How to cancel a bet on Csgolounge. What is the service for? Official statement from Borewik, founder of CSGOLounge and Dota2Lounge

On the night of July 20, Valve sent letters to the owners of popular roulette sites demanding that they stop their activities. Otherwise, the developer intended to start a lawsuit. Among them were and - sites that are not roulette, but also use Steam bots to carry out operations with the transfer of things.

Official statement from Borewik, founder of CSGOLounge and Dota2Lounge:

From the very beginning, lounges were conceived as an entertainment service for the Dota 2 and CS:GO esports community. We never considered it a real money betting service. Dota 2 and CS:GO in-game items have no tangible value, and any interaction with these items is intended for entertainment, not profit.

We did not take any commission until June of this year, when a small percentage was set to improve the mechanism for issuing prizes and tracking their quality, compensating for the loss of items due to possible problems with our product or the mechanism for exchanging in-game items (trading), holding draws items among members of the gaming community and adding new features.

Following recent events and an official letter from Valve, we needed to make a decision on how to deal with lounges as community spaces and entertainment services. The situation is confusing: we do not offer users gambling or conduct any transactions with real money and do not buy or sell in-game items. Despite this, to be clear, we have decided to obtain an official license in most countries of the world for the purpose of accepting in-game item wagers as real money wagers.

Starting August 1, we will restrict access to the betting functionality for users from countries and regions where online esports betting is prohibited. We will add additional registration and verification processes and require users to accept new terms of interaction with the site. We remind you that our service is intended only for users over 18 years old.

We will operate under the new rules, processing all future transactions related to the placement of bids for in-game items, under the updated terms of use of the service. The service will work only in countries that do not prohibit our activities at the legislative level.

Users from the following countries and regions will no longer be able to use our service, but will still be able to withdraw their account content and winnings: Belgium, France, Guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey, Martinique, Reunion, Mayotte, Turkey, Spain , Scotland, Israel, United Kingdom, USA.

The list of countries may change in the future, and we will notify users of this. We are working on a solution for affected users to continue using our services.

Please be aware that we do not guarantee the safety of your items beyond the ten day deadline set by Valve. We would like to thank everyone who has been and remains part of our community over the years. We would love to continue this journey with you and embrace these changes together. Our team has a lot of new features planned and is ready to implement fresh ideas, and we will be very happy to present them to you in the near future!

The in-game item exchange service, as before, will work worldwide without any restrictions. We also plan to improve this functionality of the service in the near future.

How to cancel a bet on Csgolounge? What is this service and what is it for? How can I place bets on the site, what principle do they have? How to cancel a bet on Csgolounge and trade skins? These and other questions will be discussed in this article.


Probably, Counter-Strike can be called the only game that every gamer in the world knows about. It all started with an uncomplicated, which is based on an easy confrontation between two teams, consisting of terrorists and special forces. Collisions took place on a huge number of gaming locations.

Game history

The shooter, released by Valve developers, quickly spread around the world and found fame among gamers from different parts of the world. It is worth noting that initially the game in most cases was not released in splendid isolation, but was supplied on disks along with the legendary part of the Half-Life anthology.

In the very first part of the shooter, players were asked to join one of the teams and either do evil or protect the world from the threat of terrorism. Officially, there were locations of two modes: target destruction and hostage rescue. Accordingly, in two different cases, the special forces had to protect the targets (and there are usually 2 of them) and take the hostages to a certain area, and the terrorists had to plant a bomb on the plant (plant place) and prevent the special forces from rescuing the hostages.

Some cards created by craftsmen also supported both modes at the same time. These maps included both hostages and bomb sites. Which, by the way, gave rise to some uncertainty and uncertainty in the actions of the players. At the same time, vehicles were present on such maps - cars. They could also be used, which made the gameplay a little more fun and varied.

Game evolution

Currently, many users use the corresponding service, wondering how to cancel a bet on Csgolounge. What happened before? After all, before the advent of CS:GO, nothing like this existed.

After the release of Counter-Strike 1.1, Valve decided not to stop there, but to improve. Versions have been released (although some players consider them just patches) such as 1.3, 1.5. Perhaps the end of this whole story, a kind of border, was version 1.6. In it, the players met a slightly modified interface, a menu for buying and choosing a team. The weapons have been swapped. Later, the first story part was built on the same engine: Counter-Strike Condition Zero. Many, by the way, attribute version 1.7 to it, although this is not true. In this part there is not only a campaign (fascinating, I must say), but also a competitive mode with bots.

From 1.6 to Source

The new part of Counter-Strike - Source - turned out to be very successful. A new graphics engine was implanted, which increased realism, made the game more real and rich. After that, the company started developing a new part of the legendary shooter - CS:GO.

CS:GO. Rates, cases, skins

Sometimes on sites dedicated to the subject, you can find the question “How to cancel a bet on Csgolounge?”. In principle, by the word “rate”, in general terms, everything is already clear. But users who are inexperienced in this matter do not fully understand what is at stake. Which, in principle, is not surprising. This article was written exactly for such cases: to help players who promote their account in CS:GO.

So, let's understand the basics of the game. The core message of the series has remained, even after years of change. This is still the same unpretentious "shooting", the purpose of which is the complete destruction of the enemy team. But people who played the previous parts (and we are talking about 1.6 and Source) remember that it was quite easy to install weapon models there. Downloaded from the site - threw it into a folder, and you're done! In CS:GO, the situation is somewhat different. Weapon models can be purchased for money.

You can buy them on the marketplace by opening cases, exchanging with other players, and also using third-party sites. One of them is the Csgolounge service.

The bet on Csgolounge is made by weapon models that the player has in his inventory. I would not like to tell the whole process in a concise form, so we will try to describe it, if not in all the details, then in most of them for sure.

Account preparation

To work with the site, you need to set up a player account in the Steam service. To do this, go to the profile settings. There we go to the "Privacy Settings" section. We set the profile status to open, in the “Comments” item we tick the “Open” checkbox, the “Inventory” item is also by analogy.

Now you need to log in to the site where we will place bets. This, of course, is about the Csgolounge service. Authorization there passes through Steam, it will be necessary for the service to allow some manipulations with our account. There is no need to be afraid of this. The whole point is that Csgolounge needs to be able to access your inventory in games in order for you to bet or trade things.

The authorization button is located in the right corner. Click on it. A button will appear that says “Yes, sign in”. We click on it. After that, you need to go to the profile, copy the URL link for the exchange, then paste it into the appropriate window and confirm everything. Thus, we have completed the preparation of the account for trading and bidding.

How to remove a bet on csgolounge

In order to remove a bet, it must first be placed. To do this, select the match on which we will bet on the right side of the screen. After that, an inventory will be displayed, things from which you can put. Cases may not be displayed, as well as very expensive items.

Often, users ask themselves how to return a bet on Csgolounge. You need to understand that this system is quite well thought out. Therefore, it is not possible to bet when the outcome is already clear, or to remove the bet when the match is already underway and you feel that you will lose things.

Many cs go players don't even know it exists rates in cs go . Many people think that cool skins can only be obtained by opening chests. But it's not! In this guide, I will tell you in detail and step by step how you can win cool things and even make money on cs go .

Preparing for the first bet on cs go

We go to the site. In the upper right corner, click on the green button.

We are redirected to the login page through Steam. Without a drop of doubt, enter your username and password in Steam. Next, click the Sign in button.

Making a bet

Now we can proceed directly to the rates. The main page is divided into 2 parts: on the left you see deals, and on the right you see the matches on which we will bet.

We open any match and see a green sign.

Now choose the team you prefer. Next, select four skins (weapons) and click on the "make a bet" button.

Pay attention to the number of Value. This is how many dollars you will win if your team wins.

You will see a small sign in the lower right corner, just in case, remember your security code (example):

After a while, a button will appear on it, which says that your bot (the one to whom you give things) is ready. Click on it.

You are redirected to a page with a regular exchange. Just confirm the exchange.

When exchanging, a message with a security code will be attached. If this code matches the code that was on the waiting plate, then feel free to confirm the exchange.

After the successful completion of the exchange, your bet becomes active.

How to collect winnings from csgolounge

Let's assume that you won the bet. Now you need to collect your winnings. Go to the "My Bets" tab. You should see something like this:

Select the weapon you wish to claim, then press the "Request returns" button twice. In the lower right corner, a sign already familiar to you will be displayed, only now you will receive things, not the bot.

In one run, the bot may not transfer all things at once. Just repeat the operation several times. If you are lucky, the skins may have expensive stickers from past owners.

Finally, a video tutorial.

Both ordinary players and extras who are familiar with the Dota 2 match betting system often use the dota2lounge service, which allows not only to win a huge number of expensive things, but also to cancel the bet in some cases, which cannot but please people who are used to various risks and desperate to get their items back in the event of an erroneous choice regarding the winning team.

In order not to be disappointed in dota2lounge and to be able to freely cancel the bet without violating the rules of the service, you must strictly follow the rules and principles of this tote of things, otherwise you can not only lose the items contributed as your contribution, but also get a ban, which means not be able to recoup.


Obviously, if you are going to bet on the battle of the top teams, then you will need to have a Steam account and a few items from Dota 2, because dota2lounge only accepts them as contributions, which will be a tangible plus if you want to cancel the bet, because everything was fine with the return of money would be much more difficult, not to mention the commission of payment systems for transfers of funds.

You can get inventory in one of the following ways:

  1. Buy in the Dota 2 store. In addition to the opportunity to increase your funds, you will also receive collectible cards for every $ 9 spent on purchases, and collecting all the cards will receive a cool badge that has 5 levels.
  2. Buy on the marketplace. The prices here are much lower than the official ones (although they depend on the actions of Valve), but if you do not have a lot of free money, then this is just what suits you perfectly. With enough luck, you can play even with a small number of little things.
  3. Receive as a gift from friends. If you have real friends and comrades, then they can give you a couple of unnecessary and simple design elements or parts of sets, just like that or for a promise to return.

You are now ready to place and cancel a bet on dota2lounge (if you make a mistake or decide to change your choice).

Picking a Winner

To be able to get at least some profit for knowing the possibilities of the legendary composition, you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to dota2lounge using your Steam account. Don't worry, you won't need access to your personal data - the entrance is from the official Steam website, which only transmits basic information about you.
  2. Select the event you are interested in. Usually several different tournament games are available at the same time, but there are both lulls (when only one pair of opponents is available) and a real rush (during large competitions running in parallel).
  3. Decide on a favorite. If you're unsure or haven't heard of these particular teams before, a list of past contributions can help you figure out the public's preferences.
  4. Move to the panel prepared for making part of your inventory. Make sure your profile is visible to everyone on the Internet (Privacy in the settings tab of your steam account). If it is closed, then you will not be able to put or cancel anything.
  5. Confirm the exchange received from the system bot. You may need to go to the mail or mobile authenticator for confirmation.

After that, you will only have to watch the game, sincerely cheering for your favorite and think about what you are going to do with the winnings. When everything is done correctly, then this is where your interaction with the system ends until the next match, but what about those who made the wrong choice? Read below.

Ways to cancel

Sometimes users wonder: is it possible to cancel a bet in dota2lounge at all? Officially, this possibility is not provided, however, the project administration is always ready to meet the needs of its favorite users, and therefore you still have several cancellation methods:

  1. Until completion. You can easily cancel your selection by simply closing the site before confirming your selection. This is the safest method, the basis of which is to think carefully before making a final decision.
  2. During a trade. As you probably already noticed, the placed bet on the site is displayed in gray until you give away the things. In case you change your mind, you can simply not give him anything and cancel the exchange. In this case, your contribution will be inactive and will disappear after the match, and you will not lose anything, but you should not abuse this - techniques will ban those who do so often.
  3. With the help of supporters. If the reason why you want to cancel your bet on dota2lounge is valid, then technical support can meet halfway and remove it from the system, but phrases like “yes, I changed my mind”, “advised to bet on others” will not work with 100% probability.

There are no other ways, and you should not trust the scammers who promise to withdraw the fee and ask for a username / password from the account, otherwise you will lose everything that you have.

All weapon models in the game are divided into different types, and the price for them will also be different.

Factory New - Factory Direct (Best Quality Level)

Minimal Wear - Minimal Wear (Good quality)

Field Tested - At the end of field testing (Normal quality level)

Well Worn - Well-Worn (Less quality than the top ones)

Battle Scared - Battle Forged (Worst Quality Level)

On the site it is possible to raise up to $1000 per bet and this is a plus. But there are limitations: you can’t put a couple of knives on the spot, and put weapons more expensive than 2000 rubles. The totality cannot be fooled, because in that place the program Value is used.

At such rates for a strong team in the tournament, it is possible to raise money from 300 rubles. up to 10,000 rubles And here the most useful in CS:GO are knives (M9 Bayonet, Karambit, Bayonet, etc.). Skins with a Stat Trak counter are much more valued, which keep statistics on kills with a certain type of weapon.

Apart from all these bets, the site

it is possible to carry out transactions (exchange of expensive weapons), which are guaranteed by the security of the site itself.

By going to you will be taken to the main page. In that place, two columns are displayed, the first shows the latest applications for the exchange of weapons, and the second shows the most recent and upcoming tournaments.

What is more successful: csgolounge or opening cases?

I can say that both cases are good, because Everywhere has its own approach. For example, I know a person who spent 525 euros on opening cases, along with taking useful skins. It sounds bleak, but it's up to someone as lucky.

All the money earned on cases is sponsored by Valve for the main prize pools of world tournaments.

In the CS:GO Lounge, everything is much simpler, there is no risk of being left without money and without good models. It all depends on you and the victory of your team in tournaments.

This concludes my own article about skin drops, I hope it was useful for you. Subscribe to the domestic VK group, like, repost, remember to leave your own comments below.


How to create and execute a deal on csgolounge.