Interior in the English style: photo, description and features. English style bedroom - a beautiful solution English style bedroom design

When imagining an English-style interior, most people think of austere wooden furniture, semi-darkness and small cups of tea brought by a maid in a cap. Of course, the English style is a reflection of the English character, with its stiffness, isolation and the habit of drinking tea at five o'clock sharp. However, the English style in the interior can be very cozy, and most importantly, suitable for a large family, as it is literally overflowing with traditions and family memories. Using the example of the interior of two rooms, we will tell you how you can create the spirit of an old English house in a city apartment.

1. Living room

An English-style living room will be an excellent solution for those who, along with their grandmother's apartment, inherited her library, as well as a collection of porcelain.

The first thing to remember when creating an English-style living room is that it should be cozy. Therefore, the main actors are usually a large soft sofa, littered with a mountain of colorful pillows, a few "eared" chairs, on one of which you can casually throw a blanket and, of course, a fireplace.

Needless to say, the eternally cool weather of England constantly inclines to stay at home and warm your feet by the fire. By the way, in modern realities it is absolutely not necessary to use a real fireplace, it is much better to purchase an electric one, we recently talked about its features here

The living room in the English style is characterized by constant twilight, a similar effect is created due to the dark shades of the wallpaper and heavy curtains on the windows. Of course, this does not mean that you need to turn your living room into a gloomy crypt, but it should always remind you of the cozy evenings that you spent / will spend in it.

You can put a soft colorful carpet on the floor, which will muffle the noise of steps, and also add warmth. The carpet should be discreet: a variant with a traditional English-style check is possible, but more often just an abstract pattern is used. We talked more about carpets in the interior in this article.

Another important element of the English living room is the library. An antique bookcase with ancient tomes or detective novels would be ideal, but if you don't have one, at least set up a small shelving unit or arrange books on a table.

Do not forget about decorative elements, in the English style there are not many of them. Therefore, you can hang photos of friends and relatives everywhere, arrange knitting baskets, as well as arrange figurines and small lamps. The English style does not involve central lighting, so try to divert attention to small lamps.

2. Bedroom

The bedroom in the English style seems to be created in order to bring comfort and peace. Its central element is the bed, which must be carefully decorated, literally "littered" with a variety of textiles, which will muffle the severity of the forms.

As a rule, the interior of the bedroom is more minimalistic than the interior of the living room of a similar style, because it is assumed that all business / meetings / discussions will take place in the living room, and in the bedroom you will simply fall on your soft bed. Therefore, in the interior of an English bedroom, most often there are only a small bedside table and an armchair. Installing a fireplace is also possible, it all depends on your wishes, you can, for example, use a decorative fake fireplace.

The English-style bedroom is also done in muted, natural tones, but if you don’t feel comfortable in such a room, you can deviate a little from the rules to the “bright” side. In this case, try to compensate for deviations with floral decoration and decorative elements.

For curtains and textiles, natural materials such as cotton and linen are welcome, in addition, it is possible to implement the traditional English "cage" here, for example, in the form of bed linen. Pictures in simple wooden frames will be appropriate on the walls: the plots can be somewhat ironic, because we all remember subtle English humor! It is also possible to decorate the bedroom with small planters with flowers and porcelain elements.

In our humble opinion, the first participant won the English battle of the living room / bedroom, largely due to the soft sofa with a mountain of pillows and a checkered blanket. But your interior is only in your hands, so which of the rooms to add a piece of foggy Albion is up to you.


The bedroom is a special room in the house, because it is in it that the owners rest their body and soul. When arranging it, it is important to create a cozy atmosphere that will contribute to relaxation and going to bed. Also, do not forget about the aesthetic appeal of the interior - the room must correspond to the taste and character of the residents. For balanced, calm people striving for spiritual harmony, an English-style bedroom would be an excellent option. But it should be noted that this design is suitable for large bedrooms, as a small space will not allow you to fully realize the traditions of England.

Main characteristics

The interior in the English style embodies elegance, comfort and reliability. It harmoniously combines elegance and rigor, simplicity and luxury. When arranging a bedroom, it is necessary to take into account the main characteristics of the design:

  • the presence of wooden elements - these can be both accessories and furniture or finishing materials;
  • a fireplace, and not necessarily wood-burning, electric or decorative is quite suitable;
  • a large number of high-quality and expensive textiles;
  • antique decor items with a long history;
  • expensive, massive furniture with carved elements and fabric upholstery.

The color scheme of the English interior largely depends on the size and location of the room, but personal preferences of homeowners should also be taken into account. The most commonly used warm colors are:

  • rich shades of red, such as ruby ​​or cherry;
  • pastel orange tones - peach, caramel;
  • yellow, but in a small amount, as it increases tone, which can interfere with relaxation;
  • various shades of brown.

You can refresh the interior and visually enlarge the bedroom with the help of cold colors. For the English style, shades of blue and some green tones, including turquoise and aqua, are well suited.

Decoration Materials

The English style is in many ways similar to the classical one, since the interior is supposed to have a large amount of natural materials. For decoration, wood or products that imitate wood coating are mainly used:

  • For the floor, expensive parquet is an ideal choice, but wooden boards are also suitable. In extreme cases, you can use a dark-colored laminate that matches the natural material as closely as possible.

  • The walls are finished with paper or fabric wallpaper. They can be either plain or with a small floral print. Wooden panels are attached to the bottom of the walls, and friezes or moldings are placed above them.

  • Ceilings are usually decorated with wooden beams., but if the dimensions of the room do not allow this, then the surface can be painted in the traditional white color.

Despite the popularity of metal-plastic windows, a product made of natural wood should be installed in an English-style bedroom. Moreover, large frames should be divided by slats into several rectangles.

Interior doors should also be chosen wooden or from a material whose surface completely imitates a wood pattern.


Modern bedroom sets are completely unsuitable for arranging English-style interiors. The most valuable is antique furniture, fraught with the history of several generations. But if there is none, you can purchase items made to order.

The central object of the bedroom is a wooden double bed with a large headboard and carved elements. It should be tall and fairly massive. Previously, a canopy was an obligatory detail, emphasizing the aristocracy of the owners of the house, but today it is used extremely rarely. To create a cozy and warm atmosphere, many pillows, blankets and a large blanket or bedspread are placed on the bed.

Bedside tables, an old chest of drawers with a large mirror, a pair of armchairs and a closet with swing doors, which should be at least 3, will complement the design of the room.

Furniture should be arranged symmetrically, especially for paired items.


The English interior welcomes a large number of accessories and decorations.

One of the most successful solutions for decorating a bedroom is the English style. This room is intended for relaxation, recuperation, so its design must be presentable and consistent with the character of the residents.

English decor is suitable for balanced natures who seek to find peace of mind, who value stability in relationships.

The bedroom interior, designed in the spirit of English traditions, will give you comfort and help you gain confidence in the future.

Possible design options

Interiors in the English style look expensive and concise. This design makes it possible to demonstrate excellent taste, bordering on sophistication, and requires the use of expensive materials, high-quality textiles.

If you are going to decorate a bedroom in the spirit of English traditions, you need to decide on the basic concept: this style can be implemented in several ways. It has been formed over the centuries, overcoming several expressive stages that have left their mark.

Furnishings in the spirit of medieval England look elegant and solid thanks to the numerous textures that are also characteristic of the rustic style and materials of natural origin. Wooden details are complemented by stone ones - fireplace lining or masonry on the wall.

Furniture for interiors in this style is selected simple and restrained, with a somewhat rough configuration. The color is given due to the ceilings and beams made of wood and wall decoration from a similar material.

It is not necessary to turn the bedroom into a room resembling chambers in a fortress. The rustic variety of the English style is characterized by light colors, numerous textiles of different colors, forged details, and a pleasant configuration of furniture.

Interior components are characterized by restraint and elegance at the same time.

In Gothic English interiors, you can find carvings, skillfully made decorations, furniture and decorative elements made of dark, almost black wood.

A distinctive feature of these bedrooms are large beds with fabric canopies on massive, carved legs. Window openings are high, but not wide.

If you decide to design a bedroom in a modern house, apartment in a similar design, use dark wood and carved panels in the design. The oak variety of wood was the most popular in those days. The advantages of wood products and finishes include strength and durability.

During the Regency era, optional decorative elements were used. Lace, columns with graceful forms, canopies or their imitation, products made by artistic forging, carving, fur carpets on the floor - these are the main components of the bedroom interior, designed in the English style, popular in the Regency era.

But the Gregorian direction is characterized by practicality, excessive restraint and asceticism: a minimum amount of furniture, uncomplicated configurations and an almost complete absence of decorative elements.

The design is dominated by red wood, mandatory attributes are a fireplace and panels on the walls. The bed is selected based on the size of the room, with a laconic headboard without carved patterns and other decorations.

Armchairs are replaced by chairs with long wooden backs, small square-shaped pillows in muted-colored covers are placed on them. If you value comfort, it is preferable to choose semi-chairs.

Decoration in the spirit of the Victorian era is fundamentally different from the Gregorian. It is dominated by an eclectic idea that combines various interior details into a bright picture. In such a room, carved furniture, unusual oriental-style curtains, wool carpeting with an original pattern are appropriate.

The walls are often decorated with ancient weapons. An additional coziness to the room is given by a leather-covered armchair, a carved fireplace screen and other decorative elements typical of the English classics.

Combining the best features of all varieties of English style and formed the design that is so popular today. It originated at the turn of the nineteenth century, and now it has a lot of fans.

Who is the English bedroom for?

There is an opinion that the English style is preferred by mature people over thirty years old.

Interior designers are confident that such an interior will appeal to many. This decor will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics, because in the design of the premises in this style there is home comfort and aristocratic conciseness.

This is an ideal solution for collectors and owners of small apartments: decorative items can be placed in any quantity, and there is a feeling of some “clutter” in the rooms.

People who are fond of reading will be able to install shelves, racks, bookcases in the bedroom.

Decoration principles

Despite the passage of time, the sophistication inherent in English decor retains its value. Let's figure out how to create a bedroom interior in a true English style.

Natural materials will help to form a true English design. The most popular is wood.

Parquet flooring or floors made of boards made of elite types of wood, wooden furniture, wall panels from similar raw materials are a characteristic feature of such interiors.

Wood can also be used to decorate window openings, and traditional English design without massive oak door panels is hard to imagine.

Various materials are used to decorate the ceiling. Finishing is selected in accordance with the size of the room and the wishes of the residents.

The ceiling can be painted white and decorated with a massive stepped cornice.

The central part is often decorated with a convex rosette of a strict configuration. This finish looks great in a small bedroom or in a discreetly furnished room.

Multi-level ceiling structures, equipped with lighting, stucco and paintings look great in large rooms with Victorian design. Wooden floors will perfectly fit into the interior of a room with high ceilings.

The walls in such interiors are usually painted, wallpapered or partially trimmed with colored textiles.

Floral motifs in the design, vertical stripes and floral patterns are welcome. Cosiness of the room gives a dark finish with variegated colors. Thanks to this design, the bedroom looks at home and at the same time attracts with grace.

Dark-colored finishing materials visually reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but this does not mean that they cannot be used in modest bedrooms.

This decor is suitable for partial wall decoration, for example, for a headboard, niche or window opening.

The floor covering must certainly be wooden. If the budget is modest, you can lay a laminate with a believable imitation of a real wood pattern. In the UK, bedrooms often have tiled floors or faux stone. But such options are not very attractive to Russians. In the living rooms, tiled floors can still be found, but bedrooms with such a coating seem unacceptable to most of our compatriots.

If the room is well heated, a ceramic floor can give a pleasant tactile sensation to the feet.

Color palette

The color palette in the bedroom with an English interior can be different. Traditionally, amber, chocolate, copper and coffee shades are used.

The bedroom interior, close to the rustic version of the English style, is decorated in a lighter palette, where blue, white or beige is used as the main one. In this design, emerald and chocolate tones are often found.

When choosing the main palette, do not forget that warm colors will visually reduce the space, and shades of the cold spectrum, on the contrary, help expand the boundaries of the room.


Furniture for the English bedroom interior should also be selected from natural materials. Modern manufacturers offer a large number of furniture models in the English style.

On a note! You can purchase a one-piece set, but it is preferable to assemble a set from different sets. In the UK, furniture is ordered from different masters - this is a feature of the English setting.

Choose a spacious bed, it is not necessary to decorate it with a canopy. But the headboard should be presentable - strictly rectangular or with smooth curved lines.

The rest of the furniture is selected in accordance with the area of ​​​​the room. A chest of drawers is usually used to store clothes.

It is preferable that the placement of furniture in the English bedroom is made according to the principle of symmetry: there should be paired items, for example, armchairs or bedside tables.


In English-style bedrooms, there is usually a carpet with geometric patterns or floral patterns, floral prints are welcome.

Carpeting can be laid in the center of the room, near the sofa, or put on a small thick bright rug to the right and left of the bed. The carpet must certainly be of high quality, like the rest of the textiles.

Bedding is better to choose silk or satin, preferably with a floral pattern. Prints in the form of flowers should stand out on a matte fabric.

A downy feather bed is often laid on top of the mattress, and a knitted bedspread or a soft blanket is covered on top. Pillows of various configurations and sizes with decorative embroidery are welcome.

The most popular ornaments are small floral patterns and a plaid cage.

Window openings are decorated with lush curtains with patterns or embroidery.

To decorate the bedroom you need to use expensive fabrics; a combination of several textures is possible.


A bedroom with an English interior will look more comfortable if you equip it with a fireplace. In a country house, the hearth can be heated with wood; in apartments, electric models are most often installed or an imitation of a fireplace is created.

Candles, framed family photos, and watches are placed on the fireplace as an additional decoration.

The hearth in the bedroom fills the room with warmth, helps to create a cozy atmosphere.

Read about how and due to what details you can decorate beautifully, and see a selection of beautiful photos with finished interiors.

The most spectacular photo ideas for loft-style bedroom design can be viewed.

The main criteria for choosing baroque bedroom furniture are described in the article at:


English-style furnishings suggest diffused lighting: the light should be subdued. Luminaires are preferably arranged in three lines.

You can hang a massive chandelier in the center of the ceiling, place lighting fixtures resembling antique candelabra next to the bed, and table lamps on the bedside tables.

Properly selected light sources will provide comfort and help focus on the main interior components.


In the English interior of the bedroom, you can use any number of accessories. When choosing decorative elements, be guided by your own wishes.

The walls can be decorated with paintings in massive, carved frames. In such an environment, vases with fresh flowers, porcelain figurines in the form of animals, and knitted accessories will be appropriate. Such decorative elements will make the room more comfortable.

With the help of the English style, you can create various images of the bedroom. Such a design borders on pretentiousness and conciseness, it allows you to express individuality, provide a comfortable, relaxing environment that attracts with its elegance and grace.

Decorative elements give this style originality and dissimilarity to others - thanks to it you can feel calm and protected.


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Space and functionality - today catches many. But there are still people who will like luxury and style. The English interior is just that.

Luxury and restraint, and at the same time rustic simplicity, this is how the English style in room designs is described.

Most likely, it is worth talking about the English style, as a person begins to imagine it in his own way, as he imagines this country.

What characterizes the bedroom in the English style?

A flower or stripe on wallpaper or upholstery. This is one of the most striking features of the English style.

The material must be of good, expensive quality. For example, textile wallpapers, silk-screen printing are used. The painting of the walls is not excluded. To do this, use a stencil to get interesting ornaments.

Stick to pastel colors that are not defiant. As a rule, a light tone is chosen, and the pattern is performed in golden hues.

The bed should be on high legs. Since the British love to sleep softly, it is not necessary that she have high legs, there will be enough lush featherbeds. Racks for a canopy are not needed, it hangs only a little over the headboard.

The furniture provided in this style is not small. Armchair and table, an integral part of the English style of the bedroom.

Banquettes, bedside tables, dressing table, bureau - these are the main furniture that is installed even in the smallest room. Most often it is found that the furniture in such an interior should be a steam room, especially for chairs, armchairs and ottomans.

The fireplace is also one of the important foundations of the English style. Now it is no longer necessary to have a natural fireplace, in stores today a huge assortment of their substitutes is presented.

Heavy curtains with lush draperies and lambrequins can most often be decorated with tassels and fringes.

The color of the curtains must necessarily coincide with any element of the bedroom. Whether it's a flower on the wallpaper or an ornament like the upholstery of a chair or the same sofa.

The ceiling should be snow-white, with a chic chandelier. As a rule, curbs and moldings can be seen on the ceiling. Wooden inserts are also very popular, painted white. Or the wood can be matched to match the window frames or furniture.

The floors are made only from expensive woods. In modern times, laminate or parquet boards are increasingly being used.

As a rule, dark shades are inherent in the floors. You can also lay a carpet on the floor, but it needs a muted, not eye-catching color.

Carpeting is also applicable in the English style, but it is only enough in the middle of the room, or on each side of the bed.

The pile on the carpet, in no case, should not be large. The material of the carpet must necessarily be equal to natural.

Necessarily, all materials used in the English style must be natural. You need to understand that the interior is in the English style, the pleasure is expensive. It requires only natural materials and the finish should not be cheap.

But it is not necessary to comply with all conventions, you can also bring modernity and lightness to English design and it will look just as good.

Photo of a bedroom in the English style

The English-style bedroom is characterized by restraint and rigor. At the same time, the interior itself is designed in a relaxed style, mainly natural materials are used. The English bedroom is quite feminine, cozy and very comfortable.

The inhabitants of the English kingdom are real romantics. In their homes, they combine the severity of outlines with pleasant pastel shades and weightless prints.

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Excursion into history

The first signs of the English style began to take shape in the 16th century. At that time, the canopy was very popular in the bedrooms - a canopy made of dense fabric, suspended above the bed. Such an element not only served as protection against dust and drafts, but also was a kind of accent in the interior.

The canopy was sewn from silk or cotton, decorated with tassels and frills (by the way, you can make a canopy with your own hands. Read more about this). The furniture was designed in dark colors and made of wood.

In the 17th century, the influence of the culture of England began to be felt in other countries - it was replenished with elements of oriental cultures. Carvings, inlays appeared, the walls began to be draped with bright silk fabrics.

During the Victorian era, the English style changed a lot: the forms became more ornate, and the interiors more luxurious. Floral light prints began to appear in the rooms, which somewhat diluted the severity of the situation.

By now, clear principles for interior design in the English style have been formed, although elements of other directions are sometimes found in modern houses and apartments. Despite the mixture of styles, the spirit of the English era is hard to miss.

Style accents

Consider the main features of the English style in the interior of the bedroom:

  • wooden furniture, the presence of wood in the finish;
  • a fireplace is an indispensable companion of the room;
  • abundance of textiles. Textiles play an important role in the design of an English bedroom: pillows of different sizes, bedding, curtains and curtains with a wide variety of prints. Flowers and Scottish colors are popular;
  • eclecticism. Indian and oriental motifs may be present;
  • availability of free space.

Color solutions

Bedroom walls can be decorated in light neutral tones. Pale pink, beige, peach, light gray will look great in such a room. Darker colors (dark gray or brown) are also suitable. However, it is better not to use black at all - it is completely incompatible with the lightness and freedom of the atmosphere of an English-style bedroom.

It is important: do not forget that the walls of the bedroom should not stand out too much and attract attention. They should be in harmony with other design elements and furniture.

You can paste over the walls with wallpaper with a floral or cellular pattern (you can read which wallpaper is best for the bedroom).

Wooden panels will look good as wall coverings. If the room is spacious, the panels can be dark shades. The main thing is to follow the rule: if the decoration of the bedroom is designed in soothing colors, the furniture can be brighter and vice versa. Flashy colors are not recommended.

Furniture style and finishes

The choice of furniture largely depends on the size of the bedroom itself. With its small dimensions, the basic elements of furniture are enough: a spacious comfortable bed, a built-in wardrobe, a compact bedside table. If the size of the bedroom allows you to “turn around”, you can complement the interior with a chest of drawers, armchairs, and a dressing table.

Note: in the interior of an English bedroom it is better to use furniture made of high-quality natural wood.

An important element of the bedroom in the English style is the bed. Canopies are now becoming a rarity, but they have not gone completely out of use. Today, this exquisite interior detail is sewn from more comfortable and functional fabrics that protect against dust, noise and sunlight.

The decoration of the bed in the bedroom should be multi-layered: beautiful bed linen, a delicate soft bedspread, a blanket. To decorate the floor, it is better to use a parquet board made of dark wood. The floor of an English bedroom is certainly covered with a carpet.

Accessories for the English bedroom

Bright lighting in such a bedroom is unacceptable. It is better to use 3-4 weak light sources. If there is only a chandelier in the room, its light should be soft and diffused.

Lamps should be neat and simple, no decorations are used (how to make a lamp with your own hands tells).

Curtains, bedspreads and pillows will help to give coziness and warmth. A plaid, pillowcases, bed linen and other textiles should be matched to match other decor elements. Soft unobtrusive patterns and floral prints will look the most advantageous. What fabric to choose? The priority is natural breathable fabrics: cotton, silk, velvet. It is better not to use synthetics. Small figurines or paintings will complement the interior.

You can “dilute” the decor of the bedroom with elements typical for (a wooden table with fancy bent legs, stained-glass windows, like decorative inserts on the stairs), beat the details in your own way.

For example, bedside tables made of light wood will perfectly fit into the interior. As already mentioned, particles of oriental style also look good in such a bedroom. Intricate patterns, dark wood, a combination of fabrics of different textures will make the rest room even more stylish and elegant.

From this video You will learn how to decorate a bedroom in the English style:

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