Alternative heating country house options. Do-it-yourself alternative heating of a private house. When biofuels come to the rescue

The quality of the heating system has a direct impact on the comfort and coziness in the house. Its arrangement must be taken carefully, since you have to stay indoors for a long time, especially in winter. In the conditions of modern life, more and more owners of their own residential real estate are choosing alternative methods of heating a private house. Next, let's see what they are. The article will also talk about what alternative sources of heating a private house are.

General information

Alternative heating should be understood as a system, the operation of which is carried out with a heat generator on a renewable energy source. Options are very different. Alternative heating sources for a private house can be mechanisms that use biofuels, wind, solar or water energy, and so on. The schemes include boilers and heat pumps. The system may include solar panels. They accumulate incoming heat and convert it into electrical energy.

Biofuel use

Such alternative heating of a private house is becoming more and more popular every day. Biofuel should be understood as a mass that includes various organic wastes, plants, manure, and effluents. During the decomposition process, in which bacteria take part, biogas is produced. Chips from wood pellets, logs, pressed waste can act as fuel. These materials are used, as a rule, in low-rise buildings. In larger facilities, the supply of biofuel is carried out using an automated system. Alternative heating of a private low-rise house is carried out manually. Heating boilers operating on pallets are presented in several versions. However, in all cases, fuel is supplied automatically. Thanks to this person, there is no need to constantly be at the boiler. The units have a built-in automatic control system that maintains the temperature at a certain level.

Alternative types of heating a private house: pumps

To implement this option, it is necessary to have a well from which groundwater will be taken and the waste material will be drained back into the soil. You can create an alternative type "water-water". However, the user for a small residential structure will have to dig 2-3 wells for water intake and 1-2 for draining. It is necessary to drill to a depth of at least 50 meters. For the construction of such wells, permission must also be obtained from state control services. In the scheme of such heating, heat pumps are used. To connect the alternative heating of a private house with your own hands according to the "brine-water" type, you need to dig a 200-meter well. In it, pipes with a solution should be laid in a U-shape. To reduce the difference in heat generated in different months, a heat exchanger is installed, which is located at a depth of at least five meters. Alternative heating of a private house using pumps is considered the most economical in comparison with other schemes. Such equipment is safe for both humans and the environment. This alternative heating of a private house is considered the most promising today. The installation instructions are quite simple. You can cope with the installation of the pump and laying pipes yourself.

Solar storage collectors

Such alternative heating of a private house will be directly dependent on the intensity of the rays, which is different at different times of the year. In cloudy weather and at night, the radiation energy is not enough for the normal and stable operation of the collectors. Often solar panels are used as water heating elements. It can be used for household or business needs. Heated water can participate in heat exchange in monovalent storage tanks. Solar panels can additionally be used to generate energy in biovalent units.

Collector classification

They are of two types:

  • with vacuum tube.
  • Flat.

When using equipment in the summer, the performance coefficient of both types will be the same. In winter, it is better to give preference. This equipment is able to work at -35 degrees. Flat-plate collectors can heat the air up to 60 degrees. Vacuum units are designed to increase the temperature up to 90 degrees. For other parameters, there are no differences between the devices. Vacuum is great for use in a country house as in addition, they can be used to heat water.

Wind energy

Industrial products are sold today quite freely and cost quite reasonable money. This can be used in regions where constant moderate winds prevail. First of all, it is the coast and steppes. Installing a wind turbine is no big deal. Its main structural elements are blades, motor and mast. The wind generator has a slightly reduced efficiency in comparison with the collector system. This is due to the fact that the elements of the latter can be used immediately to produce heat or heat water. And in a wind generator, you must first convert mechanical energy into electricity. Only then will the air in the room be heated.

Alternative heating of a private house with hydrogen

This fuel is used in specialized boilers. These units are capable of generating an unlimited amount of energy. At the same time, hydrogen boilers are considered completely safe, since such heating is considered flameless, and combustion products are not emitted during heating.

Process progress

The work is based on a catalytic reaction. It flows between hydrogen and oxygen. As a result, water molecules are released. During the reaction, a sufficiently large amount of heat is produced. Hydrogen boilers can simultaneously work effectively with a floor heating system.

Equipment characteristic

Hydrogen boilers are produced in different capacities in accordance with the area of ​​​​the room that is supposed to be heated. The efficiency of the units is quite high. It is about 96%. The number of channels used to connect hydrogen heating depends on the tasks. You can create a maximum of six of them. Everything will depend on how much heat the boiler will need to produce. We can say that the units, in essence, are considered boiler modular installations. Therefore, the available power channels can perform their tasks perfectly without being dependent on each other. In each of them there is a "catalyst". It has a significant effect on the formation of H 2 O molecules, accompanied by the formation of heat fluxes. They fill the combustion chamber (heat exchanger). Artificial heating is carried out up to 40 degrees. This indicator is considered acceptable for maintaining a constant optimum temperature for both the ceiling and the floor.

Industry Development

It should be said that heating with hydrogen today is just beginning to gain momentum. As one of the undoubted advantages of the system, it should be noted that the boilers can operate as auxiliary equipment at low temperatures. Hydrogen can be considered a revolutionary type of fuel. The use of modern technologies allows you to easily adapt it to heating systems.

Eco Homestead: Not every home located in a suburban area or in a rural area can be connected to a gas supply system or to establish heating using a power supply.

Not every home located in a suburban area or in a rural area can be connected to a gas supply system or heat from a power source. There may be many reasons for this, among which one of the main ones is the ever-increasing costs of connecting, equipping and maintaining a heating system using natural gas. In such situations, the most rational way out is alternative heat sources for the home, which can be selected based on the specific conditions and location of the object.

Numerous heating technologies using various types of energy are offered as alternative heat sources, including those that nature itself gives people - energy, wind, earth, solar electricity, biofuels, as well as the energy of combustion of solid and liquid fuels that has become familiar.

When choosing alternative heating systems for a private house, one should take into account the specifics of local conditions, starting from the criteria for calculations:

Consider alternative methods of space heating and heating systems for private houses, used as an alternative to gas.


Biofuel boilers are common alternative energy sources for a private house, which are distinguished by high quality workmanship. Biofuel in the form of briquettes and pellets from raw materials of plant origin (sawdust, shavings, lumber waste, sunflower husks) is an alternative heating that can serve as an ideal replacement for gas heating in a private house due to its high heat transfer, which can reach 6-8 thousand kcal / kg . A biofuel boiler is a universal heating device with high efficiency, equipped with an automatic control system, and can be successfully used for heating other types of solid fuels, including coal, firewood, coal briquettes.

Biofuel boilers, as alternative sources of heating for a private house, can be used not only for heating (single-circuit boilers), but also to provide hot water supply to premises - for this you can purchase a double-circuit boiler or add a second circuit with a boiler of the appropriate type (flow-through or storage) to an existing device ). A simple arrangement of biofuel boilers makes it possible to equip alternative heating at home with your own hands, thus saving part of the family budget.


Considering alternative types of heating a private house, you should definitely stop at heat pumps that use the energy of natural heat sources, including ground and surface water, soil, and air. Depending on which alternative heat sources are used, heat pumps differ:

Structurally, the heat pump consists of the following components:

Freon, getting into the evaporator through the capillary hole, evaporates as a result of a sharp drop in pressure. The walls of the evaporator, heated by geothermal water, give off heat to the refrigerant. The compressor, sucking in and compressing the refrigerant, contributes to its heating to a temperature of up to 85-125 ° C, after which it pushes it into the condenser, giving off heat through the condenser to the heating circuit. The cooled refrigerant turns back into a liquid. The process is repeated until the room warms up to the set temperature. Having received a signal, the thermostat stops the operation of the heat pump and turns it on again when the temperature in the house drops to the appropriate mark.

If you managed to provide electricity in a private house with your own hands (or with the involvement of a master), installing a heat pump will help reduce heating costs compared to gas heating.

The advantages of heat pumps include:

Scheme of water heating using a heat pump


Modern heating of a private house can be provided by numerous alternative heating methods, among which the solar collector is one of the most effective. Unlike solar panels, where solar electricity is generated, solar collectors allow you to concentrate the thermal energy of the Sun and direct it to heat the coolant (water, oil, air, antifreeze, etc.). The coolant circulating in the collector is heated, after which the accumulated heat is transferred to the storage tank for subsequent consumption in the heating and hot water supply system.


Heat sources - infrared emitters, referred to as eco heaters, are another option for heating rooms in a private house, office or workplace. The principle of operation of an infrared emitter is based on the transfer of thermal energy in the form of infrared radiation to objects that, when heated, give off directed heat to the air of the room, to the surrounding space in open areas, etc.

The most effective IR emitters, as alternative heating systems, are able to heat specific objects or parts of the premises. Thus, with an IR emitter it is possible to heat people working in the open air or in a specific part of the room. The use of infrared heaters creates savings on heating, allowing you to heat only the useful part of the space. According to the method of installation and fastening, heaters are wall, ceiling, floor, with a directional effect of infrared radiation.


Hydrogen boilers as effective alternative heating systems have appeared relatively recently. The hydrogen boiler, as a heat source, uses the thermal energy generated during the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, as a result of which H2O molecules are formed with the simultaneous release of a significant amount of heat (up to 40 ° C). The resulting heat is transferred to space heating.


Electric boilers as an alternative heating for a private house are the easiest way to find inexpensive ways to heat rooms. It is not difficult to choose an electric boiler, just look into the relevant catalogs, with the help of specialists, calculate the required power of the equipment corresponding to the volume of the premises.

Important: before installing an electric boiler, check the insulation resistance of the electrical wiring and its compliance with the power of the new equipment. To avoid power surges, you need a voltage stabilizer.

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To install electric boilers, a separate room is not required - even the most powerful of them are small in size. There is no need for powerful hoods and chimneys - this alternative home heating is fully compliant with environmental requirements. Alternative heating is a modern approach to energy. published

Alternative home heating includes all possible options that were not used 20-30 years ago. These include geothermal heat sources, biofuels, film underfloor heating, infrared heaters. In our article we will consider the minimum cost sources of heating. We will describe some sources of heating for which you do not need to pay money to utilities. Sometimes some part of thermal energy is taken from auxiliary sources.

The reason for using alternative heating is clear - it is savings. Today, energy and electricity prices are skyrocketing. Gas, solid fuel, solarium become more expensive. In the modern world, alternative heating is simply necessary, since minerals are not unlimited, and it is simply not reasonable to burn tons of wood to heat a small room.

solar systems

This device is designed to transform solar radiation energy into other forms of energy. For example, for heating and cooling water and air. To heat the coolant, a circulation pump is used, which directs heat to radiators or convectors.

Solar options

Wind energy

Humanity has been using wind energy for many years. and now in many countries they serve man. But now wind energy is mainly used to generate electricity. This type of energy is clean and environmentally friendly.

Wind, hitting the turbine blades rotates it and generates energy. The energy efficiency (COP) does not exceed 59%. Back in 1920, the scientist Betz received this value. Since that time, this value has been called the "Betz limit". Thus, if you know the conversion efficiency, you can determine the required power of the power plant.

Distinctive features of wind generators

The settings differ depending on technical characteristics of the wind turbine:

  • number of blades;
  • location of the axis of rotation;
  • screw pitch;
  • element material.

Wind generators come with vertical and horizontal axis of rotation.

A horizontal axis propeller design can be single or multiple bladed. Such wind turbines are the most common, as they have the most high efficiency.

Designs with a vertical axis are divided into orthogonal and carousel (Dariaer and Savonius rotor).

  • Rotor Daria- orthogonal design, in which the aerodynamic blades are arranged symmetrically to each other and they are mounted on radial beams. This version of the wind turbine is quite difficult due to the aerodynamic design of the blades.
  • - carousel-type wind turbine designs with two blades that form the shape of a sinusoid. For such structures, the efficiency not high(no more than 15%). But if the blades in the direction of the wave are placed not horizontally, but in a vertical position and the structure is made multi-tiered with an angular displacement of pairs of blades relative to each other, then the efficiency can be almost doubled.

Advantages and disadvantages of wind farms

The main advantage of "windmills" is that a person gets the opportunity to reproduce practically free electricity, not counting the small construction costs.

In order for a wind turbine to operate efficiently, constant wind currents, and it depends only on nature. The technical disadvantage is the low quality of electricity, so the system must be supplemented with auxiliary modules (chargers, batteries, stabilizers, etc.).

Horizontal-axis installations have enough high efficiency, but for stable operation, a wind flow direction controller and devices that protect against hurricane winds are needed.

Vertical-axis installations have a small efficiency, but they are sufficient compact and stable during strong winds. They work without a mechanism that allows you to follow the direction of the wind and are almost silent.

Heat pumps

Heat pumps provide home heating, hot water supply, air conditioning. This system works thanks to borrowing energy from the environment. You can accumulate heat from the ground, air and water free of charge. Working from the mains, heat pumps distribute the energy expended significantly more productively than electric, solid fuel or gas boilers. With a consumption of 1 kW of electricity, we get 4 kW of heat. So, we get 3 kW of heat for free from the environment. Such systems cost more than gas, solid fuel or electric boilers, but at the expense of free natural energy a thermal boiler pays for itself in a couple of years. The energy performance of heat pumps directly depends on the temperature of the low-grade heat source. Thus, the higher it is, the greater the savings.

Another type of heating that allows you to seriously save is air:

Fundamentals of heat pump operation

  1. The coolant moves through the pipeline, which is laid, for example, into the ground, warms up 3-4 degrees. Then it passes through the heat pump and heat exchanger and transfers the heat that accumulates in the environment to the internal circuit.
  2. The internal circuit is filled with refrigerant. This substance has a fairly low boiling point. The refrigerant passes through the evaporator and passes from liquid to gaseous state. This occurs under conditions of low pressure and temperature.
  3. In the compressor takes place refrigerant gas compression and temperature rise
  4. The hot gas then enters the condenser, where heat exchange takes place between the gas and the coolant. The refrigerant transfers its own heat to the heating system, cools down, and again becomes a liquid. After that, in heating appliances heated liquid enters.
  5. When the refrigerant passes through the pressure reducing valve - the pressure decreases. Further, the refrigerant passes into the evaporator, and the cycle is repeated.

Types of heat pumps

All heat pumps work on the same principle as any refrigerator, but there are differences in their implementation. According to the type of heat carrier used, heat pumps differ as follows:

The following material will help to make a heat pump at home:

Taking into account all the features of each type of alternative heating, we can come to the conclusion that with the right calculations and skillful installation, you can get an excellent heating option practically from the air, without spending natural resources.

Hello dear blog readers.

I plan to go to the dacha for two days on New Year's holidays, take a break with my family from festive meetings and breathe in the aroma of fresh pine air. But at the same time, I understand that the trip turns out to be quite extreme, because the country house is not equipped with a heating system. In general, the village itself is not supplied with gas, and for a long time now I have been considering alternative sources of heat for a private house. They turned out to be quite varied.

I share with you the collected information. Also, this article may be useful for all those living in temporary suburban facilities in cold weather.
Heating of a private house is often autonomous, does not depend on central heating. Therefore, there is where the owner's imagination can unfold, not depend on one source of heat and save on it, using gas or electricity in smaller quantities. So what are these methods?

So that your head does not go round, like mine, when I began to think about solving this issue, I propose a brief classification of heating systems without gas.

Let's break them down like this:

  1. Those with which you can completely replace gas equipment and fully heat your home. These are heat pumps, solid fuel boilers.
  2. Which serve as an additional source of heat to the main system: solar collectors, fireplaces.

Heat pumps - heating option without gas

Completely replace the gas boiler. They take energy from natural sources: soil-type pumps - from the deep layers of the earth, air - air from the atmosphere.

They convert it into heat to heat the house. At low temperatures, the efficiency of the air pump decreases, so it is more advisable to use it in the autumn-spring period. And the soil is beneficial to use throughout the heating season.
They depend on electricity, but the consumption is not comparable with the costs of heating a home with convectors or air conditioners.

Solid fuel equipment is a great alternative

The most common method in order to save and secure.

For the operation of solid fuel boilers, various raw materials can be used:

  • - pellets;
  • - coal;
  • — petroleum products;
  • - wood waste.

On the one hand, the disadvantage is that it is necessary to harvest combustible raw materials, but installing the system is much cheaper than a heat pump.

Solar system - solar heating

The source of heat for space heating is solar energy. After all, everyone has the sun. You can't argue with that, right?
Solar collectors are installed on the roof of the house, they serve to accumulate solar energy, turn it into heat. Not to be confused with solar panels, they are designed to generate electricity.
It is impossible to completely replace the traditional heating system with them in winter. After all, a sunny day is small, the power of the installation is not enough for bitter frosts.
Also a great option for getting warm water in summer and off-season.

Fireplace for heating the whole house

Alternative heating in addition to the main heating. It is better to use in early spring, late autumn, when it is still not very cold. Since firewood has to be laid quite often.
In order for the fireplace to heat not only one room, but the whole house, a water tank is equipped inside it. It is connected to the general system. Then, when using the fireplace, heated water enters the radiators.

The nuances of heating for a country house

All the options considered relate to water heating. This is not a problem if you live in the house permanently. If this is a cottage where you do not come every day, then the system will freeze in severe frosts. Therefore, in such cases, instead of water, a special non-freezing agent is poured. antifreeze. Then, initially, it is necessary to calculate the entire system, taking into account the use of this particular coolant.

There is also a newfangled modern way out of the situation - installation remote control heating using telephone SMS messages or the Internet. Then you can remotely control the temperature so that the system does not freeze in your absence. The option is good, but you can’t throw firewood over the Internet, so an electric boiler is required. And, frankly, it's not cheap.

To whom all this seems complicated, he preserves a country house for the winter and does without heating, rests in another place and reads new information for the new season about). But home is better, more comfortable.

I also want to draw your attention to the "grandmother's method". If the cottage is a small area, and you come there for a few days, then there is another option - stove heating. I made a small supply of firewood and you're done. Arrived, melted - warm, did not arrive - no problems. After all, you can build a modern, colorful oven. Have a pleasant, cozy, beautiful picture in your imagination? That's the same.

The choice is yours. It all depends on the budget and personal preferences of each person. And I chose solid fuel equipment and in the next article I will dwell on its description in more detail. Well, what method do you use, dear readers? Write your comments and subscribe to news. See you!

Alternative heating is the heating of a house with the help of so-called alternative energy sources, which primarily include the internal energy of the planet Earth. At a certain depth, depending on the geographical location of the area, its temperature is almost constant and positive at any time of the year.

A simple example: in central Russia, at a distance of 170 cm from the earth's surface, the temperature is 8-10 degrees Celsius. Ground waters have the same temperature, and rivers and lakes, even in winter, under the thickness of ice, have a temperature of 3-4 C.

In areas located in the north, "warm" soil can lie deeper, and in the southern regions, on the contrary, closer to the surface of the earth. This means that even in severe frosts, the bowels of the Earth have a supply of thermal energy sufficient to heat a home. The only problem is how to properly use it for alternative home heating.

To do this, it is necessary to solve a difficult problem: to transfer heat from a less heated body to a more heated body: a heat carrier used in heating systems (recall that the temperature of the earth's interior at an acceptable depth is 8-10 C).

A simple solution to the complex problem of heating in a private house

It was possible to do this only in the middle of the last century, after the invention and wide distribution of household refrigerators, the device of which prompted the Swiss “Kulibin” Robert Weber to the idea of ​​directing the thermal energy released by the freezer for household needs and using it to heat hot water.

This is how the modern heat pump was invented, which is nothing more than a "reverse refrigerator", figuratively speaking, "taking cold from a heated room and transferring it to the mass of the Earth."

Of course, it is more correct, from the point of view of professionals, to talk about using the thermal energy reserve of a less heated body and transferring it to a hotter body.

In a primitive form, this process can be described using simple formula:

  • Q=CM(T2-T1), where
  • Q-received heat
  • C-heat capacity
  • M- mass
  • T1 T2 temperature difference by which the body was cooled

This means that the amount of thermal energy transferred during the cooling of one or another body does not matter, whether we are talking about a heated Russian stove weighing several tons or a heating radiator weighing a couple of tens of kilograms, is directly proportional to the heat capacity of the material from which it is made, its mass and temperature difference by which cooling takes place.

It is easy to guess that when one kilogram of a substance is cooled by 50 degrees, the same amount of thermal energy will be released as when 50 kg of the same substance is cooled by 1 degree.

In other words, by lowering the temperature of the soil weighing several hundred tons by just a fraction of a degree, you can get the amount of heat that is quite sufficient to heat a private house. At the same time, it is possible to cool not only the soil, but also water in reservoirs, as well as air, the mass of which also has a huge supply of thermal energy.

Heat pump as a source of alternative heating

For alternative heating of a private house, it is enough to buy and install a heat pump, a device specially designed for using low-temperature energy for heating and hot water supply and operating on the principle of a modern air conditioner or refrigerator. By the way, outwardly, the heat pump resembles an ordinary household refrigerator, and in terms of dimensions it differs little from it.

In order to understand exactly how a heat pump works, it is enough to recall the device and principle of operation of a refrigerator, in which heat is “taken away” from products and “thrown out” into the environment. That is why it is recommended, when installing refrigeration equipment, to create free space around it, which ensures timely heat removal.

If the refrigerator takes heat from food and generates cold, then the heat pump takes it from the mass of land, water or air and directs the resulting heat energy to heat the house. In it, as well as in the refrigerator, there is an evaporator, a throttle, a compressor and a condenser. The main difference in the operation of these devices is created by the settings.

The principle of operation of a heat pump is described using the Carnot cycle. It can be considered on the example of a house heating system using a heat pump pumping low-temperature energy from the mass of the earth.

How a heat pump works

The refrigerant circulating in a closed circuit enters the evaporator, where it expands, accompanied by an increase in volume and a decrease in pressure. It also evaporates the refrigerant and lowers its temperature. During this process, the refrigerant actively takes heat energy from the walls of the evaporator connected to the heat exchanger, through which the coolant moves, called the “brine” in the heat pump system. At this time, the thermal energy of the mass of the earth enters the heat pump system.

Then the refrigerant enters the compressor, where it is compressed, and then pushed into the condenser, during which the temperature of the refrigerant rises to 80-120 C.

In this case, heat is transferred to the coolant circulating through the heat exchanger connected to the condenser. The cooled refrigerant enters the evaporator and the process is repeated. The heat pump works from the electrical network, but the consumption of electricity and the cost of it are negligible compared to the effect obtained, which is especially important for alternative heating of a private house.

During the operation of the heat pump, the coolant can be heated to temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius, which is quite enough for heating and hot water supply and allows you to create certain reserves of heat, heating, for example, a heat accumulator.
To ensure comfortable conditions and reduce electricity consumption, heat pumps are equipped with thermostats, which maintain the required heating temperature of the coolant.

Types of heat pumps

Heat pumps are classified according to the type of thermal energy used for their operation. In this regard, there are:

  • Geothermal pumps, vertical and horizontal, using the heat of groundwater. In this case, heat transfer occurs according to the "water-water" scheme.
  • Aquatic that use the heat of lakes, rivers and seas. At the same time, heat transfer also occurs according to the “water-water” scheme.
  • Air using heat from air masses. Heat transfer is carried out according to the "air-to-water" scheme
  • Ground that use the thermal energy of the soil. Heat transfer is carried out according to the "soil-water" scheme

Advantages and disadvantages of heat pumps

Alternative heating based on a heat pump has a number of advantages:

  • It is safe for the environment and humans. With it, you can be sure that the house is not threatened by a fire from faulty equipment, flue gases will not enter the room, and the environment will not suffer from carbon dioxide.
  • The heat pump allows you to get cheap heat energy
  • It can change operating modes and be used for air conditioning in summer
  • It is reliable and durable

It is no coincidence that in developed countries, such as Japan, it is the use of heat pumps that is considered the most promising direction in alternative home heating.