Bulldog cheeks and methods for their elimination. How to make plump cheeks

How to remove cheeks, making your face more aristocratic, women are interested different ages. You can start working on your face with weight loss. This is true for women who are not thin. If a thin girl has full cheeks, then even more weight loss will not help her.

Choose a diet according to your taste. But we would highly recommend using the not dubious “individual diets” allegedly compiled by nutritionists over SMS. And the recommendations of Elena Malysheva, the host of the well-known TV programs Health and Living Healthy. Look for Malysheva's recommendations either on her official website, or carefully look through the releases of television programs. In short, her weight loss tips look like this:

1. do not starve and eat 5 times a day, do not snack between meals, only drink;

2. do not add salt to food;

3. dilute natural juices with water;

4. remove sources of easily digestible carbohydrates from the diet;

5. Before eating, drink 200 grams of plain water.

Even such a small modernization of the diet will help to become thinner. About the same how to remove cheeks on the face more in a simple way read below.

Hair and makeup

With a full face, it is advisable not to do high hairstyles that completely open the face. These include a babette, a regular bun, etc. It is better to choose smooth hair that frames the cheeks. Beautiful long hair looks very good.

As for makeup, you need to learn how to use blush. In the absence of blush, you can use a powder that is darker than the shade of powder. In addition, emphasizing the eyes (moderately long arrows) will help to visually make the face thinner. If the lips are small, then before applying lipstick, be sure to use a contour pencil 1-2 shades darker than lipstick.

We train the muscles of the face

Many of you have probably heard about facebuilding. These are special exercises that help prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles, including mimic ones. In how to remove the cheeks and the second chin, these exercises help a lot. Let's take an example of such exercises.

1. Open your mouth wide, look up (do not lift your face up) and quickly start blinking. 1 minute is enough. Repeat preferably up to 3-4 times a day.

2. Inflate your cheeks as much as possible for 2-3 seconds and quickly exhale the air.

3. Puff out your cheeks and move the air from side to side. This exercise will be just right for those who are looking for ways to remove sagging cheeks in a short time.

4. Inflate your cheeks, but release the air in portions, in jerks.

5. Put your hand over your cheeks under your chin and try to smile, while the fingers lying on your cheeks should not allow the corners of your mouth to reach up.

And these exercises will get rid of the second chin.

1. Close your teeth tightly, your mouth is closed, press your tongue against the palate. You should feel how the chin area is tightened from below.

2. Put your chin on your fists and try to open your mouth, while fists should provide maximum resistance to the jaw.

3. Stick out your tongue. Repeat several times.

4. Push your chin forward and say the word "x".

And for the second chin, or rather to get rid of it, special inexpensive simulators are sold. The meaning of their work is about the same as in the exercise with fists, which do not allow the mouth to open.

Surgical techniques

You can go to almost any plastic surgery clinic and your cheeks will be made thin by simply pumping fat out of them (with inside leaving no scars). The operation is called resection of Bish's lumps. It will be possible to see the approximate result of the operation right in the doctor's office using computer simulation. Such an operation can be recommended, for example, to girls with an Asian type of face, for many of whom the question of how to lose weight in the face becomes decisive when moving to Russia or Europe.

Another popular cosmetic procedure for correcting the shape of the cheeks is thermage, but only it is unlikely to give such a noticeable result as Plastic surgery. And it's not cheap.

Alas. With age, the face loses clear contours, sagging cheeks appear. Even if your name is Michael Douglas or Susan Sarandon, they don't ask permission and just impose their company.

Advertising assures that getting rid of sagging cheeks is not difficult at all - just use cream X and serum Y, and if you add mask Z to them, then your great-granddaughter will envy your young beauty! Let's figure out if this is so, and what troubleshooting methods really work.

To solve the problem, you first need to understand why the cheeks sag.


Where Do Bulldog Cheeks Come From?

The first question to answer is the cause of the problem. There are three main reasons.

Firstly, subcutaneous fat is deposited in the cheek area.

Therefore, the more fatty tissue on the face, the heavier the cheeks, and the more they sag. Such fleas can appear even in youth. In this case, it is possible to remove bulldog cheeks if you lose weight.

Secondly, the cheek area is a kind of "warehouse" where the reserves of facial adipose tissue are stored. This warehouse - Bish's pouches - is the same fat depot as the hips or stomach. And unlike subcutaneous fat, Bish's lumps are almost impossible to lose weight - they can only be removed.

However, there is also third reason- age. After about 30 years in the body decreased collagen production and elastane, which kept the skin in good shape. The leather frame that has become insufficiently dense sags, and the skin of the cheeks (often under the weight of Bish's lumps) moves down and forms an ugly fold.

From the point of view of the science of biology, everything is clear - by this age, according to mother nature, a woman has already fulfilled her functions: she charmed the right man and gave birth to a child, which means that collagen can no longer be wasted. But since we completely disagree with nature in this respect, a natural question arises: what to do?

In this article, we will evaluate the effectiveness of popular methods for the prevention and elimination of fleas - from free to radical plastic surgery techniques.

How to remove bulldog cheeks on your face yourself

If sagging cheeks is associated with excess fullness, then the task is clear: you need to remove excess fat. At the same time, with a successful combination of circumstances, the result can be obtained even at home: unlike the hips or upper arms, the face loses weight quickly enough. In order to start the process, you will have to revise the diet and increase the level of physical activity.

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We say yes to fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood, lean meats, dairy products, cereals. Muffin, sweets, fatty, smoked, salty foods, fast food - a resolute "no". Add to a new diet morning exercises, dancing or jogging in the park - and in a few months your face shape will change significantly.

Drink plenty of clean water

Bulldog cheeks are adipose tissue that has the unpleasant property of retaining fluid and increasing in size. To get rid of swelling in the cheeks, you need to drink up to 3 liters clean water and minimize salt intake. Sugar has a similar effect and should also be limited.

How to fix sagging cheeks with makeup

Decorative cosmetics cannot tighten sagging cheeks, but makes them less noticeable.

Rule number 1. To correct a face with bulldog cheeks with makeup, you need to visually divert attention from them.

A simple system will help you:

  • dark eyeliner (after 45, give preference to brown, not black shades),
  • double layer of mascara on the eyelashes,
  • blush that perfectly "marries" the tone of your face.

Rule number 2. dark shades visually reduce the area on which they are applied.

Therefore, after completing the make-up, carefully walk with a brush with a bronzer along the lower jaw and in the chin-neck area. So you visually mask the sagging of the skin and align it in tone with the shadow under the lower jaw. The wings will visually merge with this shadow, but remember the sense of proportion!

The line of the lower jaw corrected by the bronzer will merge with the shadow under the chin and visually rid the face of small jowls.

Gymnastics for sagging cheeks

Cheek sagging exercises, like body exercises, are designed to strengthen the facial muscles.

    Puff out your cheeks strongly and, counting to five, release the air through your pursed lips.

    Hold a pencil with your lips and actively write the alphabet in the air, from A to Z. Feel how the muscles of the face and neck work.

If doing exercises for sagging cheeks seems boring to you, you can start painting real canvases by holding the brush with your lips. In the photo: artist Mariam Pare at work.

Each exercise must be performed daily.

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Effective prevention of bryley - what is it?

We have already said that rash on cheeks 60% are formed due to the fault of the "packages" of adipose tissue - Bish's lumps.

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How to lift sagging cheeks without surgery

If the sagging of the tissues is already noticeable, go to the mirror and do a simple experiment. Stretch the skin in the cheekbones slightly upward. You will see how bulldog cheeks disappear as if by magic.

Of course, there is no magic here, and the secret is simple: the sagging tissues need to be lifted, and the contour of the face will become much younger, clearer, more beautiful.

For this purpose, the cheekbones are injected plasmafiller or tight hyaluronic acid gel Belotero. The cheekbones fill up, become taller, the tissues of the face return to their rightful place, and the first cheekbones disappear, as if they never existed.

Gives a similar effect zygomatic implant placement, but this procedure requires surgery.

Andrei Iskornev at work. Preparation (marking) and carrying out Celebrity Lift - celestial cheek lift with Radiesse and Belotero gels.

The most main reason the appearance of thick cheeks is heredity. It is very difficult to deal with it, and sometimes it is even impossible. If you and your husband have full, round cheeks, it's almost certain that your child will have the same problem. And if you have identified such heredity in yourself, then only a diet that you will need to adhere to constantly and exercise, which also need to be performed systematically, will help you. Otherwise, the problem will arise again and again.

The second reason due to which thick cheeks may appear is malnutrition. But in order to appear big cheeks, enough time must pass, first fat is deposited on all organs of the body, and then on the cheeks. So the appearance of large cheeks in this case is usually not a surprise.

You can fight the problem of thick cheeks different ways. You can resort to a radical one and do it, but it is fraught with the fact that traces of surgical intervention may remain on the face, and indeed all operations on the face can have unexpected consequences.

You can perform a set of exercises, they will certainly help to cope with the problem, but not immediately. The fact is that there is very slow physical activity on the cheeks. In addition, fat in these places is burned by the body slowly, so you will need to be patient.

You can restore the elasticity of the skin on the cheeks and on the entire face with the help of masks and massage. MirSovetov recommends performing massages immediately after gymnastic exercises, and doing masks before going to bed, then the effect will not be long in coming.

Action plan

In order to overcome the problem of thick cheeks, several weeks, or even months, should pass. Therefore, you need to develop a plan of action:

  1. First determine for yourself the cause of the appearance of thick cheeks. If this is the wrong diet, then correct it, go on a diet and stick to it. You will see that not only thick cheeks will go away, but also the whole body will become slender and toned.
  2. Develop a set of exercises for the cheeks. The fact is that there are a great many of them on the Internet or in specialized literature, but you need to choose a complex just for you.
  3. Pick up cosmetics that will help hide the defect. But in no case should you use creams for weight loss, otherwise you can provoke the appearance.

Diet for chubby cheeks

Making cheeks smaller in a short time is difficult, but possible. So say those who adhere to a special diet. But with a dietary restriction, you need to be careful, since you can get dark circles under the eyes and a haggard, tired face along with reduced cheeks.

The basic principle of the diet is less flour and sweets, reduce fatty and fried foods and no fast food, drinks and alcohol. You also need to follow these guidelines:

  • you should not feel hungry, it is better to eat some vegetables or fruits between meals, but you should not starve. Because the weight, paradoxically, will cease to go away, and at the first “failure” in nutrition, it will return in double volume. You can’t deceive the body, it will perceive the feeling of hunger as an alarming bell that you need to make reserves for the future;
  • eat often, but not in large quantities. Eat 5-6 times a day, then you will lose weight and you will not feel hungry;
  • all food, especially solid, chew thoroughly and for a long time. This will be a kind of exercise for the muscles;
  • half an hour before a meal, you need to drink a glass of ordinary drinking water and after eating do not drink for 40 minutes.

Add as many vegetables and seafood to your diet as possible. You can also eat porridge, but only boiled in water, use oil in a minimal amount and only. Meat and fish, choose low-fat varieties, they will not add extra calories, and will not leave you hungry. Be sure to add fermented milk products and milk to your diet, cottage cheese is useful.

To remove chubby cheeks, you need to give up not only sugar, but also salty foods, which will retain water in the body.

Chubby Cheek Exercises

You can remove the cheeks with the help of a diet, but the skin is likely to sag and be flabby. Therefore, it is imperative to do exercises for the cheeks.

To remove the cheeks as much as possible short term exercises should be performed several times a day. There are many exercise options, here are some of the most effective:

  1. Take air into your mouth, close your lips tightly and roll air over your mouth, you will feel how your cheeks tense up.
  2. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, keep your head straight, fold your lips into a tube and start singing vowels.
  3. Imagine that you have a pencil in your mouth and write letters in the air, or you can take a real pencil and hold it between your teeth and draw in the air. If you perform the exercise correctly, you should feel how the muscles of the face and neck are tensed.
  4. Cover your upper lip with your lower lip and tilt your head up. Count mentally to 10, lower your head, repeat the exercise 10 times.

If you perform the exercises constantly, then you can not only remove the cheeks, but also make the contour of the face clear, smooth out mimic wrinkles. Don't be discouraged if you don't see results right away, it takes time.

How to remove cheeks visually

If you don’t have time or desire for diets and exercises, or if you urgently need to remove your cheeks, then there are a few tricks:

  1. Look at your face in the mirror, mentally draw the outline that you think is ideal. And those areas that are outside this contour need to be made darker than the main tone. You need to use a tonal cream of different shades.
  2. Now apply. It must be matched to the tone of your face, otherwise the makeup will look unnatural.
  3. It is not necessary to apply makeup with sharp strokes. In order to blend the powder, use a makeup brush, all movements should be smooth, move along the contour of the face.
  4. Don't forget to apply blush, they complete the look. To make cheeks smaller, you need to pick up one blush light colors, and the second - bright. Apply light from the middle along the line of the cheekbones, ending at the temporal parts. Walk below the light blush bright tone. So the cheeks will visually be smaller. To achieve perfect makeup is possible only through experimentation, perhaps a universal blush is a matte color without shine.
  5. If you have dark skin, then shades of blush in the color of dark clay or even chocolate will suit you. In order for these shades to look natural, you need to apply powder on top of the blush.

  1. Pay attention to how you sleep, if you have a high one, then change it to a low or flat one. Otherwise, you can increase the cheeks and chin. And during the day, watch how you hold your head. Raise your chin a little and your cheeks will look smaller.
  2. Don't forget about. It must be done daily, every time after gymnastics. Also lightly pat your cheeks with your fingertips and palms. And before the massage, you need to do compresses: soak a towel in an infusion of chamomile, sage and calendula. And apply to the cheeks for half an hour.
  3. They help well and, you need to select those that tighten the skin. For example, from white clay.
  4. If you have big cheeks, then the hair should be long and smooth, and if your cheeks are sagging, then it is better to do curls and curls.

And remember that every flaw can be turned into a virtue, the main thing is your attitude towards it.

The problem of chubby cheeks, so exciting for the beautiful half of humanity, occupies a leading position in the list own shortcomings. If the flaws of the figure can be correctly disguised with properly selected clothes, then this cannot be done with the face. Even if people around you think your chubby cheeks are cute, this does not interfere with your desire to get rid of them. The desire to remove the cheeks on the face is driven by the dream to make the cheekbones expressive, so that the shape of the face seems more attractive. But if you don’t succeed at all in loving yourself the way you are, and you are determined to correct this part of your face, then you first need to figure out the reasons for the appearance of chubby cheeks.

The problem of overweight and chubby cheeks are closely related. If you stick to a diet and exercise daily, then big cheeks will go along with excess weight. But it is worth considering that the exercises are aimed primarily at body shaping, so the cheeks will begin to lose weight last.

To hasten the onset of the result, you also need to select a row for the face special exercises called Facebook building. The method consists in performing various grimaces by the face, involving all facial areas. Exercises can be performed both at home and with a trainer in the gym:

  • hold a pen or pencil in your lips and draw letters in the air first, then words and even whole sentences;
  • tighten the muscles of the face and neck, lowering the corners of the lips down;
  • grab the upper lip of the lower one, stretch it as high as possible, throwing your head back;
  • pull the lower lip down with the muscles of the face, tightly clenching the teeth;
  • tilt your head forward and stretch alternately to each shoulder with your chin;
  • inflate each of the cheeks in turn;
  • smile as widely as possible, then return to a serious expression;
  • fold your lips into a tube and try to sing the vowels in a chaotic manner.
This exemplary set of exercises will help remove chubby cheeks if you perform it daily in the morning and evening for 15 minutes. The effect will be noticeable in a month.

Maybe one of your relatives had chubby cheeks? If so, then apparently this did not prevent them from continuing their race. After all, there is sure to be someone who will love your chubby cheeks more than anything else. But if you still can’t be convinced, then you can correct the shape of your face with the help of Facebook building and assakhi.

Assahi is a facial massage aimed at prolonging youth, tightening facial muscles and smoothing wrinkles. With this method, you can try to remove chubby cheeks. Japanese massage can be done independently by studying video tutorials on the Internet.

The method is very effective and allows you not to resort to surgical intervention, the use of expensive drugs and cosmetics.

Excess fluid in the body
The cause of chubby cheeks may be fluid retention in the body. To get rid of excess fluid and thereby remove the cheeks on the face, you need to follow the following rules:

  • limit the consumption of salty, spicy and fatty foods;
  • reduce fluid intake in the late hours;
  • take decoctions of herbs that have a diuretic effect.
Do not howl that the beauty of many women is, first of all, their work on themselves, work on their bodies. With a little diligence, you can correct your problem areas, which will be the first achievement in striving for your ideals.

With age, all women notice obvious changes in the oval of the face. The muscles responsible for facial expressions begin to weaken, the skin loses its elasticity, sagging cheeks appear. This problem is also observed during a sharp weight loss, the skin simply does not have time to tighten. Therefore, you need to lose weight gradually so that extra pounds disappear proportionally. There are a lot of factors influencing the appearance of sagging cheeks and a second chin.

  • Facial skin aging. Age changes- the primary cause of sagging cheeks. With age, by about 35-40 years, the skin wears out, loses its elasticity and firmness, sags, creating the effect of a "sullen clown".
  • Excess weight. The skin of the face of a full person is distinguished by a loose structure. Fat accumulates in the subcutaneous layers, filling the contour lines of the cheeks and chin, because of this, the oval of the face looks ugly.
  • Fluid accumulation. Improper diet, hormonal imbalances and other health problems can cause water retention in the body. It is necessary to prevent the appearance of edema.
  • Ultra-violet rays. permanent residence in scorching sun leads to loss of elasticity of the epidermis. UV light accelerates aging and causes unwanted pigmentation. Therefore, be sure to protect your skin by using quality creams with SPF filters. Limit sun exposure and wear wide-brimmed hats.
  • genetic inheritance. If you have chubby cheeks or sagging skin at a young age, perhaps one of your relatives had the same problem, and you inherited these shortcomings. In this case, more thorough systematic care will be required.
  • Wrong way of life. If a woman smokes, drinks alcohol, eats junk food and leads a sedentary lifestyle, she must know that her face will age prematurely.
  • Not proper care. Poor-quality cosmetics entails the appearance of wrinkles at a young age. Moisturize, nourish, exfoliate the skin of the face and use only light tonal creams and makeup bases.

Undesirable defects on the face appear if you sleep on a high pillow, drink plenty of fluids at night, constantly stoop, read while lying on your back. But you can lose weight in the face and cheeks at home, if you wish, in a month of intensive care.

Proper daily care

How to remove sagging cheeks at home? It is necessary to approach this problem comprehensively, only targeted actions will help to achieve a magnificent effect.

  • Cosmetics. Anti-aging serums and creams - it's just additional funds, and they will not be able to remove the problem of sagging cheeks on their own. It is better to choose daily cosmetics for care from one series and apply in a course. achieve maximum result you can periodically change the means, then the skin will not get used to the active ingredients. Every week you need to do a deep cleansing with a lifting effect, use scrubs and nourish the skin with creams.
  • Hard massage. For this procedure, you will need a small towel made of natural fabrics. Daily massage enhances blood circulation and tones the skin. Positive effect observed when using a solution of sea salt or decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning. A wet towel should be intensively slapped on the face, but do not overdo it, bruises may remain. Thanks to the massage, the cheeks are noticeably tightened and the complexion is evened out.
  • contrast procedures. Most effective method remove puffiness. You need to wet the napkin hot water, squeeze lightly, apply to the face and wait until it cools down. Then repeat the operation, but at the same time using cold water. If there are herbs to hold cosmetic procedures, then not just water, but infusion can be used as a base. If doing this simple procedure every day in the morning and in the evening, then in just a week you can get rid of noticeable flabbiness of the skin.
  • Cosmetic ice. In the morning, be sure to wipe the skin with ice cubes, treat the cheeks especially carefully. As a basis, it is better to use infusions of medicinal herbs. Chamomile, celandine, mint are effective. This procedure allows you to quickly remove swelling and increase the elasticity of the epidermis.
  • Compresses for the night. For the procedure you will need brine and a sheet face mask. After cleansing the skin, apply a napkin moistened with the solution, hold for a quarter of an hour, then wash your face and apply a moisturizing cream with a lifting effect. The compress should be done 2-3 times a week, only with regular procedures can the desired effect be achieved.

Laughter helps to reduce skin flabbiness, during a smile it is activated maximum amount mimic muscles. At the same time, the oval of the face is perfectly corrected and subcutaneous fat disappears.

Face slimming diet

How to lose weight in the face with a diet? An individual diet is recommended to be compiled with a specialist, but there are basic rules for everyone.

  • Drink more water. About two liters of water daily, non-carbonated mineral or table water, the liquid improves skin hydration and maintains its tone. With a shortage of water, the human body begins to make its reserves, this often causes edema. Can I drink green tea but no sugar. It has a tonic effect and reduces the feeling of hunger.
  • Fractional nutrition. Eat small meals. As a rule, there are three main meals, and in addition - three snacks. The last food of the day should enter the body no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Chewing food thoroughly will tighten your cheeks due to the fact that the muscles of the face will be more actively involved.
  • Eliminate harmful products. During the diet, remove salt and sugar from the diet, they prevent excess fluid from being excreted from the body. Sweets, broths with a high fat content, smoked meats, pastries, strong coffee, tea, drinks with gas should be excluded. You can remove fat from the cheeks only by strictly limiting yourself in food.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits. Increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits eaten guarantees a good result. They are rich in vitamins, fiber and other useful substances. They can be eaten not only raw, but also pre-boiled or stewed. Add a little while cooking. vegetable oil but do not use spices.
  • Give up alcoholic beverages. In order not to wonder how to remove cheeks or a second chin, stop drinking beer and wine. It is these drinks that lead to swelling.
  • Eat dairy products. They help in weight loss due to their calcium content. Doctors say that the use of calcium in the amount of 1200 mg per day contributes to rapid weight loss. If you eat hard cheeses or cottage cheese, the useful element will be much easier to absorb by the body.

Losing weight in the face so that cheekbones appear and cheeks sag is quite difficult. Need to combine A complex approach: diet, proper skin care and exercises for pulling up.

A set of exercises

Many women are interested in how to make their face thin with exercise. Reduce the size of the cheeks and change to better side facial features are within the power of everyone in about a month. Exercises are selected individually, based on the problem that is most relevant.

We tighten the facial muscles

Exercise is best done in the morning. It engages the major facial muscles and tones them.

  1. Inhale deeply and puff out your cheeks, purse your lips tightly.
  2. Place your palms on your cheeks and cover your ears with your fingers.
  3. Press firmly on your cheeks with your hands, without releasing the air from your mouth.
  4. You need to perform the exercise for 5-6 seconds. The number of approaches in the range of 5-10 times.

Correcting the shape and size of the cheeks

Exercise allows not only to eliminate cheek defects, but also to get rid of nasolabial folds.

  1. Twist your lips into a tube, as if pronouncing the letter "O".
  2. Place your tongue firmly on your cheek.
  3. Actively make circular movements with your tongue.
  4. Repeat the exercise on each side 10-20 times.

Strengthen the muscles of the face and neck

This exercise will help eliminate mimic wrinkles around the eyes and strengthen the muscles of the face and neck.

  1. Open your mouth and purse your lips into an "O" shape.
  2. Press your lips against your teeth as hard as you can.
  3. Hold it down index fingers to the area of ​​the face under the eyes.
  4. Smile broadly and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times.

Try to move only the lips, other parts of the face should be motionless. At correct execution the muscles around the eyes tighten, you can control this with your index fingers.

Correcting the chin

Exercise makes it easy to lose weight in the face and cheeks and get rid of the second chin.

  1. Sit comfortably in a chair with your back straight.
  2. Tilt your head back in this position.
  3. Grasp the upper lip with your lower lip.
  4. Stay in this position for a while.

Do not strain your neck in the early days. After performing this exercise, there should be no discomfort, so the execution time depends on the characteristics of the body.

Get rid of chubby cheeks

The exercise is quite simple and interesting. Models the oval of the face and strengthens the cheeks.

  1. Take a pencil in your mouth and clamp it between your teeth.
  2. Move the pencil through the air, you can “draw” shapes or words.
  3. The duration of the workout is at least 3 minutes.

Performing gymnastics every day, you can achieve a decrease in the roundness of the face. With this workout, all facial muscles are involved.

  1. Open your mouth wide.
  2. Wrap your lips inside your mouth and press them against your teeth.
  3. Firmly tighten your lips and cheeks.
  4. Sit in this position until muscle fatigue appears.
  5. After a short break of 5-10 seconds, repeat all over again.

Making cheekbones

The more beautiful the oval of the face, the younger you will look. By performing this simple gymnastics, you can tighten your cheeks and make your face much younger.

  1. Stand up straight or sit down.
  2. Clearly pronounce the vowels of the alphabet: "A", "U", "O", "S", "I", "E".
  3. Try to strain all the muscles of the face at once.

The meaning of this exercise is in tension and work of the facial muscles. With regular performance, the entire face noticeably loses weight and the cheekbones become more noticeable.

If you are wondering how to remove cheeks, exercise, proper diet, rejection bad habits and an active lifestyle will help you notice positive results already in a week.