Mosquitoes appeared. Woodlice in the apartment: what does the insect look like and how to get it out? What is useful to know about folk remedies for wood lice

In fact, this is far from being the case - if there are favorable conditions for living in the rooms of a multi-storey building, very unpleasant neighbors, the most famous of them and wood lice, can also start.

Cockroaches like to settle in rooms with low sanitary and hygienic conditions, but in an apartment they may well start up in fairly clean dwellings.

Woodlice belong to the family of crustaceans, sometimes they are confused with silverfish - small insects that feed on paper.

The latter are less toxic and less expensive, several effective methods for the destruction of wood lice are used, so each homeowner will be able to choose the most optimal and convenient option for the family.

Remedies for wood lice

Woodlice do not like alkalis, acids, caustic substances and high temperatures.

Therefore, to destroy them, you can use the following means:

    1. - it is diluted with water and sprayed into the places where wood lice are supposed to live;

    1. you need to buy a 100 gram a bag of dry kvass, dilute it in a half-liter jar of water and also spray all corners with a spray bottle;
    1. mix 3 grams of red hot pepper, soda ash and tobacco mixture. Dilute the dry product with water and spray into the cracks, under the baseboards, in the bathroom and toilet. After 8 hours, the product must be washed off with water with the addition of a chlorine-containing agent.
    1. for families with babies and animals, the safest remedy is common salt. It must be filled into all the cracks, it can be at the bottom of the cabinets, under the baseboard.
  1. a family of woodlice in a pot with a flower can only be destroyed plant transplantation with soil replacement to a new one. All this must be done in the bathroom in order to immediately wash off the insects found in the roots of the flower.

Hardware stores also sell remedies for wood lice in the apartment, the most popular include Tetrix, Mole, dichlorvos Varan, Tarax universal powder.

Before using store-bought solutions and powders, you must carefully read the instructions - some components of the preparations may not be safe for animals and children.

Woodlice in the house is always not a very pleasant problem.

Having discovered their appearance, it is necessary to find out the main reason - the presence of wet places, to find faulty plumbing fixtures, the possibility of penetration from the roof or from the basement.

In the latter cases, it is necessary to seek the arrival of a sanitary and epidemiological station for the destruction of insects, since it will not be so easy to deal with this problem on your own.

Woodlouse is a moisture-loving insect of the order of crustaceans, which is found in the wild and in apartments of multi-storey buildings. Despite being closely related to crayfish, they are insects. They take root in any climate, feed on fresh or decaying organic matter. If you notice uninvited "guests", try to drive them out of the apartment as soon as possible. Woodlice spread fungi and lichen, negatively affecting the flora in the house.

How to recognize the enemy

The shape of the body resembles an oval with notches along the contour. The insect has a dense shell, consisting of segments, which serves as protection. The most common color is black. Sometimes on the shell of an insect there is a strange pattern resembling hieroglyphs. The length of the anterior antennae sometimes reaches the length of the body.

The name of this insect speaks for itself. Addiction to moisture determines the most frequent habitats. Woodlice look for damp, damp places: the bathroom floor, a kitchen cabinet, the base of a flower pot. In these places, the most favorable environment for their habitat, and there is always something to profit from.

Insects prefer decaying foods: rotten vegetables, plant leaves, wood, moss, and fungi. Indoor flowers are an inexhaustible source of food. To get rid of wood lice in an apartment, it is necessary to take into account their potential places of residence.

What harm do

You should not think that if an insect does not bite, then you do not need to be afraid of it. The woodlouse belongs to the "non-biting" insects, but causes irreparable harm to humans. First of all, indoor flowers or seedlings at home will suffer. Flower pots attract crustacean insects. Not finding rotten food, they can bite on fresh leaves and stem skins. It is worse when the woodlice gets to the root system (orchids most often suffer). Damage to the roots can lead to the death of the flower.

Moving around the apartment, insects often visit the kitchen in search of food. They easily climb high tables. On their paws, fungal spores and harmful microorganisms can be found. Food that has been in contact with insects will spoil faster. And in the worst case, they can cause poisoning in the person who ate them.

Where do they come from

You can’t permanently get rid of wood lice without blocking their way into the house. They penetrate into the apartments of "high-rise buildings" mainly from basements or attics. Moisture accumulates in these rooms. Once in one apartment, insects boldly continue their way, using ventilation hatches, and sometimes entrances. They rarely catch the eye due to the fact that they go hunting at night.

Having met one "guest", carefully inspect the most suspicious places in the house:

  • "green corner";
  • cage of a rodent or a bird;
  • rugs in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen;
  • kitchen cabinets;
  • bin;
  • under sinks and behind pipes.

Residents of private houses are more susceptible to attack by wood lice. They can climb into a dwelling from their own basement, crawl from a greenhouse or garden. They do not need to overcome the barrier in the form of steps. Woodlice often hide in piles of leaves, construction debris, boards, and other rubbish piled up in the yard. If you live in a private house, keep order in your own area. Cleanliness is the key to order.


The first way to help remove wood lice is to create an unfavorable atmosphere for their habitat. Insects love moisture - get rid of it. Insects love rotten organics - eliminate all sources of such a "delicacy". Pay attention to the operation of the ventilation hatches in the bathroom. Moisture evaporates especially poorly in autumn and spring, when the central heating is turned off and the temperature in the apartment drops below 20 degrees. If ventilation does not cope with its direct task, help it with the help of heaters.

View all pipes, joints on the washing machine, boiler and other equipment. Water leaking in one place can become a source of spread of "crustaceans". They can only be removed if you completely eliminate the source of moisture.

To make the kitchen unsuitable for insects, be sure to review the condition of the plumbing. Eliminate leakage and accumulation of moisture. Keep order and cleanliness. Do not leave food on the table overnight (especially fruits and vegetables). Empty the trash can promptly. Try to get rid of organic debris more often, it is he who attracts many household pests.

The owners of a private house need to take care of eliminating moisture in their own basement. First, you need to properly arrange the ventilation system. If the room is poorly ventilated, additional measures must be taken. Arrange containers with table salt or quicklime in the corners of the room. These substances absorb excess moisture. Review products more often. Rotten vegetables and fruits can provoke the appearance of domestic wood lice.

Insect control folk remedies

Before the advent of effective insecticides, people learned to deal with insects using improvised means. If you have noticed wood lice in the apartment more than once, use the following home tips.

Chemical methods of removing insects

If you don't have time to build traps and test their effectiveness, purchase a powerful substance that will provide instant results. On the insecticide market there is a wide range of drugs that destroy wood lice. Manufacturers are improving the composition, trying to make the substance harmful to insects, but safe for warm-blooded people and pets.

The most popular insecticides for wood lice:

  • "Avalon" (includes temefos). It is a universal insecticide that destroys cockroaches, flies, ticks and bedbugs. Used in residential and industrial establishments.
  • "Deltazona" (the active substance is deltamethrin). Universal insecticide that destroys adults and larvae.
  • "Taran" (the active substance of the drug is Z-cypermethrin).
  • "Xulat" (active ingredients of the drug: piperonyl butoxide, tetramethrin and cypermethrin). The tool is designed specifically for the fight against wood lice.
  • "Lambda Zone" (comprises lambda-cyhalothrin). Destroys various types of insects.

Before using any of the insecticides, read the instructions. Take care of your own protection: wear rubber gloves, a respirator and goggles. Using aggressive drugs with a chemical composition at home, it is important to protect not only yourself, but also your pets. Many insecticides can cause poisoning in them, and in the worst case, death.

How to get wood lice out of the garden or greenhouse

For gardeners, woodlice are a double problem. Woodlouse is the name of not only an insect, but also a weed. It attacks vegetable beds in the open field and in the greenhouse. This weed is not afraid of drought, it is not afraid of heat and cold. Biological name - starfish average. The people called this grass wood lice for its love of moisture. In moist soil, it develops incredibly quickly. As a rule, weeding does not give good results. In the fight against wood lice, aggressive herbicides should be used.

If crustaceans are bred on the site, it means that favorable conditions have been created for them: there is enough decayed organic matter and moisture in the soil. To reduce the population of unpleasant insects, you need to take care of the garden. Get rid of piled-up rubbish. Insects like to hide in brushwood, under boards, in compost pits. Dig up the soil twice a year: in early spring and in autumn after harvest. This provides a rich saturation of the soil with oxygen. If preventive measures were powerless, you need to use powerful garden insecticides: "Aktara", "Thunder" or "Thunder-2".

With the right approach, you will be able to quickly remove wood lice, whether it be an insect or weed. The main thing is to think over each step and approach the solution of the problem comprehensively. You need to create unfavorable conditions for the life of wood lice so that they themselves leave your home.

Woodlice - insects that belong to the suborder of crustaceans, have a rounded body, divided into sections (read more about representatives of what type, class and order the wood lice belong to). It includes the head, chest, and also the abdomen. Insects appear throughout the year and are considered the most intense in spring and autumn, breeding takes place in the summer period, while it is curious that the female carries her eggs in a bag on her own body until she finds a place that is protected from predators to transfer them.

On a note. Of absolutely all representatives, this is a unique insect, which are best adapted to land, however, despite this, they also breathe with gills.

You can learn more about what woodlice look like, what types of this insect are.


Basically, in an apartment, wood lice occur in places where it is humid: under tiles, in basements, bathrooms, even under stones, in showers, as well as toilets and cracks. The duration of their existence is 2-3 years. mainly decaying plants (very rarely fresh), in some cases they can harm the garden, ferns, orchids, certain types of cacti suffer more, but their work also helps to enrich the soil, supplying it with high-calorie elements.

It is not so difficult to catch an insect, it is quite simple to block its path as it stops. Their protective reaction is that insects curl up into a ball, "shell" outward, as if pretending to be dead.

: in 100 percent of cases, this is humidity, since this is an impeccable habitat, and in convenient conditions they rapidly increase and multiply, for example, wood lice in the bathroom come across very often. Of the 160 registered types of woodlice (and there are about three thousand in total), only a few will be able to endure dry air.

Woodlice live in inaccessible areas under the floor, wallpaper, tiles. Insects themselves can arise from dark corners, crevices, when storing wet towels or things. If neighbors are flooded or pipes are leaking, there is a significant possibility that you will find these insects in your apartment.

For the appearance of wood lice, special atmospheric conditions are needed, but these outbreaks of their invasions do not last long. Woodlice do not prefer light and lead an intense lifestyle during the night.

Fight on your own or call in specialists?

In the fight against pests, not all means without exception are excellent - some are completely in vain. For example, in the country, an independent struggle with them leads only to a fleeting improvement in the situation. Even if numerous crustaceans get trapped or attacked by an insecticide, there are enough of them left in the corners to continue to actively worsen your life.

It is important to approach the solution of the problem collectively. Only high-class exterminators specifically understand how and with what to poison wood lice so that they disappear forever.

Get rid of different means

We will tell you how to remove insects at home.


Important! Remember that the direct use of such substances is quite unsafe, for this reason, you should thoroughly follow the instructions and take all measures so that children and animals can be safely in the room.

Be sure to ventilate the apartment and wash the treated surfaces after the specified time.

What else can you do to get rid of nasty crustaceans?


How else can you kill wood lice? No less effective are folk methods, they are primarily the cheapest, while not dangerous. The destruction of insects with the help of folk remedies is possible, moreover, quickly, like the use of poisons.

Consider the main methods of how to get rid of wood lice using folk methods:

  • Liquid composition of kvass, boiling water - in the ratio of 100 g per half liter, sprayed around the room. Wash off after a day.
  • Boric acid- the composition is prepared in the same proportion as kvass, the method of use is similar.
  • Chlorine - diluted with water in a ratio of 40 grams per liter of water, all floors and walls must be treated with the substance.
  • You will need a mixture of half a teaspoon of pepper, soda, tobacco- dilute in a liter of water, then cultivate the main places of accumulation of wood lice, and after a while it is necessary to wash off with water with chlorine.
  • Salt- pours in the corners, crevices.
  • Birch brooms- put in the corners for the whole night, for wood lice their action is like a trap, in the morning brooms with insects must be thrown away.
  • Potato- a share hole is made in this vegetable, the finished trap must be laid out in a place where insects accumulate. During the night, a large number of individuals climb into the potatoes, in the morning the trap is thrown out.
  • Lime- a very effective way in case there is a difficulty how to get rid of wood lice in the apartment. Quick bleach is placed in a bucket, the made capacity is extinguished with water. After the manipulations, it is necessary to close the door tightly and not enter the room for several days.

On a note. Any of the methods negatively affect the habitat of insects, for this reason, most likely, they will definitely leave the occupied zone.

However, if the reason why the woodlice directly live in the area is not eliminated in a timely manner, then it is necessary to be prepared for a new invasion of small uninvited neighbors.

Now you know how to destroy unpleasant insects.

A photo

In the photo you can see how to deal with insects in your home.

Chemical solutions are not recommended for use at home. This is a huge risk for the child and pets, which can be poisoned. When using them, you must be very careful. In order to protect yourself, it is better to beware of the use of chemicals.

Problems and difficulties

You most likely understand that the use of chemistry can be unsafe for health. For this reason, it must be handled very carefully. Of course, after the chemistry has done its work, it must be swept away well.

Important! If there are children, pets or allergies in the house, they must be moved from the apartment to another place during the treatment period.

Wear gloves and a mask when working with chemicals. Leave windows open. Just like chlorine, quicklime has a great influence on insects.


They are known to prefer water. For to prevent the recurrence of insects, you should monitor the degree of moisture in the house. Helpful hints:

  1. After hydrophytic operations, constantly ventilate the bathroom or leave it open.
  2. Wipe dry surfaces once a day.
  3. Carry out a thorough cleaning in the bathroom, paying special attention to the areas under the bathtub, toilet bowl, sink.
  4. In the presence of domestic plants, observe that there is no accumulation of excess water in the pans.
  5. Take out the trash every day.
  6. It is better to dry clothes on the balcony or on the street, but not in the bathroom.
  7. Eliminate leaks in a timely manner, seal cracks and cracks in the walls.
  8. Install an extractor fan in the bathroom.

What if they reappear?

Even if you deal with insects, but do not remove the root cause of their appearance, they will soon visit you again. In order to completely get rid of these crustaceans, it is necessary to regularly maintain cleanliness in the apartment, often ventilate the room, and avoid the appearance of damp floors and walls.

Without moisture, insects will disappear. For this reason, thoroughly dry the room, make sure that the pipes do not dampen or leak.

No matter how prudent the owner of the apartment is, from time to time his habitat is visited by a variety of problems and the troubles arising from them. One of these problems is often the appearance of various insects in the apartment.

It is very difficult to confuse woodlice with cockroaches or bedbugs. If you notice gray insects in your bathroom or kitchen, they are most likely wood lice. By what other distinguishing features can you recognize a wood lice?

  • the color is gray with a bluish tint, there are brown and marble woodlice;
  • body length from 20 mm to 1 cm, the size depends on the age of the insect;
  • the body structure is oval, often confused with silverfish;
  • the shell consists of plates, flat;
  • curved short mustache;
  • 7 pairs of walking legs;
  • crawl slower than cockroaches;
  • in case of danger, they curl up into a ring.

What woodlice look like - in the photo

Reasons for the appearance of wood lice in the apartment

One of the main reasons for the invasion of wood lice is dampness. As their name suggests, these insects prefer places where humidity levels are quite high. That is why most often they can be seen in the toilet, or in the kitchen, close to the sink.

Woodlice feed on decaying products or plant particles. A trash can, constantly filled with food debris, is very suitable for wood lice as a habitat. Also, flower pots do an excellent job of this role, providing insects with food in the form of plant leaves and various remains of living organisms in the composition of the soil. Consequently, a long stagnation of garbage will lead to the appearance of wood lice in the apartment, or they can be inadvertently brought into the house along with a houseplant.

Another reason leading to the appearance of wood lice in the house is the lack of cleanliness. Woodlice are attracted to dirt, stagnant water, clogged pipes, and the like. Thus, long-term neglect of cleaning and the main rules of hygiene will eventually lead to the appearance of these small disgusting insects in the apartment.

So, having learned why wood lice appear in the apartment, you can safely start fighting them. Cleansing a house from wood lice includes several stages.

Having found wood lice in the apartment, the first thing to do is reveal their entry points. These can be cracks in the floor and walls, or soil in potted houseplants. All cracks should be sealed using hermetic means, and houseplants should be dug up and transplanted into another soil. Old soil should be put in a plastic bag, tightly tied and taken to the trash.

The next step to take is to carefully check water pipes, eliminate all malfunctions, clean clogged and repair leaking pipes.

Woodlice already in the house can be destroyed in several ways. The most common and effective is the use chemicals. There are various preparations, the consistency is usually gel, powder or spray. They process all corners, crevices, areas near baseboards and hard-to-reach places. The effect is achieved in about two days. Among the common and effective drugs: Absolute gel, Phenaksin powder, Dichlorvos spray.

Also, in order to destroy wood lice, they use salt and boric acid solution. They act very quickly and effectively and, unlike chemical-based products, their use guarantees complete safety for human health.

If independent attempts do not help in getting rid of insects, you will have to call professional exterminators. In a short time, they will exterminate not only wood lice, but also all pests existing in the apartment.

After eliminating all wood lice in the apartment, it's time to move on to the next step. This step is to general cleaning. Eliminating dirt as the root cause will significantly reduce the likelihood of a re-invasion of wood lice.

Thus, in a few steps, you can easily destroy all wood lice in the house. However, it should be remembered that getting rid of is always much more difficult than preventing the appearance.

Prevention of the appearance of wood lice in the apartment

One of the most necessary and essential preventive measures is elimination of excessive moisture. Dampness in the house not only attracts unwanted insects, but also causes significant harm to human health. To reduce the level of humidity in the room, you can install special devices that absorb moisture. You should also periodically open windows and arrange drafts to ventilate the rooms.

And of course, it is very important to constantly keeping clean in the house. Cleanliness not only has a positive effect on health and emotional state, but is also guaranteed to protect against the appearance of such unwanted wood lice and other insects in the house. Therefore, do not allow the accumulation of dirt in the apartment. This is achieved by doing things as simple as cleaning regularly, preventing clogged pipes and standing water in the sink, and taking out the trash in a timely manner.

As you can see, the measures to be taken are not particularly difficult, but they will effectively minimize all chances of unwanted insects appearing in the house. As a result, if you follow all the necessary rules, you can be completely sure that your apartment will be protected from such an unpleasant problem as the invasion of wood lice.

By the way, almost everyone who has studied biology for a long time is sure that the wood lice is an insect. Meanwhile, the wood lice is a representative of the class of crustaceans, the order of isopods. That is, it is the closest relative of crayfish and crabs. Woodlice should not be confused with insects.

The body of the woodlice is convex, consisting of small segments, the eyes are located on the side, the external antennae are almost equal to the length of the body. Some species have drawings on their backs similar to oriental hieroglyphs. The shell is divided into segments, each of which has legs. In danger, they pretend to be dead, curling up into a ball.

In the folds of her abdomen, she bears offspring, after turning the eggs into living individuals, they crawl out. The life expectancy of wood lice is from 9 to 12 months.

There are 4,500 species of these isopods that have adapted to survive in a variety of environments. Woodlice are found in all climatic zones of the planet.

They live on land, but in damp places. During the day they hide in shelters, and in the evening and at night they go in search of food.

Woodlice in the house feed on plant residues - plant roots, peduncles, new shoots. In nature, it is the bark of trees, algae and moss. After the feast of wood lice, holes can be found on the leaves of plants, but only from the outside, they do not move along the inside.

Why are wood lice dangerous in an apartment?

The destruction of wood lice in the apartment is an important event. They do not bite animals and people, but if they are not removed, the consequences can be extremely dire.

It has been proven that wood lice in the house are carriers of various diseases, they spread lichen and fungus throughout the premises, thereby causing great damage to human health.

Many are disgusted with just one look at a repulsive and unpleasant insect, and constant contact with them, for example, if wood lice appear in the bathroom every time you turn on the light, can cause stress and a nervous breakdown.

Where do wood lice come from

Many people have come across wood lice. Someone meets with them, raking out stale garbage from the site, and someone can see the crayfish by going down to the cellar. They live under fallen leaves, in humus. They need moisture, wood lice in the apartment settle in places where dampness accumulates - a bathroom, toilet, kitchen, basement and attic. Excess moisture can accumulate in potted plants, which means that the answer to the question of where wood lice appear in the apartment is obvious. In private houses, they can be found after rain under a stone or brick.

If wood lice settled in an apartment, how to get rid of them and where to look for habitats is a top priority. First of all, you need to examine the places where water accumulates, basements, baseboards in the kitchen, under the rug in the bathroom, under the pipes, in closets with stale linen, on damp books, under the sink. Is plumbing leaking, is there debris lying in a secluded place for a long time. Often they are attracted to moist soil in flower pots.

Before you destroy the wood lice in the apartment, you need to find out where they came from in order to block the paths of further spread.

In apartment buildings, insects often enter the room through ventilation grills, through sewer pipes, if they do not like the conditions (the room is dry), wood lice do not even linger in the bathroom or toilet, but go looking for the most favorable housing.

On the upper floors, wood lice appear in the apartment, descending from the attic. Therefore, it is a good idea to check the attic space.

In a private house, close attention should be paid to greenhouses and hotbeds, they get there with humus. In the cellar, rotten vegetables can become the cause of their appearance. In the garden - these are broken bricks, cuttings of branches, stones, rotting foliage. And in each case, the recipe for how to deal with wood lice is individual.

How to get rid of wood lice: preventive measures

There were wood lice in the apartment? This is due to excess moisture. The fight against wood lice in the apartment begins with the removal of moisture, because crustaceans breathe with gills and they need moist air. In addition, it is necessary to limit their access to food. Each room should be regularly ventilated, and more attention should be paid to ventilation in the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen. The process can be accelerated by using fans and heaters. Before you take wood lice out of the apartment, you need to put in order the plumbing, plumbing and sewer pipes. Do not leave dishes and garbage in the bucket overnight in the sink.

Indoor flowers affected by wood lice need to be transplanted. Rinse the roots of the plant and treat with a solution of potassium permanganate. Old pots, even after processing, are not recommended to be reused.

Those who live outside the city often wonder if wood lice are in the house - how to get rid of them in the cellar and basement? In this case, good ventilation is also effective. Humidity will be reduced by quicklime placed in special containers or simply scattered on the floor. Indoors, it is good to sprinkle salt in the corners or make a saturated saline solution and spray it. Empty containers, rotten fruits and vegetables should not be left in the cellar, this will attract even more wood lice.

How to get rid of wood lice in the garden? On the plot, you also need to put things in order: get rid of fallen leaves, fragments of bricks and stones, trimmings of trees and branches, pieces of polyethylene and other debris.

In greenhouses and greenhouses, it is desirable to dry the soil and carry out moderate watering.

Folk remedies for wood lice in the apartment and in the garden

Any folk remedy for wood lice in an apartment is absolutely harmless to humans and pets. There are several recipes:

1. Proven by time and practice means - boric acid. It has a destructive effect on the chitinous cover of crustaceans, thereby killing them. The solution must be sprayed in places where insects accumulate.

2. In one liter of water, three grams of soda ash, tobacco powder and red pepper should be dissolved. The mixture is sprayed where pests have accumulated.

3. Spray agent - a simple solution of half a liter of boiling water and one hundred grams of dry kvass. In the bath, bathroom or kitchen, the solution is sprayed on baseboards, in various slots, in the corners on the floor. In the bathroom, it is better to process the ceilings. The room is closed for 8-10 hours, after which it is washed with plain water.

5. The following trap is effective for killing wood lice in flower pots and cellars. It is necessary to cut the middle from a carrot or potato, they will certainly climb there, and in the morning they are destroyed along with the bait.

Chemicals for wood lice in the apartment

If safe folk remedies did not help, you will have to use chemicals.

Leading scientists of our country have developed tools that massively destroy insects, including wood lice. There are funds and baits "Mole" and "Gett". The composition should be applied to the floor of the bathroom or toilet, then left to dry for 48 hours. After 5 days, the treatment must be repeated, this is a guarantee of the complete disappearance of unpleasant neighbors.

Highly effective Tarax powder. The tool destroys almost all types of insects. One package is enough to process sixty square meters of surface. The powder is dissolved in 250 ml of water, pipes, baseboards, ventilation shafts, and other places where wood lice accumulate should be treated with a solution. The product is applied with a syringe or brush.
The composition operates on the principle of formation of a microfilm on the surface, which is the active substance. When interacting with this substance, wood lice are waiting for death. The drug is effective due to the fact that insects poison their relatives.

Universal means with maximum effect - "Schabengel" bait - gel, spray "Varan", "Tetrix".

Soil treatment in autumn and spring with insecticides "Thunder", "Aktara", "Ideal" will help to get rid of wood lice in the garden. It is necessary to constantly loosen the soil, providing oxygen access to the roots of plants. In order not to spoil the crop, it is better to spray the bushes with a soapy solution prepared in the ratio of 100 grams of laundry soap (finely grated) to ten liters of water.

When using pesticides, you must follow the rules for their use. Mandatory protective equipment - rubber gloves and a respirator. After treatment, hands and face should be washed with soap.

Why are wood lice not removed in the apartment?

Scientists entomologists have found that woodlice have a high resistance to insecticides. In addition, a humid environment is ideal for them, which means emulsions, liquid concentrates, wet treatments will not be effective. They eat organic waste, that is, they can eat bait gels. The food method of destruction in this case is the most relevant. The gel is applied using a tube or syringe dispenser. But with a large number of pests, this method should be combined with the treatment of insecticides with their main routes of movement.

In general, resistance, that is, the resistance of organisms to biological and chemical preparations, is inherent in many insects. Female wood lice are resistant to drugs, as they are larger than males. Many insects acquire immunity as a result of too frequent treatments. Thus, the number of individuals decreases, but quickly recovers. Females survived, and therefore their offspring are already resistant to one or another type of insecticide.

The appearance of wood lice will prevent cleanliness in the apartment, good ventilation and moderate humidity. But, depending on the circumstances, even compliance with all recommendations and rules, as well as the use of high-quality products, will not help get rid of pests. Then the help of professionals will come in handy, because simultaneously with the destruction of wood lice, it is necessary to eliminate their larvae.

And yet, you should not buy disinfectants and insecticides in the markets, there are specialized stores for this. Many of these hand-bought drugs are unsafe and uncertified.