The most productive varieties of black currant. Rating of the best blackcurrant varieties Fragrant varieties of currant

Many of you are now grimacing. Whether it's sweet raspberries, why do we need this black fine sour meat! In fact, you are wrong, modern varieties for the Moscow region make it possible to get a very large, tasty and infinitely healthy berry. Today we will talk in detail about what kind of shrub to choose for your home garden.

Instead of an introduction

Having a small suburban area, we are very limited in time and area, which means we cannot plant one variety after another, selecting the one that will be most effective by the method of elimination. Modern breeders offer a variety of blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region, and it is very difficult to choose among them those that you will like the most. According to the register, there are more than 170 species. So let's define the criteria that should be followed.

Choosing for the Moscow region

The first indicator is productivity. The characteristic of the variety must contain at least 3 kg of berries. This is not so much, but if 5-10 bushes grow on the site, then the harvest will be quite sufficient. The second thing to pay attention to is frost resistance. Despite the fact that the climate in this region is milder than in many other areas, in winter the temperature can drop by up to 40 degrees. The third indicator is resistance to late spring frosts. And finally, the last thing: blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region should be quite self-fertile, that is, even under bad weather conditions, when insects practically do not arrive, they should tie about 60% of the crop.

But that's not all: we need varieties with large and sweet berries, with a good dessert taste. And finally, what is also important is the high content of vitamin C, which is so necessary for obtaining excellent medicinal jam. Based on the above, we need to choose the most suitable varieties for your garden.

Varieties of blackcurrant with large berries for the Moscow region

Today we will present only those varieties that meet the above criteria, are winter-hardy, productive, large-fruited and resistant to various diseases. The first to be noted is the Ariadna variety. It was bred relatively recently in Chelyabinsk, but has already gained good fame. Winter-hardy and resistant to powdery mildew, it practically does not cause trouble to the gardener. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that resistance to the kidney mite and moth is low. The bush is very compact, medium height, practically not sprawling, self-fertile. Productivity is good, you can shoot up to 3 kg from one bush.

The taste of berries is very delicate, sweet and sour. Like the blackcurrant varieties with large berries presented below, it is just perfect for the Moscow region. Fruit tasting score - 5 points.

The effect is the choice of most gardeners

We continue our brief excursion, during which we present you blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region with a photo and description. If you need an unpretentious variety that will bear fruit in almost any weather conditions, and at the same time produce the highest quality crop, then choose the Effect variety. You will feel the difference from many others in the first prolonged spring. Its flowers are resistant to spring frosts. But that's not all, the bushes demonstrate amazing frost resistance, drought resistance and heat resistance. That is, no matter what the weather is outside the window, you will have a good harvest of currants. The variety is resistant to almost all diseases.

Expect that your landings will take up a lot of space. The bush is vigorous, sprawling. A very productive variety, from one bush you get more than 3 kg of berries. It belongs to the most large-fruited of all late-ripening varieties. If you are looking for the best blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region, then consider that your search is over.

Currant Belarusian sweet

Probably, everyone is most interested in sweet blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region. Large tasty berries will become a favorite delicacy of the whole family. This variety was bred by the National Academy of Horticulture of Belarus. This is a real find for amateur and industrial gardening. Bushes very quickly enter the fruiting phase, already in the second year after planting seedlings, you will pick berries. This is the highest indicator of precocity of all that exists today. Plants do not care about winter frosts, however, late frosts can destroy some of the flowers and significantly reduce the yield. The variety is resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew and anthracnose. The bush is quite large, sprawling and very productive. Like all large varieties of blackcurrant, it suits the Moscow region very well, while each bush can provide the gardener with 4 kg of magnificent berries. The variety is mid-season, the fruits are distinguished by excellent taste.

Sort Exotic

His homeland is the city of Orel. This is an early maturing variety that is great for desserts and fresh consumption. The berries are large, sweet, thin-skinned, very tender and tasty. The bush is easy to handle, compact, upright. It is distinguished by good winter hardiness and resistance to powdery mildew, as well as bud mites. This is a fast-growing, self-fertile and productive variety, from each bush you can get up to 3 kg of excellent berries. If we talk about the best varieties of blackcurrant for the Moscow region, then it is necessary to include in its list the early-ripening variety Exotica and the late-ripening Effect.

Veloy, Leningrad sweet

Another stunning cultivar showing the highest resistance to winter frosts. It can grow even in Siberia, it is not afraid of winter thaws with a subsequent decrease in temperature. Drought-resistant, can go without watering for a long time. Resistant to most diseases such as powdery mildew, anthracnose, rust and thorn. The bush is compact and very productive, it can produce up to 5 kg of berries. The fruit tastes with a pleasant sourness.

Variety Sudarushka

Today we are considering the best varieties of blackcurrant for the Moscow region. Reviews of gardeners become a good help when choosing, as they convey the personal experience of people. All varieties presented in the article have the highest ratings, amateurs and professionals praise them for their excellent harvest, large tasty fruits, and unpretentiousness. But I would also like to note such a variety as Sudarushka. It will appeal to those who love a very sweet berry. Bred in Chelyabinsk, it is relatively winter hardy. In severe frosts, you need to additionally use a covering material. But this inconvenience is compensated by the yield - one bush gives up to 5 kg of fresh currants. Mid-season variety, its tasting score is 5 points.


Bred in the city of Bryansk and received recognition from many gardeners in the country and This is a large-fruited variety that requires very good care, the highest fertility of the land. The harvest will depend on this. Relatively winter-hardy, feels better during drought, well resists spring frosts. Immune to powdery mildew and a number of other diseases. The bush is small, upright. The berries are very large, for which gardeners love this variety. The taste is sweetish with a pleasant sourness. This is one of the best large-fruited varieties. Do not forget that not only berries are useful. Be sure to prepare for the winter and fresh in order to drink delicious tea in winter, which will support immunity.

Currant Vigorous

Bred in the city of Barnaul, well adapted to the conditions of Siberia and the plant needs good care, be sure to feed every year. Resistant to frost of any intensity. Relatively resistant to common diseases (powdery mildew and others). The bush is quite compact, medium-sized, semi-spreading. This is the most large-fruited of all late-ripening varieties. The berries are very beautiful, black and shiny, with a characteristic sourness. Regularly collects excellent reviews from gardeners, however, the cooler the climate in which you live, the smaller the berries will be.

We have presented you the most popular blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region (with photos and descriptions). This information will help you find exactly the one that will grow on your site and delight with fresh berries every year. In order to provide a family with a harvest, you only need a few bushes.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Russian summer residents willingly grow blackcurrants on their plots. It is popular due to its unique qualities. Caring for currants is not difficult: the culture is not demanding on the composition of the soil, it is accustomed to harsh winters, it produces many fruits even in the presence of a subarctic climate. Shrubs feel good in Yakutia, Khibiny, Siberia, Sakhalin. Breeders have bred a huge number of blackcurrant varieties: today there are more than 200 varieties. To determine the choice of seedlings, check out the most popular varieties.

The best varieties of blackcurrant

When choosing a variety for a summer residence, pay attention to its features. Consider the following characteristics:

  • purpose (for fresh consumption, blanks);
  • fruiting time;
  • size and taste of currants;
  • disease resistance;
  • winter hardiness.

Choose varieties that do well in your area. In this case, you can count on an excellent harvest. In general, all varieties are divided into:

  • early (fruiting - the end of July) - "Selechenskaya", "Openwork", "Dikovinka", "Exotica", "Orlovia";
  • medium (fruiting - mid-July) - "Fidelity", "Green Haze", "Black Pearl", "Zusha";
  • late (fruiting - the end of July - August) - "Vigorous", "Mermaid", "Venus", "Kipiana".

With large berries

Berries can be from a 5-ruble coin. The largest varieties of blackcurrant form brushes that look like bunches of grapes. To obtain a high yield, it is necessary to fertilize the land with high quality, regularly water the plants, inspect them for diseases, and, if necessary, treat them with special compounds and preparations. In large-fruited currants, it is recommended from time to time to remove old branches with weak growth (their age should exceed 5 years). To make the right choice of variety, study the most common varieties of culture:

  • “Vigorous” is a mid-season, winter-hardy variety, yields up to 5 kg of yield, is resistant to diseases (ribbon, bud mites are not terrible). The beginning of flowering is the first half of May. Fruiting occurs in the third decade of July. Juicy, fleshy currants from 2 to 6 g, look like grapes. The bushes are compact, have a spherical shape, height is from 1 to 1.5 m. The culture is updated every 5-7 years. Disadvantages - the rapid obsolescence of the bushes, instability to the fungus.
  • "Dobrynya" - flowering occurs in mid-May. Harvest ripens at the end of July. Sweet and sour, fleshy currant with dense skin, weighing up to 7 g, contains 6.9% sugar. "Dobrynya" is resistant to heat, drought, harsh winters, fungus. Productivity - 3 kg. Bushes are compact. The disadvantages of "Dobrynya" are the average yield, predisposition to diseases.
  • "Pearl" or "Black Pearl" - this "masterpiece" was obtained thanks to the work of Russian breeders. Sweet and sour currants, 6 g each (contains 9.5% sugars), are distinguished by a dense skin, long shelf life, easy portability of transportation. Productivity - up to 5 kg. Bushes 1.3 m high have vertically growing branches. "Pearl" is resistant to diseases (not affected by ticks), tolerates heat up to +40 degrees without problems, harsh winters with temperatures up to -42 degrees, even in the absence of snow cover. The disadvantages of the "Pearl" - the lack of resistance to fungal diseases.
  • "Selechenskaya-2" - early fruiting - the first decade of July, flowering - the first decade of May. Selechenskaya is characterized by the presence of large, tasty, sweet and sour berries (containing 7.3% sugar) weighing 3-6 g. Bushes up to 1.8 m high, resistant to fungi, harsh winters, easily tolerate drought and heat. Productivity - up to 4 kg. Disadvantages of "Selechenskaya-2" - often sick.
  • "Black Boomer" - upright, compact bushes give up to 4 kg of yield. Sweet and sour one-dimensional currant weighing up to 7 g, similar to grapes. On each brush sings up to 10 pieces. Currant variety Black Boomer is disease resistant. Disadvantages - cracking of berries when a large amount of moisture gets on them, poor separation from the brushes during collection.
  • "Big Ben" - an early variety, sweet currant with sourness up to 4 g, does not crumble. Up to 10 kg of crop ripens annually. Resistant to fungus, severe frosts. "Big Ben" requires special care: timely removal of branches, fertilization, and abundant watering are necessary.
  • Raisin is an early variety. The fruits contain 8.5% sugars, do not crumble, dry out and resemble raisins. Up to 12 pieces weighing up to 4 g can be present on one brush. Productivity is up to 3.5 kg. Resistant to heat, frost, disease. The disadvantages are poor rooting (difficult to propagate by cuttings).
  • "Pygmy" - currant weighing up to 8 g contains 9.5% sugars. Up to 10 pieces are located on the brush. Flowering occurs in mid-May, fruiting - at the end of July. One compact bush 1.5 m high gives up to 7 kg of yield. "Pygmy" can self-pollinate, give a high yield, is resistant to fungus, frost-resistant (can withstand temperatures down to minus 35 degrees). Disadvantages - often infected with ticks, septoria.
  • "Dachnitsa" - an early variety, sweet fruits with a thin skin weighing up to 4 g, which contain 9.3% sugars. Productivity - 1.8 kg. Plants are low, sprawling, about 1 m high, they survive frosts down to -35 degrees, they do not get sick. Self-fertility is high, over 70%. When fruiting, the branches lean towards the ground. Disadvantages - uneven fruiting.
  • "Gulliver" - early fruiting of fruits, the weight of which reaches 5 g. Up to 20 sweet and sour berries containing 6.5% sugars are located on the brush. Productivity - up to 2 kg. Resistant to ticks, cold. Keep in mind that a lack of water will result in a poor harvest.


Varieties with sweet berries are called dessert varieties because the fruits are often consumed fresh. The sweetest blackcurrant is distinguished by the presence of fruits, which contain about 10-12% sugars, a lot of vitamin C. When berries are consumed, a slight sourness is felt. Belarusian sweet currant is common, the following varieties of culture:

  • "Bagheera" - sweet currant weighing 7 g contains 12% sugars, does not crumble, sings together, up to 7 pieces are located on the brush. "Bagheera" reaches a height of 1-1.5 m. Flowering occurs in the second decade of May, fruiting begins in mid-July. The yield is average (4.5 kg). It tolerates harsh winters, drought, heat, rarely gets sick. Disadvantages - it is necessary to fertilize in a timely manner, water abundantly, regularly cut off old branches.
  • "Green haze" - is distinguished by fragrant, sweet berries of 3 g each, which contain about 12.2% sugar. The bushes are relatively not high, not too sprawling. "Green haze" rarely suffers from pests, fungi. Productivity - 5 kg. The beginning of flowering - the second half of May, fruiting - mid-July. "Green haze" easily tolerates severe frosts. Disadvantage - often sick.
  • Constellation is an early variety. Sweet currant weighing 1.5-2 g, contains 11% sugars. Productivity is high - about 3 kg. The bushes are low, slightly spreading, the branches are of medium thickness. Fruiting is regular even in the absence of abundant watering. "Constellation" easily tolerates drought, harsh winter, resistant to disease. May suffer from a tick.
  • "Nina" - an early variety, large, sweet currant with a diameter of 1-1.3 cm, weighing 2-4 g contains 9-11% sugars. Fruiting is friendly. Bushes easily propagate by cuttings, relatively low, form a large number of basal shoots, resistant to powdery mildew, harsh winters. Flowering occurs at the beginning of May. In early July, you can harvest 5 kg of crop. Disadvantages - does not tolerate transportation, plants are prone to terry, often suffer from bud mites.

resistant varieties

To resistant to diseases, heat, frost include blackcurrant "Vigorous", "Pearl", "Dobrynya", "Gulliver", "Raisin", "Venus". Popular and such varieties of blackcurrant:

  • "Sibilla" - fragrant, sweet berries of 4 g each. "Sibilla" tolerates harsh winters well, often suffers from ticks.
  • "Gross" - fruits of 3 g tolerate transportation well. Can collect 4 kg. Rarely sick. There are no disadvantages.
  • "Gamma" - large, shiny fruits with a dense skin. Medium-sized, compact, dense bushes. You can harvest 1.2 kg of crop. Often suffers from anthracnose, septoria.
  • "Sevchanka" - berries of 3.5 g with elastic skin, do not crumble. Plants are slightly spreading, resistant to frost, heat, disease. There are no disadvantages.
  • "Globe" - sweet berries with a dry separation, contain 6.7% sugars. Bushes are medium-sized, medium spreading, rare. High disease resistance. There are no cons.
  • "Ant" - bushes of medium size, slightly sprawling, dense. Flowering - mid-May, fruiting - the end of July. Fruits with a dry separation, shiny, black with a pleasant taste and aroma, contain a lot of vitamin C, easily tolerate transportation, and sing together. "Ant" rarely gets sick. With good care gives a big harvest. Cons - can be affected by rust, small berries.
  • "Romance" or "Chime" - flowering - mid-late May, ripening - late July - early August. The bushes are low-growing, medium spreading, rare. The berries are large and sweet, 5 g each. "Romance" easily tolerates winter, does not get sick. There are no disadvantages.
  • "Rhapsody" - flowering - middle, end of May, fruiting - end of July, beginning of August. Sweet currant weighing 3.4-5 g with a dense skin, annually ripens 6-8 kg. Rhapsody tolerates winter well, does not suffer from pests. There are no cons.
  • "Orlovia" - sweet and sour currant 1-2 g, 5-6 pieces are formed on the brushes. The bushes are vigorous, medium spreading, not too dense. "Orlovia" rarely gets sick, tolerates winter well. There are no cons.
  • "Kipiana" is a medium-late variety, plants are slightly spreading, annually yield up to 5 kg, do not suffer from pests. Sweet and sour berries, 1 g each. There are no cons.
  • "Grace" - loves the sun, partial shade. Bushes are medium-sized, slightly sprawling. Sweet berries, 2 g each. Disease resistance. There are no cons.

Early varieties

Ripening time often falls at the beginning of July. If you live in the southern region, you will get a harvest in the middle and second half of June. Early varieties easily tolerate spring frosts. Bushes "wake up" in April, bloom in May. The most popular blackcurrant varieties are "Dachnitsa", "Raisin". Here is a description of a few more common options:

  • "Maria Kyiv" - characterized by sweet and sour berries of 4 g, which can be used for freezing and making compotes, jams. "Maria of Kyiv" is rarely affected by rust, powdery mildew. Minus - requires careful maintenance.
  • "Nestor Kozin" - flowering - early May, ripening - early July. Sweet and sour fruits up to 4 g with a dry separation. Bushes up to 1.5 m high, resistant to harsh winters, heat. Cons - often suffers from bud mites, anthracnose, septoria, poor tolerance for transportation.
  • "Exotic" - sweet and sour currant, 3 g each, does not fall off after ripening, annually ripens up to 2 kg of the crop. Frequent pruning of old branches is not required. Plants are compact, rarely suffer from powdery mildew, do not freeze. Minus - low yield (up to 1 kg).
  • "Perun" - fragrant and sweet with a slight sourness of blackcurrant, 2 g each, contains 9.5% sugars. "Perun" does not freeze, resistant to heat, often infected with powdery mildew. Branches, as they develop, need to be tied up or propped up in order to be lifted from the ground.


The ripening period is at the end of June, the beginning - the end of July. The sales leaders are the following varieties: Dubrovskaya, Zhuravushka, Venus, Zhemchuzhina or Black Pearl, Pygmy, Dobrynya, Vigorous, Raisin. In addition, the following types of culture are popular:

  • "Venus" - 6 g berries contain 7% sugars, up to 10 pieces are formed on the brush. Annually sings up to 5 kg of crop. "Venus" will survive drought, frost without problems, grows well in the shade, partial shade. Fruiting early, stretches until August. Cons - does not tolerate transportation, suffers from pests.
  • "Titania" - flowering occurs in mid-May, ripening - in the first half of July. The weight of sweet and sour berries with a dense skin is 4 g, up to 25 pieces are located on the brush, they ripen unevenly, in batches, within a month, they do not choke when harvested. You can harvest up to 4 kg of crop. "Titania" easily tolerates severe frosts up to -24 degrees. “It does not become infected with diseases, it requires special care: timely fertilization, abundant watering, regular pruning, replacement of old bushes with new ones are necessary. Fruiting is not friendly, the berries are not one-dimensional.


Ripening occurs at the beginning of August. Culture can often become infected with fungi, affected by pests. This is due to the long maturation period. To avoid many growing problems, choose crops that are resistant to disease, heat, drought, and frost. Currants should have a dense peel, easy to carry transportation. Late varieties include:

  • "Daughter" - relatively low bushes (about 1 m), berries 1.2–2.3 g are characterized by a dry separation, suitable for fresh consumption, blanks. The "daughter" rarely suffers from a bud mite, but powdery mildew often forms on the branches. 3-4 kg of crop ripens annually, flowering occurs in the second half of May, ripening - at the beginning of August.
  • "Vologda" - currants from 2.2 g contain 7.6% sugars, up to 40 pieces are formed on the brush, up to 5 kg ripens annually. Flowering occurs in the second decade of May, ripening - the end of July. "Vologda" easily tolerates heat up to +45 degrees, frost down to -35 degrees. Minus - often affected by rust, unfriendly fruiting, branches need to be tied up or propped up.
  • "Lazy" - sweet berries up to 3 g contain from 9% sugars, up to 10 pieces are located on the brush. Flowering occurs in the second half of May, fruiting - at the end of July - beginning of August. About 2.2 kg of crop is harvested from the bush. "Lazy" has a relatively small height. Branches are formed close to each other, so regular pruning of overgrowth, old branches is necessary. Plant "Lazy" for mechanized assembly. It is frost-resistant, practically does not suffer from pests, fungus, except for powdery mildew. Minus - not friendly fruiting.
  • "Arcadia" - sweet and sour berries of 5 g, annually ripens up to 2.5 kg. Curved branches 1–1.2 m long. The disadvantage is low bushes.
  • "Altai Late" - fruits of 1.2 g each contain 8% sugars, up to 14 pieces are formed on the brush. "Altai Late" rarely gets sick.
  • "Tatyana's Day" - berries up to 1.5 g contain 9.5% sugars, up to 3 kg ripen annually. Plant "Tatiana's Day" for mechanized assembly. Keep in mind that in the absence of the necessary care, the culture is affected by spider mites, powdery mildew.

For the middle lane

For this region of Russia, such varieties of culture are suitable: "Dachnitsa", "Venus", "Perun", "Exotica", "Orlovia". In addition, the following varieties are very popular:

  • "Curity" - ripening occurs at the beginning of July. Plants are medium, slightly sprawling, not afraid of frost, love abundant watering, do not tolerate heat well, do not get sick. Sweet and sour berries weighing 2 g.
  • "Openwork" - flowering occurs in mid-May, ripening - in the second half of July. Sweet and sour fruits, 2 g each, annually ripen up to 4.5 kg. Resistance to winters, pests, diseases. There are no cons.
  • "Loyalty" - ripening occurs in mid-July. Ripens up to 2.6 kg. Berries are sweet, 3–5 g each. Plants of medium density, slightly spreading. May be affected by pests.
  • "Zusha" - flowering - mid-May, fruiting - the end of July. Sweet and sour fruits 1.2–1.9 g with a thin skin, brushes 5 cm long. The plants are sprawling, resistant to cold, fungus, and are not affected by ticks. Fruiting is friendly. There are no cons.
  • "Mermaid" - flowering - the end of May, ripening - the end of July. Sweet and sour fruits weighing 7.5 g with a dry separation. Resistance to frost, heat, fungus. Friendly fruiting. Ripens up to 1.5-3 kg of crop. Cons - frequent damage by bud mites, septoria.

For the Moscow region

In this area, winters are relatively mild, summers are warm and humid. Culture tolerates such a climate well. Often summer residents plant Green Haze, Daughter, Dove, Selechenskaya-2, Dobrynya, Vigorous, and such varieties:

  • "Veloi" - fruits weighing 1–3.5 g, plants are resistant to frost, bear fruit well, ripens up to 4 kg of crop. Veloy is not sick. Ripening is not simultaneous, often the skin of the fruit bursts.
  • "Memory of Lisavenko" - berries of 1.5 g each, delicate, fragrant in taste, tolerate transportation over long distances well. "Memory of Lisavenko" easily tolerates severe frosts, resistant to diseases. Requires a lot of attention.
  • "Sudarushka" - berries weighing up to 4.5 g, sweet in taste. The yield is high. "Sudarushka" tolerates winter well, suffers from kidney mites.
  • "Nara" - flowering - beginning - mid-May, ripening - early July. Sweet and sour fruits, 2.5 g each. Resistant to fungus. The flowers are often affected by spring frosts.
  • "Moscow Black" - sweet and sour fruits weighing 1.3–2.2 g with a dry separation, yield - 4 kg. Resistance to winter, diseases. Requires frequent application of organic fertilizers, abundant watering, annual pruning.
  • "Sevchanka" - flowering - beginning - mid-May, ripening - early July. Berries 3 g each, do not crumple. Resistance to winter, pests. There are no cons.
  • "Smuglyanka" - sweet and sour fruits, 1 g each, crumple. The yield is average. Mite resistance, but frequent fungus attack.
  • "Oryol Serenade" - sweet and sour fruits of 1.3 g, do not fall off. Productivity - up to 1.5 kg. Plants are spreading, medium density. May be affected by septoria, anthracnose.
  • "Izmailovskaya" - sweet and sour, fragrant fruits of 2 g each. Productivity - up to 3.6 kg. Winter-hardy, not affected by pests. The bushes are dense, medium-sized, medium spreading. Minus - medium-sized fruits.
  • "Paulinka" - early ripening, sweet berries weighing 0.8 g. "Paulinka" tolerates winter well. Cons - suffers from a tick, branches often break under heavy load.

Choosing the best blackcurrant variety for a summer cottage is not an easy task. Because, there are over 200 varieties of berry bushes. In order not to be mistaken, experienced gardeners advise planting three or four plants with different fruit ripening dates. And in this way, the harvest time will last all summer, and it will also become clear: which variety is most suitable for your garden.

Blackcurrants are classified according to the following principles:

  • by maturity;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • appointment;
  • productivity;
  • winter hardiness;
  • taste indicators;
  • fruit size.

However, all these characteristics directly depend on climatic conditions, planting site, seedling quality, compliance with the rules for caring for berry crops.

An equally important quality is the self-fertility of blackcurrant. But it should be noted that the yield will increase fundamentally if several bushes are planted nearby on the site. Mutual pollination has a positive effect on the quality and size of berries.


When choosing a new, promising blackcurrant variety, the owners of summer cottages compare yields and fruit size. However, the characteristics of the same species may differ even within a radius of 200 km.


The leader among mid-season varieties. The bush is branched, sprawling, medium thickened. Berry oval, plum-shaped. The pulp is dense, there are few seeds inside. The taste is sweet and sour. The fruits are large, 3 cm in diameter, and weigh about 6 g. The brushes are long, the berries are placed tightly on them. On one brush you can see up to 8 pieces. The plant has good frost resistance, as it was bred for the territory of Western Siberia. In other areas, it is not always possible to achieve large amounts of fertility. requires annual rejuvenation.

The yield of currant variety Vigorous is about 8 kg.


The plant is compact, medium-sized. The shoots are upright, have a height of up to one and a half meters. During the ripening of the fruit, a garter is necessary. The annual growth of young shoots is small. The berry is slightly compressed from the poles. The color is deep black with a bright sheen. Weight is 5.5-6.5 g. The pulp is tasty, there is a bright aroma of currants. The peel is dense, elastic, due to which high transportability rates are achieved. Productivity is 1.5-2.5 kg.


Currant, which combines the best qualities of wild berries and gooseberries. The variety easily takes root in any region of Russia.

The shrub tolerates drought well. The branches are long, straight, strong and do not need support. The berries are round, dense. Weight 3-5.5 g. Color black. Shine in the sun.

Fruits have a universal purpose. The yield per bush is 4-5 kg. The content of vitamin C in the variety is 161 mg/100 g of berries.


An equally important characteristic for blackcurrant fruits is the presence of useful sugars in the composition, and the more of them, the tastier the berry, respectively. Sweet varieties are best consumed fresh.

Berries with a thin skin and excess acid are advised to use for making jams, compotes. And dense currant fruits are optimally suited for storage and freezing.

green haze

Spreading bush, medium height with large, light green leaves. Fruits in the second year after planting. The brushes reach 6 cm. The berry is rounded, weighing 2.5 g. The skin is dense. The separation is dry, but with an excess of liquid, the fruits may burst. Yield 3.7 kg.

The berry has a pleasant aroma of nutmeg. Tasting score 4.9 points.


Early ripe currant, ripening period - early July. The bush is low, branched, with a large number of root shoots. The berries are approximately the same size 1-1.3 cm in diameter, ripen evenly. The mass of a berry is on average 3 g. Useful sugars contain 9-11%. The yield is stable, 4 kg per bush, and with proper care up to 8 kg. "Nina" winter-hardy, self-fertile plant.

The disadvantages include: low resistance to terry and bud mites, poor transportability of berries.


Mid-early variety of blackcurrant. Spreading shrub, branches long, height 1-1.5 meters in height. It tolerates heat and drought well, but has poor immunity to fungal diseases and pests.

Productivity from 3 to 4.5 kg per bush. The fruits ripen in the second decade of July, all at the same time.

The weight of the berry is 1-2 g. They are transported well.


Another criterion for a plant that is paid attention to when choosing a berry bush is an early ripening period. After all, everyone wants to try a tasty and healthy berry as soon as possible. However, this figure is directly dependent on weather conditions.


Shrub of medium height, one and a half meters in height, upright. Thickness is average. Young shoots are even, strong, thick, light olive in color, no pubescence. The shape of the fruit is spherical, the color is black, shiny. The pulp has a sweet and sour taste and a delicate aroma. The mass of the berry is 3-6.5 g. The skin is dense, thin, matte. The stem is long, green. Taste score is 4.4 points. The purpose of the variety is universal.

Maria Kyiv

The bush is slightly sprawling, medium in size. Berries tend to have a small amount of acid. Weight 4 g. Suitable for freezing and other technological processes. Among the positive qualities it is worth noting: good immunity to columnar rust and powdery mildew, high yield.

Nestor Kozin

The variety begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting. Sufficiently resistant to fungal diseases and pests. Not afraid of hot periods in the absence of precipitation and low air temperatures.

The berries are large, weight 3-4 g. The taste is sour-sweet.

Shrub not sprawling, compact. Shoots are straight, strong, up to 1.5 meters high. The foliage is large, dark green.


The bush is low, medium sprawling. The branches are strong, upright. The berries reach a weight of 3 g. The pulp is sweet, there are few seeds. The content of vitamin C is 191 mg per 100 g, and useful sugars are 9%. Blooms in the first half of May. Flowers white, large. Fruiting occurs in early July. Productivity from a bush - 2 kg. "Izyumskaya" is a frost-resistant, disease-resistant variety. However, it does not propagate well from cuttings. Izyumnaya will tell about the currant variety.

summer resident

This variety of blackcurrant is more suitable than others for cultivation in the Central regions of the country. Shrub undersized. With significant yields, the lower shoots lie on the surface of the earth, so a backup is needed. The skin is thin. The berry is large, 2-4 g. The fruits are sweet, there is no typical sour taste. Ripening occurs in a short time, but unevenly, which allows you to harvest for a long time. If the berry is overripe, it falls off.

The variety is characterized by high rates of cold resistance, resistance to fungal diseases, harmful insects. Productivity - 1.5-2 kg.


The berry bush is not large. Shoots are strong, vertically growing. Flesh is green. Separation is dry. Seeds are small. The weight of the fetus is 1-2.5 g. The size is different. The skin is dense, transparent. The amount of sugar in 8.7%. The variety is self-fertile. Does not suffer from fungal diseases. Fruits well in cold winter conditions. Harvest ripens in early June. The number of berries from a bush is 1.5-2.5 kg.


It belongs to the early varieties of blackcurrant. The bush blooms in May, and the berry ripens in June. The bush is medium in size, compact. The shoots are long, but do not need a garter. The foliage has 5 lobes, the surface is dryish and wrinkled. The berries on the bunch are loose, which makes picking easier. has a rather sweet taste. Sugar content 9.4%."Pygmy" is resistant to early frosts, drought, fungal diseases characteristic of currants.

The minimum fruit weight is 2 g, the maximum is 8 g. Fruiting up to 5 kg.

Black Pearl

The bush is spreading, medium leafy. Young shoots are slightly curved, pale green in color. Height up to 1.5 meters. The berries are large, the average weight ranges from 1.2-1.5 g. The largest fruits reach 3 g. The shape is round, the size is approximately the same. The skin is dense. The pulp has a sweet and sour taste and a delicate aroma. Inside the seeds are large, but there are not many of them. Separation is dry. Berry color is black. rated 4.2 points out of 5 in terms of taste.


This plant is not afraid of spring frosts, tolerates cold winters and dry summers well.

Does not suffer from the misfortunes of pests, but is quite susceptible to powdery mildew.

Productivity is about 1.5-3 kg. The berry reaches 2 g. The sugar content is high, so the fruit has a dessert taste and, in addition, a pleasant aroma.


Crops related to this species bear fruit closer to the middle of summer. They are preferred for large fruits and excellent taste.


The main feature of this variety is high frost resistance characteristics. Bushes are squat, compact. The branches are strong. The leaves are large, bright green. The berries are medium in size. Productivity of a fruit bush is 3 kg. "Dubrovskaya" is not afraid of terry, bud mites, anthracnose.

late, large

Meanwhile, berries that ripen closer to the autumn season are no less popular. After all, the longer the fruiting time of blackcurrant, the more vitamins the body can get, and also prepare for the winter.


The shrub grows up to a meter in height. In this case, the branches are arranged vertically, do not scatter in different directions. The garter of the lower shoots does not need. The fruits are of considerable size up to 2.5 g. The taste of the berries is sweet with a small amount of acid. Separation is dry. The culture is self-fertile. It tolerates frosty winters well. It does not lend itself to bud mite attacks, but it does not have immunity from powdery mildew.

Harvest ripens with the advent of August. Fruiting - 3-4 kg per bush.

Lazy person

The berries are large, weight - 1.5-2 g. The separation is dry. The taste is sweet and sour. Productivity is 3-4 kg. Self-fertility is high.

The disadvantages include: uneven maturation, the need to put props under the branches.


Best for

Breeders continuously offer new, more advanced blackcurrant varieties that have different berry ripening periods, are resistant to infectious diseases, and have one or another territorial affiliation.


Weather conditions in the Ural region correspond to the geographical location. The territory is located in the depths of the continent and is quite remote from the warm seas and oceans.

The average daily temperature in winter ranges from -16 to -24°C, but frosts of -45°C are also not uncommon. Therefore, in order to obtain stable yields in the Urals, one should give preference to varieties with different periods of flowering and ripening of berries in order to avoid the death of ovaries from spring frosts.

Suitable varieties of berry crops for growing in this area:

  • "Atlant";
  • "Spherical";
  • "Slav";
  • "Nuclear".


The Siberian region is characterized not only by severe winters, but also by hot, dry summers.

In such stressful situations, not every bush will have fruits at all, not to mention high yields and large fruits. Gulliver will tell about the blackcurrant variety.

However, new subspecies not only endure all weather disasters, but are also able to withstand fungal infections and insect pests.

  • "Nika";
  • "Ksyusha";
  • "Agatha";
  • "Fun";
  • "Harmony".

Middle Band

The classification of blackcurrant is great, but the primary condition is the zoning of varieties. I would like to add that the timing of fruit ripening, taste characteristics, size may depend not only on the climate, but also on the soil, watering.

For gardeners living in Central Russia, it is advisable to consider:

  • "Curity";
  • "Loyalty";
  • "Zusha";
  • "Mermaid".

Moscow region

In this area, winters are mild, and summers are warm and humid. It is this climate that is most suitable for blackcurrants. But there are some nuances here. It is important to select varieties of crops according to their adaptability to the specifics of the soil on the site, because its composition is different throughout the region. Read about the best varieties for the Moscow region.

You should also not buy late-ripening plants, as they will not have time to mature. The most successful varieties:

  • "Darkie";
  • "Nara";
  • "Spider web";
  • "Moscow black";


Video about the best varieties of blackcurrant.


  1. When buying currant seedlings, you should focus on indicators corresponding to the planting region.
  2. Pay attention to other characteristics of this variety, preferences for soil composition, watering, fertilizers.
  3. Plant healthy and hardened plants.
  4. It is advisable to plant several blackcurrant bushes for mutual pollination.
  5. Subspecies of berries with a high concentration of vitamin C are more useful and resistant to spring frosts.
  6. In regions with severe winters, shrubs with early ripening should be covered, otherwise all flower buds will freeze. Read about the best currant varieties for Siberia.

Blackcurrant bushes grow on any summer cottage in different regions of Russia. The plant does not require special care and is resistant to frost, brings a rich harvest even in subarctic regions. This horticultural crop is planted in Yakutia and Khibiny. Summer residents grow blackcurrants from Sakhalin in the east to the Krasnodar Territory in the south.

The plant has such a unique ability to adapt to any climatic conditions thanks to its ancestor - wild currant, which grows in forests. It will not be difficult for an amateur gardener to make a choice if he carefully studies the description and looks at the photos presented in the article. Since there are a huge number of good varieties and types of this crop.

The best varieties of blackcurrant and their differences

Varieties differ in the following indicators:

  • Appointment;
  • The speed of fruit ripening;
  • The volume of the crop;
  • The taste of pulp;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • Disease and virus resistance.

By purpose, the fruits are divided:

  • Dessert variety - berries with excellent taste;
  • For preservation and preparations - fruits with soft and delicate skin, sour in taste;
  • For freezing - currants with a thick skin;
  • Universal varieties.

When choosing a variety, you should pay attention to the region in which it is recommended to grow it. Plants suitable for planting in a certain area bring a good harvest.

Weight, crop maturity, taste may vary depending on the area in which the plant was planted, and on the composition of the soil or watering. At a distance of more than 200 km, the main characteristics of the berry can vary greatly.

  1. Early ripening - at the end of June: "Exotica", "Dikovinka", "Selechinskaya", "Dachnitsa", "Orlovia", "Openwork";
  2. The average ripening period is the second half of July: "Fidelity", "Green Haze", "Black Pearl", "Zusha", "Perun";
  3. Late ripening - from the second half of July to August: "Mermaid", "Venus", "Kipiana", "Vigorous".

Large-fruited varieties of black currant


The berries of this variety are the largest, resembling grapes in size. The weight of one unit varies from 3.1 to 8.1 grams. "Vigorous" is characterized by a medium-late ripening period of the crop. The bush is small in size, spherical in shape, can reach a height of 1.1 - 1.6 m. After 5.5 - 7 years, the plant must be replaced, since the fertile age ends. The pulp tastes juicy and sweet, the berries are fleshy, covered with a thick skin. Representatives of the species tolerate frosts well, and are also not affected by grouse and bud mites. The yield is good, for the season you can collect from 3.1 to 6.1 kg from one bush. currants. The flowering period of "Vigorous" begins in the first week of May. Ripe fruits appear at the end of July.


  • Large berries;
  • Tolerates frost well;
  • self-fertility;
  • Productivity.
  • Needs careful care;
  • Bushes cease to bear fruit after 5-7 years;
  • Fruit pulp tastes sour;
  • The species is susceptible to the spread of powdery mildew.


It belongs to a large-fruited variety of blackcurrant, has an average ripening period. The weight of the berry is 3-7 g, the size of the fruit is not uniform, different. The pulp has a sweet and sour taste, the skin is firm. In 100 gr. berries 200 mg of vitamin C, sugar content - 6.9%.

The plant is medium in size, the height of the bush is from 1.1 to 1.6 m. "Dobrynya" tolerates frost and drought well, resistant to the spread of powdery mildew. From one shoot per season, you can harvest from 1.7 to 2.5 kg of crop. The flowering period begins in mid-May. The first crop is harvested in the second half of July.


  • Large and tasty fruits;
  • Medium sized plant;
  • It tolerates frost and drought well;
  • Not susceptible to the spread of powdery mildew.
  • Average yield;
  • Non-one-dimensionality of berries;
  • Susceptible to bud mites and anthracnose.

"Selechenskaya - 2"

The berries of this species are large and pleasant to the taste, are considered the most delicious. The weight of one fruit is up to 6 gr. The pulp is sweet, with sourness. The content of vitamin C in 100 gr. - 160 mg, sugar - 7.4%. It ripens early, in early July, and the flowering period begins in the first half of May. The height of the bush is from 1.6 to 1.8 m. Selechenskaya is resistant to frost and the spread of powdery mildew. For the season, the plant yields from 2.6 to 5 kg.


  • Large and tasty berries;
  • It tolerates low temperatures well;
  • The species is not susceptible to powdery mildew;
  • Productivity.


  • The plant can become a victim of diseases: anthracnose, kidney mite.

Sweet varieties of blackcurrant

"Green Haze"

Representatives of the species have an average ripening period. The plant bears fruit only a year after planting. The bush is not very tall, medium sprawling. Currant has a pleasant aroma, one berry weighs from 1.6 to 2.6 grams. 10 grams of pulp contains 193 mg. vitamin C, and sugar - 12.3%. "Green haze" tolerates low temperatures well and does not suffer from powdery mildew. From one shoot per season, you can collect from 4.1 to 5 kg of crop. The plant begins to bloom in the second half of May. A mature crop can be harvested in mid-summer.


  • Tasty and sweet berry;
  • yield;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Refers to fast-growing species.
  • May be severely affected by bud mites.


"Nina" refers to varieties that ripen early. The plant has many shoots, medium in size, the bushes are densely arranged. The berries are large from 1 to 1.35 cm in diameter, the weight of one piece is from 2 to 4 grams. 100 grams of pulp contains 180 - 269 mg of ascorbic acid. Currant ripens almost simultaneously, the yield is good. "Nina" tolerates the cold season well. The variety has an average resistance to powdery mildew disease. From one bush you can collect from 3 to 4 kg per season, if you do not forget to feed and water the soil, then the plant yields up to 8 kg. The flowering period of blackcurrant begins in the first half of May. In early July, you can pick ripe berries.


  • Pleasant taste;
  • Ripe at the same time
  • It tolerates frost well;
  • Excellent yield.


  • Poorly tolerates transportation;
  • The species is susceptible to the spread of terry and bud mites.


It belongs to the sweet varieties, has an average ripening period. The plant is medium in size, 1 to 1.6 m high. The fruits are large, the weight of one is from 1 to 2.2 grams, they reach maturity almost simultaneously, they keep well on the branch. 100 g of pulp contains 156 - 189 mg of ascorbic acid, sugar - from 9.1 to 11.9%. Ripe berries appear a year after planting. Bagheera tolerates low temperature and drought, has an average resistance to viruses and diseases. From one shoot, you can collect from 3 to 4.4 kg of currants. The flowering period begins in the second half of May. A mature crop can be harvested in mid-summer.

Grade Benefits:

  • Drought and frost resistance;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Simultaneous maturation;
  • They tolerate transportation well;


  • The average degree of resistance to anthracnose, bud mites, powdery mildew.

Early varieties of blackcurrant


Ripens early. Plant of medium size, erect, height from 1 to 1.6 m. The fruits are large, sour-sweet in taste, with delicate skin. 100 g of pulp contains 8.9% sugar and 199 mg of vitamin C. "Exotica" refers to self-fertile varieties. The species is resistant to columnar rust and powdery mildew, tolerates low temperatures well. Suitable for growing in many regions, including the Moscow region. From one bush per season, you can collect from 1 to 1.6 kg of black currant. The weight of one berry is from 2.6 to 3.6 gr. The flowering period begins in May. Ripe fruits appear in the first half of July.


  • The most large-fruited species of early varieties;
  • Low temperature resistance;
  • "Exotic" is not subject to the spread of powdery mildew.
  • The plant may suffer from terry, anthracnose and bud mites.


A variety of early ripening currant. The plant is not sprawling, medium in size, 1.1 - 1.6 m high. The currant is large, the weight of one unit varies from 2.1 to 3 grams. 100 grams of pulp contains 9.1% sugar and 193 mg of ascorbic acid. "Raisin" tolerates frost and drought well. Rarely exposed to the negative effects of diseases and viruses, including powdery mildew and bud mites. From one bush per season, from 1.8 to 2.1 kg of crop is harvested. The flowering period begins in early May. Ripening of berries begins in July.


  • This species tolerates frost, drought well;
  • Not afraid of powdery mildew;
  • Big berries.
  • When propagating, there are difficulties with rooting cuttings.


The variety ripens early. The plant is small, moderately spreading, not more than a meter high. The fruits are large, sweet with delicate skin, the weight of one is from 2.3 to 4 grams. One hundred grams of fruit pulp contains 190 mg of vitamin C and 9.4% sugar. "Dachnitsa" tolerates frost well and is not prone to diseases - powdery mildew and bud mites. The volume of the crop obtained is average, from 1.5 to 1.9 kg of berries can be harvested from a bush. The flowering period begins in May. Ripe fruits are harvested in the first half of July.


  • Large berries;
  • early maturity;
  • The variety is not susceptible to the spread of diseases.
  • Bushes are recommended to be supported so that they do not lie on the ground;
  • Berries ripen at different times;
  • Fruits that are overripe quickly crumble.


"Titania" has an average ripening period. The plant is medium in size and not very tall. The bushes are thick, quite high up to 1.6 m. The greenish flesh tastes sour-sweet, the skin is dense. The content of vitamin C in 100 grams of fruit is 171 mg, sugar 8.8%. The variety easily tolerates the cold season and low temperatures. Does not spread powdery mildew. From one bush you can collect from 1.6 to 2.6 kg of crop. The weight of one berry is from 1 to 2.6 gr. Flowering begins in mid-May. You can harvest as early as July.


  • The variety is not susceptible to powdery mildew;
  • Berries do not crumble for a long time.
  • Currants of different sizes;
  • The fruits do not ripen for a long time.

"Black Pearl"

The berries ripen in the middle term. The plant is not tall, about 1 - 1.6 m. Fruits of the same size with a dry separation. The pulp is sweetish-sour, the sugar content in 100 grams is 9.3%, ascorbic acid is 134 mg. Self-fertile black pearls tolerate frosts well, give a large amount of harvest. Susceptibility to diseases such as powdery mildew is medium. From one bush per season, you can collect from 3.6 to 4.6 kg of fruit. The weight of one unit is from 1.4 to 1.5 gr. Flowering begins in May. The crop ripens in mid-summer.


  • Good yield;
  • Large fruits;
  • Berries of the same size;
  • Easily transfers transportation;
  • Low temperature resistant.


  • Moderate susceptibility to powdery mildew disease.


The delicacy variety has an average ripening period. Bushes are spreading, low. Currant is large, with soft skin and tasty dessert pulp. The pulp is rich in vitamin C and other beneficial substances. 100 grams of berries contain 9.5% sugar and 151 mg of ascorbic acid. "Pygmy" refers to the self-fertile species, tolerates frost well. Not susceptible to diseases such as anthracnose and powdery mildew. From 1.5 to 5.8 kg of currants are harvested from the bush. Flowering begins in mid-May, and ripe fruits appear in the second half of July.


  • Tolerates frost well;
  • Gives a rich harvest;
  • Big berries.
  • Currants differ in weight and size;
  • Resistance to the appearance of a kidney mite is medium.

Late, large blackcurrant varieties


Differs in late ripening. The bushes are not sprawling, not more than a meter high. The fruits are large, with a dry separation, the weight of the fruits is from 1 to 2.4 g. The taste of the pulp is sweet and sour, 100 grams of currant contains 160 mg of vitamin C and 7.6% sugar. "Daughter" perfectly tolerates frost and drought. The variety is not susceptible to the appearance of a kidney mite. Medium resistance to powdery mildew. From one bush you can collect from 3 to 4 kg of blackcurrant. Flowering begins in late spring, ripe fruits can be harvested in the first half of August.


  • yield;
  • Good quality berries.


  • Medium resistance to powdery mildew.


Ripening occurs late. Medium sized plant with spreading bushes. The fruits are large, with a dry separation, sour-sweet in taste. The pulp contains 7.6% sugar per 100 grams and 176 mg of vitamin C. Vologda tolerates low temperatures well, but spring frosts can have a negative effect on currants. Not susceptible to the emergence and spread of diseases and viruses. From 3.4 to 4 kg of ripe fruits are harvested from one bush. The weight of one unit is 1.5 - 2.3 gr. The flowering period begins at the end of May. A mature crop can be harvested in the first half of August.


  • High yield;
  • Large berries;
  • It tolerates diseases well.
  • The plant takes up a lot of space due to large bushes;
  • Needs additional supports.

"Lazy person"

Ripening occurs late. The bushes of the plant are dense and vigorous, height from 1.6 to 1.9 m. The fruits are large, round in shape. The pulp is sweet, contains about 118 mg of vitamin C per 100 g and 8.9% sugar. "Lazy" well tolerates the effects of low temperatures, is self-fertile. Not susceptible to the spread of diseases such as terry, anthracnose. It has medium resistance to bud mites and powdery mildew. From one bush per season, you can get from 1.9 to 2.3 kg of currants. The weight of one unit is from 2 to 3 grams. The flowering period begins in late spring, the crop ripens in early August.


  • Not susceptible to the spread of diseases and viruses;
  • Has a dessert flavor.
  • Yields of different volumes;
  • maturation at different times.

​Related Articles​

Ukrainian high-yielding variety of early ripening. The berries are large, weighing 3-4 g, sweet and sour.


Nara 1.9-3.3 (6.8-2.5)

Vologda 1.7-3 g (8.1-2.7)

The best varieties of blackcurrant for the middle lane

I have Vologda, very productive, large, but I want to get hold of sweet varieties, albeit not so large

A variety of blackcurrant. How to choose a variety?

Variety Vigorous. It has a very large berry and see more [link blocked by the decision of the project administration]​

Dessert, sweet varieties are better suited for eating, with a thick skin - for canning or freezing for the winter, with a thin one - for rubbing.

Variety "Fidelity" ripens by mid-July. Self-fertile, winter-hardy, medium yield (from a bush - 2.6 kg). It gives large sweet berries, rounded, black, weighing 3-5 g. The taste is sweet-sour, dessert. Bush of medium density, slightly sprawling, medium height. Medium resistance to pests and diseases.

Early varieties

The following varieties can be attributed to the early ones: Dikovinka, Selechenskaya, Aleander, Vigorous, Karachinskaya, Exotica. Consider just a few.​

  • The largest blackcurrant variety in our latitudes is Exotica. According to the authors, the berries of this variety reach 3.5 g, but are often larger than cherries. They are similar to Isabella grapes not only in size but also in taste. In addition to being large-fruited, the variety has another advantage: it is resistant to powdery mildew and bud mites. Unfortunately, while "Exotica" fully justifies its name: in the garden, this blackcurrant variety is a rarity, but apparently, this novelty has a great future.​
  • The old-timer of the Russian garden is currant. In Ancient Russia, it grew everywhere. The banks of the Moscow River were once completely covered with its thickets. It is no coincidence that the old, now forgotten name of the river is Smorodinovka.
  • I don’t know if there is such a variety in Ukraine. I have a variety of BLACK PEARL growing in the Moscow region. The berries are large and VERY sweet.

Medium varieties

Medium late variety. Differs in high stable productivity, winter hardiness. The fruits are large, weighing 3-5 g. The berries have a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

  • memory of shukshin (Omsk)

Late varieties

Exotic 2.5 (8.9 - 2.8) ,

  • My favorite variety is Vologda, the berry is large, the taste is wonderful excellent. There are about 20 varieties on my site, and you know, I’ll tell you from experience, you can turn the largest-fruited variety into an ordinary currant, over the years many varieties become smaller, so agricultural technology is very important when planting and caring for currants. Also large - Selechenskaya, Leningrad giant, Veloy, Ravkin's Memory, a lot of numbered varieties, you can’t list everything))
  • thanks. you need to plant such a variety!

If the site is poorly watered, choose a drought-resistant variety. We pay attention to productivity, winter hardiness, dependence on diseases. In different areas, the same variety may well have different yields, color, taste, size of berries, depending on the care, weather conditions, and watering on the site.

There are also varieties that are quite late, but they are perfect for canning and fresh consumption. These include: "Vigorous", "Kipiana", "Venus", "Mermaid" and others.

"Dikovinka" ripens early, in early July. The bush is medium, not very sprawling, sparse. The variety is not afraid of frost. Does not tolerate drought, requires abundant watering. High self-fertility and productivity. The berries are oval, medium in size, with a strong skin. They have a sweet and sour taste. The mass of the berry is 2 grams. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew, bud mites.

Blackcurrant is one of the most common berries in our gardens. It can be seen in any suburban area. This berry not only has an original unique taste, but also a valuable chemical composition. Its fruits are a source of vitamin C. They also contain beta-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin K, organic acids, pectins, sugars, tannins, trace elements and fiber. This wonderful berry has always helped the gardener, even in an unfavorable year, it gives a harvest of berries from which you can make winter preparations.

which variety of blackcurrant has the largest berries

Irina Shabalina

For current gardeners, currants are still one of the "favorites of the garden." According to experts, currant berries contain more than 700 biologically active substances necessary for a person, as well as a complex of vitamins, essential oils, microelements. And all this - in the most optimal combination. However, currants owe their popularity not only to the healing properties of their berries, but also to their magnificent sweet and sour taste.

Larisa Gavelya (Lyashenko)

BLACK BOOMER. Very large and tasty berries

Tatiana Pavlova


Just Dasha

I really liked Selechenskaya. But there is one "but" for sweet varieties: the sweeter and larger the berries, the less vitamin "C" they contain, the exception is "Dove Seedling", it is both sweet and vitamin. So, at least, they write in horticultural literature.


Dobrynya 2.8-6.0 (6.9-2.5)

Lelya Casanova

Here are the large-fruited ones I tried. Arranged in order, which one you like best. The numbers before brackets are the estimated size of the berries, in brackets % sugar-% acidity. The smallest of the large ones were Vologda, Exotica, Veloy, Nara, Nika. The last two are very similar. But these varieties also have other + and -.

Igor Kapkov

Leningrad giant.

Valentina Timofeeva

Therefore, we recommend a simple way: choose the most interesting varieties in your opinion, several at once, plant them on the site and observe which one is best suited for your particular conditions. Having tried the berries of grown varieties, you can easily choose your currant variety. Bon appetit.​


"Kipiana" is a variety of medium-late maturation. The bush is slightly sprawling, medium tall, yields up to 5 kg of berries. The berries are round, with a skin of medium thickness, almost black, sweet and sour, dessert taste, medium size. The variety is resistant to bud mites and powdery mildew.

Irina Plekhanova

"Selechenskaya" ripens in the first half of July. An unusual variety, it combines the best qualities of gooseberries and wild currants. The variety is universal, drought-resistant, winter-hardy, high-yielding (from a bush - 4-5 kg ​​of berries). Suitable for any region of Russia. The bush is erect, vigorous, does not require a garter. Sweet berries are large, have a mass of up to 5 g, rounded, black, shiny. The variety is resistant to bud mites.
More than 200 currant varieties have been bred for different regions of the country. Their main advantages are large-fruited, good resistance to diseases, pests and excellent taste. However, choosing the right variety for your site and taste can be difficult. According to the descriptions, one variety is more beautiful than the other.​
What currant is the sweetest, i.e. contains the maximum amount of useful sugars and the minimum amount of acids? It turns out that the Belarusian sweet variety is not at all so common in our country. A group of specialists from the Research Institute of Fruit Crops Breeding, after many years of research, has compiled a rating of the sweetest blackcurrant varieties. In the top three - grades "Excellent", "Nina", "Bagira". Their berries contain about 11 percent sugar and are especially good for dessert.
Openwork, Summer resident, Exotic, Selechitskaya.
High-yielding variety of medium-late ripening. The berries are large, weighing 3-3.5 g, dessert taste.
Venus is also big
Vigorous 2.5-5.5 (9.0 - 3.7),
Pygmy 2.3-7.7,
A dove the size of a ruble coin. Water if, it will be even larger.


It is believed that Vigorous --- the size of berries is up to 8 g, I wrote it out from two places --- they inflated, although they sent a large one, but definitely not Vigorous, it does not match the description, size, ripening time. But from the third address they sent a blackcurrant called NORA, and although the characteristics also do not coincide with either Nora or Vigorous, the berry turned out to be super --- sweet and huge in size, I have many large-fruited varieties, but this is something !​

Galina Fofanova

The Vigorous variety ripens late, but its round or oval berries can reach 8 g in weight, they are larger than cherries! However, in the middle zone of the country, the berries are not so large. The berries have a dense, refreshingly sour pulp. Not for sweet lovers! The bush is semi-spreading, medium-sized. Up to 3.5 kg of berries are harvested from one bush. It is the most popular variety, resistant to diseases and pests. Requires regular anti-aging pruning.​


Variety "Exotica" is also universal, large-fruited. The bush is fruitful, early-growing, upright, medium tall. The berry is round, tasty, dessert, sweet and sour, up to 5 g, with thin skin, perfectly stored in the refrigerator for several days. The variety is frost-resistant, it is slightly affected by diseases and pests.

Recommend delicious blackcurrant varieties. I got the variety "Nadezhda" - the berry is large, but sour. (North of Ukraine).

Irina Shabalina

Of course, we all want to grow only the best blackcurrant varieties: high-yielding, winter-hardy, resistant to powdery mildew, bud mites and other pests. I would like the berries to be large and the yields to be high.​


But the owner of the most vitamin berries is the Muravushka variety. It is from Muravushka that the most useful compotes, juices and five-minute jams are obtained. Its name speaks of another feature of the variety: almost until the very frosts, its leaves do not turn yellow and do not dry out. Therefore, "Ant" can rightfully be considered not only a berry, but also an ornamental variety of blackcurrant... From it you can form a beautiful green hedge, which will be not only beautiful, but also useful.
I was also looking for large-fruited and sweet black currants - that autumn they sent me 2 seedlings from Chelyabinsk: varieties "Pygmy" and "Exotic.

Nora, Triad, Incomparable --- all sweet and big. Moscow early, Belarusian sweet --- also sweet, but not large, although not small. The photo shows the first three.

Nika 2.2-4.2 (6.6 - 0.7 \ 2.9),
Veloy (Len. Giant) - 1.6-3.5 (9.9-3.0)


Dove - a variety bred at the Research Institute of Horticulture in Siberia. It has high winter hardiness, early ripening, self-fertile, fruitful. The bush is low, dense, semi-spreading. The brushes are compact, 4-7 cm long, with up to 8 berries in the brush.

Tanya Sobolevskaya

The one that is tall and blooms yellow. She is curly.


As you can see, each variety has its own advantages. To choose the best, the one and only, is almost impossible.​


Currant varieties with medium maturity include: "Fidelity", "Black Pearl", "Perun", "Green Haze".

Of course, only zoned varieties give consistently high yields, so let's consider the best blackcurrant varieties for central Russia.