Cement particle board what. Cement particle board - where to apply a universal material? Characteristics of the DSP plate

Cement-bonded particle boards (DSP) are a whole class of building materials with different characteristics.

They are used for various purposes, using the advantages that they have over traditional finishing and structural materials.

The scope directly depends on the type and density of the DSP, so we recommend that you read the articles:

  1. DSP production: step-by-step guide, regulations and necessary equipment.
  2. Fiberboard.

In these articles, we talked about the different types of cement particle board, as well as the differences in the original components and their proportions.

Even with the same density, the main parameters of TsSP-1 and TsSP-2 boards are very different from fiberboard boards of any type. This is due to different amounts of cement, as well as different requirements for wood filler.

  • What can DSP be used for?
  • how to choose materials for a particular application;
  • what are the advantages of properly selected plates over other materials;
  • how to fasten the panels to walls or to a wooden floor, how to saw them, glue them together, prime them, and how to handle DSP differently;
  • how to lay tiles on the DSP;
  • how to paint the facade of a building on which DSPs are installed, and how to protect this material from moisture and other negative factors.

Here are the main areas in which cement bonded particle boards can be used:

  • structural elements (walls and partitions);
  • insulation of walls, floors and ceilings;
  • soundproofing;
  • exterior and interior decoration;
  • fixed insulating formwork;
  • creation of greenhouses, beds and other areas.

Structural elements

From the DSP, you can create various partitions that divide the room into separate zones or parts.

Due to the high rigidity and strength, the plates in this area are not inferior to materials such as:

  • wooden plank;
  • plywood;

However to create partitions and walls according to technology without a supporting frame, only cement-bonded particle boards with a density of more than 1000 kg / m 3 are suitable, and the best results are shown by TsSP-1 and TsSP-2.

Fiberboard slabs with equal density are less durable, because they contain less cement.

However, full-fledged large-sized walls cannot be made from this material due to the size of the sheet, because the maximum width does not exceed 125 cm, so the sheets will have to be stacked on top of each other.

Therefore, to create full-fledged walls and large-sized partitions support frame required, but the same limitation applies to other structural elements comparable in size.

The exception is when it is possible to place cement-bonded particle boards vertically and securely fasten them from above and below.

Moreover, such a wall will only perform decorative function and is not designed for any kind of force impact.

With a slab thickness of 30–50 mm, a door or an arched opening can be cut into a wall of this design, as long as its width does not exceed 1.5 of the width of the DSP slab.

If the width of the section to be blocked does not exceed the width of one sheet, and force is excluded on it, then a material with a thickness of 10-15 mm can be used (when using fibrolite plates, the thickness must be increased to 20 mm).

At the same time, in comparison with other structural materials of the same thickness, DSP will provide much higher level of noise and heat insulation.

Insulation for facades and walls of the house, floors, ceilings

To insulate the house, you can either use the DSP inside or sheathe the facade of the house with this material. As a heater, it is better to use cement-bonded particle boards of any type. with a density of 250–350 kg / m 3, however fiberboard is more efficient due to less cement.

Despite the low density, the strength of sheets of any thickness is sufficient to attach to the wall both with glue and with anchor nails.

DSPs are somewhat less efficient than foam plastics (the thermal conductivity of plates is 0.06, foam plastic is 0.04), but they freely pass water vapor, due to which a favorable dry climate is always maintained in the premises.

DSP is only slightly inferior to mineral wool (the thermal conductivity of plates with a density of 300 kg / m 3 is 0.06, and wool is 0.05), but an increase in humidity does not affect their characteristics.

In addition, their can be installed on flat surfaces without a special frame, and to protect against precipitation, a thin layer of plaster or even waterproof, vapor-permeable paint is sufficient.

Despite the fact that polyurethane foam is easier to apply, expensive highly specialized equipment is required to work with it, the price of which starts from 40 thousand rubles.

Besides, polyurethane foam does not pass water vapor at all, therefore, after warming them in houses with a not too good ventilation system, the climate becomes damper, and mold and rot appear.

The costs for working with any type of DSP are much lower, and the equipment can be used for many other jobs.

When insulating ceilings, cement-bonded particle boards are hemmed from below, using glue and anchor nails or self-tapping screws for this. However, this application method can only be used in houses and apartments with strong ceilings and reliable ceiling filing.

Fiberboard slabs with a density of 250-350 kg / m3 are best suited for these works, because they contain more wood than products of the TsSP-1 and TsSP-2 brands. The maximum thickness of the plates depends on the strength of the floor and the ability to securely attach the insulation to it.

With the help of this material, it is possible to completely make and mount the roof of the house, as well as to build the whole house as a whole.

To insulate the floor, the slabs are laid either on a concrete screed or on a rough floor.

If the base is not too flat, then to level the floor it is desirable to pour a layer of solution, this will maximize the potential of the DSP.

After all, all materials of this type, made according to GOST or international standards, are the same in thickness and have a smooth surface.

Thanks to this, it will be possible to lay parquet, laminate or linoleum on them. without additional layer. The optimum density of the material of the TsSP-1 and TsSP-2 types is 500 kg/m 3 , the optimum density of the fibrolite is 800–900 kg/m 3 .

Quite often, the technique of laying DSP on the floor along wooden logs is used, and the thickness and density of the plates necessary to ensure the strength of the floor in the house, in this case, will depend on the distance between the installed logs.

Laying DSP on the floor, including wood, under tiles is an ideal option in bathrooms.

To start the installation of tiles, it is enough for cement-bonded particle boards apply a couple of coats of regular primer to improve adhesion.

If it is necessary to insulate the base of the warm floor, including if it is mounted under the tile, then the density of the sheets depends on its design. If the heating element is walled up in a screed, then it is advisable to use plates density 300 kg/m 3.

If the heating element will be laid between wooden or aluminum supports, then it is desirable to use a material of the same density as for a conventional floor.

When insulating the floor with cement-bonded particle boards, it is necessary to ensure reliable waterproofing, since the water that has fallen under the front cover will be absorbed into the insulation, but it will be difficult to go back due to poor air exchange.

Long being in a state of high humidity will reduce strength particle board floor and will lead to the appearance of mold and rot in the chips, which will negatively affect its thermal insulation properties.


Residents of Soviet-built multi-storey buildings suffer greatly from poor sound insulation, because in the apartments you can hear everything that happens at a distance of several floors. Often even residents of private houses are looking for ways to improve sound insulation to reduce the level of noise passing into the rooms from the street.

Low-density cement-bonded particle boards, although they are inferior to many modern materials with the same thickness, but due to the minimum cost and ease of installation on walls, floors, etc., they are very popular.

The most effective in this area are fiberboards of the GB-1 standard and their magnesite counterparts.

The maximum soundproofing effect is achieved not only by increasing the proportion of wood waste, but also located along the slab. However, slabs TsSP-1 and TsSP-2 with a density of 250–350 kg / m 3 also good for noise reduction.

To increase the soundproofing effect between the slabs and the wall/ceiling, lay a layer of felt 2–6 mm thick.

Sheathing the ceiling with slabs 2–3 cm thick and laying felt, you lower the level entering the apartment ten times the noise. At the same time, it is important to tightly join the plates so that there are no gaps between them, otherwise the effectiveness of such sound insulation will drop sharply.

For outdoor work and interior decoration

The purpose of exterior and interior decoration is to hide wall defects and make the exterior or interior more attractive. All types of DSP are well suited for rough finishing, over which a fine finish can be applied.

Cement particle boards of any type have high strength, however, material with a density of less than 700 kg / m 3 cannot be used for exterior decoration, and less than 1000 kg / m 3 for interior decoration.

As the density increases, the rigidity and strength of the product increase, which is especially important in regions with frequent strong winds.

Interior finishing material must withstand a screw with a small load, therefore, the use of low-density cement-bonded particle boards for interior decoration is unjustified.

In most cases, this finishing material must be attached to a special frame that compensates for the unevenness of the walls. In addition, the frame allows air to move under the finish, so that the condensate on the wall evaporates faster and does not increase the moisture content of the wall or finish.

If the frame is made correctly, then after installing the plates they form a flat surface, so it is enough to putty the seams between them with mortar or putty, after which walls ready for finishing.

The most effective as a finishing material are plates of the TsSP-1 type with a polished surface.

They are attached to the frame with the help of appropriate self-tapping screws - wood-carved screws are needed for wooden bars, self-tapping screws with metal thread are required for aluminum or steel profiles.

As an interior finish, chipboard-based sheets have a significant advantage - they do not emit toxic substances which cannot be said about:

  • plywood;
  • plastic;

The only materials that can compete in terms of environmental safety are natural board and real MDF, made without the use of glue.

However, they have serious disadvantages compared to cement-bonded particle boards:

  • less rigidity, forcing to increase the thickness of the finish;
  • much higher flammability;
  • higher price.

Therefore, as an environmentally friendly material for interior decoration, all types of DSP have no equal in the totality of all parameters.

  • do not emit toxic substances in normal circumstances;
  • able to withstand high temperatures for a long time before the start of the pyrolysis process in sawdust;
  • do not support combustion and go out after the disappearance of the source of open fire;
  • even during a fire, they do not emit toxic substances, with the exception of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, but any organic matter emits these substances during combustion;
  • albeit slightly, but they perform the functions of insulation and sound insulation.

For exterior decoration of the facade of the house, cement-bonded particle boards and panels of the TsSP-1 type with a density of 1100–1400 kg / m 3 and a thickness of 1 cm are most popular.

With the right selection of the distance between the slats of the frame, such a decoration of the house outside easily tolerates wind speeds of 40–50 m/s. An example of finishing the facade of the house is shown in the photo below.

Fiber cement boards of the same density must be chosen with a greater thickness due to the lower cement content, therefore, most often for outdoor work, a material with a thickness of 15–20 mm is used. He has the same resistance to precipitation and wind load.

Between the wall of the house and the finish, you can install an insulation made of chips and cement, which has excellent reviews, or another material.

Due to the fact that during rain water quickly drains from the surface of the panels for facade cladding, the panels do not have time to absorb a lot of water, so even in the event of a sharp drop in temperature after a long rain, they will not be severely damaged.

Treatment with hydrophobic paints for outdoor use and preparations that do not affect vapor permeability, further reduces the ability of the material to absorb water.

Thanks to this, DSP of any type as an exterior finish is in no way inferior to traditional plaster.

Thanks to such properties of the material, the ease of its finishing (painting), as well as the numerous reviews of residents, the facade cladding of the DSP house can be safely called the best option for the climatic conditions of many regions of Russia.

In addition, manufacturers also produce facade panels that do not require additional finishing for cladding houses, including frame wooden, performing at the same time a decorative function.

For example, facade and plinth panels under a stone, under a brick, under a crumb and others.

Such facade panels are used to finish the foundation of the house, the basement, including on screw piles.

Do-it-yourself fixed insulating formwork

The construction of houses from monolithic concrete is gaining more and more popularity, because it allows you to build walls much faster than any other methods.

Fixed formwork not only creates a form for concrete, but performs an insulating function, thanks to which, after the concrete has gained full strength, the wall is completely ready for finishing and does not require additional insulation.

The only one competitor cement-bonded particle boards in this application – fixed formwork styrofoam(PPS), however, it completely blocks the vapor permeability of the walls, which is why problems begin in houses with a not very good ventilation system.

Unlike polystyrene formwork, which is supplied in small prefabricated blocks, cement particle board formwork must be made by yourself.

As in the case of EPS formwork, CSP formwork must be carefully reinforced with numerous bridges to avoid extrusion of the slab by concrete.

This is especially true in the case of using heavy concrete, but it will not be superfluous when pouring foam concrete.

In addition, it is necessary intensify formwork over the entire area with various pegs and struts, which protect it from shifting during concrete filling and compaction.

For the manufacture of formwork, it is desirable to use sheets density over 1000 kg/m 3, and the thickness of the sheet directly depends on the desired thermal insulation effect.

Therefore, sometimes they make a double formwork - they install an inner sheet of DSP with a density of 1200–1400 kg / m3 and a thickness of 10 mm, and a fiberboard sheet with a thickness of 50–100 mm and a density of 300 kg / m 3 is placed close to it.

When using foam concrete, this design will provide such a low level of heat loss that even in the conditions of the northern regions no additional insulation required.

However, fixed formwork made of DSP also has minus- her cannot be used below ground level, since under the action of groundwater, wood will eventually lose its thermal insulation properties, and the cement stone will collapse.

But as a formwork for the internal walls, the DSP has no equal, because after the concrete hardens, the wall surface is ready for fine finishing, and even has a slight, but heat and sound insulation effect.

Greenhouses and beds

Cement particle boards, even when buried in the ground, able to stand like this until destruction for several decades, due to which they are often used to create do-it-yourself or fencing greenhouses and garden beds. After all, boards without special treatment will rot into dust in 3-5 years, and DSP will last 20-40 years without requiring replacement.

Most often, plates are used for this. density over 1000 kg/m 3 and thickness 8–12 mm.

Another advantage of cement bonded particle board is that CBPB greenhouses and vegetable garden fences look very neat thanks to the smooth walls.

The wagon board creates the same effect, but its service life and high price do not allow it to compete with DSP.

Chipboard, plywood and other similar materials also cannot compete with these boards, because even those that are called waterproof quickly collapse when they are in the ground.

With a small height of the walls, you can do without a frame, connecting the plates to each other using plastic corners, but if the height or length of the structure requires the use of several plates, you cannot do without a frame.

As a frame, you can use both boards impregnated with hydrophobic compounds (such compounds spoil the soil), and structures based on large diameter polypropylene pipes.

If the pipe diameter exceeds 30 mm, and the frame design is well thought out, then the greenhouse or garden bed is quite durable.

It is possible to reduce the diameter of the pipes by inserting pieces of metal or fiberglass reinforcement into them, however, in this case, it will be necessary to fix the DSP use jumpers of small length.

Due to the fact that the cost of a sheet rarely drops below 500 rubles, many prefer used cement-bonded particle boards that were dismantled during repairs.

Such DSPs do not have a very good appearance, and their strength is much less than new ones, but they are quite in demand for fencing beds and creating greenhouses, which can be concluded from the numerous reviews of gardeners. And you can buy them very cheap or receive as a gift.

In addition to the listed areas of application, DSPs, due to their properties and affordable cost, are also used to build baths with their own hands, including floors in it, cladding garages, sheds, building fences, mounted on the roof, etc.

Processing and installation of sheets

Cement particle board, in terms of its physical characteristics, is very different from most finishing materials, so its processing takes place according to a special algorithm and using special tool.

Violation of the work algorithm and the use of an inappropriate tool are often causes damage to the material. and the need to replace it, and given the considerable price of any type of DSP, including, for example, floor sheets or slabs for a brick or tile type facade, such an attitude turns out to be extremely unprofitable.

What to cut?

To cut this material you will need hand circular saw, equipped with a disc with carbide (pobedite) nozzles or diamond-coated teeth.

If there is no such disk, you can use a suitable size abrasive cutting disc for stone with a bore diameter of 32 mm.

If you need to cut a sheet or cut a rectangular hole in it, then lay it on a flat table so that the cutting line recedes 2–4 cm from the edge.

Mandatory for cutting use a respirator and goggles and don't forget to fasten the sleeves on your clothes. Place the saw sole on the sheet so that the blade is 3–5 mm away from it.

Turn on the saw, then smoothly move forward so that the blade goes exactly along the line of the cut. The speed of the saw movement depends on the density and thickness of the sheet, so be guided by your own feelings.

At normal speed, the sound of the saw motor does not change much, and minimal forward movement resistance.

If the sound changes (speed drops) or resistance increases, then you are moving the saw forward too fast, because of which the blade does not have time to cut through the cement stone normally. To reduce the amount of dust and improve the quality of the cut, you can pour water on the sheet along the cutting line.

If the size of the cut piece exceeds 20 cm on either side for thin slabs and 10 cm for thick slabs, then the assistant must support the cut piece so that it does not break off.

Need to be careful to keep your fingers out of the path of the saw.

To cut a round or oval hole, you must first draw it on the sheet, then fit a rectangle into it. Moreover, the distance from the picture to the edge of the rectangle should never be less than 3 cm.

If you know how to cut with a circular saw not from the edge of the sheet, then cut a rectangle with it, if not, then use grinder(angle grinder, angle grinder) with abrasive disc for stone.

Having cut out the rectangle, on the remaining parts of the plate inside the picture, mark parallel strips in 1–1.5 cm increments, extending from the edges of the rectangle to the edge of the picture. Cut through these strips, not reaching the edge of the pattern 3–5 mm.

Then cut through drawing sheet using an electric jigsaw with a diamond saw blade designed for cutting glass or ceramics.

This sequence of actions increases the time required to cut a hole, but greatly reduces the chances that you will ruin the material. Indeed, when cutting a hole with a diameter of more than 40 cm, there is a possibility that the cut piece will break off, and the fracture line will affect the remaining sheet.

If you are a skillful experienced finisher and therefore know how to work well with materials such as:

  • ceramic tile;
  • smooth slate,

you can cut or saw oriented strand board than you are used to, because the cutting behavior of these materials is very similar to that of any type of OSB.

  • self-tapping screws;
  • anchor screws (dowel-nails);
  • rivets.

Self-tapping screws are well suited for fixing DSP to a wooden or metal base.

If you have only ordinary hardened self-tapping screws, then under them you need to drill a hole in the plate, as well as countersink the space for the cap. Without this, the cap will protrude above the surface of the plate, which will create great difficulties during finishing.

Without drilling, reinforced self-tapping screws can be screwed in, the hats of which are equipped with knives and cut a hole for themselves. The diameter of the hole for a conventional self-tapping screw is equal to 1.2 of the diameter of the self-tapping screw itself, and the diameter and depth of the hole for the cap exceed the dimensions of the cap by 1.5 times.

It is undesirable to use ordinary screws for fixing, because they do not have the necessary strength, so with their help you will not be able to qualitatively pull the slab to the base.

After installing the screws, the holes for the caps must be sealed with putty, and after drying, process it with sandpaper.

Anchor screws are used when the panel needs to be attach to concrete or wood wall. To do this, put the plate in place and drill a hole for the plastic dowel. For fixing low density boards (300–500 kg/m3) it is advisable to use dowels with large caps for more effective fixation.

Such hats distribute the pressure created by the dowel-nail over a large area, so that the cement stone does not receive damage. In high-density slabs (over 700 kg / m 3), everything is done in the same way as when fixing with self-tapping screws.

Rivets use for fast fixing to steel or aluminum profiles where for some reason it is impossible to use self-tapping screws.

To do this, the sheet is put in place, then a hole is drilled, the diameter of which is 1.2 times the diameter of the rivet.

After that it is necessary using a special cutter, select the mounting hole under the rivet cap.

If this is not done, then the cap will protrude above the surface of the plate. It is also impossible to use a conventional drill instead of a cutter, because the cutter makes a hole with a flat bottom, to which the cap will be pressed tightly, and the drill makes a conical hole.

The cap will not be able to press evenly against such a hole, so over time the fastening will loosen, and the plate will begin to dangle. If there is no cutter, it is better to leave the rivet heads outside, they can be covered with a thin layer of plaster. It will be better than using a drill.


The front surface of any cement-bonded particle board is very even, therefore, after sheathing the walls of the house with this material, it is enough to carry out only the finishing.

To do this, first carefully putty the seams, trying not to stain the plates much. Then, when the putty dries, joints and seams clean up with sandpaper.

After that, wallpaper is pasted, painted or any other finishing option is performed.

For wallpapering, use an adhesive that is suitable for the selected type of wallpaper and applicable to brick or concrete surfaces. For facing laying of ceramic tiles use only cement based adhesive, because it has the same thermal expansion as the DSP, so it will not crack under temperature changes.

During operation, the adhesive is dosed with a special notched trowel.

If you decide to paint the walls, then use any vapor-permeable paints and varnishes suitable for painting brick or concrete surfaces.

Related videos

Below is a video shot by one of the construction companies in Russia, about the advantages of building residential buildings from cement-bonded panels, using the example of one of these buildings. As you can see, the facade of the house from this material is ready for painting immediately after its construction:


Cement particle board is a modern finishing material, but it is most effective only when used correctly.

After reading the article, you learned:

  • What is DSP used for?
  • how this material is cut and drilled;
  • how the plates are attached to various surfaces;
  • is it possible to lay tiles on the DSP, and how to glue it;
  • is it possible to use this material in the steam room, including for installing the floor in the bath;
  • what types of finishes are applied to the walls of a frame house sheathed with DSP.

In contact with

Modern construction widely uses cement-bonded particle boards (DSP) for exterior and interior decoration. We understand what the material is and how it is used.

Modern construction is impossible without the use of modern building and finishing materials. In a huge variety of composites used for finishing, a special place belongs to cement and wood chip boards. This wood-based material outperforms other chipboard composites in many respects: OSB, chipboard and others. Let's figure out what the specifics of the DSP are and for what tasks it can be used.

What is a DSP board

By its origin, DSP belongs to composites. For its preparation, Portland cement is used, which is mixed with wood chips with special characteristics. Its shape in the form of long thin needles (with a length of 1-3 cm, the thickness of the chips is only 0.2-0.3 mm) provides excellent performance properties.

In addition to cement and wood chips, the mixture for molding DSP boards includes:

  • Liquid glass.
  • aluminum sulfate.
  • Fuel oil or technical oils in small quantities.
  • Water (about 8 parts out of 100).

Additives give the board resistance to the development of mold fungi and bacteria. In addition, they reduce the ability of cement to destroy wood, increase the plasticity of the mixture, and make it resistant to flame.

High-quality DSPs are a "sandwich" of 3 or more layers. The outer layers are made from a mixture based on small chips. They are smoother and easier to finish. The deep layers are based on coarser, larger chips, which gives them additional strength.

The slab surface can be sanded to facilitate fine finishing work. There are also varieties, on the outer layer of which a relief is applied that imitates brickwork or the texture of natural stone.

In addition to decorative properties, DSPs have a number of parameters that determine their applicability in a particular area. Let's consider them in more detail. In order to learn how to properly finish the walls with plastic panels in this article.


One of the most important features. The ability of the plate to withstand operational loads, as well as its mass, depends on the density. To characterize the density, they usually indicate how much 1 cubic meter weighs. m of material. For DSP, this parameter ranges from 1100 to 1400 kg.


The mass of a DSP is directly related to its density. It is quite large, and exceeds similar characteristics of other composites based on wood chips by 2 times or more. A plate with a length of 2.7 m and a width of 1.25 can weigh from 36.5 kg to 164 kg, depending on the thickness. Such a mass complicates the installation of plates and other operations with them (transportation, lifting to high floors, etc.). However, it should be emphasized that among all materials based on Portland cement, DSP is one of the lightest.

The weight of the cement particle board is significantly affected by its moisture content. The standard allows fluctuations in this parameter within 3% of the base (9%), so that the same plate in different conditions can weigh differently.


The plate perfectly resists compression and longitudinal deformations. Its strength characteristics make it possible to use DSP sheets for strengthening walls. However, the ability to resist bending and especially stretching of this material is much less.


DSP is a relatively new material. Therefore, the number of sizes in which it is produced is not too large. The slab width standard is 1m 25cm. The length varies from 2m 70cm to 3m 20cm. The thickness is more varied: there are 7 sizes, of which 1cm, 1.6cm and 2cm are the most widely used. thickness value reaches 3 cm 6 mm.

Where is cement particle board used?

Boards based on cement and shavings are widely used in "dry" construction. They are most widely used for the construction of buildings according to the frame scheme. This is facilitated by the ability of the plate to significantly increase the strength of the frame (with proper installation).

Another reason for the high popularity of DSPs is the high safety of the material. Neither during normal operation, nor in case of fire, the composite does not emit harmful volatile substances. It does not support combustion and does not allow the flame to spread over its surface.

The material has found wide application in low-rise (up to 3 inclusive) construction. It is great not only for the construction of cottages and private houses, but also for public buildings: offices, entertainment centers, hotels, industrial workshops. The high safety and environmental friendliness of the cement-bonded particle board makes it possible to use it in the construction of children's institutions, schools, hospitals, and sanatoriums.

Another area of ​​​​application of cement-bonded particle boards is the construction of street buildings in the backyard. Household blocks, change houses, sheds, cellars, outdoor toilets built from DSP serve for many years due to the high resistance of the material to atmospheric moisture, temperature fluctuations, the growth of bacteria and mold fungi.

The low resistance of the material to bending deformation somewhat limits its scope. DSP is either laid on the floor (on a solid foundation), or hung on a frame in a strictly vertical position. It is impossible to lay this material at an angle or use it to decorate arched structures!

In interior decoration, cement-based and wood-shaving boards have also found wide application. They make internal partitions, draft floors, window sills. Also, with the help of DSP, the surfaces of the walls and ceiling are leveled.

Mounting Features

It is allowed to fix the plate on the frame using self-tapping screws or nails. The selection of fasteners is carried out as follows:

  • For self-tapping screws take a thickness of 2.5 mm. The heavier the sheets, the thicker the screws are selected. The length is determined by the thickness of the "pie" with which the frame is sheathed. Before screwing the fasteners, drill holes for self-tapping screws with a drill.
  • For nails, the selection of length and thickness is done according to the same principle. The tree must include at least 10 nail diameters to ensure a secure fit.

The DSP plate weighs a lot, therefore, in order to securely fix it on the frame, it is extremely important not to save on fasteners. The table shows the recommended number of fasteners for different sizes, as well as the maximum allowable distance between them.

The sheet is fastened along the perimeter, with strict observance of the vertical placement of the plate and the frequency of installation of fasteners. After the sheet is fixed around the perimeter, it is also necessary to pull it along the line that runs in the middle of the height of the plate (horizontally). On this line, it is permissible to screw in self-tapping screws half as often as along the perimeter.

Laying DSP on the floor

If the slab is used to create a subfloor, the technology involves the placement of a lag system. A bar is used on the logs (its dimensions: width 5 cm, thickness - 8 cm). Logs are placed on the base, having previously laid a layer of sound and waterproofing. The step between the lags is about 0.6 m.

A layer of insulation is placed between the lags. The thickness of the layer is selected so that after laying and covering with a waterproofing membrane, the layer is a couple of centimeters deeper than the lag. Such a gap is necessary for the organization of ventilation.

A DSP board is placed on the logs (usually with a thickness of 2 cm). The plate is attached to the logs with self-tapping screws, sinking the hidden heads flush with the floor surface. The seams are carefully sealed with a sealant. A finished floor can already be laid on top of the slab.

Do-it-yourself installation of a DSP plate. Step-by-step instruction

Before starting installation, a project should be drawn up. It will allow you to understand how many sheets will need to be strengthened, where each sheet will have fasteners, into which pieces the purchased plate will have to be cut. Before work, you need to carefully consider how the plate will be held in place until it is completely fixed. Since the cement-bonded composite is very heavy, it is worth considering the possibility of using lifting mechanisms.

When working with DSP, every pair of hands is more important than ever. Therefore, it is categorically not recommended to start work alone. It is better to work with at least one assistant.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Focusing on the drafted project, we cut the slab into pieces of the desired size. The cement-bonded composite is cut with the same tools as conventional chipboard, but the files need to be harder.
  • We drill holes for self-tapping screws on each piece.
  • We attach a piece to the frame, checking the plumbness with a level.
  • We screw in the screws in the corners, then around the perimeter and in the middle.
  • We fix the pieces one by one until the sheathing is completed. Then we seal the seams with sealant or close with a special rail.

In the building, the joint width is at least 0.4 cm, outside - at least 0.8. Otherwise, the joints will begin to crack.

It remains only to paint the slab or plaster for a fine finish.

Any business is better if you use practical experience. Such a store of valuable knowledge about the features of the selection and installation of DSPs can be acquired from one's own experience, but mistakes will lead to delays in construction and financial losses. Therefore, we suggest watching some useful video clips to get acquainted with the experience of professional builders:

The use of modern finishing materials allows you to complete construction work much faster, without spreading excess dirt and getting an excellent result as a result. Just such opportunities are provided to the builder by the use of DSP.

However, before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with all the features of this material. This will help not to expect the impossible from him and to avoid annoying mistakes in installation. We hope that the tips contained in this article will help you in your work!

Cement-bonded particle boards (DSP) are classified as universal sheet building materials. The raw material for cement-bonded particle board (CSP) is Portland cement, crushed wood chips and additives that reduce the effect of substances contained in wood on the formation of cement stone.

Manufacturing technology of cement-bonded particle boards (DSP)

The production technology of CBPB can be briefly described as the formation of a three-layer "pie" from two types of cement-chip mixture: a mixture with fine-chip filler forms the outer layers, and with a coarse aggregate - the inner layer. The plywood board is then molded under high pressure hydraulic presses to achieve perfect smoothness and thickness.

The use of cement-bonded particle boards (DSP)

CSP is applied:

  • As sheathing and cladding along rails or frames, vertical - for walls, partitions, pillars, ventilation hoods, etc., both for interior decoration and for facades.
  • As an outer screen layer of a ventilated facade.
  • In the construction of floors and flat roofs.

DSP does not seriously compete with fibreboard, drywall, GVL and baked plywood, due to the variation in the characteristics of these sheet materials. All these plates are in demand depending on the working conditions and the required performance.

DSP board size

DSP size standard 2.7 * 1.25 m and 3.2 * 1.25 m with thickness gradations in mm 8; ten; 12; sixteen; 20; 24 and 36.

Main technical characteristics of cement-bonded particle boards (DSP)

We list the main characteristics of DSP boards:

  1. Specific gravity (density) - 1250-1400 kg / m3. A standard DSP sheet with dimensions of 2.7 * 1.25 m and a thickness of 16 mm weighs 72.9 kg.
  2. Ultimate strength in bending at thicknesses of 10, 12, 16 mm - 12 MPa; with a thickness of 36 mm - 9 MPa.
  3. Tensile strength along the perpendicular to the plane of the plates is not less than 0.4 MPa.
  4. Modulus of elasticity in bending - not less than 3500 MPa.
  5. Flammability classification - group G1 (classified as low combustible).
  6. Frost resistance of 50 cycles with a guarantee of a decrease in strength by no more than 10%.
  7. Thermal properties. Thermal conductivity coefficient 0.26 W/m*deg С.
  8. The value of the coefficient of linear expansion is 0.0235 mm / m * deg C.
  9. Vapor permeability coefficient 0.03 mg/m*h*Pa.
  10. Specific resistance when pulling out screws from 4 to 7 N/m.
  11. By biostability classified as class 4 products
  12. In terms of sound insulation - with a thickness of 12 mm, the value of the airborne sound insulation index is 31 dB. When laying on a reinforced concrete base made of load-bearing slabs, they reduce the penetration of impact noise with a DSP thickness of 20 mm - by 16 dB. When laying on elastic materials - by 9 dB.
  13. Linear increases in size after soaking in water for a day - 2% in thickness and 0.3% in length.
  14. The service life when used in dry rooms is at least 50 years.

Pros and cons of cement-bonded particle boards (DSP)

We list the main advantages of DSP boards:

  • Environmental friendliness. DSP does not contain any harmful and dangerous substances either in the composition or in the manufacturing technology. Phenolic-formaldehyde resins are absent in the chip filler.
  • Frost resistance is good - at least 50 cycles.
  • Fire resistance G1 is a definite plus for the facing material.
  • Moisture resistance of DSP boards that do not have a protective layer of hydrophobization - weak, protection from moisture is required - minus
  • Soundproofing and soundproofing qualities are excellent.
  • Good biostability. Fungus and mold do not form on the surface of the plates, even when used in a humid environment.
  • Excellent resistance to longitudinal deformations, it is used for cladding along guides in frame houses of any number of storeys.
  • It combines well with other materials and constructions such as wood, polymers and plastics, metals and ceramics.
  • High manufacturability, simplicity and speed of processing. Cutting, drilling is possible. Installation is simple, most hardware is suitable.
  • Almost all types of finishing on DSP are possible, it can be pasted over with any type of wallpaper, including heavy ones, plastered, tiled, painted with any compositions - water-based, acrylic, oil, alkyd, etc.
  • The smooth working surface of the DSP and perfectly even thickness allow saving on finishing. On the smooth (cemented) side of the DSP sheet, it is possible to apply a paint layer without priming, especially since the adhesion is excellent.
  • In terms of cost, DSP boards are quite competitive with other sheet facing materials, with favorable strength indicators.

The disadvantages of DSP boards include:

  • Sheets have a significant mass, up to 200 kg, depending on the thickness. When working on the upper tiers, you cannot do without lifting mechanisms, which gives a certain rise in price. Mounting heavy plates at height is also difficult.
  • The service life is not very long - in contact with the external environment no more than 15 years. Manufacturers guarantee fifty years of operation only under normal humidity conditions, which is far from always realistic.
  • Thin, from 8 to 36 mm sheets of DSP with a large area - about 4 m2 and weight cannot but have some fragility. Working with DSP is not so easy, accuracy is required. Plates may break during installation.
  • Sealing joints and seams between DSP sheets is not possible with any material. Sealants are recommended that can mask the seam, provided they are flexible in the presence of moisture. Putty compositions that have stiffness properties after setting cannot be used for sealing joints, this can lead to deformations of boards operating under atmospheric conditions and to a reduction in their service life. Rubber-based sealants are considered the best option for DSP.
  • DSPs are hygroscopic, and linear expansion during facade cladding is inevitable. The plaster of the facade on the DSP without reinforcing mesh and protection of the DSP from moisture rarely cracks after five or even less years of operation. In case of installation errors - insufficient fasteners or frame and work in humid conditions, DSP sheets can go “waves” and even come off the fasteners. Sometimes experts recommend protecting the DSP from external moisture under plaster with damper layers of polyurethane foam, with fasteners on clamping rondolas (or other types of dish-shaped fasteners). This option requires elaboration in terms of fulfilling the vapor permeability condition for external walls. The dew point in winter should not be allowed to fall on the inner plane of the DSP.

Transportation and storage of DSP

It is required to provide protection from atmospheric influences, long-term storage is possible only in horizontal laying, but DSP is transported in the “on edge” position.

Installation and surface finishing with cement-bonded particle boards (DSP)

Installation and surface finishing with DSP plates is carried out in the following order:

  • Before fixing the DSP sheet with self-tapping screws to the frame or base, it is required to drill holes for the self-tapping screws, while the DSP sheet must have a solid support along the plane (it is impossible to drill the DSP "on the fly").
  • Vertical cladding and cladding are usually made with slabs 16 mm and 20 mm thick.
  • The most economical and fastest type of finishing on DSP is painting with acrylic, latex or silicone-based compounds. Compensation gaps in the joints of sheets are obligatory.
  • DSP sheets are characterized by a very smooth surface, no porosity. Priming on the cemented sides of the sheets can be omitted, provided that the DSP is not operated in a humid environment.
  • The sealing of seams and joints of the DSP is possible with sealants that mask the seams, and wooden, plastic or metal strips are used for finishing. Such a finish is used to imitate half-timbered facades, and in particular, due to the excellent smoothness and geometry obtained when facing DSP, the appearance is simply perfect. The “picture” of the half-timbered house is quite realistic and has its own charm.

For leveling under finishing, DSP sheets are considered one of the best materials, due to good rigidity and ideal smoothness of the sheets. Finishing and leveling with DSP boards give excellent results. Finishing materials can be paint and varnish, plaster mixtures, facing tiles, wallpapers of any type, natural and artificial linoleums, laminates, cork, soft materials such as carpet and others.

The construction industry is one of the most actively developing today. Periodically, new technological solutions appear on the building materials market. One of such innovations is DSP boards, the sizes and prices of which have greatly pleased both specialists in this field and ordinary consumers. Today, together with HouseChief experts, we will try to figure out what is the uniqueness of this building material, what are its positive qualities, and whether it has disadvantages.

Read in the article

What is a CSP

The uniqueness of the sheet building material, which was briefly called CSP (cement-bonded particle board), lies in the fact that it was possible to combine seemingly incompatible components in its composition - Portland cement and crushed wood shavings. This became possible due to the introduction of special hydration additives that neutralize the harmful effects of the components included in the composition of the plates on each other. Modern manufacturers have learned how to make plates without the use of phenol and formaldehyde harmful to human health.

Technically, the process of manufacturing plates is as follows:

  1. The raw mass is formed in a special drum, where wood shavings, mineral components, Portland cement, and water are successively added.
  2. The formation of the plate occurs in layers, while finely ground chips are located outside, and larger chips are inside the product, thereby ensuring its strength. The smoothness of the front layer is achieved due to small chips.
  3. Moving along the conveyor line, the workpiece enters the hydraulic press, where it is molded under high pressure.

The ideal smooth surface allows even or even walls. If you veneer the house with panels and paint them in one of the pastel colors, you will get a classic facade, where the main role will be played by decorative strips covering the joints between the panels.

Water-repellent properties have made products based on chips and indispensable for finishing wet rooms.

Specifications, application of DSP boards

  1. The product density should be between 1100 and 1400 kg/m³ under normal humidity conditions.
  2. Water absorption should not exceed 16%.
  3. It is allowed to change linear dimensions at high humidity (6-12%) in width by no more than 2%, in length - by 0.3%.
  4. The bending strength should be: 12 MPa - for panels with a thickness of 10, 12 and 16 mm, 10 MPa - for plates with a thickness of 24 mm and 9 MPa - for plates of 36 mm.
  5. The strength of the plate under perpendicularly applied tensile loads must be at least 0.4 MPa.
  6. Soundproof properties are 45 dB.
  7. Thermal conductivity - 0.26 W / m × ° C.
  8. According to GOST 7016-82, the value of the roughness level after factory grinding should not exceed 80 microns. For untreated slabs, this figure is 320 microns.
  9. The material belongs to the group of low-combustible products (G1).
  10. For dry rooms, the service life is 50 years or more.

Related article:

In the publication, we will consider the scope of products, design, the correct purchase of nozzles for a jigsaw, device selection criteria, a market overview and additional recommendations.

Important! It is recommended to use a carbide-coated concrete and stone cutting blade designed for this type of work. To prevent the tool from failing quickly, the rotation speed should be at least 200 rpm.

Finishing the facade of the DSP

Houses, the facades of which are lined with CSP, acquire an aesthetic appearance. The front layer of such products can have different designs. They imitate other finishing materials (stone, brickwork, milled decorative slabs for stone and brick

This video will tell about decorative materials based on DSP for facade decoration:

The use of DSP for the floor

When laying DSP on the floor along the logs, it is recommended to choose a thickness of products from 24 mm in order to ensure sufficient strength of the floor covering.

Mounting on logs Preparatory work before laying the DSP on the floor

Fixation of the plates is carried out using self-tapping screws, while the screw with a countersunk head must be immersed in the body of the wooden beam by 20 mm. The result is a perfectly flat subfloor with excellent performance.

csp plate

frame construction

DSPs have proven themselves in the construction of frame-type houses. There are two options - the purchase of a ready-made house kit based on DSP or the independent construction of walls, between which there is a mineral insulation. The slabs are fixed on a wooden or metal crate, while the frame is sewn around the perimeter, and then the House is cut out using frame technology using DSP


Cement particle boards (abbreviation DSP) are called a whole class of building materials used for various purposes.

They are made from wood shavings, high-quality cement and various additives that give cement-bonded particle boards the necessary characteristics.

  • what is DSP and how they are used in construction;
  • how they differ from other materials containing chips and cement;
  • what documents regulate the properties of cement particle boards;
  • what characteristics does the DSP have, and what types of this material are;
  • how DSPs are used and whether they are harmful to health;
  • how to determine a quality plate.

You will also find out what advantages and disadvantages cement-bonded particle boards have in comparison with other types of finishing materials and what builders and owners / residents of houses and apartments say about them.

Despite the fact that the term cement-bonded particle board (the material is shown in the photo) can be applied to many types of building materials, in world practice this name has been fixed only for panels and blocks, meeting the requirements of GOST 26816-86 which you can find.

Therefore, in the name of a building material manufactured according to this standard, the GOST number is always indicated. This applies both to Russian products and to plates officially supplied to Russia from abroad.

Nevertheless, conventionally, products of approximately comparable size can be attributed to DSP from:

  • chip concrete (Chip concrete);
  • fiber-reinforced concrete (Fibrolite).

Technical and other characteristics of the DSP

The main technical and other characteristics that distinguish cement and chip sheets from others include:

  • dimensions (length, width, thickness);
  • composition (percentage of components);
  • strength;
  • vapor permeability and water resistance;
  • density and weight;
  • thermal conductivity;
  • surface smoothness;
  • price;
  • processing and installation methods.

Standard sheet sizes

Standard sheet sizes are prescribed in GOST 26816-86 and are:

  • length 320 and 360 cm;
  • width 120 and 125 cm;
  • thickness 8–40 mm in 2 mm increments.

The remaining dimensions do not comply with GOST, but due to the high popularity, many enterprises producing cement-bonded particle boards do not neglect them either.

However, even if the manufacturing technology is observed and the characteristics are in full compliance, these plates cannot be called manufactured according to the state standard due to the difference in size.

Tolerances these dimensions depend on the brand and constitute for:

  1. TsSP-1 in length and width ± 3 mm, in thickness ± 0.6–1.4 (depending on size).
  2. TsSP-2 in length and width ± 5 mm, in thickness ± 0.8–1.6 mm (depending on size).


The composition of the mortar from which blocks of wood chips and cement are made is not prescribed in GOST, but most manufacturers adhere to the following proportions:

  • cement M500 - 65%;
  • wood chips (Types of chips) of various sizes and shapes - 25–28%;
  • additives (lime, aluminum sulfate, liquid glass, etc.) 2–5%.

This composition provides a balance between strength, including stiffness, and thermal insulation properties.

If it is necessary to increase the strength of the product, then more cement is used, and to reduce thermal conductivity, the percentage of wood waste is increased or the most effective form of chips is selected.

By changing the composition and quantity of additives, regulate the ability to absorb water and resistance to frost. After all, the more water is absorbed into the wood inside the slab, the more the cement stone will be damaged. Initially due to swelling, then due to the transformation of the liquid into ice, in which the volume of water increases by 11%.

Elasticity and bending strength most of all depend on the length and shape of the chips, as well as compliance with the technology of processing wood waste before introducing them into the solution.

Technology Disruption processing will not only reduce the strength of the concrete stone due to the sugars contained in the wood, but also increase absorbency shavings.

The use of the wrong reagents, or a strong increase in their amount, can lead to a decrease in the vapor permeability of the DSP, making the boards unsuitable for use in breathing houses.


The tensile strength of cement particle board is low, so it cannot be used as a material that can withstand a nail or self-tapping screw with any load. However, according to this parameter, the DSP outnumbers most finishing materials, yielding only to glass-magnesite sheet (GML), so it can withstand a hanging picture, clock or even a shelf with light dishes.

In terms of bending strength, DSP also surpasses most finishing materials, second only to LSU.

All types of strength depend on:

  • chip length and shape;
  • proper processing of wood waste;
  • cement quality;
  • plate drying method.

Therefore, the material manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST has a higher strength.

Vapor permeability and water resistance

One of the important properties is water resistance, which describes the ability of the material to retain its original moisture content even after immersion in water for a day.

According to this parameter, CSP is comparable to other wood-containing materials and surpasses LSU. Therefore, under normal conditions, when the material is installed vertically and it rains obliquely, water absorption is small, and it will take 10-100 hours to evaporate, depending on the duration of precipitation. In this regard, this material is quite moisture resistant.

Even if frost strikes immediately after a heavy and long rain, the depth of the layer damaged as a result of freezing water will not exceed a few hundredths of a millimeter.

In terms of vapor permeability, DSP is comparable to clay bricks and slightly inferior to wood. The reasons are in the porous structure of cement stone, as well as wood shavings. So, the vapor permeability of the chips along the fibers is 0.3 mg / (m h Pa), and the same concrete parameter is 0.03 mg / (m h Pa).

Due to the fact that part of the steam moves through the wood, the total vapor permeability coefficient is 0.08–0.1 mg/(m h Pa). At the same time, the vapor permeability of wood across the fibers is 0.06–0.08 mg/(m h Pa). Therefore, by sheathing a wooden house from the inside or outside of the DSP, you will not impair its vapor permeability and do not deprive home of the main advantage - dry microclimate inside the rooms.

Other materials based on cement and wood waste have a similar vapor permeability value. After all, the process of movement of water vapor through the cement stone and wood fibers is the same, regardless of the name, purpose and thickness of the material.

Density and weight

Due to the high content of cement, the density of CSP is 1100–1400 kg/m 3 , which is comparable to:

  • solid wood plywood;
  • plasterboard sheets (GKL) that meet the requirements of GOST;
  • fiber cement boards.

Therefore, the weight of a plate with a thickness of 8 mm is 38–45 kg, the weight of a DSP sheet of 10 mm, 12 mm or 20 mm, respectively, is greater, and the weight of a plate with a thickness of 40 mm can exceed 200 kg.

This makes it difficult to use DSP on the upper floors if it is not possible to deliver it to the top by a crane or an electric hoist. In addition, thick sheets hard to mount on the ceiling, because this will require a team of several people and a powerful overlap.

A large mass also limits the use of this material for warming wooden floors, because very powerful ceilings are needed.

Thermal conductivity

This parameter describes the ability of the material transfer heat energy through itself, so the smaller it is, the lower the heat loss will be. The thermal conductivity of cement-bonded particle boards TsSP-1 and TsSP-2 GOST 26816-86 is 0.26 W / (m ° C). This is comparable to materials such as:

  • tuff with a density of 1200 kg / m 3 - 0.27 W / (m ° C);
  • expanded clay concrete with a density of 1000 kg / m 3 - 0.27 W / (m ° C);
  • foam concrete and aerated concrete with a density of 800 kg / m 3 - 0.21 W / (m ° C).

For comparison, we present the thermal conductivity of various structural and insulating materials.

Surface smoothness

Plates TsSP-1 and TsSP-2 come in several types - with a polished or unpolished surface. Difference between these types of products in acceptable roughness.

Unpolished have a smooth, but less smooth surface. The allowable roughness size for them is 0.3 mm.

For ground slabs TsSP-1, the allowable roughness size is 0.08 mm, for TsSP-2 the maximum roughness size is 0.1 mm.

To the touch, the polished TsSP-1 board resembles high-quality polished plywood, and TsSP-2 looks like high-quality GKL. Unsanded materials resemble ordinary plywood or chipboard (chipboard).

What is the price?

The price of cement particle boards depends on:

  • compliance with GOST;
  • plate type (TsSP-1 or TsSP-2);
  • processing quality (polished or unpolished);
  • sheet size and weight.

Material corresponding to GOST 26816-86 always costs more than what is made without regard to this document. To some extent indication GOST 26816-86 in the name of the building material is synonymous with quality, regardless of the place of manufacture of the plate. We have prepared a table that includes the most popular DSP manufacturers and their official dealers, as well as the price per sheet of their products:

Name of manufacturer or seller Board dimensions (length, width, thickness in mm) Cost in rubles Cities where production and main representative offices are located
IP Bogdan Vladimir Ivanovich, official dealer of CJSC "Tomak" in the Krasnodar Territory3200x1250x10880 Tambov production. Representative offices Moscow, Krasnodar
CSP-Svir LLC3200x1200x8715 Production Lodeynoye Pole (Leningrad region). Representative offices Moscow, St. Petersburg
Driving force company3200x1250x10817 Production Moscow. Representation Moscow
Company "Virmak"3200x1250x101080 Production Krasnodar. Representative offices Moscow, Sevastopol

As can be seen from the table, the cost of wood-cement boards or panels depends on their dimensions, sheet thickness and, accordingly, its weight, which we talked about earlier: for each thickness indicator - be it 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, 24mm or any other will have its own price per sheet or per m2 of material.

In addition, an unpolished slab with a thickness of 10 mm or 12 mm will cost less than a polished one of similar dimensions.

Processing and installation methods

When installing a DSP, like any other finishing material, it often becomes necessary to give it some specific shape.

Unlike plywood, OSB and other similar materials, DSP cannot be cut with an electric jigsaw.

Cement stone quickly erases the teeth of the blade until they completely lose their cutting ability. Therefore, to cut this material it is desirable to use:

  • angle grinder (UShM, Bulgarian) with a disc for stone;
  • circular saw with a diamond blade.

DSP can also mill using a hand mill or copy milling machine, as well as a carbide tip. For drilling, you can use a drill with both conventional metal drills and those with a tip made of tungsten carbide.

To attach a cement-bonded particle board to any base, nails and hardened metal screws are used. A full-length hole is drilled under the nails;

Fire safety and flammability class

In this parameter, DSPs are superior not only to polymeric insulation and PVC, but even to wood concrete. TsSP is assigned a flammability class - G1, that is, they are slow-burning. Due to the large proportion of cement, each of the chips is surrounded by a cement stone, so to start the pyrolysis process in wood close to the surface exposure to a temperature of 500 or more degrees for half an hour is necessary.

As soon as the thermal effect is eliminated, the pyrolysis process is quickly completed, because close contact of many chips is necessary for the start of a self-sustaining reaction.

If the temperature exceeds 700 degrees, and this effect lasts more than an hour, then the pyrolysis of the chips begins throughout the entire depth of the plate.

At this temperature, any building materials sharply lose strength, and concrete is completely destroyed. Therefore, after a fire of such magnitude, the house cannot be repaired, except that the fire was local in nature and burned out only a small area of ​​​​the house.

Even the start of the pyrolysis process does not lead to the release of particularly toxic substances, because the main components of pyrolysis gas (smoke) are:

  • nitrogen;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • carbon monoxide.

Only carbon monoxide is a serious danger, but, firstly, very little of it is released during pyrolysis, and secondly, during a fire, combustion occurs in conditions of lack of oxygen, so carbon monoxide is released everywhere in huge quantities.

Therefore, the DSP one of the safest in the fire plan of materials and is comparable to GKL and fiberboards. It is much safer than finishing from:

  • plywood;
  • boards;
  • wood concrete;
  • insulating fiberboards;
  • foams and plastics.

Ease of installation

Due to the high cement content of CSP much harder than most

Resistant to mold and disease

Due to the fact that the wood in the DSP does not have direct contact with air, it is less susceptible to mold and disease.

In addition, for products manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST, the chips are pre-soaked in a solution of lime or other reagents, increasing biological stability wood.