Dangerous insects! Child safety in summer. Dangerous insects Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Summer has come, when many of us are drawn to nature - to the forest, to the river, to the country house. However, do not forget about the precautions: after all, it is during the summer period that insects are activated, contact with which can be harmful and even dangerous to health. Here are the most "terrifying" of them.


Every year, tick-borne encephalitis claims tens of thousands of lives. The risk group includes people who are in the country, walking in the forest, near the water ... Unfortunately, there are many types of ticks, and it is impossible to immediately determine whether an encephalitis tick or not. To do this, you need to conduct a laboratory study, and while you are looking for the right laboratory, time may be lost and you will get sick.

Security measures: in order to protect yourself from ticks, experts advise wearing closed clothing, since these insects look for unprotected areas of the body in order to “suck on”. If it is too warm outside, then at least periodically inspect your body.


They can be found at home, feeding on your supplies, and in nature. Ants bite painfully (especially red ones), and can also carry various pathogenic bacteria, such as typhoid fever and cholera. In any case, it is theoretically possible.

Security measures: while in nature, carefully look under your feet so as not to accidentally step on an anthill. If you see ants, try to stay away. If you see an ant crawling over you, shake it off as soon as possible.


Mostly in Russia there are red and black. They multiply very quickly and are able not only to eat indoor food supplies, but also to carry various infections, such as dysentery or diphtheria. And they can also crawl into natural openings on the human body, such as auricles.

Security measures: fortunately, cockroaches are rarely seen on the street. Less often they began to appear indoors. If you notice cockroaches, say, in your country house, try using various baits and traps against them. By the way, cockroaches are afraid of cats that can eat them.


Security measures: do not come into contact with stray animals, as they are more likely to pick up fleas than pets. After returning from the street, carefully check your clothes. If you notice fleas or larvae, it should be immediately sanitized.

Mosquitoes and flies

Mr.Smith Chetanachan/Rusmediabank.ru

We often think they are harmless, but they are not. These insects can serve as carriers of malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis, cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery. And you can also get worms from flies.

Safety Precautions: Use repellents and other insect repellents when you go outside. Mosquito nets must be used indoors.


These large, furry, large-headed flies can lay their larvae inside an alien organism, including a human one, destroying its tissues. It is especially dangerous to get into the nose, throat and eyes.

Security measures: if you notice a gadfly, it is better to move away. Use insect repellent.


They like to attack in a pack. Horsefly bites are very painful. Only females bite, releasing saliva with toxins and anticoagulants at the bite site. Such a wound does not heal for a long time. Allergic reactions and swelling may also occur. But even worse, these insects can carry pathogens such as anthrax, filariasis or tularemia.

Security measures: the same as in the case of gadflies.


PiccoloNamek - English wikipedia

The bite of an ordinary wasp causes pain, but the bite of a hornet (only females have a sting) is truly dangerous to life and health. The composition of the poison that the insect releases includes histamine and toxic substances. This can lead to a severe allergic reaction, and the acetylcholine contained in the same poison causes severe irritation of the nerve endings and acute pain at the site of the bite. In some cases, a hornet bite can lead to anaphylactic shock and death.

Security measures: the same.


Inara Prusakova/Rusmediabank.ru

very painful, in their place immediately appear swelling and redness of the skin. But if a bee bites a person allergic to bee venom (and there are many), it can end tragically. The victim may experience fever, chills and convulsions, dizziness and vomiting. Especially dangerous are bee stings in the area of ​​blood vessels, head and mouth. As a rule, the patient simply does not have time to provide assistance and he quickly dies.

Security measures: first of all - do not try to disturb the bee hives. If you see a bee, try not to disturb it in any way: bees rarely attack those who do not touch them, do not wave their arms, etc. It's better to move away.

blister beetle

arz, commons.wikimedia

©entomart, Attribution, commons.wikimedia

There are about 70 varieties of this insect, and all of them are poisonous. The body of the blister beetle contains cantharidin, a substance that, when it comes into contact with the skin, leaves blisters and abscesses (hence the name of the insect). If the poison enters the bloodstream, it negatively affects the urinary tract, which can be fatal. It is known that during the Middle Ages, killings with the help of the poison of these particular insects were common. People died in terrible agony, and no one could save them.

Security measures: the only way to avoid this situation is to exclude all contact with the blister beetle. If he nevertheless bit you, it is better not to hesitate to consult a doctor.

Summer is a great time when adults and children go on vacation. Many families traditionally go to the country in the summer. Fresh air, vegetables and fruits straight from the garden, well, what could be better. But rest is sometimes overshadowed by the bites of various insects, which are most susceptible to young children.

The bites swell and itch, and in some cases the condition of the victim deteriorates rapidly. You need to know what insects you should be wary of in the country.

Many people consider these insects to be harmless workers who tirelessly run to the anthill all day long. In fact, ants pose a danger to human health and life. Doctors are aware of the cross-reaction between wasp and ant venom.
Insects are carriers of pathogenic bacteria. can be the cause of dangerous diseases - dysentery, salmonellosis and cholera. Carry ants and helminth eggs;

When bitten by large forest ants, which often live in villages, a strong allergic reaction is observed. The bite site swells, becomes inflamed and itchy; Bites of large ants are painful, which is explained by the work of the jaws; When bitten by fire red ants, burns resembling thermal ones remain on the body. If a person is prone to allergies, then only 3-4 bites can provoke anaphylactic shock.

With ant bites, the victim should be given an antihistamine and treat the wounds with alcohol-containing solutions. To reduce pain, cold is applied to the blisters and lubricated with Golden Star balm.

They are removed with a thread or tweezers, gently twisting along with the head. The bite site is smeared with iodine, the tick is taken to the laboratory to determine whether it is a carrier of dangerous diseases.


These insects are often encountered by people who keep pets in the country. Horseflies bite very painfully. At the site of the bite, swelling and induration occur, the affected area becomes hot. In particularly sensitive people, body temperature may rise.
Horseflies are carriers of dangerous diseases, which include:

  • Tularemia;
  • Anthrax;
  • Filariasis.

In people prone to allergies, horsefly bites cause a strong reaction. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

To reduce pain, the wound is washed with vodka or hydrogen peroxide, and then ice is applied. The victim is given an antihistamine.


These beneficial insects can be very dangerous to humans. Bee venom is very allergenic, even in people who do not suffer from allergies, a large blister appears at the site of the bite. This may be accompanied by fever, convulsions and symptoms of intoxication. The greatest danger is insect bites to the head and the passage of large blood vessels. If a bee stings on the neck, there is a high risk of suffocation.

For an allergic person, even a single bee sting can lead to anaphylactic shock and death. For a person who is not prone to allergies, a bite of 100 or more insects at the same time can be fatal.

When a bee stings in the head area, the victim is immediately given an antiallergic drug and taken to the hospital. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor and with numerous bites.

The blister beetle is a highly poisonous insect that has over 70 varieties. The elongated body of this bug contains cantharidin, which, when it comes into contact with human skin, leaves deep abscesses and blisters. Such wounds are difficult to treat and often lead to complications. If cantharidin falls into the blood of a person, then a fatal outcome is possible. In the Middle Ages, many rulers were poisoned with the poison of this bug.

After contact with the blister, the affected areas are treated with an antiseptic. The victim is given adsorbents and antihistamines.

When resting in the country, you should avoid contact with insects as much as possible. Ants, bees, ticks, horseflies and bugs are of particular danger to humans. Upon contact with these insects, a severe allergic reaction and death are possible. Poisonous spiders are also dangerous, but they are rare in the middle lane.

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Some insects can not only sting, causing pain and swelling in their victims, but can also carry many diseases. In order to protect yourself and your family, learn to recognize the most dangerous representatives of the animal world, which seem harmless because of their size. This is especially true with the onset of the summer season.

Black Widow

This spider is no larger than a paper clip, but the danger is its poison, which is 15 times stronger than the poison of a rattlesnake. The red marking on the stomach, reminiscent of an hourglass, gives it away. Black widows in the wild can live for about 1-3 years, often found alone.

Despite the distribution of these representatives of the animal world in North America, Australia and Oceania, in the region of the CIS countries you can also find a spider belonging to the genus of black widows. This is a karakurt.

Spiders only attack people in self-defense. Therefore, try not to press them down or disturb them in any other way. They won't attack people first.


Their venom is not lethal, but a bite can cause many inconveniences, including pain and a rash. Therefore, it is better to beware of these representatives of the animal world.

Spiders of this genus are quite large. Some individuals reach 10 centimeters. Living in the steppes, they feed on caterpillars, cockroaches, beetles. They live in burrows.

Representatives living in the territories of Russia and Ukraine reach a size of 2.5-3.5 cm and have a distinctive dark "cap", which distinguishes them from other spiders of this genus.

african bee

This insect lives mainly in the United States, in the southern and southwestern regions. They live in packs in hives. They attack people and animals that approach a rather unsafe, in their opinion, distance. Therefore, it is recommended to leave the danger zone if you suddenly find yourself next to a hive of such bees.

A hybrid of the African bee can be found in Europe. This species was bred over 60 years ago. Africanized bees differ from the usual ones in size and aggressiveness. In addition, their population is growing rapidly, which contributes to the spread of these insects in new territories.


Incredibly, the largest number of people in the world die from diseases caused by mosquito bites, rather than other factors. In the US, mosquitoes not only spread encephalitis, but also infect domestic animals (cats and dogs) with heartworm.

On the territory of the former USSR, they are found in Sochi and the Caucasus. Especially common in Georgia and Abkhazia.

red fire ants

The stings of this tiny insect can be fatal to people with allergies. This is the most dangerous type of ants.

More than 80 years ago, fire ants were accidentally brought to the United States from Brazil along with cargo on a ship.

Fortunately, such a dangerous species does not live on European lands. However, if you are going on vacation to hot countries, be attentive to these representatives of the fauna and stock up on antihistamines.

Someone does not like summer precisely because of these insects. Unlike bees, they can bite their prey, as well as others, repeatedly, without losing their stinger, and therefore without dying.

They are also the most dangerous because they can live anywhere, including sheds, mailboxes, outdoor showers. An allergic reaction and swelling from a bite can be deadly.

brown recluse spider

With pleasure lives in the human environment - weaves a web in garages, sheds, toilets, attics. Its bite can be deadly to children under the age of seven. In an adult, a bite can cause tissue necrosis, and depending on the poison that has entered the body, other serious diseases can develop.

The spider has become widespread in South America and the southern United States.

Scorpions live in deserts, preferring a dry climate. More often they go out at night, which is why it is dangerous to spend the night in such areas in an open area.

For safety reasons, it is important to protect the body with clothing without leaving exposed areas. And also protect your belongings from the penetration of these arthropods.

These are one of the most common arthropods that are able to carry diseases. They are ubiquitous. They live in the grasses of forests and meadows, and even city parks.

Dangerous because it is quite difficult to detect them immediately. Pets can also bring them into the house. Therefore, after walking in tall grass, it is so important to look at areas of the body that are best protected during such walks with clothing. The clothes themselves are worth a look. In cats and dogs, they like to be located on the ears, where it will be easy for people to find them.

Although these representatives of the animal world cannot be called poisonous, their poison can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, they can be the most dangerous for allergy sufferers.

They prefer to live in places with high humidity, some representatives make their way into houses. However, if you have a cat, she can prey on centipedes by eating them.

Many insects can cause significant harm to health, and some even kill. Today we will talk about those species that should be feared in Russia.

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Red cockroach.

Ants. Despite the fact that in the Russian Federation there are no such animals as the "bullet ant" (pain from the sting of this creature is comparable to a gunshot wound) or "ant 24 hours" (pain does not subside remains at the same high level for 24 hours), and other most bloodthirsty representatives, our domestic ants can also pose a threat. Like cockroaches, they carry various pathogenic bacteria, which can then enter the human body and cause various diseases: typhoid fever, cholera, etc. Therefore, ants in the house are as undesirable as cockroaches! Yes, and our ants also bite notably, and can cause a lot of problems, especially for inexperienced tourists (there was an experience)! Although we must not forget about the merits of ants, which save vegetation from pests.

Forest ant.


Midges or midges, as they call very unpleasant small insects (mainly humpback mosquitoes) whose size is less than 5 mm, attacking not only people, but also animals. Their strength is in numbers, huddled together they will not give you rest. When biting, substances will be injected into you that cause swelling at the site of the bite, redness, itching, if the midges frolic to fame, other manifestations of an allergic reaction may occur, such as an increase in temperature, sometimes up to 40 degrees! You will find the most ferocious species of midges in the tundra region (they are called tundra or Kholodkovsky midges). Then the edema and other effects fade into the background, because you can catch the plague, tularemia, and other terrible diseases.

mosquitoes- not as harmless as it seems, many of these creatures are carriers of diseases such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever, encephalitis, Zika fever and others. Malaria alone kills about 200,000 people worldwide every year. About 10 species of malarial mosquito are found on the territory of our Motherland, they are found in the European part of our country, as well as in Western Siberia.


Wolfart fly.

horseflies- Terrible creatures that love blood. There are about 200 varieties of horseflies in Russia. They carry many diseases, such as anthrax. In addition, the bites themselves are very painful. Biting horsefly injects anticoagulants and toxins, which slows down blood clotting, and wounds bleed for a long time and do not heal.

Horsefly of the genus Tabanus.

Oestrus ovis.

bees— creatures worthy of respect and playing a significant role in our lives, allowing us to feast on honey! However, they can also carry a risk to people, despite the fact that they are not aggressive, and attack only in defense. Bees are not only industrious, but also dexterous, and it is not so easy to dismiss this honey plant! It must be understood that if she stings you, then she herself will die, because along with the sting that gets stuck in the body of the object of attack, the bee also loses part of its internal organs. At the same time, special substances are released that attract other bees that are ready to sacrifice themselves (for this reason, crushing honey creatures is also not recommended), and bees live in large families! In addition to the pain of the sting, some people are hypersensitive to their venom, which can cause allergic angioedema, which can be fatal. For all people, it is very undesirable if the bite is applied to the area of ​​​​the tongue, pharynx or palate, because the resulting edema can block the flow of air and lead to asphyxia.

After the attack, the bees recommend taking an antihistamine, removing the sting with tweezers, and applying ice. Do not scratch the sting area, you can pick up an infection and get skin damage! Squeezing the sting with your fingers is also not recommended. If the bite suffers from allergies, it is recommended to give an injection of adrenaline, which will reduce the allergic reaction, and also save a life.


wasps- very intrusive and dangerous! Especially for allergy sufferers, who are threatened with death by a sting! No honey! After they stick a sting into you, they don’t die, so they can repeat the procedure again and again! They get into bags, fly into public transport, arrange parties near fruit shops and stalls, they like to test your nerves for strength. However, it cannot be said that wasps are completely useless, they help get rid of garden pests and flies.

Bumblebee- the insect is beautiful and one might even say kind. Pollinates flowers for itself and does not stick to people. I remember how my grandfather picked up a few bumblebees and they quietly crawled along his palms without biting! However, not everything is so rosy, in fact, the bite of a bumblebee is very painful, and in 1% of the world's population, it can also cause an anaphylactic reaction, the likelihood of which increases with a repeated attack, and if you manage to get a lot of bites, you can even die.

Hornets- they can attack for no reason, cause serious allergic reactions leading to death, read about their worst representative below.

Asian giant hornet- the horror of Asia and the largest hornet in the world. The length of the body is already 5 cm! Found only in Primorsky Krai. However, with the inexorable onset of global warming, their habitat is constantly expanding. By itself, the Asian giant is aggressive and cruel, much more than the bees, which he literally blows heads off with his massive jaws! Then he grinds it into biomass and brings it to his hive as food for the larvae! A hornet is able to deal with 300 bees in an hour, and if a small group of hornets attacks a bee hive, then about 30,000 die in an hour. The bees stand to the death and defend themselves as best they can, but in the event of an attack by a group of these giants, they are doomed! After killing all the attackers, they grab honey and larvae. The only chance for bees in a fight with the enemy is to destroy the “scout”, who has not yet managed to inform his relatives about the found bee hive. They do it this way: having lured the "scout" into their hive, they rush at him in a crowd and while he crushes the bees closest to him, the rest, vibrating their wings, create a temperature equal to 50 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, protein compounds are destroyed. The hornet and the bees closest to it die, while the hive is saved.

Asian giant hornet.

For people, a meeting with this giant can also end in failure, because its poison not only destroys tissues, but also contains a neurotoxin that paralyzes the nervous system, and an allergic reaction to a sting can lead to anaphylactic shock and subsequent death! In addition, the hornet's bite, which it usually inflicts at speed, is extremely painful. Those unfortunate who have felt the brightness of pain compare the attack of a hornet with a blow with a heavy sledgehammer.

Beetles with powerful jaws. Such as ground beetles, stag beetles, barbels, swimmers and others, are able to bite through the skin, which can be quite painful.


Poison bugs. In principle, they do not inject poison, so you should not be afraid that you will be poisoned through bitten skin. However, beetles can be poisonous because their blood, the so-called hemolymph, contains poisonous substances, such as cantharidin. If this chemical compound enters the blood or mucous membranes, everything can end badly, including death. The most concentrated hemolymph in this sense is in such bugs as ladybugs of the genus Coccinellidae, redwings Lycidae, babies Melyridae, soft beetles Cantharidae and blister beetles Meloidae, more about them below.


Beetle - blister- has about 70 varieties and is very poisonous. The reason is cantharidin, which is contained in the body of the beetle. If this substance gets on your skin, it will undoubtedly leave boils and blisters on it. Once in the wound, it has a negative effect on the functioning of the urinary tract and kidneys. If it enters the bloodstream, death is possible! It's no joke, in the Middle Ages, many rulers were vilely poisoned by the poison of these particular insects and died in terrible suffering. You can absolutely protect yourself only by excluding all contacts with the blisters.

The beetle is a bugger.

Large beetles. Carabus, which is especially common in our country, shoots a caustic liquid from the back of the body, moreover, far enough at a distance of 30 - 50 cm. If it gets on the skin, this liquid can cause a burning sensation, but if it gets into the eyes, it is already fraught with for vision, especially if eyes are not immediately rinsed with plenty of water.

Ground beetle.

There are other dangerous creatures covered with a chitinous shell, such as ticks and spiders, which are not insects.


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The summer period brings not only the joy of holidays, the opportunity to sunbathe and swim, but also high risks for children. This is due to many factors. In summer, children go to rest in children's camps, in the village to their grandmothers, go swimming in the river and play in the forest, all this, combined with high sun activity, insects and perishable food, poses various threats. Keeping children safe is the first priority for parents. Even if you send a child somewhere in the summer, then provide him with protective equipment, discuss safety precautions with him, take care of regular communication and advise those who will look after your child about the nuances of his behavior and body characteristics.

It seems that in our cruel age, not only people are warlike towards each other, but even nature shows aggression towards man. Very symbolic and makes you think deeply. However, this problem goes beyond the scope of philosophical reflections as soon as you first take your child to the forest, to the country house or go on vacation with him to another country. Snakes and ticks, incomprehensible midges, the bite of which gives a powerful allergic reaction, poisonous spiders that appeared out of nowhere. How to protect the child from the "aggressive" nature?

Nature also has its own rules. Their knowledge and implementation can prevent many problems. The very first and most important of them: "I do not touch you, and you do not touch me." Most troubles happen not because of the aggressiveness of animals and insects, but because of the curiosity and inattention of a person, or because of disrespect for the inhabitants of the forest, sea or steppe. An example of a couple more simple rules: when you go to the forest, dress appropriately yourself and dress your child in the same way. Not sure that your body perceives adequately the stings of bees - cancel the tour to the apiary.

A hat will help protect against tick bites, always wear it to your child when you go to the forest or park. Also, with a high risk of a tick bite, it is advisable to wear clothing that covers the legs and arms. Use special insect repellents, but try to avoid spraying the child with poisonous sprays, it is better to carry insect repellant wipes with you, which will repel insects.

Avoid contact with wasps, bees, bumblebees and hornets, their stings are painful and can cause an allergic reaction and even cause psychological trauma to the child. Keep an insect repellent in your first aid kit.

It is possible to negotiate with nature and its inhabitants - this means respectfully and thoroughly studying those who cause us fear of danger. Their habits and way of life, their addictions and what is unpleasant or completely unacceptable for them to exist. And on the basis of this knowledge, compose a "message" - that is, perform some actions that make it clear that our neighborhood is highly undesirable. Of course, this is true when it comes to potentially dangerous animals and insects in your own home. It is more difficult to “agree” in an apartment, or rather, it is almost impossible. As a rule, nature takes into account the needs and desires of people and, with the right message, restores the balance itself. But this is possible and real only if a certain space "accepted" people as its part - that is, for rural residents, and not for casual meetings with serious inhabitants of nature. What if it's not possible? Is it possible, for example, to kill a snake or another animal for the sake of self-defense and the protection of your child, pet, family? In some situation, it is not only possible, but also necessary, while understanding what you are really doing, and maintaining inner good nature, and not giving vent to primal fear, your imaginary omnipotent power and the "right" of the owner.