Period of menstruation how many days. How many days are normal periods. Reasons for deviations. Violations and failure of the stable cycle. What does delayed menstruation mean?

The female body is a rather complex system. To maintain reproductive health, it is important to understand its structure and how it functions. Let's figure out what a normal monthly cycle should be. This knowledge will help determine the presence of problems in the genital area before a gynecological examination.

If physiological processes occur in the body regularly and systematically, then a woman has excellent reproductive health.

Each representative of the weaker sex should know what interval between critical days is considered normal. The menstrual cycle is the period between periods. In a healthy woman, it is stable. The duration of the cycle is individual. It is determined by a number of factors, the main of which is the duration of desquamation (the process of separation of the uterine endometrium).

To prevent the possible development of pathology, you need to know how many days a normal cycle lasts. So, its duration depends on the number of days of desquamation. With normal menstruation, it lasts from 21 to 35 days, on average - 27-28 days.

In the absence of hormonal disruptions, the cycle will be regular. If a pathogenic infection or neoplasm is present in the body, deviations from the norm are possible. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally how many days a normal physiological interval lasts.

In women over 40, the interval between periods may increase. This is due to the slow production of sex hormones by the body.

Deviation from the norm of the menstrual cycle is a serious pathology. If a girl encountered her, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination.

First phase

We found that the normal cycle is characterized by a duration of 21-35 days. The first phase of this period is called follicular.

After menstruation, a follicle grows and develops in the ovary - a small bubble. Subsequently, a mature egg will be released from it.

This process takes about half the period between periods. Under the influence of sex hormones, the ovaries produce eggs, which enter the fallopian tube during ovulation to meet the sperm. The duration of the follicular stage is 12–16 days.


If the duration of the menstrual cycle is average, that is, 27–28 days, then ovulation will occur on the 13–14th day. At this stage, the egg leaves the follicle in order to find a sperm that will fertilize it.

In case of a violation of the cycle between menstruation due to hormonal imbalance, ovulation can occur twice. – from 1 to 3 days. If the release of the egg occurs regularly once a month and at the same interval, then the woman's reproductive health is normal.

During ovulation, the follicle bursts, so at this stage, pink blotches can come out of the vagina.

Second phase

Before the onset of menstruation, a corpus luteum grows in the ovary in place of the released female cell. This phase is called the luteal phase and occurs after ovulation. The normal duration is 11-13 days.

When the corpus luteum develops in the ovary, the body actively produces sex hormones that prepare the body for a possible pregnancy.

In the luteal phase, body temperature should not be very high, although it may rise slightly.


Regardless of the length of the monthly cycle, a reproductively healthy woman regularly faces the process of menstruation. It does not appear in pregnant and immature girls.

Menstruation should pass on the 5-7th day. If this does not happen, it is likely that a hormonal failure has occurred. Also, prolonged desquamation is provoked by gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis.

If the cycle duration does not exceed 35 days, then there will be no more than 50–60 ml.

How to count the menstrual cycle

A stable desquamation interval is an indication of excellent reproductive performance. To control your women's health, it is important to be able to do it right.

It starts from the first day of desquamation and ends with the beginning of the next one. Regardless of how long the menstrual cycle lasts, a woman must monitor her health throughout each of its phases.

This period is counted in days. For convenience, it is recommended to use the calendar. Every month it is necessary to mark the beginning of menstruation. In a healthy woman, the interval between critical days should not exceed 33-35 days.

Knowing the length of your cycle, you can determine the date of the next menstruation. To do this, the dates of the beginning of menstruation are marked on the calendar, the days of the past are subtracted from the number of days of the current desquamation. 1 is added to the result. This will be the duration of the menstrual cycle.

The calendar method of reproductive health monitoring is very convenient. Its implementation allows you to determine not only the presence of pathologies that provoked a failure, but also pregnancy. If at the same time a woman is faced with toxicosis, she is likely to become a mother soon. In this case, postponing a trip to the gynecologist is not recommended.

What determines the duration of the menstrual cycle

Speaking about how long the normal period of the monthly cycle lasts, you need to take into account the characteristics of the female body. In some of the fair sex, the normal interval between desquamations can be 21 days, in others - 35.

The cycle may be irregular. Most often this is due to hormonal changes. To stabilize it, gynecologists prescribe medication.

If a change in the hormonal background, in addition to menstrual failure, has led to symptoms such as nausea, menorrhagia (heavy menstruation), severe pain in the uterus, it is possible that a pathological process is developing in the body.

In addition to hormonal imbalance, there are other factors that affect the duration of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Diseases of the endocrine system (for example, damage to the adrenal glands).
  2. Inflammation of the pelvic organs.
  3. Sudden weight loss or weight gain.
  4. Gynecological pathologies (for example, uterine fibroids or polyposis).
  5. Sudden change in weather or climate.
  6. Psycho-emotional stress.

If the ovulatory or luteal phase comes late, you should not hesitate to go to the gynecologist. The lack of timely treatment of pathology is fraught with the occurrence of dangerous complications - up to infertility.

Knowing how many days a normal menstrual cycle lasts will help girls and women independently determine if they have any problems with the health of the genital organs, even before a visit to a gynecologist. But knowledge of many subtleties about the cycle of menstruation should in no way replace the obligatory consultation with a doctor in a gynecological office in this situation. On the contrary, mastery of the situation should help the woman orient herself and give her the idea to seek medical help as soon as possible.

In addition, knowing how the menstrual cycle is calculated will help to choose the most favorable day for conceiving a child for those who are planning a pregnancy, or, conversely, to use reliable contraceptives on the days of ovulation. The ability to calculate the beginning of menstruation is necessary for every woman and in order to simply prepare for them.

How long should menstruation last?

If a woman knows exactly how long a normal period should last, it will not be difficult for her to notice any changes in a timely manner. Since each organism is individual and self-sufficient, there is no definite time frame for the duration of menstruation. However, the norm is still distinguished.

As a rule, periods last from 3 days to a week. In this case, a woman may experience weakness, deterioration in performance, pulling pain in the lower abdomen. This condition is considered normal, so there is no particular suspicion.

If there are deviations in the duration in one direction (less than 3 or more than 7 days), then in this situation you should consult a gynecologist. A change in the duration of menstruation may be the result of:

  • the presence of an inflammation process in the genitals of a woman;
  • disruptions in the hormonal background.

How to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation?

Correct periods are those that always begin after an equal number of days of the menstrual cycle, that is, they come regularly. What does regular menstruation mean?

Some women incorrectly believe that the cycle of menstruation is equal to the number of days between periods. Such an assumption is erroneous. In fact, the cycle is considered from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next (the first day is included, that is, it should be taken into account in the calculations).

For a more complete understanding of the situation, you can calculate using the following formula: (the number of days of this menstruation - the number of days of the previous menstruation) + 1 day = cycle duration.

The normal menstrual cycle is taken equal to 28 days.

However, the following conditions can affect the duration of the cycle for each woman:

  • overwork and stress;
  • acute or chronic diseases;
  • ecological situation;
  • climate change.

Under the influence of the above factors, the functioning of the organs and systems of the body undergoes significant changes from time to time. The performance of the reproductive organs is no exception, and therefore a deviation in the duration of menstruation by about 6-7 days in one direction is considered normal.

For this reason, a cycle is considered normal, which varies from 21 to 36 days. And it will be correctly determined if the difference between all cycles does not exceed 5-7 days. Menstruation with such an interval is called regular.

To facilitate the task of counting their cycle, they resort to using an ordinary pocket calendar. It crosses out the numbers in which the monthly ones go. Such an affordable method allows you not to forget the number and duration of each menstruation, so that they can be subsequently reported to the gynecologist.

What is the nature of menstruation?

Everyone has a different pattern of menstruation. Here the development of the situation according to one of the typical schemes is possible.

Normally, the nature of the flow of menstruation can be as follows:

  1. From the first day, heavy bleeding begins, often combined with dark clots. By the end of the month, the amount of discharge decreases, and then they stop altogether.
  2. The beginning of menstruation is associated with the appearance of a scanty dark shade of daub, which becomes more abundant towards the end. The maximum monthly volume is for 3-4 days.
  3. Changeable character of menstruation throughout. For example, at the very beginning, the discharge is abundant, after two days they become scarce. By day 5, a large volume of blood is again released, and by day 7 everything stops.

These examples are not reference. They only reflect the most typical cases of menstruation. Naturally, each woman's process is individual.

What is the normal amount of menstrual flow?

Menstruation is also classified according to the amount of blood released. In this connection, bleeding is divided into:

  • plentiful;
  • meager;
  • norm.

Whether bleeding is normal is easy to determine by yourself. Usually, with the most heavy bleeding, girls use 6-7 pads in one day, changing them after every 3-4 hours.

When there is a more frequent change of pads, while spotting still stains the panties, then such periods are called abundant.

In a situation where one pad can be used for 6 or more hours, we are talking about scant discharge.

What do deviations from normal periods indicate?

By finding out the normal number of days for menstruation, women will be able to assess their situation. Having found a clear discrepancy with the norm, you need to go to the doctor to find out the reasons why this is happening.

A specialist may not see anything wrong in a particular situation, taking the duration of menstruation as a feature of the female body. This scenario is ideal. But in reality, things can turn out differently.

For example, heavy bleeding lasting more than a week may indicate the presence of diseases:

  • myoma nodes;
  • endometriosis;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • precancerous condition in the genitourinary system.

Regularly passing scanty bleeding can be a sign of the following problems:

  • infertility;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • changes in hormone production;
  • pregnancy that develops outside the uterus.

What to do to normalize unpredictable periods?

Some of the women who notice a spasmodic flow of menstruation (sometimes they come ahead of time, then they have to wait a long time, then they last longer than the prescribed 6-7 days), do not know what can be done to restore the disturbed rhythm. First you need to find out why such jumps arose.

The cycle shift should not be particularly alarming if the nature (color, consistency, etc.) of the secretions remains the same. However, failure can also occur due to more serious reasons. Then already without inspection and treatment not to do. It is extremely dangerous to ignore such violations of the cycle, and even more so, you cannot wait for them to disappear on their own.

Such changes have medical names, they have their own signs and ways of treatment.

Classification of pathologies of the menstruation cycle:

  1. Algodysmenorrhea is typical for most women with problem periods. How much menstruation should go in the norm, so much they last (about 3 - 6 days). The pathology here lies in the fact that bleeding is complicated by strong, cramping pains, sometimes with nausea.
  2. Amenorrhea is one of the dangerous conditions when menstruation is absent. Amenorrhea in nursing mothers and pregnant women is the norm. In all others (especially at the age of 15-20 years), amenorrhea is an alarming messenger.
  3. Metrorrhagia means intermenstrual bleeding. It may signify a benign tumor in the uterus or recent stress.
  4. Dysmenorrhea is a temporary delay or the onset of menstruation ahead of time. The causes of dysmenorrhea should be sought in a change in the usual living conditions (change of time, climate, etc.).
  5. Oligomenorrhea is characteristic of those representatives whose periods come intermittently and are extremely scarce. Such a situation can become a favorable background for the development of the inability to conceive their own offspring.

Any postponement of menstruation should be a signal that medical supervision is required, as well as treatment.

Each female body is individual and the processes occurring in it can differ significantly for each of them. Therefore, you do not need to be equal to your friends, who, it would seem, have everything perfect, but you need to accept yourself for who you are.

Menstruation begins in early adolescence and continues throughout the childbearing period, gradually fading away by the time menopause occurs. From the moment of the first menstruation, it can take from a year to a year and a half before the cycle evens out and returns to normal.

But this does not mean at all that it will remain so throughout life, because various factors affecting the functioning of the female reproductive system can change the average duration of the menstrual cycle, both up and down.

How many days does a normal menstrual cycle last?

The normal duration of the menstrual cycle is not a clear norm for every woman. For some, it is 21 days, and for some it may be 35 days. Both that, and another is normal for separately taken woman. But according to statistics, in most cases (about 60%), the menstrual cycle is 28 days.

If suddenly a woman notices that her cycle has become shorter or, on the contrary, lengthened, then perhaps we are talking about a hormonal failure in the body or some kind of disease that is accompanied by a change in the length of the cycle. It is unacceptable to self-medicate in order to return it to normal, because even such seemingly harmless drugs as herbs can seriously harm when a woman is not examined and diagnosed herself.

Often the fault of a small failure of the menstrual cycle is various stressful situations, and even climate change. It is enough to eliminate this and everything goes back to normal. Very vulnerable and impressionable persons should try to avoid conflict situations and emotional stress, even if it is positive. Here, valerian and motherwort preparations, which can be taken without a doctor's prescription, will help to correct the psycho-emotional sphere.

Various types of menstrual irregularities

According to the duration of the menstrual cycle, deviations can be as follows:

  1. Polymenorrhea- when the interval between the onset of the next menstruation is less than three weeks.
  2. Oligomenorrhea- more than 35 days pass before the onset of the next menstruation.
  3. Amenorrhea- a condition when menstruation does not occur for more than six months.

The nature of menstrual bleeding also differs, and the symptoms accompanying them:

  1. PMS- the infamous premenstrual syndrome, when the mood is extremely unstable, there are fluctuations in weight and chest pains of varying intensity.
  2. Hypomenorrhea- Bleeding lasts less than three days.
  3. Hypermenorrhea- menstrual bleeding exceeds the limit of seven days.
  4. menorrhagia- prolonged (up to two weeks) bleeding.
  5. - Intermenstrual bleeding and spotting.
  6. - very painful menstrual period.

If a woman knows how many days of the menstrual cycle is the norm and sees that her schedule is significantly different, this means that treatment is indispensable. After all, such deviations, not very noticeable at first glance, can lead to a serious health problem in the future.

Early diagnosis of any disease, as you know, gives a good chance of recovery from any misfortune. To bring the duration of the cycle back to normal, three months of therapy with drugs on a natural basis is enough. When the problem is not solved immediately after the onset, it may take many months of hormone treatment for the body to return to normal.

How many days between periods should be normal?

Menstrual bleeding begins in the fair sex in early adolescence and accompanies them until almost 50 years of age (and for some this process lasts longer). The monthly cycle (after the first 2-3 years after the appearance) becomes stable. A woman calculates the approximate timing of the next menstruation, and when delays occur or menstruation comes earlier than she expected, she begins to worry.

The interval between periods is different for each of us. Let's see when you should not worry about small deviations, and when you need to see a doctor.

  1. How is the cycle between periods calculated?
  2. How many days between periods is normal?
  3. How many days between ovulation and the next period?
  4. Small cycle between periods
  5. Long break between periods
  6. Bleeding between cycles: what to do?

How to correctly count the cycle between periods

Sometimes young girls, out of inexperience, count the time of the expected onset of menstruation on a certain calendar date. For example, in September, the "red days of the calendar" came on the 2nd - and they are waiting for them on the 2nd in October and get scared if this does not happen.

In fact, each new monthly cycle begins on the first day of bleeding. The gap between this first day and the first day of the next period is the length of the cycle. This interval is different for everyone. It can be equal to:

  • 24 days;
  • 28 days;
  • 31 days.

All of these are variants of the norm. What cycle between periods is considered normal, you can find out by looking at the textbook of a medical university. If the interval between the first days of your cycles is from 21 to 35 days, and this always happens with slight deviations, everything is in order. But it also happens differently. Knowing how to calculate the cycle correctly, you can determine if there are any malfunctions in the reproductive system. You should count every month, for which you need to get yourself a pocket calendar and mark the first day of the appearance of spotting there.

What should be the cycle between periods

How many days should pass between periods? There is no clear answer to this question. The reason: the body of each woman works in its own mode, so the cycle lasts differently for everyone.

On average, it is believed that the duration of one cycle is 28 days. This is what the “artificial cycle” of hormonal birth control pills does. However, life is far from perfect. Gynecologists take cycles at intervals from 21 (smallest) to 35 (longest) days as the norm. These gaps allow the reproductive system to carry out the entire process of preparing for conception and implantation of the embryo without disturbance. During the specified period, the woman's body manages to:

  • "grow" a dominant follicle;
  • break it and release a mature egg;
  • prepare a "lush" layer of the endometrium in the uterus;
  • to support pregnancy.

If much more or less time passes, and the break is shortened or lengthened, it means that some processes are going wrong. The cycle should be such that the numbers from 21 to 35 days are respected. Of course, single failures are possible - doctors in such cases attribute violations to:

  • SARS;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • stress.

But if the failure repeats, be sure to go to the antenatal clinic. It needs to be examined.

When does ovulation occur after menstruation?

The length of the cycle depends on (and whether it happens at all). Normally, most often 14 days after the egg leaves the dominant follicle into the abdominal cavity, menstruation begins. There should be 14 days between ovulation and menstruation. Normally, slight deviations of 1-2 days are possible.

If you have a normal cycle of 28 days, but for some reason earlier - by 11-12 days, your period will come on the 25-26th day of the cycle. This happens after successful treatment of diseases, when the body recovers well and quickly. Another reason is a long rest in a warm climate, at the sea or mineral springs. Menstruation comes a little earlier than usual - no need to be afraid of this, unless it came before 21 days.

The second half of the cycle lasts two weeks, but the first half can go longer - for example, this month you have suffered serious stress. The egg matures slowly, menstruation "gathers" only for 31-31 days. All of these are variants of the norm.

Maybe your cycle is always 21 days. A short cycle is typical for young girls. The main thing is to make sure that it is regular. A month is also good if it always happens this way. The cycle is slightly lengthened in adult women with established menstruation. Closer to menopause, the cycle can be extended up to 40-48 days.

Can you ovulate immediately after your period?

Immediately after the completion of the previous cycle, the onset of ovulation is impossible. After all, the body needs to carry out painstaking work to prepare for pregnancy. It takes several days before a new dominant follicle matures.

That is why the first 8-10 days after the onset of menstruation are conditionally considered safe days for conception. The calendar method of contraception is based on this.

However, it is impossible to predict how the female body will behave with a change in lifestyle and other circumstances. Therefore, theoretically, there are cases when conception can happen on the 7-8th day of the cycle - if it suddenly has time to ripen for this. Then there would be a very small break - less than 21 days.

With regard to fertilization, you need to know the fact that spermatozoa are able to live in the genitals of a woman up to 7 days after intercourse. That is, conception immediately after menstruation is possible, and the days that are called safe in the ovulation calculator are conditionally safe.

Malfunctions in the reproductive system occur for various reasons. Between the first and second menstruation, a minimum break is possible in adolescence and during menopausal changes. Premenopause is characterized by an increase in the period between menstruation.

If the amount produced, then the egg may not mature at all - the cycle will be reduced. The follicular phase is shortened (the first half of the cycle, when the eggs in the follicles mature). Normally, it goes a little less than 2 weeks. In this case, the interval between the onset of menstruation and the starting point of the secretory phase will be less than 7 days. The shortest normal cycle is 21 days. If it is shorter - perhaps you have. This can be diagnosed by ultrasound, only it will need to be done several times.

Now we know what should be the interval between periods - the average and the shortest. And what can be the longest - but at the same time the reproductive system is working normally?

Longest cycle between periods

If your cycle is more than 28 but less than 36 days, don't worry, everything is in order. A large cycle between periods only means that the first half of the cycle (follicular) is long. The body in the conditions of your hormonal background needs more time for the maturation of the oocyte.

The normal interval between periods is up to 35 days. If more - this allows you to suspect violations: the production of hormones is not working properly. The cycle lengthens after 45 years, as the process of egg maturation goes with changes.

In women of middle reproductive age, oligomenorrhea can be observed - a condition when the period between menstruation reaches 40 days or more. This condition requires treatment: the function of the ovaries is impaired, they may be exhausted. Often, oligomenorrhea is accompanied by acne rashes on the face, back, an increase in the hormone testosterone, under the influence of which ovulation is suppressed. Menses themselves are scanty.

Disturbances in the production of hormones by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, improper work - all this can lead to a lengthening of the cycle. If you - it is necessary to conduct an examination, and in case of violations - treatment.

Bleeding between periods

Sometimes there is bleeding between periods, the causes of which are very different. The main thing to remember is that spotting, even if they go without pain and are not plentiful, is always a reason to see a doctor.