We climb into the hoop. I. p .: main stand, hands clasp the hoop from the sides, the hoop is vertical to the floor at waist level. Morning exercises for women Basic handstand on the belt

Exercise 1.

1-2. Hands forward - up, rise on toes, bend slightly, inhale.

3-4. Take the starting position, hands down - back, exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

Exercise 2. Starting position - main stance.

1. Squat, hands forward, exhale.

2. Straighten up, right leg to the side, arms to the sides inhale.

3-4. The same with the movement of the leg to the left. Repeat 8-9 times.

Exercise 3 Starting position - stand legs apart, arms to the sides.

1. Tilt to the right, fingers touch the floor, exhale.

2. Return to the starting position, bend over, head up, inhale.

3-4. The same as for the account 1-2 to the left leg. Repeat 7-8 times.

Exercise 4 Starting position - main stance.

1. Emphasis crouching.

2. Emphasis lying down to bend.

3. Emphasis crouching with a "round" back, head down.

4. Take the starting position. Don't hold your breath. Repeat 8-9 times.

Exercise 5 Starting position - standing with your left side to the chair, leaning your left hand on the back, right hand to the side.

1. Swing right forward.

2. Take the starting position.

3. Swing right to the side.

4. Take the starting position. Don't hold your breath. Run 5-6 times. The same, standing with the right side to the chair, perform swings with the left leg.

Exercise 6 Starting position - lying on your back.

1. Sit down, bending your legs and holding your knees with your hands, exhale.

2. Take a starting position, inhale. Run 16-18 times.

Exercise 7 Starting position - standing facing the chair, resting your hands on the back.

1-3. Three swings right back, exhale.

4. Take a starting position, inhale.

5-8. The same with the other leg. Repeat 6-7 times.

Exercise 8

1. Jump up.

2. Jump right foot forward.

3. Jump up.

4. Jump left foot forward. Breathing is free. Perform 20-25 jumps with the transition to walking until breathing is restored and repeat a series of jumps again.

Exercise 9 Starting position - stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

1. Rotation of the head to the left and right, turning the head to the sides; up, down for 40-50 s.

Complex 2.

Exercise 1. Starting position - main stance.

1-2. Hands up, take the right leg back, rise on the toe of the left, inhale.

3-4. Take the starting position, exhale.

5-8. The same, take the left back. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise 2.

1. Running in place at a calm pace (20-30 s) followed by a transition to walking. Breathing is rhythmic.

Exercise 3 Starting position - main stance, arms to the sides.

1-4. Four circles with arms back.

5-8. The same on the other side. Don't hold your breath. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise 4 Starting position - main stance.

1-3. Three springy squats, arms to the sides, exhale.

Exercise 5 Starting position - main stance.

1. Leaving the right side on the toe, tilt to the right, arms up, relax the hands, look at the hands, exhale.

2. Take a starting position, inhale.

3-4. The same to the left. Perform smoothly. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 6 Starting position - emphasis lying on your knees.

1. Bend your arms, pull your right back, exhale.

2. Straightening your arms, take the starting position, inhale.

3-4. The same, take the left back. Run 10-12 times.

Exercise 7 Starting position - main stance, hands on the belt.

1. Leaving the right side to the side, put your legs apart, arms to the sides, bend.

2-3. Two springy forward bends, exhale.

4. Straighten up, placing the right leg, take the starting position, inhale.

5-8. The same setting the left to the side. Repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise 8 Starting position - lying on your back.

1. Sit down, exhale.

2. Lie down, inhale.

3. Raise your legs to the “angle” position, exhale.

4. Take the starting position, inhale. Repeat 15-17 times.

Exercise 9 Starting position - main stance, hand on the belt.

1-3. Bend over, head back, exhale.

4. Straighten up, inhale. Repeat three times.

Exercise 10 Starting position - main stance, arms to the sides, right behind on the toe.

1-3. Three swings with the right foot forward.

4. Attach the right and take the left back to the toe.

5-7. Three swings left forward.

8. Take the starting position. Don't hold your breath. Repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise 11 Starting position - main stance.

1-4. Four steps in place.

5-8 Four jumps in place. Repeat 13-14 times.

1. I. p. - Legs apart. 1 - 2 - hands up, stretch (inhale). 3 - 4 - I. p. (exhale) 4 - 5 times.
2.I. n. - Hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, 2 - I. p., 3 - tilt to the left, 4 - I. p. 3-4 times.
3. I. p. - Main rack. 1 - 2 - sit down, hands forward-3 - 4 - I. p. 3 - 4 times.

Standing with your back to your neighbor

1. I. p. - Standing with your back to your desk neighbor. Hands on the belt. Lean back, bending over, hands up, touch the hands of a neighbor; in I. p.
2. I. p. - Hands behind the head, legs apart. Lean forward, in I. p. lean back, in I. p.
3. I. p. - Hands behind the back. Make a semi-squat, in I. p.


little chin,
Cheeks, cheeks,
Nose, lips.
And behind the lips - the tongue
He is used to being friends with the pacifier.
Eyes, eyes,
Eyebrows, eyebrows,
Lobik, lobik-clever -
Mom doesn't like it.
Sentence, showing where the eyes, nose, etc. On the last line you can kiss your miracle

Main rack

1. I.p. - main stance, hands on the belt.
1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up, clap above the head; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - starting position.
2. I.p. - stand legs apart, arms down.
1 - hands up; 2-3 - lean forward, claps on the knees; 4 - starting position.
3. I.p. - stand legs apart, hands behind the head. 1 - turn to the right, right hand to the side; 2 - starting position. The same to the left.
4. I.p. - main stance, hands in front of the chest. 1 - hands up; 2 - tilt to the right;
3 - straighten up; 4 - starting position.
5. I.p. - main stance, hands in front of the chest. 1-4 - rotation of the brush of one hand around the other; 5-8 - in the other direction.

One two three four!

Everyone exits in order - (walking in place)
One two three four!
Together they do exercises -
One two three four!
Arms up, legs up!
Left, right, turn,
tilt back,
Tilt forward.

On the lawn

A beetle in a colored shirt flew over the daisies on the lawn.
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm friends with daisies.
Quietly swinging in the wind, bending low, low.

Along - rastushki

Along - rasushki,
Across - bbw,
Pens - earplugs,
Legs - runners,
Eyes - lookouts,
Rotok - talker.

Here we spread our hands

Here we spread our hands
As if they were surprised.
And each other to the ground
They bowed to the belt!
Bent over, straighten up
Bent over, straightened up.
Down, down, don't be lazy
Bow down and smile.
Do exercises with your child. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart. Recite the poem with movement.

One - get up, stretch

One - rise, stretch,
Two - bend, unbend,
Three - clap, three claps,
Three head nods.
Four - arms wider
Five - wave your hands,
Six - sit quietly in place.

We stomp our feet

We stomp our feet
We clap our hands
We nod our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands
And let's start writing again.

To the clearing

Children, reading poems with the teacher, show how the snow falls, how the snowflakes subsided, how the wind circles them.

Snow falls quietly on the meadow, on the meadow.
Snowflakes, white fluffs have subsided.
But suddenly a breeze blew, a snowball swirled,
All the fluffs are dancing, white snowflakes.

hands forward

1. I.p.: o.v., hands forward. Simultaneous movements of the hands back and forth.

2. I.p.: o.s., right hand forward, left back. Alternating hand positions.

3. I.p .: stand legs apart, arms to the sides. Slightly crouching, right hand forward, left back, then vice versa. Perform each exercise of the complex 4 times at a slow pace for 1 minute.

Exercises are performed smoothly, leisurely. Monitor posture, expressiveness of movements.

Legs apart

1. I.p. - stand legs apart, arms lowered. 1 - hands on the belt; 2 - hands to shoulders; 3 - hands up; 4 - hands through the sides down and in the sp. 4 times, average pace.
2. I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - take your elbows back, bend, left leg to the side - on the toe; 2 - 3 - keep; 5 - 6 - i.p.; the same with the right foot. 6 times, average pace.
3. I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - torso tilt back; 2 - 4 - keep; 5 - 6 - i.p. 4 times, the pace is slow.
4. I.p. - stand legs apart, arms lowered. 1 - torso tilt forward, arms to the sides; 2 - i.p. 4 times, average pace.
5. I.p. - stand legs apart, arms lowered. 1- turn the head to the right; 2 - i.p.; 3 - 4 - head turn to the left; 5 - i.p.; 6 - hands through the sides up; 7 - i.p. 4 times, the pace is slow.
6. I.p. - o.s. Close your eyes and massage your eyelids in a circular motion with your index fingers for 30 seconds. In i.p. - open your eyes.

We put on a record

We put on a record
And we go to the workout.
Let's start running in place
The finish line is two hundred meters away!
One-two, one-two
Enough, come running
Stretched, breathed.
Running in place, stop on the penultimate line, stretch on the last line, arms up and lower them through the sides.

We got up early today

We got up early today (steps in place)
And they started charging.
Hands up! Hands down!
Turn left and right!

Legs apart

1. I.p .: stand legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-4 flexion and extension of the arms. Run 2 times. The pace is slow.
2. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. 1 - tilt forward, bend over; 2 - i.p. Run 2 times. The pace is average.
3. I.p.: o.s. 1-3 - three steps in place; 4-6 - three claps in front of the chest. Run 2-4 times. The pace is average.
4. I.p .: stand legs apart, hands behind the back. 1 - tilt to the left, 2 - the same to the right.
5. I.p.: o.s. Say hello by raising your hands up and joining your palms. 1 time.

Hands to shoulders

1. I. p. - Hands to the shoulders. Raise your right hand up, raise your left hand up, bend over to look up, in I. p.
2. I. p. - Hands to the shoulders. Lean to the right, raise your left hand up, in I. p. The same to the left with your right hand.
3. I. p. - Hands behind the head, elbows forward. Straightening, raise the right leg forward, take the elbows to the sides, in I. p. The same with the other leg.

Raise hands up

We raise our hands up,
And then we let them go.
And then we unfold them
And we'll take it to ourselves soon.
And then faster, faster
Clap, clap more cheerfully.

Raise your paws

Raise your paws
Bear paws down
Teddy bear, Teddy bear spin around
And then touch the ground
And rub your tummy
One, two, three - one, two, three!

We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired

We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired.
You jump your fingers like sunbeams.
Jump-jump, jump-jump, galloped to the meadow.
The wind shakes the grass, tilts it to the left, to the right.
You are not afraid of the wind, bunnies, have fun on the lawn.

Main rack- this is a vertical position on one or both legs (Fig. 28).

Legs apart- in this stance, the feet are located in the same way as in the main stance, but the legs are spaced one step (shoulder-width apart) (Fig. 29).

Wide leg stance- a stance in which the legs are widely separated to the sides; about the position of the hands, if they are not down, there should be additional instructions.

Narrow leg stance- a stance in which the legs are spaced apart half as much as in a stance with legs apart (Fig. 30).

Right leg stance- a stance in which the right foot is one step ahead of the left. This rack can be wide and narrow, which should be indicated (Fig. 31).

Rack crosswise(cross), in which one leg is crossed in front of the other and touches the knee of the supporting leg, the feet are parallel, at a distance of 10-15 cm. When called, the word “Front” is omitted, for example, a cross right stance if the right leg is in front of the left (Fig. 32).

closed stance- a stance in which the feet are closed (Fig. 33).

Heel stand apart- a stance in which the socks are closed. And the heels are divorced apart (Fig. 34).

All of the listed racks can be performed on the toe or one on the toe, the other on the entire foot, as well as on the heels or one on the heel. In these cases, add the words to the main name of the rack - on the toes, on the heels, right (left) on the toe, right (left) on the heel.

When naming a stand on one leg, it is enough to indicate, for example: “Stand on the right”. Additionally, the position of the other leg, torso or arms is determined (bend forward left, left arm to the side, right half-bent up).

Racks with bent legs are called as follows:

kneeling- a stance in which the knees, shins and socks rest on the floor (projectile) for the entire length, the socks are extended (Fig.), when performed from the main stance or from a closed stance by lowering, bending the legs, instructions on the method of execution are not required (Fig. 35 ).

Stand on the right (left) knee- with the usual method of execution, one leg rises and, bending, is retracted back. At the same time, the other leg is bent, dropping to the knee so that the thigh of the supporting leg and the lower leg of the other (in front) are perpendicular to the floor (support) (Fig. 36). A different arrangement of the legs or method of execution is indicated. For example: step right stance on the left knee, hands behind the head (if it is performed step forward). The position of the hands, if they are not down, is indicated additionally. For example: left front-up, right side-back (or back-down). (1-35)

squat- the position of the occupant, in which the legs are bent (support on the toes), arms in any position (Fig. 37). It is performed from the main stance with full bending of the legs. The position of the legs on the entire foot should be indicated additionally.


knee squat(oblique) - a squat in which the hips, torso and head are in one straight line. The position of the hands, if they are not along the body, indicate additionally. For example: arms forward (Fig. 38).

Round squat(semi-squat) - squatting on toes, knees together, torso bent forward, arms forward, head down (Fig. 39).

Right squat(left) - squatting performed on one leg, the other is raised forward, hands on the belt (Fig. 40-a), and a different position of the legs and arms is indicated additionally. When performed with a grip on the ankle joint of the free leg, it is called “Squatting on the left with a grip” (Fig. 40-b).

spring squat(spring) - a squat performed with additional springy movements after a slight extension of the legs, followed by their full flexion. (1-37)

Lunge- performed by exposing the leg in any direction while bending it. The body maintains a vertical position, the head is straight (Fig. 41).

According to the direction of movement, there are:

Lunge right(left) - putting the leg forward while simultaneously bending it so that the knee is at the level of the toe, and the foot of the other leg is slightly turned with the toe outward.

Lunge right(left) - putting the legs to the side. Feet maintain the position of the main rack.

lunge back(or back-out, inside, etc.) - putting the legs back. if necessary, indicate the leg. For example, lunge right back (Fig. 42). Additional guidance is needed for other areas. For example: lunge left to the right (or right-forward, etc.).

Lunge types:

Lunge obliquely(oblique) - a lunge in which the torso is tilted to the side (forward or backward) in the direction of movement and forms a straight line with a straight leg. Usually the hands are raised up (Fig. 43). A different position of the hands is indicated additionally.
Rice. 43

Incline lunge- connection of a lunge with a simultaneous tilt of the torso forward, arms are freely crossed in front of the knee of the exposed leg. For example: lunge to the left (right) with an inclination (Fig. 44).

Deep lunge- lunge with maximum leg extension. The position of the arms and torso is indicated additionally. For example: deep right lunge, arms to the sides and back (Fig. 45). (1-38)

Incline- flexion of the body in any direction. When tilting the head, always add the word "heads", for example tilting the head to the right.


Incline- a term for determining the bending of the body in the hip joints forward, backward or sideways with a full range of motion. When executing forward, the direction indication can be omitted. For example: slope (Fig. 46).

Tilt with a straight body- a tilt in which the body maintains a straight position. For example, from a leg stand apart (forward) (Fig. 47-a) or from a knee stand - tilt back with a straight body.

Tilt arched- usually performed forward, arms to the sides, head raised (Fig. 47-b).

Tilt forward-down- tilt, in which the body is tilted at an angle of 45 ° below the horizontal (Fig. 47-c).

Half slope- tilt, in which the body is tilted 45 ° above the horizontal (Fig. 47-d).

Grab Tilt- forward tilt, in which the hands grab the ankle joints with pulling (shins) from the outside (Fig. 48).

Tilt touching- tilt back, in which the hands touch the floor (Fig. 49). Can be performed by touching the floor with one hand. In this case, indicate: tilt back, touching, for example: left.

Spring slope- the usual forward bend, performed in several movements with incomplete straightening of the body between slopes.

Tilt wide stance- bending over, performed in a wide stance, legs apart, arms to the sides, look forward (Fig. 50).

1. Exercise for the formation of correct posture.

Purpose of the exercise: help the performer to form the correct posture.

I.p. - main stance, hands in front of the chest

On 1-2 - jerk with bent arms in front of the chest

On 3 - 4 - a jerk with straight arms to the sides - back until the shoulder blades converge.

Dosage: 4 times.

2. Exercise for the strength of the leg muscles.

Purpose of the exercise: strengthening the muscles of the legs.

I.p. - main stance, hands in front of you.

On 1 - semi-squat.

On 3 - squat.

Dosage: 4 times.

3. Exercises for the strength of the muscles of the body

Purpose of the exercise: strengthening the muscles of the body.

I.p. - main stance, hands behind the head.

On 1 - torso tilt forward to parallel with the floor.

On 3 - torso tilt back.

Dosage: 4 times.

4. Exercise for the strength of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

Purpose of the exercise: strengthening the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

I.p. - emphasis lying.

On 1 - bending the arms.

Dosage: 10 times.

5. Exercise for the oblique muscles of the body.

Purpose of the exercise: strengthening the oblique muscles of the body.

I.p. - stand legs together, straight arms to the sides.

On 1 - twisting the body to the right.

On 3 - twisting the body to the left.

Dosage: 4 times.

6. Combined exercise

Purpose of the exercise: complex effect on different muscle groups.

On 1 - crouching emphasis.

On 2 - emphasis lying.

On 3 - bending the arms.

On 4 - emphasis lying.

At 5 - crouching emphasis.

Dosage: 4 times.

7. Exercise for stretching and mobility of the spine.

Purpose of the exercise: stretch the muscles and ensure the mobility of the spine.

I.p. - the main stand, hands at the seams.

On 1 - stretch your arms up.

On 2 - emphasis.

On 3 - stretch your arms up.

Dosage: 6 times.

8. Exercise in jumping from the transition to walking.

Purpose of the exercise: strengthening and development of the muscles of the legs, abdominals, development of speed, agility, coordination of movements.

I.p. - legs together, hands at the seams.

On 1 - jump up with a push of two legs, arms up, palms facing each other.

On 2 - jump up with a push of two legs, hands at the seams.

On 3 - jump up with a push of two legs, hands in front of the chest.

On 4 - jump up with a push of two legs, hands at the seams.

double leg jump

Dosage: 4 times.

4. The role of gymnastics in bodybuilding

As in any other sport, gymnastics plays a significant role in bodybuilding. Basically, gymnastics is used in the warm-up before training for muscle hypertrophy, and after it as a hitch.

Warm-up in bodybuilding performed at the beginning of a workout in order to warm up the body, develop muscles, ligaments and joints. As a rule, the warm-up before training includes such gymnastics:

  • - General developmental exercises: all kinds of swings and slopes.
  • - Applied Exercises: run.
  • - jumping(with rope)

Hitch in bodybuilding - a set of soothing exercises performed after a workout. It allows you to calm the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of stagnation in the blood muscles, prevent the appearance of muscle pain, return contracted muscles to a normal state, lower both body temperature and the content of hormones that activate the heart muscle to normal. Includes such gymnastics:

  • - General developmental exercises: Basically stretching exercises.
  • - Applied Exercises: slow running, which gradually turns into walking.

Conclusion: gymnastics plays an important role in bodybuilding, as in any other sport.

ORU for neck muscles

Can be performed:

1. Exercises to increase mobility in the joints:

Tilts of the head forward, backward, to the sides;

Turning the head to the left, to the right;

Circular head movements.

2. Strength exercises:

Hands on the back of the head, tilting the head forward and backward, overcoming the resistance of the hands;

Kneeling with the head resting on the palms (on a soft support), rolls from the forehead to the back of the head;

From a prone position with bent arms (palms at the head with legs wrestling bridge (on a soft support).

I.p. - stand legs apart, hands behind the back

1 - turn the head to the left

2 - head tilt to the left shoulder

3 - head tilt forward

I.p. – o.s.

1 - left hand on the belt, head turn to the right

2 - hands on the belt, turning the head to the left

3 - left hand down, head tilt to the left

5-8 - the same as 1-4 to the left


1 - turn the head to the left

3 - turn the head to the right

5-8 - circle head to the left

I.p. - hands to the side

1 - left forward on the toe, tilting the head forward

2 - left to the side on the toe, head tilt to the left

3 - stand hands on the belt, tilt the head back

5-8 - the same as 1-4 to the right

I.p. - hands on the belt

1 - stand on toes, head tilt to the left

3 - stand on toes, head tilt to the right

5 - half squat, head tilt forward

I.p. - hands on the belt

1 - stand on toes, left hand to the side, head tilt to the left

2 - stand, left hand up

3 - stand on toes, right hand to the side, head tilt to the right

4 - stand, arms up

5 - semi-squat, arms to the sides, head tilt forward

6 - stand, arms to the sides

7 - semi-squat, head tilt back

I.p. - kneeling, arms bent to the shoulders

1 - left hand to the side, head turn to the left

3 - right hand to the side, head turn to the right

5 - bend your arms forward to your shoulders, tilt your head forward

7 - bend your arms back to your shoulders, tilt your head back

I.p. - kneeling, hands behind the head, hands clasped

1-2 - head tilt forward

3-4 - sitting on the heels with the head tilted back

5-6 - kneeling, head tilt forward

Note: the exercise is performed by overcoming the resistance of the hands.

Stretching exercises

This group of exercises includes:

1. Exercises in various stances - the main stance, the leg stance apart, the left (right) cross stance, with a step back;

2. With lifting on socks;

3. With rolls from heels to toes;

4. With putting the foot on the toe (heel) in different directions;

5. Combined with hand movements in various directions.

It is desirable to perform each phase of the exercise on 2 counts.

I.p. – o.s.

1-2 - hands forward

5-6 - stand, arms to the sides

I.p. – o.s.

5-8 - the same as 1-4 on the right

I.p. - hands behind head

1-2 - left back on the toe, arms up and out

5-8 - the same as 1-4 on the right

I.p. – o.s.


1-2 - left step to the side in a leg stance apart, hands to the shoulders

3-4 - stand on toes, arms up

5-6 - stand, arms to the sides

7-8 - adding the left, i.p.

2 - "8" - the same as 1-8 on the right

I.p. – o.s.


1-2 - left back on the toe, arms up

3-4 - left step to the side in a leg stance apart, arms to the sides

5-6 - stand on the left, right back on the toe, hands up

7-8 - adding the right one, i.p.

2 - "8" - the same as 1-8 on the right

I.p. - brushes are linked


1-2 - left step to the side in a leg stance apart, hands in front of the chest

3-4 - stand on toes, hands up, palms up

5-6 - stand, hands in front of the chest

7-8 - adding the left, i.p.

2 - "8" - the same as 1-8 on the right

ORU for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

1. Alternate, simultaneous, sequential movements of the arms in different directions from different starting positions (standing, sitting, lying, in support).

2. Flexion and extension of the arms.

3. Circular movements of the hands (alternate, simultaneous, sequential).

4. Sweeps and jerky movements.

5. Exercises in static positions.

6. Exercises to relax the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

In each subgroup, a number of exercises of a more local nature can be distinguished. For example, in exercises for flexion and extension of the arms, there are exercises for the fingers, hands, forearms, shoulder.

I.p. – o.s.

1 - hands on the belt

2 - arms to the sides

3 - hands up

I.p. – o.s.

1 - left hand on the belt

2 - hands on the belt

3 - left hand to shoulder

4 - arms to shoulders

5 - left hand up

6 - hands up

7-8 - with arcs outward, i.p.

I.p. - hands to the side

1-3 - touch hands at the shoulder blades, left on top

5-8 - same as 1-4 right top

I.p. - hands to the side

1 - bend your arms to the sides, hands into a fist

3 - bend your arms to your shoulders

I.p. - left hand to the side, right to the shoulder

1-2 - right hand to the side, left to the shoulder

3-4 - change the position of the hands, i.p.

I.p. – o.s.

1 - left hand to the side, open fingers, right hand into a fist

3 - right hand to the side, open fingers, left hand into a fist

I.p. – o.s.

1 - hands forward, brushes into a fist

2 - open the hands (palms inward)

3 - arms to the sides

4 - hands up

5 - arc inward right hand to the side

6 - arc inward left hand to the side

7 - arcs down the arms up and out

8 - with arcs outward I.p.

I.p. - right hand to the side, left hand up

1-2 - circle with the right hand forward and circle with the left forearm inward

3-4 - circle with the left hand back and circle with the right forearm outward, i.p.

Also with a change in the position of the hands

I.p. - hands to the side

1-2 - circle with the right forearm in and circle with the left forearm out

3-4 - circle with the left forearm inward and circle with the right forearm outward, i.p.

I.p. – o.s.

1-2 - right hand circle forward and left hand circle back

3-4 - circle with the left hand forward and circle with the right hand back, i.p.

I.p. - hands up

1-2 - 2 circles with arms forward

3 - stand on toes, hands to shoulders

5-8 - the same as 1-4 back

I.p. – o.s.

1 - left hand forward

2 - hands forward

3 - jerk hands back

I.p. - arms in front of chest

3-4 - 2 arm jerks to the sides

I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt

1 - turn the body to the left, jerk the arms to the sides, palms up

I.p. - stand with legs apart, hands in front of the chest

1-2 - 2 hand jerks in front of the chest

3 - turn the body to the left, jerk the arms to the sides

I.p. - emphasis lying

1 - left hand forward, palm down

2 - left hand to the side

3 - left hand back

5-8 - the same as 1-4 on the right

I.p. – o.s.

1 - left hand forward, palm up

2 - hands forward with palms up

3 - left hand up palm forward

4 - hands up, palms forward

5 - relax the brushes

6 - relax your forearms

7 - relax your shoulders

I.p. - left hand forward, right hand back, palms down

1 - arcs down change the position of the hands

2 - arcs downwards i.p.

ORU for trunk muscles

This group of exercises includes the following:

1. Tilts forward, backward, to the sides from various starting positions of the legs, with various hand movements.

2. additional body movements (springing) forward, to the sides.

3. Circular movements of the torso.

4. From the position lying on the stomach, bending in various conditions of support.

5. From a supine position, lifting the torso without lifting the legs off the floor; raising the legs and torso to a right angle in gray hair, etc.