Door frame interior dimensions. The thickness of the door frame of interior doors. Examples and variants

When buying interior doors, first of all, you should pay attention to their dimensions. The right choice will reduce the cost of preparing the opening and easily install the frame and canvas yourself.

Standard dimensions of interior doors

The easiest way is to choose doors for the rooms of apartments in old houses. In Soviet times, high-rise buildings were built according to standard designs, and the dimensions of openings in all rooms were regulated by GOST. The doors sold today in specialized stores are also usually standard and have dimensions ideal for apartments in block houses and Khrushchevs.

What dimensions have openings and door leafs in old high-rise buildings, you can see below. The table shows the standard dimensions of interior doors with a frame.

The standard dimensions of the doorways of interior doors in width, therefore, can be 60-90 cm. Their height is always the same - 2 meters.

modern doors

In new multi-storey buildings, as well as in cottages, interior openings can have a variety of sizes. There are no current regulations in this regard. However, it often happens that doors of standard dimensions are also suitable for non-standard premises. For example, a canvas made in accordance with GOST 21-8 is often an ideal option for opening a bathroom or bathroom, and depending on the layout, a wide opening 21-9 or 21-10 can lead to the kitchen.

Where to get doors for non-standard openings

First of all, the owners of non-standard apartments and country houses who decide to change the doors should, of course, measure the openings. If it turns out that the standard dimensions of interior doors do not correspond to them, you should still first visit several specialized stores. It is possible that suitable designs can be selected and succeeded. If not, the doors will have to be ordered from a company specializing in their manufacture. The list of services of such firms usually includes accurate measurements of openings, the manufacture of structures from scratch and their installation. Of course, the cost of changing sheets and boxes in this case is much more expensive.

How not to make a mistake with the choice

In order to avoid unnecessary expenses when replacing the canvas, of course, you should know not only what the dimensions of the standard interior door opening are, but also about the correspondence between the dimensions of non-standard blocks and passages. Which doors will be the most suitable in the latter case can be seen in the tables below.

opening size

Canvas size

Block size

Block size with platbands

Correspondence of blocks and openings for double-leaf doors:

What is the thickness of the door

The standard dimensions of interior doors with a frame, therefore, correspond to the openings of typical apartments. If desired, today you can choose suitable designs for rooms with an unusual layout. Or, at the very least, order. The thickness of the frames of modern doors can also be different. Most often, specialized stores sell interior doors of 35 and 40 mm. Sometimes you can also find models for 36 and 38 mm. Natural wood sheets usually have a thickness of 40 mm. However, companies specializing in the manufacture of interior and entrance doors in most cases provide customers with such a service as the manufacture of very thick 50 cm sheets of natural material.

Of course, you should also pay attention to the thickness when buying. This parameter determines such characteristics of the door as:

    The degree of noise reduction. The thicker the canvas, the better it delays sounds.

    Fabric strength.

    Appearance. Thick models look, of course, more solid than thin ones.

How to measure an opening

Thus, you now know what are the standard sizes of interior doors. Taking measurements in standard apartments, in general, is not too difficult (however, as in non-standard ones). However, when performing this operation, you should still follow certain rules:

    When measuring the length and width, you need to take into account possible changes in dimensions. For example, the thickness of the future flooring, if necessary, ceiling finishes, etc. You should be very careful when measuring, among other things, the standard doorway of an interior door. Dimensions for various reasons (errors during construction, redevelopment, etc.) may differ from typical ones.

    Before going to the store, it is advisable to measure the old door as well.

    The thickness of the wall in the opening is measured taking into account the finish (gypsum board, plastic panels, etc.). If this parameter exceeds 10 cm, you must additionally buy or order a special additional element.

Also, before buying a door, you should decide on the need to install a threshold. This element is usually used if the floor in rooms separated by a door is at different levels.

Thus, modern doors can have different designs and sizes. The main thing when choosing them is to make accurate measurements of openings. What can be non-standard and standard sizes of interior doors, we figured out all the details. Blocks for apartments in old houses can be purchased without any problems. Doors for non-standard openings, most likely, will have to be ordered from a company specializing in their manufacture.

Before installing the door leaf, it is required to correctly measure the opening and box. Extreme accuracy in sizing guarantees long-term performance of the product.

Choosing the right door frame size

Determination of the parameters of the frame structure for the door leaf begins with the calculation of the dimensions of the passage in the wall and the study of GOST.

Measurement of the doorway according to the formula

To make sure that the door frame fits perfectly into the opening in width, a simple formula will help W n \u003d W dv + 2 * T k + M s * 2 + Z n + Z s, where W n is the width of the opening, W dv is the width of the door webs, T to - the thickness of the box, M s - the mounting gap, Z p - the gap for the hinges, and Z s - the gap for the lock.

According to the formula, a door 800 mm wide with a frame 30 mm thick, a mounting gap of 10 mm, a clearance for hinges of 2 mm and a clearance for a lock of 4 mm should be placed in an opening with a width of almost 89 cm (80+2*3+1* 2 +0.2 +0.4=88.6 cm).

The size of the doorway includes the dimensions of the door leaf and the door frame

And to get rid of doubts whether the box is suitable for the passage into the room through the wall in height, the formula will help B p \u003d B dv + R p + 1 cm + T k + M Sv + M Zn, where V p is the height of the passage into the room, V dv - the height of the purchased door, R p - the distance from the floor to the threshold, 1 cm - the standard for the size of the gap between the wall and the door frame (box) in the upper area of ​​​​the opening, T k - the thickness of the door frame (3–10 cm), M Sv - the mounting gap between the frame structure and the door leaf at the top, and M Zn is the mounting gap between the frame structure and the threshold at the bottom.

It turns out that doors with a format of 200x90 cm with a block 5 cm thick and a threshold 3 cm high must be inserted into an opening with a height of at least 210 cm (200 cm + 3 cm + 1 cm + 5 cm + 3 mm + 5 mm = 209.8 cm).

The dependence of the door frame on the opening

As indicated in GOST 6629–88, the frame of interior doors should be 5–7 cm larger than the width of a standard door leaf. And the block of doors at the entrance to the house is recommended to be made up to 12 cm wide, because such an entrance group has the function of an emergency exit.

In height, the difference between the two elements of the door unit can be from 43 mm. This means that a door measuring 600x1900 mm can be mounted in a box with parameters 665x1943 mm inserted into an opening 685 mm wide and 1955 mm high.

The dimensions of the door block increase as the frame structure and platbands are added to the canvas

Table: matching the dimensions of the box to the door leaf and opening

Door leaf height and width (mm)Height and width of box or frame (mm)Opening height and width (mm)Opening height and width including door architraves (mm)
900x2100965 x2143985x21551100x2220

Video: calculation of the doorway

Standard door frame dimensions

Manufacturers of door frames are guided by the dimensions of the canvas and most often produce products with a width of:

  • 67 cm;
  • 77 cm;
  • 87 cm

The door frame stick has a size of 30–35 mm. These millimeters are added to the width of the door on each side. Therefore, it turns out that the frame usually increases the size of the door leaf by 7 cm.

Due to the door frame, the width of the door increases by at least 6–7 cm

The height of the door frame is determined by the height of the leaf. If the second indicator is 2000 mm, then the first one can be 2070 mm.

The door frame adds 6–7 cm to the door height

Purpose of the door depending on the size

The dimensions of the door are reflected not only in the dimensions of the box, but also in the conditions of use of the product. For example, a particularly wide door leaf always leads to the living room.

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When carrying out repairs, one should not forget about changing the entrance and interior doors if they have already served their time or have lost their presentable appearance. An important criterion affecting the operational characteristics of doors are correctly selected measurements of door frames. The more accurately the dimensions are set, the longer the door will last, whether it is an entrance or interior door. There are established standard sizes, which should also be taken into account when repairing.

Entrance door dimensions

The dimensions of the entrance doors must be removed correctly, first you need to figure out what elements it consists of:

  • Canvas. This is a solid or multi-part element that clutters up the doorway. It is equipped with special fittings for easy opening and installation.
  • Box The frame in which the canvas is enclosed and fixed on it. It serves as a transmission link between the box and the wall opening. , consists of three crossbars and a threshold, sometimes the latter is not used.
  • Platbands. They serve as decorative elements of the opening, make the appearance of installed doors complete.
  • Extras. They are installed between the platbands and the box, they compensate for the gap that can occur between the wall and the thickness of the box.

Before you buy an entrance, you need not only to measure the dimensions of the opening, but also to establish, using calculations, the exact dimensions of the purchased product.

Proper measurement

You need to measure the width, depth and height. Check their compliance with the standard sizes adopted by GOST.


It is necessary to establish the distance of the narrowest part of the doorway, measuring it from one wall to the second. Usually the wall tapers at the place where the door is located, but if it is the same throughout the opening, then the size can be measured anywhere.

If the old door has not yet been dismantled, but you already need to order a new one, then the distance is measured from the middle of the platbands.

opening height

To measure the height of the opening, you need to find the lowest point of the opening and measure the distance from it to its upper part. At the same time, it should be measured at the place of narrowing, if this is not observed, then measurements can be taken along the entire perimeter of the opening.

In the presence of an old copy, they simply measure its canvas, or the distance from the middle part of the upper casing to the floor.

The standard door height is 200 cm, but sometimes a larger size is allowed. Some manufacturers may produce products with sizes ranging from 2.1 to 2.3 m.

After installing the door leaf, you may need.

opening depth

Its measurement must be carried out at three points located above, below and in the middle. This is necessary to set the widest place.

Read also about how to install interior doors with your own hands,.

If there is still an old door in the opening, then it is necessary to measure the parameters of the box and the distance that the wall protrudes from it. Table:

Standard sizes are made within 60, 70 and 80 mm.

Opening calculation analogue

When choosing a box, you need to take into account the gaps: on the upper side and in width, it must exceed the resulting size by 3 mm, its lower part is increased by 10 mm.

When installing the box, you should take into account the gaps along the perimeter of the box between it and the wall, they are 1-1.5 mm, so the entrance opening is assumed to be 2 mm large.

The height of the door is determined based on the fact that its standard size is 200 cm, you need to add the size of the upper beam of the box to it, which is 25 mm and the gaps: the upper one is 3 mm, and the lower one is 10 mm.

You can also learn about the types of locks for aluminum doors.

For balcony openings depend on the type of building. For small apartments, its width is 68 cm. You can make the width smaller, but it must be at least 61 cm, otherwise it will be difficult to go to the balcony.

Standard sizes of interior door frames

Their elements are made of boards or pine timber, and on top it is decorated with veneer of trees of more valuable species.

Box thickness

In standard apartments built in Soviet times, this size is 7.5 mm, so a box with a size of 10.8 cm is selected for them. If the thickness of the interior partitions is 10 cm, then you need to install a 12 cm box. These are the standard sizes that are accepted domestic GOSTs. In interior doors of foreign manufacturers, the range of door thickness is wider and goes from 8 to 20.5 cm.

If the thickness of the wall is greater than the selected box, then it can be grown using additional elements or use a compensatory frame, which can be telescopic, expandable or act as a transformer.

To increase the strength of the door structure, it is recommended to use.

When measuring interior doors, the thickness of the opening may be different, this is due to the peculiarity of the walls, they can be load-bearing or installed as partitions.


It is regulated and can be from 190 to 200 cm. These dimensions will satisfy the dimensions of the opening, which are in the range from 194 to 203 cm or 204-211 cm.

When calculating the height of the future door, you need to take into account the threshold. It can be from 1 to 2 cm, and in the end it can turn out to be 208 cm, and without it 206 cm. This is the ideal height that meets the standard sizes of many door frames.

Door construction width

It is measured from one to the second wall. Between this distance, the canvas and two side elements of the box should fit.

What are the locks for the front metal door read.

The standard value is a width of 800 mm. Almost all manufacturers adhere to this particular dimension.

If necessary, insert glass into the interior door, prompt.

Dobor sizes

Dobors can be no less important than the box itself. Due to them, you can eliminate the hollow section of the doorway.

They are of two types:

  1. Planks with a protective edge. They are fixed in the opening with nails or adhesive. Their width can be changed by sawing, and the height is 2 meters.
  2. Telescopic extensions. Suitable for solving any deficiency in width. Their installation is carried out at the expense of a special lock, which is a "thorn groove". The groove is made in the box, and the spike is on the extension. Their width is adjustable from the side of the casing.

The feasibility of using extensions can be established after measuring the width of the doorway.

Read all the information about the sealant for interior doors.

On the video dimensions of the extensions:

Dimensions of double-leaf specimens

Comfortable for use are dimensions for the width of the doors, which are 120-180 cm. If the opening does not allow them to withstand, then the door leafs will be different in width, one smaller leaf is fixed in its place, and the second with larger dimensions is used as a regular door. The latter has standard dimensions, and its smaller counterpart comes with dimensions equal to 1/3 of it.

The height of such doors can be from 2 to 2.5 m. The standard depth of double-leaf doors is from 7.5 to 11 cm.

It is not difficult to set the parameters of doorways if you know in what places they need to be measured. The obtained parameters are adjusted taking into account all gaps. If a mistake is made when installing doors in the house, then it can be corrected by sawing the box or , with the front door, the situation is not so simple . In the case of a large gap between them and the wall, it may be necessary to install a counter-box.

When building a house or repairing an existing room, you either have to arrange an entrance opening in accordance with a pre-selected door model, or order and install new canvases in those that already exist. In both cases, it is important to know what size both entrances and interior doors have with and without a box).

Let's define concepts

A doorway is an opening in the wall, which is intended for the installation (mounting) of the input unit. It can be external or internal (interior). The so-called box for the door is its fixed part, fixed in the opening. A canvas is attached to it by means of loops.

When calculating the size of any opening, you need to know the dimensions of the interior doors, i.e. their height and width, the dimensions of the platbands. You will also have to take into account the thickness of the box and the presence of a threshold. When calculating, you will have to add the dimensions of the box on both sides to the width of the canvas, and also provide for the gap between it and the wall panel necessary for installation. Usually it is from 15 to 30 mm.

Standard heights of doorways are 2100 and 2400 mm. And they can be from 700 to 1900 mm wide, and those whose width does not exceed 1200 mm are intended for single-leaf doors, and wider ones for double-leaf doors. There are, in addition, the so-called. half-panel doors - having two wings of different widths.

How to measure a doorway

The width of the opening is measured in its narrowest part, most often at the top. For greater accuracy, it is recommended to measure it in three different places. Height - from the floor to the top of the opening at the lowest point. If such a place of decrease is not detected by eye, it is worth measuring twice - on the right and on the left. The depth of the box is determined by measuring the width of all slopes in at least three places.

For quality work, it is best to call a professional measurer. This service is provided by most companies that supply and install doors. If you measure yourself, if you submit inaccurate data, you will have to pay for the return of the door that did not fit to the warehouse and the delivery of a new one. In the case of calling a professional, the manufacturer assumes all the risk.

How not to get into trouble

In order not to find yourself in a situation where the dimensions of the boxes do not correspond to the openings, you should accurately determine your parameters. Most doors from various manufacturers have a universal size - a width of 60, 70 or 80 centimeters with a height of 2 m. Some manufacturers use a standard combination of a height of 190 cm with a width of 55 cm. The thickness of the boxes usually varies from 15 to 40 mm.

If an unsuccessfully sized door block does not fit into the opening, the latter will have to be expanded. Sometimes this is not possible due to the peculiarities of the layout. In this case, the only way out is to order a custom-sized door, which is not economically viable. As a rule, the cost of such atypical blocks is 30-50 percent more expensive than usual ones.

When the door does not fit the opening, in most cases it is impossible to change its dimensions. An exception is structures with sliding canvases. They are sold with a set of parts that allows you to set the desired size of the guides, and the height of the canvases can be slightly reduced with a small hacksaw or jigsaw. The width is adjusted by the degree of web tension.

When are the changes coming?

It happens that the opening is somewhat wider than the purchased door, then it will need to be narrowed, which will also take a lot of effort and money. In addition to the need to build up walls on both sides of the canvas, a situation may arise when the casing does not completely cover the embedment space between the panel and the box. In this case, there will be an additional amount of work on gluing wallpaper or laying tiles. And most often you have to do it yourself, since it is not easy to find a master for such a meager front of work.

In addition, remember the thickness of the walls. In standard houses, this is 750 mm, and most manufacturers try to make door frames of the appropriate size. If the thickness of the panel and the input block do not match, it may be necessary to either expand the box (in the form of an extension or a slope), or saw off in the shared direction. Without such a refinement, the installation of the casing is impossible, which drops the appearance of the structure.

The second ones (i.e. double doors) are wide, comfortable and have a decorative function. They are placed in spacious rooms and usually consist of two halves.

Their sizes in height - from 2 meters, in width - 1-1.8 meters, you can choose other parameters.

Interior sliding doors can be made of glass, accordion-type folding doors (made of different materials, from aluminum to wood), compartment- or case-type doors, and can also be a system of sliding partitions.

If you need to install an interior door, you first need to purchase a canvas with a box after that. In stores you can find both non-standard and classic models. You need to know what additional dimensions a doorway for a door of 80 cm has, so as not to be mistaken when purchasing an entrance group.

Each craftsman should be able to calculate the size of the opening for an interior door of 2000 by 800. Cloths made of MDF, chipboard, fiberboard, solid wood have a running width of 60, 70 and 80 cm (single-leaf constructions).

In multi-storey panel houses built in the Soviet Union, aisles are provided with a width of 80 to 100 cm. This is a classic option. Standard characteristics - dimensions approved at the state level and supported by GOSTs. Advantages of standard dimensions:

  1. A wide variety of models. You can find the product you need in a specialized store.
  2. Low cost and good quality.
  3. Ease of installation.

If it is necessary to purchase a walk-through system, the consumer wonders what opening is needed for an 80 cm interior door so as not to carry out additional work during installation. In order to avoid mistakes, it is necessary, taking into account the technological gaps and dimensions of the purchased product with a box.

How to calculate everything?

Before you start calculating the dimensions of the passage for the interior design, you need to consider the following parameters:

  1. Box width.
  2. Threshold, if any.
  3. Additional decorative elements.
  4. Box thickness.
  5. The height and width of the canvas.

For a door of 80 cm, it is better to calculate without a threshold. Example: canvas size 2000x800 mm, box thickness 25 mm. The calculation begins with the summation of the thickness of the box and the width of the canvas. 25 mm must be taken twice, since the box is installed on both sides of the passage. To the resulting amount, you need to add 20-40 mm. This is the technological clearance required for installation work. It should turn out 870-890 mm - this is the width of the passage for the model of 80 cm.

Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the material used for the manufacture of interior doors. When choosing an array, the thickness of the box will be greater (+20 mm).

The threshold plays a role in the calculation of the web height. Height is calculated in the same way. The thickness of the box is taken once and if there is a threshold, its height is added.

Before starting the installation of the product, it is required to inspect the condition of the walls and correct the shortcomings. Entrance structures cannot be fixed to shaky elements (gypsum board structures, pieces of wood smeared with cement). When installing a compartment, the width must be greater than the passage.

Table of standard opening sizes

To facilitate the calculations, you should use the ready-made table of standard sizes:

opening pass
Height, cm Width, cm Height, cm Width, cm
205,5-206 70-71 200 60
205,5-206 80-81 200 70
205,5-206 90-91 200 80
205,5-206 100-110 200 90
205,5-206 133-134 200 120 (two doors)
205,5-206 153-154 200 140 (two doors)

Here are the parameters of passages and entrance groups that can be purchased at hardware stores. At the same time, the range of such products is large. You can install it yourself if you follow the instructions. If you do not have sufficient knowledge and experience, then entrust the measurements and installation process to specialists.


It is recommended to take measurements with precise instruments, for example, a laser tape measure. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the errors of the instrument. The amount of additional costs and the amount of work will depend on the correct calculation. If the dimensions were determined correctly, then the installation of the structure will not cause difficulties.