand years before millet and wheat. This plant appears in the Bible. The ancient Egyptians cultivated figs over 6,000 years ago and considered them the tastiest of fruits, and were most loved by Queen Cleopatra. And the Greeks were so proud of them that for a long time it was forbidden to take them out of Attica, and those who disobeyed the ban were called “fig informers”, which eventually became a household word and spread to all people who had lost respect - liars, scammers and sycophants. The Romans cultivated figs throughout their empire. Pliny the Younger (61-112 AD) reported 29 different varieties of figs and that figs prolong youth and delay the appearance of wrinkles in the elderly.

The long history of cultivation of this plant does not allow us to accurately establish the center of natural origin of the species, but it is assumed that it was somewhere between the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Fossil remains of fig fruits were found in the Jordan Valley in the excavations of a Neolithic village and date back to about the 10th century BC. These fruits were seedless, which proves their cultivated origin.

Scientific name of fig - ficus carica (Ficus carica), together with other ficuses, it is included in one genus of the Mulberry family (Moraceae). It got its specific name due to the Kariya area in Asia Minor.

In nature, it is a shrub or small deciduous tree 6-10 m high, often multi-stemmed, with a spreading crown. Leaves up to 25 cm, with three, five or seven main deep lobes, unevenly serrated along the edge, coarsely rough, with hairs on the underside, with a specific smell. All parts of the plant, except for ripe fruits, secrete milky juice, which, if it comes into contact with the skin, can cause irritation, and dangerous photodermatitis in the sun. The flowers are inconspicuous, collected in closed inflorescences of two types, which are located in the axils of the leaves. The caprifig-type inflorescences serve to produce pollen, while the fig-type inflorescences develop fruits. Figs are dioecious; figs and caprifigs grow on different trees. Flowers are pollinated only by a certain type of wasp, the pollination scheme is quite complex and vulnerable. Some varieties do not need pollination, the seeds develop parthenocarpically, without fertilization. In culture, mainly such varieties are grown.

The fruits, like all ficuses, are syconia - overgrown parts of the stem, fleshy hollow vessels with a small hole, ovoid, pear-shaped or flattened, from green to purple. The weight of the fruit is 40-150 g. The true fruits are small and are located on the inside of the syconium. The fig tree produces two crops a year. The fruits of the first harvest are formed on last year's shoots, the second harvest ripens on young growths of the current year. The second, autumn harvest is considered the main one, although some varieties are capable of producing a plentiful spring one. Ripe fruits are practically not stored, only a few days.

All varieties of figs are divided into 3 groups according to the method of fruiting.

  • Pollination is necessary for fruit ripening.
  • For fruit ripening, pollination is not necessary, parthenocarpic development of seeds occurs.
  • pollination is not required for the first harvest in spring, but it is necessary for the autumn harvest.

For a long time, the absence of a pollinator wasp prevented the full naturalization of figs in America.

The fig tree is unpretentious, able to grow on poor stony soils - on the slopes of mountains, on stony screes, in rock crevices. It can be content with a small amount of water, but it turns into lush, well-bearing plants only near rivers, with an abundance of moisture.

Among Jews and Muslims, figs are revered as one of the signs of wealth and prosperity.

Thanks to its delicious fruits, figs are widely used not only in their homeland, but also in countries with a similar climate, from 8 to 11 climatic zones, in India, Africa, Australia, Central America, Bermuda and the Caribbean, Venezuela, Chile and Argentina. In the New World, the first fig trees were planted in Mexico in 1560, appeared in California in 1769, and now grow in several hot and dry states of the USA. Since ancient times, figs have been bred in the Crimea, Transcaucasia and Turkmenistan, since the 15th-16th centuries - in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Now it is also cultivated in Dagestan and the Krasnodar Territory. Its instability to cold prevents growth in more northern regions: even short-term frosts with a force of -150C are considered critical, and at a temperature of -90C, pollinating wasps that hibernate in fruits die.

Useful properties of figs

Figs are valued for their taste and nutritional properties, fruits and leaves are also used in medicine. Fresh fruits are used for food along with the peel. Jams, marmalades, and dried fruits are made from them. It is enough to eat about a kilogram of dried fruits to replenish the daily calorie intake for an adult. Figs contain a lot of fiber and calcium, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese, iron, and chromium. It contains vitamins A, group B, PP, C, K. Its medicinal properties have been proven in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - with gastritis and heartburn, with duodenal ulcer. It reduces the acidity of the stomach, has a normalizing effect on gastric disorders of emotional origin, and is a mild laxative. The high antioxidant properties of figs are also known.

From the leaves of the fig tree, a medicine is prepared that helps with vitiligo and some types of baldness. Milky juice is used to prepare ointments against warts. Ripe fruits brewed in milk serve as a medicine for inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat.

Growing figs indoors

Ficus karika, perhaps the most photophilous of all ficuses, prefers direct sun.

Ficus karika propagates by seeds and vegetatively. Reproduction by seeds does not guarantee the preservation of variety. Therefore, in cultural cultivation, vegetative propagation methods are used (cuttings, root shoots or layering).

Fig varieties

Due to its unpretentiousness, figs are very popular in indoor crop production. If you want to grow your own tasty and sweet figs, you need parthenocarpic (self-fertile) varieties that do not require pollination. The following varieties can be recommended for growing at home: Sochinsky-7, Solnechny, Kadota, Dalmatsky, Violet Sukhumsky, Oglobsha, etc. Unfortunately, when young plants are distributed among amateurs, the true name of the variety is often lost, but it is advisable to ask at least those did the parent plant bear fruit in room conditions. Varieties differ in the shape and color of the fruit (from yellow to purple, there are striped ones), taste and ripening time, as well as the shape of the leaf. There are varieties with strongly dissected leaves, there are also variegated cultivars.

Fig care at home

Figs are quite unpretentious, this is a suitable fruit crop for growing at home, you just need to purchase a self-fertile variety and create the necessary conditions. The best place for figs all year round will be a glazed and frost-free loggia. In summer there is enough light, and in winter it is cool.

Winter rest period. Since the fig comes from the subtropics, it needs a natural winter dormancy. If the plant is kept in a room, then in the fall you should try to find a cool room for it with a temperature of +1 to +10 0C. Usually figs shed their leaves on their own, but if this does not happen, it is necessary to stop watering and dry the clod of earth a little. The wintering task is facilitated by the fact that a dark room is suitable for a plant without leaves. It could be a basement or cellar. Watering in the winter months is limited, but the coma should not be allowed to dry out completely. Water for irrigation in winter should not be too warm, so as not to wake the plant ahead of time. In the room, the fig usually rests for about two months, November-December. On a cool balcony, the plant begins to wake up in February-March.

Transfer. Before the start of active vegetation, the plant should be transplanted by transshipment. It is better to transplant every year, slightly increasing the volume. It is not recommended to plant immediately in a large volume. With the beginning of the spring vegetation, watering is increased, the plant is taken out to bright light, and they begin to feed a little.

Top dressing. The first top dressing is carried out with a half dose of complex universal fertilizer with trace elements. Figs are not very picky about nutrition, the best food will be the direct rays of the sun.

Soil composition. Figs are also undemanding to the soil. It is good to add soddy soil and sand to the purchased substrate. In summer, regular abundant watering is required without stagnation of moisture in the pan. Figs quite calmly tolerate a short dryness of the coma, but a strong one should be avoided, otherwise it sheds leaves.

Trimming and shaping. To form a lush bush, figs must be pruned, especially at a young age; in subsequent years, pruning is achieved to maintain the dimensions of the plant. In mature specimens, bare branches, almost not giving foliage, are heavily pruned to obtain young shoots. Pruning is best done at the end of winter, before the buds swell and growth is activated, when the plant is without leaves.

Reproduction. Figs are easily propagated by semi-lignified cuttings in spring and summer. The lower cut of the cutting must be held under running water until the end of juicing, and then planted in the ground. Rooting occurs from 2 to 4 weeks. A young plant grown from a cutting can bear fruit already in the second year.

More about cutting technology in the article Cuttings of indoor plants at home. Figs are also good from seeds, but this does not always guarantee the preservation of the variety. Seeds are extracted from mature fruits and slightly dried. It is not recommended to use unripe fruits, they contain milky juice that causes burns and seeds that do not germinate.

Seed germination lasts up to two years. To obtain seedlings, it is necessary to sow the seeds in moist soil to a depth of 2 cm, cover with glass or film and place in a bright, warm place. Shoots appear in 3-4 weeks. When the seedlings reach a height of 10 cm, they dive. Seedlings come into fruiting usually for 4-5 years.

Pests. Figs are affected by mealybugs, scale insects, whiteflies, aphids, and spider mites.

Read more about pest control measures in the article. Houseplant pests and how to deal with them.

It should be remembered that the rough leaves of figs do not tolerate mechanical stress during alcohol and oil treatments, the leaf withers and falls off.

Can you grow figs from seed? How?

Claudia Ivanova

to grow from a bone - it’s nowhere easier - it went up somehow even from a dried 2 year old lying in the refrigerator
but whether it will bear fruit depends on the eaten variety
there are sooo many seeds in the fig fruit ...

Nadezhda Kotsareva

Better from the cutting

Galina Timofeeva

figs do not have a seed; they have a mass of small seeds


It can only bear fruit in 5-6 years. If from a cutting, then in 2-3 years.

Alexander Omelchenko

Unpromising, better from cuttings.

We grow FIGS on the windowsill.

Figs are considered one of the first domesticated crops.
For indoor breeding, this plant is just a gift!
Figs are extremely unpretentious. Grows well on a windowsill. At the same time, some varieties of figs, on the southern, southeastern, southwestern windows, also bear fruit abundantly.
Harvest figs can give as early as the first! year of life.

Figs enter fruitful age early, mainly in the second year after grafting. Some varieties produce 2-3 crops per year.
Figs propagate mainly vegetatively - cuttings and layering. Cutting methods are very simple and even amateurs can do it. But it can also be propagated by seeds, which allows you to choose the most suitable forms and varieties for room culture. A seed plant begins to bear fruit in the 4th - 6th year, and grown from cuttings - in the 2nd - 3rd year. Therefore, more attention is paid to vegetative propagation. Cuttings can be obtained from amateurs who grow this plant, they can be sent by mail and transported to any distance.

The best time for harvesting and planting cuttings is winter (late December - early January), when the figs are at rest.
Cuttings are cut from a fruiting tree 7-15 cm long with 3-4 buds. After that, they are dipped in a jar of warm water and kept in it until the milky juice is released from the cut. For the formation of a powerful root system, it can be advised to apply several longitudinal scratches at the end of the lower part of the cutting. In order for the cuttings to take root easier and faster, it is advisable to keep them for 10-12 hours before planting in a weak solution of heteroauxin (10 mg / l). They may be green or slightly woody. The latter take root more easily.

You can plant cuttings for rooting in indoor greenhouses, in greenhouses or in ordinary flower pots, bowls, etc. Deepen the cutting into the soil should be 3-4 cm.

It is better to cover the planted cuttings with a film or glass. When the first leaves appear, the cover is removed. Under normal cutting conditions (at a temperature of 20-24 ° C), rooting occurs in 30-35 days.

Rooted plants are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 12-15 cm.
2-3 weeks after transplantation, plants can be fed with a solution of mineral fertilizers: ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate 3 g and potassium salt 3 g per 1 liter of water. Superphosphate - 5 g per liter - apply separately or together with mullein. Top dressing with mineral mixtures is done every 12-15 days, watered as needed.

While the plants take root well, they should be kept in somewhat reduced light. In summer, to reduce evaporation, the soil in pots can be covered with moss, peat, and the leaves can be sprayed with water.

The fig is unpretentious to the soil, but the tree will develop and bear fruit better if a little crushed eggshell and peat are added to the soil mixture. There must be drainage at the bottom of the pot.

When caring for a young plant, it is necessary to form a rapidly growing crown in a timely manner. The crown is formed by pruning actively growing shoots and pinching the top buds. There is no need to be afraid of pruning the plant, otherwise after 3-4 years it will hardly fit on the windowsill. You can grow figs on a small trunk with 3-5 main shoots.

During the growing season, the plant is watered abundantly, but when the fruits ripen, watering is somewhat reduced so that the fruits are not watery and do not crack. Do not allow the soil to dry out during fruiting, otherwise all seedlings may fall prematurely. To ensure air access to the roots, after 5-6 days you need to carefully loosen the top layer of soil in the flowerpot.

Figs are deciduous and have a pronounced dormant period. In winter, it must be kept in a cool room with a temperature of +2 + 10C to give the plant a rest. To do this, figs can be left on a glazed and insulated loggia, lowered into a cellar or basement. For those who do not have such an opportunity, it can be recommended to place the plant close to the glass, isolating it from the warm room air with cardboard, plastic wrap, or put the plant pot on the floor by the balcony door. It is necessary to water occasionally at this time so that the soil does not turn into stone. Feeding is excluded.

Figs: how to plant and how to care

How to plant and care for figs? How to grow figs indoors? When it comes to talking about figs, a fig tree, a picture of a hot, sun-drenched area immediately appears before your eyes. Despite this standard association, figs can thrive in northern regions, and it is even possible to grow a fruiting tree indoors. But how to do it. read in our section Smart garden.

Planting figs depends on the conditions

The method of planting figs directly depends on the climate of the area and the circumstances of further growth.

In the southern regions

If this happens in conditions that are comfortable for the southern tree (Caucasus, Central Asia), then planting is carried out in open ground in March. It is better to find a place for figs on the south windless side, where there will be maximum sun and heat. The root system of the tree grows very much as it develops, which can adversely affect the future harvest. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to cover the bottom and walls of the pit intended for planting with durable material (brick, concrete blocks). When planting, the tree is watered abundantly, and the soil is flavored with manure.

In the middle lane

In areas with a predominance of low temperatures (maximum figs can withstand 15 degrees below zero), southern trees are planted and grown in greenhouses. You can put the figs in a pot (at least 40 cm in diameter) or plant them directly into the ground in a hole, using the same procedure as when planting in open ground.

In the room

At room conditions, figs are planted in a pot. Professionals advise not to immediately use a large capacity, but start with a small one. The principle is clear - do not let the root system grow quickly. Everything should happen gradually. Cuttings are more likely to take root than seeds. For growing figs at home, it is advised to use varieties that do not require pollination. Considering that a tree can grow up to 2 meters in height and have a fairly wide crown, it is better to immediately attend to a place where it will be comfortable: the sunny side, the absence of constant drafts. If there is a glazed loggia - this is the most suitable option.

Fig Care

When growing figs in their native climate, special care is not required: more sun, heat and water. However, the tree still needs additional watering, since the root system, especially artificially limited in growth, can dry out. From lack of moisture, fig leaves will curl and fall off. Timely watering will help to avoid this. So that the tree does not waste its strength on constant growth, it is necessary to form a crown, cutting off young shoots, limiting growth, directing the “attention” of the tree to the development of fruits.

It is very important to monitor the root system when growing figs in open ground. It starts almost from the surface of the earth. The tree receives oxygen through its roots. There are two ways to maintain the near-stem circle in the right condition: either gently loosen the soil, or let the grass germinate, mow it and not remove it. The second option is much better, but not applicable in dry areas.

Shelter for the winter

In areas with a predominance of low sub-zero temperatures in winter, in order to prevent the tree from freezing (especially in the first three years of growth), it must be covered from the cold. Before you cover the figs, you need to subject them to rodent treatment so that the winter passes without loss. The tree is bent down (carefully, in 2-3 steps, so as not to break), covered with air-permeable material and sprinkled with earth.

To do this without much difficulty, when planting, you need to lower the tree into the hole at an angle of 45 degrees. If the area allows, you can, growing a tree, tie more and more branches to pegs. As a result, it will grow lying down and be easy to cover for the winter, so it gets more sun and warmth. It is better not to use film or glass as a protective material: the temperature in the shelter can rise so much that it “wakes up” the tree and it dies.

Caring for indoor figs

In room conditions, everything is much simpler. But it is worth preparing for the fact that in the first 3 years the figs will have to be transplanted as they grow into an increasingly larger pot (the best time is the end of December). Ideally, in a year the root system should completely fill the space of the pot. Ultimately, for a mature tree, you will need a wooden tub in which the fig will feel good for several years.

It is required to carefully monitor the ground: if it is dry, then watering is necessary. A month before transplanting, somewhere from November to the end of December, the frequency of watering should be reduced. It is very important to irrigate (spray) figs with water, in summer - every day, in winter - every 2 days. And, of course, do not forget to feed the tree with the usual universal fertilizer once a month.

fruiting figs

With proper care, figs can bear fruit in their second year. In order for the fruit to be sweet and fragrant, the frequency of watering the tree during the fruiting period will have to be reduced. This applies to figs grown in greenhouses and at home. As for the open ground, there will be enough natural moisture here, and additional watering can temporarily not be carried out.

The desire to feast on real heavenly fruits is quite feasible for everyone. In the garden or at home, you can grow the most delicious, fragrant, juicy and sweet, southern berry without any special costs and worries. If you do not set yourself the goal of harvesting your own crop, you should still not miss the opportunity to grow figs, even as an ornamental tree with beautiful carved leaves.