Sherbet drink recipes of Turkish cuisine. We reveal the secret of how to make sherbet at home. What is sherbet made from?

Real Turkish baklava is true nectar and ambrosia. It harmoniously combines nuts, spices and crispy dough. Baklava is soaked in a thick, fragrant syrup and turns into a delicious oriental delicacy.


100 g hazelnuts
100 g walnut
100 g almonds
100 g pumpkin seeds (optional)
300 g sugar
1 pinch ground cloves
3 pinches ground cinnamon
100 g butter
500 g unleavened puff pastry (ideally use phyllo dough) Glaze:
1 teaspoon saffron (can be replaced with turmeric)
2 teaspoons of sugar
2 teaspoons of water


50 g sugar
75 ml water
15 g honey
7 ml lemon juice
7 ml rose water (optional)
any nuts - for decoration

How to cook:

    For baklava, pass nuts and pumpkin seeds twice through a meat grinder or smash with a blender, mix with sugar, cinnamon and cloves.

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    Melt 100 g butter.

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    Lubricate the form with 1 teaspoon of melted butter.

    Roll out the puff pastry to the thickness of a paper sheet (do not roll out filo pastry) and cut into layers equal to the size of the baking dish.

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    Lay out the first layer of dough in a mold.

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    Lubricate the dough with melted butter (1 teaspoon is enough).

    Spread nuts on top in a thin layer.

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    Do the same with the rest of the dough and nuts.

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    Cover with the last layer of dough.

    Using a ruler and a knife, cut the workpiece into rhombuses

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    For glaze, combine saffron or turmeric, sugar and water in a small saucepan. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes.

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    Using a brush, grease the baklava with the resulting glaze, after which one nut should be placed on each piece.

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    Preheat the oven to 150°C and bake the baklava for 30 minutes. Then pour the remaining melted butter into the slots and bake for another 15 minutes at the same temperature.

    For syrup, mix sugar with water. Add honey and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes until thickened.

    Remove from heat, add lemon juice and rose water.

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    Carefully pour the syrup into the slots in the baklava and bake for another 15 minutes.

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Let stand at room temperature for 8-12 hours.

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Remove the baklava from the mold, serve with coffee.

How to quickly and easily prepare a real sweet delicacy in oriental style?! Watch the master class of the famous confectioner Alexander Seleznev!


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Rahat-lokum in Arabic means "pleasure for the palate." Dessert, indeed, turns out to be unusually tender and velvety, and a crispy nut makes the delicacy a work of oriental art.


Sugar Syrup:
4 tbsp. Sahara
1 st. water
1 teaspoon citric acid

Starch Paste:

1 st. starch (we recommend using cornstarch)
1 teaspoon citric acid
3 art. water
0.5 st. almonds (may not be peeled)
0.5 st. peeled hazelnuts
2 teaspoons orange extract (optional)
1 teaspoon orange peel


0.5 st. powdered sugar
1/4 st. starch
2 teaspoons of vegetable oil - for greasing the mold
rectangular baking dish (we used a 27x17 cm mold)

How to cook:

Raspberry sherbet

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Raspberry sorbet

Sherbet is a multifaceted drink: it is found at Turkish street vendors, guests are treated to it, with the help of sherbet, the bride expresses her consent by accepting the marriage proposal.

We bring to your attention a great summer drink with ice-cold milk, mint and raspberry syrup.


0.5 kg raspberries
2 tbsp. water
1 st. Sahara
0.5 st. very cold milk
raspberry ice cream (you can take vanilla)
fresh mint and ice, for serving

How to cook:

Sherbet, he's sherbet, he's sorbet ... This delicacy not only has many names - it may well claim to be the most "many-sided". For most of us, sherbet is a sweet, milk-based fudge that has added crushed nuts and. Often this dessert is also called "creamy sausage".

However, sherbet is also an incredibly healthy and aromatic drink made from rose petals and fruit juices, to which a variety of spices are added. It is he who is drunk by the heroes of oriental tales, often causing bewilderment among young readers who are accustomed to "hard" sherbet.

But that's not all. Sherbet is found not only in liquid and solid, but also in soft forms. Soft sherbet is a juice prepared according to a special recipe, reminiscent of popsicles.

In other words, you can't figure it out right away. And, nevertheless, all kinds of this wonderful delicacy are not only tasty, but also healthy.

History reference

How did so many different delicacies manage to “hide” under one name? In order to answer this question, we need to make a short digression into history.

First of all, the “right of seniority” belongs precisely to the liquid form of sherbet. The drink, the main ingredients of which were fruits and spices, was considered the favorite delicacy of the legendary Shaherizada. In the Arab world, he enjoyed incredible popularity, and soon "migrated" to Europe. Some time later, the inventive French "improved" the delicacy in their own way - they began to freeze it, turning it into a cold dessert. So the sherbet drink turned into ice cream sherbet. At the same time, in France and Italy it was often added to emphasize the unusual taste.

Finally, sherbet fudge, the same sweet to cloying, was also "born" in the East. Initially, it was a delicacy of crushed cookies, to which dried fruits, nuts, and other spices were added.

The legend about the origin of the delicacy

The young man was so interested in the exotics of distant lands that his journey dragged on for twenty years. When Marco Polo returned home, he brought with him not only a huge number of boxes of jewelry and hitherto unseen items, but also an incredible variety of recipes for ancient potions and dishes, including sherbet.

Types of sherbet

As noted above, under the same name, many delicacies are “hidden”, which are radically different from each other. Therefore, we will consider in more detail each of the varieties of sherbet.

liquid sherbet

Sweetness in liquid form claims to be the "ancestor" of all other types of sherbet. Its main ingredients were rose petals, rose hips, and various spices. Also, ice or ice chips, extracts of flowers and herbs, as well as seasonal fruits are added to the drink without fail. Citrus fruits are also often used.

Liquid violet sherbet is very popular in Turkey. It is prepared from fresh flowers, which are first crushed until they turn into a pulp, after which they are boiled in large quantities and cooled.

Among Europeans, among all varieties of liquid sherbet, lemon has won the greatest popularity, perhaps due to the fact that this drink partly resembles the one we are used to.

Today, in the East, sherbet is valued primarily for its refreshing properties, which make this drink indispensable in a hot climate. At the same time, they sincerely believe that sherbet also has healing properties. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the once cold fruity treat was only available to members of the upper class.

An interesting fact: in Turkey, sherbet is considered a drink associated with courtship and love play. It is mandatory served during the matchmaking ceremony and at the wedding. There is also a special sherbet for young mothers, which is called “loğusa şerbet” - that is, “a sherbet for a woman in labor”. It is believed that it enhances lactation. It is prepared on rose water with the addition of cloves and medicinal herbs.

Soft sherbet

Soft sherbet is a cold delicacy that resembles slightly melted in texture. France is considered the birthplace of this sweet. D'Artagnan's inventive compatriots got used to mixing the traditional liquid oriental sherbet with ice cream and cooling it. The end result is a perfect dessert.

The composition of soft sherbet is almost the same as that of a sherbet drink. The only difference is the fact that not only fresh fruits and berries, but also dried fruits and nuts are often put into the French version of the oriental delicacy. The most common option is soft sherbet with.

Sherbet in the form of fudge

Sherbet fondant is most common in Europe, and especially in the post-Soviet space. It is as a sweet fudge with a dense and silky structure that most of us perceive sherbet. The ingredients that are used to make hard sherbet are or, condensed milk, sugar, vanilla, as well as nuts and dried fruits. A thick mixture is prepared from condensed milk, cream and butter, to which dried fruits and nuts are added at the next stage. After that, the workpiece is laid out in a special form, where it freezes. Serve a delicacy, after cutting it into small pieces.

To many, this version of dessert seems too sugary. Given the fact that its main ingredient is condensed milk, to which, among other things, sugar is added, this is not surprising. In addition, due to the presence of nuts and dried fruits in the composition, this sherbet is very high.

The composition and useful properties of treats

If we talk about the beneficial properties of sherbet, then in different types of this dessert they are radically different.

Composition and useful properties of liquid sherbet

As noted above, the main components of liquid sherbet are fresh fruits or berries. They are crushed and added to the still hot sugar syrup, in which spices are first placed. After that, the drink cools down and infuses for a long time. Liquid sherbet is served with ice.

The “trick” of the technology for preparing this dessert is the fact that the fruits and berries that make up it are not exposed to prolonged heat exposure.

So, traditional sherbet, which includes rose hips and rose petals, boasts a high content of carotenoids - natural pigments that are powerful, help slow down the aging process of the body, and also normalize the functions of the endocrine system.

Also in the composition are essential oils, and.

All this allows us to say that liquid sherbet increases the body's resistance and its ability to resist adverse external influences, has a positive effect on metabolism, and helps to get rid of dysbacteriosis.

The energy value of the product depends on the composition. For traditional rosehip sherbet, rose petals, dogwood and spices, it is approximately 100 kcal per 100 g. If very sweet fruits and berries are used, then the calorie content increases.

Composition and useful properties of soft sherbet

Soft sherbet, often referred to as sorbet, is a great treat for people trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Its main ingredients are puree and juices from berries and fruits. The absence of natural ingredients makes this delicacy low-calorie. Also, unlike liquid sherbet, during the preparation of soft treats, sugar is used in much smaller quantities.

Due to the fact that the fruits and berries that make up the delicacy are subjected to minimal heat treatment, they almost completely retain all the beneficial substances present in their composition. Therefore, sorbet is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and organic acids. This delicacy normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract due to the dietary fiber present in its composition, which is converted in the intestines into a gel-like mass that binds toxins and toxic substances, after which they are naturally removed from the body. This allows not only to normalize the intestinal microflora, but also helps to speed up the metabolism and maintain the bacteriological balance of the body.

At the same time, the calorie content of sorbet is quite low - from 60 to 100 kcal per 100 g of product.

Composition and useful properties of solid sherbet

The value of fudge sherbet is due to the components present in its composition.

The main ingredient of this delicacy is, due to which the most important disaccharide and the complex protein casein are present in the sherbet. Lactose is the most important source of energy and helps to normalize digestion. As for casein, it gives a feeling of satiety for a long time, preventing overeating.

The vitamin composition is also impressive. So, vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and organs of vision, B vitamins are able to normalize the functioning of the human immune system, vitamin C is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and collagen synthesis, which is necessary in order to maintain normal hair and skin.

The dietary fiber present in the composition of the delicacy works like a natural "scrub" for the intestines, helping to bind and remove the toxic substances accumulated in it. Also, in combination with them, they can reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Dried fruits and nuts are an important component of hard sherbet. Most often, this delicacy is used to prepare this delicacy, which contains vegetable fats, as well as biotin, which plays a leading role in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism and promotes the absorption of protein that enters the body along with food. Often added to fudge, dried apricots are useful for hypertension and anemia. - an excellent remedy for beriberi, helps with a tendency to constipation and "lazy" intestines, and also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

In this case, one should take into account the fact that fudge sherbet is a confectionery product that is quite nutritious. On average, there are about 417 kcal per 100 g of product.

Harm and contraindications

As for contraindications to the use of any type of sherbet, they are quite predictable and are also determined by the composition of the product.

First of all, due to the high sugar content, liquid and, especially, solid sherbet is not recommended for people who have been diagnosed with diabetes, as well as for those who seek to lose weight and are fanatically watching their figure. Also, caution should be taken when using fudge for those who suffer from diseases of the pancreas and liver - both of these organs really do not like foods high in sugar.

Nutritionists also note that in its composition sherbet in any of its incarnations is a rather allergenic delicacy. Both fruits and peanuts, dried fruits, can provoke an individual intolerance reaction. Also, the body of some people cannot absorb lactose due to the fact that they do not have the necessary for its breakdown in the intestines. Therefore, the use of sherbet should be approached with caution and you should not get too carried away with it.

Cooking sherbet with peanuts

To prepare peanut fudge sherbet, you will need the following ingredients: two cups of milk, three cups of sugar, 200 g of peanuts, 50 g of butter.

Pour the milk into a saucepan, add two and a half cups of sugar to it. Stir, then put on low heat and cook until you realize that the sugar has completely dissolved. Please note that the contents of the pan must be constantly stirred so that the milk does not burn. After that, reduce the heat to a minimum and wait until the milk begins to thicken and acquire a creamy hue.

Pour the remaining sugar into the pan and melt it over very low heat. Carefully pour the melted sugar into the saucepan with the milk. Add pre-melted butter there and mix thoroughly.

Roasted peanuts are peeled, chopped and poured into a sweet mass. Mix thoroughly again, then pour the mixture into a baking dish and refrigerate for several hours. Before serving, cut into pieces.

Preparing Lemon Sorbet

To prepare fragrant lemon sherbet, you will need: 1.2 kg of sugar, one, two tablespoons of fresh chopped, one liter of water, and vanilla to taste.

Pour one and a half glasses of water into a saucepan, add mint there and put on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for two to three minutes. After that, let the broth brew for thirty minutes under a closed lid.

Prepare sweet syrup. To do this, put the remaining water on low heat and begin to gradually add sugar to it, stirring. When the sugar is completely dissolved, make the fire stronger. Don't forget to skim.

After the syrup begins to thicken, pour the pre-filtered mint broth and vanilla into it, then remove from heat. When it cools down a little, pour it into it and add the grated zest. After the drink has completely cooled, send it to the refrigerator.

Sherbet or, as it is correctly called, sherbet is traditional for the east. The same oriental sherbet is made on the basis of rose hips, roses, dogwood, with the addition of various spices and licorice.

Modern sherbet is more often made from fruit or berry puree with the addition of juice or fruit drink and sweetened with sugar or honey. In addition, ice cream can be added to sherbet.

The consistency of sherbet can also be different. If you use exclusively fruit juices and purees and only cool the finished mixture, you get a delicious refreshing sherbet drink. And if you freeze it before serving, and then beat the resulting mixture with a blender, you will get a thick, viscous sherbet, which is even more like home-made popsicles. Such a screed is more often called the French word sorbet, and it is more of an ice cream than a drink.

Almost any fruit can be used. I used oranges, apples and peaches when making sherbet. I froze my sherbet a little in the freezer. It turned out to be a delicious refreshing thick drink, which, depending on the degree of freezing, can be either thick or more liquid.

Cooking steps:

4) Add fruit puree to non-hot syrup. Add lemon juice to it. Mix everything and put in the freezer for 1-2 hours. The mass should freeze.

6) Sherbet is ready, it remains only to pour the drink into glasses. Initially, it turns out to be thick, but with strong heat it melts quite quickly.

Sherbet is a fragrant sweet on a fruit-cream or milk base with the addition of dried fruits or nuts. The delicacy came to Russia from the East in the form of thick condensed milk with peanuts or walnuts. But few people know that the delicacy has other names - sorbet, sherbet. According to Wikipedia, the correct name of the product is sherbet, sherbet is the Russian pronunciation, sorbet is French. Thus, the sweetness is one, but has different pronunciations.

But in Russian cuisine, these names hide completely different desserts.

Composition of sherbet of different types

What is sherbet made from? So, it happened that under the same name there are several delicacies at the same time, which differ in taste, structure and method of preparation:

  1. Sherbet is usually called a spicy and tasty drink made from fruit juice, spices.
  2. Sorbet - fruit ice cream, similar in taste to sherbet, but with a thicker and denser consistency.
  3. Sherbet is a viscous and spicy delicacy, which is made at the factory from dried fruits, nuts, condensed milk and resembles a very sweet candy.

liquid sherbet

The ancestor of all sherbets is the oldest drink, which was so loved by the rulers of the ancient East. The main components of this drink were wild rose, rose petals, dogwood and all kinds of spices of the East. A little later, they began to make sweets based on juice and decoction of apples, pomegranate, orange, quince, lemon. The main ingredients are also honey and sugar. In more modern recipes, you can find eggs, cream or milk in the composition. Liquid sherbet is served cold, it perfectly quenches thirst and tones.

If we talk about the chemical composition of the product, then you need to know on the basis of what it was produced. So, sherbet, made on the basis of milk, is rich in vitamins A, B, D, contains methionine. But also this product is saturated with protein and lactose. If fruits are taken as the basis, then the content of minerals and vitamins increases.

Soft sherbet

This sherbet first appeared in France. The product has a viscous consistency and resembles slightly thawed ice cream. The French, in order to preserve the traditional sherbet, began to add ice cream to it. So, a chilled product appeared. The composition of such a delicacy is identical to liquid. The main difference is the consistency. In addition to all the above ingredients, dried fruits are often added to such a product, which give it useful properties.

Contained in large quantities, vitamin A is the strongest antioxidant that has a good effect on the entire body. In addition, all dried fruits (especially dried apricots) are a rich source of all kinds of minerals, which are often lacking in the human body.

Sherbet in the form of fudge

The production of this sherbet is very common in the country. The product looks like textured fondants, resembles a sweet candy with spices and lots of nuts. Such sweetness is distinguished by its cloying, as it is made from sugar and condensed milk.

On an industrial scale, the product is obtained from milk, cream, condensed milk, butter, chocolate, honey, vanillin, sugar. But they also add various nuts, candied fruits, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, molasses. Sometimes all these components are combined together, but most often 1-2 ingredients are taken as the basis.

Nuts enrich the product not only with vitamins A, E, H, PP, but also with linoleic acid. Calorie content directly depends on the components of the treat, so the product can be both high-calorie and low-calorie. But if we talk about fudge, then sherbet calorie content per 100 grams is 418 kcal.

Energy value of the product:

  • proteins - 7.3 g (about 29 kcal);
  • fats - 14.7 g (about 132 kcal);
  • carbohydrates - 66.2 g (about 265 kcal).

Sherbet: benefits and harms

There is no such product in the world that has a large set of useful properties, but at the same time does not have at least one harmful quality. So, sherbet can bring not only benefits to the body, but also harm.

Beneficial features

All the useful properties of the product depend on the ingredients that make up its composition. So, each type of this sweetness is able to have a positive effect on the internal organs and on the whole organism as a whole. Benefits of sherbet:

  • normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • contributes to the proper absorption of sugar;
  • helps to actively absorb calcium into the body.

The benefits of the product for anemia and hypertension, neuroses and nervous strains have been noted. Many beneficial substances of sweets have a beneficial effect on diseases of the teeth and gums, and also help with stomach problems and beriberi. The antibacterial properties of the product help the body recover from various lung diseases.


Due to the high sugar content, the product is not recommended for people who have diabetes and those who follow their figure. But also from the use of sherbet should refrain in diseases of the liver and pancreas.

It is not recommended to include in the diet of pregnant and lactating women. Since many components of the treat can cause allergies, it is not recommended to use for people who are predisposed to allergies. The main allergenic components of sweets are honey, peanuts and some dried fruits.

You can make your own sorbet, at home, using only good and high-quality ingredients for this. Finding a recipe online is easy. Moreover, you can prepare not only a modern sherbet, but also an old drink, while adding new and original ingredients to the dessert, which will give the sweet a bright and piquant taste.

Word " sherbet We have known each other for a long time. When we hear it, we imagine a sweetness similar in taste to nut paste, but in appearance to halva. Who would have known that quite different dishes are hidden under this word. There is even a drink called sherbet. In addition to the name, they all have in common that all these treats are amazingly tasty and you can cook them yourself at home. What is the recipe for such a treat as sherbet? Let's find out.

How to make walnut sherbet

We will start, perhaps, with a consideration of the most popular and known to us nut sherbet. Perhaps we have known this taste since childhood. Although there are many ways to cook this type of sherbet. But we choose the most delicious and easy to prepare.

Products for a meal

  • Condensed milk (quarter jar)
  • Sugar (about one hundred grams)
  • Peanuts (one hundred grams will be enough)
  • Butter (one hundred grams)
  • Water (about fifty milliliters)
  • Lemon juice (you will need a few tablespoons)

That's all the ingredients that should be prepared in advance in order to bring to life the recipe for sherbet with peanuts. I think it will not be difficult to remember the products, and even more so their dosage (since almost everything is one hundred grams). When the food is ready, we can start cooking.

A little advice, you can take another recipe for nuts with condensed milk, as a spare, suddenly someone does not like sherbet. Or, for example, Viennese cookies recipe. This also happens.

How to cook sherbet

How to cook this great delicacy? Everything is done very easily.

  1. We will start preparing this sweetness by roasting nuts (that is, peanuts). After you fry them a little, you need to wait until they cool down and remove the husk from them. If you already have roasted and repaired nuts, then you skip this point.
  2. Next, you need to take a small saucepan and pour some water into it. Then add sugar, which is supposed according to the recipe, to the same container. Stir occasionally until sugar dissolves. While it dissolves, squeeze the juice from the lemon (although it is better to do this in advance).
  3. Now we need to add a few more products that we prepared for this treat to the saucepan. So, pour in the juice that was just squeezed out. Juice is followed by condensed milk. And last we add the butter (it is desirable that it be melted in advance in a water bath). We make the fire a little less and stir this sweet mass for twenty minutes.
  4. A few minutes before readiness, add our nuts. And again, mix everything so that the nuts are not concentrated in one area. If you have large peanuts, then it is better to chop them a little. Although this is optional.
  5. You just have to remove the saucepan from the heat and pour its contents into some kind of mold. Wait until all this mass has cooled down a little, and put it in the refrigerator. When it hardens, then the sherbet with nuts, the recipe that we considered, is already ready. And you can taste it.

How to make strawberry sherbet

There is another very tasty treat called strawberry sherbet. It tastes very much like ice cream. How is it prepared and what ingredients are needed for this.

Products for a meal

  • 1/2 pound strawberries (fresh or frozen)
  • Ode to a cup of milk
  • Lemon juice
  • One hundred grams of sugar

That's all the ingredients that are needed specifically for this version of sherbet. You will also need a blender or food processor. When all this is available, you can start cooking this delicacy.

How to make strawberry sherbet

How does the recipe look like for such a treat as strawberry sherbet? Everything is very simple. And it cooks very quickly. You have ten minutes.

  1. First you need to get the food processor and plug it into the outlet. Then you can pour strawberries into it. And let the berry in it grind for a few minutes.
  2. At this time, you should deal with lemon. That is, squeeze a few tablespoons of juice out of it. When you have done this, add this juice to the bowl of the food processor along with the strawberries. And immediately send granulated sugar there.
  3. And let it all spin again for a few minutes. Our goal is a sort of strawberry puree (that is, the consistency should be like this). When we achieve this, we can safely pour milk to this puree and mix for a few more minutes.
  4. After that, it is believed that the homemade sherbet recipe, which suggests the presence of strawberries, is ready. You can start tasting and absorbing this delicacy. If you want it to be more like ice cream, then put it in the freezer for one hour.

Products per drink

  • Half a kilo of ripe plums
  • Half a kilogram of grapes (dark varieties)
  • One big red apple
  • About 250 grams of figs
  • Water (about two liters)
  • A little cinnamon
  • Clove and ginger
  • About 100 grams of sugar

Since sherbet contains ginger, it contributes to the good functioning of the immune system. Read about its other advantages in the material " ginger benefits and harms" on our website

Despite the fact that this is a drink, there are a lot of ingredients in it. Especially if you compare this recipe with the previous ones.

How to make a drink

What is the recipe for Turkish sherbet?

  1. First of all, we need to get a bigger saucepan. We put all our fruits on the bottom. But before folding them, it is better to clean the grapes from the branches. They may be a little bitter. So don't be lazy and clean up.
  2. When all the fruits are washed and prepared, put them on the bottom of our container. We also put spices there, according to the recipe. Then pour two liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire. When the water takes on bubbles, you need to make the fire a little smaller. The pot should be covered with a lid. So you need to leave our drink to brew for one hour.
  3. The recipe for making Turkish sherbet includes a few more steps. We need to mix lemon juice and sugar. When one hour of brewing has passed, this mixture must be added to the container with the drink. And let it simmer for another ten minutes. Then we turn off the fire. We need to strain the drink. It is best to do this through cheesecloth.
  4. It remains to cool it well and you can try. It is best to put ice in a glass with this drink (so it will look like a refreshing cocktail).

This is how the sherbet recipe is prepared, which came to us from Turkey and is a drink. This drink is very refreshing, you can even say that the heat is easier to perceive if it is consumed during such a period. In addition, he still goes well with fatty foods (he, so to speak, helps to get rid of the heaviness of the stomach and slightly alleviates the harm that we cause to the body with fatty foods). We can summarize and say that this drink has a lot of vitamins.