Read the story Winipuh and all all all. Winnie the Pooh: the story of how the famous bear became ours. What about fairy tale

in which we meet Winnie the Pooh and some bees

Well, here is Winnie the Pooh.

As you can see, he descends the stairs after his friend Christopher Robin, head down, counting the steps with the back of his head: boom-boom-boom. He doesn't know any other way to get down the stairs. Sometimes, however, it seems to him that he could find some other way, if only he could stop mumbling for a minute and concentrate properly. But alas, he has no time to concentrate.

Be that as it may, now he has already gone down and is ready to meet you.

Winnie the Pooh. Very nice!

You are probably wondering why his name is so strange, and if you know English, then you will be even more surprised.

This unusual name was given to him by Christopher Robin. I must tell you that Christopher Robin once knew a certain swan on the pond, whom he called Pooh. It was a very appropriate name for a swan, because if you call the swan loudly: “Pu-uh! Pooh! - and he does not respond, then you can always pretend that you just shot for fun; and if you called him quietly, then everyone will think that you just blew on your nose. The swan then disappeared somewhere, but the name remained, and Christopher Robin decided to give it to his bear cub so that it would not be wasted.

And Winnie - that was the name of the best, kindest bear in the zoological garden, which Christopher Robin loved very, very much. And she loved him very, very much. Whether she was named Winnie after Pooh, or Pooh was named after her - now no one knows, even Christopher Robin's dad. Once he knew, but now he has forgotten.

In a word, now the bear's name is Winnie the Pooh, and you know why.

Sometimes Winnie the Pooh likes to play something in the evening, and sometimes, especially when dad is at home, he likes to sit quietly by the fire and listen to some interesting story.

This evening…

- Dad, how about a fairy tale? asked Christopher Robin.

- What about a fairy tale? Dad asked.

- Could you tell Winnie the Pooh a fairy tale? He really wants to!

“Maybe I could,” Dad said. - And what does he want and about whom?

- Interesting, and about him, of course. He's such a teddy bear!

- Understand. - said dad.

- So, please, daddy, tell me!

"I'll try," Dad said.

And he tried.

A long time ago - last Friday, I think - Winnie the Pooh lived alone in the woods, under the name Sanders.

- What does "lived under the name" mean? asked Christopher Robin immediately.

“It means that the plaque above the door had “Mr. Sanders” written in gold letters, and he lived under it.

"He probably didn't understand it himself," said Christopher Robin.

“But now I understand,” someone muttered in a bass voice.

"Then I'll continue," said Dad.

One day, while walking through the forest, Pooh came to a clearing. A tall, tall oak tree grew in the clearing, and at the very top of this oak tree someone buzzed loudly: zhzhzhzhzhzhzh ...

Winnie the Pooh sat on the grass under a tree, put his head in his paws and began to think.

At first he thought this: “This is - zhzhzhzhzhzh - for a reason! In vain, no one will buzz. The tree itself cannot buzz. So, someone is buzzing around here. Why would you buzz if you're not a bee? I think so!”

Then he thought and thought and said to himself: “Why are there bees in the world? To make honey! I think so!”

Then he got up and said:

Why is there honey in the world? For me to eat it! I think so, and not otherwise!

And with these words he climbed up the tree.

He climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and on the way he sang a song to himself, which he immediately composed. Here's one:

The bear loves honey!
Why? Who will understand?
Indeed, why
Does he like honey?

So he climbed a little higher ... and a little more ... and still very, very little higher ... And then another puffing song came to his mind:

If bears were bees
Then they wouldn't care
Never thought
So high to build a house;

And then (of course, if
The bees were bears!)
We, the bears, would have no need
Climb those towers!

To tell the truth, Pooh was pretty tired already, which is why Puffy came out so plaintive. But he had to climb already quite, quite, quite a bit. All you have to do is climb on this branch - and ...


Mum! - shouted Pooh, flying a good three meters down and almost hitting his nose on a thick branch.

Oh, and why did I just ... - he muttered, flying another five meters.

Why, I didn’t mean to do anything bad…” he tried to explain, bumping into the next branch and turning upside down.

And all because of this, - he finally admitted, when he rolled over three more times, wished all the best to the lowest branches and smoothly landed in a thorny, thorny thorn bush, - all because I love honey too much! Mum!…

Pooh climbed out of the thorn bush, pulled the thorns out of his nose, and thought again. And the very first thing he thought of was Christopher Robin.

- About me? - Christopher Robin asked in a voice trembling with excitement, not daring to believe such happiness.

- About you.

Christopher Robin said nothing, but his eyes got bigger and bigger, and his cheeks grew pinker and pinker.

Winnie the Pooh is still considered one of the most famous and beloved characters in children's literature. Readers met him on Christmas Eve in 1925, when the first chapter of the tale was published in a London newspaper. Alana Alexandra Milne: "The chapter in which we first meet Winnie the Pooh and the bees." Readers liked the story so much that a year later the first book about the adventures of a teddy bear with sawdust in his head was published, which was called Winnie the Pooh. It was followed by another one called "The House at the Pooh Edge". tells how the idea of ​​​​creating the famous fairy tale came about, and why Milne hated his hero over the years.

Alan Milne, Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh. 1928 Photo from the British National Portrait Gallery Photo: / Howard Coster

Favorite toys

The fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh" owes its appearance to to Milne's son Christopher Robin, which inspired the writer to create it.

“Every child has a favorite toy, and a child who is alone in the family needs it especially,” wrote the matured Christopher. For him, such a toy was a teddy bear, which he named Winnie the Pooh. And although over the years, Christopher's favorite toys were added to the shelf - after Winnie a donkey without a tail Eeyore appeared, the neighbors gave the boy a Piglet pig, and his parents bought Kanga with baby Roo and Tigger - the boy did not part with his "firstborn".

Father told Christopher bedtime stories, in which the main character was certainly a clubfoot fidget. The kid really liked to play home performances with plush toys, in which all family members took part. The plots of the performances formed the basis of Milne's books, and the writer himself always said: "I, in fact, did not invent anything, I had only to describe."

Authentic Christopher Robin toys: (clockwise from bottom): Tigger, Kanga, Pooh, Eeyore and Piglet. New York Public Library. Photo:

It is interesting that Milne introduced the readers to the heroes of the fairy tale in the same order in which the toys appeared with his son. But among the fabulous animals there are two characters that were not really on Christopher's toy shelf: the writer invented the Owl and the Rabbit himself. The attentive reader may notice that in the original illustrations of the book, the depiction of these characters is significantly different, and it is no coincidence that the Rabbit once says to the Owl: “Only you and I have brains. The rest have sawdust.”

Tale from life

Not only the plots and characters of "Winnie the Pooh" were taken by the writer from life, even the forest in which the fairy tale took place was real. In the book, the forest is called Wonderful, but in fact it was the most ordinary Ashdown forest, not far from which the writer acquired a farm. In Ashdown, you can find the six pines described in the fairy tale, a stream, and even thickets of thistles, into which Winnie once fell. Moreover, it is no coincidence that the action of the book often takes place in hollows and on the branches of trees: the writer's son was very fond of climbing trees and playing there with his bear.

By the way, the name of the bear itself also has an interesting history. Christopher named his favorite toy after a bear named Winnipeg (Winnie), kept in the 1920s at the London Zoo. The boy met her at the age of four and immediately managed to make friends. The American black bear came to the UK from the outskirts of Winnipeg as a live mascot of the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps. The bear lived in Britain for more than 10 years (she died on May 12, 1934), and in 1981, 61-year-old Christopher opened a life-size monument to her at the London Zoo.


In the paws of a teddy bear

Another author of the adventures of a teddy bear can be safely considered artist Ernest Shepard who drew the original illustrations for the first edition. The cartoonist, who lived for 96 years, left behind a huge amount of work, but the illustrations for Winnie the Pooh overshadowed his entire legacy. The same fate awaited Milne himself, who years later managed to hate his fairy-tale hero for this.

Milne started out as an "adult" writer, but after "Winnie the Pooh" readers did not take his books seriously: everyone expected the continuation of the adventures of the unlucky honey lover. But Christopher grew up, and the author did not want to compose fairy tales for other kids. He did not consider himself exclusively a children's writer, at the same time arguing that he writes for children with the same responsibility as for adults.

Even Christopher "Winnie the Pooh" brought a lot of trouble. At school, he was bullied by classmates who teased him with quotes from his father's books, and in his old age, those around him continued to perceive Christopher as a "boy from Pooh's Edge."

Winnie the Pooh. Illustration by artist Ernest Shepherd. A photo:


Exactly forty years ago - as one old book says, "in the middle of life's road" (I was then just forty years old, and now, as you can easily count, twice as old) - I met Winnie the Pooh.

Winnie the Pooh was not called Winnie the Pooh then. His name was "Winnie-tze-poo". And he did not know a word of Russian - after all, he and his friends had lived all their lives in the Enchanted Forest in England. Writer A.A. Milne, who had written two books about their lives and adventures, also knew only English.

I read these books and immediately fell in love with Pooh and everyone else so much that I really wanted to introduce them to you guys.

But since they all (you guessed it?) could only speak English, which is a very, very difficult language - especially for those who don't know it - I had to do something.

I had to first learn Winnie the Pooh and his friends to speak Russian, I had to give them - Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All - new names; I had to help Pooh compose Noise Makers, Puffers, Chants and even Howlers and you never know what else ...

I assure you, it was not so easy to do all this, although it was very pleasant! But I really wanted you guys to love Pooh and All-All-All like family.

Well, now I can say - without any exaggeration! - that my hopes were justified. Over the years, millions and millions of children (and adults, especially those who are smarter) have made friends with Winnie the Pooh (and All-All-All) in our country over the years. And Winnie the Pooh himself has become a very, very Russian bear cub, and some even believe that he speaks Russian better than English. I'm not to judge.

Believe it or not, at one time he even taught our children the RUSSIAN language on the radio! There was such a transmission. Maybe your elders remember her.

And how Pooh and I have become related over the years - neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen!

The thing is that Pooh (and All-All-All, of course!) We loved so much that they had to act in films, perform on the stage, and play on the stages of theaters - both simple and puppet - in different plays and even sing in opera - at the Moscow Musical Theater for Children.

And our industrious bear cub had to compose Noise Makers again and again, because the stories were new, which means that new songs were required.

I must admit that here (as you probably guess) it was not without my participation. I had to write scripts for films, plays for theaters, and even a libretto for the opera Winnie the Pooh Again. And of course, all the new Noise Makers, Puffers and Howlers Pooh composed under my direction. In a word, we did not part with him all these years, and, in the end, I began to consider Pooh the bear cub as my adopted son, and he me as his second father ...

Books about Winnie the Pooh have been published many, many times over the years. Your grandparents, dads and moms, older brothers and sisters read them. But there has never been such a publication as you are holding in your hands.

Firstly, there are all twenty true stories (and not eighteen, as it was before).

Secondly, Pooh and his friends fit into two whole books, not one. Now they are really spacious - there was enough space for Much More. Take a look at the Applications - and make sure that there is not only All-All-All, but also All-All-All!

And finally, I am sure that you will be pleased with the drawings. Especially those who have seen real cartoons about Pooh - after all, Pooh and his friends were drawn here by the same wonderful artist - E.V. Nazarov.

(Why am I talking about real cartoons? Unfortunately, in our time divorced a lot of fakes. They fake Winnie the Pooh. On television, they often show such Pooh, which you can’t call otherwise than a fake. Thank God, it is easy to distinguish it from the real one: it is completely different, and most importantly, it does not compose or sing any Noise Makers. What kind of Winnie the Pooh is this?!)

Well, perhaps, this can be finished - I seem to have said Everything-Everything-Everything that I was going to, or even more!

I leave you with Winnie the Pooh and his friends.

Your old friend

Boris Zakhoder

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Well, here is Winnie the Pooh.

As you can see, he descends the stairs after his friend Christopher Robin, head down, counting the steps with the back of his head: boom-boom-boom. He doesn't know any other way to get down the stairs. Sometimes, however, it seems to him that he could find some other way, if only he could stop mumbling for a minute and concentrate properly. But alas, he has no time to concentrate.

Be that as it may, now he has already gone down and is ready to meet you.

Winnie the Pooh. Very nice!

You are probably wondering why his name is so strange, and if you know English, then you will be even more surprised.

This unusual name was given to him by Christopher Robin. I must tell you that Christopher Robin once knew a swan on the pond, whom he called Pooh. It was a very appropriate name for a swan, because if you call the swan loudly: "Pu-uh! Poo-uh!" - and he does not respond, then you can always pretend that you just shot for fun; and if you called him quietly, then everyone will think that you just blew on your nose. The swan then disappeared somewhere, but the name remained, and Christopher Robin decided to give it to his bear cub so that it would not be wasted.

And Winnie - that was the name of the best, kindest bear in the zoological garden, which Christopher Robin loved very, very much. And she loved him very, very much. Whether she was named Winnie after Pooh, or Pooh was named after her - now no one knows, even Christopher Robin's dad. Once he knew, but now he has forgotten.

In a word, now the bear's name is Winnie the Pooh, and you know why.

Sometimes Winnie the Pooh likes to play something in the evening, and sometimes, especially when dad is at home, he likes to sit quietly by the fire and listen to some interesting story.

This evening…

Dad, how about a fairy tale? asked Christopher Robin.

What about fairy tale? Dad asked.

Could you tell Winnie the Pooh a story? He really wants to!

Maybe he could, said Dad. - And what does he want and about whom?

Interesting, and about him, of course. He's such a teddy bear!

Understand. - said dad.

So, please, daddy, tell me!

I'll try, my dad said.

And he tried.

A long time ago - last Friday, I think - Winnie the Pooh lived alone in the woods, under the name Sanders.

What does "lived under a name" mean? asked Christopher Robin immediately.

This means that the plaque above the door said "Mr. Sanders" in gold letters, and he lived under it.

He probably didn’t understand it himself,” said Christopher Robin.

But now I understand, - someone grumbled in a bass voice.

Then I will continue, - said dad.

One day, while walking through the forest, Pooh came to a clearing. A tall, tall oak tree grew in the clearing, and at the very top of this oak tree someone buzzed loudly: zhzhzhzhzhzhzh ...

Winnie the Pooh sat on the grass under a tree, put his head in his paws and began to think.

At first he thought this: "This is - zhzhzhzhzhzh - for a reason! No one will buzz in vain. The tree itself cannot buzz. So, someone is buzzing here. Why do you need to buzz if you are not a bee? In my opinion, so!"

Then he thought and thought and said to himself: "Why are there bees in the world? In order to make honey! In my opinion, so!"

Then he got up and said:

Why is there honey in the world? For me to eat it! In my opinion, so, a puddle and not otherwise!

And with these words he climbed up the tree.

He climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and on the way he sang a song to himself, which he himself immediately composed. Here's one:

Bear loves honey!

Why? Who will understand?

Indeed, why

Does he like honey that much?

So he climbed a little higher ... and a little more ... and still very, very little higher ... And then another puffing song came to his mind:

If bears were bees

Then they wouldn't care

Never thought

So high to build a house;

And then (of course, if


-those were bears!

We, the bears, would have no need

Climb those towers!

To tell the truth, Pooh was pretty tired already, which is why Puffy came out so plaintive. But he had to climb already quite, quite, quite a bit. All you have to do is climb on this branch - and ...

Mum! - shouted Pooh, flying a good three meters down and almost hitting his nose on a thick branch.

Eh, and why did I just ... - he muttered, flying another five meters.

Why, I didn’t mean to do anything bad…” he tried to explain, bumping into the next branch and turning upside down.

And all because of this, - he finally admitted, when he rolled over three more times, wished all the best to the lowest branches and landed smoothly in a prickly, prickly thorn bush, - all because I love honey too much! Mum!…

Pooh climbed out of the thorn bush, pulled the thorns out of his nose, and thought again. And the very first thing he thought of was Christopher Robin.

About me? - Christopher Robin asked in a voice trembling with excitement, not daring to believe such happiness.

Christopher Robin said nothing, but his eyes were getting bigger and bigger, and his cheeks were getting pinker and pinker.

So, Winnie the Pooh went to his friend Christopher Robin, who lived in the same forest, in a house with a green door.

Good morning Christopher Robin! Pooh said.

Good morning Winnie the Pooh! - said the boy.

I wonder if you happen to have a balloon?

Air balloon?

Yes, I was just walking along and thinking: "Does Christopher Robin happen to have a balloon?" I was just wondering.

Why do you need a balloon?

Winnie the Pooh looked around and, making sure that no one was eavesdropping, he pressed his paw to his lips and said in a terrible whisper:

Honey! repeated Pooh.

Who is it that goes for honey with balloons?

I go! Pooh said.

Well, just the day before, Christopher Robin was at the party with his friend Piglet, and there all the guests were given balloons. Christopher Robin got a huge green ball, and one of the Relatives and Friends of the Rabbit prepared a big, very big blue ball, but this Relative and Friend did not take it, because he himself was still so small that they did not take him to visit, so Christopher Robin had to So be it, take both balls with you - both green and blue.

Which one do you like better? asked Christopher Robin.

Pooh put his head in his paws and thought deeply, deeply.

Here's the story, he said. - If you want to get honey - the main thing is that the bees do not notice you. And so, it means that if the ball is green, they may think that it is a leaf, and they will not notice you, and if the ball is blue, they may think that it is just a piece of the sky, and they will not notice you either. The question is, what are they more likely to believe?

Do you think they won't notice you under the balloon?

Then you'd better take the blue balloon," said Christopher Robin.

And the issue was resolved.

Friends took a blue ball with them, Christopher Robin, as always (just in case), grabbed his gun, and both went camping.

Winnie the Pooh first of all went to one familiar puddle and rolled in the mud as it should, to become completely, completely black, like a real cloud. Then they began to inflate the balloon, holding it together by the string. And when the ball swelled up so that it seemed that it was about to burst, Christopher Robin suddenly let go of the rope, and Winnie the Pooh flew up smoothly into the sky and stopped there, just opposite the top of the bee tree, only a little to the side.

Hooray! shouted Christopher Robin.

What's great? - shouted to him from the sky Winnie the Pooh. - Well, who do I look like?

On a bear that flies in a balloon!

Doesn't it look like a little black cloud? asked Pooh anxiously.

Not good.

Okay, maybe it looks more like it from here. And then, do you know what the bees will think of!

Unfortunately, there was no wind, and Pooh hung in the air quite still. He could smell honey, he could see honey, but, alas, he could not get honey.

After a while, he spoke again.

Christopher Robin! he shouted in a whisper.

I think the bees suspect something!

What exactly?

I do not know. But only, in my opinion, they behave suspiciously!

Maybe they think you want to steal their honey?

Maybe so. Do you know what the bees will come up with!

There was a short silence again. And again Pooh's voice was heard:

Christopher Robin!

Do you have an umbrella at home?

It seems there is.

Then I ask you: bring it here and walk back and forth with it, and look at me all the time and say: "Tsk-tsk-tsk, it looks like it's going to rain!" I think then the bees will believe us better.

Well, Christopher Robin, of course, laughed to himself and thought, "Oh, you silly bear!" - but he did not say it out loud, because he was very fond of Pooh.

And he went home for an umbrella.

Finally! shouted Winnie the Pooh as soon as Christopher Robin returned. - And I'm already starting to worry. I noticed that the bees are behaving quite suspiciously!

Should I open my umbrella or not?

Open, but just wait a minute. We must act for sure. The most important thing is to deceive the queen bee. Can you see her from there?

Sorry, sorry. Well, then you go with an umbrella and say: "Tts-tts-tts, it looks like it's going to rain," and I'll sing a special Tuchkin's Song - the one that all the clouds in the sky probably sing ... Come on!

Christopher Robin began pacing up and down under the tree and saying that it looked like it was going to rain, and Winnie the Pooh sang this song:

I am Cloud, Cloud, Cloud,

Not a bear at all

Oh, how nice Cloud

Fly across the sky!

Ah, in the blue-blue sky

Order and comfort

Therefore, all clouds

They sing so much fun!

But the bees, oddly enough, buzzed more and more suspiciously. Many of them even flew out of the nest and began to fly around the cloud when she sang the second verse of the song. And one bee suddenly sat down on Cloud's nose for a minute and immediately took off again.

Christopher - wow! - Robin! Cloud screamed.

I thought and thought and finally understood everything. These are the wrong bees!

Completely wrong! And they probably make the wrong honey, right?

Yes. So it's probably best for me to go downstairs.

But as? asked Christopher Robin.

Winnie the Pooh just didn’t think about this yet. If he releases the rope from his paws, he will fall and mumble again. He did not like this idea. Then he thought a little more, and then said:

Christopher Robin, you must hit the ball with your gun. Do you have a gun with you?

Of course, with him, - said Christopher Robin. - But if I shoot the ball, it will go bad!

And if you don't shoot, then I'll be spoiled, - said Pooh.

Of course, here Christopher Robin immediately understood what to do. He aimed very carefully at the ball and fired.

Oh oh oh! cried Pooh.

Didn't I hit? asked Christopher Robin.

It's not that he didn't hit at all, - said Pooh, - but he just didn't hit the ball!

I'm sorry, please, - said Christopher Robin and fired again.

This time he didn't miss. The air began to slowly exit the balloon, and Winnie the Pooh smoothly sank to the ground.

True, his paws were completely stiff, because he had to hang for so long, holding on to the rope. For a whole week after this incident, he could not move them, and they stuck up. If a fly landed on his nose, he had to blow it off: "Puff! Puff!"

And maybe - although I'm not sure about it - maybe it was then that he was called Pooh.

Is the story over? asked Christopher Robin.

End of this tale. And there are others.

About Pooh and about me?

And about the Rabbit, about Piglet, and about everyone else. Don't you remember yourself?

I remember, but when I want to remember, I forget ...

Well, for example, one day Pooh and Piglet decided to catch a Heffalump...

Did they catch him?

Where are they! After all, Pooh is quite stupid. Did I catch him?

Well, you will hear - you will know.

Christopher Robin nodded.

You see, dad, I remember everything, but Pooh forgot, and he is very, very interested to listen again. After all, it will be a real fairy tale, and not just like that ... a memory.

That's what I think.

Christopher Robin took a deep breath, took the cub by the hind leg and trudged to the door, dragging him along. At the threshold he turned and said:

Are you coming to watch me swim?

Surely, Dad said.

Didn't he really hurt when I hit him with a gun?

Not a bit, said Dad.

The boy nodded and left, and a minute later dad heard Winnie the Pooh going up the stairs: boom-boom-boom.

Well, in front of you is Winnie the Pooh.

As you can see, he descends the stairs after his friend Christopher Robin, head down, counting the steps with the back of his head: boom-boom-boom. He doesn't know any other way to get down the stairs. Sometimes, however, it seems to him that he could find some other way, if only he could stop mumbling for a minute and concentrate properly. But alas, he has no time to concentrate.

Be that as it may, now he has already gone down and is ready to meet you.

- Winnie the Pooh. Very nice!

You are probably wondering why his name is so strange, and if you know English, then you will be even more surprised.

This unusual name was given to him by Christopher Robin. I must tell you that Christopher Robin once knew a swan on the pond, whom he called Pooh. It was a very appropriate name for a swan, because if you call the swan loudly: “Pu-uh! Pooh! - and he does not respond, then you can always pretend that you just shot for fun; and if you called him quietly, then everyone will think that you just blew on your nose. The swan then disappeared somewhere, but the name remained, and Christopher Robin decided to give it to his bear cub so that it would not be wasted.

And Vinnie - that was the name of the best, kindest bear in the zoological garden, which Christopher Robin loved very, very much. And she loved him very, very much. Whether she was named Winnie after Pooh, or Pooh was named after her - now no one knows, even Christopher Robin's dad. Once he knew, but now he has forgotten.

In a word, now the bear's name is Winnie the Pooh, and you know why.

Sometimes Winnie the Pooh likes to play something in the evening, and sometimes, especially when dad is at home, he likes to sit quietly by the fire and listen to some interesting story.

This evening…

- Dad, how about a fairy tale? asked Christopher Robin.

- What about a fairy tale? Dad asked.

- Could you tell Winnie the Pooh a fairy tale? He really wants to!

“Maybe I could,” Dad said. - And what does he want and about whom?

- Interesting, and about him, of course. He's such a teddy bear!

- Understand. Dad said.

- So, please, daddy, tell me!

"I'll try," said Dad.

And he tried.

A long time ago - last Friday, I think - Winnie the Pooh lived alone in the woods, under the name of Saunders.

What does "lived under a name" mean? asked Christopher Robin immediately.

“That means the plaque above the door had “Mr. Sanders” written in gold letters, and he lived under it.

"He probably didn't understand it himself," said Christopher Robin.

“But now I understand,” someone muttered in a bass voice.

“Then I’ll continue,” Dad said.

One day, while walking through the forest, Pooh came to a clearing. A tall, tall oak tree grew in the clearing, and at the very top of this oak tree someone buzzed loudly: zhzhzhzhzhzhzh ...

Winnie the Pooh sat on the grass under a tree, put his head in his paws and began to think.

At first he thought like this: “This is - zhzhzhzhzhzh - for a reason! In vain, no one will buzz. The tree itself cannot buzz. So, someone is buzzing around here. Why would you buzz if you're not a bee? I think so!”

Then he thought and thought and said to himself: “Why are there bees in the world? To make honey! I think so!”

Then he got up and said:

- Why is there honey in the world? For me to eat it! I think so, and not otherwise!

And with these words he climbed up the tree.

He climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and on the way he sang a song to himself, which he immediately composed. Here's one:

The bear loves honey!

Why? Who will understand?

Indeed, why

Does he like honey?

So he climbed a little higher ... and a little more ... and still very, very little higher ... And then another puffing song came to his mind:

If bears were bees

Then they wouldn't care

Never thought

So high to build a house;

And then (of course, if

The bees were bears!)

We, the bears, would have no need

Climb those towers!

To tell the truth, Pooh was pretty tired already, which is why Puffy came out so plaintive. But he had to climb already quite, quite, quite a bit. All you have to do is climb this thread and...


- Mum! - shouted Pooh, flying a good three meters down and almost hitting his nose on a thick branch.

“Oh, and why did I just ...” he muttered, flying another five meters.

“Why, I didn’t mean to do anything bad…” he tried to explain, hitting the next branch and turning upside down.

“And all because of this,” he finally admitted, when he rolled over three more times, wished all the best to the lowest branches and landed smoothly in a prickly, prickly thorn bush, “all because I love honey too much!” Mum!…

Pooh climbed out of the thorn bush, pulled the thorns out of his nose, and thought again. And the very first thing he thought of was Christopher Robin.

- About me? Christopher Robin asked in a voice trembling with excitement, not daring to believe such happiness.

- About you.

Christopher Robin said nothing, but his eyes got bigger and bigger, and his cheeks grew pinker and pinker.

So, Winnie the Pooh went to his friend Christopher Robin, who lived in the same forest, in a house with a green door.

Good morning Christopher Robin! Pooh said.

- Good morning, Winnie the Pooh! the boy said.

“I wonder if you happen to have a balloon?”

- A balloon?

- Yes, I was just walking and thinking: “Does Christopher Robin happen to have a balloon?” I was just wondering.

Why do you need a balloon?

Winnie the Pooh looked around and, making sure that no one was eavesdropping, he pressed his paw to his lips and said in a terrible whisper:

– Honey! repeated Pooh.

- Who is it that goes for honey with balloons?

- I go! Pooh said.

Well, just the day before, Christopher Robin was at the party with his friend Piglet, and there all the guests were given balloons. Christopher Robin got a huge green ball, and one of the Relatives and Friends of the Rabbit prepared a big, very big blue ball, but this Relative and Friend did not take it, because he himself was still so small that they did not take him to visit, so Christopher Robin had to So be it, take both balls with you - both green and blue.