Secrets of how to properly store carrots for the winter at home: the best ways. How to store carrots at home for the winter Storing carrots for the winter in bags

How to save carrots in winter

The keeping quality of carrots is not high enough; it is stored worse than beets and potatoes. The vegetable is more sensitive to storage conditions, and if they change, the keeping quality of carrots decreases.

Preparing root crops for storage

After digging the crop and primary ventilation, it is prepared for storage. Preparation includes washing, trimming the growing point, drying and storage.

Washing. To wash or not to wash carrots, everyone decides for himself, this is a matter of taste. Washing does not affect the storage process. Root crops are washed in running water or in a basin, changing the water. For disinfection, you can add potassium permanganate to a pale pink color. The solution disinfects the crop and during storage it is less affected by rot.

Top trim carried out only after washing. If the carrots have not been washed, then you cannot cut off the top, this is a sure way to infect. Cut off the upper green end of the root crop along with the growing point. When the growth bud is removed, the carrot sinks into deep dormancy, the intensity of respiration decreases markedly. Such root crops are stored much better, they are less prone to rot and, of course, do not germinate.

This cuts off the growing point.

Sorting. Carrots are sorted by size. Small root crops, as a rule, are more friable, they contain few sugars, and they wither faster during storage. Deformed copies, despite the shape, are stored well.

Cracked, diseased, damaged specimens during harvesting are rejected, they are not subject to storage. The rest of the carrots are sorted by size and stored separately. After sorting, the crop is dried under a canopy.

Drying lasts 5-10 days. This is a quarantine, during which specimens are detected that will not lie in winter. It is advisable to dry the carrots in a cool place at a temperature of 7-10°C. At higher temperatures, it begins to wilt.

During quarantine, a dense skin is formed in the root crop, the processes of storing sugars are actively going on, and carrots are immersed in the winter dormancy period.

At the end of drying, the vegetables are again sorted out and the unsuitable ones are discarded, the rest are laid for the winter.

Optimal storage conditions for carrots in winter

The keeping quality of carrots directly depends on the storage conditions. The winter dormancy period of a vegetable is not as deep as that of potatoes or beets, and it does not tolerate fluctuations in indicators.

  1. Store carrots in dark room. In the light, it does not go into winter rest, it begins to sprout and wither. Under such conditions, the sugars in root crops are rapidly destroyed.
  2. Temperature should be 1-3°C. At higher values, the root crops intensively evaporate water and quickly wither. If poor air circulation is added to the high temperature, the crop will rot. But there is one thing here. Root crops with a removed top can be stored at temperatures up to 6-8 ° C and even slightly higher, provided there is good ventilation. This is due to the fact that in the absence of a growth bud, the carrot sinks into deep dormancy, its respiration and evaporation of water is minimal and, of course, it cannot germinate.
  3. Humidity. The optimum humidity should be 85-95%. With a decrease in humidity and an increase in temperature, root crops begin to come out of dormancy, quickly wither and germinate.
  4. Intensive air exchange. With poor circulation, the moisture released by the carrots again settles on it, the roots rot.

If at least one indicator is violated, the keeping quality of carrots decreases sharply.

Preparing a cellar for winter storage of carrots

It takes 1-1.5 months to prepare a cellar for storing vegetables in winter. Preparation includes sanitary cleaning, wall and floor treatment, rodent and insect control.

Cellar cleaning

Start it no later than a month before laying vegetables. The shelves are cleared of the remnants of the previous crop, the remaining land is swept away from them. The top layer of earth (2-4 cm) is removed and thrown away. During the year, spores of various diseases accumulate in it. All burrows and holes are sealed in the walls and floor.

Shelves, boxes and other wooden structures are taken out into the air to dry. Dry them in the shade (the tree can be deformed in the sun) for 20-30 days. All rotten boards are replaced with new ones. At this time, the cellar is thoroughly ventilated.

Room disinfection

Every year, the walls are disinfected by treating them with disinfectant solutions. Processing is carried out even if the cellar is dry. Before processing, airing is carried out for 3-4 days.

  1. When placed in bulk, root crops are poured onto pallets with a layer of no more than 20 cm. Shelf life with this method is 6-8 months.
  2. In boxes, the keeping quality of root crops is low - 4-6 months. Vegetables are placed in crates placed on pallets. To scare away rodents, boxes are covered with coniferous branches.
  3. In sand. Many recommend storing crops in wet sand in winter. This is not rational, since the root crops are excessively moistened and rot. In addition, when the temperature drops to 0 ° C, wet sand freezes, gas exchange between the crop and the environment is disrupted, and the vegetables rot. To store carrots in winter, it is better to use dry sand. It is poured onto the bottom of the box, the carrots are laid out in one layer and covered with sand. Layers of carrots and sand alternate. Keeping quality of root crops is 6-9 months. Dry peat can be used instead of sand.
  4. In sawdust, the vegetable is stored in the same way as in sand, in layers, alternating them. But in sawdust, carrots are stored much better - up to 1 year. Sawdust, especially coniferous, contains phytoncides that prevent the development of diseases.
  5. In the moss, carrots lie well all winter. To store carrots in winter, the moss must be dry. Moss and root crops are laid out in layers. The material perfectly protects the vegetable from excess moisture, without interfering with normal gas exchange and, at the same time, protects the crop from rot. However, with a large harvest, it is difficult to find such an amount of moss.
  6. Onion and garlic husks, as well as sawdust, contain phytoncides that prevent the development of pathogens. In addition, it absorbs excess moisture well. For storage, layers of carrots alternate with layers of husks.

Sprinkling layers of vegetables protects them from the spread of diseases. If in some layer the vegetable is rotten, then the rot will not spread to other layers, and even neighboring root crops

A private option for storing root crops in the cellar is to store carrots in the basement or underground. Here the temperature is higher, and although the humidity is high, the ventilation is insufficient, so the vegetables lie much worse. To increase the keeping quality, the roots are dipped in clay, then dried and put into boxes. The clay reduces respiration to a minimum and the crop can be stored at 4-7°C.

How to store carrots in an apartment

The keeping quality of vegetables in an apartment where there is no balcony is low. Long-term storage of a large crop in urban conditions is impossible.

All small carrots are grated and kept in the freezer. If the crop is large, part of it can be dried, part canned, and juice can be made from the largest root crops.

Do not store carrots in the refrigerator, there is too little air circulation, and after 5-7 days they become damp and rot.

The modern method allows you to store vegetables in plastic bags without oxygen for a long time. A small number of root crops are put in bags and all the air is drawn out of them with a vacuum cleaner. The bags are tied and stored at a temperature not exceeding 7-9°C. But this method is only suitable for carrots that have had their top removed. In a vacuum, respiration is reduced to zero, all vital processes almost stop, and root crops remain under such conditions for 7-9 months. If the growth bud is not removed, then it will not be possible to keep the carrot in a vacuum. The kidney needs oxygen and in its absence the vegetable rots.

If the top of the vegetable is cut off, then in winter the carrots are well stored in the apartment in the coolest place. Root crops are placed in a box, covered with foam plastic and kept in a pantry or corridor. If possible, the boxes can be taken out into the common corridor at the entrance.

The crop processed in clay lies well in winter. But before that, it must be cooled at a temperature of + 1-3 ° C, and then dipped in a clay solution. Clay has low thermal conductivity, and root crops can lie in an apartment in a cool place for 6-8 months.

Carrots are well stored under a clay crust.

Carrots cannot be stored in plastic bags without a vacuum. Polyethylene does not allow air to pass through, so condensation quickly forms inside. With insufficient oxygen, vegetables rot. At the same time, if you leave the bag indoors, then the lower carrot will rot, the upper one will wither. If you put it in the refrigerator, then in a week all root crops will rot.

Storage of crops on the balcony

With a balcony, the task of preserving carrots is greatly simplified. The keeping quality of vegetables in winter on the balcony is much higher than in the apartment. They are laid out in boxes and sprinkled with sawdust or sand. You can keep vegetables in boxes without spilling anything.

Carrots lie well in winter in bags of flour or sugar. The bags are filled 1/2-2/3, to absorb excess moisture, the vegetables are lightly sprinkled with ash.

When the temperature on the balcony drops to 0 ° C, the container is covered with old rags, pillows, blankets. If possible, cover with hay. In severe frosts, in order to avoid freezing vegetables, they are brought into the room. But you can’t keep carrots in the room for a long time, it will wither or begin to sprout. Therefore, as soon as it gets warmer, the crop is taken out to the balcony. It is better to properly insulate it than to keep it in an apartment.

The main mistakes when storing carrots

Mistake #1. Too late cleaning. The plant tolerates frost well down to -4-6°C. But in the pre-winter period, when the temperature is not only at night, but also during the day below 0 ° C, the vegetable freezes slightly and does not lie in winter. It needs to be reworked right away. If the carrot is heavily overgrown with sucking white hairs, then it becomes woody and flabby, there are practically no sugars in it. It makes no sense to keep such a crop.

Mistake #2. Bookmark for the winter of damaged root crops. Such carrots often rot, and from it the infection spreads to neighboring specimens. As a result, there can be significant yield losses.

Mistake #3. Storage of crops in rooms where temperature and humidity change very strongly and sharply. The vegetable is extremely sensitive to the microclimate; for good keeping quality in winter, it needs stable conditions. With a sharp change in indicators, the carrot either germinates or rots.

Mistake #4. Keep vegetables in plastic bags. Even if the bags are not tied, condensation quickly forms inside, and the root crops rot.

Mistake #5. Store carrots with apples. Apples emit ethylene, which accelerates the ripening of the crop and leads to the rapid aging of the fruit. When stored together, carrots quickly wither and become woody, if left on top, they germinate even in cold conditions.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


When harvesting from the garden beds, gardeners should think in advance about where they will store the products. Many people are interested in how to store carrots in the cellar in winter, what methods exist, what temperature should be kept in the room so that the root crops survive until spring. There are many different varieties of this vegetable.

How to store carrots for the winter

The vegetable has a very thin skin through which bacteria easily penetrate, so keeping it until spring is problematic. In addition, carrots are more prone to fungal diseases than other vegetables. To store it in the winter, you need to make a lot of effort and know a lot of tricks.

How long is the root crop stored

In a room where the temperature and optimum humidity conditions are observed, the vegetable will remain fresh for 4-7 months. If the cellar is warmer than 2 degrees, then the maintenance period is halved. Ways:

  1. Layers of clay, chalk, sawdust, onion skins. Up to one year.
  2. Plastic bags. 3-4 months.
  3. Wet sand, pyramids. 7-9 months.
  4. Boxes without filling. 4-7 months.
  5. Sawdust. Up to a year.

Storage temperature

The cellar where the vegetable is kept should be cool. In order to store carrots for the winter in the basement, the optimum temperature should be 0-2 C. Access to fresh air should be limited to the vegetable as much as possible. Need moderate, but stable good ventilation. The humidity level of the room is not more than the maximum limit of 97%. Any temperature fluctuations can affect the condition of the vegetable, provoke the germination of root crops, rotting, drying out.

How to crop

How long it stays fresh depends on the variety of the root crop. For long-term storage, the most suitable varieties of carrots are Shantan, Vitamin, Early Nantes, Moscow Winter. It is necessary to select whole fruits of late varieties without damage. Through them, bacteria and fungi penetrate. Before laying a vegetable cellar, it is imperative to remove the tops from it, but do not tear it off. It should be carefully cut, leaving about 2-3 mm. A sharp knife works best for this job.

How best to store carrots in the cellar

It is very important to properly prepare the room, it has a significant impact on the final result. What will have to be done:

  1. Ventilate the room. It must be fresh.
  2. Disinfect the room. A month before moving vegetables into the cellar, treat the walls with lime.
  3. Whitewash your basement. This will protect the walls from damage by fungus, bacteria.

In the beds

Get thick plastic wrap, sand, shavings, fallen leaves and fertilizer. The vegetable will be aged under conditions as close to natural as possible, as in the soil. On the shelf you need to lay a layer of film. A mixture of sand, shavings, and fallen leaves is poured on top. The layer must be thick. Dried carrots are placed vertically in an impromptu garden. From above it is covered with another layer of film and the edges are pinched. So the harvest will stand on the shelves until spring.

in enamel pots

In order to preserve early-ripening carrots of the correct varieties in winter in this way, they are thoroughly washed, cut off the tops. All root crops are carefully dried in the sun. In an enamel pan they are tightly laid vertically. A paper towel is placed on top. The container is tightly closed. A pot with plants is placed in a cool cellar with a high level of humidity. Until the harvest of a new crop, it will not deteriorate.

In plastic boxes

To store a vegetable by this method, some kind of filler should be prepared: clay, sawdust, sand. Plastic boxes are well suited for carrots, because they rot less than wooden ones, they are subject to mold, the spread of fungal diseases. These properties contribute to long winter storage. Carrots are laid in layers with any of the selected fillers.

In wooden boxes

In this container, store the vegetable in two ways - with and without filler. Brief description of each:

  1. Without filler. Arrange the carrots in the crates in layers and cover tightly. Place on high shelves about 15 cm from the wall. Put no more than 20 kg of root crops on one box.
  2. With filler. This differs from the previous storage method in that the vegetables are laid in layers, each of which is sprinkled with sand.

Storage methods

There are many different methods, thanks to which you can keep the vegetable fresh for a long time, even until the next harvest. You can choose the most convenient for you, taking into account the condition of the basement, and a number of other possibilities. Recommendations for those who do not know how to properly store carrots in the cellar in winter:

  1. Constantly monitor the condition of root crops. If specks or blackening appear on the carrot, it will have to be removed from the total quantity and processed.
  2. If the cellar is very cold and there is a risk that the root crops will freeze, the containers with them should be insulated with felt.
  3. If the tops grow, cut them constantly, because the greens will draw the juices out of the vegetable.
  4. Make sure that no light enters the cellar.
  5. When eating stored carrots, choose the smallest root vegetables first. The larger they are, the higher the keeping quality.

In plastic bags

To implement this method, you will need film bags that can withstand a weight of 5 to 25 kg. The bags have a high moisture content of the air, so the carrots do not rot there, do not fade, do not germinate. Root crops should be stored in open bags in winter, because they emit carbon dioxide (CO2). In small quantities, it prevents the development of fungal diseases. Be sure to pierce the bottom of the bags in several places so that the condensate drains.

If the bags are closed, the CO2 content will be higher than the O2 content, so the vegetables may spoil. If you plan to tie the bags, then make a lot of slots in them so that air enters the carrots. If condensation collects on top of the bags, then there is high humidity in the room. In this situation, it is necessary to pour slaked lime near the bags, which will absorb excess liquid.

in sawdust

This content method is very common. To store carrots in the cellar in winter, you will need coniferous sawdust and boxes. The technology is almost the same as in the situation with sand. Carrots and sawdust should be laid out in layers in boxes. The material is great for storage. There are a lot of phytoncides in sawdust, which prevent the germination of carrots and prevent it from becoming infected with a fungus.

In onion or garlic peel

It is worth saying that this storage method is not the most reliable. For its implementation, you will need several wooden boxes and a lot of onion or garlic husks. It contains essential oils that prevent damage to carrots. In prepared boxes, everything fits in layers. The husk goes first, then the carrots, and this is repeated until all the root crops have been distributed. For storage, you can use not only boxes, but also bags, which are then folded onto a shelf or hung.

In sand

This method is the most common and reliable. For storage, you will need clay sand, river sand is not good. It maintains a certain temperature, reduces the miasma of moisture from the carrots. Still need water, a few boxes. It is best to store carrots in wet sand. One bucket must be diluted with a liter of water. Then the sand must be laid out on the bottom of the box, spread the carrots on top, fill it up. Vegetables are placed in layers until they run out.

Some people practice storing carrots in dry sand. It is poured in a thick layer on a shelf in the cellar, then the first layer of root crops is laid. They are covered in sand. Then comes a layer of carrots laid across. Then sand again, etc., changing the direction of the vegetables. The height of the pyramid that you get is no more than 1 m. The sand must be disinfected before use, and then periodically moistened with a spray bottle.

in the moss

For this storage method, you need to properly prepare the vegetable and raw materials. Carrots are not washed and carefully dried in the sun. Then it is kept in a cool place for a day. Root crops and moss are stacked in layers. This is what boxes are for. Moss has preservative properties, thanks to which the right amount of CO2 is maintained inside the boxes. Another advantage of the material is that it is very light.

In dry chalk

There are two options for storing this method, each of them provides a good result. Chalk is a natural mineral with alkaline properties. It minimizes the risk of bacterial growth and keeps carrots firm and juicy for a long time. Description of storage methods:

  1. Mix powdered chalk and wet sand. Place the carrots vertically in a wooden box without holes with a tight lid. Top with sand and chalk mixture.
  2. Well kept carrots, powdered with chalk. For every 10 kg of root crops, 0.2 kg of powder will be needed. Each vegetable must be carefully powdered, and then put them all in wooden boxes.

in clay

A very popular, albeit time-consuming, storage method. Clay protects carrots well, prevents germination and wilting. There are two storage options:

  1. Fill. Half a bucket of clay must be diluted with water. A day later, when the mass swells, it must be mixed. Then water is added again. Do this for several days in a row. The clay should be covered with a layer of water of 2-3 cm. The consistency is suitable for the composition, like sour cream, not thicker. The bottom of the boxes in which the carrots will be stored is covered with cling film. Root crops must be laid out in one layer so that they do not touch each other, and then poured with clay. When it dries, the second, and then subsequent layers are laid out.
  2. Dipping. For this method, you need to prepare the same composition of clay and water as for the previous one. Unwashed carrots should be dipped in a clay solution and dried in a place that is well ventilated. Then the root crops are put in boxes or cardboard boxes.


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How to store carrots until a new harvest so that it:

  • did not give sprouts;
  • did not rot;
  • remained juicy;
  • lost its taste?

Storing carrots has always given a lot of trouble to the summer resident. Whatever you say, it is not easy to keep this root crop fresh without proper conditions. The inventive minds of gardeners have come up with many ways to store carrots: in the cellar, on the balcony, in the refrigerator and directly in the beds.

We offer you 8 proven options for storing carrots. Choose the most suitable, focusing on your conditions, the complexity of the process and the availability of materials.

Keeping quality, that is, the ability of carrots to be stored for a long time, depends on several factors. First of all, from the variety, from the region of cultivation, from weather conditions.

It would seem that late-ripening varieties should be stored best of all. This is a well known rule. In southern regions with warm summers, this rule really works. But in the Middle lane and in other regions where summer weather is unstable, late carrots do not ripen. Not in time for a short cold summer. It has to be harvested unripe, and unripe vegetables are not well stored by definition.

It turns out that the best varieties of carrots for storage will be mid-ripening, which ripen in 100-110 days. Here are some of them: Moscow Winter, Gribovchanin F1, Valeria, Monanta, Chance, Canada F1, Tsirano, Mango F1, Typhoon, Nanteyska, Samson, Nandrin F1, Rosal, Nantes 4, Nerac F1, Incomparable, Nevis F1 and the like.

The right choice of variety is not the only condition for a good preservation of the carrot crop. Agricultural technology also matters. For the keeping quality of root crops, it is important to pay attention to:

  • soil type and fertility. Carrots prefer slightly acidic or neutral loose soils. She does not need any special fertilizers, it is quite enough after harvesting.
  • watering frequency. We water the carrots over everything, the main of which is better less often, but deeper.
  • nitrogen content. An excess of nitrogen in the soil reduces the storage capacity of root crops. If you apply nitrogen fertilizers, do it in moderation in the first half of summer.

Preparing carrots for long-term storage

Proper and timely cleaning is the key to good keeping quality of any vegetable. So it is important to remove carrots on time: not earlier and not later.

The ripening period of carrots depends on the variety. As a rule, they are indicated on the package with seeds. Save the bag or calculate the expected harvest day in advance (in the spring). Why is this needed? Carrots pulled out of the garden ahead of time do not ripen, do not have time to accumulate a sufficient amount of sugars. This negatively affects both the taste and the ability to be stored all winter. In carrots overexposed in the garden, on the contrary, an excess of sugars and amino acids is found. It turns into a tasty morsel for pests - carrot fly larvae, mice and rats. But overripe vegetables are no longer suitable for long-term storage.

If you still do not know exactly when to harvest carrots, focus on the color of the tops. As soon as the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, the carrots are ready for harvesting.

In order for the root crops to remain juicy for a long time, they should not be watered on the eve of digging. It was a warm, dry and sunny day - you can't imagine better for harvesting carrots.

Pruning carrots after harvest

Immediately after harvesting, the tops of the carrots are cut off. Otherwise, it will draw some of the moisture from the roots during drying.

Pruning carrot tops can be carried out in two stages:

  • first we cut the leaves just above the head of the root crop,
  • then completely cut off the base of the carrot (0.5-1 cm thick) together at the growth point. The cut must be even and smooth.

Cardinal pruning does not allow carrots to germinate in winter, wasting precious nutrients, prevents fruit from withering, and ensures their best storage.

So, as soon as we cut the tops, we send the carrots to ventilate under a canopy in the shade. Then, within 7-10 days, carrot roots are recommended to be kept at a temperature of 10-14°C. During this time, she, like her, goes through a kind of "quarantine". This means that the places of cuts and minor mechanical damage are tightened, sick and spoiled root crops make themselves felt.

When the time comes to clean the carrots in storage, we once again inspect and sort out the root crops. All damaged ones, with wormholes, with traces of the presence of a carrot fly, are put aside. They are best eaten first or frozen grated for winter consumption.

We still have the best sufficiently mature root crops, of a suitable variety, without defects and signs of disease. Our carrots are ready for long-term storage.

Choosing where and in what to store carrots

We know eight ways to properly store carrots so that they remain juicy, do not rot and do not wilt. To do this, it is covered with wet sand or sawdust, dipped into clay or pack into polyethylene, overlay moss or onion skins. And also rammed in pots or even leave in the garden until spring.

Method number 1. How to keep carrots in the sand

We will need: sand (preferably loamy, not river), water and boxes.

Storing carrots in the sand is very popular among summer residents who have cool cellars, undergrounds, and garage pits. And it is not surprising, because sand reduces the evaporation of moisture from carrots, prevents the development of putrefactive diseases, and ensures a constant temperature. All this contributes to the excellent keeping quality of root crops.

The sand must be wet, one liter of water is used to moisten each bucket of sand. Then the prepared sand is poured onto the bottom of the box with a layer of 3-5 centimeters. Then lay the carrots so that the root crops do not touch each other. Carrots are covered with a layer of sand, and then the next layer is laid out, etc.

Some gardeners prefer to use dry sand instead of wet sand and buckets instead of boxes.

Method number 2. Storage of carrots in sawdust

We will need: coniferous sawdust and boxes.

Sawdust from coniferous trees is another great filler for boxes with carrots. Phytoncides in the needles prevent the germination of root crops and prevent the penetration of pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

In the same way as when sanding, carrots must be laid in boxes in layers, sprinkling each layer with sawdust.

Method number 3. How to store carrots in plastic bags

We will need: film bags with a capacity of 5 to 30 kg.

Plastic bags with carrots are kept open in cool rooms. The air humidity in such bags is automatically set at an optimal level of 96-98%. Therefore, carrots do not wilt.

In addition, carrot roots emit carbon dioxide during storage. In open bags, it accumulates a small amount. However, it is quite enough to prevent diseases. If the bags are tied up, the carbon dioxide content will be several times higher than the oxygen concentration. And the carrots go bad. If you still want to store root vegetables in closed bags, be sure to make holes for ventilation.

During storage, condensation may form on the inner surface of the bags - this indicates high humidity in the storage. Then, next to the bags in which the carrot lies, fluffy lime is scattered. Lime perfectly absorbs excess moisture.

Method number 4. Storage of carrots in clay

We will need: clay, water, crates or cartons, plastic wrap, garlic (optional).

Clay forms a thin protective layer on the surface of the root crop, which protects it from wilting during the winter. Very effective, but quite laborious option. The technology for processing carrots with clay before storing them is as follows:

Option 1. Filling with clay

We take half a bucket of clay and fill it with water. A day later, the swollen clay is thoroughly mixed and poured with water again. Within 3-4 days, the clay is in this state, under a layer of water 2-3 cm. Before use, it should acquire the consistency of sour cream.

It's time to line the bottom of the boxes with cling film and lay out the first layer of carrots so that the fruits do not touch each other. Pour liquid clay onto the roots. And when the clay dries, lay out the carrots again and fill it with clay again. Clay dries - the process is repeated. And so on to the end, to the very top of the box.

Option 2. Dipping in clay

Here we must prepare two talkers in advance: garlic and clay.

Garlic mash is prepared as follows: 1 cup of garlic must be scrolled through a meat grinder, then dilute the “minced meat” in two liters of water.

To get a clay "talker" it is necessary to dilute the clay with water to the consistency of thick sour cream so that it cannot then drain from the root crops.

So, we lower the unwashed carrots first into the garlic, and then into the clay mash. We lay out our crop to dry in a well-ventilated area (on the veranda, in the attic, under a canopy). Then we put the dried carrots in the "clay shell" in wooden boxes or cardboard boxes.

Method number 5 Storing carrots in moss

We will need: wooden or plastic boxes, sphagnum moss.

Unwashed and sun-dried carrots are first kept in a cool room for a day, and then placed in boxes, alternating layers of carrots with layers of sphagnum moss.

Moss has a kind of preservative properties, keeps the necessary amount of carbon dioxide inside. In addition, unlike sand and clay, moss is a light material that does not add extra weight to boxes of carrots.

Method number 6. Storing carrots in pots

We will need: large enamel pots.

After harvesting, carrots must be washed well, cut off the tops and “tail”, and dried in the sun.

Then the roots are tightly stacked vertically in the pan, a napkin is placed on top of them and the pan is covered with a lid. All pots with carrots are recommended to be kept in a cool cellar - then the carrots will lie perfectly until the new harvest.

Method number 7. How to store carrots in onion skins

We will need: boxes, onion and garlic husks.

This method of storing carrots is based on the same principle as storage in coniferous sawdust. Essential oils from onion and garlic scales prevent root rot.

Therefore, carrots do not deteriorate for a long time if they are laid in layers, after having been sprinkled with dry onion and garlic husks, which remained after harvesting these crops and accumulated over the winter.

Method number 8. Storage of carrots in the garden

Some gardeners leave part of the carrot crop to winter directly in the garden, then to dig it up in the spring and eat it all summer until the next harvest.

The tops of carrots left for storage in the garden are completely cut off. Then the bed is covered with wet coarse sand and covered with a film.

Sawdust, fallen leaves, peat or humus are poured on top of the film, and then the bed is covered with roofing felt or another layer of film. Under such shelter, carrots tolerate the winter cold well and remain fresh and tasty.

A few more original ways to store carrots

Cling film for storing carrots

Pre-washed and trimmed carrots are wrapped in cling film, trying to ensure that each carrot is completely wrapped and does not come into contact with the “neighbors”. In this form, carrots are stored for several months at home: in boxes on an insulated balcony.

Spraying root crops before storage

Root crops are stored well if they are pre-sprayed with an infusion of needles or onion peel. We take 100 grams of husks or needles, pour a liter of water and insist 5 days. Such an infusion can not only be sprayed, carrots can be immersed in it for 10 minutes, dried and stored.

Storage of carrots in paraffin

An unusual folk way of storing carrots in paraffin. Clean and dried root crops are dipped in hot paraffin with the addition of a small amount of beeswax for elasticity. This treatment allows you to store carrots for 4-5 months at a temperature of 0-2°C. It will remain tasty and juicy.

Chalk keeps carrots from spoiling

Carrots can be dusted with chalk at the rate of 150-200 grams of chalk per 10 kilograms of carrots. There is another option - immerse the roots in a 30% chalk suspension, and then dry well. The chalk layer creates a weak alkaline environment, thereby preventing root crops from rotting.

Freezing as an option for storing carrots

If your carrot crop is small and you have a freezer, it makes sense to grind most of the carrots with a food processor and freeze in ordinary plastic bags.

It should be carefully sorted out, separate root crops with traces of disease, damage, or simply uneven. Size also matters.

Attention: Carrots, which are prescribed in the refrigerator for a long time, should be approximately equal in size, not too big and not too small.

Is it possible to save the root crop in the refrigerator?

Depending on the form in which it is planned to store carrots, you need to correctly determine the place where to place it. A modern refrigerator has locations suitable for different occasions.: a compartment for ready-made products, a compartment for fresh raw vegetables and a freezer.

If you do not confuse the place and observe additional conditions in relation to the form factor in which the root crop is presented, then there will be no obstacles to using the refrigerator. in a refrigerator:

  • in the main compartment at a temperature of +2 to +6 degrees;
  • in the "freshness zone" at temperatures from 0 to +3 degrees;
  • in the freezer at a temperature of -8 to -23 degrees.

How long is the storage period?

For processed vegetable

If we are talking about a finished product or a blank, then the duration of preservation at home will depend on the specific case. Consider how long you can store freshly squeezed carrot juice, boiled and Korean carrots.

  1. "Korean carrot- This is a ready-made dish of an orange root crop, which is ground on a grater and seasoned to taste, after which it is poured with very hot vegetable oil. Refueling usually includes:
    • table vinegar;
    • salt;
    • sugar;
    • Red pepper.

    Korean-style carrots are usually infused until cooked for 12-14 hours, after which they can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

  2. boiled carrots is considered a fully cooked product, even if it is intended for a salad. If you keep it in the refrigerator for more than two or three days, then the appearance itself will no longer cause appetite. Carrots will become flabby or slimy in appearance and unpleasant. It is no longer worth eating in this state.
  3. Freshly squeezed carrot juice- a tasty and healthy drink that is prepared by almost everyone who has a juicer. But it is highly undesirable to store it: valuable properties are lost. If necessary, you can put carrot juice in the refrigerator in a closed container for a couple of hours. But it is better to drink it immediately after preparation.

For fresh carrots

Speaking of a fresh (raw) root crop, you can count on the fact that with the right approach to storage, it will be in the refrigerator from one to several months and at the same time remain high-quality, tasty, rich in vitamins and microelements food.

How to prepare a root crop?

The operations before sending the carrots to the refrigerator for storage often depend on personal experience and habits. Few people decide on a sudden experiment if they are planning a long-term harvesting of a root crop, because a mistake can be costly.

The main discrepancy is the almost Hamletian question "to wash or not to wash." Some believe that the washed root crop is stored better, others tend to be "grimy".

Does it need to be washed first?

is a moot point. In support of supporters of washing carrots, a number of advantages of this approach can be cited:

The disadvantages include the fact that washed carrots are more demanding on storage conditions and undesirable neighborhoods in the refrigerator. It also takes longer to dry before being sent for long-term storage. How best is up to you.

How to keep carrots longer?

Regardless of whether you washed the carrots or simply limited yourself to removing excess soil, the primary step in preparing the root crop for storage in the refrigerator is to thoroughly dry it from excess moisture obtained during the “bathing” or absorbed by the ground. Carrots that are clean after water can be thoroughly blotted with a towel and thereby speed up the process. Ready for the next step, the washed carrot will be dry to the touch and plain. From an unwashed root crop, during friction, small particles of soil will crumble themselves.

Washed and cleaned

Peeled whole, carrots are rarely put in the refrigerator for long-term storage.. But if necessary, they do not leave it open, because deprived of its natural “skin”, it quickly winds up and loses moisture.

Advice: Food plastic container or film - will extend the shelf life of peeled carrots up to a month if stored in a special compartment of the refrigerator.

A proven way to store carrots for a short time (3-4 days) in the main compartment of the refrigerator is to immerse them in water. And if you change the water, then this can “cheer up” the carrots up to a week.

We recommend watching a video on storing carrots in a refrigerator film:

I grate

When placing grated carrots in the main compartment of the refrigerator, it must be borne in mind that in this form it will be aired even faster than just peeled. A container, a glass jar with a lid, or, in extreme cases, just a plastic bag will help.

Without freezing, the shelf life will not be long, so grated carrots should be eaten within 10-12 days.

Not freezing

For long-term storage, carrots should be packaged with the utmost care.. Vacuum bags and cling film are examples of good packaging. They will not allow excess moisture to penetrate and retain their own root juices. This is one of the most important conditions for long-term storage. If you're going to use cling film, then get ready to work hard: it should tightly cover each carrot.

Sometimes wrapping in paper or a paper bag is used to absorb excess moisture. Such packaging will need to be periodically felt, checking for dampness, and replaced if necessary. If everything is done correctly, then it will be possible to protect the carrots from rotting and from sagging.

Placement also matters. The lower the tier in the refrigerator on which you put fresh packaged carrots, the better.. Ideally, this should be a box-compartment for vegetables. A working refrigerator maintains an optimal ratio of temperature and humidity in this zone.

  • Some housewives use a wrapper from newspapers and other printed publications to regulate humidity. It is strongly not recommended to do this, since the composition of printing or printing ink may contain lead, cadmium and other substances that are not very useful for the body.
  • If the carrots are purchased, then the tops are most likely already removed. In this case, the place of its separation should be completely "amputated". In the case when the carrot is your own, it is enough just to cut the tops under the base.
  • When you have a lot of carrots, it is better to cut the tops of root crops quite strongly: by 1-2 centimeters. This will prevent them from sprouting in the refrigerator.

To not lethargic and flabby

Even with airtight packaging of carrots, there is a risk of softening, flaccidity and germination if the optimal moisture regime is not maintained. For carrots, it is 65-75%. Equally important is the temperature regime. Exceeding the temperature from -1 to 8 degrees is incompatible with the long-term preservation of fresh carrots. Normally, the fruit and vegetable compartment maintains a range of 0 to 3 degrees. For carrots - that's it.

For the whole winter

In addition to the rather troublesome preservation of fresh carrots in the "freshness zone" of the refrigerator, it is practiced. Most often, grated or diced carrots are frozen for the winter. In this form, it can be stored throughout the cold season, although it loses some of its taste and useful properties. When placed in the freezer, it should also be packed: in containers, vacuum bags or polyethylene. In this form, carrots are suitable for frying, vegetable stews and any dishes where the chef's imagination will determine.

We recommend watching a video about freezing carrots for the winter:

What if something went wrong?

The worst thing that can happen to carrots in the refrigerator is spoilage. Rotting, loss of pleasant strength or germination of carrots, as a rule, is due to violations of storage conditions. We will not touch on possible technical problems with the refrigerator, let's say better about what depends on its owners.

If the carrots are not stored in the freezer, then you should pay attention to the appearance of condensation inside the plastic or plastic packaging. These droplets can indicate the concentration of carbon dioxide inside the container or bag. If condensation is found, carrots should be removed, dried and repackaged..

  1. It is necessary to ensure that carrots are not in direct contact with other vegetables or fruits. With apples - any close neighborhood should be excluded altogether. Apples release ethylene, which can spoil the taste of carrots.
  2. Important for long term storage. Among the most enduring: "Moscow Winter", "Vita Longa" and "Forto". It is worth paying attention to varieties planted early.
  3. For storage over the winter, choose only root crops that have reached maturity. Unripe ones can disappoint with quick spoilage.


There are former owners. They tend to stick to family traditions and time-tested conservation practices. Another thing is if there are no stable preferences yet. Then the experiment suggests itself: divide, for example, carrots into several parts and compare at once several ways to preserve a tasty and healthy root crop using a refrigerator. Perhaps this publication will be of some use to experimenters.

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Carrots are very fond of people, and pests adore it. Diseases are just waiting for the right time to attack the root crop.

Every year, during harvesting, transportation and storage, about 30 percent of the grown carrot crop is lost. It happens that losses reach 60 percent, and sometimes even all 100. The main damage to the carrot crop is caused by diseases during storage. A root crop with mechanical damage lies less than the rest. Any cuts and incisions during thinning, loosening, weeding, harvesting, trimming leaves and transport can introduce infection. Therefore, only ripe, whole and healthy fruits should be selected. Immediately after the garden, carrots should not be stored in a warm place. It should be gradually, in 1-2 days, cooled and then removed. At what temperature should carrots be stored? Optimal - 0-1 degree at a relative humidity of 90-95%. At the same time, storage for the harvest should be prepared in advance.

In about a month, it must be dried, ventilated and disinfected. For the latter, you should take a 2% solution of bleach (1 kilogram per 100-150 square meters of surface) and go around all the walls of the vault. A couple of weeks before the harvest, the walls should be whitewashed with milk of lime. Here you will need 2-3 kilograms of slaked lime, as well as about 300 grams of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water. It will take about half a liter of solution per square meter.

The safety of carrots depends not only on its maturity, but also on the ratio of glucose and sugar in it. If there is no infection in the root crop, then it is poorly stored due to the variety, poor conditions of keeping and storage. Carrots of the canonical form are best preserved (varieties Valeria, Incomparable, Shantane, Moscow Winter). And it spoils the fastest - with shortened roots (Prague Cartel). Early autumn and long spring shorten the growing season of the root crop. Early varieties can accumulate fiber and sugar, so they lie longer. And late-ripening carrots, on the contrary, accumulate vitamin C and organic acids. Therefore, it is not stored for a long time.

However, any carrot is easily injured. It quickly loses moisture, so mechanical damage should be avoided during cleaning. It is better if the tops are mowed a week before harvesting, and 2-centimeter petioles remain.

How to properly store carrots

Storage conditions for carrots directly depend on where you are going to store it. Of course, each place has its pros and cons. We will tell you about how to create conditions and prepare a room for storing carrots.

How to store carrots in the cellar

Freshly dug root crops should be folded in a pile, sheltered from the sun and ventilated. Moreover, you need to leave small lumps of earth on the roots. Next, carrots must be quarantined for a week and a half at a temperature of 10-14 degrees. And then spoiled fruits should be excluded from the harvest. Remember that carrots will not tolerate freezing and will freeze even at a temperature of minus one degree, and will begin to deteriorate when thawed. Therefore, it is better to store large stocks of carrots in a cellar or basement, and in plastic bags. They must be installed vertically, leave the neck open to avoid condensation.

The old way of storing in boxes or piles is also suitable. There, carrots should be sprinkled with sand. And add chalk or hydrated lime from it. In the outer layer, carrots should be laid with the head out. And one more important note. At air temperatures above 5 degrees Celsius, carrots will begin to germinate. This process can be stopped only by lowering the temperature in the storage to 0 degrees. In early ripening carrots and unripened carrots, even under such conditions, flower buds begin to form. This means that different varieties need to be stored differently.

If your storage is airtight, then you need to reduce losses from the respiration of the root crop, suppress germination, as well as the development of pathogenic microflora. This can be done with carbon dioxide (dry ice or a bottle for making sparkling water will do). However, even here one must be careful, since an overdose will decompose pectins.

How to store carrots at home

And how to store carrots at home if there is no cellar or basement? In an apartment, a limited amount of root crops can be packed in plastic bags and put in the refrigerator. Many townspeople put carrots in cardboard boxes, put them on stairwells (or in vestibules). The air temperature there is much lower than at home, however, the humidity is also different. As a result, this method of storage helps carrots stay fresh for up to several weeks. - Two weeks before digging, carrot beds should be poured with warm water. This is especially true in dry weather. In this case, the roots will be juicy. And after all the carrots have already moved to the surface of the earth, they need to be washed with a brush, cut out the moves of the carrot fly (they may not be), cut off the tail and top. Then, for a couple of days, let the root crop dry and put it in tight plastic bags, sprinkled with sawdust. The top layer should be sprinkled with a couple of handfuls of onion peel and take the bags to the cellar. In this case, the bags must be open.

Before storing carrots, they need to be treated (simply sprayed) with a 7% onion extract. It is prepared as follows: 200 grams of onion is poured with hot water and infused for a day. After such exposure, the carrots must be thoroughly dried.

How to properly store carrots

The following tip will help keep carrots on the shelves. Long pins or brackets should be driven into the wall in the cellar in pairs every 12 centimeters, and wide boards should be placed on them. The first shelf should be one meter from the floor. On each board, you need to spread the root crops quite freely.

You can store carrots in a mash. To do this, each root crop must be dipped in a mash with clay and dried. Each carrot until spring will be the same as it was dug up. However, this method is quite laborious.

We choose a place in the cellar on the floor, disinfect it and pour about 5 centimeters of sand there. We lay root crops on it in rows. Moreover, they should not touch each other. As soon as the first layer is laid out, sprinkle it with sand and lay out the carrots again. We repeat several times.

You can store carrots for a long time and in bulk. In boxes, and better away from apples.

You can also put root crops in dense wooden boxes or bags with a maximum of 5 kilograms each. A corrugated box will do.

Chalk can be used as a "preservative". Spray or dip carrots in 30% chalk slurry and dry. It is worth trying and dusting with chalk. 150 grams per 10 kilograms of carrots.

We hope, with the advice of the editors of the site, your harvest will remain fresh even after the harshest winter!
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