Study in Scotland. Language courses for adults in Scotland. Choose the right school

Scotland is the most independent country in the United Kingdom of Great Britain. With a rich domestic history, wonderful nature and hospitable local people, Scotland attracts visitors from the farthest corners of the world. The main distinguishing features of this country are the Scottish national dress - a checkered kilt, a national musical instrument - a bagpipe, Scottish whiskey, amazing old castles and endless fields and pastures covered with a picturesque heather carpet. And the elusive Nessie from Loch Ness has already become a national treasure.

Useful information

Scotland is included in the list of countries of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and to visit this country you need to get a British visa. To visit Scotland for the purpose of studying, you must obtain a student visa. Depending on the duration of your study, you will be issued either a short-term or a long-term visa. The processing time is 15 days from the date of submission of documents to the embassy (there may be delays in processing depending on the season). Registration for the submission of documents takes about a week.

Scotland has a quiet and peaceful life, but still be careful. Comply with local laws and community regulations. Due to the northern location in Scotland, it is quite cold despite the fact that the coast is washed by the warm current of the Gulf Stream. Take a change of clothes and waterproof jackets with you. In summer, the temperature rarely rises above 20 degrees. Keep in mind that all shops, except for grocery and sometimes souvenir shops, are open only until 17-00. The only exception is Thursday. On this day, the opening hours of some of them are extended by 1-2 hours. In Scotland, the mains voltage is 220 V., 50 Hz. Sockets - three-pin with grounding. The adapter can be purchased at any store. The currency in Scotland is the Scottish pound sterling. It is identical to English - it also changes, costs the same and is accepted throughout the UK. There are few street exchange offices in Scotland, and exchange transactions are made in banks (standard opening hours: 9.30 - 16.45, Saturday and Sunday are days off) at approximately the same rate.

The Scottish education system includes pre-school, general secondary, special vocational and higher education.

Preschool education

There are no traditional kindergartens in Scotland. However, there are pre-schools, an analogue of our kindergartens, which are attended by children from the age of 4, and where they are taught to draw, sing, dance, the basics of mathematics, reading and spelling.

General secondary education

From 5 to 12 years old, children attend primary school (primary school). Children's knowledge is tested with tests in reading, writing and mathematics. Grades range from A (the highest score, analogous to our five) to E. At 12, students move to secondary school (secondary school). At the age of 15, students take exams for the Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE Standard Grade), which corresponds to the English GCSE. After that, the student can either go to a college of further education, or continue his studies at school in order to receive a Higher Grade certificate. To do this, you need to study from 16 to 18 years old and pass exams in 5 or 6 subjects. This certificate is enough to enter Scottish universities.

To study in other parts of the UK or get into one of the top universities in Scotland, one must complete the so-called "sixth year" of school and receive the Scottish Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (SCSYS), which is equivalent to the UK-wide GCE A-level diploma. Now, instead of the SCSYS certificate, graduates are issued an Advanced Higher certificate. It generally corresponds to A-level. Higher and Advanced Higher certificates are recognized by all UK universities.

Special Vocational Education

Special vocational education in Scotland can be obtained after leaving school at the age of 16. Today in Scotland there are 43 colleges for special or further education (similar to Russian technical schools). In colleges, you can get a specialty in the following areas: information technology, the study of the basics of business, electronics, design, sports, tourism, interior and exterior design, healthcare, media, finance. After a year of full-time study here, you can get a Higher National Certificate, and students who have studied for two years become holders of a Higher Education Diploma.

Higher education

Foundation preparatory programs can serve as an alternative to studying in colleges of further education. There is also a single Scottish International Preparatory Program SIFP, the successful completion of which gives graduates the opportunity to enter almost any university in Scotland.

The procedure for admission to Scottish higher education institutions is no different from admission to English educational institutions and is carried out through the nationwide UCAS service. The procedure for admission and paperwork should be started as early as possible - 1-2 years before the date of admission. The time reserve will allow you to choose the right university, realistically assess your capabilities, prepare and pass all exams on time.

The basic course of higher education at a Scottish university (undergraduate) lasts 4 years. Upon graduation, a bachelor's degree is awarded. The last year of study gives students the opportunity to receive a bachelor's degree with honors (Bachelor with Honors).

The first two years, students study a wide range of basic subjects, and then devote another two years to special disciplines in their chosen profile. Scottish universities have curricula flexibility. Students have the opportunity to study a wide variety of disciplines, even if they are taught in different faculties.

Graduates can be awarded joint degrees, for example, in accounting and economics. Some educational institutions in Scotland offer so-called (sandwich courses), giving students the opportunity to gain practical work experience already during their studies.

Postgraduate education(postgraduate) is available to everyone with diplomas from recognized educational institutions around the world. In Scottish universities there is an intensive one-year master's degree program and a three-year advanced doctoral program.

  • The 2nd largest administrative and political unit of the United Kingdom.
  • Arriving for training courses in Scotland, you will immediately pay attention to its isolation. It has its own church, legal system and parliament.
  • Scotland consists of about 800 islands.
  • The symbol of the state is the unicorn, which expresses the spirituality and moral purity of the locals.
  • Between the two islands of the country operates the shortest flight in the world, it lasts an average of 74 seconds.
  • When studying English in Scotland for Russians, you will pay attention to the number of red-haired locals. There are 14% of them in the country.

Benefits of studying in Scotland

  • Favorable prices. The cost of courses in Scotland for foreigners is lower than classes in England or the USA, while the level of education is very high.
  • Entertainment all year round. About 350 festivals, beach holidays, clubs and restaurants known all over the world, museums and castles - in this country you can easily find something to your liking.
  • Well-established educational process. Unlike London and other famous British cities, education in Scotland is not so popular. In this regard, you are guaranteed small groups, personal attention and a minimum number of Russian speakers in the class.

English courses in Scotland: study programs

  • Vacation. These courses are convenient for pupils and students. You can come for summer, winter, spring or autumn holidays and spend your time with benefit.
  • Preparation for exams. This program is intended for those who plan to enter European universities.
  • standard courses. A program that will help you quickly start speaking and writing in English.
  • Intensive. Designed for those who are ready to actively work on the development of language skills and want to prepare for the delivery of a language text in a shorter time.
  • Business courses. A program for those who use English in the professional field.
  • language and hobbies. This program combines not only language classes, but also art, history, and sports.

Scottish education is of high quality, solid, and therefore very prestigious. It is highly rated internationally - there are graduates of Scottish educational institutions in almost all countries, and in many countries their education systems were built according to the Scottish model. The following figures speak of the popularity of Scottish education: 9% of the total population of Great Britain lives here, but students here are 15% of the total British number. Those. - the proportion of students in relation to the total population of Scotland is about 1.5 times higher than in other regions of the UK. In Scotland, every 2nd young resident of the country chooses higher education - this figure is very high in the EU.

Education in the value system of the Scots is of paramount importance - next to the other 2 parts of the old trinity ("ancient trinity") - the law and the church. And it is not surprising that the history of Scottish education goes back centuries:

  • of the current British universities, the Scottish St. Andrews, founded in 1410, is the third oldest (after Oxford and Cambridge);
  • since 1496, everyone in the country is obliged to study from the age of 6;
  • in the middle of the 16th century. there are 4 universities in Scotland (out of 6 that existed then in the territory of modern Great Britain);
  • The University of Aberdeen, opened in 1451, created the first medical faculty in the English-speaking countries (and it is still considered one of the best in the world).

Now there are 14 higher educational institutions in the country + many colleges focused on vocational education.

Another reason for the popularity of Scotland among overseas students is that the prices for goods and services are lower compared to other British regions. But, of course, living in large cities in Scotland will be more expensive than in small towns.

Scotland is mysterious and beautiful, with picturesque nature and a rich cultural heritage. It is not very big - a day is enough to completely drive it by car. Scotland is beautiful and mysterious. But there are more than enough places that fascinate with their history and beauty (ancient castles, mountain lakes, old distilleries, etc.). And the Scots themselves are very sensitive to their history, traditions and culture.

Scottish education system - features and benefits

The Scottish education system is different from the general British (and, according to the Scots themselves, for the better). We will not interfere in disputes, but we will make a comparison:

  • in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, elementary school, or primary school, is taught for 6 years (from 5 years old to 11 years old), in Scotland - 7 (from 5 years old to 12 years old);
  • those. secondary education, or secondary school, will be shorter compared to the rest of the UK (from 12 to 16, i.e. 4 years, not 5);
  • but - at this stage, Scottish children study more subjects than schoolchildren from other regions of the United Kingdom;
  • and this is also why the Scots can (by choice) finish school a year earlier (at 17, instead of at 18), and study at the university for 1 year longer.

And now - more about the education system in Scotland.

As already written, they attend school from the age of 5 to 16. But many parents send their children to the so-called Pre-school from the age of 4 (a preparatory stage for school - something like our kindergarten). Where they are taught to draw, dance, sing, read, write and count.

From the age of 5 to 12 - education in elementary school. Here they continue to study reading, writing, arithmetic, they begin to study computer science, natural history, the basics of art, they also study ethics and religion.

From the age of 12, and up to 15 - studying in secondary school, the SCE exam is a Scottish certificate of secondary education, after which students have to pass. This certificate corresponds to our certificate and the English GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary education - the main certificate of general education).

By the age of 15, the child has a choice - either go to college, or study for another 3 years (up to 18 years) at school, and then pass exams in 5-6 disciplines - and go to college. In the Russian Federation and some CIS countries, by the way, there is a similar system - when you need to choose: a vocational school or a technical school after the 9th grade or a university after the 11th grade.

Those who choose a school under the age of 18 receive an Advanced Higher certificate at the end of it, similar to the general British A-Level (in some Scottish schools they issue it directly - but most still work according to the local system). It gives the right to enter all universities in the UK, even Oxbridge. And in the universities of Scotland - by itself.

Most schools in Scotland are public. Private schools are not very large - there are 130 of them (boarding schools - 30, that is, with accommodation and full provision of students), 5% of the children study there. But they usually give deeper and more versatile knowledge.

The country has a central management organization - SOEID, which in translation is the Scottish Department of Education and Industry). All available schools in the country are registered in it, which he informs about his requirements - and those based on them develop their curricula. Also, the specialists of the department regularly check the general state of affairs at the school (how comfortable it is in the classrooms, whether the equipment works and how modern it is, etc.) and the pedagogical level of teachers, testing their students in various subjects. Estimates, like ours, are also 5 - from A (highest) to E (lowest).

Professional and academic education

The Scottish educational system can be classified according to another principle:

  • professional education,
  • academic learning.

Classifies programs, referring them either to one or to another type, a special body - SQA (Scotland Qualification Authority - Scottish Qualification Committee).

Both the country's colleges and universities work in both these areas - but in most cases preferring vocational training. The Scottish system is generally sharpened specifically for the training of practitioners. For example, they train the best specialists in Europe in the oil and gas industry. Applied disciplines are also taught there at a very high level.

As a result, professional education can be acquired in several ways - starting at the age of 15 to study at a college, or from the age of 18 - at a university. In total, there are 43 colleges in the country (their counterparts in Russia are technical schools). They train applied and academic level specialists in such areas as business basics, IT technologies, electronics, engineering, design, medicine, media, finance and many other specialties. Modern technologies are mastered in vocational colleges, the working environment is modeled - that is, theoretical knowledge is immediately reinforced by practical skills, and students are formed as full-fledged, versatile specialists.


Students who have studied in college for a year receive a Higher National Certificate, those who have studied for 2 years in college - Higher Education Diploma - i.e. literally translated "Diploma of Higher Education". It corresponds to the 2nd year of study for a bachelor's degree. Its owners enter universities immediately for the 3rd year. Therefore, most colleges cooperate with universities in this aspect, and graduates of colleges go directly to the senior courses of universities.

For foreigners, for admission to universities in Scotland, you can go through a program that prepares for admission to the university (Foundation). Applicants who have studied on it can enter not only Scottish, but universities in England. For foreigners, such programs are the most guaranteed way to achieve this.

Naturally, to study at universities in the UK, you need to know the language of the country at a very high level. Minimum:

  • on the IELTS test - 5.5 points (for some faculties - by 6, for such disciplines as medicine and law - by 7);
  • on the TOEFL test - by 550 points (in some cases - by 600).

Therefore, it often needs to be tightened. And the most effective for this are the language schools in Scotland, which offer both the study of English in general, as well as specialized, for admission to specific faculties (that is, with an emphasis on professional vocabulary). And thanks to the compactness and multinationality of the study groups, coupled with the professionalism of the teachers, excellent results are achieved very quickly.

It is better to submit documents in advance. If there is enough time left, then it will be possible, after weighing your opportunities and chances, to choose the right university, prepare well and have time to do everything in the right time.

Higher and postgraduate education

To complete a bachelor's degree, you need to unlearn at a university for 4 years. In the first 2 of them, basic subjects are studied, and in the 3rd and 4th - major disciplines. As a result, students acquire a Bachelor with Honors degree - a bachelor with honors. At the same time, due to the flexibility of the curricula of Scottish universities, students have the opportunity to choose to study any subjects, even incompatible at first glance. The output is an interesting synthesis and combined disciplines - a joint degree. For example - a bachelor of marketing and philosophy. It is already possible to study according to the “study-work-study” system (the so-called “sandwich courses”) - and in parallel with academic studies, train in a profile specialty.

The UK is the best place to learn English. And Scotland is one of the best options. Learning English in Scotland involves constant communication with native speakers. These are teachers and local residents. Schools offer quality programs for those who are going to move to this country or want to study. Learning a language in Scotland is one of the most effective options.

English courses in Scotland will help to understand English even for those who do not know it at all, special programs have been developed for beginners. You don't have to worry about understanding the information, because Russian-speaking teachers can help with this.

Language learning in Scotland involves familiarization with the classic version of British English. This means that your pronunciation will be clear and correct. English courses in Scotland will help you be more successful at work, study, and improve your speech when communicating with foreigners. The only thing you need to take care of is applying for a visa and choosing a school with the right program. And they will help you with this LogosStudyGroup !

English language training in Scotland is carried out according to specially designed programs and time-tested methods. There are directions with different intensity and duration. The main ones are:

  • English for beginners ( beginners ). The program allows you to learn English from scratch, even if the language practice is completely absent.
  • Business course. You can learn English in Scotland on your own, when at work you constantly need to deal with foreign partners and documentation in English. You can send a whole group of employees for advanced training.
  • Exam preparation program. An English school in Scotland helps prepare students for the entrance exams. Tasks for the test are being worked out IELTS if you want to study in the UK, USA, Canada and other countries. The programs are also good for students.
  • Intensive English. Language courses in Scotland in an intensive form are an opportunity to “pump” your English quite quickly, start speaking more confidently, and gain a lot of knowledge.

School of English in Scotland will be useful not only for those who learn the basics of the language. Russian teachers also often need such courses. This is a worthy advanced training, upon completion of training a certificate is issued. It is especially useful for private teachers. Studying English in Scotland, you can adopt many effective methods that will be practiced when teaching Russian students.

Choose the right school

Choosing a school is quite difficult. You can learn the language in Scotland anywhere. There are decent options in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling and other cities. Company LogosStudyGroup for a long time provides an opportunity to easily go to a good school. We know all the details and will help with paperwork. We give advice and select the best option.

How much do the courses cost? It all depends on the specific school and program. For those who want to study English in Scotland, the cost of a 2-week course will be around £600. The price is also affected by the included (if possible) meals and accommodation.

Would you like to know English at a more advanced level? It is better to do it in the UK, in his homeland. And Scotland is a great choice!