Name of fungicidal preparations for plants. systemic fungicides. Milk and salt for powdery mildew

The last decades have indeed been marked by an unprecedented increase in viral, bacterial, and fungal diseases of all cultivated plants without exception. Bacterial, viral diseases are practically untreatable, no matter what actions gardeners take. With fungal diseases (late blight, gray rot, other types of rot, powdery mildew, peronosporosis, fusarium, klusterosporosis, root rot, various leaf spots, etc.), with proper use, fungicides successfully cope - contact, systemic.
Fungicidal substances (from the Latin “fungus” - fungus and “caedo” - I kill), chemicals that can completely (fungicidal) or partially (fungistatic) suppress the development of plant pathogens and are used to combat them; one of the groups of pesticides.

Fungicides are classified:
Depending on the chemical properties
they are inorganic (sulfur compounds - lime-sulfur decoction, ground and colloidal sulfur; copper - copper sulfate, copper oxychloride; mercury - mercury chloride) and organic.
Depending on the effect on the pathogen fungicides are divided into prophylactic, or protective (prevent plant infection or stop the development and spread of the pathogen in the place of infection accumulation before infection occurs, suppressing mainly its reproductive organs - most fungicides), and therapeutic, or eradicating (act on mycelium, reproductive organs and overwintering stages of the pathogen, causing their death after infection of the plant).
Nature of use fungicides are also different: seed protectants (used to combat diseases whose pathogens are spread with seeds or are in the soil), soil preparations (destroy soil pathogens of plant diseases, especially effective in greenhouses and greenhouses), fungicides for treating plants during dormancy (destroy the wintering stages of the pathogen, used in early spring before bud break, late autumn and winter), fungicides for processing during the growing season (mainly preventive drugs used in summer), for spraying and fumigation of storage facilities, in particular granaries and vegetable stores.
By the nature of distribution within plant tissues fungicides are contact (local) and systemic (intraplant).
contact fungicides
Contact fungicides, when treated with plants, remain on the surface and cause the death of the pathogen upon contact with it. Some of them have a local deep action, for example, they are able to penetrate into the outer shells of seeds. The effectiveness of contact preparations depends on the duration of action, the amount of fungicide, the degree of retention on the treated surface, photochemical and chemical resistance, weather, etc.
Contact preparations - such as cineb, polycarbocin, copper oxychloride, sulfur, mancozeb, Bordeaux liquid, others - are not able to treat already diseased plants, but reliably protect them from infection. Plants do not develop resistance to them - this is their main advantage. But the term of their protective action does not exceed 10-12 days before the first heavy rain, after which the treatment is repeated. The multiplicity of treatments for contact fungicides is the largest: from 3 to 6 treatments per season. These drugs almost do not penetrate into the plant, they protect only those places where they are located directly. Therefore, when working with contact fungicides, try to carefully spray not only the surface of the leaves, but also their underside, as many types of fungi begin to germinate from the underside of the leaves.
Systemic fungicides
Systematicity in plant protection refers to the ability of the active substance to be redistributed from the place of application to other places, parts of the plant, not only on the surface, but inside the plant. Systemic fungicides penetrate into the plant, spread through the vascular system and suppress the development of the pathogen due to direct action on it or as a result of plant metabolism. Their effectiveness is mainly determined by the rate of penetration into plant tissues and to a lesser extent depends on meteorological conditions.
These preparations protect plants both from the outside and from the inside. Systemic fungicides are able to have a curative effect, but in the early stages of infection. Already after 2-6 hours from the moment of treatment, any precipitation (or irrigation) is not able to reduce the effectiveness of such drugs. And the period of protective action remains with them for 2-3 weeks. However, pathogenic fungi develop resistance to systemic fungicides very quickly. To slow down this process, international crop protection experts recommend using them no more than twice per season on the same crop. And if additional treatments are required, then you need to use drugs or contact action, or a systemic fungicide, but of a completely different chemical group.
Chemical groups of systemic plant protection products (analogues are given in brackets)
1. Azoles (triazoles) - Penetrate deep into the leaf of the plant, moving behind the growth point, well protect young shoots from diseases, excellent for the treatment of many types of fungal diseases of plants - Alto, Allegro plus, Bytan, Bumper, Skor (Bogard, Dividend), Sportak, Split, Topaz, Impact, Vincit, Vectra, Bayleton, Tosonite, Vial, Lospel, Real, Premis25, Raxil, Rex, Terrasil, Tilt, Sumi8, Falcon combined fungicide, Folicur combined, Shavit combined. (drugs contain different active ingredients).
2. Strobirulins - have a systemic effect, penetrate well into plant tissues, are able to move beyond the growth point, protecting the shoots. They are highly resistant to temperature extremes, recommended as an excellent prophylactic. They have a wide spectrum of action, applicable to many fungal diseases - Amistar, Zato, Strobi, Flint, Quadris, Cabrio Top (fungicides contain different active ingredients).
3. Benzimidazoles - have a systemic effect, it is recommended to apply by irrigation, they are well distributed throughout the plant with nutritious juices. Excellent for the treatment of many fungal plant diseases. It can be used as a seedling and seed dressing agent - Ferazim, Terminator, Derozal (Colfugo-Super), Shtefazal, Bavemtin, Benlat, Fundazol (Fundozim, Benomyl), Agrocyte, Vial, Vincit, Tecto (Titusim). fungicides contain different active ingredients).
4. Phenylamides - Apron.
5. Anilidopyrimidines - Chorus.
6. Pyrimidinylcarbinols - Rubigan.
7. Dithianols - Delan.
8. Phosphonates - Alyett (Alufit).
9. Phthalamides - Merpan, Folpan.
10. Hydroxyanilides - have a protective systemic effect, are not phytotoxic to humans and animals, an excellent remedy for rot and powdery mildew - Teldor.
11. Carbamates - have a systemic effect, it is recommended to use an irrigation agent as a prophylactic agent, it spreads well through the vascular system of the plant - Previkur, Tatu, Topsin-M (they have different active ingredients).
12. Dithiocarbamates: They have a contact action, are effective in the intervals between treatments for combination with other fungicides - Polycarbacin; Ditan, Acrobat (mancozeb); Antrakol; Ridomil-Gold combined (mancozeb, metalaxyl). (fungicides with different active ingredients).
13. Piperazine derivatives - have a protective and healing effect, it is good to use against powdery mildew, rot and gray mold action - Saprol.
14. Pyrimidamines - have a systemic effect, are well used against powdery mildew - Rubigan, Milgo, Horus (fungicides with different active ingredients)
15. Imidazoles are effective against powdery mildew and mold - Mirage, Trifmin
16. Derivatives of hydroxycarboxylic acids have a systemic effect, are used as a seedling and seed dressing agent - Vitavax, Carboxin
17. Dithiocarbamates: They have a contact action, are effective in the intervals between treatments for combination with other fungicides - Polycarbacin; Ditan, Acrobat (mancozeb); Antrakol; Ridomil-Gold combined (mancozeb, metalaxyl); Cabrio Top (fungicides with different active ingredients).
18. Organophosphorus - effective against downy mildew, powdery mildew and gray mold - Allett, aluminum fosetil, Efal, Mitsu Alufit Afugan
19. Acetamides and oxazolidine derivatives: Effective against late blight, Alternaria, mildew - Thanos - combined

Like insects, fungal resistance on plants is developed immediately to all fungicides of the same chemical group.

The best options for plant protection are:
alternation of contact and systemic fungicides;
alternation of 2-3 systemic drugs, but from different chemical groups.

Been produced for many years mixed fungicides, consisting of 2-3 active ingredients, and they:
both contact and systemic action at the same time (Kurzat R. Odram, Acrobat MC, Ridomil Gold MC, Sandofan M8, Tattu, Oxyhom, Pilon, Artemi S, Poliram DF, Arceride, Avixil, others). They are used as contact preparations up to 4 times per season with the concentration of the working solution usually not lower than 0.3-0.4% (30-40 g per 10 l of water). Please note that a lower concentration of solutions leads to poor results. So this is just the case when “you can’t spoil porridge with oil” ... Prepare solutions of fungicides of this group, adhering to the recommendations of the instructions, but it’s better to even make them more concentrated than it is written.
only systemic action, may belong to the same chemical group or to completely different ones. This is done only in order to expand the spectrum of action on harmful fungi. Such fungicides include Mikal, Archer, Ryder, Alto-Super, Falcon, Thanos, and others. They are used no more than twice per season.

Currently, there is an active development and production of the so-called biological fungicides. Their fundamental difference from chemical fungicides is a non-chemical effect on the pathogen, for example, bacterial preparations contain a certain set of bacteria that can cause the death of a number of species of pathogenic fungi.
There are a lot of types of biological fungicides, the main ones are: Fitosporin, Barrier, Zaslon, Fitop, Integral, Bactofit, Agat, Planzir, Trichodermin. Biological fungicides are characterized by low toxicity and high efficiency.
Basic rules for using drugs
1. Spray only in cloudy calm weather, as well as early in the morning - at dawn or in the evening - at sunset. Precipitation falling within 4-6 hours after treatment reduces the effectiveness of many fungicides.
2. Be sure to use rubber gloves, because. all plant protection products penetrate the skin quite well and are then absorbed into the blood. It is enough to put on a light respirator or bandage on the face.
3. With the systematic use of the same fungicides, their effectiveness may decrease due to the formation of resistant races of the pathogen. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to strictly observe the doses of the drug consumption and alternate the applied fungicides. In connection with the great importance of F. for agriculture, their production is constantly increasing.
4. Try to spray the plants themselves with fungicides, and not the soil. A high-quality pneumatic sprayer will help save money, time, and keep you healthy. Therefore, do not save on the purchase of a sprayer.
5. It is forbidden to treat with systemic fungicides all green or other crops that use green stems or leaves as food, as well as radish, radish, daikon, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, cherries, cherries (the last four can only be processed before flowering) , since all these cultures absorb toxic compounds very well, they do not have time to get rid of them until they are eaten, even if the waiting periods are observed.
6. The working solution is prepared immediately before use, it can be stored for no more than a day.
7. Do not allow any fungicides to enter water bodies, as this leads to the death of all living things in them. Poisons are destroyed faster in the surface layer of the earth, which is not intended for use for vegetable gardens, hayfields, pastures, and playgrounds. The sun, soil microorganisms are the main destroyers, neutralizers of any toxic compounds.
8. Store fungicides in a dry, dark, preferably frost-free area away from food. All packages must be sealed, as air moisture changes the physical properties of drugs. The shelf life of biological products is 1-2.5 years, chemical products - 10 years or more, regardless of the expiration date indicated on the container label.

List of fungicides. and instructions for them (the list is incomplete)
Abiga Peak, Sun
Copper-containing broad-spectrum contact fungicide (copper oxychloride 400 g/l.). The drug is designed to combat a complex of fungal and bacterial diseases on vegetable, industrial, fruit, ornamental and flower crops, vines, medicinal plants and forest plantations.
The drug is not phytotoxic when used in strict accordance with the developed recommendations.

Acrobat MC
Fungicide of systemic-local and contact action (dimethomorph 90 g/kg + mancozeb 600 g/kg). as well as a number of other diseases.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance).

A systemic fungicide used to protect plants from a wide range of diseases (triadimefon, 250 g/kg). It is used, in particular, to control powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis), fusariums (Fusarium spp.), rust fungi (Puccinia spp.), rhynchosporium (Rhynchosporium secalis), septoria (Septoria pp.), pyrenophorosis (Pyrenophora spp.), red-brown spotting (Helminthosporium avenae), net spotting (Drechslera teres), cercosporellosis (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides).
Hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Bordeaux mixture
Broad-spectrum contact fungicide (copper sulfate 960 g/kg + calcium hydroxide 900 g/kg. Designed to protect fruit, vegetables, berries, gourds, citrus, ornamental, flower and other crops from a complex of diseases.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not dangerous for bees. It is necessary to carry out the processing of plants in compliance with environmental regulations.

Vitaros, VSK
Fungicide of contact-systemic action, for dressing planting material (98g/l tiram + 198g/l carboxin). An effective treatment for bulbs, corms and rhizomes of flower crops before planting and storage. It suppresses the development of pathogens located both on the surface of the planting material and inside it.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Ditan M-45
Fungicide of contact action, to combat late blight and alternariosis and other fungal diseases (mancozeb 800 g / kg.). Ditan M-45 analogue of Profit. Protective-contact preparation for protecting plants from late blight and a number of other diseases.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not phytotoxic, compatible with most other drugs. Not dangerous for bees, earthworms and soil microorganisms.

A fungicide from the class of strobilurins with mesostemic activity (trifloxystrobin 500 g/kg).
It is used mainly on pome crops, for example, apples and pears, against scab, alternariosis, black (sooty) spot, powdery mildew, moniliosis, phyllosticosis and to prevent diseases during storage of fruits.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Green soap
Prophylactic against pests and diseases. It is also used as a component of self-prepared plant protection products. Ingredients: water, potassium salts of fatty acids, natural fats and vegetable oils.

Kurzat R
Fungicide of contact and locally systemic action (copper oxychloride, 89.5 g/kg, cymoxanil, 42 g/kg.). Analogue of the drug Ordan. It is mainly used to protect against late blight on potatoes and downy mildew on cucumbers. The drug has preventive, curative and pathogen spore-suppressing properties.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). The drug is medium resistant in soil (3rd class), practically non-toxic for soil organisms and birds. The drug is moderately dangerous for bees (2nd class).

Kurzat M
Fungicide of contact and systemic action (cymoxanil, 45 g/kg, mancozeb, 680 g/kg.). It is used to combat late blight and alternariosis and other fungal diseases: alternariosis, macrosporiosis, dry spot, septoria, rhizoctoniosis, black spot, pernosporosis, mildew.
For humans, the hazard class of the drug is 2 (hazardous substance). Not dangerous for bees. (Grade 3).

Contact fungicide (fludioxonil, 25 g/l.). It is used for dressing flower bulbs, other planting material (corms, seed potatoes) from rot before planting and during storage.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). Not hot. Not phytotoxic. Toxic to fish, do not allow to enter the aquatic environment.

blue vitriol
Copper-containing broad-spectrum contact fungicide (copper sulfate, 960 g/kg). Fungicide to combat diseases of berry, fruit (stone and pome), ornamental crops, shrubs. Designed for use in private farms.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Broad-spectrum systemic contact fungicide (copper oxychloride 670 g/kg + oxadixyl 130 g/kg). Oxychom is used to combat diseases caused by fungi of the oomycete subclass. It is well suited for protecting potatoes and tomatoes from late blight and macrosporiosis, cucumbers from perepporosis (downy mildew).
Hazard class: 1. Hazardous substance.

Fungicide of contact-systemic action, to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (copper oxychloride, 689 g / kg + cymoxanil, 42 g / kg.). Two-component fungicide of local-systemic action to protect potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes in open and protected ground, grapes and a number of other plants from a complex of diseases.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Previkur, VK
A fungicide with systemic properties that has both protective and growth-promoting properties (propamocarb hydrochloride, 607 g / l.). It has a wide spectrum of activity against pathogens of root rot and peronosporosis (Pythium, Phytophthora, Aphanomyces, Bremia, Peronospora, Pseudopeonospora spp). It has a stimulating effect, increases the resistance of the plant to infection, stimulates the rooting of cuttings, growth and flowering of plants.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance), has a slight irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Profit, joint venture
Fungicide to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (Mancozeb, 800g/kg). The preparation is enriched with manganese and zinc.
Hazard class: for humans - 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not phytotoxic, compatible with most other drugs. Not dangerous for bees, earthworms and soil microorganisms.

Profit Gold, VDG
Fungicide of contact-systemic action, to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (cymoxanil 250 g/kg + famoxadone 250 g/kg). Cymoxanil is quickly absorbed by the leaves and penetrates the plant, famoxadone remains on the surface of the leaves for a long time. Designed for use in private farms.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Rayok, KE
Systemic fungicide with a long-term preventive and protective effect (difenoconazole, 250 g/l). It is used to protect fruit crops from powdery mildew, scab, leaf curl, coccomycosis, clasterosporiasis. It can be used to combat late blight and early blight on potatoes and tomatoes. It is also used in the fight against powdery mildew. Analogue of the drug "Skor".
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). The product is non-toxic to birds and bees. The drug is toxic to fish.

Ridomil gold, VDG, joint venture
Fungicide of contact-systemic action, to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (mefenoxam, 40 g / kg + mancozeba, 640 g / kg). Mefenoxam provides internal protection: systemic and translaminar action - protection of treated and untreated parts of plants, new growth and tubers, a high level of effectiveness against fungi from the class of oomycetes (causative agents of downy mildew), rapid decomposition in the soil. Mancozeb provides external protection and is an effective contact fungicide and a key link in the anti-resistance strategy.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). When using the drug in strict accordance with the recommendations developed by the company, there is no risk of phytotoxicity. The drug is slightly toxic to birds and bees, but toxic to fish.

Rovral, SP
Fungicide of contact action against a complex of diseases (iprodion, 500 g/kg). Rovral is effective against a wide range of pathogens: Alternaria, Botrytis, Oxysporum, Fusarium, Helminthosporium, Monilia, Phoma, Pleiochaeta, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, Sclerotium, Septoria, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Typhula. When the soil is spilled, it has a systemic effect.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous compound). Prohibited for use in the sanitary zone of fishery reservoirs. Practically not dangerous for bees - hazard class 4.

Speed, KE
Systemic fungicide with a long-term preventive and pronounced therapeutic effect, to combat scab, powdery mildew, leaf curl, late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (difenoconazole 250 g / l.). A drug with a long-term preventive and pronounced therapeutic effect. An analogue of the drug "Rayok".
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Tattu, CS
Fungicide of contact-systemic action (mancozeb, 301.6 g/l, propamocarb hydrochloride, 248 g/l). plant resistance. Propamocarb hydrochloride disrupts the biosynthesis of membrane structures and slows down the germination of spores and the development of mycelium.
Hazard class: 2 (dangerous compound), has a slight irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Teldor VG
Fungicide of local-systemic action (fenhexamid, 500 g/kg). Preparation for combating Gray rot (Botrytis cinerea), Moliniliosis (Monilinia fructigena, Monilinia laxa), White rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) on fruit and berry crops and grapes. It is applied from the earliest terms and up to harvesting. The drug also increases the safety of fruits during transportation and storage.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Tilt CE
Systemic fungicide with growth-stimulating activity (propiconazole, 250 g/l.). The drug Tilt through the leaves and stems, due to systemic action, enters the plants. The drug has not only a long protective and curative effect, but also stops the further development of the pathogen and suppresses sporulation in it. In addition, the drug has growth-regulating activity. Attention! No more than one treatment with Tilt should be carried out per growing season.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous compound). The drug is non-toxic to birds, slightly toxic to bees, toxic to fish.

Thiovit jet, VDG
Contact fungicide and acaricide (sulfur, 800 g/kg). Preparation for the protection of vegetable, fruit, flower crops and vineyards from powdery mildew, some other diseases and mites.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Topaz, KE
Systemic fungicide to control powdery mildew, rust and other fungal diseases (Penconazole, 100 g/L). The best results are obtained by prophylactic application at the beginning of the growing season to suppress the primary infection of the powdery mildew pathogen, as well as to prevent the spread of the disease or at the first signs of the onset of the disease.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).
The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class 3), non-toxic for birds and beneficial insects, dangerous for fish. Not phytotoxic.

Topsin-M SP
Systemic fungicide of preventive and therapeutic action (methyl thiophanate, 700 g/kg). The drug belongs to substances similar to benzimidazoles (benomyl), penetrates into plants, is absorbed by the root system, and transforms into carbendazim. It is most effective in preventive treatment, before the development of the pathogen. It has a negative effect on soil nematodes, on a number of aphid species. The drug is not effective against downy mildew.
Hazard class for humans - 2 (hazardous substance). Does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Not dangerous for birds, bees, hazard class 3. Toxic to fish. Toxic to lacewing eggs.

Fundazim SP
Broad-spectrum systemic fungicide (benomyl, 500 g/kg.). An analogue of the drug "Fundazol". For the entire season, no more than 2 treatments are allowed by spraying and watering, since after that the pathogens develop resistance! To overcome resistance, it is necessary not to use drugs from the benzimidazole class for 1-2 seasons.

Fungicide and protectant with a wide range of systemic action against a large number of fungal diseases of seeds and leaves of plants. Fundazol has both protective (preventive) and therapeutic properties. For the entire season, no more than 2 treatments are allowed by spraying and watering, since after that the pathogens develop resistance! To overcome resistance, it is necessary not to use drugs from the benzimidazole class for 1-2 seasons.
Hazard class: Benomyl (benorad, fundazol, fundazim) has a hazard class 2 (dangerous compound) for humans, for fish. The preparation has low toxicity for soil organisms and birds.

Fungicide of systemic-local and contact action (copper oxychloride, 900 g/kg). A preparation for combating plant diseases: apple and pear scab, potato and tomato late blight, plum fruit rot, peach leaf curl, grape mildew, onion and cucumber downy mildew, rust and spotting of ornamental and flower crops and pathogens of fungal diseases.
Hom has a hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) used for dressing seeds, bulbs, corms, rhizomes of flowering plants at a concentration of 0.1-0.15% for two hours. It can be used for health-improving watering of seedlings, seedlings and adult plants under the root in the fight against blackleg, fusarium, bacteriosis. It is used for disinfection of stock and tools.

soda ash(linen) is used to combat powdery mildew. For spraying prepare a 0.3-0.5% solution. For better adhesion, soap is added to the soda solution.


Alirin - B, TAB
Biological fungicide for the suppression of fungal diseases in the soil and on plants (soil microflora - Bacillus subtilis VIZR-10, titer 109 CFU / g), similar in composition and action to phytosporin. Recommended: as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, effectively suppresses pathogens of fungal diseases on all types of horticultural crops and indoor plants.
Hazard class: 4 (low hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, beneficial entomofauna and the environment

A complex preparation with the advantages of a contact biological fungicide and stimulant (Bacillus megaterium and Pseudomonas aureofaciens, coniferous extract and a set of macro and microelements). Albit is a complex drug with the advantages of analogues (Agat-25k, pseudobacterin, phytosporin, planriz, silk, crystallon, humates).
Hazard class: 4 (low hazardous substance).

Hamair, P, Tab.
Biological bactericide for the suppression of bacterial and some fungal diseases in the soil and on plants (Bacillus subtilis M-22 VIZR, titer 109 CFU/g), similar in composition and action to phytosporin. Recommended: as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, effectively suppresses pathogens of bacterial diseases on all types of horticultural crops and indoor plants.
Hazard class - 4 (low-hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment. Does not accumulate in plants and soil, which contributes to the production of environmentally friendly products

Gliocladin, Tab
Trichodermin analogue.
Biological fungicide for the suppression of pathogens of fungal diseases in the soil (mushroom culture Trichoderma harziannum VIZR-18).
Hazard class - 4 (low-hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment.

Biological fungicide for the treatment and prevention of root infections of indoor flowers and ornamental plants. Soil conditioner. Germinating in moist soil from spores, the mycelium of the fungus suppresses about 60 types of soil pathogens that infect the soil and cause root rot.
Hazard class - 4. Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment. It has no phytotoxic effect on protected plants. Does not accumulate in plants and soil, which contributes to the production of environmentally friendly products

Fitolavin, VRK
Systemic biological bactericide (phytobacteriomycin). It is used in the prevention of root rot, vascular bacteriosis, black leg diseases, bacterial burn, angular leaf spot, bacterial tuber rot, vascular bacteriosis on cucumber, bacterial vertex rot, alternariosis on tomatoes, moniliosis, scab, fusarium, anthracnose.
Hazard class: - 3 (moderately dangerous compound). Has an irritating effect.


Fungi are the causative agents of many diseases in plants. For their destruction, special chemical, biological substances are used. Fungicides are one of the varieties of pesticides - products designed to destroy pests and diseases of different crops.

What is the fungicidal effect of drugs on plants

The name of the substances - fungicides - comes from the merger of two Latin words "fungus" and "caedo", which mean "mushroom", "I kill". The compositions are directed against pathogenic fungi that cause plant diseases. Study the effects of fungicides:

  • fungicidal - responsible for the destruction of the fungus;
  • fungistatic - partially suppresses the development of unwanted organisms;
  • prophylactic - prevents the formation of fungus.

Fungicides belong to the category of pesticides: they are included in the group consisting of insecticides, bactericides, nematicides, acaricides. Protective and preventive properties are manifested due to the content:

  • sulfur and its compounds: barium polysulfides, calcium;
  • metal salts: especially copper, mercury, cadmium;
  • salts of dithiocarbamic acids;
  • phenol derivatives;
  • derivatives of triazole, imidazole;

For a detailed acquaintance with the action of fungicides, study their main varieties. Each type has its own characteristics:

Classification features

Examples of drugs


According to the action on the pathogen: protective, therapeutic.

  • protective - used to treat healthy plants in order to prevent diseases;
  • therapeutic - destroy the existing disease.

According to the purpose of application: standard, for dressing seeds, processing greenhouse and greenhouse land, for perennials during their hibernation.

By the nature of distribution within plant tissues: contact and systematic.

  • contact - active in that part of the vegetation, soil where they were introduced;
  • systematic or systemic - penetrate into the vascular system of the culture, move through its tissues, act for 30 days;
  • system-contact - consist of components of contact and systemic action, this combination is considered the most effective.

According to the active substance: organic, chemical.

  • organic - contain microorganisms that, after exposure to crops, soil, decompose;
  • chemical or inorganic - consist of chemical compounds: rich in copper, iron, mercury, sulfur, nickel, manganese.

Prevention and protection against diseases are carried out with the help of watering, spraying, seed dressing. Methods for using fungicides:

  • dressing seeds, bulbs, tubers - disinfection of planting material is carried out, further infection with a fungus is prevented, the death of seeds, plants;
  • spraying and pollination - contact fungicides are used, the formulations are sprayed onto the affected crops with a spray gun, if necessary, the procedure is repeated, start pollination in the spring, finish in the fall;
  • application to the soil - systemic fungicides are used, which not only effectively destroy fungal spores, pathogenic microorganisms, but are also well absorbed by the root system of plants.

Like any other chemical formulations, fungicides should be applied subject to certain safety rules. Use the following guidelines:

  1. Wear protective clothing before work: gloves, goggles, apron, respirator.
  2. Read the instructions on the package.
  3. Make sure that small children and animals do not come into contact with substances.
  4. Do not eat processed fruits, wait for the substance to dissolve.
  5. Remember that fungicides are poisonous, so keep them out of your drinking water.

Effective fungicides for indoor plants

For the treatment of indoor plants, emulsions, powders, solutions are produced. There are biological and chemical antifungals for plants. The latter are recommended to be used before the period of active growth, after the end of flowering, harvesting. Biological fungicides are often allowed to be used at any time.

Name of the drug

Active substance

Characteristics and properties

Application features

Benomyl (concentration 500 g/kg).

Suitable for the elimination of many fungal diseases. Can be used in conjunction with pesticides, growth regulators, top dressing. After preparing the solution, no precipitate remains.

Etching of planting material, foliage is carried out. The solution is prepared from 1 liter of water, 20 g of concentrate. Processing up to 2 times in 3 months. The maximum effect of spraying is noticeable at high temperatures.

Antibiotic complex based on Streptomyces fradiae.

Release form - flowable paste in jars of 10 g. Protects against fungal diseases, improves immunity, promotes seed germination, development of the root system, maturation of a quality crop.

Suitable for indoor and outdoor crops. The solution is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. concentrate, 3 liters of water. Spraying is carried out 3-4 times in 3 months at intervals of 20 days.

Suspension concentrate propiconazole.

Copes with powdery mildew, scab, oidium.

Processing of pears, apple-trees, grapes is carried out. The liquid is prepared from 2-3 ml of Vectra and 10 liters of water. For one fruit-bearing tree, up to 5 liters of working solution is used, for a growing crop - up to 2 liters. Processing is carried out at least 10 days before harvesting the fruit.

Biological antifungals for the garden

Fungicidal biological products contain active bacteria that destroy pathogens and prevent their reappearance.

Name of the drug

Active substance

Characteristics and properties

Application features

Copper oxychloride (concentration 400 g/l).

Release form - aqueous suspension. Refers to contact fungicides. Deals with fungal diseases.

Processing of ornamental, vegetable, flower, industrial, fruit crops. Spraying is carried out when it is warm, there is no wind. The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water, 40-50 g of concentrate (the amount depends on the type of crop being processed).

bacillus subtilis.

Release form - dry powder and tablets. Eliminates alternariosis, rhizoctoniosis, septoria, root rot, powdery mildew, fungal infections on foliage, in the ground.

The working solution for irrigation is made from 10 liters of water, 2 Alirin tablets, 1 liter of water, 1 tablet is taken for spraying. Up to 3 treatments per season are carried out, between procedures there should be intervals of 5-7 days.

Biofungicide "Baktofit"

Bacillus subtilis, spores and cells of the producer culture, metabolites.

Protects against the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms. For the prevention of powdery mildew. Recommended when it is impossible to apply chemistry.

Processing of fruit and berry crops, carnations, roses. The solution is prepared from 2 g of the substance, 1 liter of water. Should be applied when cool and damp. Sprayed 24 hours before rain. Processing at intervals of 5 days.

Bordeaux mixture

Slightly soluble copper compounds in liquid.

The mixture is an acid neutralizer. It must be applied very carefully, otherwise there is a risk of burning the plants. The fungicide is stored for 24 hours if 7-10 g of sugar is added to it (amount for 10 liters of working solution).

To create a solution, 300 g of lime is quenched with water. The same is done with copper sulphate. 2-3 liters of boiling water are added to the mixture with lime. Each solution is brought to a 5-liter volume. The mixture with lime is filtered through gauze, copper sulfate is gradually added to it, everything is thoroughly mixed. You should get a liquid of a bright blue hue - this will indicate the correct proportions. The liquid is sprayed.


Mushroom culture Trichoderma harzianum VIZR-18.

Biological fungicide, used for the treatment, prevention of root rot.

Treatment of indoor and outdoor plants. 1-4 tablets are placed in the soil when sowing. Protection lasts for about 1 month.

bacillus subtilis.

Biological fungicide, suitable for the treatment, prevention of diseases, effectively fights leaf spot of bacterial origin, powdery mildew, late blight, fusarium.

Spraying, watering indoor and outdoor plants. Irrigation solution is prepared from 1 tablet, 5 liters of water. Spraying is carried out with a liquid of 2 tablets, 5 liters of water. Remember that the activity of the drug is reduced in cool, humid weather.

blue vitriol

copper sulfate.

Release form - soluble powder. Protects, heals, eliminates pests, improves immunity, the ability to resist infection by harmful microorganisms.

Processing of pome, stone fruit, ornamental, flower, berry, fruit crops. 50-100 g of copper sulfate is mixed with 10 liters of warm water. The solution cannot be prepared in a metal container. The liquid is used on the day of creation. Processing in the morning and in the evening, 2 times a year, in spring, autumn at positive temperatures, when there is no wind or rain.


Soil bacteria Bacillus subtilis.

Release form - liquid, powder, paste. Microbiological fungicide, ideal for the treatment of bacterial fungal diseases. Do not use with alkaline preparations. Fitosporin-M tolerates freezing, the field of which the effectiveness of the composition does not change.

Suitable for dressing seeds, bulbs, foliage of adult plants.

Systemic fungicides for the garden

Systemic fungicides quickly move through the vascular system of adult plants, protecting their growths that have developed after treatment. The main goal of such compositions is the elimination of existing diseases, the prevention of their occurrence. The most effective fungicides are listed in the table:

Fungicide name

Active substance

Characteristics and properties

Application features


Release form - 1 liter bottles, 6 ml sachets. Helps to get rid of brown spot on vegetable crops, grapevine, powdery mildew, late blight.

Cymoxanil, copper chloride.

Protection against fungal diseases, preventive, curative action. The effect lasts up to a month. Not dangerous for bees and warm-blooded.

The solution is made from 30-50 g of powder, 10 liters of water.


Release form - ampoules of 2 ml and bottles of 10, 50, 100 ml. The liquid contains 1.5-2 ml and 10 liters of water. Long-term protection against scab, powdery mildew, coccomycosis. The effect is noticeable already 2 hours after spraying.

Suitable for fruit crops. Processing up to 1 time in 2 weeks.

Kresoxim-methyl (concentration 500 g/kg).

Protects, prevents the appearance of powdery mildew, black spot, rust, scab, basal shoot cancer.

The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water, 3-5 ml of Strobi. Used to prevent diseases. If there are already fungal spores, then it will not be possible to get rid of them. Suitable for dressing seeds before planting.


The release form is water-soluble granules, which, after preparing the working solution, are resistant to washing off: it occurs due to the ability to bind with vegetable wax. Penetrates deep into the foliage, so the effect is noticeable even 1-2 days after the disease.

Suitable for tomatoes, potatoes, onions.

Penconazole (proportions 100 g/l).

Available as an emulsion concentrate. Protects against powdery mildew, sulfur, rust. It is characterized by moderate toxicity for humans, animals, safety for fish, birds.

Recommended for processing vegetable, ornamental, fruit crops, vines. In the presence of sulfur, 2 ml of concentrate, 10 liters of water are taken. Powdery mildew is treated with a solution of 4 ml of the substance, 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out 1 time in 14 days.

Cyprodinil (concentration 750 g/kg).

Release form - water-dispersible granules. Treats Alternariosis, moniliosis, scab. In grapes, berry rot is prevented, in fruit and stone fruits - moniliosis, leaf curl, coccomycosis.

The substance is not washed off with water. It is recommended to apply when it is cool, damp. The effect is reduced when the air temperature is more than 25 degrees. Processing is carried out 14-30 days before fruit removal. The working solution is prepared from 2 g of Horus and 5-10 liters of water (the choice of volume depends on the disease).

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The modern agricultural chemistry market offers a large number of all kinds of drugs for the prevention and treatment of plant diseases that have already arisen. As they say, for every taste and color. However, it is not so easy to rid the garden and garden of bacteriological problems. It is not enough to select the names of fungicides from the list and purchase them. It is necessary to correctly calculate how they will act and how well they will work against a particular disease. Let's take a closer look what are contact and systemic fungicides for plants.

The drug Maxim (the commercial name of the fungicide) and the like can be purchased independently and treated with seeds and bulbs immediately before planting in the ground.

Names of fungicides

Contact fungicides for plants These are preventive drugs. They protect very well, but usually cannot heal and show poor results if an infection has occurred. Therefore, they are used as early as possible, they start at the very beginning of the season, making a thorough spraying of all fruit and berry crops before the buds open. During flowering, treatment is not carried out (this applies primarily to copper-containing preparations, since copper accumulates in different parts of plants, and when it comes into contact with flowers, it is also in ovaries and fruits, and is excreted very slowly).

  • Treatment with a contact fungicide is carried out only in dry weather, carefully, since the effectiveness of the drugs directly depends on what area of ​​the plant was covered with it. One of the advantages of contact preparations is the slow development of resistance (resistance) to them from pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The effectiveness of contact fungicides is highly dependent on weather conditions, the resistance of the drug to solar exposure, the degree of "stickiness" to the surface. If certain conditions worsen, a new treatment may be needed after 5-7 days.
Contact and systemic fungicides

Means of local action can be used throughout the season, for example, the treatment of plantings against phytophthora is effective if it is carried out systematically before the first manifestations of the disease appear in the district.

Systemic fungicides for plants

Systemic fungicides penetrate the plant itself and act on the pathogen from the inside. Means can be used at different stages of plant development. Systemic fungicides for plants can be both preventive and curative. They are much less dependent on weather conditions, since they are not washed away by precipitation. However, temperature changes can reduce the immunity of the plant itself and, conversely, aggravate its condition.

Duration of action

The duration of action of systemic fungicides depends on the susceptibility of the fungus and the rate of development of resistance. Unfortunately, fungi and bacteria “get used” to the means of this group faster. Therefore, the effectiveness of drugs may decrease after 4-7 days. The way out of the situation is to change the fungicide to one containing another active substance, as well as the use of a complex agent (systemic + contact preparation).

In some cases, manufacturers combine two fungicides or a fungicide and an insecticide in one product. It turns out a set, the efficiency of which, as a rule, is higher, and the period of protection of plantings after processing is longer. Typically, a mixture is made up of one contact fungicide and one systemic or two systemic. Such agents are called combined (contact-systemic), complex or mixed fungicides.

Some names of fungicides

Here are some fungicide names according to the nature of distribution in the plant.

  1. Contact medications: Abiga-peak, Bravo, Maxim, Ditan m45, Pennkotseb, Profit, Thiovit jet, Bordeaux mixture, Copper vitriol, Iron vitriol, Ordan, Khom, Rovral SP,
  2. Systemic fungicides for plants- these are, for example, Bayleton, Diskor, Impact, Rayok, Skor, Topaz, Fitolekar, Favorit, Fitolavin, Fundazol, Horus, Chistotsvet.
  3. Combined preparations (contact and systemic fungicides)- Amistar Trio, Vectra, Vitaros, Cabrio, Quadris, Consul, Ordan, Oxyhom, Prestige, Profit Gold, Spirit, Thanos, etc.

Other classifications of fungicides for plants

In addition to the classification described above, drugs with fungicidal properties also differ in other parameters, for example, in the nature of the action: curative, or exterminating; immunizing (elicitors) and prophylactic (protective).

Biological fungicides

Contact fungicides most often have a preventive and partially curative effect. Preparations of biological origin, in addition to prevention and treatment, have a pronounced immunizing effect. Some systemic fungicides, in addition to protective and medicinal properties, also exhibit immunizing properties, that is, they affect the growth and development of plants, changing their metabolism.

Classification by nature of origin divides drugs into true fungicides, pseudofungicides and natural antagonists. The first group is toxic to fungi and bacteria outside of plants, by itself. The second type of substances interacts with the plant and outside it is not dangerous for the pathogenic group. Natural antagonists contain decontaminated strains of pathogens and help plants improve immunity.

Another criterion that is usually not reflected in the names of fungicides, but the instructions explain - the purpose of the drug. There are seed treaters (for example, Maxim, Vitaros, Credo), means for disinfecting greenhouses (Thiovit jet), for treating perennials that are at rest, and also for treating all plants during the growth (vegetation) period.

Biological fungicides are effective in the treatment of plantings for the purpose of prevention. They protect plants well from late blight, various kinds of rot, powdery mildew.

Worth keeping in mind:

Names of fungicides

Combined agents show high efficiency against a large list of diseases, but are often characterized by an increased hazard class. All the necessary information, instructions, including the method of disposal of containers and unused solution, the manufacturer puts on the packaging. You just need to read it carefully. And lastly, when processing plantings with any kind of fungicides, it is imperative to use elementary means of protection and observe safety precautions.

Today, hundreds of fungicides are sold in stores that kill harmful fungus on plants, as well as protect them from the most terrible diseases.

There are too many factors involved in choosing the right fungicide for any given application. The type and age of the plant, the type of disease and its "neglect". Even the weather, the area of ​​green spaces and the presence of pets in the vicinity play a role. It's easy to get confused.

We do not recommend buying a fungicide at random: the advertised chemical may turn out to be a “dummy”. It is possible that he is even capable of harming a diseased plant. The best thing is to trust the opinions of professionals.

In our manual, we have collected the recommendations of scientists and the advice of experienced farmers. We deliberately put a review of the most effective fungicides at the very end of the material, because in order to cure a plant, you first need to make a correct diagnosis. And in order to make a correct diagnosis, you need to know everything about plant pests. This is what most of our guide is devoted to.

You need to defeat the fungus wisely!

Why is the fungus dangerous for plants?

All fungicides have a common enemy - pathogenic fungi, which so easily infect ornamental and agricultural plants. Farmers and housewives, food producers and gardeners suffer from them.

Here's what fungal spores and fungi themselves are capable of:

  • - They disfigure plants: various diseases are reflected in the color and shape of fruits, leaves and flowers;
  • - Mushrooms deprive us of the harvest. In just a couple of weeks, they can cause damage to plantings of potatoes, apples, grapes and wheat, tomatoes and cucumbers, blueberries and strawberries;
  • - They kill them. Your favorite lawn or home flower may die if not treated in time with the right fungicide;
  • - Fungal diseases hit the pockets of farmers and the state. In some cases, the degree of crop loss from the fungus becomes catastrophic, up to ruin.

It is very difficult to avoid infection with a fungus without preventive measures. Spores live in soil, air, on other plants and in water. They are carried by the wind, animals and even people! And then mycelium comes into play: thin threads, something like a mycelium. They penetrate the tissues of the plant and begin to devour living matter. In addition, fungus-covered leaves do not receive light and die without the possibility of photosynthesis.

The most common fungal plant diseases

The presence of a fungus in a plant is most often indicated by external symptoms. White bloom and rusty pads, colored spots and sores, fragments of rot and bumpy growths may appear on the greens. In addition, plants wither, deform, dry out, become thinner, become overgrown with tumors and cease to bear fruit from fungi. In the case of lawn and grass, bald spots form on the ground. Any of these symptoms are caused by dozens of different types of fungus. This system is not easy to streamline, but still the most common diseases have received their folk and scientific names. Here is some of them.

Powdery mildew. This is a universal villain that affects the leaves, fruits, stems and flowers of plants. White plaque (mycelium) in a couple of days can completely tighten a garden rose or vine. The disease kills the fruits the longest: they rot and crack. Especially loves "powdery mildew" young shoots. Pumpkins, peaches, gooseberries, cereals, roses, even sugar beets... who doesn't suffer from it!

Snow mold. This is the enemy of all lovers of natural lawns and tall grass. "Snow mold" usually appears in early spring, after the snow melts. It spreads in circles 3-12 inches in diameter. When these circles "breed", the lawn can completely die. First, pink, white or gray mold will cover the lawn ... then the mushrooms will draw all the juices out of the grass, and it will die. Most often, meadow and reed fescue, perennial ryegrass and meadow bluegrass suffer from this fungus.

Root rot. These diseases like rhizoctoniosis and "black rot" are dangerous for most plants. Fungi undermine the roots of room and garden greenery. You will not know about this for a long time: you will simply follow the smooth withering of the plant. An insidious disease will turn the root system into black dust or rusty dry lashes.

"Spotted" fungus on the leaves. A disease affecting vegetables. Oily dark spots form on the leaves. Most often, tomatoes and peppers, potatoes, asparagus, rhubarb suffer from them. This "beauty" directly affects the yield of vegetables. Although the fruits themselves rarely suffer.

And there are also various fungi that affect the grass. It may become covered with rust-colored blisters and red-brown rings (Fusarium disease). The lawn may turn brown and disappear under small cotton clouds (Pythium's disease).

Prevention of fungal diseases

Fungi love high humidity, stagnant weather, and proximity to other plants. Therefore, it is necessary to observe a certain interval between plantings, as well as save them from excessive watering and poor air circulation. These rules are especially relevant for greenhouse plants. You need to regularly monitor the cleanliness of the soil and dispose of dying plantations.

American scientists who have studied this issue are asking everyone to be careful with mulching and pruning plants (mistakes during these operations can lead to infection). They also call the best way to prevent ... the purchase of specially bred varieties that are resistant to fungi. Sterile pots will protect the roots from fungi, control over the purchased soil mixture is a competent irrigation system that excludes stagnant water.

The classification of fungicides divides them according to the purpose of application. It looks like this.

  1. protective fungicides. Organic and inorganic agents for the prevention of fungal diseases.
  2. Therapeutic fungicides. Drugs that can stop the development of the disease and even destroy it.
  3. Systemic or complex fungicides. They work both for the prevention and for the treatment of plants.
  4. Immunization agents. They improve the metabolism of the plant and teach it to fight not only fungi, but also bacterial diseases.

The principle of action of chemicals also differs. There are, for example, contact fungicides. Most often, these are protective agents that "defend" only that part of the plant on which they are located from fungi. Among farmers and experienced gardeners, "treaters" are popular. They process seeds and bulbs so that in adulthood they are not disturbed by pests.

Recently, organic liquid products have become fashionable, which move freely through the vascular system of the plant. They can save individual shoots of an already infected plant from diseases, work as a protective and therapeutic agent.

Which is better: organic or inorganic fungicides?

First, it is important to decide whether you are looking for an organic or inorganic fungicide. The former are considered more environmentally friendly and safer for nature and humans. But we are more interested in the practical side of the matter. Moreover, many "organic products" are also synthesized using chemicals.

The advantage of organic fungicides over inorganic ones is that they do not contain rare and hazardous metals. These metals pose a danger to animals, earthworms and, in rare cases, soil. If too much copper or mercury accumulates. But "natural remedies" decompose underground by themselves, this happens very quickly. True, this property also affects the duration of the healing effect (synthetic chemicals last longer).

Organics are easier to “cook”: most often you just need to mix a powder or liquid agent in water. We add that organics can be combined with a larger number of pesticides than inorganic preparations.

The advantage of inorganic means is consumer confidence. It was the products based on copper, sulfur, mercury and chlorine that were the first to appear on the market: our grandfathers used them. And this is already a certain habit and tradition. Although, logically, younger synthetic organics should be more perfect. But even here it is not so simple. In some diseases, old preparations of copper oxychloride with a concentration of 0.5-0.75% are still not inferior in effectiveness to fashionable synthetic drugs.

Are chemical fungicides so terrible? The USA environment agency writes: “Some of the worst pesticide poisonings come from the misuse of organic mercury or hexachlorobenzene to treat seed. However, most fungicides in use and registered for use in the US are not capable of causing frequent or severe poisoning."

So you can harm yourself and the environment only if you use products that are not according to the instructions! The portal asks to be especially careful with these substances: triazoles, mercury, thiocarbamates, dithiocarbamates, mercury.

Best store bought fungicides

Experts have approved dozens of different fungicides, and it's easy to get lost in this long list of names. Therefore, we decided to help you and selected the most effective tools that can be purchased on the Internet.


A classic fungicide based on copper. Suitable for flowers, fruits and vegetables. It copes well with powdery mildew, black spots and "early" fungi. It must be mixed with water in the proportions indicated on the package and used as a spray. Buyers write that one spray per month is usually enough. But with frequent rains and irregular watering, the product is used more often.

There are several references to the effective use of lawn fungus. In total, about 85% of buyers call the product useful.


A similar product from the same manufacturer. Only here you do not need to dilute anything: the product is sold as a ready-made spray. The fungicide contains copper octanoate, which is a copper salt compound with a fatty acid. At the same time, the concentration level of the chemical protects the greens from burns.

The developer insists on abundant spraying of the leaves. You can even pay attention to their lower part. People in the comments advise not to spray the product on the eve of rain: it takes from 24 to 48 hours for it to be completely absorbed. The next time spraying will need to be done in 2-4 weeks.

We find several dissatisfied comments. To some farmers, the solution seems "weak". But these are special cases - about 80% of farmers were satisfied with the performance of the chemical.

Fungicide Topaz

A well-known universal fungicide that has earned high praise from users. It is suitable for most garden plants and lawns. Fans of spray roses put it especially highly. It is a protective fungicide. It is optimally suited for the prevention and protection of plants from fungi. The chemical is not afraid of rain and stays on the leaves for two weeks. Depending on the purpose of application (treatment, prevention, protection), the developer recommends using different methods of spraying the drug.

Users write that work works best with delicate plants and thin foliage. Many reviews of the successful fight against lawn diseases.

Fungicide Forecast

The most famous manufacturer, the quality of whose goods can hardly raise questions. It is a highly rated organic systemic fungicide that not only prevents but also treats diseases. Almost 80% of all users are satisfied with its effectiveness. Controls black spots, powdery mildew, gray mold, plant rust, scab. The instructions say that it can be applied up to the days of harvest. But we still wouldn't risk it.

One bottle is enough for 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture can be applied to both leaves and fruits. In the reviews of the product, we found conflicting opinions about the need for reapplication. Some people wrote that they solved the problem of the fungus the first time. Others - about the mandatory repetition of the procedure in 1-2 weeks. Perhaps it all depends on the type of fungus and the degree of infection of the plant. Fortunately, the fungicide is not harmful to worms and beneficial insects.

Comparative table of fungicides


The form



concentrated liquid

Fungicide Pureflower

Fungicide Topaz


Fungicide Forecast


Daconil® Fungicide Concentrate 16 oz.

Proven by experts means based on chlorotolanil. Great for powdery mildew control. All ingredients are listed on the packaging, they can always be found on the Internet. One bottle is enough for 240 liters of liquid to be used as a spray. The tool is considered a protective fungicide of contact action of the widest spectrum.

Scotts Lawn Fungus Control, 5,000-sq ft, 6.75 Pounds

A tool designed to prevent only lawn diseases. The active ingredient is 2.3% methyl thiophanate. Experienced users recommend using the substance in the spring: otherwise you may be late. After all, kill the fungus Scotts Lawn no longer capable.

One bag is enough for 300-400 m2. Note that the opinions of users about this product have diverged. Some have called it too toxic for home use.

  1. First of all, determine the exact disease. Try to give your plant an accurate diagnosis based on external signs of the disease, communication with "brothers in misfortune" and professional advice. Try to buy a remedy for this type of fungus, and not universal options.
  2. Pay attention to the environment. Place of growth of a diseased plant, season, air temperature at the time of application of the fungicide, the rate of development of the disease. All this affects the choice of medicine. A corresponding recommendation for optimal conditions for use is often found on the label.
  3. Learn contraindications. On quality medicines, a list of plants that do not tolerate these fungicides is indicated.
  4. Choose between liquid and powder form. Powders are more often created to work in the soil, and liquids are more often created to process leaves and flowers. The effect of fluids tends to start earlier, but it also wears off faster.
  5. Compare prices. Prices for the same product or for different fungicides with similar ingredients can vary greatly. As in the case of drugs, it is not always necessary to overpay for a brand if there is a cheap analogue. Of course, it is necessary to check the state certification of all goods.

Even organic products can harm plants and humans if used improperly. Here are 9 tips for proper maintenance for new gardeners.

  1. Always follow the safety instructions in the instructions. All spraying is best done in special protective clothing. Most often, a fungicide is a threat to the skin and mucous membranes. Even potted plants need to be handled outside or on a balcony.
  2. Follow the time of year. It is believed, for example, that dithiocarbamic acid derivatives have a positive effect on the growth and development of plants, which is why they are usually recommended for use during periods of intensive growth (spring and early summer). And by the end of summer, copper-containing preparations should be used.
  3. Do not mix organic fungicides - captan, cineb, cyram, polycarbacin, dichlon with mineral oil preparations, since such a mixture can contribute to the occurrence of plant burns.
  4. Follow the frequency. Most often, the plant is re-treated every 15-30 days. But each product has its own rules, they are indicated on the label. This indicator is also affected by the time of year and precipitation.
  5. Don't waste your harvest. It is better not to use fungicides at all at the time of fruit ripening, but to solve the problem of the fungus earlier. If the case is too neglected, you need to use low-toxic drugs. And before that, find out how many days before harvesting you can use them for the last time.
  6. Spray in the morning. Experts say night and early morning are the best times to spray liquid fungicides.
  7. Watch the weather. Sprays, liquids and all contact products should not be used in rain and wind.
  8. Be aware of phytotoxicity. Phytotoxicity is the state when a drug begins to harm the plant. Its cause is a violation of the concentration of the substance, too frequent use of chemistry and the incompatibility of the agent and the plant.
  9. Don't give them a chance to adjust. The effect of "resistance" is observed quite often. Fungi simply evolve under the action of fungicides and cease to be afraid of them in future generations. In such cases, Australian scientists advise either to combine means, or to eradicate the fungus before it has time to breed. The same Australians recommend seed dressing.

Fungicides to get rid of powdery mildew

Powdery mildew spores are transmitted by air, water and "from the hands of a person." They love wet and cool weather, they just thrive on houseplants. You can invite trouble by too frequent watering of greenery and a high nitrogen content in the soil.

At the initial stage (prevention and the first week), alternative methods can be used. For example, a solution of potassium bicarbonate and soap, a copper-soap solution, or a decoction of horsetail. There are a lot of such recipes on the Internet. But if the moment is missed, it is better to take on more serious means.

Engage in complex treatment of plants. Start spraying at the first symptoms of illness. Among biological preparations, neem oil, insecticidal soap, garden oil and the same potassium bicarbonate will help you with this. Of the chemical compounds, pay attention to copper, fenarimol, myclobutanil, propiconazole, triadimefon and sulfur.

Systemic fungicides: Spectracide Immunox (several), Ferti-lome F-Stop Granular Fungicide, Green Light Fung-Away Systemic Granules

System water-based: Ortho Lawn Disease Control and Fertility, Liquid Systemic Fungicide, Bayer Advanced Fungus Control.

Protective: Bonide Copper Spray or Dust, Bonide Liquid Copper, Dragon Copper Fungicide, Hi-Yield Copper Fungicide, Fertilome Black Spot & Powdery Mildew control.

Protective, contact effect: Ortho Garden Disease Control (Daconil 2787), Hi-Yield Daconil Lawn Vegetable, Flower Fungicide, Fertilome Lawn & Garden Fungicide, Fertilome Broad Spectrum Liquid Fungicide and Bonide, Fung-onil, Ortho Dormant Disease, Control Lime-Sulfur Spray, Hi -Yield Improved Lime, Sulfur Spray, Lilly Miller, PolySul Summer and Dormant Spray, Bonide LimeSulfur.

Fungicides for the treatment of fungus on the lawn

Most lawn diseases, despite the difference in symptoms, are treated in much the same way. In the matter of their prevention and elimination, the quality of the drainage system plays a particularly significant role. It should not resemble a marshy swamp or an African desert. Gardeners advise arranging watering early in the morning so that the earth has time to absorb moisture during the day.

Fungi are more likely to appear in lawns that are frequently and heavily trimmed with a lawn mower. Any incision is a risk of fungal attack. It is also known that young grass has a weak immunity compared to the old one. Note that fungi do not like heat, which means that it is easier to fight diseases in the summer.

But these are just preventive measures. What treatments do experts recommend? For lawn root rot they recommend the following remedies: Spectracide immunox, Fertilome Systemic, Ortho lawn disease control, Propiconazole. For the most part, these are water-based systemic fungicides.

With colored circles on the grass fit: Turfcide, Spectracide immunox, Hi-Yeld Maneb and Green Light broad spectrum. Here the bet is made on the protective means of broad action. However, some complex fungicides may also be suitable.

Fungicides for the treatment of snow mold

From most fungal diseases, "snow mold" is distinguished by the fact that it attacks plantings in winter. The fungus settles in the lawn with the first cold weather and early snow. You will see manifestations of the disease only in spring and summer, when young grass sprouts on your lawn. The owner of the weed will have time to prevent the "epidemic". Firstly, it will be necessary to remove the remnants of the old greenery in late autumn in order to destroy the springboard for a possible “landing of fungi”. Secondly, in the spring, re-remove all natural debris and carry out the correct mowing of the young.

There are many on the market preventive fungicides against this bullshit. The experts recommend the following line of products (mostly granular chemicals to be mixed with water): Terraclor 75WP, Ferti-lome Azalea, Camellia, Crape Myrtle Insecticide and Fungicide, Hi-Yield Turf and Ornamental Fungicide(containing 10% PCNB), Hi -Yield Terraclor Granular Fungicide. (more on them below)

For autumn prevention the DMI fungicides strobilurins and dicarboximides are also suitable. They need to be applied to the soil at the very end of the season.
To protect plantings Ortho Garden Disease Control (Daconil 2787), Hi-Yield Daconil Lawn Vegetable Flower Fungicide, Fertilome Lawn & Garden Fungicide, Fertilome Broad Spectrum Liquid Fungicide and Bonide Fung-onil are already familiar.

Potassium bicarbonate is a traditional homemade fungicide.

Potassium bicarbonate is an organic chemical compound (KHCO3) in the form of a white powder, which is widely used in various fields: from medicine, sports, cooking and agriculture. This protective fungicide is a real lifesaver for plants growing in acidic soils because it:

  • has low toxicity;
  • protects vegetables (particularly pumpkins) and ornamental plants from powdery mildew;
  • reduces the rate of reproduction of harmful fungi and bacteria.

BUT! Potassium bicarbonate does not protect against black spots on roses and against direct plant contact with fungi.

Why is it often used as a replacement for soda (NaHCO3) in plant treatments. Based on the composition of these chemical compounds, it seems that there is almost no difference in them and they are similar in chemical properties. But this is only at first glance.

It is known that in contact with the soil, both soda and B.K. eventually settle in it in the form of chlorine salts - which are useful for the growth and nutrition of plants, but in excess carry great harm (especially sodium from soda). Therefore, you can not use these fungicides randomly! Processing them is possible only in certain seasons - in spring or autumn, depending on the type of soil. You can use any of them, but B.K. considered more effective than soda.

Unlike B.K., soda does not kill powdery mildew on plants, but only prevents its spread, which was repeatedly recorded by those gardeners who used it as a fungicide and compared the action with B.K. Therefore, the choice between potassium bicarbonate and soda seems to us virtually obvious.

We offer you the most popular recipe using potassium bicarbonate:

“Mix 4 teaspoons (or 1 heaping tablespoon) of potassium bicarbonate with 4 liters of water. Lightly spray the leaves of plants affected by black spots, powdery mildew and other fungal diseases. In this case, potassium bicarbonate is a good substitute for soda."

To write an article, or rather to systematize information on the hackneyed topic of FUNGICIDES, I was forced by a recent letter from one very respected rose grower, the owner of the nursery, Vladimir Fedorovich Martynenko. In response to my sadness about the lunge of 1/5 of the order, he wrote me the following: “I am very sorry about the lunge of your rose seedlings. This was not observed even after severe winters. The cause of the outbreak could be high humidity or the presence of a fungus in the soil or on seedlings. Sounds like a fungal infection to you. At high humidity, treatment with fungicides is necessary; alternating systemic (10 days) and contact (5 days). In general, it was read between the lines - learn the materiel. And I made such a cheat sheet for myself, which I ventured to put in the public domain as an article.

The last decades have indeed been marked by an unprecedented increase in viral, bacterial, and fungal diseases of all cultivated plants without exception. Bacterial, viral diseases are practically untreatable, no matter what actions gardeners take. With fungal diseases (late blight, gray rot, other types of rot, powdery mildew, peronosporosis, fusarium, klusterosporosis, root rot, various leaf spots, etc.), with proper use, fungicides successfully cope - contact, systemic.
Fungicidal substances (from the Latin "fungus" - fungus and "caedo" - I kill), chemicals that can completely (fungicidal) or partially (fungistatic) suppress the development of plant pathogens and are used to combat them; one of the groups of pesticides.

Fungicides are classified:
Depending on the chemical properties
they are inorganic (sulfur compounds - lime-sulfur decoction, ground and colloidal sulfur; copper - copper sulfate, copper oxychloride; mercury - mercury chloride) and organic.
Depending on the effect on the pathogen fungicides are divided into prophylactic, or protective (prevent plant infection or stop the development and spread of the pathogen in the place of infection accumulation before infection occurs, suppressing mainly its reproductive organs - most fungicides), and therapeutic, or eradicating (act on mycelium, reproductive organs and overwintering stages of the pathogen, causing their death after infection of the plant).
Nature of use fungicides are also different: seed protectants (used to combat diseases whose pathogens are spread with seeds or are in the soil), soil preparations (destroy soil pathogens of plant diseases, especially effective in greenhouses and greenhouses), fungicides for treating plants during dormancy (destroy the wintering stages of the pathogen, used in early spring before bud break, late autumn and winter), fungicides for processing during the growing season (mainly preventive drugs used in summer), for spraying and fumigation of storage facilities, in particular granaries and vegetable stores.
By the nature of distribution within plant tissues fungicides are contact (local) and systemic (intraplant).
contact fungicides
Contact fungicides, when treated with plants, remain on the surface and cause the death of the pathogen upon contact with it. Some of them have a local deep action, for example, they are able to penetrate into the outer shells of seeds. The effectiveness of contact preparations depends on the duration of action, the amount of fungicide, the degree of retention on the treated surface, photochemical and chemical resistance, weather, etc.
Contact preparations - such as cineb, polycarbocin, copper oxychloride, sulfur, mancozeb, Bordeaux liquid, others - are not able to treat already diseased plants, but reliably protect them from infection. Plants do not develop resistance to them - this is their main advantage. But the term of their protective action does not exceed 10-12 days before the first heavy rain, after which the treatment is repeated. The multiplicity of treatments for contact fungicides is the largest: from 3 to 6 treatments per season. These drugs almost do not penetrate into the plant, they protect only those places where they are located directly. Therefore, when working with contact fungicides, try to carefully spray not only the surface of the leaves, but also their underside, as many types of fungi begin to germinate from the underside of the leaves.
Systemic fungicides
Systematicity in plant protection refers to the ability of the active substance to be redistributed from the place of application to other places, parts of the plant, not only on the surface, but inside the plant. Systemic fungicides penetrate into the plant, spread through the vascular system and suppress the development of the pathogen due to direct action on it or as a result of plant metabolism. Their effectiveness is mainly determined by the rate of penetration into plant tissues and to a lesser extent depends on meteorological conditions.
These preparations protect plants both from the outside and from the inside. Systemic fungicides are able to have a curative effect, but in the early stages of infection. Already after 2-6 hours from the moment of treatment, any precipitation (or irrigation) is not able to reduce the effectiveness of such drugs. And the period of protective action remains with them for 2-3 weeks. However, pathogenic fungi develop resistance to systemic fungicides very quickly. To slow down this process, international crop protection experts recommend using them no more than twice per season on the same crop. And if additional treatments are required, then you need to use drugs or contact action, or a systemic fungicide, but of a completely different chemical group.
Chemical groups of systemic plant protection products (analogues are given in brackets)
1. Azoles (triazoles) - Penetrate deep into the leaf of the plant, moving behind the growth point, well protect young shoots from diseases, excellent for the treatment of many types of fungal plant diseases - Alto, Allegro plus, Bytan, Bumper, Skor (Bogard, Dividend), Sportak, Split, Topaz, Impact, Vincit, Vectra, Bayleton, Tosonite, Vial, Lospel, Real, Premis25, Raxil, Rex, Terrasil, Tilt, Sumi8, Falcon combined fungicide, Folicur combined, Shavit combined. (drugs contain different active ingredients).
2. Strobirulins - have a systemic effect, penetrate well into plant tissues, are able to move beyond the growth point, protecting the shoots. They are highly resistant to temperature extremes, recommended as an excellent prophylactic. They have a wide spectrum of action, applicable to many fungal diseases - Amistar, Zato, Strobi, Flint, Quadris, Cabrio Top (fungicides contain different active ingredients).
3. Benzimidazoles - have a systemic effect, it is recommended to apply by irrigation, they are well distributed throughout the plant with nutritious juices. Excellent for the treatment of many fungal plant diseases. It can be used as a seedling and seed dressing agent - Ferazim, Terminator, Derozal (Colfugo-Super), Stefazal, Bavemtin, Benlat, Fundazol (Fundozim, Benomyl), Agrotsit, Vial, Vincit, Tekto (Titusim). fungicides contain different active ingredients).
4. Phenylamides - Apron.
5. Anilidopyrimidines - Chorus.
6. Pyrimidinylcarbinols - Rubigan.
7. Dithianols - Delan.
8. Phosphonates - Alyett (Alufit).
9. Phthalamides - Merpan, Folpan.
10. Hydroxyanilides - have a protective systemic effect, are not phytotoxic to humans and animals, an excellent remedy for rot and powdery mildew - Teldor.
11. Carbamates - have a systemic effect, it is recommended to use an irrigation agent as a preventive agent, it spreads well through the vascular system of the plant - Previkur, Tatu, Topsin-M (they have different active ingredients).
12. Dithiocarbamates: They have a contact action, are effective in the intervals between treatments for combination with other fungicides - Polycarbacin; Ditan, Acrobat (mancozeb); Antrakol; Ridomil-Gold combined (mancozeb, metalaxyl). (fungicides with different active ingredients).
13. Piperazine derivatives - have a protective and healing effect, it is good to use against powdery mildew, rot and gray mold - Saprol.
14. Pyrimidamines - have a systemic effect, are well used against powdery mildew - Rubigan, Milgo, Horus (fungicides with different active ingredients)
15. Imidazoles are effective against powdery mildew and mold - Mirage, Trifmin
16. Derivatives of hydroxycarboxylic acids have a systemic effect, are used as a seedling and seed dressing - Vitavax, Carboxin
17. Dithiocarbamates: They have a contact action, are effective in the intervals between treatments for combination with other fungicides - Polycarbacin; Ditan, Acrobat (mancozeb); Antrakol; Ridomil-Gold combined (mancozeb, metalaxyl); Cabrio Top (fungicides with different active ingredients).
18. Phosphorus organic - effective against downy mildew, powdery mildew and gray mold - Allett, aluminum fosetil, Efal, Mitsu Alufit Afugan
19. Acetamides and oxazolidine derivatives: Effective against late blight, Alternaria, mildew - Thanos - combined

Like insects, fungal resistance on plants is developed immediately to all fungicides of the same chemical group.

The best options for plant protection are:
alternation of contact and systemic fungicides;
alternation of 2-3 systemic drugs, but from different chemical groups.

Been produced for many years mixed fungicides, consisting of 2-3 active ingredients, and they:
both contact and systemic action at the same time (Kurzat R. Odram, Acrobat MC, Ridomil Gold MC, Sandofan M8, Tattu, Oxyhom, Pilon, Artemi S, Poliram DF, Arceride, Avixil, others). They are used as contact preparations up to 4 times per season with the concentration of the working solution usually not lower than 0.3-0.4% (30-40 g per 10 l of water). Please note that a lower concentration of solutions leads to poor results. So this is just the case when “you can’t spoil porridge with oil” ... Prepare solutions of fungicides of this group, adhering to the recommendations of the instructions, but it’s better to even make them more concentrated than it is written.
only systemic action, may belong to the same chemical group or to completely different ones. This is done only in order to expand the spectrum of action on harmful fungi. Such fungicides include Mikal, Archer, Ryder, Alto-Super, Falcon, Thanos, and others. They are used no more than twice per season.

Currently, there is an active development and production of the so-called biological fungicides. Their fundamental difference from chemical fungicides is a non-chemical effect on the pathogen, for example, bacterial preparations contain a certain set of bacteria that can cause the death of a number of species of pathogenic fungi.
There are a lot of types of biological fungicides, the main ones are: Fitosporin, Barrier, Zaslon, Fitop, Integral, Bactofit, Agat, Planzir, Trichodermin. Biological fungicides are characterized by low toxicity and high efficiency.
Basic rules for using drugs
1. Spray only in cloudy calm weather, as well as early in the morning - at dawn or in the evening - at sunset. Precipitation falling within 4-6 hours after treatment reduces the effectiveness of many fungicides.
2. Be sure to use rubber gloves, because. all plant protection products penetrate the skin quite well and are then absorbed into the blood. It is enough to put on a light respirator or bandage on the face.
3. With the systematic use of the same fungicides, their effectiveness may decrease due to the formation of resistant races of the pathogen. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to strictly observe the doses of the drug consumption and alternate the applied fungicides. In connection with the great importance of F. for agriculture, their production is constantly increasing.
4. Try to spray the plants themselves with fungicides, and not the soil. A high-quality pneumatic sprayer will help save money, time, and keep you healthy. Therefore, do not save on the purchase of a sprayer.
5. It is forbidden to treat with systemic fungicides all green or other crops that use green stems or leaves as food, as well as radish, radish, daikon, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, cherries, cherries (the last four can only be processed before flowering) , since all these cultures absorb toxic compounds very well, they do not have time to get rid of them until they are eaten, even if the waiting periods are observed.
6. The working solution is prepared immediately before use, it can be stored for no more than a day.
7. Do not allow any fungicides to enter water bodies, as this leads to the death of all living things in them. Poisons are destroyed faster in the surface layer of the earth, which is not intended for use for vegetable gardens, hayfields, pastures, and playgrounds. The sun, soil microorganisms are the main destroyers, neutralizers of any toxic compounds.
8. Store fungicides in a dry, dark, preferably frost-free area away from food. All packages must be sealed, as air moisture changes the physical properties of drugs. The shelf life of biological products is 1-2.5 years, chemical products - 10 years or more, regardless of the expiration date indicated on the container label.

List of fungicides. and instructions for them (the list is incomplete)
Abiga Peak, Sun
Copper-containing broad-spectrum contact fungicide (copper oxychloride 400 g/l.). The drug is designed to combat a complex of fungal and bacterial diseases on vegetable, industrial, fruit, ornamental and flower crops, vines, medicinal plants and forest plantations.
The drug is not phytotoxic when used in strict accordance with the developed recommendations.

Acrobat MC
Fungicide of systemic-local and contact action (dimethomorph 90 g/kg + mancozeb 600 g/kg). as well as a number of other diseases.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance).

A systemic fungicide used to protect plants from a wide range of diseases (triadimefon, 250 g/kg). It is used, in particular, to control powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis), fusariums (Fusarium spp.), rust fungi (Puccinia spp.), rhynchosporium (Rhynchosporium secalis), septoria (Septoria pp.), pyrenophorosis (Pyrenophora spp.), red-brown spotting (Helminthosporium avenae), net spotting (Drechslera teres), cercosporellosis (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides).
Hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Bordeaux mixture
Broad-spectrum contact fungicide (copper sulfate 960 g/kg + calcium hydroxide 900 g/kg. Designed to protect fruit, vegetables, berries, gourds, citrus, ornamental, flower and other crops from a complex of diseases.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not dangerous for bees. It is necessary to carry out the processing of plants in compliance with environmental regulations.

Vitaros, VSK
Fungicide of contact-systemic action, for dressing planting material (98g/l tiram + 198g/l carboxin). An effective treatment for bulbs, corms and rhizomes of flower crops before planting and storage. It suppresses the development of pathogens located both on the surface of the planting material and inside it.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Ditan M-45
Fungicide of contact action, to combat late blight and alternariosis and other fungal diseases (mancozeb 800 g / kg.). Ditan M-45 analogue of Profit. Protective-contact preparation for protecting plants from late blight and a number of other diseases.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not phytotoxic, compatible with most other drugs. Not dangerous for bees, earthworms and soil microorganisms.

A fungicide from the class of strobilurins with mesostemic activity (trifloxystrobin 500 g/kg).
It is used mainly on pome crops, for example, apples and pears, against scab, alternariosis, black (sooty) spot, powdery mildew, moniliosis, phyllosticosis and to prevent diseases during storage of fruits.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Green soap
Prophylactic against pests and diseases. It is also used as a component of self-prepared plant protection products. Ingredients: water, potassium salts of fatty acids, natural fats and vegetable oils.

Kurzat R
Fungicide of contact and locally systemic action (copper oxychloride, 89.5 g/kg, cymoxanil, 42 g/kg.). Analogue of the drug Ordan. It is mainly used to protect against late blight on potatoes and downy mildew on cucumbers. The drug has preventive, curative and pathogen spore-suppressing properties.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). The drug is medium resistant in soil (3rd class), practically non-toxic for soil organisms and birds. The drug is moderately dangerous for bees (2nd class).

Kurzat M
Fungicide of contact and systemic action (cymoxanil, 45 g/kg, mancozeb, 680 g/kg.). It is used to combat late blight and alternariosis and other fungal diseases: alternariosis, macrosporiosis, dry spot, septoria, rhizoctoniosis, black spot, pernosporosis, mildew.
For humans, the hazard class of the drug is 2 (dangerous substance). Not dangerous for bees. (Grade 3).

Contact fungicide (fludioxonil, 25 g/l.). It is used for dressing flower bulbs, other planting material (corms, seed potatoes) from rot before planting and during storage.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). Not hot. Not phytotoxic. Toxic to fish, do not allow to enter the aquatic environment.

blue vitriol
Copper-containing broad-spectrum contact fungicide (copper sulfate, 960 g/kg). Fungicide to combat diseases of berry, fruit (stone and pome), ornamental crops, shrubs. Designed for use in private farms.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Broad-spectrum systemic contact fungicide (copper oxychloride 670 g/kg + oxadixyl 130 g/kg). Oxychom is used to combat diseases caused by fungi of the oomycete subclass. It is well suited for protecting potatoes and tomatoes from late blight and macrosporiosis, cucumbers from perepporosis (downy mildew).
Hazard class: 1. Hazardous substance.

Fungicide of contact-systemic action, to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (copper oxychloride, 689 g / kg + cymoxanil, 42 g / kg.). Two-component fungicide of local-systemic action to protect potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes in open and protected ground, grapes and a number of other plants from a complex of diseases.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Previkur, VK
A fungicide with systemic properties that has both protective and growth-promoting properties (propamocarb hydrochloride, 607 g / l.). It has a wide spectrum of activity against pathogens of root rot and peronosporosis (Pythium, Phytophthora, Aphanomyces, Bremia, Peronospora, Pseudopeonospora spp). It has a stimulating effect, increases the resistance of the plant to infection, stimulates the rooting of cuttings, growth and flowering of plants.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance), has a slight irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Profit, joint venture
Fungicide to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (Mancozeb, 800g/kg). The preparation is enriched with manganese and zinc.
Hazard class: for humans - 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not phytotoxic, compatible with most other drugs. Not dangerous for bees, earthworms and soil microorganisms.

Profit Gold, VDG
Fungicide of contact-systemic action, to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (cymoxanil 250 g/kg + famoxadone 250 g/kg). Cymoxanil is quickly absorbed by the leaves and penetrates the plant, famoxadone remains on the surface of the leaves for a long time. Designed for use in private farms.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Rayok, KE
Systemic fungicide with a long-term preventive and protective effect (difenoconazole, 250 g/l). It is used to protect fruit crops from powdery mildew, scab, leaf curl, coccomycosis, clasterosporiasis. It can be used to combat late blight and early blight on potatoes and tomatoes. It is also used in the fight against powdery mildew. Analogue of the drug "Skor".
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). The product is non-toxic to birds and bees. The drug is toxic to fish.

Ridomil gold, VDG, joint venture
Fungicide of contact-systemic action, to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (mefenoxam, 40 g / kg + mancozeba, 640 g / kg). Mefenoxam provides internal protection: systemic and translaminar action - protection of treated and untreated parts of plants, new growth and tubers, a high level of effectiveness against fungi from the class of oomycetes (causative agents of downy mildew), rapid decomposition in the soil. Mancozeb provides external protection and is an effective contact fungicide and a key link in the anti-resistance strategy.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). When using the drug in strict accordance with the recommendations developed by the company, there is no risk of phytotoxicity. The drug is slightly toxic to birds and bees, but toxic to fish.

Rovral, SP
Fungicide of contact action against a complex of diseases (iprodion, 500 g/kg). Rovral is effective against a wide range of pathogens: Alternaria, Botrytis, Oxysporum, Fusarium, Helminthosporium, Monilia, Phoma, Pleiochaeta, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, Sclerotium, Septoria, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Typhula. When the soil is spilled, it has a systemic effect.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous compound). Prohibited for use in the sanitary zone of fishery reservoirs. Practically not dangerous for bees - hazard class 4.

Speed, KE
Systemic fungicide with a long-term preventive and pronounced therapeutic effect, to combat scab, powdery mildew, leaf curl, late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (difenoconazole 250 g / l.). A drug with a long-term preventive and pronounced therapeutic effect. An analogue of the drug "Rayok".
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Tattu, CS
Fungicide of contact-systemic action (mancozeb, 301.6 g/l, propamocarb hydrochloride, 248 g/l). plant resistance. Propamocarb hydrochloride disrupts the biosynthesis of membrane structures and slows down the germination of spores and the development of mycelium.
Hazard class: 2 (dangerous compound), has a slight irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Teldor VG
Fungicide of local-systemic action (fenhexamid, 500 g/kg). Preparation for combating Gray rot (Botrytis cinerea), Moliniliosis (Monilinia fructigena, Monilinia laxa), White rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) on fruit and berry crops and grapes. It is applied from the earliest terms and up to harvesting. The drug also increases the safety of fruits during transportation and storage.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Tilt CE
Systemic fungicide with growth-stimulating activity (propiconazole, 250 g/l.). The drug Tilt through the leaves and stems, due to systemic action, enters the plants. The drug has not only a long protective and curative effect, but also stops the further development of the pathogen and suppresses sporulation in it. In addition, the drug has growth-regulating activity. Attention! No more than one treatment with Tilt should be carried out per growing season.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous compound). The drug is non-toxic to birds, slightly toxic to bees, toxic to fish.

Thiovit jet, VDG
Contact fungicide and acaricide (sulfur, 800 g/kg). Preparation for the protection of vegetable, fruit, flower crops and vineyards from powdery mildew, some other diseases and mites.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Topaz, KE
Systemic fungicide to control powdery mildew, rust and other fungal diseases (Penconazole, 100 g/L). The best results are obtained by prophylactic application at the beginning of the growing season to suppress the primary infection of the powdery mildew pathogen, as well as to prevent the spread of the disease or at the first signs of the onset of the disease.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).
The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class 3), non-toxic for birds and beneficial insects, dangerous for fish. Not phytotoxic.

Topsin-M SP
Systemic fungicide of preventive and therapeutic action (methyl thiophanate, 700 g/kg). The drug belongs to substances similar to benzimidazoles (benomyl), penetrates into plants, is absorbed by the root system, and transforms into carbendazim. It is most effective in preventive treatment, before the development of the pathogen. It has a negative effect on soil nematodes, on a number of aphid species. The drug is not effective against downy mildew.
Human hazard class - 2 (hazardous substance). Does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Not dangerous for birds, bees, hazard class 3. Toxic to fish. Toxic to lacewing eggs.

Fundazim SP
Broad-spectrum systemic fungicide (benomyl, 500 g/kg.). An analogue of the drug "Fundazol". For the entire season, no more than 2 treatments are allowed by spraying and watering, since after that the pathogens develop resistance! To overcome resistance, it is necessary not to use drugs from the benzimidazole class for 1-2 seasons.

Fungicide and protectant with a wide range of systemic action against a large number of fungal diseases of seeds and leaves of plants. Fundazol has both protective (preventive) and therapeutic properties. For the entire season, no more than 2 treatments are allowed by spraying and watering, since after that the pathogens develop resistance! To overcome resistance, it is necessary not to use drugs from the benzimidazole class for 1-2 seasons.
Hazard class: Benomyl (benorad, fundazol, fundazim) has a hazard class 2 (dangerous compound) for humans, for fish. The preparation has low toxicity for soil organisms and birds.

Fungicide of systemic-local and contact action (copper oxychloride, 900 g/kg). A preparation for combating plant diseases: apple and pear scab, potato and tomato late blight, plum fruit rot, peach leaf curl, grape mildew, onion and cucumber downy mildew, rust and spotting of ornamental and flower crops and pathogens of fungal diseases.
Hom has a hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) used for dressing seeds, bulbs, corms, rhizomes of flowering plants at a concentration of 0.1-0.15% for two hours. It can be used for health-improving watering of seedlings, seedlings and adult plants under the root in the fight against blackleg, fusarium, bacteriosis. It is used for disinfection of stock and tools.

soda ash(linen) is used to combat powdery mildew. For spraying prepare a 0.3-0.5% solution. For better adhesion, soap is added to the soda solution.


Alirin - B, TAB
Biological fungicide for the suppression of fungal diseases in the soil and on plants (soil microflora - Bacillus subtilis VIZR-10, titer 109 CFU/g), similar in composition and action to phytosporin. Recommended: as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, effectively suppresses pathogens of fungal diseases on all types of horticultural crops and indoor plants.
Hazard class: 4 (low hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, beneficial entomofauna and the environment

A complex preparation with the advantages of a contact biological fungicide and stimulant (Bacillus megaterium and Pseudomonas aureofaciens, coniferous extract and a set of macro and microelements). Albit is a complex drug with the advantages of analogues (Agat-25k, pseudobacterin, phytosporin, planriz, silk, crystallon, humates).
Hazard class: 4 (low hazardous substance).

Hamair, P, Tab.
Biological bactericide for the suppression of bacterial and some fungal diseases in the soil and on plants (Bacillus subtilis M-22 VIZR, titer 109 CFU/g), similar in composition and action to phytosporin. Recommended: as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, effectively suppresses pathogens of bacterial diseases on all types of horticultural crops and indoor plants.
Hazard class - 4 (low-hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment. Does not accumulate in plants and soil, which contributes to the production of environmentally friendly products

Gliocladin, Tab
Trichodermin analogue.
Biological fungicide for the suppression of pathogens of fungal diseases in the soil (mushroom culture Trichoderma harziannum VIZR-18).
Hazard class - 4 (low-hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment.

Biological fungicide for the treatment and prevention of root infections of indoor flowers and ornamental plants. Soil conditioner. Germinating in moist soil from spores, the mycelium of the fungus suppresses about 60 types of soil pathogens that infect the soil and cause root rot.
Hazard class - 4. Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment. It has no phytotoxic effect on protected plants. Does not accumulate in plants and soil, which contributes to the production of environmentally friendly products

Fitolavin, VRK
Systemic biological bactericide (phytobacteriomycin). It is used in the prevention of root rot, vascular bacteriosis, black leg diseases, bacterial burn, angular leaf spot, bacterial tuber rot, vascular bacteriosis on cucumber, bacterial vertex rot, alternariosis on tomatoes, moniliosis, scab, fusarium, anthracnose.
Hazard class: - 3 (moderately dangerous compound). Has an irritating effect.

Contact action biological fungicide (Bacillus subtilis 26 D, 100 million cells/g). Fitosporin-M is a microbiological preparation designed to protect garden, garden, indoor and greenhouse plants from a complex of fungal and bacterial diseases. It is available as a paste, as a liquid in bottles, and as a powder. It is used mainly for preventive purposes (treatment of seeds, tubers and bulbs before planting, periodic spraying or watering of plants in order to prevent diseases in the collection). Low toxicity, not dangerous for the plants and bees themselves.

Dear growers, if I'm wrong about something, please correct me. Supplement the list, share other information about the fight against "mushroom" diseases.

The article was written using Internet materials, including,,