Wallpaper color for a small bedroom. How to choose wallpaper for a small bedroom. Small sofas for the bedroom

Source: //design.guru

Small bedrooms are not uncommon for urban apartments, and it can be difficult to design for such rooms precisely because of the serious lack of free space. What wallpaper to choose for such a small bedroom to make it seem cozy and more spacious?

When choosing decorative coatings, it is very important to adhere to the accepted rules that will help make a cramped room more light and spacious, and for a narrow one, visually correct the configuration.

The choice of wallpaper for a small bedroom

What wallpaper to choose for a small bedroom source: //womanadvice.ru

For small rooms, you can use various techniques that visually expand the space. Among these methods, the most popular are wallpapers in combination with textiles. To do this, the following rules for choosing tulle are observed:

  • the material should be thin, airy, in light colors;
  • when forming folds, preference is given to falling free ones, in the form of an accordion;
  • when choosing textiles, it should be borne in mind that the material of the curtains should be combined with wallpaper, have a soft gradient, the use of contrasting, overly bright and flashy tones is not allowed;
  • for textiles, vertical stripes are welcome, a thin ornament with a vertical orientation, you can use light filament curtains that will go well with light wallpaper in a thin strip;
  • large print, massive drawings and horizontal lines for textiles and wallpapers are not allowed.
Source: //superhappynewyear.com

The best combinations are:

  • light, translucent fabric of soft shades and paper wallpaper, lighter by a couple of tones and without a pattern;
  • filament curtains with single, not very large pendants, combined with pastel wallpaper with a vertical, thin pattern, separate ornaments in the form of flower buds, geometric shapes;
  • opaque curtains made of light fabric in cool colors and darker wallpaper without a pattern (for a bed, you can use a wall highlight with a lighter shade finish).

Warm tones are chosen for dark rooms, cold shades are chosen for very light rooms. But you can not use very dark, saturated coatings, large ornaments, an excessive amount of decorative details, large curtain tassels or large hairpins.

Patterns and color palette for a small bedroom

Source: //design.guru

To visually enlarge the bedroom, you can use photo wallpapers with a perspective or 3D pattern. They visually enlarge the room very well, creating an unusual and attractive effect. But it is very important to consider that not every ornament is suitable for a bedroom, especially when there is a shortage of space. In addition, patterns can also be used for ordinary wallpapers, but in this case, a thin vertical strip, single patterns, floral patterns, but in very pale or gray tones, are preferred.

For the bedroom, murals or panels for the wall with the following patterns will be optimal:

  • undersea world;
  • city ​​streets;
  • forest trails.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom photo design source: //vipgl.fvds.ru

All drawings should have a perspective, which allows you to visually expand the room, but such materials can only be used for one wall. It is desirable that this wall is behind the headboard, but not opposite the window. But the use of panels should be in harmony with the surroundings, for example, when choosing 3D drawings, the surrounding furniture should be concise, for coverings with images of nature - in ethno style, simple and solid.

Source: //gooberzz.net

For a small bedroom wallpaper in sunny shades works well, but the tones should not be very saturated. Rather, they should resemble the color of sun-bleached sand. An interior with such a color scheme can be decorated in an Afro or Mediterranean style, using the most simple and concise environment, only natural materials.

Source: //lookw.ru

For the interior of a small afro-style bedroom, accent dark spots are allowed, but they should be used wisely. For example, for the wall to the side of the window, you can use wallpaper with bright floral ornaments, for example, in the form of palm leaves. The wall opposite, where the bed will be, can be decorated in the form of light gray, pale orange or sand wallpaper with a pattern. These can be cyclic images of animals, murals with a view of an oasis, or single trees that go into perspective. Furniture for such an environment will be minimal, for the floor it is better to use a massive board with a naturally aged texture.

Source: //stroy-podskazka.ru

For very bright rooms, cold shades are best suited, lighter than the rest of the environment, but not bleached. In this case, the following tricks will work well for the extension:

  1. Contrasts for zoning space. For example, darker tones are used for the bed, just behind the headboard you can arrange a shallow niche with lighting, but without the rest of the decor. This will visually push the wall, give the room the effect of a large room.
  2. Saturated tones. Such wallpapers are used for rooms with an irregular configuration, for example, for the visual narrowing of an elongated room.
  3. Contrasting large patterns for small bedrooms are rarely used and most often not recommended. Such a technique in the form of a 3D pattern is only suitable for decorating a place behind the head of the bed, but on condition that the situation will be in harmony with such an ornament. It is best to give preference to a small pattern, a vertical strip, which visually makes the space larger.

There are several rules for decorating a wall with wallpaper:

Source: //prorab.guru
  • for opposite walls, wallpapers in the same range are used, with the exception of the reception of a selected wall;
  • the print or pattern should be small, with the exception of only murals with 3D images for one of the walls (best for making a bed);
  • the strip should be vertical and thin, unobtrusive, it is recommended to combine such coatings with plain ones of a lighter or darker shade;
  • diagonal drawings can be used to visually stretch the room; saturated colors can be used to visually shorten the length of the wall;
  • for well-lit rooms, you can use gradient wallpapers with a soft transition from light to saturated colors;
  • when using an ornament, the technique of alternating such coatings with plain ones is suitable, while the stripes without a pattern should have a large width, this will visually create the effect of a large room;
  • for very small rooms, you can use glossy inserts, but it is very important not to overdo it, as the bedroom can easily be turned into a cramped box.

How to visually expand a narrow bedroom

Source: //archrevue.ru

The decor of a room with an irregular configuration and a small area is also a challenge. For this reason, it is recommended to choose a “light” design for the decor - a minimum of furniture, light colors, any tricks that will help visually push the walls apart. Among the simplest techniques for such correction of configuration flaws are:

  1. Use of mirror surfaces. Mirrors will help to easily “push apart” a narrow room, giving it more comfort. For the interior, mirrored cabinet doors, decorative mirrored panels with embossed or sandblasted patterns can be used to help give the room a visually square shape. It is best to place mirrors on a long wall, creating depth.
  2. For walls, it is best to use very light and cold shades, the lightest coatings should be glued to the far wall, and darker ones closer to the windows.
  3. Usually, horizontal stripes are not used for small bedrooms, but this rule does not apply in the case of a narrow room. To visually correct the lack of configuration, you can use coatings with narrow, very light horizontal stripes for a long wall.
  4. Contrast reception works great for an elongated bedroom. For short walls, you can use light coatings with a pattern that not only focuses attention, but also provides a visual expansion of the space.
  5. For dark, poorly lit narrow bedrooms, very light wallpaper should be used for the far wall. This will make it possible to even out the light, make the room visually more comfortable.

Source: //domoked.ru

In the apartments of the old housing stock, the bedrooms are often very small or have an elongated shape, that is, the problem of visual expansion is quite relevant. The task is also complicated by the fact that the bedroom often contains a living area or a small work area. The choice of furniture should be considered separately, each room has its own individual solutions, but when choosing wallpaper, you can use the following design techniques:

Choosing your own wallpaper for a small bedroom is quite difficult. There is always a risk of making a small space look like a cramped box in which it will not be entirely comfortable. It is impossible to solve a radically similar problem: it is impossible to move the walls, so it is worth studying in more detail special design techniques that help visually form a light air space in which there is a lot of air and light purity.

One of them is the right choice of wallpaper. To decide which rolls are best to use for a small bedroom, detailed instructions and some very practical advice from experts will help.

Choosing colors for a small bedroom

So, each of us today knows that with the help of color you can visually expand the boundaries of the existing space. Knowing which wallpaper to choose for a small bedroom, you can easily solve the indicated problem.

The simplest, but also the best option, is to wallpaper a small bedroom in light neutral tones. Look at the photos, they do not attract attention to themselves, which means that the human eye will not focus on the size of the room.

Important! Receiving a combination of light furniture wallpaper, the color of which is several tones darker than the wall decoration, helps to visually expand the space.

It is for the bedroom - a place of relaxation and solitude - that it is best to use soft shades of cream, beige, sand and peach. They will warm the space and make it cozy if the windows of a small bedroom face the north side. And what color to choose for a room with windows to the south? Experts recommend giving preference to cold colors, blue shades, olive colors.

The combination of matte plain wallpaper and silk-screen printing works great. In a small bedroom, it is necessary to decorate opposite walls with the same materials, as shown in the photo. Moreover, with the help of silk wallpaper, the shortcomings of the room are corrected. If a small bedroom has an elongated shape, then the longest walls are pasted over with a bright texture.

When choosing a color, it is important to consider the lighting features of a small bedroom. If it is completely flooded with daylight, wallpaper of cold shades will help to reduce its degree. If the small room is also dark, then only warm colors should be preferred. Deciding which shades to use is important, given the color of the furniture.

Volumetric 3D wallpapers increase the space well, smooth finishing materials only emphasize the area of ​​​​the room. Experts believe that it would be a smart decision to choose a wallpaper with a reflective surface, such as shown in the photo. They visually expand and expand the space.

Important! You can not use rolls of bright or dark colors to decorate a small bedroom. They take all the attention to themselves and significantly narrow the space.

Wallpaper with a pattern in a small bedroom

Plain surfaces for many are a rather boring finish, they give a small room a rather conservative look. That is why, many are wondering if it is possible to use wallpaper with a pattern in the decoration of a small bedroom. Of course, this is not the best option, but if you really want to, you can try, but only in the following way:

There are a lot of rolled canvases with a pattern, so choosing the best one is quite difficult. Experts recommend giving preference to wallpaper with a small pattern, in which there is no combination of contrasting colors. Otherwise, the design will be completely ruined. Rolls with a large pattern should be said categorically “no”, but if you really want to, you can experiment and paste over only one wall with them. The one that will have the head of the bed (the photo shows an example of such a solution).

You should not consider a design for a small bedroom that involves wallpapering the walls with high contrast and a strong pattern density. Even if the set of furniture is minimal, the room will look like a cluttered barn. Therefore, you need to completely abandon this option, or use it to decorate the smallest wall in the bedroom.

Note! Choosing canvases with a pattern to implement the design of a small bedroom, it is necessary so that the walls are wallpaper in light shades of the color palette. They will work to harmonize the space of a small room.

Photo wallpaper for decorating a small bedroom

Wall murals are the perfect solution to visually change a small space. But only if the pattern is chosen correctly. What ideas can be used in this case? Experts recommend choosing wallpapers that have a perspective - an image that goes deep into the picture. It can be a path that goes into the distance of the forest, a street of the metropolis, leading far into the quarter, underwater simplicity. Look, the photo shows how a similar technique works in a small bedroom. Its design is noticeably revived.

What other criteria should be considered when choosing photo wallpapers for a small bedroom?

  • It is best to hang such pictures on the walls, on which there are no windows or doors.
  • Against the background of photo wallpaper, you do not need to place high furniture (therefore, it is important to think over the design of interior content in advance). What furniture is best to choose and put against a beautifully decorated wall? Bed or small coffee table.
  • For a very small bedroom, you need to choose wallpaper with a light color palette.
  • If the ceilings in the room are low, the picture on the photo wallpaper should be vertical (forest, tall houses). Such a technique will visually raise the ceiling plate.
  • If the room is bright, you can glue photo wallpapers in cold shades (image of the depths of the ocean or mountain tops in a pure blue sky). If the room is lit with weak natural light, photo wallpapers are suitable - pictures painted with warm colors (sandy beaches, autumn park areas). The photo shows how well a similar design can look in the interior of a small bedroom.

Color and texture in the space of a small bedroom

A combination of cold and light shades helps to stretch or narrow the space. Two opposite walls are drawn in one color. It is important to understand that the effect of visual stretching is formed in the direction of light walls.

When designing long small ones, experts recommend pasting long walls with wallpaper with a small pattern, and using rolls with large patterns to decorate short walls. It will turn out beautifully if you choose pairs of the same color scheme.

The most effective effect is formed when wallpaper with drawings is pasted diagonally, as shown in the photo.

If you want to create a cozy space in a small bedroom, you need to choose wallpaper of the same color, which appears in different saturation. Darker stripes are glued to the bottom, the top ones on the ceiling are the lightest rolls. Such a gradient visually raises the ceiling.

It will look beautiful (and the photo proves it) alternating canvases with and without a pattern. A small bedroom will look cozy if the step of the canvas without a pattern is wider than the step of the canvas with a print.

The design of a small bedroom will look very impressive if the walls are covered with canvases with glossy textures.

Note! The design of the walls of a small bedroom must be formed after the furniture is purchased and a plan for the location of each piece of furniture is drawn up.

So, having studied in detail the proposed instructions, it will not be difficult to decide on your own which wallpaper to choose for a small room. Similar recommendations are suitable for the design of any small-sized room. Before buying canvases, it is important to draw up a clear design plan, carefully and thoughtfully study the proposed range, move aside canvases with large ornaments without regret, do not use any dark shades.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom plays an important role, how comfortable it will be to stay and sleep in it will depend on the color and pattern. Khrushchevs, dormitories and old-style apartments rarely boast spacious rooms, simple wall decoration techniques will help “stretch” a narrow bedroom and adjust the height of a low one, while maintaining its comfort and unique style.

Rules for choosing wallpaper to visually enlarge the room

There are a number of ways to visually enlarge a room. In order to choose any of the options, you need to decide which of the parameters of the bedroom does not suit you and you would like to increase it. However, the general rules remain unchanged and will help expand the boundaries of not only the bedroom, but also any other room.

  • Wallpaper with vertical or horizontal stripes visually stretch and expand the space of a small bedroom,
  • the lighter the tone of the finish, the more spacious the small room seems, the white and blue color copes with this task especially well,
  • visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba small bedroom wallpaper with a perspective, for example, a road receding into the distance,
  • in a small room without windows, get rid of the feeling of an enclosed space, photo wallpapers with a picture of an open window and artificial daylight will help,
  • in a small bedroom, which is located on the north side, it is better to use warm-colored wallpapers for decoration, they make up for the lack of sunlight.

What wallpaper color is better to choose?

Everyone knows the rule, light colors make a small bedroom more spacious. However, this does not mean that the walls in the room should be exclusively white. Delicate shades will be the best solution for creating a comfortable design. Colors such as beige, sky blue, light grey, cream or sand will refresh or warm the interior without sacrificing precious square meters.

Which shade to choose depends on the location of the room, more precisely on which side the windows face and how bright the lighting is in the room. Also, a small bedroom does not mean the absence of bright colors and large patterns; an accent wall or its fragment will add color to the interior of the bedroom.

For a dark bedroom

The lack of light in a small bedroom can be compensated with the help of artificial lighting, mirrors and the right color of the wallpaper. Finishing should be in a light palette, and warm shades, sand, light yellow, beige, light green are considered priority colors. These colors will fill a small room with warm colors and will be associated with the sun's rays.

For a bright bedroom

A bright bedroom has more opportunities, you can use bright elements in it, but it is better to choose the main tone as light, but cold. Blue, gray, white, mint. These shades will refresh the bedroom while maintaining the balance of light.

What design pattern or pattern to choose to increase the space?

The design of a small bedroom will be equally successful with plain wallpaper and a patterned coating, the main thing is to choose it correctly.

  • If the decoration of a small bedroom is completely done with one type of wallpaper, then it is better to stop at choosing a small pattern,
  • volumetric images should decorate only one of the walls of a small room,
  • for a small room with a high ceiling, horizontal stripes or patterns will be a good option, they will “push apart” the walls,
  • you need to take into account the future design of the room, if you plan to fill the interior with bright details and textiles, then you should choose plain wallpaper.

Large drawing or ornament

Volumetric images and ornaments can decorate one of the walls of a small bedroom. This could be the head of the bed, the wall behind the TV, or a randomly chosen area. It is better to decorate the rest of the bedroom with light plain or with a small nondescript pattern of wallpaper.

This method helps to focus on one of the walls, making it voluminous. In a very small room, a large pattern may occupy only a small part of the wall, however, it will still be noticeable. The image should match the style of the room and reflect its mood.

Flowers and plants

Floral and floral themes look good in a gentle and romantic interior.

The photo shows a compact bedroom with a classic design. The soft blue tone of wallpaper and textiles in combination with white refreshes a small space and makes it more spacious.

For a small room, bright patterns with juicy shades are not prohibited; such wallpapers can be combined with other, more relaxed finishing methods, such as bleached brick, plaster or plain wallpaper.

The photo shows a small women's bedroom in the style of a new classic. Wallpaper with a beautiful floral print is pasted in such a way that it divides the room into several zones.

Flowers and plants in a light palette can occupy an impressive part of the walls, while not stealing the space of a small bedroom.


Textured wallpapers increase a small space due to their irregularities.

In the photo, shiny gold details on the wall create the illusion of a three-dimensional surface and make a small room look larger due to its reflective properties.

The light falling on the relief forms a “play of shadows”, thereby adding volume to a small room. Textured wallpapers work well with other images and finishes.


Stripes help with the visual adjustment of a small space, depending on their direction, the room seems higher or wider.

The photo shows a small sky-blue bedroom. The walls are decorated with wallpaper with a zigzag pattern. The horizontal direction makes the room wider.

In order to "stretch" a small bedroom with low ceilings, wallpaper with a vertical pattern is suitable, even light stripes will change the perception.

The same technique is used for narrow walls in a rectangular room, the wider the strip, the stronger the visual effect.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of a small bedroom

Wall mural can be a salvation for a small room. Visual techniques can significantly change the perception of space. The most effective technique is photo wallpaper with a perspective picture, that is, the image is removed into the distance, thereby creating the illusion of another space that opens up to the eye.

Pictured is a small modern bedroom. Photowall-paper of saturated green color is highlighted by an LED tape. This technique visually deepens the wall, moving it away.

Volumetric objects, such as a highway, a view of the city or a bridge, due to the contrast of scale, make a small bedroom larger. A blurry image, such as a foggy landscape, affects the subconscious mind, painting in it a picture beyond it.

3D Wallpaper

The realistic three-dimensional image fascinates with its scale. The space of a small room becomes more voluminous, as if removing a wall.

The photo shows a small bedroom in a modern style. Finishing and filling is made in warm colors, which makes the room bright and cozy.

The drawing can correspond to different styles, for the classical direction it can be an image of voluminous columns or flowers, for the modern style an abstraction or a view of the metropolis is suitable, and for Provence lavender fields and a view from the window of the French village.

The photo shows a small bedroom with a minimalist design and 3D wallpaper decoration. Elongated arched figures make the room visually higher.

Wallpaper design by style


To decorate a small bedroom in a modern style, you can choose wallpaper with geometric patterns, stripes, wallpaper with photo printing or with an imitation of any material, such as brickwork or wood paneling.

You can also use different colors of plain wallpaper, contrasting stripes create volume. For a high-tech and minimalist interior, the use of functional furniture, beds with built-in wardrobes, spacious chests of drawers and compact lamps is suitable.

The photo shows a minimalistic small bedroom with colorful decoration on one of the walls, the colors are bright, but not flashy. The mirror insert increases the space due to the reflective properties.


Romantic Provence is most often made in bright colors. Wallpaper with imitation of plaster, painted brickwork, or a small floral pattern will look good.

With the help of photo wallpaper, you can highlight the area above the head of the bed, thereby decorating it and marking the central point in a small room. In the Provence interior, light pastel colors, mint, pink, white, light purple, blue and peach will harmoniously look.


For a classic style in a small bedroom, you should choose calm and restrained colors. Floral patterns, monograms, the effect of plaster or stripes will look harmonious.

The color of the patterns should not stand out from the general tone, the pattern can be complemented by shiny details, such as a gold or silver border.


The stylish design of the loft is filled with a variety of textures. Even in a small room, wood, brick and concrete can be combined.

A small room is not a reason to refuse a variety of fillings. Using a light palette or a contrast of dark and light, even in a small bedroom, you can combine whitewashed brick and unevenly plastered wall, cold concrete and wood paneling. Wallpaper imitating these effects saves a lot of space.

Scandinavian style

Minimalistic and laconic interior, not overloaded with unnecessary details. Finishing and filling is done in light colors. Wallpaper can have both realistic images of the forest, alpine mountains or wooden panels, as well as a small pattern.

The photo shows a small Scandinavian-style bedroom. Finishing and filling is done in pastel colors.

How to combine wallpapers for visual expansion?

The contrast of colors and textures can make a small room look bigger. Decorating one of the walls with bright wallpaper visually attracts it.

Using plain wallpaper in two different colors, you can create volume in a small room, creating the illusion of a play of light and depth of space.

The photo shows a small bedroom with several types of wall decoration. The design of the room is sustained with one color palette, which makes it as spacious as possible.

Wallpaper companions also help to focus on one of the walls in a small room.

Features of choosing wallpaper for low ceilings in the bedroom

The best way to make a small room taller is to decorate it with wallpaper with vertical patterns.

It can be stripes, vegetative or floral patterns, located in the direction from the floor to the ceiling, photo wallpaper with a picture tending upwards or wallpaper with a gradient effect from dark to light.

Wallpaper design ideas for narrow bedrooms

For small narrow bedrooms, the same tricks work, only they work in reverse. Patterns and images should not be located vertically, but horizontally, thereby expanding the wall.

Wide stripes can frame one or more walls, murals with an abstract image, a clear horizon line or corner murals will help visually enlarge a small narrow bedroom.

Photo gallery

A small bedroom can also be stylish and comfortable. A competent combination of finishes, furniture and decor form a cozy room in which you want to be, and the variety of choices allows you to choose the perfect option for yourself. Below are photo examples of small bedrooms decorated with wallpaper.

A small bedroom from a tiny and uncomfortable room, with the right approach, can turn into a cozy place to relax. But for everything to happen just like that, you need to properly arrange it. Decoration begins, as a rule, with the choice of wall coverings. How to choose wallpaper for a small bedroom and will be discussed in this article.



The most important rule for the design of small rooms is known, perhaps, to everyone. It consists in the fact that to create the illusion of space, you need to choose light wallpaper and avoid patterns, especially large ones. But sometimes you want to use your favorite colors and bright patterns even in a small bedroom. Professionals say that this can be easily done without “eating up” free space.

To do this, you need to be able to correctly combine different colors and even wallpaper textures with each other. But the main part of the room should still remain light. How to use this trick, you will learn a little later.

But we must not forget that there are a number of certain details that spoil the picture and make the room even smaller. First, it is, of course, too dark colors. Burgundy, dark purple, brown and black wallpaper colors are best not to use. The same applies to patterned canvases. If there are large patterns on the walls or a dense scattering of small prints, then this will also make the space visually smaller, just like thin or too often repeating lines.

On the one hand, such restrictions seem very categorical. But in fact, the choice still remains quite large, since there is a wide variety of light shades that will make even a dark bedroom look better. You can find wallpapers for a small bedroom in classic shades or in any pastel colors. For a small bedroom, they will be a great space-saving find.

In a small room with a low ceiling, you can also choose vertical striped wallpaper. Like the corresponding clothing, they allow you to "stretch" the space and make it taller.

There is another important point. Focus on how light your room is. Choosing wallpaper for a south-facing room, where the light constantly hits the bedroom, is stylishly different from choosing colors for a dark room with no windows. Of course, in darkened rooms, the right lighting plays an important role, but good wallpaper will also make the room visually wider.

Which ones to choose?

Before sticking wallpaper, they still need to be chosen correctly. You should focus not only on the above basic rules, but also on how the selected wallpaper will be combined with other interior details.

Combination with other elements

Wallpaper is a kind of background, from which they are already repelled in the further design of the room. If you choose options with a pattern, then it is desirable that it be combined with textiles and fit your curtains and upholstery of sofas or armchairs. If you want to glue several variants of multi-colored wallpaper at once, then in this way it will be possible to divide the space into several separate zones. Here, too, you should be sure that the color inserts will fit the furniture and decor items.


Designers offer the following solutions:

  • Light wallpaper in pastel colors - this is the option that fits almost any bedroom option. Do not think that such a design will be too boring. Even using the simplest light colors, you can create a versatile interior by adding some of your own details. Pink, purple and blue shades look good. They are both light and not as banal as white or beige.

If you do not want to decorate the whole room in one color, then you can try to combine several of its shades or paste over one of the walls with patterned wallpaper.

  • Often they use such a common move as a combination of contrasts. Contrasting contrasting shades is an option that pleases both lovers of the classics and those who want to use bright or dark colors in the interior of a small room.

  • If one of the walls is shorter than the others, then you can try another popular move. It lies in the fact that three walls higher are pasted over with patterned wallpaper, and the fourth is left light. Patterns, especially small and dense ones, “eat up” the height. Another option that helps to "stretch" the walls in height is to use diagonal patterns. Like vertical ones, they can do wonders for your small room.

  • The gradient version looks great. In this case, the color from more saturated smoothly flows into lighter. In a small bedroom, this effect looks really cool. Here, dark shades are located below, and light ones go up. If you have low ceilings this will look great.
  • Glossy wallpapers will also help to increase the space. Here everything happens according to the same principle as with mirrors. Mirrored surfaces expand the room by reflecting the walls from each other. The same can be said about wallpaper with a shiny glossy surface.

Wall mural

Today, photo wallpapers are already less popular than before. But still, with their help, you can successfully decorate a room, especially if this room is small. Choose a thoughtful picture, glue it in the right place, and you will be pleased with the result.

Those paintings that visually increase the space include images such as the sea, a city street or a forest path that goes into the distance. When you look at such wallpapers, it seems that there is a whole world behind the wall, which also positively affects how big and spacious your room seems.

When decorating a room in this way, it is important not only to choose the right picture, but also to think about its location. Designers are advised to place murals in front of doors or windows. Especially if it is some kind of picture with a perspective.

To make the photo wallpaper look aesthetically pleasing, you should also not overlap part of it with the help of individual pieces of furniture. Well, the last thing to remember is that in a small room it is worth using not only light classic wallpapers, but also lighter photo wallpapers. For example, when buying wallpaper with a forest image, choose a landscape with light trees and a dawn sky, for example.

Fashion trends

Among the existing wallpaper options, not only simple classic wallpapers are now popular. Some unusual trends are also in demand. Let's take a look at the hottest trends so you know what to choose from.


Textured wallpaper is an interesting and stylish option that is great for decorating small bedrooms. Designers recommend paying attention to the barely noticeable matting pattern. On the one hand, the wallpaper seems to be almost monochromatic, but at the same time there is a certain pattern on them. The difference in shadows and volumes allows you to create an interesting effect.


Not everyone loves wallpaper with glitter. But at the same time, this texture is still in trend. Silk-screened wallpapers are especially good. They look interesting, and plus, slightly expand the space of the room. So if you like such glossy coatings to your taste, then they are definitely worth paying attention to.

With patterns

Of the patterns, abstraction is worth noting. In recent years, bright and voluminous images are gaining popularity. It is especially good if the base is quite light and complemented by just a few bright accents. However, the accents can also be pastel, so that the result is absolutely perfect.

These, of course, are far from all popular trends, but this will be enough to bring a little freshness to the classic interior of a small bedroom.

Design Ideas

Designers say that the design of the bedroom needs to be thought out to the smallest detail. After all, it is in this room that we spend so much time. So, it should be very cozy, even if it is a very small room. Let's look at a few examples of using wallpaper in the interior, which will make it more beautiful and spacious, despite its true size.

We create comfort

First, let's look at the example of this small room, how you can make the room cozy without cluttering up. We most often associate light and brown colors with comfort. If you use them in tandem, you can get a very nice result.

To decorate the main part of the room, you need to use light beige shades with a light texture. And make one of them a little darker. Some light pleasant pattern will also be useful. For example, vegetable, consisting of stripes going up. This will also help stretch the space, making that same wall higher.

It is also practical that the darkest of the walls is reserved for the background for the bed. When you fall asleep, you will always have a bright space in front of your eyes, setting you up for sleep and a peaceful mood.

abundance of light

Now let's put into practice all the main of the popular tricks for creating more free space. As already mentioned, for this you need to choose light wallpapers and shiny glossy surfaces.

Even the simplest option using only white will look interesting if you add some large and original detail to the room. For example, a print with the image of a tree. Due to the contrast, it looks noticeable and interesting.

Not many can boast of having a large cottage or an apartment in a new building, where there would be a large bedroom, in which interesting design solutions could be applied in the interior and furnishings.

On the other hand, there are people who are of the opinion that only a small bedroom creates a feeling of coziness and comfort, and a large space brings only cold and boredom. Wallpaper for your small bedroom is not an unimportant element in creating maximum comfort. Therefore, the choice of wallpaper should be approached quite seriously.

Whatever style you choose in the design of a place to sleep, be it hi-tech or minimalism, or maybe pop art, in any case, you will start the repair with the design of the surfaces of the room: floor, walls and ceiling.

The positive aspect of a small bedroom is that the wallpaper in it will be glued easily and quickly, in addition, you can often change the interior by changing the wallpaper. The walls, acting as a backdrop in the bedroom, should be designed not only in accordance with the chosen style, but also with regard to natural light. In general, light-colored wallpapers are recommended, indeed they will expand your so small space. But if you want to choose wallpaper in darker shades, then your bedroom windows should be large and go only to the south, west or east, otherwise your bedroom will turn into a dark cave of primitive man.

Textile or vinyl - which is better?

You can easily get confused among such a wide variety of wallpapers that differ in color, pattern, and texture. What kind of wallpaper is better to choose, let's take a closer look at their types.

  1. paper wallpaper - the traditional type of wallpaper, moreover, they are the cheapest and safest for health. Such wallpapers can be one-, two- or three-layer. For a small bedroom, such wallpaper will be rather impractical, even though the bedroom does not have such wall pollution as, for example, in the kitchen. However, in addition to pollution, these wallpapers are subject to rapid fading, they cannot be wiped with a damp cloth. Therefore, you will often have to re-paste them, because paper, and even more so light wallpapers, are considered very easily soiled. The best option for using paper wallpapers is to use them for painting.
  2. Vinyl wallpapers - wallpapers made of paper and covered with foamed vinyl. They are embossed, smooth and silk-screened. Their advantage is that they are resistant to moisture and mechanical stress, practically do not fade in the sun, and those types that are intended for painting can be repainted several times. Their main disadvantage is the impermeability of air, which means that such wallpapers should not be chosen for the bedroom, and even more so for the nursery.
  3. Non-woven wallpaper - this is paper wallpaper with the addition of fabric fibers, which makes the material very dense (it is called flesilin). These wallpapers are great for a small bedroom, they are breathable and environmentally friendly. Fleece wallpapers are easy to glue, as a layer of glue has already been applied to their inner side. The wallpaper is very durable, can be wiped clean with a damp cloth, and in general, it is well suited for a small bedroom.
  4. Textile wallpapers - wallpapers, in the manufacture of which natural fabrics are used: linen, cotton, felt, silk, velor. Such wallpapers are environmentally friendly, breathable, have good sound insulation, which means that this is an ideal option for a small bedroom. Thanks to natural fabrics, textile wallpapers can give a room a luxurious, elegant and exclusive look. However, they will cost you quite a lot. In addition, an important drawback is the need for a careful and careful attitude and care for them, they also require a professional sticker.
  5. natural wallpaper - wallpaper, the top layer of which is made of natural materials: veneer, cork, straw, bamboo, algae. Such wallpapers, even in a small bedroom, will look unusual and spectacular if they are pasted on one wall to highlight the area and focus attention. Natural wallpapers, of course, are environmentally friendly, but they have a number of disadvantages: they are not resistant to moisture, exposure to small children and pets, they quickly fade in the sun

New technologies: metallic, liquid and 3D wallpapers

Lovers of high-tech bedrooms and various technical innovations can use the new metal wallpaper today. They are made from thin aluminum foil, so the wallpaper is durable, only the manufacturing technology itself is very expensive.

Metallic wallpapers are perfect for a small bedroom, as they will have a beautiful reflection of the sun's rays, which will visually increase the space in the room. Additional halogen lighting will only emphasize their dignity, which means the interior of the entire bedroom. But before sticking these wallpapers, you will have to try very hard to perfectly align the walls, otherwise you shouldn’t glue them.

Liquid wallpaper. For some, this phrase will cause bewilderment, although this is a great find for technologists and wallpaper developers. They are somewhat similar to plaster, only they do not contain sand, the main substance is cellulose with the addition of natural dyes, decorative fibers and sparkles. Before application, the dry powder is diluted with water. Wallpapers are attracted by the fact that they do not have joints, they can even out small irregularities on the walls, create a relief effect, and are environmentally friendly. Therefore, the bedroom is a very suitable option if you are not limited by the budget.

Wall mural a real find in interior design. But today it is not just a photo wallpaper, but a photo wallpaper with a 3D effect. They accurately convey the beauty of landscapes, nature, cities. Among these wallpapers there are several varieties.

  • Single 3D wallpaper (small in size) - on the wall, enclosed in a frame, will be a great alternative to a picture.
  • Standard 3D wallpapers - do not require the selection of a picture, they depict abstract geometric shapes, so they are well suited for a small bedroom.
  • Volumetric fluorescent wallpaper, radiating neon light in the dark, will create a romantic "island" in a small bedroom.


  1. Wallpaper for a bedroom with a modest size cannot be very bright and catchy, as well as with large and frequent patterns. The best option would be to choose plain smooth wallpaper. This finish will play the role of a background for a family photo or a picture on the wall and will not look awkward. An excellent stylish effect is given by a combination of wallpapers of different shades, selected in the same color scheme.
  2. Refuse wallpaper with a border, which will “eat up” the already small space of the bedroom. But wallpaper with a discreet vertical stripe, on the contrary, will visually increase the height of the room.
  3. For a small bedroom, it is better to choose non-woven, textile, liquid or 3D photo wallpapers.
  4. To maximize the space of your small bedroom, creating comfort and coziness, you can use 3D photo wallpapers in plain or sky colors by sticking them on the ceiling.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that it is not at all necessary to form the general style of the apartment in the sleeping room, for sure you rarely let guests into it, because this is your personal and intimate space. The most important thing is that you like the room and be filled only with your positive energy, and you should not impress anyone with a flashy interior of the room.

Photo wallpaper for a small bedroom