Self-study of the soil at their summer cottage. Soil analysis. Research methods for pollution. Causes of pollution How to do a soil analysis on the site


In order to get high yields and use fertilizers more efficiently, every gardener must know what kind of soil he has on his site. Neutralization of acidic soils (liming) is often simply necessary. As you know, soils are strongly acidic (pH 3-4), acidic (pH 4-5), slightly acidic (pH 5-6), neutral (pH 7), alkaline (pH 7-8) and strongly alkaline (pH 8-9). .

Most fruit and berry, vegetable and other crops prefer soils from slightly acidic to neutral (pH 5.5-7), and some (aronia, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant) are neutral.

Approximately, the reaction of soils can be judged by growing weeds, but in garden plots they are constantly being fought, so this factor is difficult to use in practice.

On your site to determine the acidity of the soil, you can use universal indicator paper (TU 16-99 -1181 - 71), used in chemical laboratories to determine the reactions of various solutions. They sell it in the shops "Chemical reagents".

This is a set of 60 or 75 light orange filter strips impregnated with a mixture of indicators, which take on one color or another at different pH values. Strips length 5 cm, width 1 cm, shelf life 5 years. The paper is supplied with a color standard scale with ten multi-colored strips, above each of which the pH value is indicated. Measurement accuracy of universal indicator paper is up to one pH unit.

The soil for analysis must be taken in different places and at different depths. The reaction of the soil solution must be determined in an aqueous extract. To do this, pour water into a glass or plastic jar. Lay the soil in a clean cloth, tie it up and lower it into the water. The water does not become cloudy. (For one part of the soil by volume, take 4-5 parts of water.)

After 5 minutes, dip a dry strip of indicator paper into the soil solution for 2-3 seconds or apply a drop of this solution on it. Then take out the paper and immediately compare the color acquired by it with the scale. Obtain the pH value of the soil solution.

If the soil is acidic, you need to add ash or lime, chalk or powdered building cement. Excessive alkalinity can be reduced by adding earths with a neutral or acidic reaction, and mix everything thoroughly.

In areas with close standing groundwater, soil analysis can be carried out immediately on site. To do this, after rain, it is enough to lower a strip of universal indicator paper into a small hole with settled water and determine the pH. To more accurately determine the reaction of the soil, you can use Rifan indicator paper. This is also filter paper 8 cm long and 1 cm wide with colored stripes of different colors applied across. Each colored strip shows the pH value with a narrow interval, for example: 5.8; 6.2; 6.6; 7.0; 7.4.

To determine the pH, dry Rifan paper is lowered into the soil solution so that all the colored strips are in the water, and then compared with the color scale on the paper, which has digital pH values. The same color of the indicator strip with one of the scale strips will indicate the pH value. When determining the reaction of the soil, you can first use universal indicator paper, and then to clarify the pH value - Rifan paper.

The analysis can also be carried out using acid-base two-color indicator papers: red litmus (the color of the indicator changes from red to blue), blue litmus (the color changes from red to dd | blue) and neutral litmus (up to pH 5 - red, more 8 - blue).

Red litmus paper in a strongly alkaline solution turns blue without changing its color in a strongly acidic solution (in the pH range from 4 to 6.4 - the color is transitional).

Blue litmus paper in acidic and strongly acidic solutions becomes red, without changing color in a strongly alkaline solution (in the pH range from 5 to 8 - the color is transitional). With a neutral reaction, it acquires a violet-lilac color.

Neutral litmus paper in a strongly acidic solution (pH up to 5) turns red, in a strongly alkaline solution (pH over 8) it turns blue.

Unlike red and blue litmus papers, neutral litmus paper does not change color in the pH range from 5 to 8.

Thus, for an approximate determination of the reaction of the soil, acid-base two-color papers can be used, for a more accurate one, universal "rifan" and other indicator papers with narrow pH ranges.

Microbiological analysis - nothing could be easier!

Many probably know that soil fertility is determined not only by the mineral composition, but also by those humus-forming organisms that convert organic matter and minerals into the form that plants can perceive. The role of ordinary worms, which process organic residues into humus, is well known. But not everyone knows that along with them, millions of microorganisms live in the soil, which turn organic residues into a humus layer. Invisible microorganisms, bacteria and fungi, constantly processing organic matter, provide plants with nutrition by 57 percent.

There are many types of such microorganisms. Among them there are also agronomically useful ones that bind nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, microelements, and there are also harmful ones, mainly, these are fungi that infect plants. The peculiarity of damage by microorganisms is such that plant diseases do not appear immediately, and sometimes they are not visible, so the crop is lost after harvest.

Everyone, of course, would like to know what microorganisms live on his site, and whether it will not turn out that the entire crop will be affected by some harmful fungus. Conducting microbiological tests in laboratories is a long and very expensive business.

Simple ways to find out the microbiological composition of the soil at home.

The technique is very simple. Prepare strips of clean cloth or filter paper, or pieces of used photographic film or photographic paper 5x15cm in size. Then the strips are placed in the soil in the top layer in 3-4 places. This is done as follows: we drive the shovel vertically into the ground, without removing it, move the layer aside, lay the sheet to the hard side, carefully remove the shovel. Lightly ram the cut. We leave this paper or cloth in the soil for three months. Then we carefully remove the samples, clean them from the soil, and by the nature of the colonies of microorganisms that destroy cellulose, that is, those that have grown on a test fabric or paper and contaminated it with some phytopathogens, we determine the condition of the soil.

As a rule, phytopathogenic fungi form colonies of black, gray, purple-crimson color and spread over the entire surface of the sample. If there are black, sooty colonies of the stachybotris fungus, which infects all onions, garlic, corn, cereal straws, then it is necessary to change the crop rotation on the site. This fungus forms a supermycotoxin, which, at a very low dose of one millionth of a milligram per kilogram of body weight, causes poisoning (stachybotryotoxicosis) in horses, cattle and humans. It is manifested by swelling of the lower part of the head, the appearance of cracks on the lips and viscous salivation. For comparison, the toxicity of pesticides (even the most dangerous, causing death) is 5-40 mg/kg of body weight. It should be remembered that the toxin of this fungus is not destroyed by high temperature, chemical and mechanical processing.

If purple-crimson colonies develop on the surface of paper or fabric, then they belong to the Fusarium fungus. The toxic effect of the mycotoxins of this fungus on humans was known as early as 1943. When using grain stored at low temperatures, but infected with this fungus, the effect of "drunken bread" arose. The action of its toxins is similar to the action of alcohol. Fusarium causes root rot of many cultivated plants, and in fruit plants, leaves fall and dry out.

If gray round or rounded colonies develop on the surface of the fabric or paper, then they belong to the Alternaria fungus, which causes disease in many plants. It forms brown spots on the surface of the fruit, which reduces the presentation of the product.

If the surface of the fabric or paper is yellow, green or pink, then this indicates a good development of mycobacteria and a healthy soil condition.

Just do not think that all microscopic fungi are harmful. They are found everywhere. The total number of species of microscopic fungi in soils is from 160 to 300, of which only about 50 percent are toxigenic. Now let's try to determine the content of nitrates. This can be judged, first of all, by the development of microorganisms on filter paper placed in the soil. If you need to determine whether there are many nitrates in carrots or cucumbers, then in the aisle of these crops, place a plate with filter paper in the top layer and leave it for seven days. Then remove, shake off the soil from it and inspect.

If there are one or two colonies of the Hetomium fungus on the filter in the form of gray-green convex dots (these are the fruiting organs of the fungus), then the soil is normally provided with nitrate nitrogen, there will be no large accumulation of nitrates in the product. In this case, we are dealing with environmentally friendly products.

If the fungus colonies are scattered throughout the filter, then the soil contains a lot of nitrates and all products in this area are heavily polluted and unsuitable for use. Such products must be soaked before eating for at least one hour. The same fungus also forms fruiting bodies on the outer leaves of cabbage, i.e. it can also be used to determine the nitrate contamination of cabbage.

On microbiological methods for determining the soil's need for fertilizers.

To determine the soil's need for nitrogen fertilizers, it is necessary to take used photographic film, X-ray film or photographic paper.

Put the strips into the soil in the top layer in three or four places under the shovel vertically, pressing firmly against the wall of the soil. Leave for five days. Then remove, dip three times in a bucket of water. If everything was washed off the film, and it became transparent, then soil microorganisms are highly active. On the surface of the film is a layer of gelatin, and this is a protein. When decomposed by microorganisms, ammonia is formed. When it interacts with other soil compounds, ammonium forms of nitrogen available to plants are formed. And where the gelatin on the film has completely decomposed, the film has become discolored, there is no need to apply nitrogen fertilizers. If it has not discolored at all and remains black, then you need to add a full dose of nitrogen fertilizers, about one tablespoon per square meter. If the discoloration is partial, you need to apply a dose of nitrogen fertilizers according to the degree of decomposition: 70-50-30 percent.

To determine the soil's need for phosphate fertilizers, you need to put a plate with a white cotton cloth or filter paper. Do it the same way as we described above. Remember to press the cloth or filter firmly against the soil incision. Leave the fabric in the soil for 30 days. Then extract, clean from the soil and see the degree of decomposition. If the film that stood next to it for five days has become discolored, and the fabric or filter paper has decomposed by 75-100 percent, then the soil does not need either nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers.

Soil self test kit

An option for the lazy - Luster Leaf kits allow you to quickly assess the quality of the soil at home.

Luster Leaf offers kits for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as well as pH assessment. To check the pH level, according to the marks on the container, fill the soil and fill with water. Then open the capsule, pour the contents into the vial and shake it. Now it remains only to compare the color of the contents with the scale applied to the container.

Checking the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is a little more complicated. To do this, mix one part soil with five parts water, shake and leave to precipitate. Then take a pipette and fill the container, open the capsule, pour the contents into the vial and shake again. Compare the color of the liquid with the scale on the container. The kits come with detailed instructions, which is preferable to use than the brief description given in this article.


When creating a new personal plot or reconstructing an old one, a very important step is to study the soil conditions of the existing territory. It is advisable to carry out this work even before the start of garden design in order to be able to improve the necessary soil indicators.

This largely determines how the plants will feel in the new garden. It's no secret that nutrient-rich, moderately moist, cultivated garden soil yields significantly higher yields. In addition, some adjustment of soil conditions allows you to expand the range of cultivated plants on the site. So, let's talk about how to do a soil test on a newly selected or existing site.

To make a complete and very detailed study of soils is possible only in the laboratory. But each summer resident is able to conduct a simple independent analysis and draw conclusions sufficient for further work. As part of such a field study, it is established:

1. Mechanical composition.

2. Degree of aeration.

3. Acidity.

4. Hydrological features.

5. Fertility.

All these qualities are in many respects interconnected and are considered in a complex. To determine them, you can use simple methods.

Analysis of the mechanical composition of the soil

To establish the granulometric composition, a small moistened lump of soil is taken and rolled with the palms into a cord 2-3 mm thick, then rolled into a ring about 2 cm in diameter.

If the cord cannot be rolled up - it falls apart in the hands into many particles, then the soil is sandy.

If it was possible to roll the cord, but when twisting it into a ring, it breaks up, then the soil is sandy loam.

If, when rolling, a strong cord is obtained, but the ring cracks in several places or breaks up into large pieces, then the soil is medium loamy.

If a lump turns out to be a strong cord that easily folds into a ring, only slightly cracking at the edges, then the soil is heavy loam.

If the cord is folded into a strong smooth ring, then you have clay in your hands.

Determination of soil aeration

This indicator is especially important in heavy clay soils, in which, due to high density, reduced aeration is often observed. Without the use of instruments, this indicator can be set by color. In the presence of oxygen, clay soil acquires a characteristic reddish tint. In conditions of lack of oxygen, the substrate becomes a bluish hue, resembling cement dust or lake silt.

Such areas can occur only locally - in the form of limited islands or inclusions. Sometimes too wet ash-gray clay lies in a continuous layer on the plots. The solution may be either the use of drainage, or the planting of moisture-loving plants that will reduce the amount of water in the soil, which will contribute to better aeration.

Determination of acidity

There are many methods for determining pH. If special devices and test strips are not available, then you can use other methods. Moreover, ready-made store-bought analyzers determine only one of the types of acidity - actual. But for plants, potential and exchange acidity are no less important. It happens that the test shows a neutral pH level, and the plants literally “burn out”, which clearly indicates an increased acidity of the soil.

A more informative field test is phytoindication - that is, the determination of the parameter by the prevailing natural vegetation.

Very low pH indicators:

Buttercup caustic, podbel, cotton grass, sphagnum moss, horsetail, small sorrel.

Indicators of weakly acidic substrates:

Lutinic anemone, zelenchuk, sour, Ivan da Marya, dog violet.

Neutral Soil Indicators:

Cikutny stork, green strawberry, Siberian cow parsnip, meadow foxtail, coltsfoot, soapwort, dyeing navel.

Alkaline soil indicators:

Crescent alfalfa, chicory, steppe aster.

Definition of hydrological features

This indicator can be approximately determined when digging a pit in your own or neighboring areas. If the groundwater is close to the surface, there will definitely be water in the pit.

Without any measurements, you can independently determine the hydrological conditions also by plants. They perfectly show the degree of moisture content of the substrate.

On waterlogged substrate a lot:

Ledum, Belozor, meadow geranium, blueberry, snake mountaineer, marigold, marsh cinquefoil.

On moderately moist soils a lot:

Lingonberries, Phrygian cornflower, red clover, wild hoof, bone berries.

In dry habitats there are many:

Feather grass, cat's paw, stonecrop, bearberry.

Determination of soil fertility

This criterion indicates the level of content of the main nutrients, primarily nitrogen. Phytoindication can also help out any gardener.

Phytoindicators of low fertility:

Cat's paw, round-leaved sundew, dyer's gorse.

Phytoindicators of moderate nitrogen content:

Veronica long-leaved, river gravel, angelica, sour, bathing suit, two-leaved mainik, lungwort.

Phytoindicators of highly fertile, nitrogen-rich soils:

Fireweed, stinging nettle, awnless bonfire, goose cinquefoil, raspberries, goutweed, meadowsweet elm, celandine.

The most accurate results can be obtained with a comprehensive analysis, which is offered by specialized laboratories. Why you only need to prepare the material, that is, the soil from your land, for analysis, but this must be done correctly, since the degree of accuracy of the results largely depends on this.

A soil sample from the site should be taken prior to fertilization and liming. In different places of the land, you need to make holes to the depth of a shovel bayonet or a little deeper. It is this depth that most plants need to freely accommodate and nourish the root system, therefore, the soil should be comprehensively investigated in this area. In total, at least 15-20 holes should be dug, which will allow to achieve greater objectivity of the analysis, and thus at least 15-20 samples should be taken from 100 m2 of the site area. Then, sequentially, from the wall of each of the pits, you need to scrape off a thin layer of earth with a scoop in the direction from bottom to top and put it in a bucket, after which all samples should be thoroughly mixed in a bucket. Put at least 1 kg of the resulting soil mixture into a plastic bag and close it tightly.

When submitting soil for analysis to the laboratory, indicate the characteristics of your site, location and the main purpose for which you intend to use this land (growing vegetables, fruit crops, or anything else). Based on the analysis obtained, you will be able to determine exactly what nutrients and microelements the soil needs most, what fertilizers should be applied and what measures to improve the soil composition should be taken.

Important in assessing the quality of the soil is its appearance, which can accurately determine the structure, some of the internal properties and quality of the soil. One of the most important external features of the soil is its color. If you dig a hole at least 1 m deep, you will get a soil profile, that is, the structure of the soil in a section. On the side wall of the pit, one can consistently trace the alternation of soil layers and the change in their color towards the bottom of the pit. The color of the soil is directly related to such a characteristic as the level of fertility.

This is a completely logical conclusion, since the appearance of the soil and its fertility are determined by numerous factors that influenced its formation. Dark soils, as a rule, are characterized by a higher level of fertility, since they provide better conditions for the growth of plants and the vital activity of soil microorganisms than light soils. . The color of dark soils is due to the increased content of soil organic matter of humus in them. It is the good quality humus contained in the soil in sufficient quantities that determines the rich dark color of the soil. However, not only humus provides this or that soil color, but also numerous chemical compounds, such as iron oxides, which give the soil brown, reddish, reddish-rusty and yellowish hues. Plates of a bluish-gray or bluish color may appear on the soil profile at different depths, which is a poor characteristic of the soil of the site, as it indicates the presence of constant waterlogging of the soil thickness, which results in ferrous iron compounds. Such soil will require great effort to improve, but much also depends on
depths of occurrence of blue clayey formations.

In addition to special analysis, there are a number of methods for self-analysis of the soil.

Of course, such methods will not produce a chemically accurate assessment of all the characteristics of the soil in a particular area, but they will give you an idea of ​​its main parameters and allow you to make the right decision on the further processing and fertilization of the soil. A home mini-laboratory will help with this, which is a set of reagents and indicators, equipped with a color scale for a comparative analysis of the acid-base reaction of the soil using indicator paper and a detailed description of all possible soil tests. In addition, the soil can be examined visually. This will give you at least a fairly clear idea of ​​the structure and composition of the soil.

If you make a hole one or two bayonets of a shovel deep and consider the profile of the cut, then by the color of successive layers you can approximately determine what kind of soil you are dealing with. Most often, the upper layer is darker than the subsequent ones, which indicates a higher content of organic matter or humus in it. Its thickness may be different, but it is desirable that it should not be less than 1015 cm, that is, the depth where the plants take root. Peat soils are almost black in color due to the high content of organic matter in them. The sandy layer of the earth has a yellowish
gray color, loamy layer - light brown with different shades, clay layer can be of different colors - from brown and reddish to whitish.

Soil exploration by hand

If you are not quite sure what the composition of the soil in your area is, this can be checked in the following way: take a handful of damp, but not wet earth and rub it between your fingers. If the soil structure is granular, if it does not stick together and does not roll into balls, you have sandy or sandy soil in front of you.

If the soil is grainy but rolls into a ball or ball, it is sandy loam.

If the soil has a granular or sticky texture and you can roll a sausage between your palms, then you are dealing with greasy sandy loam.

If the resulting sausage is flexible, it can be bent into a ring and it will not break, it is clay.

By knowing the structural properties of your soil, you can determine what steps need to be taken to improve it.

When examining the soil manually, it is not difficult to make sure that the individual soil particles are completely different from each other. In sandy soils or soils with a high content of sand, the solid particles are large and coarse, clearly felt to the touch. The more the soil sticks together, the smaller, thinner its particles, which indicates a high content of clay in the soil. Good soil has a mixed composition of coarse and fine particles that form into small loose clumps. Soil with a high humus content has a pleasant healthy smell of forest land, rotten foliage and grass.

Time to take a soil sample

The accuracy of the analysis also depends on time. The soil sample should be taken in early spring or late autumn, i.e. before or after the growing season of the plants. If the sample is taken in the spring, this must be done before the moment of fertilization, if in the fall, then after at least 2 months after the last fertilization and before they are applied for autumn digging.

You can do a soil analysis at home without special knowledge and instruments. So, to determine the composition of the soil, five tablespoons of the prototype are enough. Organic remains and stones must be carefully selected from it, then poured with water.

After that, you need to close the jar and shake the contents well - for several minutes. Let the container stand still for up to a week, while noting the levels of sediment that has appeared.

First, sand will fall out, later - dust, after 5-7 days - clay. The humus does not settle, but remains floating in the liquid, turning it brown. Now, using a ruler, you can find out the relative amount of the main components of the soil.

You can also try to make a ring 2 mm in diameter from a “sausage” 2 mm thick from moist earth. If a:

  • it turned out a strong and smooth ringlet - this is clay;
  • it was not possible to roll up the “sausage” - the soil is sandy;
  • the ring is strong and the ends stuck together, only the “sausage” cracked a little - heavy loam;
  • the ring is strong, but breaks up in some places - medium loamy soil;
  • The "sausage" is rolled up, but falls apart when you try to roll it into a ring - sandy loamy soil.

How acidic is the soil

In stores for gardeners, you can buy special kits for determining the acidity of the soil at home and in the field, so making an independent analysis is not difficult.

Soil acidity is an important indicator when choosing garden and horticultural crops, top dressing for beds and flower beds. Paper indicator strips will help you easily determine the pH value according to the color of the scale.

For the experiment, you will need to lower a linen bag with a soil sample into the water (water and earth at a rate of 5: 1). After 5 minutes, lower the indicator into the liquid. At pH 7, the soil is neutral, above seven - alkaline, below - acidic.

Does the soil breathe well?

It is very important to find out the aeration of the soil, since good gas exchange is necessary for the normal development of plants. The soil "breathes" due to the pores, but if they are filled with water, the penetration of oxygen stops. Usually problem areas on a personal plot are heavy clay islands, layers, inclusions.

The amount of air is indicated by the color of the clay soil:

  • gray - oxygen deficiency;
  • reddish - oxygen is present.

Is the soil wet

If you dig a hole in your backyard and it fills with moisture, it means that groundwater is close. When growing plants, it is very important to know how moisture-loving they are and what are the hydrological features of the land in the country.

Plants themselves help to guess the degree of soil moisture, which feel great on one or another piece of soil. So, wild rosemary, cinquefoil, snake mountaineer, blueberry, meadow geranium love very moist soil. Moderately wet - stone berry, lingonberry, cornflower and meadow clover, and dry - bearberry, stonecrop, feather grass.

How fertile is the soil

Careful observations of different land plots in the country will help determine the degree of their fertility. Certain conclusions can be drawn from the following features.

  1. The more earthworms in the earth, the more fertile it is.
  2. Weeds such as white clover, chamomile, and daisy often grow on depleted soils.
  3. Bushes of yellow dyer's gorse, sundew and cat's paws feel great on barren land.
  4. Horsetails and creeping buttercups, stubbornly growing on the ground, are a sign of heavy, loose, waterlogged soil.
  5. Fireweed, raspberries, celandine, woodlice and nettles are very fond of fertile soil saturated with nitrogen.

Depleted land and too much fertilizer are equally harmful to horticultural crops, so an annual soil analysis will help give it exactly what it needs and get a good harvest.

The testing center "NORTEST" carries out laboratory analysis of the soil in Moscow. We are one of the first laboratories accredited by the State Standard in 1991. For all the time of activity, we have earned an impeccable reputation and positive feedback from customers. You can entrust us with even the most complex tasks and count on their conscientious and timely completion. Our prices for soil analysis are among the most loyal in the region, and the quality of work has not caused any complaints.

We perform the following soil laboratory research:

  • Assess the level of chemical contamination of soils/soils, bottom sediments in accordance with the current urban planning, sanitary and environmental legislation in the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of recreational facilities, buildings, utilities and underground structures associated with earthworks (including landscaping and landscaping of territories );
  • Identify areas of contamination of the study area where it is necessary to carry out measures for sanitation and / or development of reclamation projects to eliminate the negative impact of pollution on human health and the environment;
  • Determine the quality and suitability of soils, soils for landscaping, landscaping, agricultural use;
  • Develop recommendations for applying fertilizers to improve soil fertility;
  • Assess the aggressiveness (corrosive activity) of soils to building structures and concrete.

The list of indicators to be determined depends on the goals and objectives of the customer. We are always ready to recommend to our customers the optimal set of necessary studies:

  • List of agrochemical indicators (“soil analysis for fertility”)

What is soil analysis?

Analysis of soil composition may be required if it is necessary to determine its chemical, microbiological, toxicological and other features.

Depending on the goals set, research methods may be different. Analysis can be both complex and elemental. The samples taken are examined by experts in the laboratory. After the study, the customer is provided with a report with detailed information about the soil and the identified pollution.

For example, in the analysis of soil composition, various types of oil products, elements of heavy metals, high or low levels of acidity, pathogenic microorganisms can be identified.

Having received the necessary information from our specialists, the customer will be able to take the necessary measures to improve the quality of the soil or refrain from earthworks in a particular area.

When is soil testing required?

Research may be required by anyone who has planned agricultural work, landscaping or landscaping. It is best to do this not just before the start of work, but before buying a site, so as not to be at a loss later. Thanks to the analysis, you can find out detailed information about the fertility of the land.

In addition, you will know if the ground is safe. Since the ecological situation is not always favorable, especially near industrial facilities and large cities, the earth often accumulates toxins, pathogenic microorganisms, radioactive elements, waste, etc.

There are legal reasons for conducting an analysis. For example, developers must do a soil analysis before starting work.

Since the goals and types of research are different, the prices of soil tests are also different. You will know the final cost, having decided on the type of analyzes and their number.

Information that can be obtained by conducting a soil analysis

Laboratory studies provide the following information:

  • During construction, reconstruction, installation of communications, construction of underground facilities, as well as during landscaping, soil analysis makes it possible to determine the degree of pollution of bottom sediments and soils, taking into account the norms approved by law.
  • It is possible to identify contaminated areas that are subject to reclamation or sanitation for the purpose of their further exploitation without harm to health and the environment.
  • It is determined whether the soils are suitable for agricultural work, green spaces and landscaping.
  • The aggressiveness of the environments is estimated. This is necessary to understand what will be the contact and interaction of building materials (foundations, basements, basements) and soil. The durability of the building largely depends on this factor.

The analysis allows the experts to draw up recommendations and a plan to eliminate the identified negative factors.

Sampling and analysis

Experts make sampling taking into account the topography and uniformity of the soil. Areas with the most pronounced pollution are to be taken.

The collection is made from different layers of soil. Samples are placed in a special container for transportation for further analysis in the laboratory. It is important that sampling and analysis be done on the same day, or that the samples need to be stored in suitable conditions.

The analysis is carried out using advanced equipment and technologies by competent specialists. After that, the customer receives detailed information about the study.
If you want to order soil tests in Moscow, we suggest using the services of the NORTEST testing center. We guarantee:

  • affordable prices;
  • main types of soil analysis;
  • detailed and understandable result;
  • consultation of our experts;
  • useful recommendations in case of soil deviation from the norm.