Bowel dysfunction during pregnancy. Intestinal upset during pregnancy, what to do? Early bowel problems

In the body of pregnant women there are big changes. One of the common complaints is indigestion. Since pregnancy places additional responsibility on a woman for a new life, she needs to determine whether this kind of violation is considered normal in her position.

It should be noted that stool disorders in the form of constipation are more common than indigestion during pregnancy. This is because in order to prevent miscarriage by changing the hormonal levels, the body relaxes the muscles of the uterus, and this often affects the intestines. As a result, the passage of food through it slows down. However, in some situations, early pregnancy is accompanied by diarrhea. This is an unnatural process for this period. Let's figure out what the causes of its occurrence are, and what methods of treatment exist.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the disorder can only occur for reasons unrelated to the pregnancy itself. If such a deviation continues for some time, the fetus is in danger. To understand what needs to be done, the observing doctor should find out about the presence of diarrhea in a pregnant woman. Perhaps the situation is serious and the disease requires urgent treatment. During the examination, the following reasons can be found:

  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis or gastritis;
  • gastroenterocolitis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • infection;
  • eating disorder;
  • stress;
  • side effects of certain medications.

Often, it is the exacerbation of chronic diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc.) that explains the appearance of diarrhea in early pregnancy. In this situation, it is necessary to quickly remove inflammation from the stomach, pancreas or other digestive organs. In some cases, all a pregnant woman needs to do to combat diarrhea is take medication to eradicate the infection.

Diarrhea can also become a companion of toxicosis. This should not be considered normal. In this state of affairs, you should definitely consult with a specialist to determine the scenario for further actions. We must not forget that a long liquid stool at least deprives the mother of strength, and her child - the elements necessary for the proper development. The item “eating disorders” deserves special attention. It occupies a special place in the causes of digestive disorders in pregnant women, since their taste preferences during this period may undergo changes that their digestive system is not ready for.

  • Development in the womb may require additional sources of vitamins, minerals and elements. The body will definitely let the expectant mother know about this, and she will have nothing to do but to absorb the required products in unusual doses. Diarrhea during pregnancy may occur due to the fact that the stomach does not immediately get used to a new diet and for some time does not fully digest food.
  • Another feature is that a woman wants not one product, but several at the same time. The wrong combination of food can also lead to indigestion and diarrhea during early pregnancy.

What is dangerous violation of the chair?

Reasons why you should be wary of diarrhea in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are listed below.

1. Dehydration. Since water in the human body takes part in almost all major processes, its lack will affect the state of all organs and systems. When the water is disturbed, it takes with it most of the vital elements. This is a dangerous factor during pregnancy.

2. Most of the nutrients that come with food are not absorbed.

3. If the cause is an infection, it may affect the development of the fetus.

4. Intoxication occurs, which threatens with violations in the development of the fetus and even miscarriage.

5. Accelerated bowel contractions can lead to uterine contractions and miscarriage.

Diarrhea in the later stages

Most women suffering from diarrhea began to notice such a violation of the stool in the second trimester of pregnancy. The reasons for this lie in the fact that the growing uterus produces compression of the intestines and nerve fibers of the abdominal cavity. Intestinal motility is gaining strength, which leads to disorder.

Diarrhea in late pregnancy can cause the same causes as in the early stages. In different cases, the culprits are: a caught infection, nutritional problems, medications, or an exacerbated disease. Treatment is selected depending on the cause. The closer the time for the birth of the baby becomes, the more exciting experiences the pregnant woman experiences. A visit to the hospital, various procedures, natural experiences for a new life and fear of the upcoming birth can deprive her of peace in late pregnancy. And stress is a frequent item among the causes of indigestion and indigestion.

Is diarrhea dangerous?

Although diarrhea during late pregnancy can be caused by causes that do not need special treatment, this phenomenon should not be taken lightly. In the last weeks of gestation, diarrhea does not pose a big threat, but if the disorder does not stop for several days, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

Some of the symptoms accompanying the main problem should especially alert the expectant mother and become a clear signal of the need for medical intervention. They can tell about the presence of a specific disease. Among them can be listed:

  • elevated temperature;
  • nausea;
  • blood and mucus in the stool;
  • dizziness;
  • acute pain in the stomach;
  • black color of feces.

Loose stools in the last weeks of pregnancy may indicate that the body is preparing for childbirth. And in this way he carries out the process of purification.

Features of therapy

Traditional medicine has the answer to the question of what to do with diarrhea caused by various causes. There are medicines in this arsenal of drugs, the use of which is allowed in the treatment of pregnant women at different times.

  • Activated charcoal (absorbs toxins and gases).
  • Smecta (absorbs viruses and bacteria, restores the mucous membrane).
  • Enterosgel (eliminates intoxication, restores the process of digestion).
  • Regidron (restores water-electrolyte balance).

All these funds can improve the condition of a pregnant woman and remove the consequences of diarrhea that are dangerous for a child. But the best thing, when faced with this problem, is to find out how to treat the stomach in a particular case with a personal gynecologist and gastroenterologist. You should not independently look for methods of dealing with a disorder that lasts more than 3-5 days.

A prerequisite after suffering diarrhea during pregnancy is the use of large amounts of water. It is required in the shortest possible time to restore the volume of fluid lost by the body. For the first time, it is better to give up hard-to-digest food: meat, milk, fruits. Rice porridge is good.

Traditional medicine methods

Our grandmothers also knew how to treat diarrhea during pregnancy. What attracts many pregnant women to advice from the people is that they are devoid of all kinds of chemical components and are absolutely harmless to their babies.

1. Rice water. For its preparation, a teaspoon of rice is taken in half a liter of water. After 40 minutes of boiling, the broth is filtered. Take it should be a quarter cup every 3 hours.

2. Tincture on pomegranate peel. Infuse 1 tablespoon of pomegranate peel in a glass of boiling water. Drink instead of tea.

3. Potato starch. If you dilute 1 tsp of starch in half a glass of cold water, you can get a sorbent. It should be taken 1-2 times a day.

4. Tea from mint and motherwort. The drink is taken from diarrhea if it is caused by nervous tension. It is allowed to do this several times a day.

Indigestion can be the result of eating bad food, nervous tension, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, infections, and other factors. For proper treatment, a pregnant woman needs to know the exact cause of this deviation. This is especially important in early pregnancy.

Intestinal upset - almost all expectant mothers, to varying degrees, have experienced all the "charms" of this disease. Some have diarrhea, while others suffer from constipation. Carrying a baby is a time of responsibility, and most often a woman in position is to blame for the fact that this misfortune happened to her. Most often, but not always. This article will look at all the causes of indigestion during pregnancy, the consequences and everything related to this unkind condition.

One of the cases when a woman is not to blame for the fact that she has an intestinal disorder is the pregnancy itself. In the early stages, it happens that a surge of hormones that accompanies all the time of gestation causes an upset. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the digestive process slows down, which contributes to the appearance of difficulties in emptying the intestine.

The human body synthesizes special enzymes to reduce the intestines. But, since the uterus and intestines are strongly connected - they have a common innervation, with the onset of pregnancy, the intestinal muscles somewhat inhibit susceptibility to these enzymes. The fact is that strong contractions can cause premature birth, and in the early stages - a miscarriage. With this, a disorder in the form of constipation in the early stages is associated.

Intestinal upset during pregnancy. The reasons

  • One of the causes of constipation is the release of hormones and an inhibitory reaction to certain enzymes, we found out earlier, but there are others.
  • Everyone knows that during pregnancy, women are in an emotionally unstable state. They are more prone to fear and stress than usual, especially if the pregnancy is the first. Starting from strong excitement for herself, ending with fear for the baby, a woman falls asleep every day and wakes up with the thought of waiting for her child. Medicine has long come to the consensus that intestinal upset, not only in pregnant women, but in all people, is often the result of nervous stress and frequent experiences.
  • Another such disorder may be due to the fact that a strong release of pregnancy hormones into the blood is accompanied by a change in taste preferences. When pregnant, women can combine foods that they would normally never dare to try. It can also be ordinary products that a woman did not like before pregnancy. All this food for the gastrointestinal tract is unusual, new. And the body can react to this disorder.
  • An upset intestine can respond to certain medications - vitamins or antibiotics. It is known that in the intestinal microflora there are many bacteria, on which the normal functioning of the intestine depends. Antibiotics, on the other hand, destroy all bacteria indiscriminately, whether they are benign or not. If a pregnant woman, due to circumstances, took antibiotics, then intestinal upset may be a consequence of this.
  • During the period of gestation, women relax, begin to consume various foods in large quantities, which also causes a malfunction in the intestines. It is not worth burdening and clogging the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy.
  • Intestinal upset can be caused by poisoning, most often it is the use of heavy and low-quality food, fast food. Food that is normally digested normally during pregnancy causes processing difficulties.
  • Intestinal infection can be acute. There are over 30 types of germs that cause infection, including bacteria and viruses that cause typhoid fever, salmonellosis, cholera, botulism, and more. These bacteria and viruses are very tenacious. Getting into the external environment from the carrier organism, they survive in almost any conditions and can be found anywhere. And they enter the body with food, water and dirty hands. The reaction occurs within two days, vomiting, diarrhea begins, the temperature rises - such consequences are caused not only by the microbes themselves, but also by the toxins that they produce under favorable conditions. The human body, in particular the intestines, is the most favorable environment for them for successful reproduction.
  • The cause of an intestinal disorder can also be the fact that the outflow of blood from the rectum is disturbed, as the growing uterus presses on the veins in the pelvic area. This leads to constipation.
  • Difficulty emptying the bowel may be associated with low physical activity. If the pregnancy is going well, without threats, then you should not greatly restrict yourself in your movements. Physical activity, within reason, will have a beneficial effect on pregnancy.
  • Intestinal upset and diarrhea, towards the end of the term, may indicate the imminent approach of childbirth. A few days before meeting with the baby, the female body begins to “cleanse” - to prepare for childbirth. This is normal, in which case you should not panic. But in any case, you need to be on the alert.

Types of intestinal disorders during pregnancy

  1. This may be a banal bloating for a while - a consequence of heavy food.
  2. Bowel rumbling can also indicate a bowel disorder.
  3. Constipation - a consequence of malnutrition, can also indicate a disorder.
  4. Colic, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, pain in the lower abdomen - these symptoms indicate acute poisoning, intestinal infection.

Intestinal upset during pregnancy. Effects

During the period of gestation, a woman is obliged to subtly feel her body.
To be able to distinguish vomiting from toxicosis and vomiting due to poisoning in the early stages.

  • The intestinal infection itself cannot touch the fetus, but its consequences are quite capable of this. Vomiting and frequent diarrhea cause exhaustion of the mother's body, and the result is the exhaustion of the fetus.
  • Frequent bowel movements during diarrhea can cause uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage.
  • Prolonged constipation has its complex consequences, it is more likely that hemorrhoidal bumps will come out, which, in turn, can lead to rectal fissures. It is not only painful and unpleasant. In addition to heavy bleeding, the fissure can become inflamed, and the inflammation will go up the intestines into the deeper layers. Against this background, paraproctitis occurs, which leads to inflammation of fatty tissue.

How to respond to indigestion during pregnancy

It is better, of course, to think about it in advance in order to avoid it. But if you are already beginning to be bothered by symptoms such as bloating, rumbling, then it is better to respond immediately.

  • If you have a mild disorder, you can drink activated charcoal.
  • If the disorder manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, which contributes to the loss of a large amount of moisture, it is necessary to constantly drink clean water. Immediately you need to fix the chair, this will help you with a balanced, proper diet.
  • If diarrhea is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, severe intestinal spasm, be sure to take No-shpu or something that relieves spasm and, without delay, consult a doctor.

I would like to note that in non-advanced cases, folk methods for intestinal upset can also help. Fresh juices of gooseberries, carrots and beets will help in the fight against the disease.

Microflora with constipation will help restore products such as prunes and dried apricots, kefirs and yogurts rich in bifidobacteria.

Intestinal upset as a sign of pregnancy

Having learned about all the causes of intestinal upset, we can say that some of them arise as a result of pregnancy, and that is why it can be assumed that intestinal upset is one of the signs of pregnancy, but you should not focus on this symptom alone, since in the modern world this type of disorder - this is not uncommon.


  1. First of all, you should always be careful. Some people think that you can relax during pregnancy, but this is only partly so. Yes, you should not be nervous, you should try to isolate yourself from nervous and unpleasant situations, do not overload yourself physically. It means that you need to take care of yourself - and this also requires attention.
  2. First of all, watch your diet. You can eat often, but not much. Let it be the most healthy fruits and vegetables, light salads and soups.
  3. Eliminate everything fried, fatty, smoked and harmful. Do not go on about your stomach, you should think with your head!
  4. Eating anywhere is also not worth it.
  5. Hygiene must be observed. Wash your hands often, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly.
  6. Lead an active life, walk more, walk.
  7. If you suspect any bowel disorder, contact your doctor without delay.


Intestinal upset is very unpleasant, often dangerous. To avoid this common disease, you should think about it in advance. Of course, you should not strain and panic with a slight rumbling of the stomach or intestines. Just don't forget about prevention. Observe personal hygiene and monitor the purity of the products used. Monitor food quality. There are only reliable, reputable places, high-quality and healthy products.

Follow these simple rules, do not succumb to laziness and gluttony, and all 40 weeks of your pregnancy, such a problem as intestinal upset will not affect you. Show a little attention and pregnancy will remain in your memory as an easy and carefree time!

During the period of bearing a child, the mode of functioning of the female body changes radically. This is due to the influence of the hormonal background, and the process of increasing the volume of the uterus and body weight. It is with such factors that intestinal disorders during pregnancy are associated, which many expectant mothers complain about.

Functional disorders of the intestine during pregnancy

One of the most common bowel problems during pregnancy is constipation. In most cases, it is observed already in the first weeks after conception and torments a woman not only during the entire period of gestation, but also for some time after childbirth. The appearance of this extremely unpleasant condition is due to:

  • High levels of progesterone (pregnancy hormone). This substance reduces the tone of smooth muscles and helps to secure the fetal egg in the wall of the uterus. A side effect of the hormone is a decrease in intestinal motility;
  • Increased absorption of water in the large intestine. During pregnancy, the woman's body adapts to the maximum retention of fluid, which is necessary for the normal development of the fetus. The stools become too dry, making it difficult to remove them;
  • Increased nervousness of the expectant mother. Proper functioning of the intestine depends on the state of the autonomic nervous system. Pregnant women are prone to anxiety, tearfulness and mood swings. Adrenaline released at the time of stress blocks the normal innervation of the colon, contributing to the development of constipation.

A significant role in bowel problems during pregnancy is played by certain drugs (for example, antispasmodics and iron-containing drugs) that expectant mothers take. Do not forget that in the later stages of gestation, many women begin to lead a sedentary lifestyle, and this does not have the best effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pain in the intestines during pregnancy is also not uncommon, they occur, as a rule, due to dysbacteriosis. The reason for the change in the composition of the intestinal microflora can be stress, the use of antibiotics, the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, colitis), allergic reactions, and simply the accidental use of low-quality or too heavy food for digestion. With dysbacteriosis, a woman complains of flatulence, diarrhea, belching, and sometimes an increase in temperature.

Hemorrhoids (varicose veins in the anus) is a very common problem, often it first appears during pregnancy. The development of the disease is promoted by increased pressure of the uterus on the rectum and a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, which causes stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic organs.

The danger of bowel disorders during pregnancy

Constipation, dysbacteriosis and hemorrhoids not only complicate the course of pregnancy, they create a certain risk for the child. So, with a long delay in bowel emptying, decay products penetrate into the blood of the expectant mother, causing intoxication, which is manifested by refusal to eat, nausea, and weakness. The general deterioration in the health of a pregnant woman will certainly affect the baby. Dysbacteriosis is dangerous because the newborn does not receive useful intestinal microflora from the mother, and this subsequently affects his digestion, slows down the process of adaptation to the extrauterine method of nutrition.

It is not easy to treat intestinal disorders during pregnancy - many medicines are contraindicated for expectant mothers. Therefore, the main role in solving such problems is played by:

  • Proper diet;
  • The use of products that improve intestinal motility (vegetables, dried fruits, sour-milk foods, etc.);
  • Mobile lifestyle;
  • No stress and peace of mind.

When unpleasant symptoms appear, a woman should definitely consult a doctor. Self-medication (including folk remedies) in this case is unacceptable: it can provoke an abortion.

Pregnancy is an exciting period for every woman. With the acquisition of a new status, the representatives of the weaker sex begin to treat their well-being differently. Expectant mothers listen to every feeling, pay attention to any ailment. It often happens that the intestines hurt during pregnancy. This sensation is a symptom, a sign, and not an independent pathology. Therefore, in order to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Consider the main pathologies in which (intestines) during pregnancy, and find out what to do in this or that case.

Digestive disorders in the first trimester

Often in the early stages of women intestines. During pregnancy, this phenomenon is recognized as normal. After all, it is at this moment that the nutrition of a woman changes dramatically. Due to toxicosis, expectant mothers strive to eat something unusual. There are more salty foods and spices in the diet. Women are drawn to sweets: they can eat cakes and chocolate for hours.

Such food, of course, affects digestion. The lack of fiber and indigestible fibers slows down. In addition, progesterone is actively produced at this time. It relaxes the muscles, including the intestines. In expectant mothers, constipation begins, fermentation intensifies and the amount of gases increases. Often, bloating is noticeable to the naked eye.

The only way to treat this problem is to change the diet. Women should give preference to vegetables and fruits, eat more greens. Distribute correctly the daily norm of proteins and fats. Avoid empty carbs. If there is a tendency to constipation, then it is permissible to use mild laxatives, such as Dufalac.

Infectious pathology

If the intestines hurt during pregnancy and discomfort is accompanied by diarrhea and fever, then it is probably a viral or bacterial infection. This condition is very dangerous for expectant mothers. Especially if the disease occurs in the first trimester. Therefore, when the described symptoms appear, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

What to do if the intestine hurts? During pregnancy, the features of infectious treatment are as follows. A woman must be prescribed plenty of fluids. If vomiting is also present, which often happens with an intestinal infection, then it is necessary to carry out rehydration therapy (for example, with Regidron or saline). For treatment, sorbents are prescribed: "Polysorb", "Enterosgel", activated carbon. A bacterial infection requires the use of antimicrobial compounds: Enterofuril, Stopdiar. In addition, you must follow a diet.

Neoplasms and tumors

Throughout the entire period of bearing the baby, the hormonal background is restructured. Often this process provokes the growth of existing neoplasms. If a woman has tumors or polyps in her intestines, they may increase in size. At the same time, the expectant mother notes that her intestines hurt.

During pregnancy, doctors try not to treat such diseases. Since any intervention in the anus and intestines can provoke uterine tone and the threat of abortion. For advice in this situation, you must always consult a doctor.

Hemorrhoids and related pathologies

Why does a woman have pain in the intestines (lower abdomen) during pregnancy? The cause of this ailment is often hemorrhoids. More often it appears on long terms of pregnancy. The uterus compresses the vessels and veins, in connection with this, blood stasis is formed. Hemorrhoids may be accompanied by anal fissures, bleeding during defecation, and constipation.

The problem is quite delicate, so many women try to get rid of it on their own and do not go to the doctor. This only exacerbates the situation. It is possible to correct the pathology in the early stages using conservative methods. Expectant mothers are prescribed suppositories and creams (Relief, Hepatrombin), tablets are prescribed (Detralex, Antistax). These drugs can be taken in the second half of pregnancy, but only as directed by a doctor.

Inflammatory process

If the intestines hurt during pregnancy, but there are no other additional symptoms, then this may be an inflammatory process. This pathology ranks second among all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is defined by the term colitis or enterocolitis. A problem can arise for many reasons: a decrease in immunity, a violation of the intestinal microflora, nutritional errors, and so on.

It is necessary to treat with the help of drugs allowed during pregnancy. First you need to determine the cause of the ailment. If it is a matter of dysbacteriosis, then they take complex probiotics (Linex, Acipol, Bifiform). When it comes to reduced immunity, interferon-based drugs are prescribed (Anaferon, Ergoferon). If the duration of pregnancy allows, the woman may be prescribed an antibiotic. However, these drugs must be taken strictly in a certain dose and as directed by a doctor.

The inflammatory process can be especially dangerous in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe appendix. In pregnant women, this condition occurs quite rarely. Statistics show that only one expectant mother out of a hundred with abdominal pain needs to have her appendix removed.


Despite the fact that women often have pain in the intestines during pregnancy, you should not turn a blind eye to this symptom. If the discomfort continues for more than two days, then you should see a doctor. You should also consult a doctor if additional symptoms appear: vomiting, diarrhea, high fever. Remember that during pregnancy it is unacceptable to take any medications on your own. All appointments must be made by a specialist. Good health to you!

The main cause of bowel disorders, according to doctors, is malnutrition. Especially during pregnancy, when the body requires new gastronomic innovations, or vice versa, goes on strike over the intake of seemingly familiar food. Therefore, very often, after a sudden “attack of zhora”, unusual food for a previously normal diet, such as fast food or exotic fruits, intestinal upset occurs.

The main symptoms of a bowel disorder are:

  • vomit
  • bloating
  • sharp cutting pains in the lower abdomen
  • pain in the stomach.

In addition, you should be aware that intestinal upset can be caused by an infection that has entered the body (most often E. coli), which enters the intestines while taking low-quality foods or fast food. Is it worth reminding that this is very dangerous for the health of the child and the expectant mother, therefore, at the first sign of poisoning, we immediately consult a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, be sure to take intestinal preparations ( smecta, rehydron) and drink as much warm liquid as possible. Naturally, it’s not worth panicking and killing yourself if you have pain in the intestines, but you can and even need to drink an absorbent and no-shpu just in case. If the pain continues, contact your doctor immediately.

If the intestinal disorder manifested itself, without pain and nausea, then in this case you should simply take the medicine for bloating and limit your diet to light soups.

Vomiting, diarrhea and pain in the stomach area are most often caused by poisoning or infectious sticks, so you should not take risks and self-medicate here - you should immediately call a doctor. The only thing that can be done is to drink an antispasmodic before the doctor arrives to ease the pain a little.

Note that during an intestinal disorder, a strict diet should be followed so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition. Therefore, before the arrival of the doctor, you should not eat any food other than tea and crackers. In the following days, your doctor will likely prescribe a dairy or cereal diet for you.

As for the prevention of intestinal disorders, everything is simple here: watch the quality of the foods you eat; study the label, carefully follow the expiration date. Do not eat greenhouse vegetables and fruits, wash all products thoroughly. In addition, the period of pregnancy is not the best time for mastering exotic dishes.

Based on the foregoing, we came to the conclusion that if you carefully monitor your diet, the problem of intestinal upset will not be familiar to us. Take care of yourself and your future baby! Be healthy!

Specially for- Ira Romaniy