Is 3 wot how to play tank. The most dangerous opponents

Especially for this guide, we shot IS-3 from 100 meters with three different guns. The tests showed all the weak points of the tank, which turned out to be quite a few. If you have an IS-3 in your hangar or you often meet it on the battlefield as an enemy - this guide is for you. He will teach the first to better understand the tank, and the second - to destroy it.

Update! Added several video guides for playing the IS-3. Video added at the end of the article.

For the test, we used the IS-3 - a heavyweight of the eighth level in the top configuration and a pumped crew up to 80% on average. There are three tanks against us - a heavy Soviet IS tank of the seventh level, a light French AMX 12t of the fifth level and Soviet artillery SU-8 also of the fifth level. Shooting was carried out from a distance of 100 meters in a standing state (the tanks did not move or dance). Of course, the conditions are not quite combat, but close to them. In battle, you are unlikely to stand like an idol and wait for a submission from the enemy. Therefore, this test gives a general idea of ​​the penetration zones IS-3. The AMX 12t is unlikely to stand still - rather try to spin the IS-3 and shoot anywhere and try harder not to fall under the heavy paw of our test subject.

We fired regular shells, not gold shells. Technique used in the test penetration of IS-3:

  1. IP- gun 122 mm D-25T, top.
    Damage HP: 390. Penetration: 175.
  2. - 75 mm SA49 L48, top gun.
    Damage: 110. Penetration: 108.
  3. SU-8- 152 mm howitzer ML-20 mod. 1931 top gun, fired with a land mine.
    Damage HP: 910, Penetration: 88.

To get started, you can see the IS-3 booking scheme:

Test one. IS-3 vs. IS.

Penetration of the IS-3 from a 122mm cannon in the forehead.

This position in the game is very common. We are standing in the bushes or behind cover and suddenly notice the IS-3, facing us. Where to hit? No panic! We look at the screenshots and read the explanations. Looking ahead, I’ll say that it’s possible to pierce the IS-3 in the forehead, but you just need to know where. It is very difficult to break through the tower, so it is better to aim at the hull, or rather at the lower armor plate.

The first shot hit the junction of the armor plates and the shell did not penetrate our armor. The second shell hit the bottom armor plate and caused 350 HP of damage to the tank, although we have 110mm of armor in that place. How it looked from the perspective of the shooter:

After a couple more unsuccessful shots, we managed to inflict damage on the upper armor plate IS-3 in the amount of 335HP:

After that, we placed the tank in a rhombus in relation to the enemy, as shown in the screenshot below:

And what do you think? The very first shot pierced our IS-3 into the armor plate above the left caterpillar and inflicted significant damage in the amount of 414HP!

How it looked from the side of the firing IS with a 122 mm gun:

Then, from the same position, a diamond-shaped shot into the lower armor plate followed, which took away the remaining 401 HP and finished off the tank.

Penetration of the IS-3 from a 122 mm gun into the side.

With boards, everything is much simpler. Here we are doing regular penetrations almost everywhere, so we will show only one screenshot.

Our vaunted turret took two lid hits for a total of 673 HP.

Penetration of the IS-3 from the 122 mm gun into the stern.

Traditionally, the weakest point of all tanks is the rear. Everything is clear with the hull - it breaks through with a bang, but the tower showed very good results, withstanding two hits from a distance of 40 meters! They finished off the tank with a shot in the tank.

Penetration of the IS-3 from a 122 mm cannon at an angle.

Very often I see such a situation in the game - a player, trying to fill up the enemy, drives his tank down a hill, thereby opening all his weakly protected hatches on the roof of the tower, as well as other weak points. Yes, the lower armor plate is completely closed, but the angle of impact of shells on you becomes almost straight, thereby making it easier to penetrate your tank. It will become clearer in the screenshot:

As a result, they received 4 hits directly on the frontal armor of the hull:

  1. The first shot took 378HP.
  2. Second - 425HP.
  3. Third, a record from the series - 476 HP.
  4. Well, the fourth finished off the rest - 221 HP.

Second test. IS-3 vs. AMX 12t.

Penetration of the IS-3 from a 75 mm cannon in the forehead.

To penetrate the 110mm armor of the IS-3, we do not have enough armor-piercing capability of the top-end cannon mounted on the Frenchman. The damage does not pass into the frontal part of the armor at all - only ricochets:

However, the AMX 12t is capable of knocking down the IS-3 tracks after 2-3 hits on them.

By placing the IS-3 in a diamond shape, as in the first case, we achieved several more downed psaltery, and the following modules were damaged with an accurate hit:

  • gun (firing accuracy is reduced),
  • ammo rack.

But even damaging the modules, it was not possible to cause damage.

Penetration of the IS-3 from the 75 mm cannon into the sides.

In such a situation, we can inflict damage. Thanks to the drum for 6 shells, we do it quickly, but again, we do not break through everywhere.

Of the 6 shots fired at the IS-3, only half did damage. The rest received the status "not broken":

  1. 91 HP
  2. 121 HP
  3. 118 HP

In total, we dealt 330 HP damage from one drum, making three successful hits. It turns out an average of 110 HP damage per one correct shot on the side, and if we make 6 such shots, we already have 660 HP damage plus we inflict damage on various modules of the tank, and if, on top of everything else, spin the IS-3, and add support for comrades on command here, we have every chance to fill it up on the AMX 12t. However, it is worth hitting the ISU at least once - you are a corpse. Of course, it won’t take a shot, but if it hits the engine, you will lose your dynamics, and there it will turn around as it should, ram it, or even from a shot you will have a fire that will eat up the rest of HP.

Penetration of the IS-3 from the 75 mm gun into the stern.

The very first shot from the AMX 12t in the stern set fire to our IS-3 like a candle and caused the engine to ignite:

The shot itself took away 121HP, and the subsequent fire took about 300 HP more. As a result, from one successful shot we get damage of 420+ HP, with the condition that a fire extinguisher will not be used naturally. We remember the place where to shoot in order to set fire to the IS-3.

Test three. IS-3 vs SU-8.

Artillery, what can I say - the god of war. Its high-explosive fragmentation shells deal regular and significant damage to the IS-3. The tank was completely destroyed in 5 hits, taking away from 315 to 363 HP for each hit, and the fifth shell finished off the tank:

Video guides on the game on the IS-3.

Shelling of IS-3:

That's all. Also read the old thread about .

The IS-3 is one of the tanks that evokes emotions. Some people are annoyed by screens swallowing shells, some suffer from shells from a vertukhana that can send Soviet guns, and on the contrary, someone enjoys playing this heavy Soviet tank of level 8.

What is its beauty? In combination with good, albeit nerfed armor, good mobility, camouflage and an excellent weapon.

Yes, you heard right, the BL-9 scythe is really a great weapon that allows you to pack damage at any level. Despite the long mixing and poor accuracy, shooting with the IS-3 is a pleasure. The big alpha at 390 allows you to trade on HP, and a good penetration of 225 mm and 265 gold allows you to fight with any opponent. A small DPM is easily corrected by prudent play, and accuracy and mixing - by the correct positioning of oneself in battle.

There is enough armor for the IS-3 in World of Tanks. It sounds strange, so it's worth talking about it in more detail. Our tank is not Maus or E-100 at all, which is enough to put a rhombus, turn the turret a little and happily catch shells without damage, but it is not a whipping boy like cardboard French either. The side screens sometimes save you from stray shells and allow you to tank perfectly with the side. But here a feature of the IS-3 pops up - its pike nose. By side-tanking too brazenly or by trying to place a diamond, you expose the enemy to a cheekbone at a small angle, behind which there is also an ammunition load. I think it’s not worth writing what such penetrations lead to. Due to this form of armor, you will constantly have to be careful when tanking sideways, and, when colliding with an enemy, keep the tank level. Another weak point of the IS-3 is the roof of the turret, which is easily penetrated by higher tanks, keep this in mind and don't go into a clinch with them.

The IS-3 rides on the WOT battlefields perfectly. The maximum speed is 38 km / h, good dynamics and maneuverability. This magnificence is spoiled only by the inability to turn around on the spot, but you can survive, we are not the Tiger-2, constantly putting a rhombus and afraid that some kind of LT will drive into its side. You will almost always have time to be in the right place, if you want to support the CT rush or break the capture.

Upgrading IS-3 modules

It is much more pleasant to play on a top tank than on a stock one. What to do on the recently purchased equipment and what is better to download first of all, you will learn by reading the short text below.

  • What a score. On the stock IS-3 in the world of tanks, you can immediately install the top-end BL-9 cannon and start comfortable pumping the next modules.
  • The new tower will give more HP, armor and slightly improve visibility, our tank will become harder to penetrate, which will help to live longer in battle, deal more damage and tank more confidently if necessary.
  • The IS-3 is a very fast tank, but not in stock, so we are downloading the chassis, with which you will immediately feel the ease of control and increased maneuverability, and you will also be able to install any equipment without weight restrictions.
  • Now it's time for the engine, giving an increase of 50 hp. and improve dynamics.
  • All that remains is the radio, although you can forget about it and start pumping the next tank called the IS-8.

Upgrading IS-3 Crew Skills

A tank with 50% of the crew does not drive or shoot, with 75% it looks like a child who has recently learned to walk, with 100% it can already do something, and with an experienced crew it is ready for any test.

We have 4 crew members who can be transplanted from the previous IS. Of course, any tank needs repairs, the only exception can be made for the commander, who takes the light bulb. Further pumping depends on your style of play.

When playing aggressively, it is worth taking the second ability to combat brotherhood, which will give a small increase to all the characteristics of the IS-3, allowing you to move and shoot faster.

The other extreme will be a disguise for those who like to shoot from a bush or dissolve in the middle of an open field on a Soviet tank.

The best option for most players will be the following leveling, which allows you to play in different ways and does not fail in different situations:

We download a master of all trades to the commander, after which we are not afraid of shell shocks of other crew members. The gunner gets a smooth turret turn, making it easier to shoot around corners and catch fast enemies. We take the off-road king as a driver. The radio operator can upgrade the camouflage, or try to improve visibility with the help of radio interception.

If you already have a third specialty, then you should get a disguise, or it, along with mobility and visibility.

Equipment and gear for the IS-3

Equipment greatly affects the tanks in the game, literally transforming them. Do not forget about consumables that will save you in a difficult moment or give you an advantage on the battlefield.

Many tanks need a rammer and vertical stabilizer, and the IS-3 is no exception. In the third slot, you should put improved ventilation if your crew has a fraternity or reinforced aiming drives, if the BL-9 mixing bothers you a lot.

Some players believe that the problem of ammo rack explosions is solved by installing a wet ammo rack, but this is not the best option. It will not save you from crits and will not be as useful as other equipment.

If you do not mind the money, then take a large repair kit along with a large first aid kit. They will give +10% repair speed and +15% crew crit protection, while allowing you to repair all damage with one click. A more standard option would be a small repair kit and a small first aid kit along with a fire extinguisher in the third slot. Such a set of equipment will allow you to feel confident during the battle, without fear of accidental crit or fire. The most adventurous guys can take gas or additional rations in the third slot, and the most cautious - gold and regular repair kits along with a first aid kit.

Video guide IS-3

A short video from the official World of Tanks channel that will show you the IS-3 in action.

How to play IS-3 well and improve your stats

So, how to bend over the IS-3, be useful to the team, enjoy the game and improve your statistics?

The IS-3 will suit many players due to its versatility, so how to play it is up to you. A good option would be to play aggressively with CT. With it, you can deal good damage and greatly facilitate the work of your team, but this requires some experience playing World of Tanks, since a beginner can easily stumble upon superior enemy forces or catch a few shells in open areas. However, if you pay attention to experienced players in your team, you will quickly notice good routes and places for your IS-3. Also try to ride along with a couple of other tanks, distributing damage among themselves and focusing on one target. For such a game, you will need a combat brotherhood, ventilation and a standard set of consumables.

For the more careful players, a good option is to play at medium ranges, in which you will follow the allies and support fire on their light, or take damage if necessary.

If you are unlucky and you are at the bottom of the list, then do not despair, because your cannon is capable of penetrating any opponents into vulnerable points. Follow your allies while avoiding hits on yourself and help them deal with the enemy. It's not a good idea to sit in a bush, because when you're alone, there's not much you can do even to a damaged level 10 enemy.

So, always use your speed and dynamics, do not be afraid of the armor of enemies of any level, and remember that the IS-3 is capable of tanking, albeit cautiously.

The long-awaited happened: the player has accumulated enough experience to open a tank of the eighth level from the Soviet “heavy” branch. In the hands is the treasured IS-3! One of a series of first tanks released by the developers. Honored, remade many times and one of the most recognizable and popular tanks in the game. What does he represent?


Guide to the IS-3 tank, let's start with the fact that this combat vehicle, unlike many of those presented in the game, existed in reality. The shape and layout of the turret, suspension details, the location of armor plates and many other technical features laid the foundation for the subsequent development of Soviet tank design ideas. This fact alone commands respect.

Upgrading the tank

All modules can be installed on the stock chassis, which is an undoubted advantage of the tank and facilitates its pumping. From here, considering the IS-3, the guide recommends the following order of study:

  • Gun BL-9. With this gun, the player will feel on the battlefield not as a useless piece of iron, but as one of the creators of victory. With standard armor-piercing shells, it confidently pierces almost everyone; heavily armored opponents always have sub-caliber ammunition in their ammunition load.
  • Tower. Will give an increase in the number of health points, turning speed, reloading. Forehead armor allows you to confidently catch ricochets from solid enemy calibers.
  • Chassis. Increases the dynamics of the tank, the turning speed and the overall maneuverability.
  • Engine. The increase in power will allow the player to have time to change position (up to a complete change of flank), return to defend their own base, and support the attack of allied STs if necessary.
  • Walkie-talkie. The module is not critical, so we study it last. Let it be.

We train the crew

According to the established tradition of reviewing the creations of the WOT IS-3, the guide implies that the crew has three full-fledged "perks". We arrange them in order of study:

  • Commander - "combat brotherhood" (gives all skills and abilities), "jack of all trades" (partially compensates for the shell shock of any of the crew members), "repair" (speeds up the repair of damaged modules during the battle).
  • Gunner - "combat brotherhood", "repair", "smooth turret turn" (slightly reduces the circle of information and increases the accuracy of fire).
  • Mechvod - "combat brotherhood", "repair", "smooth running" (increases the accuracy of shooting on the move).
  • Loader - "combat brotherhood", "repair", "non-contact ammo rack" (significantly reduces the risk of ammunition explosion on impact).

Optional equipment

Considering the information about the IS-3, the guide cannot but be supplemented with recommendations regarding the installation of tank reinforcements. There are only three slots for equipment. Filling out two of them is beyond doubt. This is improved ventilation and a large-caliber rammer. In the third slot, you can put either a vertical aiming stabilizer or accelerated information drives. The choice is up to the player, and it depends on his preferences in terms of combat. With a super-aggressive game, we set the first option for a short time.


As with most other tanks, considering the IS-3, the guide will offer two options depending on the team setups:

  • Top of the list. We are going to “push” the direction. Let's not forget that we have a pronounced assault tank, and sitting in the bushes is a disastrous tactic. Tank aggressively with caterpillars. To do this, we have excellent screens on the sides, which perfectly eat up damage from the enemy, and a magnificent ricochet tower. Do not forget to hide the NLD, because this is the most vulnerable part in the frontal projection. We actively use the clinch (except for tall opponents like KV-5 or T32, because they will gladly shoot us at the fragile roof of the tower). The main thing here is not to be left alone, that is, a couple of allies should support you during reloading and cover you from going on board. If necessary, we either quickly break through the direction, or “decide” at home and go behind enemy lines on the opposite flank, providing support to the allies. In case of a bad development of events, left alone, we take a comfortable position (hide the body) and turn into an impenetrable pillbox.
  • The bottom of the team list. We do not lose heart! Our miracle cannon and good armor in the battle with the "dozens" are quite able to do good service. We go with the main group of allied "strands" and support them: we knock down caterpillars, hit the sides of the deployed towers, etc. If necessary, once or twice, you can substitute for an enemy shot, covering your top. In a word, we spoil the enemy with what we can, and wait until the “big uncles” sort it out among themselves. At the end of the battle we go to finish off the wounded animals and the surviving artillery.

With all this, our tank has a feature that should not be forgotten. We are talking about the structure of the body - the so-called pike nose. Possessing it, we simply have to forget about setting up a rhombus as a tactical element of the battle. We stand only forehead to the enemy! On reloading, we interfere with aiming, actively playing with the hull and turret, but only with the forehead. Each turn of the hull in one direction or another is critical by breaking through the VLD.

Our colleague will be the main and most dangerous opponent on the level. However, the guide on breaking through the IS-3 (and more than one) will help you understand how to solve this problem. Its study will give the player the opportunity to feel the nuances of their own car, and at the same time will get rid of the typical mistakes made by the drivers of this wonderful machine.

World of Tanks fans of heavy weapons from the Great Patriotic War have a unique opportunity to take part in massive battles. Here, the victory is determined by the balance of the team, the correct selection of combat vehicles and winning tactics.

The IS-3 tank, which appeared at the very end of the war, was introduced into the game by the developers. At the moment, it is rightfully considered one of the most popular. Many teams include him in their squad, especially during important matches.

For beginners who aspire to achieve a high position, the question arises of how to play the IS-3. Without this, it will hardly be possible to achieve serious success both in random battles and in clan wars.

Theoretical component

Why is it important to know as much as possible about the IS-3? World of Tanks - the game is team and balanced in many components. Therefore, there are several reasons for studying the characteristics and features of combat on a specific vehicle:

  • Proper use of a combat vehicle during a battle.
  • Effective communication with your partners.
  • Using weaknesses to destroy the opponent's car.

In other words, players who themselves know how to play the IS-3 can also make the right decisions to cover an ally, choose the right tactics when fighting enemy vehicles, etc.

The experience of the player is of great importance, but the theoretical component also helps a lot. You need to know the power of your tank, the strength of the IS-3 armor, the penetration of certain zones in order to behave correctly in battle.

TTX combat vehicle

Before us is a Soviet tank in a classic layout. In "World Of Tank" IS-3 - This is a tier 8 heavy tank. It can be equipped with a fairly fast-firing 122-mm BL-9 cannon, a V-2-54IS engine with a power of 700 hp. with. and the probability of fire is not more than 12%.

The performance characteristics of this combat vehicle are as follows:

  • Good maneuverability and high speed for a tank of this class.
  • Powerful cannon that deals good damage.

At the same time, one cannot fail to note the poor visibility and not very high accuracy of fire, as well as the presence of a number of weaknesses in armor protection.

Such performance characteristics help determine how to play the IS-3 in various battles. Most often, he performs some kind of assault mission - captures certain points, occupies important positions, supports the attack and movement around the map, etc.

Combat effectiveness and virtues

The IS-3 tank has a number of undeniable advantages that make it stand out from other tier 8 vehicles.

The main benefits usually include:

  • Good frontal protection with rational angles of armor plates.
  • High level of tower security.
  • High maximum speed, maneuverability.
  • Low visibility of the tank.
  • Powerful cannon and fast turret rotation.

To what extent does this determine the popularity of the IS-3? World of Tanks is already associated with the advanced Soviet technology of the Great Patriotic War.

Before us is a high-speed and maneuverable vehicle capable of inflicting significant damage to the enemy. Accordingly, during the match you need to know how to play the IS-3 - constantly move forward, help win back heights and important points on the map, actively participate in close combat.


There are also certain disadvantages that have to be taken into account. Among them, experienced players and specialists include:

  • Low margin of safety.
  • Limited viewing range.
  • Vulnerable ammo rack and the presence of weak spots in the armor.
  • Low shooting accuracy.

Thus, we can conclude that the IS-3 tank does not withstand hits very well, so it is not the best candidate for the "Steel Wall" achievement. Do not use this tank to close narrow passages or as the main damage recipient in a fight. Also, due to its low accuracy, it is not very suitable for ambushes and long-range shooting from cover. A standing tank is easy prey for enemy self-propelled guns, as well as other vehicles, which get the opportunity to conduct aimed fire at the ammo rack and look for other penetration zones for the IS-3.

Basic fighting style

The entire line of Soviet heavy tanks "Joseph Stalin" in the WoT game has approximately similar characteristics, so their battle tactics are approximately the same. Each IS player must remember this and clearly follow his role so as not to let his comrades down.

Of course, every match is different, and you can never predict exactly what will happen next, so it happens that the ISs take on other tasks. But this is rather an exception to the general rule.

The main aspects of the fighting style and tasks:

  • Active actions at close and medium distances.
  • Support for durable and powerful allied tanks of levels 9 and 10.
  • Storming important points on the map.
  • Breaking through the enemy defenses in the most vulnerable places.
  • Sudden attacks from the flanks, approach from the rear.
  • Base defense, rear cover.

In this capacity, the IS-3 becomes the most effective in combat. Although, of course, much depends on the allies. Often this tier 8 tank becomes the main strike force.

Crew and equipment

The crew of the IS-3 plays an important role in combat, so it should be given due attention, especially in the later stages of development. The characteristics of the crew members should be improved in accordance with the basic combat mission - breaking through the enemy defenses and assault operations. It is also necessary to eliminate the most typical shortcomings of this machine.

Thus, the most useful skills to learn are:

  • The Brotherhood of War.
  • Repair.
  • Sniper (to improve shooting accuracy).
  • Non-contact ammo rack (to reduce the vulnerability of this weak point).
  • Off-road king (to improve driving performance).
  • Virtuoso (to increase efficiency in close combat).
  • Jack of all trades (to increase efficiency when one of the crew members is injured).

Crew leveling options

In principle, each player has the right to choose perks depending on their own preferences. In the event that you like to perform assault missions to break through the defense, then you should increase the speed and driving performance. If, however, preference is given to duels at close and medium distances, then the combat parameters and the efficiency of the crew should be improved.

The most dangerous opponents

This heavy tank is quite well protected, so it doesn't need to be afraid of various opponents. Although this does not mean at all that it is on such a machine. Accurate tactics using your strengths are the key to success in any battle.

The IS-3 is practically not afraid of attacking vehicles below its level, although their guns may well cause unpleasant damage - damage tracks, injure crew members, etc.

Long-barreled 105mm guns are the most dangerous, so it's better to be careful against opponents with such guns.

Among the dangerous opponents, tank destroyers at medium and long distances are also worth noting. The IS-3 itself is not very good in such conditions, while the PT deals very good damage due to long-range hits. In addition, a small viewing range and a noticeable spread often make it difficult to detect and hit an enemy vehicle in an ambush, so you involuntarily have to open the sides and other weak points.

IS-3 in clan wars

Ordinary games with random allies and rivals often have several characteristics:

  • Low organization.
  • Almost complete lack of coordinated tactics.
  • The big role of improvisation.
  • Dependence on "random" (game accidents).

In clan wars, things are different. There is a clear coordination of combat operations here, and players use the strengths of each vehicle.

IS-3 is constantly on the move, performing assault missions. He practically does not stand still, producing minimal reconnaissance and diverting the attention of the enemy. Slower and heavily armored tanks tend to move in one direction, trying to push the enemy out. The player on the IS-3, on the other hand, needs to "read the course of the battle" in order to occupy the most successful positions.

When moving forward, you should not immediately open fire on enemy tanks, since the accuracy of the IS-3 is low, and stopping (for better aiming) threatens to take serious damage. Therefore, you should move from cover to cover, causing damage to nearby opponents. Having taken an advantageous position on the front line, this tank can represent a very serious force.

However, it is best to look for weaknesses in the defense, move to the flanks, lure enemy tanks under self-propelled guns and tank destroyers, and support slow allied tanks. In this role, the IS-3 is able to determine the tactics of battle, and sometimes turn the tide of battle in its favor.