Jewish stuffed fish step by step pike recipe. Stuffed pike, cooking recipes. Decorate the finished fish

To prepare this dish we need:

Pike (1 kilogram)
- a little unsalted fat (about 100 grams)
-2 bulbs
-1 or 2 eggs
- 1 carrot
-1 teaspoon honey
-salt pepper
- sour cream (200 grams)

So, you already have all the ingredients, now it's time to start the cooking process itself. First you need to cut the pike with a stocking. To do this, you need to clean it from scales, then cut out the gills. We take out all the insides, without opening the belly, then carefully cut the cartilage between the head and torso. Next, you need to separate the pulp from the skin in the head area and pull off the skin, holding the ridge with a fork. On the inside of the skin, you need to cut off the remains of meat from the skin and the ridge, in order to then twist them in a meat grinder (so that sharp bones do not get into the dish). Rinse the finished stocking in running water. Now it can be used for cooking.

We twist the fish fillet, lard in a meat grinder, then cut the carrots into small cubes, no more than 3 millimeters, or you can grate them. But after slicing, the finished baked pike will look very beautiful and appetizing.

Fry onions and carrots.

Add the ground lard, chopped carrots and eggs to the minced meat, season it all with salt and pepper (the seasoning is put to taste) and mix well.

Now let's move on to our "stocking". It must be thoroughly washed on the outside so that a delicious dinner does not turn into food poisoning. We begin to stuff the pike skin stocking with minced meat. It's important not to overdo it. If you fill the skin with stuffing to the eyeballs, the "stocking" can simply burst. Therefore, cutlets or meatballs can be made from the remaining minced meat and baked with fish. You can also fill the fish head with the remaining minced meat.

Now you need to prepare a baking sheet. To do this, you need to take a sheet of food foil and cover it with a baking sheet, grease it with vegetable oil so that the fish does not burn and stick to the pan during baking. We shift the pike filled with minced meat onto a baking sheet, put meatballs next to it, and in those places where the fish touches the baking sheet, slices of raw potatoes (again, so that the pike does not burn). Then you need to pierce the leather stocking with a needle in several places and grease with sour cream. Everything can be put in the oven. The temperature for baking is 180-200 degrees. We put our fish on fire for half an hour - forty minutes.

After half an hour, you need to try to pierce the pike with a match or a toothpick. If cloudy juice flows from a leather stocking, then the dish needs to stand for a few more minutes. If the juice is clear, you can take the fish out of the oven.

Stuffed pike is ready. Now it remains only to transfer it to a dish and decorate it beautifully. Only restaurants in Irkutsk can show such beauty, and now in your kitchen. You can put meatballs and potato slices next to the fish. You can cover the pike with mayonnaise sauce made from butter and mayonnaise, sprinkle with chopped herbs, overlay lettuce leaves, bell pepper slices ... It all depends on your imagination and ingenuity. Enjoy your meal!

Do you like the recipe for stuffed pike, but do not dare to cook it? Then our tips and step-by-step recipes will help you accomplish a culinary feat!
Recipe content:

Stuffed pike baked in the oven - a royal dish that was considered a symbol of the festive table. Not every housewife will decide to cook it. Since the queen of the solemn feast requires due attention. But if you know how to do it, then your efforts will be noticed. A beautifully decorated dish will make a splash for all guests. But as practice shows, this dish always turns out different for two housewives - for someone it is juicier, for someone it is spicier, someone makes stuffed fish aspic, and someone - baked. The main thing is that it always turns out tasty and appetizing! What subtleties do you need to know?

  • First of all, you need to choose the right fish. Fresh pike has a bright fishy aroma and a clear, overlying slime. Under the gill bone, the gills are of a rich red color without darkening or spots. Skin without cracks, breaks with densely covered scales.
  • The most time-consuming and difficult process in preparing this dish is to carefully remove the skin like a stocking. For this reason, for stuffing a whole pike, it is best to take a carcass weighing 1.5 kg. It is difficult to do this with large fish, and it may not fit in the oven.
  • Many refuse to eat pike, because. in finished form, it has a characteristic smell of mud. But this recipe won't. Because the filling is fried with onions and carrots, which interrupt the specific flavor characteristic of pike. When baking stuffed pike in the oven with a whole carcass, it should be remembered that fish meat is lean. Therefore, for the filling it is necessary to choose the right stuffing.

A variety of products are used for stuffing: eggs, prunes, mushrooms, rice, nuts, buckwheat. Here fantasy can roam without limits! For extra juiciness, you can add a piece of fresh bacon to almost any filling. Options for fillings that are mixed with minced fish (for 1-1.5 kg of fish) can be as follows:
  • Potato Stuffing: Raw, finely chopped potatoes or mashed potatoes are mixed with fried onions.
  • Mushroom: champignons (250 g), milk (150 ml), long loaf (3 slices), carrots (1 pc.), Onion (1 pc.), Butter (2 tablespoons), eggs (1 pc.) .
  • Rice: boiled rice (2 tablespoons), white bread (100 g), milk (200 ml), onion (150 g), eggs (1 pc.), greens.
  • Assorted: mushrooms (300 g), rice (50 g), butter (50 g), onion (1 pc.), Carrots (1 pc.), Crab sticks (100 g), juice of one lemon.
Bake a whole stuffed pike in the oven for a homemade feast or a special occasion, and your efforts will pay off in full! Use the suggested toppings, or come up with your own combinations. Below is one of the classic step-by-step recipes with a photo of making stuffed pike. Cook and enjoy the magnificent royal dish!

Stuffed pike in the oven - a classic recipe

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 141 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - 6-8 servings
  • Cooking time - the total cooking time is about 3 hours, of which the dish is baked for 40 minutes


  • Pike - 1-1.5 kg
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Salo - 150 g
  • Dry loaf - 300 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 300 ml
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Spices - to taste (cloves, bay leaf)
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Step by step preparation:

  1. Clean the pike from scales so as not to damage the skin and remove the gills from the head.
  2. Make cuts near the bottom fin and the top fin. Carefully trim the skin to separate it from the innards. Dip your hand deep into the pike and carefully remove the giblets so as not to damage the gallbladder.

Note: if the gallbladder bursts, then immediately immerse the pike in cold water, which is diluted with 1 tbsp. table salt and 2 tbsp. table vinegar 9%. Leave the fish for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly.

  • Next, take a rolling pin or any other convenient object and beat the carcass from both sides, inflicting 10 blows. This will help to remove the skin more easily and make the meat tender.
  • With a sharp knife, decapitate the fish and cut off the tail bone so that the fin remains intact.
  • From the side of the head, using a knife, slowly separate the skin from the meat in a circle, pulling the skin over yourself. When you get to the top and bottom fins, cut them off the meat with scissors so they stay on the skin. Turning the skin gradually reach the tail.
  • Next, get to the meat. Separate it from the spine.
  • Boil the broth. Put the bones in a saucepan, cover with water, put one onion and spices. Boil it after boiling over low heat for 40 minutes, be sure to remove the foam. Then strain through a fine sieve.
  • For the filling, fill the loaf with milk and leave to swell for 15 minutes.
  • Peel the remaining onions and grate. Saute in vegetable oil in a frying pan until translucent.
  • Place the lard in a chopper and smash. Add the fried hot vegetables and grind the food so that the fat melts from the heat.
  • Twist the fish fillet several times through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
  • Combine minced meat with a loaf, squeezing it from the liquid, and vegetables with lard.
  • Separate the yolks from the whites and put the first in minced meat. Add salt, pepper and spices to taste. Stir. Minced meat should not be liquid, but should not stick to your hands either.

    Note: do not add more eggs than specified in the recipe, because. the filling will be tough.

  • Beat the whites with a mixer until stable white peaks and mix them into the filling in small portions. They will give the finished dish an airy texture.
  • Stuff the skin of the carcass and head with the fish mass.
  • Peel the carrots and beets, cut into pieces and place on a baking sheet. Lay the stuffed pike carcass with the head on top and fill it with broth.
  • Cover the fish with oiled foil and send to a preheated oven to 180 degrees.
  • After 20 minutes, remove the foil and leave the fish in the oven for another 20 minutes to form a golden crust.

    Note: The main criterion for the readiness of fish is when the broth becomes golden in color, and 2/3 of its part boils away. You can put the remaining broth in the refrigerator and get fish jelly.

  • Cool the finished dish completely, as it is customary to serve it cold. Place on a serving platter with the head on to make the pike look whole. Using a pastry syringe, decorate the carcass with mayonnaise, and put olives in the mouth and eye sockets.
  • Incredibly tasty pike stuffed with Jewish vegetables. Such a dish, which is traditional for the cuisine of Israel, comes out juicy, tender, satisfying. At first glance, it may seem to a novice cook that it is extremely difficult to prepare such a fish-based delicacy on your own. However, this is not at all the case! A dish traditional for Jewish cuisine does not need to be filled as a whole. You can cut the carcass into portioned pieces. It turns out just amazing! Spices also play their part. Saffron gives a special piquancy to the finished snack, allowing you to achieve an exquisite taste and appetizing shade.

    Cooking time - 2 hours.

    The number of servings is 6.


    An incredibly delicious Jewish treat is easy to make if you prepare the following products:

    • pike - 1.5 kg;
    • onions - 2 heads;
    • salt - 1.5 tsp;
    • white bread - 100 g;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • fresh milk - 200 ml;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • ground black pepper - ½ tsp;
    • butter - 2 tbsp. l.

    These are the main ingredients. To cook fish in broth you need:

    • beets - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 1.5 pcs.;
    • saffron - 1 pinch;
    • salt - ½ tsp;
    • ground pepper - ¼ tsp

    How to cook Jewish stuffed pike

    Making pike stuffed in Jewish style is not as difficult as it might seem to you at first glance. Of course, in this recipe there are certain subtleties and nuances. But it will not be difficult to deal with them if you use a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

    1. So, pike in Hebrew is done quite simply. But to simplify your task, it is recommended to immediately prepare all the necessary ingredients.

    1. It is necessary to prepare white bread. The crusts are cut from it. The crumb itself is cut into small cubes.

    1. Bread slices for stuffing pike in Jewish style should be soaked in milk.

    1. Carrots will need to be boiled for 25 minutes in lightly salted water. The fruit must be peeled and cut into large pieces.

    1. The onion is peeled and cut into quarters.

    1. Next, you need to prepare the fish itself. To cook Jewish pike according to the recipe with a photo, now you need to clean the carcass. The insides are thoroughly cleaned. The fins will need to be cut off. The tail and head are also cut off. Remember to remove the gills so that the finished dish does not taste bitter. The prepared carcass is cut into small pieces. The optimal thickness of 1 fragment is 1.5 cm. Cut off the pulp at the spine.

    On a note! Don't throw away the scales and the head and tail. We still need them.

    1. The resulting fish fillet should be scrolled 2 times through a meat grinder.

    1. You will also need to scroll raw onions and carrots.

    1. The resulting minced meat is mixed with white bread, which is also recommended to be pre-rolled through a meat grinder or smashed with a blender.

    1. Butter must be melted.

    1. Now you need to mix the melted butter with minced fish and vegetables. Eggs should be beaten into the mixture. All you need to season with ground pepper and sprinkle with salt.

    1. Fish pieces are filled with minced meat. The top of the mixture is leveled.

    1. Carrots, beets and onions for broth must be peeled and washed. All vegetables are cut into fairly large plates.

    1. At the bottom of a wide pan with high walls, you need to lay out the slices.

    1. Fish blanks are laid out on top. It is also worth putting a fish tail and head there.

    1. The scales are washed. It must be put in gauze, folded in 2-3 layers and tightly tied. This blank is also sent to the fish.

    1. Everything is filled with water. The dish should be salted and diluted with pepper. Everything should be stewed for 1.5 hours. The lid should be slightly open. The fire is set weak.

    Note! The broth should constantly, but not very strongly boil. So there is no need to set the minimum heating either.

    1. When the pike according to the Jewish recipe is ready, it must be laid out on a flat plate. From above, the pieces are generously poured with the resulting broth, which must first be filtered without fail. It is recommended to decorate our pike stuffed according to a Jewish recipe with slices of boiled carrots.

    This dish is served chilled. It's incredibly filling and delicious!

    Video recipes

    Jewish stuffed pike is made according to a recipe with a photo is quite simple, but video instructions will make the process even more visual:

    The pre-holiday fever begins long before the most solemn event, and by this time we want to update the permanent menu. Ordinary salads and snacks quickly bore us, but Jewish-style stuffed pike has an interesting recipe, looks great, and tastes excellent. This beauty is guaranteed to win the hearts and tastes of all guests, regardless of their nationality and traditional culinary preferences.

    As the Jews themselves say, there are as many options for cooking "fish-fish" as there are Jewish women all over the world who cook it. And it's hard to disagree with that. Of course, we will not physically be able to master even a small fraction of all the methods of cooking "gefilte-fish", but we will still master the basics of a couple of recipes.

    In general, Jewish cooking is one of the oldest traditional cuisines in the world and is largely based on customs and restrictions - kashruts, which are prescribed by their religion. From meat, they prefer beef and lamb, and from seafood, their passion is pike and herring, and such dishes from these fish as minced meat and fish fish today are incredibly popular and famous all over the world. Just the same river predator we will deal with today.

    Whole stuffed pike

    Whole pike stuffed is considered the most difficult version of this dish, however, all the difficulties lie only in cutting the fish, and the rest of the dish is prepared without any hassle and special culinary difficulties.


    • Pike - 1 carcass per 1 kg;
    • Fresh lamb or beef fat - 100 g;
    • Onion - 2 heads;
    • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • Carrots - 1 large root vegetable;
    • Sour cream 20-30% fat - 200 g;
    • Salt - to taste;
    • Pepper - to taste;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs. different colors;
    • Purple onion - 1 head;
    • Parsley and dill - 1 bunch;
    • Lettuce leaves - 6-7 pieces;


    We begin our culinary practice with the most difficult process, namely cutting the pike carcass. Naturally, at first the fish should be cleaned of scales, with which you will have to tinker, but this should be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the skin.

    After that, we remove the gills from the head. And now you need to contrive and remove the insides from the abdomen without cutting it. Pull out the intestines and other offal should be from the side of the gills.

    When this procedure is successfully completed, we must proceed to the next most difficult task - removing the skin from the carcass without damaging its integrity, so to speak "stocking".
    To do this, we carefully cut the place where the ridge is attached to the head, but do not cut off the muzzle completely, and then, using a sharp knife, we begin to separate the skin from the meat millimeter by millimeter and so on to the tail, where we also cut the tail vertebra.

    As a result, we should get a bag of pike skin, closed from the side of the caudal fin, and the head plays the role of a cover.

    *cook tips
    To facilitate the procedure for "uncovering" the pike, the fish should first be thoroughly beaten off with a wooden kalatushka or rolling pin. We wrap the carcass in polyethylene and tap with a hammer from all sides on the body of the pike.

    • Turning the skin inside out, we must clean off the remnants of meat from it and rinse thoroughly. Now our "stocking" is ready for stuffing.
    • Now we start preparing the filling. We cut off all the fillets from the carcass and, together with the bacon, pass through a meat grinder with a fine nozzle a couple of times. Make sure that there are no large bones in the minced meat.
    • Now let's get to the vegetables. After peeling the fruits from the skin, cut the carrot into small cubes (3x3mm), and the onion into thin ¼ rings. After that, the cut should be well fried and mixed with minced meat.
    • Also add raw eggs, salt and pepper to the filling and mix well until smooth.
    • Now we can fill the pike case with minced meat, but do not stuff the fish skin too tightly, otherwise, under the influence of temperature, the filling will swell and break through the skin. From the excess minced meat, you can stick cutlets or meatballs.

    • We spread the filled pike on a baking sheet covered with food foil, and pierce the carcass in several places with toothpicks, put cutlets on the edges of the fish, then send the tray to the oven and bake our dish at 180 ° C for 40 minutes. If the top of the fish begins to bake intensively, then you can cover it with parchment.
    • After the allotted time, we check our “catch” for readiness by piercing the fish with a toothpick: if the juice flows out transparent, then the pike is Jewish ready, if the water is unclear, then we leave the baking sheet in the oven for another 15 minutes.

    We spread the finished “gefilte fish” on a beautiful elongated dish, garnishing with lettuce leaves, colored bell pepper rings, purple onions, sliced ​​​​in circles, sour cream and finely chopped greens.

    Pike stuffed in this way can also be boiled.

    • To do this, you need to lay out a fish backbone at the bottom of a wide pan, cover it with onion peel on top, then sliced ​​​​carrots and beets are also stacked in circles, and then put the filled carcass of the fish.
    • Pour in to
    • a saucepan of water, add salt and set to boil our dish for 2 hours on the smallest fire.

    Fish fish in Jewish pieces


    • Pike - 1 jerboa 1.5 kg + -
    • - 300 g + -
    • Pike perch - 1 pc. per 1 kg + -
    • 3 large heads + -
    • White loaf crumb- 2 pieces + -
    • - 1 PC. + -
    • - 3 pcs. + -
    • Beets - 1-2 pcs. + -
    • Saffron - a pinch + -
    • - 3 leaves + -
    • - taste + -
    • - taste + -
    • Spicy herbs - to taste + -

    • When the cooking time comes to an end, spread the stuffed pike in Jewish overlap, alternating with slices of lemon on a beautiful dish, decorated with Chinese cabbage leaves. On the edge we lay out meatballs, boiled broccoli, olives and asparagus. And do not forget about the head, it must also be present at this celebration of life.

    Incredibly tasty pike stuffed with Jewish vegetables. Such a dish, which is traditional for the cuisine of Israel, comes out juicy, tender, satisfying. At first glance, it may seem to a novice cook that it is extremely difficult to prepare such a fish-based delicacy on your own. However, this is not at all the case! A dish traditional for Jewish cuisine does not need to be filled as a whole. You can cut the carcass into portioned pieces. It turns out just amazing! Spices also play their part. Saffron gives a special piquancy to the finished snack, allowing you to achieve an exquisite taste and appetizing shade.

    Cooking time - 2 hours.

    The number of servings is 6.


    An incredibly delicious Jewish treat is easy to make if you prepare the following products:

    • pike - 1.5 kg;
    • onions - 2 heads;
    • salt - 1.5 tsp;
    • white bread - 100 g;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • fresh milk - 200 ml;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • ground black pepper - ½ tsp;
    • butter - 2 tbsp. l.

    These are the main ingredients. To cook fish in broth you need:

    • beets - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 1.5 pcs.;
    • saffron - 1 pinch;
    • salt - ½ tsp;
    • ground pepper - ¼ tsp

    How to cook Jewish stuffed pike

    Making pike stuffed in Jewish style is not as difficult as it might seem to you at first glance. Of course, in this recipe there are certain subtleties and nuances. But it will not be difficult to deal with them if you use a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

    1. So, pike in Hebrew is done quite simply. But to simplify your task, it is recommended to immediately prepare all the necessary ingredients.

    1. It is necessary to prepare white bread. The crusts are cut from it. The crumb itself is cut into small cubes.

    1. Bread slices for stuffing pike in Jewish style should be soaked in milk.

    1. Carrots will need to be boiled for 25 minutes in lightly salted water. The fruit must be peeled and cut into large pieces.

    1. The onion is peeled and cut into quarters.

    1. Next, you need to prepare the fish itself. To cook Jewish pike according to the recipe with a photo, now you need to clean the carcass. The insides are thoroughly cleaned. The fins will need to be cut off. The tail and head are also cut off. Remember to remove the gills so that the finished dish does not taste bitter. The prepared carcass is cut into small pieces. The optimal thickness of 1 fragment is 1.5 cm. Cut off the pulp at the spine.

    On a note! Don't throw away the scales and the head and tail. We still need them.

    1. The resulting fish fillet should be scrolled 2 times through a meat grinder.

    1. You will also need to scroll raw onions and carrots.

    1. The resulting minced meat is mixed with white bread, which is also recommended to be pre-rolled through a meat grinder or smashed with a blender.

    1. Butter must be melted.

    1. Now you need to mix the melted butter with minced fish and vegetables. Eggs should be beaten into the mixture. All you need to season with ground pepper and sprinkle with salt.

    1. Fish pieces are filled with minced meat. The top of the mixture is leveled.

    1. Carrots, beets and onions for broth must be peeled and washed. All vegetables are cut into fairly large plates.

    1. At the bottom of a wide pan with high walls, you need to lay out the slices.

    1. Fish blanks are laid out on top. It is also worth putting a fish tail and head there.

    1. The scales are washed. It must be put in gauze, folded in 2-3 layers and tightly tied. This blank is also sent to the fish.

    1. Everything is filled with water. The dish should be salted and diluted with pepper. Everything should be stewed for 1.5 hours. The lid should be slightly open. The fire is set weak.

    Note! The broth should constantly, but not very strongly boil. So there is no need to set the minimum heating either.

    1. When the pike according to the Jewish recipe is ready, it must be laid out on a flat plate. From above, the pieces are generously poured with the resulting broth, which must first be filtered without fail. It is recommended to decorate our pike stuffed according to a Jewish recipe with slices of boiled carrots.

    This dish is served chilled. It's incredibly filling and delicious!

    Video recipes

    Jewish stuffed pike is made according to a recipe with a photo is quite simple, but video instructions will make the process even more visual: